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  • Report:  #66286

Complaint Review: Ocwen FSB - FDIC OIG - Litton Loan - Judge C.R. Droney

Ocwen FSB - FDIC OIG - Litton Loan - And Judge C.R. Droney Round and round the mulberry bush, the monkey chases the weasel Orlando Florida

  • Reported By:
    Waldron AR
  • Submitted:
    Thu, August 28, 2003
  • Updated:
    Sat, February 21, 2004
  • Ocwen FSB - FDIC OIG - Litton Loan - Judge C.R. Droney
    12650 Ingenuity Drive
    Orlando, Florida
  • Phone:
  • Category:
*Consumer Comment: Predatory Lending, Different Companies, SAME OUTCOME...FORECLOSURE *Consumer Comment: Foreclosure is ABSOLUTELY THE NAME OF THE GAME in this vicious system! Judge Droney, the coffee is ready to be served! *Consumer Suggestion: The TRUTH ..Our own government turns its head to this fraud. *Consumer Comment: Litton gets some media attention. Hanson v. Ocwen: Litton is named in this suit. The fight is ON right NOW! Contact info. File your Rip-Off Reports! *Author of original report: Litton Loan gets some media attention. Hanson v. Ocwen: Litton is named in this suit. The fight is ON right NOW! The clock is ticking. Contact info in this report. File your Rip-Off Reports; send affidavits! *Consumer Suggestion: Judge Droney and "Hanson v. Ocwen " *Consumer Comment: DON'T PANIC ! *Consumer Comment: Where and When, would like to attend the Hanson vs. Ocwen case *Consumer Comment: OCWEN FELLOW VICTIMS, BETTER DAYS AHEAD! *Consumer Suggestion: Let's See How Fast The MDL Court Moves! PS: Thank you Rip-Off Report *Consumer Comment: Leave god out of this *Consumer Suggestion: GOD is the only way I know to defeat Ocwen! *Author of original report: MDL/JPML panel on the move. Tolerance should be exercised. *Consumer Suggestion: Respnse To Brad, all of us readers can tolerate each others political and religious beliefs *Consumer Comment: You over look the fact that there may be christians working at ocwen! *Consumer Comment: Good Luck Kweku *Consumer Comment: Good Luck Kweku *Consumer Comment: Good Luck Kweku *Consumer Comment: Good Luck Kweku *Consumer Comment: Your objections are duly noted and entered into the record. Let's move on now.

I have been watching the Hanson v. Ocwen case since it kicked off in court in February of 2003. The lead plaintiffs attorneys have patiently presented page after page of documented evidence to the Court in Hartford, Connecticut at the Courts request. And motion after motion for discovery by Ocwen.

As near as I can tell, Ocwen has yet to produce even one source or supporting document for all its outrageous claims! Another discovery motion was presented by the plaintiffs on August 19, 2003, this one asking for stiff monetary fines against Ocwen for non-compliance. As far as I know, Ocwen still is smiling smugly and refusing to produce. I do not know if the fines will be levied or not at this time.

Or is Ocwen unable to produce? In case you missed it, I urge you to go to this url and read the results of this FDIC audit of Ocwen. If you are going to Hartford, print a copy of this report and take it with you, for reasons I will explain later in this report.

In summary, this audit covered dates from August 1994 to September 1997. Ocwen was unable to produce source documents for the FDIC auditors, resulting in the auditors disallowing hundreds of thousands of dollars of Ocwens phony profits. Keep in mind that only 14 assets and 200 disbursement transactions were audited; just a sampling of Ocwens total business.

If Ocwens accounting practices have not improved, they are in the same situation now with this case. So, they are stonewalling and paying outrageous legal fees to its two high-powered law firms to do it. Makes no sense to me and seems counter-productive to Ocwen itself.

But, hey, if you cannot produce, you cannot produce, right? And, to tell the truth, I have never been able to figure Ocwens methods and how they keep plundering borrowers right under the Feds noses and with the Feds knowledge. Amazing and unbelievable

After Ocwen has plundered, pillaged, and totally destroyed the credit of its borrowers, it seems to have developed a habit of selling notes to a company called Litton Loan. If you get to this company, you are in great trouble! Litton Loan seems to consider every one of its accounts to be Class A deadbeats, requiring nothing short of power tools and dynamite to drag payments from their hostage borrowers.

Of course, Ocwen has paved the way for this impression with its tactics, so I do not know if Litton Loan can be blamed for this attitude. My gut instinct is that Litton Loan is very aware of how these borrowers came to be in their situation and simply does not care! Money in the bank for Litton Loan and more plundering to be done. More robber barons in America!

Now I come to the Honorable Christopher F. Droney, the judge hearing this case. There was some controversy over this judge at the outset due to past ties with Moss Codilis, the former hack lawyers for Ocwen. Judge Droney was not the best choice for this job, but he evidently refused to recuse himself. He seemed to think that he could be fair in this matter; that is coming open to question in my mind lately.

(Moss & Company seems to have evaporated; all the links to their websites go to a dead end. Moss, Codilis lost a class action suit- Jones v Moss, Codilis - for their role in writing those illegal demand and collection letters for Ocwen. I cannot say with certainty what has happened to these guys, but they are named in this ongoing suit as well). I am sure someone can update us on the current status of these lawyers who were undoubtedly making very good money for their part in Ocwens schemes.

I am not a lawyer and have never taken part in a suit such as this. I have sat on some juries and watched some court proceedings that were of interest to me. The classic courtroom scenario that I have personally witnessed is orderly and very much controlled by the sitting judge.

I found this Nomination Speech by Senator Chris Dodd, presented on September 11, 1997 when Judge Droney was nominated for the Federal District Court bench, and have excerpted the pertinent part:

The other nominee is Christopher F. Droney. Some of our colleagues know Christopher Droney. He has been our U.S. attorney in Connecticut for the last 4 or 5 years and a very successful one. He is known as one of the leading U.S. attorneys in the country for his anticrime efforts, and in particular for fighting juvenile crime.

I might point out that he also knows something about what it is like to be in elective office. He served as the mayor of West Hartford, CT, and did a wonderful job there. He is a graduate of the University of Connecticut Law School, where he was on the Law Review. He was named Citizen of the Year by the Connecticut District of the Boy Scouts of America, and he received the Distinguished Law Enforcement Award from the Hartford Police Union. He also received special recognition award from the Spanish-American Merchants Association. He is very community-oriented and very successful in his community activities. He is a member of the Federal Bar Council, a member of the St. Timothy Roman Catholic Church in his community, and very involved in the YMCA and YWCA in our State, as well.

Again, given his background experience as a U.S. attorney, I think my colleagues can feel very, very proud, Mr. President, in casting a vote this afternoon to confirm the nomination of Christopher Droney, as well, to be a district court judge in Connecticut. I urge support for these nominees. I think they will do us all proud. The Senate can be proud of the work they will perform on behalf of all of us. I yield the floor.

(This complete document can be accessed at:

if you are inclined to check the veracity of this excerpt.)

This guy sounds like he should have been nominated for sainthood, along with the Federal bench! What a great, stand-up guy! Anti-crime! Citizen of the Year! This is the guy everyone wants for a neighbor. This has led me to wonder what Judge Droney is thinking as this case progresses.

It seems as though all Ocwen demands are met with great speed, while the plaintiffs motions grow mold while awaiting some sort of attention or disposal. I dont know if Judge Droney realizes this, but this case is beginning to show a pattern of preferential treatment toward the defendants, Ocwen, et al. Perhaps the judge is so afraid of this happening that he has unconsciously caused it to happen. Perhaps he could consider how this looks to those of us who are simply watchers (and there are many of us). The balance in this case is definitely off!

How can he listen to all these cases, day in, day out and be so complacent? Ocwen is still stealing homes or handing these loans off to the horrible Litton Loan at a savage pace. Ocwen refuses to comply with the motions for discovery and still this judge has failed to take control of his own courtroom and demand that this be done. WHY?

What does Judge Droney think about as these affidavits and other evidence are presented and read? Is he sitting there like Tweedledum and twiddling his thumbs while planning his dinner menu? Does he give one thought to the people that are being pushed out of their homes as this thing drags on and on? Does he sleep or daydream through all these horror stories? What is he thinking?

Is Judge Droney waiting for the saints to come marching in and take care of this? Perhaps he thinks that an army of archangels will come to fight this Ocwen devil? It is my belief that with the advancement of civilization and the development of legal systems to safeguard society, God chooses to work in more unostentatious ways these days through the vessels at hand.

In this case, that vessel would be Judge Droney himself. In refusing to recuse himself, Judge Droney willingly took on this task and implied by doing so that he CAN be fair in this matter, yet he appears to be failing miserably.

I feel that some serious questioning into Judge Droneys ability to be impartial in this case is in order. There seems to be something that keeps him from being able to exercise his judicial control and his judicial duty in this matter. I know of no other judge who would have tolerated this nonsense for so long in his own courtroom, let alone taken part in it by allowing it go on and on and on...!

For all the glowing recommendations presented in his nomination speech, Judge Droney is presenting a picture of preference toward the defendants and ineffectiveness in this case. He is not presenting even a veneer of impartiality. That is very serious for a judge. It is a source of concern to me; I can only imagine the frustration of those actively involved in this proceeding.

This happens from time to time to the best of us. However, the average person does not affect thousands of peoples lives when they become inert or impotent in a matter or a decision. This judge is doing great harm by allowing this stonewalling process to continue in his courtroom and that is not to be tolerated. Ocwen borrowers have been through too much and suffered too long to tolerate this display of Who cares?

This case is a cesspit of corruption and the infection has spread beyond Ocwen itself. Has it spread to a judge sitting in a United States Court? I hope and pray it has not or our entire legal system is in danger of breaking down and failing entirely! If that happens it will lead to chaos and anarchy, with the crooks being able to rule us all.

So, for those of you going to Hartford at the appropriate time, please print out a copy of the FDIC audit report. Take it to the courtroom and display it prominently. We need to see these things everywhere in order to make Judge Droney aware that the jig is up; everybody KNOWS what Ocwen has been (and still is) up to. Lying, cheating, stealing, plundering the assets of Americas citizens.

It is time for POP GOES THE WEASEL!

Waldron, Arkansas

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on OCWEN Federal Bank Financial Services

20 Updates & Rebuttals



Your objections are duly noted and entered into the record. Let's move on now.

#21Consumer Comment

Sat, February 21, 2004


Once again I appeal to you to exercise some tolerance. If anyone wants to reaffirm their faith in this forum, the editor is the one to decide whether or not it posts, not you.

One person may call this a battle between "God and the Devil", another may refer to it as "Good against Evil", another may simply call it "Right versus Wrong" and yet another may see it in terms of "Lawful versus Unlawful". It is all a matter of faith, or lack of faith, and/or terminology.

No one is asking for your respect in this forum; it is totally immaterial to me (and perhaps many others) whether or not you respect me (or them).

The ultimate goal here is to put a stop to Ocwen and the illegal unethical practices it engages in.
I simply do not care whom is invoked in the name of the cause. Nor do I care who did what to whom hundreds of years ago; this is today.

As for possible Christians at Ocwen, it certainly is not up to me or you to judge them. If they are there, it is up to each one of them to justify to themselves what they are doing. Many have not been able to do that and have moved on.

What is important is that we hear about this issue from every possible perspective, because no one knows what might work in the end.

And what is MOST important is that we all live in of the free, with rights to free speech, sharing of opinions and a free exchange of ideas. For this to happen, it is required that every citizen exercise restraint and self-control because each opinion is of equal value.

It is a given that with any long discussion among several people, eventually someone will say something that another person does not like. So your objection to prayer (that is how I read it, anyway) is duly noted and entered into the record for this discussion.

You have said you have no faith, I am fine with that. I am not going to hammer you with insults over it and arguments against your choice, although I am NOT in agreement with them.

It is called respect for your beliefs and opinion. You, however, are beginning to wield a heavy hammer over the whole thing and that can have a backlash effect in this forum that will lead to mile-long non-productive arguments. If you hope to avoid that, you must learn to be quiet at times.

You have expressed your opinion, many others have expressed theirs, and can we for the love of God, please move on now??

Gary Ozenne


Good Luck Kweku

#21Consumer Comment

Fri, February 20, 2004

I haven't posted in a while but offer this exert from a speech delivered by Robert Kennedy in 1966.

First is the danger of futility; the belief there is nothing one man or one woman can do against the enormous array of the world's ills -- against misery, against ignorance, or injustice and violence. Yet many of the world's great movements, of thought and action, have flowed from the work of a single man. A young monk began the Protestant reformation, a young general extended an empire from Macedonia to the borders of the earth, and a young woman reclaimed the territory of France. It was a young Italian explorer who discovered the New /world, and 32 year old Thomas Jefferson who proclaimed that all men are created equal. "Give me a place to stand," said Archimedes, "and I will move the world." These men moved the world, and so can we all. Few will have the greatness to bend history; but each of us can work to change a small portion of the events, and in the total of all these acts will be written the history of this generation. Thousands of Peace Corps volunteers are making a difference in the isolated villages and the city slums of dozens of countries. Thousands of unknown men and women in Europe resisted the occupation of the Nazis and many died, but all added to the ultimate strength and freedom of their countries. It is from numberless diverse acts of courage such as these that the belief that human history is thus shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance".

Good luck to all and one more quote from my favorite Winston Churchill

"Never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.''

Good Luck to all

Gary Ozenne


Good Luck Kweku

#21Consumer Comment

Fri, February 20, 2004

I haven't posted in a while but offer this exert from a speech delivered by Robert Kennedy in 1966.

First is the danger of futility; the belief there is nothing one man or one woman can do against the enormous array of the world's ills -- against misery, against ignorance, or injustice and violence. Yet many of the world's great movements, of thought and action, have flowed from the work of a single man. A young monk began the Protestant reformation, a young general extended an empire from Macedonia to the borders of the earth, and a young woman reclaimed the territory of France. It was a young Italian explorer who discovered the New /world, and 32 year old Thomas Jefferson who proclaimed that all men are created equal. "Give me a place to stand," said Archimedes, "and I will move the world." These men moved the world, and so can we all. Few will have the greatness to bend history; but each of us can work to change a small portion of the events, and in the total of all these acts will be written the history of this generation. Thousands of Peace Corps volunteers are making a difference in the isolated villages and the city slums of dozens of countries. Thousands of unknown men and women in Europe resisted the occupation of the Nazis and many died, but all added to the ultimate strength and freedom of their countries. It is from numberless diverse acts of courage such as these that the belief that human history is thus shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance".

Good luck to all and one more quote from my favorite Winston Churchill

"Never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.''

Good Luck to all

Gary Ozenne


Good Luck Kweku

#21Consumer Comment

Fri, February 20, 2004

I haven't posted in a while but offer this exert from a speech delivered by Robert Kennedy in 1966.

First is the danger of futility; the belief there is nothing one man or one woman can do against the enormous array of the world's ills -- against misery, against ignorance, or injustice and violence. Yet many of the world's great movements, of thought and action, have flowed from the work of a single man. A young monk began the Protestant reformation, a young general extended an empire from Macedonia to the borders of the earth, and a young woman reclaimed the territory of France. It was a young Italian explorer who discovered the New /world, and 32 year old Thomas Jefferson who proclaimed that all men are created equal. "Give me a place to stand," said Archimedes, "and I will move the world." These men moved the world, and so can we all. Few will have the greatness to bend history; but each of us can work to change a small portion of the events, and in the total of all these acts will be written the history of this generation. Thousands of Peace Corps volunteers are making a difference in the isolated villages and the city slums of dozens of countries. Thousands of unknown men and women in Europe resisted the occupation of the Nazis and many died, but all added to the ultimate strength and freedom of their countries. It is from numberless diverse acts of courage such as these that the belief that human history is thus shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance".

Good luck to all and one more quote from my favorite Winston Churchill

"Never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.''

Good Luck to all

Gary Ozenne


Good Luck Kweku

#21Consumer Comment

Fri, February 20, 2004

I haven't posted in a while but offer this exert from a speech delivered by Robert Kennedy in 1966.

First is the danger of futility; the belief there is nothing one man or one woman can do against the enormous array of the world's ills -- against misery, against ignorance, or injustice and violence. Yet many of the world's great movements, of thought and action, have flowed from the work of a single man. A young monk began the Protestant reformation, a young general extended an empire from Macedonia to the borders of the earth, and a young woman reclaimed the territory of France. It was a young Italian explorer who discovered the New /world, and 32 year old Thomas Jefferson who proclaimed that all men are created equal. "Give me a place to stand," said Archimedes, "and I will move the world." These men moved the world, and so can we all. Few will have the greatness to bend history; but each of us can work to change a small portion of the events, and in the total of all these acts will be written the history of this generation. Thousands of Peace Corps volunteers are making a difference in the isolated villages and the city slums of dozens of countries. Thousands of unknown men and women in Europe resisted the occupation of the Nazis and many died, but all added to the ultimate strength and freedom of their countries. It is from numberless diverse acts of courage such as these that the belief that human history is thus shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance".

Good luck to all and one more quote from my favorite Winston Churchill

"Never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.''

Good Luck to all


Fort Lupton,

You over look the fact that there may be christians working at ocwen!

#21Consumer Comment

Fri, February 20, 2004

In which case your god will have to choose which one of the sides is correct. If the plaintiffs then how are you to explain to others of similiar faith that lost, that your god has chosen them (ocwen) over you? Are you going to stand there and say that god has his reasons and we arent privy to them? Or perhaps you could say that now since I am here on the plaintiffs side, that god will punish the plaintiff because there is an Athiest among them? The fight that you so reverently refer to is the fight of christians against the Pharaoh of Egypt, who had enslaved people of similar backgrounds to worship idols and work against their will. The fight with Ocwen et al is about is something entirely different and there is no connection. You could say that ocwen is an evil empire, but no one has mentioned satan in this issue. If you are thinking that the prince of the air is present in this then I must ask why he is furthering attacks on you if you are already saved. If you gather peace of mind and are able to function as a result of your faith in an unseen super being then that is fine but you dont need to push your position and views about it. Kweku I gather that you must wear two hats? Lawyer and preacher. Considering Tertullus' acts against Paul I wonder how you deal with the conflict.The rant that got me going on this was the one by Shirl. It had no information on the issues. I never believed that anyone was trying to convert me yet how can I garner respect for such a garrulous post.


Stone Mountain,

Respnse To Brad, all of us readers can tolerate each others political and religious beliefs

#21Consumer Suggestion

Thu, February 19, 2004

I am a "victim" who mentions Jesus in my letters to this site, and I do not apologize for my belief and faith in Him.

However,I do apologize if you or any other reader, with different spiritual beliefs,misunderstood my intention.

Realizing the need for comfort and encouragemt during the trauma of foreclosure, I simply wanted to share with others how I came "through" my ordeal with my Peace intact.

I totally agree with you that everyone is entitled to believe as they wish, without feeling threatened by someone else's Spiritual beliefs.

Hopefully, all of us readers can tolerate each others political and religious beliefs(whether Christianity or Atheism).



MDL/JPML panel on the move. Tolerance should be exercised.

#21Author of original report

Thu, February 19, 2004

The MDL will be convening in JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, on MARCH 23, 2004 at 9:00 A.M. to listen to oral arguments in MDL No. 1604, "In re Ocwen Federal Bank, FSB Mortgage Servicing Practices Litigation."

If you have an opinion on where this case is to be heard, now is the time to express it.

Brad, can we please exercise a bit of respect and tolerance here? This forum can respect your decision to be a non-believer if you can accept the decision of those who do believe.

Considering the snail-like pace of this case, many have chosen to quit pleading to the court and the judge to wake up and move and have chosen to go "over their heads", so to speak.

No one is trying to convert you here or to accept any doctrine that you find offensive.

It is just that simple.



GOD is the only way I know to defeat Ocwen!

#21Consumer Suggestion

Thu, February 19, 2004

Having been at the forefront of this war against Ocwen for destroying the American Dream; being a lawyer with several years litigation experience; having heard from THOUSANDS of Ocwen victims nationwide about how local lawyers have been reluctant to take on Ocwen; and after seeing the inertia of government regulators and the reality that the courts have allowed foreclosures to occur even in cases where I see a clear papertrail that the homeowner was NOT in default, I AM ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY AFFIRMATIVELY EMPHATICALLY RESOUNDINGLY UNEQUIVOCALLY convinced that there is no other power except GOD which can interven to HALT this piracy.

This is America! Everyone, including aethist victims of Ocwen, is free to speak their mind. But please, for those hundreds of us who take solace in the fact that there is a GOD who has the intelligence, the omnipotence, the majesty and the power to make the sun follow a set course everyday; to make the air that we do not see vital for our existence; to keep His eye on the sparrow and to sustain those of us rendered homeless by Ocwen, Litton and others, do not try to censor our catharthic expression of Faith.

For us, FAITH IS THE SUBSTANCE OF THINGS NOT SEEN, and is what keeps our sanity and prevents us from going off the deep end.

Some may believe that out of "nothing" life can emerge. Some may believe that if you turn on the ignition of a car and set it on the highway, it can drive itself safely from Los Angeles to San Francisco without crashing (thanks to "Nature") the same way without a Godly intelligence, the sun can follow a set course every day.

I have never gone online to proselyte, but if in my fight against Ocwen I express my personal sentiments and if even one other similarly situated victim draws inspiration from it, then why will any other victim (atheist or otherwise, who was responsible for his or her own spontaneous creation and will be responsible for his or her own appointment with death) try to throw cold water on that solace we who believe draw from Scripture?

For by FAITH, I have fought this fight against Ocwen for TWENTY months without asking for one dime from any other victims (yes, some have voluntarily given). By faith, we have faced Connecticut's biggest law firms and the world's biggest law firm, plus others, at the same time, and are still standing and keeping the class action lawsuit going for everyone's benefit. By faith, electronic attacks on my computer system and death threats to me have gone unrealized. By faith (and not by my own decree---else no millionaire would ever allow himself to die but would remain immortal), I wake up every morning in my right frame of mind and able to move my limbs.

Ocwen victims cut across all religious (and, it seems, atheistic groups), Jewish, Christian, Agnostic, Moslem, Hindu, Bhuddist, Sikh, Confusian, Confused, Confounded, and every other stripe. However, this forum is provided free (like the air provided free [no thanks to Ocwen]---about the only thing in America we get free which we cannot do without) for all to spout their views or venom without censorship.

Fight Ocwen in whatever way you deem fit (we are all in the same victim's lifeboat) but do not try to dictate what I can post. If my radio program offends you, change the station/dial. My GOD cannot be hidden under a haystack, and I shall proclaim His dominion until the day I leave this planet. Just because my toddler denies or cannot fathom the power of Anthrax doesn't make anthrax any less real. Ditto, God!


Fort Lupton,

Leave god out of this

#21Consumer Comment

Wed, February 18, 2004

I see that a lot of you victims are referring to god in your letters. I am a victim also but I am an Athiest. By dragging religion into this mess that Ocwen has created you are only making the issue more cloudy and showing your narrow minded martyrdom. Lets keep to the subject here and let the late J.C. rest in peace.



Let's See How Fast The MDL Court Moves! PS: Thank you Rip-Off Report

#21Consumer Suggestion

Tue, February 17, 2004

The MDL Panel dealing with the "Ocwen Mortgage Servicing Practices Litigation" will soon get to decide where in this wonderful country of ours the class action lawsuits will end up.

For those of you who have felt that the class action lawsuit in Connecticut has been moving at snail's pace, just remember that in Aesop's Fable there were TWO creatures in the race.

I think the MDL will move like the creature with the long ears! Watch this space in April, 2004!

PS: Thank you Rip-Off Report, for providing this Free Speech Forum free of charge. Thanks, ED!

Kweku Hanson



#21Consumer Comment

Wed, February 04, 2004

I just rediscovered this post by "Robin - Arkansas" while using Google to locate the FDIC Audit that reveals Ocwen's 'financial excellence.'

And, sadly serious as the topic may be, I could not help but crack up when I read the fictional tale of how Ocwen came to service sleeper cell mortgages (at least I think that's what I read in the 30-second scan I did of the webpage).

Cheerio to all victims of predatory loan servicing. Our day in the sun draws nigh!



Where and When, would like to attend the Hanson vs. Ocwen case

#21Consumer Comment

Mon, September 15, 2003

For all of us that would like to attend the Hanson vs. Ocwen case, could someone please tell us where and when? I have children and a full-time job thatI must make arrangements for.
Does anyone know the exact day and where?
Please let me know because time is of the essence.
Phoenix, AZ


Stone Mountain,


#21Consumer Comment

Mon, September 15, 2003

Don't worry or fret.

There is Someone who knows the thoughts and intents of every man.
Yes, Almighty God is still sitting on His throne, and He is well aware of everything that is going on in Hartford and everywhere else.

Everyone(on both sides) will know that the Lord is the judge,ruling in favor of His oppressed people and intervening at just the right time(His timing).He still hears the cries of His people,He still answers prayer, and He still saves!

I am a witness that Jesus is an everpresent help, because He has never failed me.

Peace and love to you all,



Judge Droney and "Hanson v. Ocwen "

#21Consumer Suggestion

Sun, September 14, 2003

My very dear co-victims, and honest Americans:

Whatever is happening in court with our class action is some what confusing for many of us. We are, emotionally upset, and very anguished with the slow pace of this legal battle.

I always said that I believe that we will prevail, SINCE THERE IS GOD. However, many of us has lost our homes, too many more are about to loose it, and all of us live with that DESPICABLE, COWARD OCWEN, always after us like a parasite, like a vampire, living off our blood, sweat, and tears.

Our only choice is this: FIGHTING. The other alternative is the unjust and endless suffering of our sick, our children, and our elderly. Ocwen is very COWARD (Hear me, GARBAGE OCWEN?); but that behavior is proper for Ocwen. We can't afford the luxury to abandon our families to a destiny already pre-planned by Ocwen. We are not going to give up!

However, must of us don't understand the intricacies of the legal system. Even if we do understand, our perplexity due to the long abandonment we have been facing, does not let us understand this court battle very well.

So, I read in the net, in more than 3 websites already, all different, a simple description, very genuine,highly effective, of what's going on in court with our ongoing tragedy.

Remember how well we all understood the stories from our mothers, fathers and grandparents when we were little? Those stories have the ability to pass meaningful messages, and real facts of life, to children.They always stay with us until death.

I found the following SATIRE, beautifully done, to explain our TRAGEDY. The gifted author of this satire, which gave me a lot of insight into the problem, does not disclose his/her identity (never because of fear I figure). Humility and a Love for God and Justice are often misunderstood.

Please, read this very carefully, because it explains ALL IS HAPPENING, and we might be able to smile, after all.

"Hanson v Ocwen/Moss/Litton: Legal Battle for Planet Earth." (A satire)

Keku Hanson's attorneys have been in the courtroom and have exhausted their supply of documents. They have now returned to their offices to wait for Ocwen to disclose. They have been waiting for some months now.

The clock ticks monotonously as Ocwen/Litton/Moss attorneys disclose nothing, but simple shuffle papers back and forth while whispering to each other. Judde Droney yawns and wonders if it will rain Saturday and disrupt his golf game. Day after date, the same scenario gets played in the courtroom in Hartford, CT.

Mr. Hanson and his team of lawyers grow concerned after a time and return to the court, only to find the same paper-shuffle going on. There has been no progress made whatsoever! What to do?

Motions are prepared asking Judge Droney to excuse himself from the case. These are rejected. Motions are prepared demanding that Ocwen/Moss/Litton be forced to disclose. They sit in the filing cabinet gathering dust. The clock ticks and the days go by. Judge Droney is now totally entranced with the constant passing of paper back and forth, back and forth...and the is so hipnotic... Ocwen/Moss/Litton now has the court in their power! Half their battle is won!

Mr. Hanson and his attorneys pound on the door to the courtroom, imploring Judge Droney to come around before all is lost. "Wake up, wake up," they yell, but the judge dreams on. Mr. Hanson and his attorneys go from window to window, attempting to rouse the sleeping judge to no avail.

A hurried discussion takes place. "There is something terribly wrong here", states Mr. Hanson. "The judge should not be asleep in the courtroom. And there is really something creepy about those Ocwen/Moss/Litton guys. Every time they start talking, I want to fail asleep myself!"

"Us, too", agree Hanson's team. "Do you suppose it is because they talk so much, but say nothing of relevance? It all begins to sound like so much gibberish after a while! They have talked and whispered and passed these same papers around for months and nothing is getting accomplished. It is making us weary!"

In the courtroom, the Ocwen/Moss/Littonites are now showing slides of their last vacation to their home planet. Like all good slide-show audiences the universe over, Judge Droney dozes. The projector goes click, click....the clock goes tick-tock, tick-tock...days, weeks, months pass...

Meanwhile, at the top-secret headquarters of the Ocwen/Moss/Littonites, loans are being sold or passed to other servicers. Quickly, quickly, hurry now..Foreclosures are being done madly, wildly, with great speed. For months, the plaintiffs in this suit have been treated to the "best of the best" low-down, dirty tactics in the Ocwen/Moss/Litton arsenal. If Hanson will not give in, Ocwen/Moss/Litton will destroy this case by other, more devious, means....

Mr. Hanson and his team are becoming frantic as to what to do. No matter how much noise they make or how many briefs are filed, they cannot get Judge Droney's attention. They see what is happening, but no amount of effort on their part can alert the judge to the insidious plot being carried out by Ocwen/Moss/Litton right under his nose! The judge is under Ocwen/Moss/Litton's spell, and no longer seems able to do his duty!

Finally, in sheer desperation, Mr. Hanson gathers the bands of all the high schools in the surrounding area so positions them all around the courthouse. Each band is instructed to play any songs that they like as long as they are LOUD! Ten different bands, playing ten different songs, and the spell is finally broken. Judge Droney begins to revise, very slowly, as the spell was a deep one and hard to break.

Alas, it is too late! The case is no longer valid because Ocwen/Moss/Litton has "disposed" of all the contested loans through sale or foreclosure! There are no plaintiffs left, except for poor Mr. Hanson! Ocwen has succeeded in taking over Planet Earth!

Judge Droney is now unemployed because on Planet Ocwen/Moss/Litton, people are dealt with differently than on Earth. There are no courts there; Ocwen/Moss/Litton decides who is guilty and what the penalty should be. These ill fated folks do not even have to have done anything wrong to be subjected to this design; it is completly random as to who gets "punished".

People are forced to mortgage a home with Ocwen and/or its evil twin, Litton Loan, and endure years of torment and torture at the hands of these despicable entities. Moss gets to send horrible letters to the sentenced parties, adding to their grief and sadness. A plan we kind-hearted Earth dwellers would call "cruel and unusual punishment" is the norm there.

Judge Droney stretches, shrugs his shoulders and prepares to leave the room.

"Not so fast, earthling," growls one of the Ocwen attorneys.

"You were rude and slept through our entire slide presentation", says one of the Litton attorneys.

"We really hate it when someone does that", growls Bill Erby, fearless leader of the Ocwenites. "We know that Planet Ocwen/Moss/Litton is not as pretty as Earth since most of our population is forced to live in the streets and all the empty houses are falling down. But, it was still very rude of you to snore during the whole thing!"

Larry Litton, Jr. smiles slyly. "Since you did not seem to be paying much attention to any of this and let us take over your world, we have prepared these documents specially for you."

Judge Droney begins to sweat.

"Since we believe that you have failed in your duty as a human judge by allowing this to happen, we have decided to skip the originating loan documents and go straight to a forbearance agreement."

Moss and Co. smile. "You know this means that we will put forced-placed insurance and tons of legal fees on your back. And we will destroy your happiness and sel-esteem in this process, but since we have no emotions ourselves, this means nothing to us!"

"But, b-but..", Judge Droney stammers. "M-my home is almost paid for. And Y-YOU are not my lenders.."

"We are NOW", says Mr. Erby. "We took over your note while you were sleeping! You now owe us $1,000,000,001.98 more than you owed your previous lender! Our legal fees are VERY high on Planet Ocwen/Moss/Litton and we forgive nothing. You seemed to feel that all of this was fine for the people involved in the suit that we conspired to do away with. Why are you so distressed now?"

Judge Droney continues to back toward the door, shaking his head. "This can't be happening", he moans. "I have studied and worked hard. I was Citizen of the Year, for Pete's sake! I go to church! I've been to law school. This is illegal! I have been a good man."

"It really does not matter to us who you are, or how good a person you may be", says Mr. Litton. "Our only concern is that we get all your money and eventually put you out in the street. Our goal is to have your house! We simply cannot get enough houses. Every house on this planet will be ours someday!"

Mr. Litton laughs evilly. "As for what is legal; the people in power on your planet have allowed us to do this for years! Why shoud that change now?"

Judge Droney is pale and he looks around wildly, seeking some escape.

Mr. Erby says quietly. "We learned centuries ago that the quickest and easiest way to conquer any planet is to simply demoralize the entire population. And what better way than to kick them out of the homes that they love without a cent to their name? That way we are not forced to use weapons and possibly destroy all those beautiful houses. Earthlings are very adaptable, and usually survive well in the outdoors for a time. Until winter comes, anyway. But, that is no concern of ours."

"No, no, no", wails Judge Droney. "This cannot be happening! This is a nightmare!"

"Oh, but it IS happening and there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop it," says Mr. Erby, stepping forward and waving the paperwork under Judge Droney's nose. "Does anyone have a pen?"

At that moment, Mr. Hanson and his attorneys burst into the room and yell. "We..."


Is this real, or is Judge Droney still sleeping and just having a horrible nightmare?

Will the evil Ocwen/Moss/Littonites really be allowed to take over our world?

And what WAS Mr. Hanson about to say? "We....object? Or was he going to say "We...have a pen!"?

Tune in next week, same time, same station for the next exciting episode of "Hanson v. Ocwen/Moss/Litton: Legal Battle for Planet Earth" . (Unless Ocwen/Moss/Litton still fail to disclose, which means that all future episodes in this series will be postponed until further notice. Since the producers of this drama fully expect this to happen, we will apologize in advance for any inconvenience.)

Disclaimer: This is fiction. Any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is probably intentional. Some parts of this story ARE true, but some facts may have been stretched just a little to enhance the story experience. It is up to you, dear reader, to sort truth from fiction.

The author of this tale is in no way attempting to protect the innocent; they know who they are! (Sorry, Mr. Hanson; Ocwen/Moss/Litton must go down in fire and brimstone as this author was unable to find even one innocent inhabitant on that planet).

All quotes are fictitious and were probably never said by any of the parties mentioned here. It is entirely possible that they may be uttered by these people at some point in the future, so they will remain in the story.

Any questions you may have will probably never be answered. Keep in mind whom we are dealing with here: Ocwen/Moss/Litton!

AND THIS IS THE END of the class action explanation offered by the gifted, kind writer. Get it now!

But, since this is not simply fiction for us, we got to send Certified Letters to Judge Droney complaining about this delays. Criminal Ocwen is having a temper tantrum now. We have to inundate Droney with our letters (we don't have to go into the details of our personal experiences. We only need to tell them that Ocwen is victimizing us all the time while he gives them time, and time!)

Oh, Lord! The only thing we really have is TIME, the TIME of our life. Let's fight for our life, and for our families. Let's send him CERTIFIED letters between October 1 and 15, so he is obligated to sign them all together, all the time, every day (We need him ALERT!). WE NEED AN STRONG LETTER-WRITING CAMPAIGN STARTING NOW!

Send your letters to:

Honorable Christopher F. Droney
United States District Judge
450 Main Street
Hartford, Conneticut 06103

Copy down his address, and print out this report with the clear class action explanation.

For our children and for our elders, for our families, for our Honor, for our Life. WINTER IS NEAR!



Litton gets some media attention. Hanson v. Ocwen: Litton is named in this suit. The fight is ON right NOW! Contact info. File your Rip-Off Reports!

#21Consumer Comment

Wed, September 03, 2003

Litton Loan is getting a spotlight shone on it. WSOC-TV out of Charlotte, North Carolina did a feature on Litton Loan dated February 17, 2003. This feature can be accessed here:

Like poisonous mushrooms, Litton Loan and all predatory lenders do their best work in the dark. When the hot, bright lights of media exposure get shone on them, the scheme begins first, to wilt and then die. Federal agencies become involved, more and more people come forward to tell their stories, and next thing you know they go POOF!

In the immediate future, there is Hanson v Ocwen, which names Litton Loan as well as Ocwen. First, file your own Rip-Off Report right here. Next, contact Mr. Hanson about sending your affidavit to be included in this suit. Affidavits can be sent to:

Kweku Hanson
487 Main Street, Suite #2
Hartford, Connecticut 06103

Please act quickly on this as many things will be happening with this suit very soon and time is of the essence. Litton Loan is very much a part of this scandal and needs to be held accountable!

As always, prayers!



Litton Loan gets some media attention. Hanson v. Ocwen: Litton is named in this suit. The fight is ON right NOW! The clock is ticking. Contact info in this report. File your Rip-Off Reports; send affidavits!

#21Author of original report

Tue, September 02, 2003

Litton Loan is getting a spotlight shone on it. WSOC-TV out of Charlotte, North Carolina did a feature on Litton Loan dated February 17, 2003. This feature can be accessed here:

Like poisonous mushrooms, Litton Loan and all predatory lenders do their best work in the dark. When the hot, bright lights of media exposure get shone on them, the scheme begins first, to wilt and then die. Federal agencies become involved, more and more people come forward to tell their stories, and next thing you know they go POOF!

In the (REALLY)immediate future, there is Hanson v Ocwen, which names Litton Loan as well as Ocwen. First, file your own Rip-Off Report right here. Next, contact Mr. Hanson about sending your affidavit to be included in this suit. Affidavits can be sent to:

Kweku Hanson
487 Main Street, Suite #2
Hartford, Connecticut 06103

Please act quickly on this as many things will be happening with this suit very soon and time is of the essence. Litton Loan is very much a part of this scandal and needs to be held accountable!

As always, prayers!



The TRUTH ..Our own government turns its head to this fraud.

#21Consumer Suggestion

Mon, September 01, 2003

Consumers who have been caught in this net of criminal activity are labeled as dead beats.

Those who have signed mortgage contracts with these Predatory Lenders are set up to fail as payments are lost, refused, etc. by the servicing corporations who handle contracts for the lending industry.

Our own government turns its head to this fraud. The media must know that these criminals have labeled consumers as dead beats, but what the media does not know, or will not acknowledge is...Predatory Lending Servicers and their subsidiaries are STEALING our homes! Consumers are being bombarded by late fees, attorney fees, threats of foreclosure and homelessness, due to the blatent theft by these Predators.

These criminals MUST be held accountable for their actions. Investors MUST be made aware that this is NOT just a money making operation. Families are being torn apart by these ruthless business tycoons. I hope and pray that the mortgage servicing industry will be exposed for what they REALLY are and the powers that be will either reform or shut them down!



Foreclosure is ABSOLUTELY THE NAME OF THE GAME in this vicious system! Judge Droney, the coffee is ready to be served!

#21Consumer Comment

Fri, August 29, 2003

We all knew that Ocwen works very hard toward foreclosures. However, I had no idea how hard Litton Loan works toward that goal until I found this document. (The ED removed the link to this document in my first post, which rather took the teeth out of the part concerning Litton Loan. The ED does what he has to do, but this info is vital to see the whole picture)

No problem! I went back to the original source document and there is NO copyright on it, so I will copy the text and credit the source here. This information is from a publication called The Bottom Line Volume1, Issue 11, dated November 2001.

(There is a disclaimer which I will copy here in the interest of fairness and legality: The opinions expressed by outside authors in The Bottom Line are their own and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Clayton, its directors, officers or employees. Any legal information provided is for informational purposes and shall not be deemed legal advice or create an attorney/client relationship. Readers should seek the advice of counsel with respect to their particular circumstances.)

This a partial excerpt because the whole document would make this post extremely long: (I have also removed the urls from the actual document in the interest of keeping this information available)


Consider Litton Loan Services LP to be a highly web-enabled servicer. With three separate web sites; www.**********.com serving borrowers, www.************.com for attorneys, and www.******.com serving securities investors, this Houston-based subsidiary of C-Bass is a model of efficient communication. The web sites have helped Litton significantly grow its portfolio without increasing the staff. The sites also speed communications and processing with borrowers and attorneys, and keep securities investors up-to-date on the value of their investments.

"It's changed our life," says Larry B. Litton Jr., executive vice president. For instance, the web site initiated about a year ago for attorneys has allowed Litton to expand its foreclosure portfolio 130 percent without adding more staff, says Litton. Yes, this servicer WANTS foreclosures. Handling a $9.5 billion portfolio of about 120,000 loans, Litton Loan Servicing focuses on die tough stuff -subprime and loans that were originated as prime but are now sub- or nonperforming. Some 8,500 loans are currently in bankruptcy, 7,500 are in foreclosure, and about 1,500 are REO.

"By design, because we buy distressed assets, our overall delinquency rate ranges from 30 to 35 percent, " Litton explains. The company also services securities for parent C-Bass, but in an arrangement that's a twist from the norm. "C-Bass purchases subprime and nonperforming loans, scratch-and-dent, and reperforming assets," Litton explains. "We service them. And as we cure the loans and get lots of cash flowing again, C-Bass pools the loans to sell in securities. So they're not your standard subprime securities. Ours have a little hair on them "

The rest of this article concerns all the web-based and technological tools in place to forcibly extract payments from difficult borrowers and/or speed up the foreclosure process!

This entire company seems to be geared toward getting homes foreclosed as quickly and painlessly (for Litton and the attorneys involved) as possible.

I was amazed to find a company set up this way in regard to mortgages. These are not broken cars or appliances that people get disgusted with and decide to let go back. These are peoples homes! I cannot believe that there are that many people just willing to let their homes go back.

Well, maybe I can in this scenario. By the time Ocwen has harassed and worried a borrower for any length of time and then sells the account to Litton for state-of-the-art tormenting, there has to be a certain amount of demoralization occurring. I am sure that a percentage of these foreclosures occur because the borrowers simply cannot deal with the stress any longer.

Eventually, one would come to the realization that there is no chance of redemption regardless of the amount of money thrown at these companies. They are determined to get the home and bankrupt the borrower in the process. The constant hassle of trying to make a mortgage payment by certified mail or Western Union in order to keep a paper trail in place, the constant phone calls, both to and from these servicers I can see the stress getting anyone down after awhile.

A from Akron is correct. This whole scheme is geared toward keeping the investors happy and the quarterly reports looking good and rosy. The whole non-prime mortgage servicing industry is a scandal; name your company.

Eventually, very few people in this country will be able to buy a home because of the machinations of these companies. The only thing that seems to bring them more joy than getting your home is that they have the ability to devastate credit reports! The scam will fall under its own weight eventually, but we will have a nation of homeless families by then! UNACCEPTABLE!

I have been following Ocwens stock and it is fluctuating wildly these days. But, every time it tanks, something miraculous occurs and pulls it out of the toilet right before the flush! Check out who is pulling it out of the toilet. interesting reading and so obvious to see what is going on. Hope the investors are paying attention and not just relying on those reports.(Think Enron and MCI/WorldCom; the accepted accounting practices in place today are far too easy to legally manipulate and major reform needs to be done in this area.)

So, I hope that Judge Droney wakes up and smells the coffee soon. He sounds like a basically good man faced with some tough decisions. He is also a highly educated man. I still cannot fathom why he is choosing to handle this case in such a lop-sided manner. If something does not change soon, some of us citizens may have to begin asking some hard questions.

I continue to keep all Ocwen/Moss/Litton victims in my prayers. I have added Judge Droney to my list. A passionate plea that God may touch his heart and let the scales fall from his eyes to see beyond Ocwens propaganda right into their black, evil hearts.

If human intervention will not bring justice, we will rely on the Divine!



Predatory Lending, Different Companies, SAME OUTCOME...FORECLOSURE

#21Consumer Comment

Thu, August 28, 2003

The Feds know that this is going on. These companies know EXACTLY what they are doing! Keep the INVESTORS happy at Wall Street and who cares what happens to the millions of families that they put out into the streets! MGIC, C-Bass, PMI, GE, Citigroup...We need REFORM and we need it NOW!

These are the the financial backers of the Predatory Lenders who service Litton Loan Servicing, Fairbanks, etc...SUBPRIME LENDERS MUST BE STOPPED!

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