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  • Report:  #603556

Complaint Review: Ocwen Loan Servicing LLC

Ocwen Loan Servicing LLC Ocwen is a Preditory Lenders and they will get a lawyer and they just want your home back they promise to give u a loan modification! But they lie and say they never recieve your paper work when they Ocwen Loan Servicing forclosed on my house while they was suspose to be working on a loan modifcation for me. They lied and told my lawyers that they never recieved my paper work when i sent it in Sicklerville, New Jersey

  • Reported By:
    Myra — Sicklerville New Jersey United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Sat, May 15, 2010
  • Updated:
    Mon, March 05, 2012

Hi Ocwen Loan Servicing,LLC forclosed on my home while they was suspose to be helping me save it! They told my lawyers that i never sent in my paper work which i did and each time i did i got a returned reciet.Ocwen gave me a 12.75 percent interest rate which is preditory! I got in a accident and was down for awhile! I payed a company to do a loan audit for me! Ocwen then came back and said that my packet was incomplete and they ask me for about 5 documents i sent them in twice with a returned reciet. So ocwen then notify's me by email telling me to send in this paper i work i did it twice and they told my lawyers they never recieve my paper work and thats why they forclosed on my home! Well i am still in the home because i am fighting them to the last drum roll its sad how they just want to take your investment like that especailly if they can make some money off of your home! I am fighting and with the help of mankind and god i know i will win! Me and my family donot deserve to be out in the street behind some darn cooks! They send people to your house like the shierff trying to force you out which is not right! Then they give your home to a real estate agent to sell! Where is the money that Obama made for homeowners that need help like me! They also put a Judgment on my credit who going to give me a place after they done something like that.They definally should be closed the down and somebody need to put a stop to them! If its someone i will. If anyone know anybody that can help me shut them down are sue them just email me

5 Updates & Rebuttals

Carlyn mccabe

union city,
New Jersey,

Corrupt Banks,Fraud, Deceit: This is what the USA has come to?

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, March 05, 2012

Thanks to Karl and Ed's site we have been given some importanf facts on what is going on in the USA, I guess its been goibg on for such a long time an now are we all doomed??

It is unbelievable that all of this information is being posted on Ripoff Report yet these entities such as Ocwen continue the fraud: "State of The Union Address: There will be a tax break for any business that brings their work hereein the United States: "Wake up Call" Ocwen has their calling centers in Uruguay & India, I believe they are getting all kinds of tax breaks??

Why are individuals who are paying their mortgages being subject to the abuse of misapplied payments,insuarnace not credited,unapplied escrow??

This is a company with locations all over the country and they can't even get an address straight?
I fear that they can get away with almost anything,it really is kind of scary!!

I don't get it there  is  negative information involving Freddie & Fannie ,our government gave Ocwen HAMP funds yet no one seems to be getting assisted .

Getting back to the DeMarco scam which involved 120 individuals facing foreclosure: We are like the defendants now: Fraud,Forgery,Equity Stripping,Unsigned documents,HUD Fraud,all of these crimes were committed yet nothing being done, after we paid rent,were robbed of equity due to ballooned appraisals.after title companies,attorneys,Mortgage brokers all took part in these actions against our homes  we are the bad guys.

Ocwen on behalf of Fredddie Mac can offer "no assumption or resolution to the property" DeMarco was caught by the FBI (thanks to Ed and Ripoff Report) I was receiving calls from the FBI,summons from the court stating " We may be able to save your home" but now that DeMarco is awaiting trial and the starw buyers have all filed Bankruptcy,Foreclosure we the once homeownesr who lost our money to title fees,broker fees,unsigned documents "no resolution for you" ???

I would venture to say the "Bad Guys won " We were in foreclsoure to start with as the banks stated, we don't have any money to put down on a home: We would have,had DeMarco real estate investors not kept the proceeds and took rents from us.

So United States government this is how we are left, worse tahn ever because some investors received a payoff on our homes,so they get their pay offs and file chapter 13,foreclosure and go on with their lives.

Isn't this just great: This is America now,someone steals your home and now you are the bad guy.

Sadly Karl is right,we are at the hands of greed,corrupt,deceitful individuals and it goes back to the root of all evil "MONEY

"Say it isn't so Barack Obama" Pleas help us, Read the reports, we are the voters, no many of us are not rich but we were trying to  become homeowners again. It's fair for us to lose these homes that were fraudulently given to investors?
We put the downpayments on thes homes,now greedy banks want to get a better portfolio and just take our homes?

What about the homeowners who were not involved in this scam? Is anyone reading each and everyday what is being done to them? To make matters worse they have to spaek to individuasl in India? Is this what has happened in the USA??

Its getting very depressing: The world has ended in some aspects as we once knew it. Foreign banks taking  over our Government,stealing homes, making life miserable for so many.

There is no" Save the American Dream" It is now "This is your Nightmare" we are not in the Twilight and yes this is raelly happenning!!

So Ed once again we thank you: Now for our senators,Congressman,our President: Can you take the time and read these true horror stories? We who are going through this hell are the ones that vote and put you where you are. 'Help Us "

We need more advocates Like Ed and Ripoff Report and also wow what would we do without the First Amendment?

Can someone please help us,so we don't lose what was taken from us in a corrupt scam?? Anthony DeMarco did not act alone,why are the some of the participants be rewarded ?

United States Government please help, Don't Punish Us.


Highlands Ranch,


#6Consumer Comment

Sat, March 03, 2012

bankers who also control Wall Street and even the price of oil, according to information that is available on the web.

Anyone can 'Google' the following ten videos and watch them on the web for PROOF-











Thank You


Carlyn mccabe

union city,
New Jersey,

We still need help: our homes were stolen;Banks don't Care: Help us U.S.Government,Where is Justice for us here in America??

#6Consumer Comment

Sat, March 03, 2012

There is only one advocate taht is trying to help us and thats Ed and the staff at Ripoff Report,i guess big banks and Ocwen,LLC just thrive on the fact that they can take our homes.

It's all about money,a crime is committed,millions of dollars are stolen and  alot of the criiminals got away with it,I am sure there were some investors who wanted to help,but most of them just did it for the money,some investors took out loans on our homes too and the banks are really pissed about that.

When you  are a big entity such as "Ocwen,LLC "you are allowed to make typo errors and big ones,they don't even have to put the correct address,or the correct city,they can misapply payments,confuse loan numbers, and just get richer and  the outsourcing continues.

I still don't get it,all of us are writing on Ripoff Report and this is the bank that is working with Freddie M to save the American Dream??

In our situation with DeMarco, it may be partly our fault,we were in Foreclosure and wanted to save our homes,but is anyone reading these reports?  These people are paying there mortgage and Ocwen is just  losing paper work,losing payments.

Back to DeMarco,Ocwen and the lawyers and a lot of people think we are wrong,because we have not saved up money while this was going on, how could we.

We would have been better off going into foreclosure because than at laest we could have had the proceeds from the sale, from my home he received 150,000 he scammed 120 homeowners so all of that money was stolen plus he collected rent.

This is how stupid we were :we sell our homes to a real estate investor and than we pay him rent,he is suppose to be setting up escrow instead he just keeps it all for himself,I have  my cancelled checks,don't know if he ever paid TBW.

Nobody even wants to go over the DeMarco scam anymore,some of the banks involved were closed down,all that money was stolen,title companies charged exorbitant fees, and we will never be whole again the whole thing was fraud.

I hope Our Government will look into all of these reports,It is unfair for anyone to have to talk to India and Uruguay when it comes to your home in America and Ocwen could get a tax break if they hire here in America.

Though a lot of people think we who were scammed by DeMarco are lucky and we have to fend for ourselves nows now: It's not fair, a crime was committed ,there is hud fraud and unsigned documents and though we were believing him at a despaate time in our lives,we tried to do the right thing and DeMarco and all his investors got our equity,the banks are getting our homes and thats what justice is all about.

I am still looking for a broker,I need to save my house: Any honest Broker plese remember we paid DeMarco,we will pay you . Plese Help Save our homes,we don't want it to be this way,we worked for these homes and why do teh investors get to File foreclosure and Bankrutcy when they never lived in the homes aan they also got money fronm Anthony Demarco.

Thank You Ed and staff and thank you U.S. Government and FBI for catching DeMarco very sad for us that were scammed we are the bad guys now,no one wants to help.

You have to be a big rich bank to get bailed out,this is called" justice" in the USA!!

Carlyn mccabe

union city,
New Jersey,

United States Government,Justice Department,For the sake of us all*******Please Help***Why is all this going on

#6Consumer Comment

Fri, March 02, 2012

I am so sorry for you and for each and everyone of us: What is so very sad at the same time very scary is Ocwen along with Freddie Mac is working with our Government.
Thats right! They are suppose to be saving the "American Dream" it is very difficult for Ocwen to get an address correct on a letter from their attorneys,but they shrug it off as a typo error and than a few days later my home is on the internet.

My situation is due to my ignorance and fear of losing my home: Now that I see what happened to us involved in this foreclosure scam we would have been better off selling our homes because at least then we would have received money for the homes.

Now that the investors got their share of the money,after we paid rent,in my case 2900! while others paid rent as high as 3400 and higher we are the bad guys now.
What is being said is we should have lots of money saved because after all you have not paid a mortgage in over 3 years.

Well consider this: 120 of us were scammed by DeMarco,Rei and for arguments sake a home had a balance of 172,00 DeMarco had" his own appraisers" come in and appraise the property for 365,000
Demarco than sets up an agreement; You will get a cash out of 34,000 to get you back on your feet,
a reserve will be set up hardsips ,your rent will be 1900,  the equity from the sale will be set aside and DeMarco,REI will take a fee of about 25,000.

DeMarco REI than had loan officers pick us up and bring us to Title comapanies: These numbers all chnged at the closing company,the rent was now 2900,the cash out now was 17,000 and there is a notary public on the scene conferencing you to DeMarcos other slugs : I was told that the numbers were incorrect and I would get more of a cash out ,the taxes in my city went up,think of it like its still your house. (Remember how much equity you have)

Anthony DeMarco and his real estate investors did this scenario to 120 individuals, some did not get 1 dime. DeMarco kept it all.
Thanks to Ed Magedson and his site,which is truly one of the best sites in the country,everyone was writing and in December of 2010 Anthony DeMarco and four other slugs were arrested.

Please keep in mind that we were in foreclsoure to begin with: Demarco was giving us a fresh start so we could be home owners again and had all that equity set aside.
Of course we are going to pay that 3000 dollar rent.
Anthony just got 150,000 from the sale of your home and you are also paying him rent.
Paying 2900 a month rent when you are working part time is a lot,hey 2900 a month rent is a lot for a real  rich person not in foreclsoure!!

I am paying this rent for 6 months when I ask for my reserves I am told thats for your down payment. I was told not to pay DeMarco that rent by the banking commission hold in an escrow account ,but i was afraid I would get put out.

Here we are four years later,all our equity stripped,no reserves no down payment and people are saying we should have a lot of money.
We gave Demarco millions of dollars in equity,many of us paid rent,many of us were just totally scammed;no cash out nothing!!!
Why don't all you fancy attorneys cut the crap: noone wants to represent us because the money is gone,but what happened to us in a financial tragedy and now no one wants to help we are more or less the defendants now.

So now there are all these plans out there implemented by our Government,yet people like us reporting on RipOff are just pushed aside??
We are living in a cruel world and there are not many out there who want to help. "Money' Money and more Money is what its all about and this Newco they just don't care.

The situation with us and DeMarco is one situation but these other individuals who are experiencing,misapplied payments, unapplied escrow, having to spaek to Uruguay and India what is going on????

This was suppose to be stopping,its not, all I hear is the election,the election,Super pacs and Freddie MAc paying Newt G. millions of dollars.
What about the tax payers who vote and pay their mortgages? Don't they desreve more than  a calling center in India when it is dealing with their homes??

What about us who were scammed out of our equity and paid rents equal to a 500,000 mortgage ?
The banks got bailed out,Ocwen got money for HAMP and just too bad for us? We are  voters and taxpayers.
Who raelly cares about us????

Consumer advocates such as Ed Magesdson thats who: Ripoff is free and Ed and his staff get all the facts for all to see and read.

Okay,Congressman,Mr, Obama all you politicians: Help us,Why is this going on with Ocwen when they are suppose to be helping us,they should not get any tax breaks they are outsourcing their work.

Can someone please help us; You helped the banks,Cruel things are being done to hard working Americans READ RIPOFF REPORT!!!

Ed and all of you at Ripoff I extend my  thanks  once again for allowing me to sound off. Ripoff and Ed not too many left like you and  what would we do without this site???


Highland Park,
New Jersey,
United States of America


#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, February 20, 2011

WE BORROWED AT 9.9% IN 2007 20,000 IM IN NEW JERSEY ALSO   I CONMTACTED THE GOVERNOR Chris Christie ,The President of The United States of America Barrack Obama , also Sen Frank Laugtenberg, The FBI MORTGAGE FRAUD UNIT,<My Mom and i are afraid they are trrying  to take our house call me (((Redacted)))  Im Frank my cell is(((Redacted)))
(((Redacted)))   Frank M  they tried paying our taxes early and raised the loan 70 a month were at 280  from 220   plus 1800 a quarter taxes   WHY GOD WHY!   they need to be stopped by all means nessesary!  yahoo im yospuynik   contact me we need to get all NJ victims together

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