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  • Report:  #50976

OCWEN rip-off Orlando Florida

  • Reported By:
    oakland California
  • Submitted:
    Sun, March 30, 2003
  • Updated:
    Mon, April 28, 2003

After almost2 years of unemployment I failed to pay my mortgage for two months in a row back in October of 2002. OCWEN bank started threatening me about forclosing my little 2-bedroom resident in Oakland, CA. I contacted the agent in charge of my account, namely Mr. Kevin Hodhgekins and convinced him of accepting two months of late payments. He and I set up a deadline for Friday the 26th of October, 2002, for me to pay off about $3000. my mortgage payment was almost $1500 at the time. With extreme difficulty I borrowed the amount at %67 quarterly interest. On that Friday the 26th of October, 2002, I kept calling Mr. Kevin Hodhgekins office from 2pm to about 4:45pm trying to get instructions from him on how and where to send the check.

I was not successful and never got any answer on the phone. I quickly called OCWEN's main number and spoke with another representative describing the situation. I asked her to record the serial number of the cashier check in my account as well as leave the fax machine on so that I could send in a copy of the check too. I did all of that and basically ran to the post office where I mailed the check to OCWEN.

In a week or so I started receiving foreclosure notices plus a rejected envelope containing that cashiers check for $3000. I became completely surprised and disappointed and began contacting Mr. Kevin Hodhgekins.

He simply down played the fact that he did not live up to our appointment by not being present in his office in the afternoon of that Friday or for that matter ignoring the continous ringing of his phone. I was able to convinc him to avert the foreclosure process and put me on a forebearance plan. In a few days he faxed me the paper work and I realized i am supposed to pay a lump sum of about $5000 right away plus paying almost $300 extra on my monthly payments for two years.

All of this financial damage for missing two months of payments. I objected and almost begged Mr. Kevin Hodhgekins to reduce some of these charges considering the miserable unployment status I was under. He rejected everything and threatened me to either sign or face foreclosure.

Anyway, I signed and faxed the papers back to him. The next day, I borrowed more expensive money and wired the sum of about five grand to OCWEN. Now, I am supposed to pay $1761 in monthly payments instead of $1500. I kept making my payments by virtually selling most of my belongins, i.e. car, carpet.. By the month of February, 2003, I ran out of cash and realized there is no way I could make payments to OCWEN any more.

I decided to sell my property and release myself from this horandous financial responsibility. It took me
less to two months to find a buyer for my house during which time period I missed making payments and hence fell behind for the months of February and March of 2003. Right aftermy meeting with the buyer on Sunday the 9th of march, 2003, I started calling OCWEN pretty much every single day spending virtually hours on the phone while going through their automated system in order to get to a person.

Every time i called and finally talked to a person I clearly tried to make them understand that I am selling my house and that I have buyer plus informing them that they would get their money very soon. I also requested a pay off statement right in the beginning on Monday or Tuesdaythe 10th/11th of march, 2003. On the 20th of march, 2003, after the buyer and I signed the contract and the sale of my peroperty became finall I called Mr.

Kevin Hodhgekinsand lefthim a detailed voice mail informing him that I have asked the buyer for lending money to me in order to pay the payments I was behind of and that he has promissed me he would do that by the week end of 23rd of march, 2003. That week end came and the buyer brought me $5000 at the rate of %100 interest to be paid back by the close of escrow. Since I did not want to just lose my property to the bank as well as escape all those forclosure charges I accepted and got the money from him. On Monday the 24th of March, 2003, I received a statement from OCWENasking me for paying an amount of little over %5000 in order to cover three months of payment for February, March, and April, 2003.

Since I was ready to pay and enough money to do that I called OCWEN informing them that I will send the the requested amoun in the statement in about half an hour using western Union money transfer. They quickly stopped me and indicated I should not do that because it will be rejected. I, baffled than ever, replied why, what is the matter??. The representative said it is because your house has been sold and is no longer subject of monthly payments. I became like an explosive ready to explode while I kept asking him about all those phone calls I made informing them about the sale of my house and that the deal is in escrow plus the fact I had already accepted very expensive cash from the buyer in order to just pay OCWEN.

Basically, the representative had nothing to say and eventually hang up on me. Now, the buyer has informed me he is suiting me on several grounds plus the fact that I canstantly receive phone calls from OCWEN's agents asking me to vacant my property as soon as possible. Since this little house was/is the last thing I have/had on this planet and the fact that I am still unemployed I have no where to go, no money to spend, no more belongings to sell. I put about $20000 worth of down payment two years ago for purchasing this house plus I have been making expensive payments for two years. In addition, I have spent close to $4000 improving this property yet have no right whatsoever in terms determining the faith of it.

I don't know. I just feel like a dead man and have no hope in even staying alive. Please help me out get out of this situation and finish the sale of my house. Please!

Thank you very much.

oakland, California

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on OCWEN Federal Bank Financial Services

2 Updates & Rebuttals



Oakland Help

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, April 26, 2003

In addition to the thoughtful response given above, I would contact your city officials. Oakland has very strong anti predatory lending laws and the Mayor Ex governor Brown should be interested in helping. Worth a try.



you should seek counsel

#3Consumer Suggestion

Thu, April 03, 2003

I know things seem rough right now and you might feel like not going on, but please believe this too will pass. I don't know what kind of relationship you have with the lord, but only he can pull you through this matter. Believe me, he has worked things out in my favor with Ocwen and it was worked out so that you had to know it was god that did it. Greater is he that is within you, than he that is within Ocwen.

Just a year ago, I was in an awful situation with this horrible mortgage co and I didn't feel like going on either. However, I knew that as long as I kept clinging on Jesus, there was hope....And it was! Now, I'm from under these people. I had to learn to believe god and his promises and to have faith. Even though fear and rejection come against us, the Holy Spirit can help us to walk in faith regardless of those feelings.

Also, during all this you should seek counsel (attorney). There are legal aids for people such as yourself who is unemployed. You'll have to stress to them that you're on a time frame and ask for a quick appointment.

There are investors who will also buy your house without you moving out and will sell it right back to you. Now, where to find them in Oakland, I don't know.

I'm sorry to hear that you're going through so much. My prayers are with you.

Pray, Pray, Pray! Prayer changes things.

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