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  • Report:  #64338


OAKWOOD ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION the business that doesnt give a dam CHARLOTTE North Carolina

  • Reported By:
    ELDORADO Arkansas
  • Submitted:
    Tue, July 22, 2003
  • Updated:
    Tue, July 22, 2003
    CHARLOTTE, North Carolina
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Oakwood Homes is a company that has no honesty in its business practices. There main goal is to sell homes at any cost to the consumer. I purchased my home in 1997, the home i originally looked at had a $1000.00 rebate I liked this home and filled out paperwork to purchase this home.

Before the paperwork was completed this home was sold and I was told that if I wanted a home I would have to take another one that was one the lot.

At this time I had already been through weeks of negotiation with them and was simply wanting to get my home. So I started looking on the lot for a comprable home. I found one that I settled for. My payments were supposed to be not over $350.00 because this was what I could afford. When I received my payment book I was Suprised to see that my payments were over that by about $25.00. Not only that but my payments which were supposed to be deferred til September started in August. This put me behind to begin with because i did not prepare to make a payment in August.

When the home was delivered it did not have the refrigerator I requested in it and the bathroom mirror was broken. I was told that I received one free leveling in a years time when Purchased the home. Here it is seven years later and I have yet to get my leveling. The repair man did come one time, supposedly to fix my floors which have squeaked since the day i purchased the home and to replace the broken mirror.

He replaced the broken mirror and while repairing the trim he broke the other mirror in my bathroom. He never fixed the squeeky floors. He never attempted to do this. He said that he did not have the proper tools he needed to repair the floors.

Also there is a stain in the floor of my shower that has been there since I purchased the home I was told that someone had probably poured anti freeze in the lines and it eat the finish off of the floor. This has never been fixed either. This home is the biggest disappointment I have ever had in my life.

I am not happy with its construction and it is hard for me to make a monthly payment on something that I know will probably never be standing by the time I get it paid off.

Also recently we were having some sewage problems and we found that since we purchased our home there has been sewer gases coming into our bedroom because when they ran the vent pipe through the roof it was not long enough and did not go up through the ceiling it liked about 12" meeting the roof. So this could have been alot of the problems we have been having with headaches and sinus infections over the past 7 years.

My advise is:
1. Never buy a home from Oakwood Homes.
2. Never settle for something when you have your heart set on something else.

ELDORADO, Arkansas

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