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  • Report:  #58822

Complaint Review: Ocwen Federal Bank Collections Management - Tom Melchionna/Traci Becker

Ocwen Federal Bank Collections Management Tom Melchionna Traci Becker target excellent employees to be terminated, cheat Ocwen out of money to pay favoritable employees, and lie to Human Resources cheated employees and screwed the customers even more Orlando Florida

  • Reported By:
    Orlando Florida
  • Submitted:
    Thu, May 29, 2003
  • Updated:
    Fri, June 06, 2003
  • Ocwen Federal Bank Collections Management - Tom Melchionna/Traci Becker
    12650 Ingenuity Dr.
    Orlando, Florida
  • Phone:
  • Category:

As an employee of Ocwen Federal Bank for 5 years. I have seen it all. In October 1998, I reported to my manager that we were not posting payments in a timely mannor. I even had a borrower certify mail a payment, which was signed for but not posted until 9 days after signing for it.

My manager was too lazy and did not report this to senior management. Three months went by and still in December 1998, January 1999, Ocwen was still posting payments over 10 days from the date the payments were post marked. Late charges and 30-day credit reporting would not be removed because Ocwen denied the payment posting issues. I was than talked about by Ocwen Management as a constant complainer. The same with escrowed accounts.

Ocwen would fail to pay for a borrower's homeowners issurance, in which Forced issurance was than placed on the account, than overcharge the borrower, increase the monthly payments, in which the borrower would not pay because of Ocwen being at fault, and than the loan going to foreclosure in error.

Another is charging the borrowers the property tax penalties in which Ocwen was at fault for paying an escrowed accounts taxes late. There is so much more, it would take me a week to type it all down here. The reason why this company is awful, is its employees up to senior management. Lazy, sweep it under the rug, unprofessional, inexperienced employees. I hope this company falls apart quickly.

As an employee I had to deal with two people in Management. Tom Melchionna and Traci Becker. These two are unbelievable behind closed doors. Miss Becker would personally tell me as an employee who she was out to have fired because of personal dislike (Rosalie Galarza, Stewart Curet) Tom Melchionna also targets employees and treats them different from the rest.

Tom has personal feelings for one of his employees and favors her by buying her gifts, giving her a higher raise, and recognition. Yet harder working employees get ignored, shunned, and no recognition. I feel sorry for anyone who has to work under these two managers today and in the future.

To all borrowers, I hope you get revenge and resolution. I know the stress dealing with this company has been difficult. This is one employee in a supervisor position that will go above and beyond to assist borrowers. Stewart Curet-Floor Lead.

One of the best employees now terminated
Orlando, Florida

11 Updates & Rebuttals



Ocwen Insider --- What's Your Point

#12Consumer Suggestion

Thu, June 05, 2003

And your point was????????


West Palm Beach,

Ocwen Orlando

#12UPDATE Employee

Wed, June 04, 2003

Many of you are simply children working in a playpen. Your current workplace is light on integrity and heavy on immaturity. Do not think for a moment that one need to consult the recent rants of this forum to know what is going on in the Ocwen Orlando operation? It is the most childish instinct to attack the "Company" because one is disgusted with the behavior of a ineffective manager or co-worker. If you cannot separate your personal opinion of an individual from your opinion of the company then you are in for a miserable and most certainly unfullfilling career. Perhaps, it is time for some of you to take a personal inventory of yourself and your approach to solving problems with as much vigor as you do in addressing these issues on a web site.

I concede there are management and subordinates with the integrity to succeed at work and life and others who will continue to try to get ahead at the expense of others. Trust me I know them all.

"Do not dance to the beat of anothers drum, march to the music you hear, however measured or far away."


North Haledon,
New Jersey,

Do the Right Thing... Join Hanson vs Ocwen!

#12Consumer Comment

Mon, June 02, 2003

Priscie...How can you even begin to compare this Predator with a credit card company or what has happened to the victims of Ocwen to a minor credit complaint. Families have been destoyed not just financially, but emotionally and physically. Yes all companies make mistakes and no one is perfect but this company has deliberately lied, cheated,and more. And yes dear disallusioned Priscie, we do have proof. We pray all the people who do will also join the class action suit,Hanson vs Ocwen (the info is on Rip off Report). As far as taking your word or any one affiliated with Ocwens "word", or trust anyone employeed there, I'm sure we all will think twice about it. I have a wonderful idea, being they are so honest/helpful, why don't you/they turn over all info. to Hanson vs Ocwen. Redeem yourselves. A little honesty can go a long way. Honesty...meaning an uprightness of character of action...a refusal to lie, steal or deceive in any way...



what a joke "best employee"

#12UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, June 01, 2003

it's funny how all of a sudden one wants to trash a co. when they're fired. if the "best employee" was soo concerned why didn't he/she come forward with all of this pertinant information when still at the company? inefficiency is not a bad reason to terminate someone, but bitterness is a bad reason to try to get back at people. i worked under the management of traci becker for two years before moving on, and i have yet to find someone in a management, or even in a supervisor position, to fill her shoes. She's the only manager at that co. that emphasizes team work, and will bend over backwards to make sure that questions/concerns and complaints are taken care of. traci and i didn't have a buddy buddy relationship and also bumped heads at times, but she never let the personal side of our relationship interfere with wanting to make sure all of my complaints were dealt with, and all of the customer issues looked into.

Before someone puts too much stock on what was said by "best employee" i thought other facts should be brought to light by someone else who was terminated. to be honest, the co. has it's faults,but what co. doesn't,my credit card co. which i've been with for 5yrs has been on ripoff report,and i've yet to have a problem with them. if you want your concerns met and taken care of at this co. then you should spk to the following people: traci,thomas,rob,and stewart--all supervisors who make sure concerns are met and issues resolved to the best of their ability. i'm not crazy about them on a personal level but on a professional level they're to be respected.



I am scheduled for surgery to remove my foot from my mouth.. again. .a public apology

#12Consumer Comment

Sat, May 31, 2003

Once again, I have gotten my foot so far into my mouth that it will require drastic measures to remove it. Poor Ron/Mandy; I am so sorry. I have incinerated you not just once, but twice!!! I am not even going to ask which report is accurate, whether you quit or were fired..I AM curious as to why you posted twice and clouded the issue? Tell Mr. Hanson the truth and that will suffice.

I feel very strongly about this issue and am an equal-opportunity basher of mortgage companies (Fairbanks comes under regular fire from me, too). These people strike at the very heart of the American way of life and values we all hold dear. They undermine our spirits. They are evil.

My anger sometimes will lead me to blast folks before I know all the facts. Anger is human and sometimes necessary, but not always righteous. Mea culpa. My sense of integrity demands that I apologize when I make a total a*s of myself. Again, I am sooo sorry.(I did not even know that all this commentary was here; somehow the ED's notifying link failed or I accidentally deleted it before I checked it out. Otherwise, I would have posted this sooner)I will not apologize on the other post because if there really were a Ronald and that story was true as written, I probably would have said just what I said.

I do thank God when He moves folks to do the right thing and laud those brave enough to do it. I am not sure what caused your epiphany, but I feel that the corruption just got to be too much for you. I hope your hair grows back in soon after all the flaming I did!

I cannot do much more than let you know that I am doing a bit of lobbying and letter-writing behind the scenes on the behalf of all mortgage servicing company victims. Not being a victim myself, I cannot contribute a real affadavit, but I can make a lot of noise and write a lot of letters(guess you know this by now, huh?). Sometimes the key is to just go on and on until some official gets tired of it and has it checked out just to get you to STOP!

Mr. Hanson, I am so glad to hear that things are rolling on fairly smoothly. I still would like to know why all these comapnies are skittering off to India. There has to be a reason. Isn't Ocwen a Federally chartered bank? How can they operate in India? Any comments?

America needs some changes in this industry..SOON! An insider was needed, so thank you Ron/Mandy for your help! I am still praying for all of you; victims and champions alike.

Kweku Hanson


Re: Ex-Ocwen Employee --- There is A God!

#12Consumer Suggestion

Fri, May 30, 2003


There is indeed a God. What a mighty God we serve! I have already been in touch with "Mandy" who also posted (boldy) as Ron in the new, spearate comment immediately following her initial report.

Mandy will send me a powerful Affidavit. And yes, we already have Affidavits from several CURRENT as well as PAST folk who worked inside Ocwen's impregnable Orlando facility. The FBI has its hands on some of those Affidavits and the Federal Judge also has some under seal. And poor Ocwen has been trying since mid-September to get those Affidavits. Maybe next week, guys (Ocwen).

I have cross-checked Mandy against my other sources and Mandy is legit (you can never be too cautious).

We are on a roll and just as Fairbanks Capital is under seige by class action lawyers, the Feds, the State AGs and even the newsmedia, Ocwen may never face the media (Ocwen is too boring a burglar for them to bother, and rightfully so --- I don't want Ocwen getting free publicity so they make more money servicing more loans) but it will also soon face a torrent of lawsuits, regulatory probes, and even the results of the FBI investigation. Was it Bush that said to terrorists: you can run but you cannot hide?

Thank God for Mandy/Ron and for all the honest workers who would not sell their conscience for a green piece of paper. The Dollar isn't everything in life, even though it is worshipped in West Palm Beach!



Oh, shoot, now I have to rebut my own rebuttal. My apologies to all Ocwen victims...

#12Consumer Comment

Fri, May 30, 2003

I had a weak moment earlier when I thought that an Ocwen employee was actually going to try to help you for the sake of doing the right thing. Silly me, I should have known better. I must certainly have been suffering a fugue of some sort...Sorry, Ocwen victims, for the posting earlier....

Best employee, Ocwen is canning you clowns so it can skitter off to India to live with Fairbanks Capital. I suppose this will help them both escape the laws here. I pity India, they are dealing with the devil and probably do not even know it!

Anyway, "best employee": does that mean that you were the best at putting people in the street by helping Ocwen fake foreclosures? Yelling at them on the phone? What did you do so well for Ocwen for five years? How did you live with yourself for five years? Did they pay you enough to make it worth the bad, bad things you knew you were doing to people? Karma is in force here and I find it fitting that, in the end, Ocwen threw the screws to YOU! Are you liable for prosecution for not making public what you knew for so long? You should be...

Now that you have been canned, you're going to tell all? Revenge is a poor motive to do the right thing. Everything was just hunky-dory as long as that big, ol' Ocwen paycheck was rolling in...Now we have a case of sour grapes. Boo-h*o. Do you really very many people will feel sorry for your "awful" Ocwen experience? There is no getting around the fact that for five years, you sold out!

You had better work twice as hard to help these folks as you ever did for the demon Ocwen. You have helped hurt so many people. So many lost homes...I am not sure that you could ever make up for what the evil company did. And you should look inside yourself to see what kind of person you are to let them make you sell yourself, body and soul, for money for so long. SHAME ON YOU!

You will be blasted on this site; I pity you. You may wish that you'd moved to India with Ocwen before all this is over....So may I, considering the gigantic blunder I made earlier. I lived in hope that there was one Ocwen employee whom would eventually blow the whistle. My hope blinded me to the real story..


North Haledon,
New Jersey,

Give the info to Hanson vs Ocwen...

#12Consumer Comment

Fri, May 30, 2003

We're so glad to find that there is an employee with a conscience. If you are truly serious, and have first hand knowledge of there underhanded doings, why not do the right thing. Offer the information you have to the people who have been truly taken advantage of. Contact the class action suit Hanson vs. Ocwen. The information and where to send it is all on this sight.



"One of the Best Employees" with a conscience.. HELP these people....

#12Consumer Comment

Thu, May 29, 2003

I can see why Ocwen terminated you. They will not tolerate an employee that attempts to do things correctly and do the right thing for the customer. Oh, that "laziness" in your manager...probably WASN'T. I believe that it is a company mandate to delay posting of payments. Gotta' get those fees, ya' know. You are to be commended for providing the information here.

Kweku Hanson is waging a huge case against the Ocwen devil; perhaps you could offer to help him? I am sure that he has thousands of customer affidavits, but an ex-employee affidavit may be invaluable to his case. I believe that he reads these posts regularly and will let you know if you can help him. It would be wonderful if you could forward this info to some Federal authorities as well.

Ocwen has got to be stopped. It is heartbreaking what they are doing to folks every day; seems like they have lately accelerated their attempts to steal homes under the guise of foreclosure. I am wearing my rose-colored glasses; I choose to believe that they are becoming afraid, very afraid.

God bless you. Sweetie, you are better off without 'em. After all, we all wake up with ourselves every morning; I am sure that you were finding going to work every day a burden. If you lie down with dogs, you'll get up with fleas.

(And, on the off chance that you are a company shill looking for a victim, don't bother. I will not be in your files. I am not involved at all with Ocwen, now or ever. That fact empowers me to be able to write what I feel. Unfortunately, many folks with Ocwen issues have a slight case of paranoia (with very good reason)with regards to Ocwen's tactics. I may have picked up just a bit of that myself. I am just a really PO'd American who objects strongly to seeing my neighbors out on the street, sacrificed to the god named "Corporate Greed.")



I have also witnessed these acts.

#12UPDATE Employee

Thu, May 29, 2003

I have also witness these acts as an employee of Ocwen Federal Bank. I currently work for the collections department and have heard vulgar remarks from the above supervisors. Its too bad that we experience people like this in the workplace. It takes away the job at hand and is turned into a soap opera. We need to focus more on the borrowers than other employees. More supervisors in Ocwen, take more time to bad mouth and plot against other employees than to help borrowers resolve delinquency and problems on their loans. I hope to find employment elsewhere soon before I fall victim of spiteful supervisors at Ocwen.



Here are some Tips:

#12Author of original report

Thu, May 29, 2003

1. Make your payments by Money Gram or Western Union. Keep your receipts organized.

2. Always keep a record of the date, time, and whom you spoke with. Ocwen has a call center in India and there agents are not experienced. Hang up if you obtain someone with an accent, call back until you reach an American agent.

3. Ocwen records most of their conversations. This is good incase an attorney needs to supeona the records.

4. Keep track of when your insurance is to be renewed. Ocwen is quick to force their own insurance and overcharge you.

5. Keep track of when your taxes are due. If you are escrowed, Ocwen pays taxes late and charges you for the penalty.

6. Purchase a book from your local book store about Mortgages, Loans, legal rights, etc. Educate yourself incase you are being victimized.

7. Obtain your original closing documents, make copies and highlight important paragraphs to be able to refer too.

8. If you have not received satisfaction from Ocwen, contact their regulator. Office of Thrift Supervison and make a complaint. (OTS)

9. Writing a complaint letter to someone is authority at Ocwen is useless. Even Senior Management is blind to what the agents and Supervisors do.

10. Try to refinance as soon as possible with a company that will not transfer the loan. And KEEP YOUR HEAD UP!

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