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  • Report:  #379819

Complaint Review: OFFICE MAX

Office MAX, OFFICE MAX denies employee employment status Yakima Washington

  • Reported By:
    yakima Washington
  • Submitted:
    Thu, October 09, 2008
  • Updated:
    Fri, May 29, 2009
    Yakima, Washington
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I worked for office max they falsely deny you of your benefits; this is the only company that would do such a thing. I have done everything to sell there add-on to try to get their customer's signed on to this max perks. As soon as you are interviewed and sign sum papers the store manager briefly says anything about seasonal position. However, that is not the point the point is that once I tried getting my benefits they outright lie about your employment status. Instead of firing you, they say you quit the job intentionally.

Here is how: when I worked for office max of July 2008 to Sept '08 my 90 day grace period I did everything by the book. However, here is the catch the day before my 90-day period I was short a large amount. It was acknowledge by one of the employee supervisors (the manager on duty) and the next day I was pulled into the office for that following reason not only that his excuse was I wasn't the right fit and not only that the job was seasonal I pleaded with him and even compared to him on what opportunity, In whether I chose this job or a us cellular. I told him that I choose this job because I thought positive about the place. Bad mistake instead of thinking to choosing US cellular I am left without a job until Christmas and mass load of bills to pay. I was hoping to get my benefits and looking for a job at the same time until I am hired. However, no, I am denied my benefits and have to make an appeal.

The employer's response is that they assumed that I quit the job unknowingly because of the Loss prevention counseling and was not aware of it. How so? When I had to take extensive amount of training courses (company policy) with the company why did I have to get LP counseling if I took regorious LP quizzes. In addition, the store manager did not abide by the company policy to get me verbal or written actions. Instead, terminate me on the spot.

I have called a quite a bit of office maxes to make sure what were the following procedures. And yet this is my 1st till shortage out of the 90 day's that I worked their In addition, here is Once Archie the store manager from the Kirkland office max says:yes that's shock, its states in the office max rule book that if your short that much you cant take into consideration just to terminate you, you can't be liable for that just one transaction, you have to go through many steps to get actually terminated.

the moral of the story is always when you want to try and get your benefits alway's try to ask for a seperate sheet of paper of your termination and read it thoroughly.


Yakima Washington

yakima, Washington

18 Updates & Rebuttals




#19UPDATE Employee

Fri, May 29, 2009

I'm curious as to who you are, because I was working there at that time.

I've experienced the same thing. Until the new store manager arrived, I was averaging 40+ hours a week, and had been for a solid 4 months. I've worked there for well over a year at this point, and I've been there longer than all but two of the managers... yet I'm still considered part time and am getting no benefits. According to our site, even part time employees are supposed to earn PTO after being employed for 6 months. At the beginning of this year I'd earned 8.00000 hours... we're almost 6 months into this year and it hasn't changed by a second.

As far as cash handling, this is obviously discressionary. I've seen people get fired for their till being off by exactly $2.00 ... and I've seen one particular manager be short over $20 at least three times... then short $50 another time... after which he counted his till down and would not allow anyone to verify his funds for quite a while after that. Officially, "it's not anyone's business."

However, this is the least of Office Max's problems. This same manager has been caught stealing on multiple occasions, and repeatedly rung him self up for purchases, using coupons he didn't have. Until the ink program changed, he would regularly find just over $15 worth of products, and simply ring himself up with the $15 credit from ink cartridges. He's been reported for sexual harassment, and for a period of time consistently called us "n***ers" over the radio headsets. All of these were brought to the attention to the other managers, who again, assured me that it was "none of my business."

More concerning is after all this, in October 2008, when a co-worker saw him making copies of a temporary license plate from Arkansas for his car. He'd worked here for months, and I've noticed he kept getting new out-of-state temporary license plates, but this time someone saw him actually make and alter duplicates at work, on the clock, using company machines. This is a felony, and was reported to management, who again told us all that "it's none of your business." 8 months later, he still has temporary Arkansas license plates. Although I don't know of anyone seeing him print these at work, he's been seen doing it before and he has access to the print area without supervision.

After making the above reports against said manager (Keep in mind, Office Max has an open door policy. In the break room there is at least one large poster encouraging employees to report unethical behavior, ensuring that such reports would not have ill-effects for the one reporting), We just happened to get low on hours. Since then I've been cut to an average of 4-8 hours per week. Of course, directly after that, we hired a new person for my position, with exactly my old shift. And, although we were low on hours, we've hired yet another person. Oddly enough, I seem to be the only one in the store with such a significant reduction in hours. Of course, I'm sure that's a coincidence. They couldn't be attempting to choke me into quitting to avoid paying me unemployment. (last couple sentences are to be understood as sarcasm)

Although, I did take note after the store manager fired a previous employee, him talking about how this person tried to claim unemployment. The manager bragged about how he filed a report that would get the unemployment denied and said after chuckling "No one collects unemployment off me!" (based on the time frame, this very well could have been you.)

Not all of the above directly has to do with your case... but you can see what sort of things are permitted by those with the store manager's favor... compared for their reasoning for firing you.

I've been talking to a lawyer who's advised me to just sit back, take notes, and see how deep of a whole they dig themselves.



Moral of the story

#19UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, April 25, 2009

Man steals. Man gets fired. Man wants benefits. Denied!

Anyone not understanding why he is not due unemployment?



how to respond

#19UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, November 20, 2008

First of all, there are 3 register modes.
1 it is your till, and no one can log on to your till .
2 this a public till, and ther are several associates operating on the same till.
3 A manager can log on to any till.

This is the first thing , did you count down your own till?
also there is something else... managers can move oney from different registers to accomidate returns. If a manager does not move a pay out to another register, that will be looked like a loss.

Now lets look at a bad manager, if they are the only one counting down a till, they are in violation and you need to call loss prevention. Officemax has a very good LP.

If you have already been terminated call the state employment agancy.

If there was a primer on how to deal with employers I would be the first person to write it, but there are so many nuances to it that it would make it difficult write.



Seriously, Move on dude!!

#19Consumer Comment

Mon, October 27, 2008

I think you are wasting your time dude. Lets see you ripped off the company, and you no longer have a job? How suprising???!! Your complaining about some sort of benefits? The only benefits you should be getting are those from Bubba in jail. Find a new job, I saw an ad for Mc Donalds. There you go, Move-on. You sound like a leech! I see why you left officemax. I like shopping there and probably would not want you offering me poopie. Take care.




#19Author of original report

Mon, October 13, 2008

"Well in your first sentence you said officemax falsely denied your benefits. You don't receive benefits because you were hired as 'part-time'. Part time employees don't receive benifits from officemax. So i'm not sure how you were 'denied' benefits. Next in the same paragraph you say you tried to get your benefits???? What do you mean? How can you try to get your benefits if you are part-time? No one lied about your employment didn't know or understand your employment status.

Third paragraph you say you were terminated. That is not correct. You voluntarily signed a seperation form that stated you were voluntarily leaving your position. No one made you sign the form, you did it on your own.

Forth paragraph you said you talked to a manager that said you cant terminate for being short one time. Yes he is correct that you have to 'go through steps.' Remember you weren't terminated, you voluntarily left. So officemax didn't have to write you up.

I think you need to move on and let it go. Why are you wasting your time calling other stores when you should be putting your efforts into finding another job to pay your 'load of bills.'"

okay I am talking about my unemployment benefits,

"my employer states that I quit to obtain a better opportunity at such and such. but I refused counseling for being short for such and such to accept a better opportunity. Of course they had no intention of discharging me."

of course I do have quite of bit of evidence disclaiming they "supposedly stating my voluntarily resignation." I have both companies (US CELLULAR AND OFFICE MAX)in my e-mail inbox and the dates in which I applied, how so would that company office max have enough proof just to say I am looking for a better opportunity which in the end I have never recieved it nor because I did not have that employment with US cellular to actually begin in which is being used previously to what I said to him

2nd if you were to file for your unemployement you have to be looking for a job in which I have. or your unemployment would cancel out if you wouldnt find the appropriate amount of job searches



just move on....

#19UPDATE Employee

Mon, October 13, 2008

Well in your first sentence you said officemax falsely denied your benefits. You don't receive benefits because you were hired as "part-time". Part time employees don't receive benifits from officemax. So i'm not sure how you were "denied" benefits. Next in the same paragraph you say you tried to get your benefits???? What do you mean? How can you try to get your benefits if you are part-time? No one lied about your employment didn't know or understand your employment status.

Ok second paragraph you state you were short a large amount of money! Being short a large amount of money is very serious. That along with you not being the right fit for the company is reason to not keep you. And again you say the job was seasonal! Why are you suprised you were let go? Part-time, seasonal, short a large amount of money, and not the right fit. I think those things add up to being let go....but you weren't let go. Read my next paragraph.

Third paragraph you say you were terminated. That is not correct. You voluntarily signed a seperation form that stated you were voluntarily leaving your position. No one made you sign the form, you did it on your own.

Forth paragraph you said you talked to a manager that said you cant terminate for being short one time. Yes he is correct that you have to "go through steps." Remember you weren't terminated, you voluntarily left. So officemax didn't have to write you up.

Fifth paragraph is really funny. "the moral of the story is always when you want to try and get your benefits alway's try to ask for a seperate sheet of paper of your termination and read it thoroughly." I'm not sure really how to follow that, but how can you read through your termination papers if you were never terminated???

I think you need to move on and let it go. Why are you wasting your time calling other stores when you should be putting your efforts into finding another job to pay your "load of bills."



just move on....

#19UPDATE Employee

Mon, October 13, 2008

Well in your first sentence you said officemax falsely denied your benefits. You don't receive benefits because you were hired as "part-time". Part time employees don't receive benifits from officemax. So i'm not sure how you were "denied" benefits. Next in the same paragraph you say you tried to get your benefits???? What do you mean? How can you try to get your benefits if you are part-time? No one lied about your employment didn't know or understand your employment status.

Ok second paragraph you state you were short a large amount of money! Being short a large amount of money is very serious. That along with you not being the right fit for the company is reason to not keep you. And again you say the job was seasonal! Why are you suprised you were let go? Part-time, seasonal, short a large amount of money, and not the right fit. I think those things add up to being let go....but you weren't let go. Read my next paragraph.

Third paragraph you say you were terminated. That is not correct. You voluntarily signed a seperation form that stated you were voluntarily leaving your position. No one made you sign the form, you did it on your own.

Forth paragraph you said you talked to a manager that said you cant terminate for being short one time. Yes he is correct that you have to "go through steps." Remember you weren't terminated, you voluntarily left. So officemax didn't have to write you up.

Fifth paragraph is really funny. "the moral of the story is always when you want to try and get your benefits alway's try to ask for a seperate sheet of paper of your termination and read it thoroughly." I'm not sure really how to follow that, but how can you read through your termination papers if you were never terminated???

I think you need to move on and let it go. Why are you wasting your time calling other stores when you should be putting your efforts into finding another job to pay your "load of bills."


This City,


#19Consumer Comment

Fri, October 10, 2008

You were a seasonal employee and said "before my 90-day period I was short a large amount."

You can work for a company for many years, short "a large amount" is a big deal and the only reason is theft. They let you go quietly instead of pressing charges. Leave it at that.



how soooo

#19Author of original report

Fri, October 10, 2008

okay you said

"First, I think only one update was necessary.

Next, Office Max, like companies across the country, are At-Will Employers, which means they can terminate you without cause if they so wish. The shortage discussion is all a red herring in this case. They said it - you didn't fit into the organization, so they let you go....

Never rely on a company offering you a job based on your loyalty; it's an outdated philosophy and an outdated way of thinking. Best of luck to you."

but yes its an at-will but thats not the point if you read it thoroughly I WAS DENIED MY BENEFITS. Case in point they lied about the whole situation, I am trying to garnish my benefits. they might let me go but I still need my unemployment. they're response was, "THE ASSUMED THAT I VOLUNTARILY QUIT AND WASNT AWARE THAT I NEEDED COUNSELING WITH THE SHORTAGE AMOUNT OF MY TILL AND NEEDED LOSS PREVENTION COUNSELING"

"THEY ASSUMED AND WASNT AWARE" assumed kinda defeats the purpose thats like making an assumption. they made an hypocritical statement because the store manager alway's say never assume to do this or that about your job.



how soooo

#19Author of original report

Fri, October 10, 2008

okay you said

"First, I think only one update was necessary.

Next, Office Max, like companies across the country, are At-Will Employers, which means they can terminate you without cause if they so wish. The shortage discussion is all a red herring in this case. They said it - you didn't fit into the organization, so they let you go....

Never rely on a company offering you a job based on your loyalty; it's an outdated philosophy and an outdated way of thinking. Best of luck to you."

but yes its an at-will but thats not the point if you read it thoroughly I WAS DENIED MY BENEFITS. Case in point they lied about the whole situation, I am trying to garnish my benefits. they might let me go but I still need my unemployment. they're response was, "THE ASSUMED THAT I VOLUNTARILY QUIT AND WASNT AWARE THAT I NEEDED COUNSELING WITH THE SHORTAGE AMOUNT OF MY TILL AND NEEDED LOSS PREVENTION COUNSELING"

"THEY ASSUMED AND WASNT AWARE" assumed kinda defeats the purpose thats like making an assumption. they made an hypocritical statement because the store manager alway's say never assume to do this or that about your job.



how soooo

#19Author of original report

Fri, October 10, 2008

okay you said

"First, I think only one update was necessary.

Next, Office Max, like companies across the country, are At-Will Employers, which means they can terminate you without cause if they so wish. The shortage discussion is all a red herring in this case. They said it - you didn't fit into the organization, so they let you go....

Never rely on a company offering you a job based on your loyalty; it's an outdated philosophy and an outdated way of thinking. Best of luck to you."

but yes its an at-will but thats not the point if you read it thoroughly I WAS DENIED MY BENEFITS. Case in point they lied about the whole situation, I am trying to garnish my benefits. they might let me go but I still need my unemployment. they're response was, "THE ASSUMED THAT I VOLUNTARILY QUIT AND WASNT AWARE THAT I NEEDED COUNSELING WITH THE SHORTAGE AMOUNT OF MY TILL AND NEEDED LOSS PREVENTION COUNSELING"

"THEY ASSUMED AND WASNT AWARE" assumed kinda defeats the purpose thats like making an assumption. they made an hypocritical statement because the store manager alway's say never assume to do this or that about your job.



how soooo

#19Author of original report

Fri, October 10, 2008

okay you said

"First, I think only one update was necessary.

Next, Office Max, like companies across the country, are At-Will Employers, which means they can terminate you without cause if they so wish. The shortage discussion is all a red herring in this case. They said it - you didn't fit into the organization, so they let you go....

Never rely on a company offering you a job based on your loyalty; it's an outdated philosophy and an outdated way of thinking. Best of luck to you."

but yes its an at-will but thats not the point if you read it thoroughly I WAS DENIED MY BENEFITS. Case in point they lied about the whole situation, I am trying to garnish my benefits. they might let me go but I still need my unemployment. they're response was, "THE ASSUMED THAT I VOLUNTARILY QUIT AND WASNT AWARE THAT I NEEDED COUNSELING WITH THE SHORTAGE AMOUNT OF MY TILL AND NEEDED LOSS PREVENTION COUNSELING"

"THEY ASSUMED AND WASNT AWARE" assumed kinda defeats the purpose thats like making an assumption. they made an hypocritical statement because the store manager alway's say never assume to do this or that about your job.



At-Will Employer

#19Consumer Comment

Fri, October 10, 2008

First, I think only one update was necessary.

Next, Office Max, like companies across the country, are At-Will Employers, which means they can terminate you without cause if they so wish. The shortage discussion is all a red herring in this case. They said it - you didn't fit into the organization, so they let you go....

Never rely on a company offering you a job based on your loyalty; it's an outdated philosophy and an outdated way of thinking. Best of luck to you.



OFFICE MAX denies employee employment status

#19Author of original report

Thu, October 09, 2008

I worked for office max they falsely deny you of your benefits; this is the only company that would do such a thing. I have done everything to sell there add-on to try to get their customer's signed on to this max perks. As soon as you are interviewed and sign sum papers the store manager briefly says anything about seasonal position.

However, that is not the point, the point is that once I tried getting my benefits they outright lie about your employment status. Instead of firing you, they say you quit the job intentionally.

Here's how: when I worked for office max of July 2008 to Sept '08 my 90 day grace period I did everything by the book. However, here is the catch the day before my 90-day period I was short a large amount. It was acknowledge by one of the employee supervisors (the manager on duty) and the next day I was pulled into the office for that following reason not only that his excuse was I wasn't the right fit and not only that the job was seasonal I pleaded with him and even compared to him on what opportunity, In whether I chose this job or a us cellular. I told him that I choose this job because I thought positive about the place.

Bad mistake! instead of thinking to choosing US cellular I am left without a job until Christmas and mass load of bills to pay. I was hoping to get my benefits and looking for a job at the same time until I am hired. However, no, I am denied my benefits and have to make an appeal. The employer's response is that they assumed that I quit the job unknowingly because of the Loss prevention counseling and was not aware of it.

How so? When I had to take extensive amount of training courses (company policy) with the company why did I have to get LP counseling if I took regorious LP quizzes. In addition, the store manager did not abide by the company policy to get me verbal or written actions. Instead, terminate me on the spot. I have called a quite a bit of office maxes to make sure what were the following procedures. And yet this is my 1st till shortage out of the 90 day's that I worked thered

In addition, here is One Archie the store manager from the Kirkland office max says:yes that's shock, its states in the office max rule book that if your short that much you cant take into consideration just to terminate you, you can't be liable for that just one transaction, you have to go through many steps to get actually terminated.

the moral of the story is always when you want to try and get your benefits alway's try to ask for a seperate sheet of paper of your termination and read it thoroughly.

unanimous Yakima Washington



OFFICE MAX denies employee employment status

#19Author of original report

Thu, October 09, 2008

I worked for office max they falsely deny you of your benefits; this is the only company that would do such a thing. I have done everything to sell there add-on to try to get their customer's signed on to this max perks. As soon as you are interviewed and sign sum papers the store manager briefly says anything about seasonal position.

However, that is not the point, the point is that once I tried getting my benefits they outright lie about your employment status. Instead of firing you, they say you quit the job intentionally.

Here's how: when I worked for office max of July 2008 to Sept '08 my 90 day grace period I did everything by the book. However, here is the catch the day before my 90-day period I was short a large amount. It was acknowledge by one of the employee supervisors (the manager on duty) and the next day I was pulled into the office for that following reason not only that his excuse was I wasn't the right fit and not only that the job was seasonal I pleaded with him and even compared to him on what opportunity, In whether I chose this job or a us cellular. I told him that I choose this job because I thought positive about the place.

Bad mistake! instead of thinking to choosing US cellular I am left without a job until Christmas and mass load of bills to pay. I was hoping to get my benefits and looking for a job at the same time until I am hired. However, no, I am denied my benefits and have to make an appeal. The employer's response is that they assumed that I quit the job unknowingly because of the Loss prevention counseling and was not aware of it.

How so? When I had to take extensive amount of training courses (company policy) with the company why did I have to get LP counseling if I took regorious LP quizzes. In addition, the store manager did not abide by the company policy to get me verbal or written actions. Instead, terminate me on the spot. I have called a quite a bit of office maxes to make sure what were the following procedures. And yet this is my 1st till shortage out of the 90 day's that I worked thered

In addition, here is One Archie the store manager from the Kirkland office max says:yes that's shock, its states in the office max rule book that if your short that much you cant take into consideration just to terminate you, you can't be liable for that just one transaction, you have to go through many steps to get actually terminated.

the moral of the story is always when you want to try and get your benefits alway's try to ask for a seperate sheet of paper of your termination and read it thoroughly.

unanimous Yakima Washington



OFFICE MAX denies employee employment status

#19Author of original report

Thu, October 09, 2008

I worked for office max they falsely deny you of your benefits; this is the only company that would do such a thing. I have done everything to sell there add-on to try to get their customer's signed on to this max perks. As soon as you are interviewed and sign sum papers the store manager briefly says anything about seasonal position.

However, that is not the point, the point is that once I tried getting my benefits they outright lie about your employment status. Instead of firing you, they say you quit the job intentionally.

Here's how: when I worked for office max of July 2008 to Sept '08 my 90 day grace period I did everything by the book. However, here is the catch the day before my 90-day period I was short a large amount. It was acknowledge by one of the employee supervisors (the manager on duty) and the next day I was pulled into the office for that following reason not only that his excuse was I wasn't the right fit and not only that the job was seasonal I pleaded with him and even compared to him on what opportunity, In whether I chose this job or a us cellular. I told him that I choose this job because I thought positive about the place.

Bad mistake! instead of thinking to choosing US cellular I am left without a job until Christmas and mass load of bills to pay. I was hoping to get my benefits and looking for a job at the same time until I am hired. However, no, I am denied my benefits and have to make an appeal. The employer's response is that they assumed that I quit the job unknowingly because of the Loss prevention counseling and was not aware of it.

How so? When I had to take extensive amount of training courses (company policy) with the company why did I have to get LP counseling if I took regorious LP quizzes. In addition, the store manager did not abide by the company policy to get me verbal or written actions. Instead, terminate me on the spot. I have called a quite a bit of office maxes to make sure what were the following procedures. And yet this is my 1st till shortage out of the 90 day's that I worked thered

In addition, here is One Archie the store manager from the Kirkland office max says:yes that's shock, its states in the office max rule book that if your short that much you cant take into consideration just to terminate you, you can't be liable for that just one transaction, you have to go through many steps to get actually terminated.

the moral of the story is always when you want to try and get your benefits alway's try to ask for a seperate sheet of paper of your termination and read it thoroughly.

unanimous Yakima Washington



OFFICE MAX denies employee employment status

#19Author of original report

Thu, October 09, 2008

I worked for office max they falsely deny you of your benefits; this is the only company that would do such a thing. I have done everything to sell there add-on to try to get their customer's signed on to this max perks. As soon as you are interviewed and sign sum papers the store manager briefly says anything about seasonal position.

However, that is not the point, the point is that once I tried getting my benefits they outright lie about your employment status. Instead of firing you, they say you quit the job intentionally.

Here's how: when I worked for office max of July 2008 to Sept '08 my 90 day grace period I did everything by the book. However, here is the catch the day before my 90-day period I was short a large amount. It was acknowledge by one of the employee supervisors (the manager on duty) and the next day I was pulled into the office for that following reason not only that his excuse was I wasn't the right fit and not only that the job was seasonal I pleaded with him and even compared to him on what opportunity, In whether I chose this job or a us cellular. I told him that I choose this job because I thought positive about the place.

Bad mistake! instead of thinking to choosing US cellular I am left without a job until Christmas and mass load of bills to pay. I was hoping to get my benefits and looking for a job at the same time until I am hired. However, no, I am denied my benefits and have to make an appeal. The employer's response is that they assumed that I quit the job unknowingly because of the Loss prevention counseling and was not aware of it.

How so? When I had to take extensive amount of training courses (company policy) with the company why did I have to get LP counseling if I took regorious LP quizzes. In addition, the store manager did not abide by the company policy to get me verbal or written actions. Instead, terminate me on the spot. I have called a quite a bit of office maxes to make sure what were the following procedures. And yet this is my 1st till shortage out of the 90 day's that I worked thered

In addition, here is One Archie the store manager from the Kirkland office max says:yes that's shock, its states in the office max rule book that if your short that much you cant take into consideration just to terminate you, you can't be liable for that just one transaction, you have to go through many steps to get actually terminated.

the moral of the story is always when you want to try and get your benefits alway's try to ask for a seperate sheet of paper of your termination and read it thoroughly.

unanimous Yakima Washington



OFFICE MAX denies employee employment status

#19Author of original report

Thu, October 09, 2008

I worked for office max they falsely deny you of your benefits; this is the only company that would do such a thing. I have done everything to sell there add-on to try to get their customer's signed on to this max perks. As soon as you are interviewed and sign sum papers the store manager briefly says anything about seasonal position.

However, that is not the point, the point is that once I tried getting my benefits they outright lie about your employment status. Instead of firing you, they say you quit the job intentionally.

Here's how: when I worked for office max of July 2008 to Sept '08 my 90 day grace period I did everything by the book. However, here is the catch the day before my 90-day period I was short a large amount. It was acknowledge by one of the employee supervisors (the manager on duty) and the next day I was pulled into the office for that following reason not only that his excuse was I wasn't the right fit and not only that the job was seasonal I pleaded with him and even compared to him on what opportunity, In whether I chose this job or a us cellular. I told him that I choose this job because I thought positive about the place.

Bad mistake! instead of thinking to choosing US cellular I am left without a job until Christmas and mass load of bills to pay. I was hoping to get my benefits and looking for a job at the same time until I am hired. However, no, I am denied my benefits and have to make an appeal. The employer's response is that they assumed that I quit the job unknowingly because of the Loss prevention counseling and was not aware of it.

How so? When I had to take extensive amount of training courses (company policy) with the company why did I have to get LP counseling if I took regorious LP quizzes. In addition, the store manager did not abide by the company policy to get me verbal or written actions. Instead, terminate me on the spot. I have called a quite a bit of office maxes to make sure what were the following procedures. And yet this is my 1st till shortage out of the 90 day's that I worked thered

In addition, here is One Archie the store manager from the Kirkland office max says:yes that's shock, its states in the office max rule book that if your short that much you cant take into consideration just to terminate you, you can't be liable for that just one transaction, you have to go through many steps to get actually terminated.

the moral of the story is always when you want to try and get your benefits alway's try to ask for a seperate sheet of paper of your termination and read it thoroughly.

unanimous Yakima Washington

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