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  • Report:  #421904

Complaint Review: Obie's Chinese Cresteds/Billi Lawrence/Nancy Haugsness

Obie's Chinese Cresteds/Billi Lawrence/Nancy Haugsness Horrific Dog Handlers Almost Killied My Dogs! Dog Handler Stole My Puppies LIFE! Beware Of Obie's Chinese Cresteds! Atchison Kansas

  • Reported By:
    Japer Alabama
  • Submitted:
    Mon, February 09, 2009
  • Updated:
    Tue, June 23, 2009
  • Obie's Chinese Cresteds/Billi Lawrence/Nancy Haugsness
    1030 Atchison St.
    Atchison, Kansas
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Beware of Obie's Chinese Cresteds owned by Billi Lawrence and her Mother, Nancy Haugsness. These two women claim to be reputable AKC Dog Handlers but are far from anything reputable, honest or decent.

I sent 5 of my Dogs as puppies to be trained, handled and shown to these Monsters located in Atchison, Kansas. I can not begin to describe to anyone what happened to my Dogs while in their care.

Billi and Nancy took thousands of dollars of my money to train/handle and show my Dogs in the AKC Conformation Ring. I became suspicious of how my Dogs were being treated when I received a show win photo of one of my friends Dogs that had also been sent to Billi and Nancy of Obie's that showed him to be severely emaciated.

I then started asking for photos of my Dogs. After being told I would receive some photos the next day several times and never receiving photos I began to demand photos. This made Billi Lawrence angry. She informed me that it was not customary for a Handler to send photos of their clients Dogs unless it was a show win photo from the Dog Show.

I then asked several Handlers along with an AKC Judge whom assured me that was a lie. They also told me they would be very concerned about the condition of my Dogs if some one was not willing to snap a photo of them and send it to me by E-mail.

Billi Lawrence then broke our contract (THANK GOD) and sent my Dogs home. My boy Bones had been in their care for 7 months so I got him back first. He arrived home the 20th of January, 2009. He was shipped from Billi Lawrence out of Kansas at 12:56 PM where the temperature was 21 degrees and arrived in Birmingham, Al. at 7:00 PM where the temperature was 31 degrees and windy.

He arrived with out a sweater, shirt, blanket or bedding frozen to death, starved and covered in urine and feces. I know He had not used the bathroom in his crate. He is a hairless Dog and was Honest to God so frozen he could not even move let alone pee in his crate.

It was clear he had not been bathed or fed in quite a while. He is still scared to death of women and is only a shell of the wonderful puppy I sent to these Monsters at 5 months of age.

Then I received my other 2 puppies back, Capone and Allura both Hairless. They went to Billi and Nancy at 4 months of age and arrived back home at 8 and 9 months of age. I was scared to death of what shape they would be in after seeing Bones when he returned. I must tell you that in my worst Nightmare I could not of predicted what I saw when I opened the door of their little crate at the airport.

Capone my Male was skinny and nasty with his socks, crest, mane and tail matted with urine and feces, Both his eyes were matted shut with from an eye infection and he could not breath from the green snot running from both nostrils.

Allura my beautiful female hairless was not even recognizable. She was so emaciated that she looked like a skeleton. She was covered from head to toes with Blisters filled with pus. She also stunk from her socks, crest, mane and tail being matted with feces and urine.

I took them both to my vet the next morning 1/29/2009 at 8:00 AM. My vet Dr. Roberts did blood work and told me that Allura's Blisters that she was covered in was the worst case of Staph he had ever seen. He contacted the Dermatology Vet and faxed him photos whom also had never seen a Staph infection this severe in all of his years as a Vet.

Both Vest agreed that this poor Dog would of had to be submerged in a sewer up to her neck 24 hours a day for the 4 months she was gone in order for this Staph infection to be this severe. Allura was in fact emaciated with both ears infected from Yeast and all four pads of her feet were infected from fungus caused from walking in feces.

Capone was thin and had lost all muscle mass due to starvation along with lack of nutrition and exercise. Both his ears were infected with Yeast along with a fungus infection on all four of his pads also. Capone had a severe sinus infection that had also spread to his lungs that would of progressed to Pneumonia if left untreated for one week longer.

Dr. Roberts gave both Dogs antibiotic and steroid shots along with Antibiotic medication to be given orally for 6 months. I was also instructed that Allura would have to be bathed in a medicated shampoo every day for 6 months.

Capone would have to have his nose suctioned out every 30 minuets for 4 days and be kept under a Vaporizer for 30 days minimum for one month. I have all vet documentation to prove every word I have written here along with detailed photos from my Vet and myself should anyone like to see them.

Please visit my web site at...... and contact me by email from my web site and I will send you the vet reports along with the photos. Please be advised these photos are really hard to look at and will rip the heart out of your chest and make even the toughest person cry tears of sadness.

You can also contact my friend Teresa Blackwood of Woodcrest Chinese Cresteds about her Dog, Atticus that was sent to Billi and Nancy of Obie's to be trained, handled and shown the same time as my boy Bones as to the condition he was returned home in. Atticus was covered in Staph and also emaciated.

I still have one Powder Puff puppy with these Monsters that I gave them as a token of my gratitude for the care I thought they were providing my Dogs.

Her name is Bonzi and she was born 8/31/2008 and has already suffered a broken leg and I don't know the details but can only imagine how it happened and the condition she is in today.

They will not give her back to me and I am consumed with worry about how she is being treated. You can see a picture of my Beautiful sweet little Bonzi on Obie's web site on the Hopefuls page at......

I am in the process of having a photo of my once Beautiful Allura removed from that same page on their web site. How those two Monsters can keep her picture on their web site after what they did to her is criminal.

They stole her life away from her. She was a show quality gorgeous example of the breed standard and today she looks like a horrible scard Monster. She will never be able to have a home of her own because no one will want her because of how she looks from what she suffered at the hands of Nancy Haugsness and Billi Lawrence.

Please contact me to read and see the reports and photos I have. Please tell everyone you know about what these horrible people have done so that another Dog will not suffer in their hands as mine have.

Japer, Alabama

15 Updates & Rebuttals



Obie's Billi Lawrence is still abusing innocent dogs

#16Author of original report

Tue, June 23, 2009

I just popped on here and was surprised to see that Billi Lawrence of Obie's Chinese Cresteds has been busy trying to sell her pack of pathetic lies. I thought I should give a truthful update of what has transpired lately and clarify a few points.

First off I would like to say that the reason Allura was only prescribed a small amount of Antibiotics is because my vet allowed me to buy a 6 month supply privately at his cost. This saved me money and was very nice of him to offer. Allura was 11" tall and weighed 5.14 ounces when she arrived home from Obie's. (THAT IS EMACIATED IN MY OPINION) My vet was so horrified at all he had to witness that he probably thought it a waste of time to list that fact. It was clearly apparent in the photos and their are plenty of them that were not posted on my web site should anyone like to see them.

When Allura left Baldpark for her new home she weighed 8.5 ounces. She was home for 68 days in which she was bathed everyday 7 days a week and took antibiotics every day the entire time.

As of today 6-22-2009 Allura is 11.5" tall and weighs 9 lbs and 13 ounces.

I gave Allura to Michelle of Trinity Chinese Cresteds after I managed to clear up her skin infection 90 percent. I gave her as a gift to make up for the money that was stolen from Michelle by Billi Lawrence and Nancy Haugness when she hired them to train, show and handle her male Strider because of my good reference.

Strider is still having temperament problems due to fear along with skin infection issues. Please keep in mind Billi and Nancy stole this money from Michelle and put her through all of this grief at a time when she was caring for her Father in his final days of Cancer. So while Michelle was forced to change her own Fathers diapers and bathe and feed him she had to endure the heartacke of what they put her dog, Strider through.

I spent hours working on Allura's skin everyday and Michelle has continued the program set fouth by my vet. Allura completes her program of being bathed every day on June 25th, 2009. Allura is a beautiful example of the breed standard and has been winning in the ring each time she enters a show. She is loved and happy and I re-named her just for Billi.
"Baldpark's How Do You Like Me Now"

Capone was undershot and because Billi kept him locked away in a filthy cellar and never even looked at him she did not notice his bite went off.
He has been neutered and placed in a wonderful pet home and is very happy. I have plenty of photos of Capone in his new home should anyone like to see them. Capone was not listed for sale 30 days after he came home from Obie's.

He had to be sent to a professional trainer-handler that deals with abused dogs. He stayed in her care for 30 days at which time he returned home to me. When he arrived back home from Obie's after 4 months he was afraid of his shadow along with being so sick he could of died. He is so much better today but is still needing some work to get better about being groomed. When you turn the clippers on he becomes so frightened that you can not hold him on the table. I can not bare to imagine the horrible treatment he endured while at Obie's.

Billi is showing the Puff female, Bonzi that I gave to her as a gift of gratitude for the good care I thought she was taking of my dogs. She posted pictures of her on several forums that clearly depict how unhappy Bonzi is. She has a severe eye infection where she has lost all of her eye lashes along with the hair surrounding her eyes. She has horrible eye stain on the white side of her split face. Her coat is dull and lifeless with out any shine which leads me to believe she is not eating a healthy nutritious diet.

I have a video that Billi Lawrence her self made and place on You of Bonzi along with her female Weezer in the filthy cellar they were kept in. The video clearly shows urine and feces all over the concrete floor with nasty cages covered in MOLD.

Just go to You Tube and type in Obie's and you can pull up the video she is so proud of. What idiot would post a video that clearly shows the filthy place they keep their dogs for the public to view as if they were proud ?

I had the video copied so if Billi removes it after reading my update you may email me from my web site at Baldpark Chinese Cresteds and I will gladly send you a copy to view.

My boy Bones that spent 7 months with Billi and Nancy now only needs 3 single points to finish his Championship. Thanks to the wonderful job of his trainer-handler Carlin Rasmussin. She has put her heart and soul into this boy to help him over come his fears and the abuse he suffered at the hands of these two women.

Of course Billi must feel my boy Bones did not suffer enough at her hands and has done everything she can to spread her lies about him at the Dog shows. She is embarrassed because she said Bones was a mental case that needed to be euthanized and now he is doing so well in the show ring with a real professional handler.

As far as the emails Billi posted from me, Yes I did write those emails. It is with much sadness that I openly admit my hate for Billi Lawrence and her Mother, Nancy Haugness. If I thought for one moment that Billi honestly loved Bonzi then I would be the happiest person on earth. But I know Billi is not capable of loving any animal. I have seen this with my own eyes and have the proof to show anyone that would care to see it. I have much more proof then I had when I first wrote my report on this data base.

I have prayed for God to remove my resentments and continue to do so every day. However, as of today that has not happened. I know my resentments only hurt my self and do not affect Billi in any way. I have tried to put this behind me but Billi spends every day of her life trying to prevoke me. She has done too many childish things lately for me to be able to take the time to list on this web site.

She is a sick person with mental problems. I did not set out to hurt Billi and at one time thought the sun set and rose in her. I thought she was my friend and I trusted her. I was wrong and will carry that guilt everyday for the rest of my life. Because of my bad judgement my dogs and the dogs belonging to my friends suffered at her hands.

I cry every day for Bonzi. That is the correct spelling of her name and Billi changed it to prevoke me just like she also did when she took Baldpark off her name and replaced it with her kennel name of OBIE'S.

What a stupid silly thing to do. Everyone knows she is a Baldpark dog weather she carries the Baldpark name or not. As I stated above I wish I could believe Billi really loved Bonzi but I know better. She keeps her only as a means to hurt me. She knows I will suffer from a broken heart as long as I know she is not safe and loved.

I will never forgive myself for putting Bonzi in such a horrible place. This is something I will have to live with the rest of my life. Yes I do hope Billi and Nancy suffer for what they have done to my dogs, along with my friends dogs and their own pitiful dogs.

You only need to jump on Billi's web site to see the photos of poor little Weezer she has posted on her Available page to see the sadness in that sweet little girls eyes. Her conformation clearly shows that she is scared out of her mind. It is a pitiful site and one I hope they pay for dearly.

I wish I could tell you all that I am sorry for wishing Billi and Nancy to suffer a long horrible death because that would mean that I had been able to forgive them. But I am not sorry at all and the truth is nothing would make me happier then to be able to have a front row seat to view their suffering when God gives them back what they have given to these innocent defenseless loving little dogs.

Billi has been offered thousands of dollars for Bonzi and only keeps her as a means to hurt me. That is the sad end to this nightmare that will never end for my beautiful Bonzi. I would like to ask everyone that reads this to pray for Bonzi's physical and emotional well being. She is such a beautiful sweet girl and was such a happy puppy. She did not deserve this life I alone am responsible for placing her in. If anyone hears anything about Bonzi,
(OBIE'S SOUTHERN FLIRT IN A SKIRT) or sees a photo of her I would be very grateful if you could pass that information on to me through my web site.

I have the photos of Bonzi that Billi has posted on the forums if anyone would like to see them. I also have my pay pal receipts that clearly show how much money Billi stole from me along with the original contract signed by Billi and all of our emails.

I will not be posting anymore updates on this site. I will not play these sick games with Billi Lawrence. I pray these postings prevent Billi from abusing any more dogs. I know she will continue to abuse her own including Bonzi but if I have prevented one person from hiring her to show their dog, then that is one innocent dog that was spared. If anyone should like to see the evidence or speak with me just drop me an email from my web site.

Devilsadvocate4education*just My Opinions*

Las Vegas,

Not an end but showing some sort of an effort to come to some sort of resolution

#16Consumer Comment

Thu, June 18, 2009

I'm sure we all know it won't END the problem and there isn't anything that would. We also know that when you deal in living things you run into problems and sometimes no matter what you do you will end up being the bad' guy. It is important to do SOMETHING though. Much better to be able to say I'm sorry about things and that they were unhappy and I did this or offered this or whatever especially in a situation like this. So far it seems she has been offered nothing, not so much as an apology and that is always a factor and in this case those dogs apparently arrived back in her care needing medical treatment for pre-existing conditions.
For myself I made no mention of emaciation/starvation other than in the other report and in that case I questioned how a severely emaciated dog could produce a show win photo or were the circumstances dofferent. I also don't recall seeing any mention by the veterinarian in the reports from the visit on these two after arriving. I myself haven't mentioned the broken leg either as the fact that they break as easily and as often as my IG's is the sole reason I do not have a Crested as a member of my family. That wouldn't necessarily have to do with any sort of responsible care.
My questions arose from the vet reports (and the pictures of Allura) themselves. Her case was advanced and Capone was also appears to have been in need of some sort of medical treatment (fluid in the lungs at arrival) before arriving home and while with you. A couple of my pups (not IG's lol) right now have a VERY slight case of juvenile acne. They are on clavamox as a preventative (among some other minor care) to be sure it doesn't progress into a staff infection. Allura's case was progressed and pretty severe. I'm just asking what happened on your end pertaining to these two dogs because I do understand there are two sides to every story but the vet records indicate a need for treatment while they were still in your care and sooner than it was provided once they arrived back. I'm asking if you provided it. Did you consult her and ask her to pay for/reimburse for medical expenses as soon as the issues arose at a minimum? *just my opinions*



This is not a pet

#16Consumer Comment

Wed, June 17, 2009

I sit here and read about the complaints from the original poster. I am sorry but you have no real love for your "babies". I have several dogs and I could never send these guys to a stranger out of state for months.These dogs of yours have only one value to you and that's money. Be a responsible pet owner, and raise your dog yourself. I think you should not have these dogs. You are clueless to what it means to be a pet owner. Here is a tip- love the dog, spend time with it, and you will have a show piece of your own for a lifetime.




#16REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, June 17, 2009

I will not and am not going to send Bonsai back. I feel that even believing that sending her back would solve the problem is naive. It wouldn't and plus she is not a piece of furniture, I love her she loves me and she is doing wonderful right here. I have pictures of her on my website of her so that you can at least see her. She has even went to her first AKC show where she took two reserves her first two times out. Her leg by the way has healed just fine.

In August of last year I phoned Lisa to tell her that Atticus had just taken a major at a dog show, she then went "off" on me because Bones had not won. I told her that yelling and throwing a fit in the manner she did was unacceptable and something I was not going to tolerate and I was sending the dogs home. She begged me not to and said it would not happen again.

This was the beginning of the fight between Lisa and Teresa ending the friendship at least for a time. Lisa also had Atticus sent back to Teresa because of him winning and not Bones. The fact that Atticus was winning and not bones made Lisa's blood boil even though Lisa chose Atticus to send to me. I am not the first one Lisa has lashed out, in Jan. when the last of the dogs went back to Lisa, she was still not talking to Teresa, but I guess that since she had me to take out her rage on she made up to Teresa sometime afterwards. I see a pattern here.

She did the same thing she did in August in January and that is why the dogs were sent back home. I feel she got mad because I wasn't going to show her dogs anymore and this and this is how she is lashing out about it.

Lisa did not send me thousand's off dollars to show her dogs. All she paid for was the entries. That's it. My payment for showing the dogs was the dog named Allura and she was send back to Lisa.

Lisa came to the dog show in late October, Bones had been with me for over three months and he was in perfect weight and all over healthy as he was when he was sent back to her. She at no time not even at this dog show or even after at anytime, including when he was sent back to her she express concern with his health. If she thought he was bad in Oct. would she not of said something or even taken him back home with her instead of letting me keep him until I sent him home months later.

Lisa never requested Bone's back I am the one who told her that Bone's needed to be sent back to her because of his poor personality in which he had ever since the moment he came out of the crate when she got him. She has at that time trying to make arrangements with the breeder to get a replacement for him.

All I can say is that Capone and Allura was not sent home matted in feces and urine stained. Allura had a break out of pimples, yes. That is it. My vet read her vets findings and even wrote a letter stating that what Lisa was saying what was wrong with the dogs and her own vet reports did not correspond. I don't know what more I can say on that point except that it just is not true.

Allura is no longer owned by Lisa by the way, so her claim that she was ruined and would never leave her care I guess was maybe an over exaggeration on Lisa's part.

Thirty days after arriving back at Lisa's Capone was but up for sale, she said his bite went off.

Devilsadvocate4education*just My Opinions*

Las Vegas,


#16Consumer Comment

Tue, June 16, 2009

That doesn't really clarify any of the situation leading to this. Can you answer the questions as you said you would? As far as the emails it isn't hard for me to understand why the situation might be eating away at her. Not only did it happen to the other's but there is still one of her pups with you. Why not just sell her Bonsai back as she offered at a fair price or give her back actually? It might go a long way and would be a step in the right direction. I'm not sure those emails had the effect that you intended, at least not from where I'm sitting. So far it appears that you very well may have neglected those dogs (for whom you were responsible for providing reasonable care) and the fact that one is still with you and in a potentially undesired situation is KILLING her. It would me too and many others. You haven't explained your side yet or how that could possibly happen in any plausible manner or directed us to a posting of your own vet records for treatment for problems that seem to have clearly developed while in your care. Trying to make her look bad while going right over the top of the issue probably isn't going to do you much good at this point and may have the opposite effect on many people. Why not own up to your responsibility, apologize at a minimum and give her Bonsai back? Seems that's the solution that would show you in the best light at this point and also maybe be pivotal in allowing you both to go your separate ways. *just my opinions*



Additional Emails From Lisa Etinger

#16REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, June 16, 2009

I have been told by some that I really needed to post the horrible and downright evil emails my mother and I have been receiving from Lisa Etinger of Balpark Crested's.

In early April my mother was extremely ill and had surgery that ended up removing 26 pounds of her colon and infections and debris, she had a seven percent chance of surviving the surgery because he had gone misdiagnosed. During surgery they found and removed a one pound tumor that was cancerous. Five days later Lisa Etinger sent my mother and myself the below email (see email dated )

On 5/22/2009 Lisa Etinger again email my mother and myself an email that in my opinion and many others was out of line and for some beyond belief.

I feel these emails depict Lisa Etingers character and after great thought and some prodding from others I have chosen to post them. For those of you who believe Lisa Etinger to be a victim please read these emails, I have a strong feeling that you will change your mind.

I have not contacted nor responded to Lisa Etinger's emails and threats as this would not accomplish anything and would only start an email war.

Lisa Etinger has also contacted my vet twice in the last couple of weeks harassing him. I truly believe that Lisa Etinger has lost grip with reality and part of me still feels very sad for her.

Billi Lawrence

From: Lisa Etinger
Sent: Saturday, April 11, 2009 10:25 AM
Subject: Bones update
Billi and Nancy,
I wanted to let you know that Bones has been with a new Handler for 3 weeks and competed in his first show last weekend and won both days of the two day show for Winners Dog and Best of Opposite Sex. He is doing fantastic and is the sweetest most beautiful boy and nothing like the mentally challenged pitiful little dog that was with you for 7 months that came across the yard to attack and bite three people as you both described.
Allura is finally getting better after quite a battle with the Staph and acne and is getting ready to start her own show career. I renamed her in yours and Nancy's honor. Her new name is..........
Baldpark's How Do You Like Me Now
Atticus, Strider and Shooter are still battling their Staph and skin problems and Atticus lacks one 3 point Major to complete his AKC Championship thanks to his new Handler Sonja Long.
Strider still needs allot of work before he can show again due to his skin issues and lack of confidence since returning from Obie's. Capone is Neutered and was sent to the same Handler/Trainer that Bones is now with to help him with his fear issues and has made a remarkable recovery. He left yesterday for his new forever loving home.
Bandit will be starting his show career back in the next month and I am sure he will earn his AKC Championship in no time at all.
I am very concerned about Bonzi and would like to know how she is doing ? Has her leg healed ? Do you still have her ? And are you willing to sell her to me now even though you never paid for her since she was a gift ? I will buy her right now even though you have kept my money along with Shannon and Michelle's.
Just give me a price and I will have it to you tomorrow.
Lisa Etinger
I will be seeing you both soon,
(Unless Nancy does not recover from her Cancer surgery)
since I will be showing my dogs in your area this summer. I have made up some pamphlets with photos of my dogs, vet reports, pay pal receipts to you, copies of the show bills you sent me, the health certificates obtained by you showing the date you returned my dogs to me cargo collect and a copy of the contract between Obie's and Baldpark.
I am sure you find them to be designed quite nicely and may want to autograph a few at the Dog shows. If not I am quite sure the Humane Society in Atchison would be happy to give you one as a souvenir. You can contact Merlin to accomidate you.

From: Lisa Etinger
To: Billi Lawrence
Cc: Nancy Haugsness
Sent: Friday, May 22, 2009 11:34 PM

Well Ladies I guess you two are batting a thousand LOL
Bones now has 10 points including 2 Majors and is showing this weekend and expected to finish. Carlin has only had him 9 weeks and just look what a real professional Handler can accomplish. Then we have Allura renamed in your honor
(Baldpark's How Do You Like Me Now) walked in the show ring her very first time in the puppy class and took Winners b***h and Best of Opposite. The Judge said she was spectacular not just another Champion but one that should be specialed. Fortune is leaving for the UK next week for his wonderful show home and will make Champion in no time he is such a gorgeous boy. Out of the Dogs lives you two almost ruined Atticus will finish first since he only needs a 3 point Major. Bandit starts back showing the end of this month. Shannon will be showing him herself so I am sure you will be seeing her at the Dog shows. I heard your only friend Susan was believing your lies, I guess she will get a rude awakening one day as we all have. Bonsai looks terrible her coat is dry and brittle and I know she is not well taken care of just by looking at her. Bless her heart having to live with some one that resents her and uses her only to hurt me. And that little smooth move you pulled taking Baldpark off her name was quite a waste of time on your part since everyone knows she is a Baldpark dog through and through. I know the old Devil you call Mom is still kicking sporting her new hair cut and looking like a picture of good health at the dog shows. I so hoped she was withering away suffering night and day on her death bed praying to die. Oh well we can't always have everything we want I guess. Poor Johnny he must be in terrible shape also since you have quit showing him. I guess he is down in the cellar with Bonsai wondering why they have been dammed to live such a horrible life with such horrible people. God may forgive you Billi and Nancy but as much as I would like to I won't until Bonsai is back with me where she belongs. So if either of you want Mercy I suggest you look else where. June 19th I start hitting the Dog shows hard and heavy and I am so excited about showing my dogs. Meanwhile I have decided to rebuild my web page to pay tribute to Atticus, Allura, Bones and Bandit so drop by my web site next week and check it out. I'm amazed how far and wide the word has spread about what you have done to these innocent dogs. What COWARDS you both are to abuse, torture and starve innocent animals when you have an open invitation 24/7 for the rest of your miserable lives to come and take out your frustrations on me. I know that would not be near as much fun for you two since you only want to kick around something that can't defend it's self. But it would sure be a allot of fun for me. I am sure our paths will cross soon enough and I will being seeing you both, Lisa Etinger



Out of Town

#16REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, February 28, 2009

I am out of town Unitl Monday, but will answer your questions when I get back. I just wanted to give you a heads up that I will be posting and answering your questions.

Devilsadvocate4education*just My Opinions*

Las Vegas,

Sme questions about Allura and Capone for Obie

#16Consumer Comment

Tue, February 24, 2009

Since you seem to be following this and responding, I have some questions for you. I have read Allura and Capone's vet records. Whatever questions I have about the situations and reports in general, the vet records on these two indicate they had health issues before they were sent back home. There was a problem here IMO.
If Allura was that bad and had to have medicine for six months why did the vet only give enough pills for seven days? - have you looked at the pictures posted? Read the record? Allura WAS pretty darn bad, even taking into consideration how common skin issues can be in these dogs. Had you taken this dog for treatment or provided any, and why wouldn't you if you didn't? It's not like the condition is not apparent by simply looking at her. Did you provide any sort of care for Allura when she was in your care and control? This didn't happen overnight. What were you doing about it? Did you inform the owner of the issues her dog was going through? If you didn't, why not? Wouldn't you consider that alone to be a huge problem if it was your dog that was somewhere else and in another's care? We all have our own treatment preferences and know our dogs the best and our input can be invaluable in the case of a problem. Yes, it's a good thing the fecal heartworm and CBC were all good and Allura did not arrive with additional issues.

And Capone had nasal discharge probably becuase it is middle of winter in kansas and the change in weather also. The main wrench in that theory is the congestion noted directly after arrival. That takes time to develop and would have been while he was your care based on when he was examined. It wasn't just his nose; he is indicated at borderline pneumonia. It had made it into his lungs already. Any other explanations for this? Considering you spend a lot of time at shows, it would be reasonable to expect you might pick something up and bring it home. But it would also be reasonable to expect that you would provide treatment and would notify the owner of any health issues. Can you please shed some light on some of this? *just my opinions*



Rebutal to the Points to Consider

#16REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, February 22, 2009

If Baldpark was telling you all this and both of you was so very concerned and you seen many red flags then when on Dec. 22, 2008 did YOU write me and tell me this:

I just wanted to say HI and I love your website and your dogs. I'm mom to Truman (Baldpark's "Beckham") and my throw-away boy, Theo. Even though I've never seen her in person (but I'm gonna hug her in person one day!), I consider Lisa a dear friend and I just love her to pieces. Lisa has told me many wonderful things about you. She told me about your Lil' Bit and it just broke my heart. I watched all your Utube videos and she and her brother Bear are the cutest things I've ever seen. I wish the timing had been right, cuz I would've given that little firecracker a wonderful forever home. Lisa's gonna try to help me find a itty bitty CC girl. We lost our beloved 11yr old rescue puff, Esme, in October.

Then I wrote you back and YOU wrote this:

Thank you, Billi. I would love to be considered for one of your pups.
Please keep me posted and thank you for your response!

Cc Pet Owner


Points to Consider

#16Consumer Comment

Fri, February 20, 2009

I know a little something about this situation as one of my beloved pets is a Baldpark-bred dog and Lisa Ettinger is a friend. I speak to Lisa several times a week and many times she voiced her fears and frustrations to me about Billi Lawrence's abilities. I've also read many of the e-mail exchanges between Billi Lawrence and Lisa Ettinger and I know that Lisa asked many, many times for updates and pictures of her dogs, only to be put off by one or another excuse. I also know that Lisa believed all the things Billi Lawrence told her and truly thought her dogs were being trained and readied for show careers. There were numerous red flags about Billi Lawrence, the fact that she was constantly sleeping and wouldn't or couldn't answer the phone or return calls, her diagnosing a dog with Diabetes only to decide the next day that there wasn't anything wrong with it, soliciting specific dogs as ones that she could finish and then deciding weeks and months later that they weren't show quality and sending them back to their owners C.O.D., multiple and rotating excuses for why certain dogs weren't getting entered into shows, weren't show-ready, etc. Lisa continued to give her the benefit of the doubt; until these red flags got to be so many that she just couldn't help but feel that things were very, very off. When she finally put her foot down and demanded some changes in the way that Billi communicate with her, the client, regarding the progress and condition of her dogs, Billi is the one who snapped and got very defensive. Having seen the dog's conditions upon arrival back home, I can see why Billi was so deceptive and defensive. She had a LOT to hide.

Let me also point out one thing that ANY objective, intelligent person cannot deny. Four individual Veterinarians in four different cities treated dogs that had just returned from Obie's, run by Billi Lawrence and Nancy Haugness. Each dog had a documented case of Staph infection, all had documented cases of emaciation, some or all had documented cases of fungal infection, some or all had documented cases of ear infection and some or all of the Vets noted the odor and presence of urine and fecal matter in the hair & tails. It doesn't matter if these ladies are friends, associates or sisters; I hardly think they have the clout to get four different Vets to make false reports about their dogs. If so, we'd better look in their backgrounds and see if they were around during the Kennedy Assassinations! So whether you want to believe all or none of these gal's reports, it's pretty hard to discredit the Vet reports and photos, which do exist.

And finally, let me say that I contacted Billi Lawrence and offered to buy Bonzi, the puppy still in her care, but she would not sell her. I know others have made the same offer at any price, but Billi will not give her up. It seems to me, since Bonzi was given to Billi for free, letting a third party buy Bonzi and give her a loving and safe forever home, would be a way to diffuse this very volatile situation. Lisa would have peace of mind about the care and future of a dog she bred and loves (Bonzi has already suffered a broken leg in Billi's care) and Billi would have $$ in her pocket and could put an end to a very bad situation and prove that she has at least a bit of ethics and morality. It's obvious that at this point, Billi Lawrence has bad feelings and a low opinion of Lisa Ettinger and visa versa, so why would she even want to keep Bonzi, who is after all a Baldpark-bred dog??? She's refusing to give Bonzi back for spite and spite only. This alone says a lot about her character.



Obie's Chinese Cresteds Still Telling Lies

#16Author of original report

Wed, February 18, 2009

Billi Lawrece of Obie's Chinese Cresteds is still telling lies and is unwilling to admit what her and her Mother Nancy have done to not only my innocent dogs but to others as well.

I see Billi Lawrence has written a Rebuttle to my report. In this rebuttle she accuses me of being angry because my dogs were not getting points in the show ring. My boy Bones was shown and has 5 points including a Major win but just as the Breeder of Woodcrest Chinese Cresteds wrote what good does it do to have points on a dog when that dog is now ruined and can never finish their Championship ?

I just like all the others involved would rather have our dogs back in the healthy happy condition they were in when we sent them to Obie's and would gladly give up every point or win in the ring. My dogs are the love of my life and making a choice between their health and happiness or having them become an AKC Champion is not even worth thinking about for one second to me.

Of course I was angry that my dogs Capone and Allura were not being trained or shown and when I found out why I was even more angry.

They were both too sick covered with Staph and from having a severe sinus infection amoung all the other health problems I listed in my first report.

Also Billi Lawrence stated that is my female Allura was so covered in Staph why did my vet only perscrible one week (7) days worth of Antibiotics and not keep her instead of sending her home ?

Their is nothing listed on my vet report that states how many pills were in the bottle of Antibiotics that were perscribed for her. However I will tell you he gave a bottle of 30 to be given twice daily for 15 days for the charge of 16.11 then ordered a bottle of 1000 for me at his cost since she would need to be on the Cefalexin for 6 months minimum.

Anyone can call my vet to verify this information. Billi Lawrence also stated that Capone had a runny nose to do the flight and change in climate. My vet statements clearly show that is a lie. Capone was so sick and had been sick long enough for this to almost turn in to Penemonia.

I have the health certificate which was obtained by Billi Lawrence and Nancy Haugsness from their vet in order to ship my dogs to me by cargo on Delta Airlines 1/28/2009. My vet reports clearly state that my dogs were seen on 1/29/2009.

It is very sad that in light of everything that has happened to these dogs that they would still be trying to place blame on everyone else instead of their selves.

Billi Lawrence also did not mention my little Powder Puff puppy that has suffered a broken leg while in her care. Who ever said a picture is worth a thousand words hit the nail on the head. The evidence of what they did to these dogs involved can not be disputed.

Last but not least I did write one email to Billi and Nancy cursing them after 15 such emails of being nice trying to get my puppy back.

That was the only time I lost my temper with either Billi or Nancy. I always treated them with the up most respect and gave them my little Puff Puppy as a gift because of the good care I (THOUGHT) they were taking of my Dogs.

I am not proud of loosing my temper in that (ONE) email but I don't think their is a human on this earth that could pull two frozen, starved, filthy, sick, covered in Staph blisters innocent puppies out of crate that has no bedding or paper in the dead of winter and not be angry enough to write an email cursing some one for abusing their innoncent puppies like that.

Yes I did trade a puppy for to have Obie's show two of my dogs at their request because they did not have the money to buy the puppy out right. That puppy went to them at 9 weeks of age and they returned him to me at the age of 7 months stating he was a perfect show quality male but not their type. I then replaced that Puppy with Allura at their request and sent thousands of dollars for show entry fees that were never used due the fact Capone and Allura were never taken out of a crate (or where ever they kept them) in the 4 months they were at Obie's.

I have Pay Pal receipts and every email between these two women and my self along with a contract and proof that Billi her self broke that cotract should anyone like to see it. I would be more then happy to prove anything I have written to anyone. I have nothing to hide and I pray these two women do not fool some one else with their lies in order to abuse their dogs and steel their money.



Fale statments

#16REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, February 18, 2009

First of all she did not send me thousands of dollars to show her dog. She sent me money for entry fee's the payment for showing her dogs was a puppy from her.

The dog she is talking about that she seen a show win photo of was a dog named bandit and you can read all about and see pictures of him on the report flied by Outlaws. Also that happened in December. I talked to Baldpark almost everday and she never once told me she was worried about her dogs.

Baldpark recieved pictures of her dogs playing in the snow.

I sent her back her dogs because she would go off on tantrums one second saying I was the handler and she did not know anything about showing so I could decide what dogs to enter and then the next sec she was mad because "HER" dog was not entered only her friends dog and she always thought her dog was "PERFECT" and should be shown and should win all the time.

Our cargo people will not allow any sweaters on the dog because of health hazards, if I would have done this and he got hurt then that would have been my fualt for doing it. With Baldpark it is a loose loose situation.

Baldpark seen her dog bones in person in late OCT. and he looked the very same way when he arrived home I will attach a photo of what he looked like when he left her at the bottom. So you decide.

Bones bit Baldpark when she bought him and took him out of the crate at the airport, she purchased him from a third person. Baldpark also literaly BEAT the pee out of Bones in OCT while holding him by the nap of the neck. Needless to say he feared women after that and that is why I had to send him back.

I could write a book on the lies this person has said but I will keep it short.

If allura was that bad and had to have medicine for six months why did the vet only give enough pills for seven days?
Why did the fecal come up neg and the complete blood count? and heartworm check? And if she was as sick as Baldpark said why did the vet not keep her and care for her instead of sending her home with seven days of med.:

And Capone had nasal discharge probably becuase it is middle of winter in kansas and the change in weather also.

Also Baldpark insisted on sending these puppies together in a crate even though they did not know one another. If they were stained with pee and poo why are their socks and such not discolored in any way?

Baldpark is mad because I would not show her dogs anymore and she is on a quest to make me look bad.

My wins in the ring and those that know me know how I care for my dogs.

This person as written me letters containing such language that would make a Big biker boy blush. Her letters are disscusting to say the least.

My mother taught me better than to have a foul mouth and to lie.



Fale statments

#16REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, February 18, 2009

First of all she did not send me thousands of dollars to show her dog. She sent me money for entry fee's the payment for showing her dogs was a puppy from her.

The dog she is talking about that she seen a show win photo of was a dog named bandit and you can read all about and see pictures of him on the report flied by Outlaws. Also that happened in December. I talked to Baldpark almost everday and she never once told me she was worried about her dogs.

Baldpark recieved pictures of her dogs playing in the snow.

I sent her back her dogs because she would go off on tantrums one second saying I was the handler and she did not know anything about showing so I could decide what dogs to enter and then the next sec she was mad because "HER" dog was not entered only her friends dog and she always thought her dog was "PERFECT" and should be shown and should win all the time.

Our cargo people will not allow any sweaters on the dog because of health hazards, if I would have done this and he got hurt then that would have been my fualt for doing it. With Baldpark it is a loose loose situation.

Baldpark seen her dog bones in person in late OCT. and he looked the very same way when he arrived home I will attach a photo of what he looked like when he left her at the bottom. So you decide.

Bones bit Baldpark when she bought him and took him out of the crate at the airport, she purchased him from a third person. Baldpark also literaly BEAT the pee out of Bones in OCT while holding him by the nap of the neck. Needless to say he feared women after that and that is why I had to send him back.

I could write a book on the lies this person has said but I will keep it short.

If allura was that bad and had to have medicine for six months why did the vet only give enough pills for seven days?
Why did the fecal come up neg and the complete blood count? and heartworm check? And if she was as sick as Baldpark said why did the vet not keep her and care for her instead of sending her home with seven days of med.:

And Capone had nasal discharge probably becuase it is middle of winter in kansas and the change in weather also.

Also Baldpark insisted on sending these puppies together in a crate even though they did not know one another. If they were stained with pee and poo why are their socks and such not discolored in any way?

Baldpark is mad because I would not show her dogs anymore and she is on a quest to make me look bad.

My wins in the ring and those that know me know how I care for my dogs.

This person as written me letters containing such language that would make a Big biker boy blush. Her letters are disscusting to say the least.

My mother taught me better than to have a foul mouth and to lie.



Fale statments

#16REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, February 18, 2009

First of all she did not send me thousands of dollars to show her dog. She sent me money for entry fee's the payment for showing her dogs was a puppy from her.

The dog she is talking about that she seen a show win photo of was a dog named bandit and you can read all about and see pictures of him on the report flied by Outlaws. Also that happened in December. I talked to Baldpark almost everday and she never once told me she was worried about her dogs.

Baldpark recieved pictures of her dogs playing in the snow.

I sent her back her dogs because she would go off on tantrums one second saying I was the handler and she did not know anything about showing so I could decide what dogs to enter and then the next sec she was mad because "HER" dog was not entered only her friends dog and she always thought her dog was "PERFECT" and should be shown and should win all the time.

Our cargo people will not allow any sweaters on the dog because of health hazards, if I would have done this and he got hurt then that would have been my fualt for doing it. With Baldpark it is a loose loose situation.

Baldpark seen her dog bones in person in late OCT. and he looked the very same way when he arrived home I will attach a photo of what he looked like when he left her at the bottom. So you decide.

Bones bit Baldpark when she bought him and took him out of the crate at the airport, she purchased him from a third person. Baldpark also literaly BEAT the pee out of Bones in OCT while holding him by the nap of the neck. Needless to say he feared women after that and that is why I had to send him back.

I could write a book on the lies this person has said but I will keep it short.

If allura was that bad and had to have medicine for six months why did the vet only give enough pills for seven days?
Why did the fecal come up neg and the complete blood count? and heartworm check? And if she was as sick as Baldpark said why did the vet not keep her and care for her instead of sending her home with seven days of med.:

And Capone had nasal discharge probably becuase it is middle of winter in kansas and the change in weather also.

Also Baldpark insisted on sending these puppies together in a crate even though they did not know one another. If they were stained with pee and poo why are their socks and such not discolored in any way?

Baldpark is mad because I would not show her dogs anymore and she is on a quest to make me look bad.

My wins in the ring and those that know me know how I care for my dogs.

This person as written me letters containing such language that would make a Big biker boy blush. Her letters are disscusting to say the least.

My mother taught me better than to have a foul mouth and to lie.



Fale statments

#16REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, February 18, 2009

First of all she did not send me thousands of dollars to show her dog. She sent me money for entry fee's the payment for showing her dogs was a puppy from her.

The dog she is talking about that she seen a show win photo of was a dog named bandit and you can read all about and see pictures of him on the report flied by Outlaws. Also that happened in December. I talked to Baldpark almost everday and she never once told me she was worried about her dogs.

Baldpark recieved pictures of her dogs playing in the snow.

I sent her back her dogs because she would go off on tantrums one second saying I was the handler and she did not know anything about showing so I could decide what dogs to enter and then the next sec she was mad because "HER" dog was not entered only her friends dog and she always thought her dog was "PERFECT" and should be shown and should win all the time.

Our cargo people will not allow any sweaters on the dog because of health hazards, if I would have done this and he got hurt then that would have been my fualt for doing it. With Baldpark it is a loose loose situation.

Baldpark seen her dog bones in person in late OCT. and he looked the very same way when he arrived home I will attach a photo of what he looked like when he left her at the bottom. So you decide.

Bones bit Baldpark when she bought him and took him out of the crate at the airport, she purchased him from a third person. Baldpark also literaly BEAT the pee out of Bones in OCT while holding him by the nap of the neck. Needless to say he feared women after that and that is why I had to send him back.

I could write a book on the lies this person has said but I will keep it short.

If allura was that bad and had to have medicine for six months why did the vet only give enough pills for seven days?
Why did the fecal come up neg and the complete blood count? and heartworm check? And if she was as sick as Baldpark said why did the vet not keep her and care for her instead of sending her home with seven days of med.:

And Capone had nasal discharge probably becuase it is middle of winter in kansas and the change in weather also.

Also Baldpark insisted on sending these puppies together in a crate even though they did not know one another. If they were stained with pee and poo why are their socks and such not discolored in any way?

Baldpark is mad because I would not show her dogs anymore and she is on a quest to make me look bad.

My wins in the ring and those that know me know how I care for my dogs.

This person as written me letters containing such language that would make a Big biker boy blush. Her letters are disscusting to say the least.

My mother taught me better than to have a foul mouth and to lie.

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