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  • Report:  #258055

Complaint Review: Oklahoma DHS - CPS - FAMILY COURTS


  • Reported By:
    Comanche Oklahoma
  • Submitted:
    Sun, July 01, 2007
  • Updated:
    Sun, July 01, 2007
  • Oklahoma DHS - CPS - FAMILY COURTS
    5905 N. Classen Court 4th Floor, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73118
    Duncan, Oklahoma
  • Phone:
  • Category:


I am going to explain about my dealings with DHS and what has happened with my children. I moved back to Duncan Oklahoma in April 1999 to divorce my 2nd husband which is my daughter Kristen's' dad named Wes. It was a very emotional and hard time for us, my son Billy was 14, and my daughter Kristen was 4.

After getting settled in, roof over our heads, food etc. I began several part time jobs day and night shifts to get us some income. We was staying with extended family when they offered us to use their extra mobile home on their land in which they too lived. So child care was never an issue for my children.

A call was placed to DHS for referral, when a worker named Linda Lambert, came and inspected my home and signed a clean sheet saying "No action needed". She could see that any allegations was false and was clearly my ex-in-laws stirring trouble.

Well shortly after that, my son Billy decided he didn't want to help by doing his chores anymore when I had asked him to do a small sink of dishes while I was away working a split shift. So when I arrived back at home from my second shift at work, my son had called DHS to tell them he didn't want to live with me any longer. A Sheriff car and the DHS lady was at my home waiting my arrival.

They asked me questions, inspected my home, questioned my daughter. They said my son was old enough to sign himself into the Stephens County shelter in Duncan, but that everything appeared fine in my home and they left my daughter with me. They later labeled him as "DEPRIVED", letting me keep my daughter, parental rights, visitation, and assigned me a "10pt Plan" to complete. The plan consisted of counseling, parenting classes, etc. which I needed anyway at that time.

While in DHS custody, at the Stephens County Youth Shelter, my son was Molested by one of their workers named Michelle Bruce. She molested my son and another boy there at the shelter on numerous occasions . She later was sentenced and spent time in prison for her crime.

Now my question is this, how on earth was he better off there, much less "SAFE"? He wasn't! Oh, but he was old enough to "sign himself" into the shelter??

Okay, so I finished my "10pt plan" for him to return home to me, however..
while all this was going on in Duncan Oklahoma-Stephens County, I was still going through a divorce in OKC Oklahoma-Oklahoma County. I had called in DHS there earlier on to investigate my husband Wes for his strange sexual behavior and drug use.

Well, I still had my daughter Kristen with me until the DHS worker there determines that since I wasn't finished with my Stephens County plan, that I shouldn't have custody of my daughter either. So she placed her with my husbands mother Joanne, then later back with her daddy Wes.

They ignored all my attempts to inform them of his drug use, and every time he "supposedly" drug tested, it was clean. So a standard visitation and child support plan was issued. We started this plan in 2000 and I have had "ample" visitation with my daughter Kristen ever since then and almost the entire time when out on summer break.

It's now 2007, I married again yet also divorcing. We have a 6 year old daughter named Ashlyn. She resides happily with me and visits her father and his fiance regularly. On my visitation weekends with Kristen, I would go to OKC on Friday's unless she was out of school and pick her up to come home. Her father Wes would pick her up usually on Sunday to take her back to his home.

One day a few months ago when I went to pick Kristen up, I went to the door to knock and when it opened I smelled a "suspicious" odor. I was furious of course! I talked with Kristen about it and she didn't know what it was. So I went to the Police Department and let them know what happened. I told them that my daughters younger brother was still in the home , I left them my name etc.. and I began my 2 hour drive home.

When Sunday rolled around and my child's dad arrived to pick her up, thinking the Police did their job and I had nothing to be concerned about, we carried on like any other Sunday and they went back to OKC.

Now lets jump ahead a bit to April 27th. When I went to pick Kristen up, her step mom Melany was acting very strange and aggressive towards me, unlike I had ever seen her before. My daughter and Wes wasn't home yet and wouldn't be until after 5pm, so upon my return I brought a Police Stand-By Unit with me just in case. When I approached the home with the officer, Kristen's dad Wes came outside to talk with us, along with my daughter Kristen.

He informed us of his wife Melany's mental break down she had been having recently and how they was still trying to get her "stable" on medication. I asked him then, "are the kids safe in the home with her?" he replied no and that the kids had been staying with his mother Joanne for the past week. So everything was under control, I got my child and left knowing where she was staying and would be staying upon her return. And come Sunday it was her grandmother Joanne that came to my home and picked Kristen up.

2 weeks later, Mothers Days weekend. I get a call that I am to pick my child up at her grandma Joannes house of course, since she has been staying there for weeks now. No problem, smooth transaction and safe trip home. We had so much fun together that weekend, Ashlyn made me a sweet card and Kristen made me a beautiful Mothers Day card with pink roses and flowers she designed and printed from her computer with the inside saying" Happy Mothers Day, I hope you like all your gifts, and don't forget I will always love you!" " Love, Kristen"

And then she returned to her grandmas house in OKC. So it's May 13th now, I just seen her, she is fine, I know where she is staying is safe. Next thing I know I get a call from DHS worker Rose Lawrence in Oklahoma County on Saturday May 19th. She tells me that Wes and Melany was arrested for possession of illegal drugs in the home of minor children, and that my daughter is in State custody at a shelter in OKC. She informed me that there would be a Show Cause Hearing the following Monday at 1pm that I could appear for. So evidently Kristen's grandmother Joanne had returned my daughter home during this week without my knowledge.

When I appeared in court that day, they claimed "DEPRIVEMENT" first claiming a referral came in claiming I gave my child a "Emo" site and she now "cuts" herself, therefore saying I was not a "safe" placement for my daughter to be placed at. The court Referee Judge kept my daughter in the Oklahoma County shelter she had been in since Friday. Keep in mind my child had NO marks on her body at all what so ever and has never been known to do such things, nor did I give her any such site!

So the next court date was approaching and they needed something new to keep her from me since I was awarded Joint Custody of her in 2000. I had been busy calling the chain of commands for Oklahoma County, and asking for Grievance forms to be mailed to me. I then called my own county and requested a Home Inspection, and I obtained a background check on myself which is also clean.

Days after the DHS worker in Stephens County stated my home is fine and my daughter Ashlyn is fine, yet "another" allegation comes in! This time they claimed I have nasty sex pictures of myself with men in the act and with my ex room mate which is a woman, and that these alleged pictures etc have parts of my kids in them or something and that they are on my myspace page?!? Also that they have a disk of the alleged allegation! Well of course that was enough to keep her from coming home AGAIN, and of course the Stephens County DHS worker Jeremy had to return to my home. He came out, and of course everything was fine or I wouldn't be sitting here typing to you now!!! Grrrrrrr

Next court date arrives. guess what. "FAILURE TO PROTECT"! That's all they could claim knowing the rest would get them in serious trouble. So they state on the court papers that "I" allegedly returned my daughter or allowed her return to her fathers home which was unsafe due to the suspicious odor I reported.

However, the OK Co. DHS worker Rose Lawrence allowed my child to then be placed with her grandmother Joanne (her daddy's mom) knowing that this woman is the one who returned my child back to the home the week after Mothers Day , and admits to knowing that her son Wes was medically treating his wife Melany with Pot . And this woman has my child??! GOD PLEASE HELP US!

I am not allowed to call or see my daughter Kristen now unless I schedule an hour visit at the OK Co. DHS building. And I would do that if I could believe me, but right now I am still waiting on child support for Ashlyn and we are living on my SSI pymt and her TANF , combined about 700 a month. The next court date is set for July 23rd, and although I have a very low income the Referee Judge declared me to pay $100.00 for my court appointed atty that is due by June 28th while I am sitting here flat broke and can't work due to medical reasons.

I love my children with all my heart, and anyone who knows us knows that my girls and I are so happy together. They are not DEPRIVED, and I always do everything I can to PROTECT them!! If anyone reading this can help us, please please do, and if I can be of help to anyone going through this, please let me know, I'll do anything I can to help!

Strangers , friends, and family are in my prayers daily. I know we are just strangers to you, but I beg of you to please pray for us and others suffering from this terrible way our Legal System is Tearing Apart Happy Families!

Comanche, Oklahoma

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