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  • Report:  #1185971

Complaint Review: Office of Children and Youth

Office of Children and Youth OCY Kidnapping Children, Congressional Funds, Lana Reis, Tracy McCaslin, Janet Williams and Carrie Sessler Erie Pennsylvania

  • Reported By:
    myah — Erie Pennsylvania
  • Submitted:
    Fri, October 31, 2014
  • Updated:
    Sat, February 28, 2015
  • Office of Children and Youth
    154 W. 9th Street
    Erie, Pennsylvania
  • Phone:
  • Category:

OCY continues to kidnap children and they are being paid by a Congressional Fund that started under President Bush with the no Child Left Behind which had nothing to do with Education. They stole 4 of my grandchildren and under their care my youngest grandson contracted a flesh eating bacteria aceton bacti baumi, which ate both his eardrums and was in his skull and brain. After surgeries to rebuild his eardrums and 52 treatments in a hyperbaric for him to live. Now with PTSD, autism and asberger syndrome and anxiety he will suffer the rest of his life.

Now they have stolen by 2 youngest granddaughters who's mother was involved with them but not my son and they are hiding his children from him. I have recently found that they are being paid by Congress to adopt our children out for the Almighty dollar and Senator Sean Wiley Refuses to meet with us his constituents and he has known before his election working in County Council this is happening and Congressman Kelly both of Pennsylvania Northwest of the state refuse to do anything. I have also found that both Janet Williams and Carrie Sessler lied in Erie County Courts today saying I refused to allow them in my home when I am presently in Phoenix Ar. Janet Williams was following my son who is not involved with this agency nor has a degree in Criminal Justice or licensed as a Private Investigator. I contacted the agency a week ago for this wrong doing.

Senator Casey's family I believe is involved in an adoption ring in the state of Maryland. This government money I believe is going into the pockets of these Government Officials and needs to be investigated by an appropriate agency such as the FBI. This has gone on far too long in Pennsylvania Erie County where the adoption rate run by a Catholic-Methodist Corporation. The Hornsby-Zeller Report under Judy Lynch, The Child Welfare League Review and the Judges review. The Judges Review proved that 173 cases were of wrong doing by the agency as well as the other reviews also proved the wrong doing and yet this County this state allow them to exist.

This Catholic-Methodist Corporation needs to be taken down. Britney Legler died at the hands of this agency. My grandchildren have suffered at the hands of this agency for Reports that state unfounded and I was kept from my 4 grancchildren for 4 years because I spoke out against them and my daughter did nothing wrong. They now have my 2 granddaughter in confidential homes that we cannot see them. This is Corruption from Congress to the Catholic Church and what happened to the seperation of Church and State or doesn't anyone know the Constitution of this country called the United States of America and the Bill of Rights.

I would like someone who has the balls to stand up for Grandparents and Parents whose Children are in a Cash for Kids Program called adoption. 

6 Updates & Rebuttals



Be Careful

#7General Comment

Sat, February 28, 2015

You may want to check & make sure nothing you're posting publicly violates HIPAA or any laws regarding disclosure of info pertaining to minors or active court cases. None of it would be subject to the 1st Amendment & I think some of what you're posting may be venturing into that territory.

This is a serious situation and it does seem to me that you have good intentions. Try not to do anything they can twist around to use against you or your family.



Letter to the White House

#7Author of original report

Sun, February 08, 2015

Again, I have had another granddaughter kidnapped by the agency the Office of Children and Youth Erie, Pa. My son's first child is being stolen because he had a child with a married woman who was under the influence at birth. Merged his name in her case after paternity. Denying me after Retaliating against me because I have spoke out against the agency. I had been certified for Respite Care with a previous child who I thought was my granddaughter. In 2006 this agency did harm to my grandson of medical neglect of a flesh-eating bacteria that was in his brain, his skull, and both eardrums had to be rebuilt. He now suffers from PTSD, Autism, Asperger and Anxiety. This being my son's first child they are once again denying me custody, visitation and grandparents are being abused by this agency. They adopted out my Granddaughter Sacra and now the court is doing the same to Jasandra and adopting her out. The grant money comes from Congress for adoption and that is being abused by this agency. I am asking for your help to bring my granddaughter home and a criminal investigation into this agency which I believe is being run by the Catholic Diocese of Erie which OCY, Family Services and their adoption agency. When are you going to look out for your constituents who are grandparents and being abused by these agencies. Rep. Ryan Bizarro is suppose to be meeting with Michele and this is what I posted to him. Ryan are you along with Michele Obama going to let the Corrupt Sen. Sean Wiley and other politicians enact laws against families with the Office of Children and Youth since he is on the state committee. When are Pennsylvania politicians going to start protecting families from a Catholic Corporation such as OCY. I will be posting this to Michele Obama.

I am asking Michele as a mother and future grandmother would you want your children kidnapped and destroy your family.



Courts Corruption

#7Author of original report

Fri, February 06, 2015

Two Appeals: 1st one Clerk of Courts refuses and tells the person they have to file at the Office of Children and Youth. Even Judge Sambroaks staff says the same. Wrong, Wrong, Wrong. The staff flat out lied. OCY excepts certificates of service. Yes for "no services" but they never file in Administrative Court in Harrisburg. 2 copies. Done. They never file Harrisburg! 2nd. After no response to 1st and Lana Rees calls and says you have to file at the clerk of courts. Really? Y...ou refused, Erie County Clerk of Courts, for the first appeal! Filed 2nd appeal but it never get to Superior Court. Why, Clerk of Courts? Judge Sambroak stated in court today he never received. We already know he's corrupt. Now, he's a bold faced liar or is he, Clerk of Courts? How co-incidental that Mr. Fetzner with 3 years left resigns, says "He's retiring" to be with family. I think he has been instrumental in the corruption of OCY and the Clerk of Courts since I know others who were told the same thing and got nowhere. As a matter of fact, Ed P. stated yes that's what your suppose to do. It appears he didn't know the truth either, so was he lied too? So this agency, the clerk of courts, Fetzner and these Judges are involved in a major corruption of kidnapping Children. That means Erie County Council is very well aware and which is why they do nothing. Fiori...Especially directed to you! And Dimatteo, isn't his dad the HHS of OCY? and the son is on council, how quaint. So the Attorney General at the Federal Criminal Division needs to investigate the corruption, the kidnapping of our children and charge them RICO and other laws that apply. Here that Amy Jones, Judge Sambroak. I truly believe that this court house is on the verge of collapsing and I am going to push to get it there.
I once heard you don't get Freedom or Democracy and rid of Corruption without Violence. That's been history.



1st Amendment Right to OCY

#7Author of original report

Fri, January 30, 2015

OCY reported me to Facebook about a post about my granddaughter. I wrote that they called my son and told him that she was hospitalized in Pittsburgh Children's Hospital wouldn't give him any information other than she was there. At the same time frame an infant in Erie, Pa was hospitalized for near drowning approximately 4 mo. old same age as my granddaughter. Is it her?

They are covering up something to go so far as to contact facebook and have my post removed which stated nothing more than my second sentence in this post. They are a corrupt organization which kidnaps children and is my belief because there is documentation by many families to prove what I am saying.

The Child Welfare League Report, Judges Review which noted 173 cases of wrong doing and the Hornsby-Zeller Report of 20-30 yrs ago. So this has and is still going on by this agency. History relating to this agency started by two business men and 2 men of the cloth (relating to religion). This is a violation of our constitution and the separation of church and state which has become a giant corporation of the Catholic-Methodist Church affiliates.

OCY I will continue to spread the word of your corruption and wrong doing no matter what site you tried and have me removed from.



Rebuttle to OCY letter

#7Author of original report

Fri, November 21, 2014

Once again this agency just flat out lies.

First of all Vicki Babcock threatened me on the phone prior to this letter...You think your going to be the resource for this baby.  My response...I am the resource.

She stated my son has lived with me for 3 years....Not true....As he lived on 6th and Ash and West 8th Street as his forwarding address would prove.

So my son hasn't lived with me for 3 years...Blatened lie....

This letter stated I can't be a resource because of Jasandra safety (Trinity Marie as she will be called per her father Dustin; and at the request of Jennifer's Husband to have her (Jasandra's) name changed) because I stated my son has done nothing wrong to this child or any child. Spent one night in the hospital with her after her birth. My son has never been involved with this agency.

Judge Sambroak merged mother's hearing with my son who had just found out through paternity he was the father.  This agency when Sacra was born and lied in court as to my son being thrown out of the hospital....Blatened lie...He had left the hospital and when he returned he wasn't permitted back in because Jennifer had drugs in her bed.

My son spent most of 2 months with Sacra ( I named her) and knowing he was not biological to her UPMC hospital allowed him into the hospital.  The hospital continued knowing that he wasn't her father allowed my son to care for her in NICU. It was because of  him that Sacra Survived after having an Ecoli Bacteria and not from the affects of Drugs...

My son went 1 year to Rehab outpatient and graduated. Judge Sambroak and this Agency deliberately overlooks his graduation.

A District Justice stated how proud he was of my son Dustin.

This is a blatened lie to manipulate our family and cause us harm.

Vicki Babcock is not a person who should handle cases for this agency because of her abuse of families and children nor her supervisor Mary Jo Kline who I believe is related to the Klines who have Sacra. These caseworkers; and Supervisors who were originally the people in the Hornsby-Zellner Report and Child Welfare League and Judges Review and are corrupt.



This is the Response of OCY agency violating 1st amendment rights and retaliation

#7Author of original report

Fri, November 14, 2014

This is the Response of the agency retaliating against me and lying again which I have copied and pasted but it would not copy the seal of Pennsylvania.


Kathy Dahlkemper

County Executive




Lana Rees

Interim Director

November 20,2014

Mrs. Maria Czulewicz


Erie, PA (((Redacted)

RE: Jasandra Johnson

Mrs. Czulewicz:

I am writing to you regarding the home study that was initiated, as you wished to be considered

as a placement resource for Jasandra Johnson.

At this time, the agency will not be proceeding further with the home study process. During the

initial fact gathering with caseworker Williams, you indicated that you would be cooperative

with the agency, yet your actions on October 30, 2014 and November 13,2014 have

demonstrated that you are in a very adversarial position with the agency at this time.

In addition, you have stated on every occasion that there has been contact with the agency that

your son has done nothing wrong, and that Jasandra should be returned to his care. Because you

are either unwilling or unable to acknowledge the issues which have resulted in Jasandra's

placement, the agency does not believe that you will adhere to the rules and regulations

regarding contact with Mr. Panameroff, thus not providing for the safety of the child.

It should also be noted that although you have stated to caseworker Williams that you would not

allow Mr. Panameroff to reside in your home if he were to be under the influence, you have

continued to allow him to reside in your home for the past three years despite his documented

substance abuse issues.

If I can be of any further assistance, or if the circumstances listed above should change, please do

not hesitate to contact me at (814)451-6611.


~ ~~ ~/Cf1IlJ

Vickie Babcock, MSSA LSW

Cc: Office of Children and Youth Legal Department


154 West Ninth Street, Erie, Pennsylvania 16501-13°3 (814) 451-6600 TTY: (814) 451-6556

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