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  • Report:  #342447

Complaint Review: Olivehurst Linda Little League

Olivehurst Linda Little League Not Safe For Children Olivehurst California

  • Reported By:
    Los Angeles California
  • Submitted:
    Fri, June 20, 2008
  • Updated:
    Tue, March 17, 2009
  • Olivehurst Linda Little League
    Olivehurst, California
  • Phone:
  • Category:
*Consumer Comment: Strange *Author of original report: Response to Cory in Texas *Consumer Suggestion: Not safe for kids is a stretch. *Consumer Suggestion: Not safe for kids is a stretch. *Consumer Suggestion: Not safe for kids is a stretch. *Consumer Suggestion: Not safe for kids is a stretch. *Author of original report: Update 2 *Author of original report: a few of the websites children can access through Olivehurst Linda Little Leagues website *Consumer Comment: Yeah yeah. *Consumer Comment: Yeah yeah 2 *Consumer Suggestion: TO THE OP , YOU'RE MISSING THE POINT *Consumer Comment: Proud of the League *Consumer Suggestion: Not everybody wants to be in a stupid movie, contrary to Hollywood's belief *Author of original report: Such Ignorance *Consumer Suggestion: Such Arrogance. *Author of original report: One Final Comment *Consumer Suggestion: Dave - the one point you seem to be missing.... *Consumer Suggestion: Dave, your not GETTING it *Consumer Comment: Hey Dave, I Do Understand *Author of original report: One Final Comment 2 *Consumer Comment: Kid safety *Author of original report: Additional Info *Author of original report: To: Maddog *Consumer Comment: Questions... *Author of original report: Answer For Robert In Irvine *Consumer Suggestion: YUBA, Sutter, Butte Counties *Consumer Comment: Family? *Author of original report: Further Proof Why This League Does Not Protect Their Players *Consumer Comment: Are you Dave? *Consumer Comment: Are you Dave? *Consumer Comment: Are you Dave? *Consumer Comment: Are you Dave? *Consumer Suggestion: Ok I will take the bait, *Author of original report: To: Robert *Author of original report: To: Robert - Continued *Consumer Comment: Here is the real scoop!!! *Author of original report: URA Freak Is Wrong *Author of original report: To: URA Freak *Author of original report: Dear Ura Freak

Based on my personal experience with this league, the people who run this league do very little to protect children, and they prevent children from earning money when the opportunity arises. Example - We scouted a few teams looking for players for a television pilot we were filming. I sent information, along with a few references, to league president Rebecca Canada and league safety officer Doug Ridley. I explained that we do not approach children directly, for safety reasons, and I asked them if they would simply pass on our info to the parents of the 6 kids we were interested in. They refused. I then tried to bluff them by telling them that we would be forced to approach the kids directly if they didn't pass on our info to the parents. Doug and Rebecca didn't care. What??? All they had to do is pass on our info to these parents, instead, they are telling out of town strangers to approach these kids directly. Not only do they put the kids in possible danger, they are denying these kids an opportunity to earn some money. Doug and Rebecca should have passed on this info to the parents and allowed the parents to decide whether or not they wanted their child to participate. Approaching these kids directly is not illegal. We prefer to play it safe by going through league officials. Only problem, league officials do not care whether or not out of town strangers approach these kids. If we were bad people, league officials would be putting children in possible danger. One other thing. This league has a sponsor, a company owned by a league member, that designs adult only websites. The leagues website was also designed by this company that also designs adult only websites. Any child looking through the league website and clicking on a link to this sponsor would be subjected to photos that are not appropriate for children.

Los Angeles, California

39 Updates & Rebuttals


Los Angeles,

Dear Ura Freak

#40Author of original report

Tue, March 17, 2009

On two of my postings you have been very supportive of Joe Duran and very much against me. You falsely accused a sheriff's deputy of assaulting me. You make claims you know nothing about. You claim to have read the court file on the restraining order but you base your opinions on hearing only one side of the story, Joe's side. I know this because my side of the story was never filed with the court because I failed to do so. Perhaps if you heard both sides of the story then you'd be less upset with me. If you read the file then you've left out the part where Joe, in a court document, acknowledges the assault against me and how he and other officials just ignored me when I attempted to seek their help in bringing the man who assaulted me to justice.

You praise Joe and try to portray me as the bad guy. The next time you're at the superior court looking at files check for Whitney Duran, Joe's daughter, and you'll see that a 17 year old boy filed a court complaint and was seeking a restraining order claiming that Whitney was harassing him and that Whitney tried to run him off the road with her car. This 17 year old boy also claimed that Joe Duran threatened him. I wont mention the boys name because he was a minor at the time of the incident. Joe tries to cover up an assault against me, and he, a man in his late 30's, threatening a 17 year old boy. Read the court complaint filed by the boy and then try and convince yourself that Joe is a decent person. These are my personal opinions and I can prove every claim I make.


Los Angeles,

To: URA Freak

#40Author of original report

Wed, December 03, 2008

You're a perfect example why people shouldn't comment on things they know nothing about. First, you stated that I entered the dugout. I never entered the dugout. Second, you falsely accused the sheriff's deputy of assault. I was assaulted by the parent, not the deputy. The deputy never shoved, pushed, or touched me in any way. The deputy (coach) was on the other side of the fence, in the dugout. People like you, and the others who posted comments here, have taken my original complaint and headed it in to differant directions. My complaint here is about the safety of the kids, and that league officials had allowed strangers to approach a few kids directly. The league also posted the full names of the kids on their website and provided a link to a website that contained links to websites that featured inappropriate photos.

You claim you read the court file. You based your opinion on only reading one side of the story, the plaintiff's side. I know this because I know that I never submitted my side of the story, or any evidence supporting my claims, or evidence defending myself, to the court. Why? Because I was not properly informed that I had to. If you're going to criticize people, get the facts straight, and in all fairness, hear both sides of the story before commenting.


Los Angeles,

URA Freak Is Wrong

#40Author of original report

Tue, December 02, 2008

I went to the park to obtain senior program info for my mother from the rec department which is located next to the field. On my way by the field I overheard parents swearing about a bad call the umps made. I confronted the woman and told her not to swear in front of the kids. I never entered the dugout. I was assaulted because of my rude tone to this woman. I never asked any league president for the names of any kids. The e-mails I sent stated that I did not want to get the kids involved. Gridley Little League president tried to cover up this crime committed against me by refusing to let me talk to the adult witnesses.

Gridley LL Prez and his wife lied in their court declarations in order to obtain a restraining order against me. They claim that I sent him numerous harassing e-mails. Over a 7 month period I only sent 5 e-mails, e-mails asking for his help in bringing the man who assaulted me to justice. The other 6 e-mails came several months later after I posted a negative review about my experience with the league and the league prez kept trying to have my reviews removed. I explained to him that I had the right to free speech.

I never said "I was a cop", I said "My brother's a cop", which is true. I only said that to try and get the man who assaulted me to back off. I never called the league prez and told him I had photos of anybody. I do now because the league prez and his wife posted many photos on their MySpace websites. I only obtained this info to use as evidence for a lawsuit I'm planning to file. They falsely accuse me of posting photos of kids on the internet when I have proof that they have posted over 100 photos of their own children and other children on the internet.

Walking by the league prez who is standing at the entrance of Home Depot is not approaching someone. He travels approximately 30 miles to my area and runs in to me and falsely accuses me of approaching him as I'm simply walking in to a store. He could have gone to the Home Depot in Yuba City. It was just as far.

I was not arrested. That idiot cop released me shortly after we arrived at the police station, after he verified who I was and who my family was ect.........

The restraining order was only granted because of lies in their declarations. Many of their claims would have been shot down if I had been given an opportunity to defend myself. The judge gave me only 5 minutes to explain my side when I was fully prepared to tear apart the witnesses and their declarations. I was told that I would get to question witnesses. I never got that chance because the league prez withheld a document from being served to me that explains that info. I only recently obtained that info. Like I said, I'm obtaining evidence, photos ect, to file my lawsuit and to prove that these people are liars. To prove that their liars, next time you're at the court house check out a file on the league prez where he and his wife were being sued for non payment and when a process server tried to serve papers to the prez, his wife lied by saying he wasn't there after she had first claimed that he was. When the league prez's wife found out that this guy was a process server she changed her story (lied). It's all on file.

Everything I stated is the God's honest truth. If you're going to report the facts, report the truth. Why would anyone trust the league prez when he and his wife lied in court declarations, and to a process server. I can prove it in court. By writing your piece you opened the door to where I could have used names, photos, and documents to defend myself against your bs allegations. But I didn't because you did not mention my full name. Just remember, if you or anyone else mentions my full name and any personal info, I can do the same. Plus, I now have photos to. And the photos were only obtained as evidence for my pending lawsuit to prove that it was them posting photos on the internet and not me. I have copies of all their web pages and photos as evidence.

As for Los Angeles, yes, my full time residence and business is LA, but I visit and stay with my mother to help her out at least one week each month.

Ura Freak

Northern Cali,

Here is the real scoop!!!

#40Consumer Comment

Wed, November 26, 2008

This fellow "Dave1978" has harrassed the President of Gridley Little League due to the President not giving him any information of players (ages 11-12yrs) that witnessed him get "assulted" by the coaches when "Dave1978" went into the dugout of the players during a game and stated "he was a cop" to an off duty Sherrif's deputy, that was a coach. After not not removing himself from the dugout, the coach(the Deputy) then pushed him out of the dugout, "The Assult". After trying to go back into the dugout a parent shoved him "More Assult". The Officer that was called by "Dave" ended up arresting him for impersonating an officer.
The President of this Little League then started getting emails from "Dave" claiming a lawsuit if he did not give "Dave" the names and addresses of the players that were at the game. After no responses from the League or the President "Dave" then went to the next step, calling the President on the phone telling him that he had photos of his son and would put them on child internet porn sites. Later "Dave " then approached the President at a local store. Soon after this event the Restraining Order process insued and was granted. So "Dave" this is all public records and you have NO rebuttal to the thick as heck file that was filed against YOU(2" file folder). I wonder why the restraining order doesn't have anything to do with a Little League, as you state. Go back to Hollywood if that is where you are from and leave these people alone that spend endless hours providing a safe environment for our children from "Freaks" Like yourself. I retrieved all this information from Butte County Superior Courts.


Los Angeles,

To: Robert - Continued

#40Author of original report

Sun, August 24, 2008

As for the restraining order, it has nothing to do with this league or any other league. I wrote a bad review about a business owner on another site due to my bad experience with the owner and the owner filed a harassment restraining order claiming my review was hurting his business and harassing them. According to the Judge, who granted only a one year RO against me (most RO are three years) I can not go within one hundred yards of his home and within five yards of him in public. I can continue my freedom of speech by posting personal reviews on the internet, and the Judge denied the owner his request for me to pay his court costs. So I have to stay away from this guy, big deal. This whole court case cost me nothing. It cost this guy over four hundred dollars in legal fees and he did not accomplish what he originally wanted, stopping me from posting my reviews. This guy thought by getting a restraining order against me he could stop me from posting my review. He was wrong.


Los Angeles,

To: Robert

#40Author of original report

Sat, August 23, 2008

I made a few reports (a total of 11) that I felt needed to be said. People doing things I felt was wrong. That's the purpose of this site. As for the security and answering service reports, those were written for a friend of mine who lives in Seattle who has no computer. You enjoy spending all night commenting on sites, offering your so called opinions and criticism. Records show that you've posted over one thousand comments, most being in the wee early morning hours (3 am - 4am - ect). Do you work? Is this your life, staying up all night posting comments on the internet? I believe there's something wrong with a man (you) who is so concerned because I'm criticizing the way this league protects their kids.

After my own experiences with this league I chose to write about it because I was concerned about the lack of safety measures this league takes to protect their players. It had nothing to do with them turning down my request. FYI - I now have plenty of families signed up for my project.

Your constant criticism leads me to believe that you're ok with kids having access to inappropriate photos of women through the leagues website, and you have no problem with a league allowing strangers to approach kids, and you have no problem with the league posting the full names of their players on a website. What exactly do you do all night? Search the web for these names and photos leagues post on their websites? If you're going to comment, don't let the many comments steer the facts in the wrong direction. Read my original report and you'll see that the main focus of my report was about safety.



Ok I will take the bait,

#40Consumer Suggestion

Fri, August 22, 2008

Why are you complaining about the league putting the names of the kids on thier web site and you place them on here?
Please tell us the real reason you are doing this. Without all the bull.


New York,

Are you Dave?

#40Consumer Comment

Fri, August 22, 2008

Hey Dave. Are you the same Dave1978 that posted these other ROR jewels?

Seems to me you have a real problem getting along with folks, what with a restraining order and all. Perhaps they did a quick internet search and learned all about you and decided it was best to ignore you?

Dang, you couldn't hang with it even as a security guard!

Here are the ROR jewels.

Based on your reports Dave, you seem to think everyone is wrong except you.

Here's a flash for you-it's the other way around.


New York,

Are you Dave?

#40Consumer Comment

Fri, August 22, 2008

Hey Dave. Are you the same Dave1978 that posted these other ROR jewels?

Seems to me you have a real problem getting along with folks, what with a restraining order and all. Perhaps they did a quick internet search and learned all about you and decided it was best to ignore you?

Dang, you couldn't hang with it even as a security guard!

Here are the ROR jewels.

Based on your reports Dave, you seem to think everyone is wrong except you.

Here's a flash for you-it's the other way around.


New York,

Are you Dave?

#40Consumer Comment

Fri, August 22, 2008

Hey Dave. Are you the same Dave1978 that posted these other ROR jewels?

Seems to me you have a real problem getting along with folks, what with a restraining order and all. Perhaps they did a quick internet search and learned all about you and decided it was best to ignore you?

Dang, you couldn't hang with it even as a security guard!

Here are the ROR jewels.

Based on your reports Dave, you seem to think everyone is wrong except you.

Here's a flash for you-it's the other way around.


New York,

Are you Dave?

#40Consumer Comment

Fri, August 22, 2008

Hey Dave. Are you the same Dave1978 that posted these other ROR jewels?

Seems to me you have a real problem getting along with folks, what with a restraining order and all. Perhaps they did a quick internet search and learned all about you and decided it was best to ignore you?

Dang, you couldn't hang with it even as a security guard!

Here are the ROR jewels.

Based on your reports Dave, you seem to think everyone is wrong except you.

Here's a flash for you-it's the other way around.


Los Angeles,

Further Proof Why This League Does Not Protect Their Players

#40Author of original report

Thu, August 21, 2008

Now Olivehurst Linda Little League is posting the full names of children on their website. Putting the full names of children on a website could be dangerous. Pedophiles searching the web can find the names and then look up the kid's addresses. Little League does not approve of posting the names of children on a website, but Olivehurst officials do it anyway. Here's a few examples of young players posted on the leagues website. Raymond (Ray-Ray) Abrams, Trevor Bolton, Aric Cortes, Marc Davido, Jacob Farmer, Austin Furr, Nathan Furr, Logan Grimes, Frankie Izaguire, John Janson, Hunter Merritt, Matthew Parkerson, Anthony Villalobos, Kobe Bancroft, Riley Carns, Chris Cisco, Dakota Connor, Dylan Cooper, Devon Day, Tony Izaguirre, Dallen Knudson, James Lanini Jr., Leo Munoz, Royce Patty, Jacob Ridgeway, Andrew Sutton, Alex Ali, J.T. Cantrell, Keanue Cortes, Isiah Cuevas, Michael Draper, Cody Fraser, Gabe Galvez, Jordan Hodges, Brycton Mullinix, Tristan Munday, Jordan (Jo-Jo) St. Laurent, Benny Valle and Jess Yanez.




#40Consumer Comment

Mon, August 04, 2008

Say, Dave.... just how many other kids have been passed by from your company so you can pursue this personal vendetta of yours? Seems you spend an enormous amount of time just to be right. Don't you want to give ALL kids a chance to work for your superior company and make a GREAT future for themselves? Seems to most people rebutting you that you cannot make positive decisions for yourself and let this go. So why would they trust you to make decisions for their children?



YUBA, Sutter, Butte Counties

#40Consumer Suggestion

Tue, July 08, 2008

You seem to have alot of problems in the area, Yuba City, Gridley, Olivehurst, Oroville.
I would suggest you stay in LA for talent.
If not, keep an eye on all the back windows of the pick-up trucks in the area.


Los Angeles,

Answer For Robert In Irvine

#40Author of original report

Tue, July 08, 2008

Yes, we did contact 2 other leagues that were quite helpful. Several parents involved with our project will tell you that nothing illegal or inappropriate happened. The reason for recruiting kids in that area is because the pilot was being filmed in that area. Why pay to transport and house families from Los Angeles when you can hire locally.

The only cast members you're going to transport and house is your main cast. Extras can be hired locally. When film crews travel out of Los Angeles, many locals are hired for numerous jobs. Enough said. I'm tired of defending ourselves. This is our job. We don't question why other companies operate the way they do. How about bugging McDonalds as to why they don't serve breakfast after 10:30am.




#40Consumer Comment

Tue, July 08, 2008

A couple of posts back you said can understand NO, but then go on to complain about this using a very weak argument that unless they told them they were not protecting the kids. If you can understand NO..Get over it because that is what they said. With the issues you have with this LL I would not be surprised if you were the "parent" who wrote the letter to the local newspaper.

But here are some questions for you.

Did you go to any other Little Leagues and what was their response?

LA is a huge metropolitan area, if you include Orange, San Bernardino, and Ventura Counties you could have easily scouted dozens(if not hundreds) of teams. Not to mention the ones you could have found on the way to this city. Why did you have to travel 7 hours away to try and find a kid for a Pilot?


Los Angeles,

To: Maddog

#40Author of original report

Tue, July 08, 2008

Maddog: It's amazing how ignorant you are. The original posting is not about us being upset over being turned down, it's about kid safety. We were complaining about how the league would allow out of town strangers to approach kids, and how the league made it possible for kids to access inappropriate photos through their links. Read the facts before you open your uneducated mouth. So many people commenting have thrown the whole original posting off course.

It's funny how people think. Just because someone works with kids people automatically lable them a pedophile. I guess the same should be said for youth sports coaches and teachers. I've been working with kids for over 25 years and I've never been arrested or charged with any crime. Read the news and see how many cops, teachers, and youth sports coaches are arrested and convicted every week. (((links redacted)))

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


Los Angeles,

Additional Info

#40Author of original report

Thu, July 03, 2008

FYI - Little League has children selling fireworks. With all the fires destroying land and homes in the area, is it wise to have the kids selling fireworks? Also, the many fires have created very unhealthful air in the area. Here is a letter, that appeared in a local newspaper, which was written by a parent criticizing Little League officials:

Letter: Little League decision made no sense
Chico Enterprise-Record
Article Launched: 07/03/2008 12:00:00 AM PDT

With air quality indexes soaring beyond "very unhealthy," Butte County Air Quality Management District is advising residents to avoid outdoor activities. Information about how the smoke-filled air can seriously and permanently damage lungs is broadcast everywhere in the wake of our raging wildfires. Warnings to children are emphasized. Yet, Little League Baseball goes on without heeding these warnings. The season's all-star games were scheduled to begin everywhere at 9 a.m. Saturday. Adults empowered with deciding Little League issues can't determine how to postpone the playoffs in the face of an area-wide governor-proclaimed disaster.

Chico Central Little League's president told me she was supporting the decisions of the district leaders. Then she refused to give me contact information for those leaders because "they are already inundated with calls about air quality concerns." Furthermore, she supported going forward with the games because "the kids are getting tired of being cooped up."

I understand that every parent has the responsibility of the final decision regarding whether or not they will allow their children to play in these hazardous conditions. But I am dismayed that the internationally renowned organization dedicated to children would risk the legal implications of sanctioning events that require children be put in danger in order to participate.

These kids gave their all to make all-stars. Now they, their coaches, and parents face tremendous peer pressure and risk forfeiting it all because league leaders somehow think they can value the game over the safety of our children.



Kid safety

#40Consumer Comment

Wed, July 02, 2008

You don't have enough "Personal experience" with this or probably any other league to be throwing stones. From what I read in your own words it sounds more like the league IS protecting its children from what could be construed as a pervert. Why would YOU pick out 6 kids unless they fall in the catagory of the kind of kids you would like to be with? You claim to be safe, but so did Jeffery Dahmer.
As for the kids being able to make money, the league is not stopping them. But they ARE protecting them from the many predators that are in this world. And with you pulling the crap moves that you are pulling, it puts you right in the same predatory category. You're just as bad if not worse than the church people coming to my door. If I wanted to be a part of them I would seek them out. Just the same as if these kids want to be models or actors they can tell their parents and they can pursue the career. THEY DON'T NEED YOUR MANIPULATION!!!
As for you, I think you're a sick individual that REALLY NEEDS to get some medical help...and stay away from ALL CHILDREN!! Maybe a labotomy is in the future for you.
As for the member having a porn site. How do we know thats not what you want these children for?


Los Angeles,

One Final Comment 2

#40Author of original report

Sun, June 29, 2008

Yes, dozens of pilots never make it on the air. Many of those that do make it do not survive the ratings game. Many movies flop. When you look at all the films and television shows produced each year, unfortunately there are more flops than hits. That's part of the business. No one makes a flop on purpose. You make something and you hope people will like it. FYI - So many people commenting have taken the subject of the original posting off course. We can accept no. What we were pointing out in the original posting is that the league does very little to protect the kids. Some of you have said that the league protected the kids by not getting involved.

So you think not trying to stop out of town strangers from approaching these kids is safe? If league officials had knowledge that some out of town strangers were going to approach your child and they did not pass this info on to you, this is ok? And you think a Little League website that features a link to a sponsor that has links to websites featuring inappropriate sexual photos is ok? The sponsor has recently removed those links after we made the league aware of it, at the end of the season. From what we were told, those links were available the past two seasons.

FYI - Approaching people of all ages in public is legal. We could have easily walked up to each kid and handed them our info, but since we were dealing with kids we wanted to play it safe by taking the extra steps of contacting league officials, and local police, of our interest. The local police are aware of our interests and they have received no complaints from any parent asking us not to approach their kid. Why? Because the league never told the parents.


San Antonio,

Hey Dave, I Do Understand

#40Consumer Comment

Sat, June 28, 2008

How many pilots get submitted and get turned down? Hundreds, thousands? Get these kid's hopes up and then? You give one example that did work out. How about the tens of thousands that didn't? Don't won't to pay scale? What are they gonna have to do? Get a court order? What part of no don't you understand?



Dave - the one point you seem to be missing....

#40Consumer Suggestion

Sat, June 28, 2008

is that Little League has an absolute obligation to prevent itself from being used by pedophiles as a way of contacting its players. Little league has absolutely NO legal obligation to assist you or anyone else in your business ventures.

I am not saying you area pedophile - but how would Little League know?

That said, your presumption that because YOU have an offer of instant stardom for these children that Little League should just give you whatever help and assistance you may want is laughable at best and arrogant at worst.



Dave, your not GETTING it

#40Consumer Suggestion

Sat, June 28, 2008

Why can you not listen to what the Little League officials mean when they say "NO" to you? Who cares whether you are shooting a pilot or not. There are other children in this world who could do this piot and you can find them at Honest Acting Agencies. My daughter molded and acted as a chid and also played in Little League. She got her jobs through appropriate agencies and did well for herself in our small community. However, I am sure she missed out on a few jobs here and there, but regardless she had a wonderful life despite the ones she missed. I do not understand why you are being so arrogant that you feel that when some League offical says "NO" that somehow "forces" you to go to the CHILDREN themselves. Why is "NO" not enough for you? This pilot is just one small blip in the world and these children will have an awesome life even if they miss out on your special pilot.

Give it a rest and give your mind a rest. Believe it or not these children are being carefully taken care of and I appalude the officials for not giving into your temper tantrums, which by the way, that is what this is. It is actually worse than when a child has one because I figure they are not an adult and they do not have control over their actions quite yet. However, you are an adult, so why can you not hear the word "NO" and say "Thank you for your time" and move on? That is the respectful thing to do. I say it is long overdue on your part. Enough. The answer was "NO", so move on and find another group of children somewhere else.



Los Angeles,

One Final Comment

#40Author of original report

Sat, June 28, 2008

Robert, The league is aware that strangers from out of town (us) have shown interest in certain kids for a project we're producing. The league is also aware that my associates and I would be forced to approach these kids directly if they did not pass on our info to the parents of the 6 kids we were interested in, something that is legal to do but something we do not approve of. If we were evil and harmed any of these kids while approaching them, we're not evil and would never harm anyone, the league could be held responsible because they had knowledge of our proposed actions and did nothing to avoid these actions.

We tried to play it safe by contacting the league. We sent the league details and references. We never asked for any personal info, all we asked was that they pass on our info to the parents of the kids we were interested in. You call us cheap and imply that we're porn producers. Purchasing an ad in the local paper would only be appropriate if we were having an open casting call. We were searching areas for certain looks. We only needed to fill 6 spots. Going around and passing out business cards to parents would only have caused a problem because many parents of kids we were not interested in would want to get in on our project. You want to talk libelous? You're implying we're porn producers after young kids.

I've been in the entertaiment industry for over 25 years, and many of my associates for over 20 years. What qualifications do you have to tell us how to handle our business? We had a bad experience with this league and we wrote about it. Nothing wrong or libelous about that. Some people may think it's a bit odd for casting agents to scout out locations for talent, but it happens all the time. And some people may think that it's a bit odd for a man, you, who is on the internet in the early morning hours, 3am to 5am, writing about a Little League site over 2500 miles away. Is that what you do all night? Check on youth oriented subjects to talk about?


New York,

Such Arrogance.

#40Consumer Suggestion

Thu, June 26, 2008

Your arrogance and strawman arguments are truly appalling.

""Robert writes 'Freedom of speech doesn't include libel.""

Yes, I write that because it's all too true. Folks lose libel suits all the time. That's why we have a court system to decide such "freedom of speech" issues.

""They put kids in danger by not passing our info to to these parents because they're forcing us to approach these kids directly, something that is legal, and something we tried to avoid by contacting the league.""

Utter tripe. They are not forcing you to do anything of the kind. There are other methods you could employ, but it appears to me that you're too lazy or too cheap to utilize them. You could put an ad in the local newspaper or pass out business cards (if you have any) to the parents who attend and watch the games. There is a host of other things you COULD do.

""They're allowing out of town strangers to approach kids.""

Another strawman. They can't stop anyone from attending a game if it's played on public property. You're attitude is truly arrogant. You just can't comprehend someone not complying with your wishes, can you? So instead of employing other methods of "advertising your money making opportunity" you go on the internet and post libelous reports. I truly hope that the league and the whiplashmedia see these posts and SUE YOU for libel.

""We wanted to handle this situation with great caution. We sent details of the show along with references (ect).""

And they chose to not get envolved with you in any way-as is their right. Then you, in a stunning display of "movie producer-I'll make you a star baby" arrogance retaliate with your internet postings.

""What gives the league the right to decided what is best for someone elses child. The only person that has that right to decide are the parents.""

Correct. That means that YOU don't get to decide either. Seems to me you're having trouble accepting that.

"Again, you're not reading or understanding the original posting. It's a television pilot, not a movie, and do you really think if we were porn producers, which we are not, that we'd be stupid enough to recruit kids through Little League?""

Evidently, you don't understand the concept of hyperbole.

""We're smart, well educated, and successful business people in Los Angeles who probably earn more in one month than you earn in an entire year. We're not the ones stuck in Buffalo.""

Ahhhh the arrogance again! LOL! You left out "spoiled brat, arrogant, and vengeful"-just the type of folks I'd like influencing my kids, NOT! You don't get your way and retaliate. You attack the league and whiplash media and now you attack me. LOL!

I can't help but notice that you haven't identified your company! Why is that??? Afraid of a lawsuit or two are you?

I'm quite successful at what I do. I'm happy with my investments and business ventures.

""As for the links to the inappropriate sites, the sponsor removed them after we made them aware of it. We have the original web pages saved to our computers to back our claims.""

Sure you do. I believe you. Here's a hint:

""We don't have time to defend ourselves against ignorance.""

LMAO! Translation: Ooops, folks aren't as stupid and gullible as we thought and they aren't buying our horsecrap so we better declare "victory" and leave well enough alone! LOL!

Evidently you don't have time to defend against a libel civil suit either, hence you reluctance to identify your production company.


Los Angeles,

Such Ignorance

#40Author of original report

Mon, June 23, 2008

I'm amazed at how ignorant people can be. Casting directors search all over for talent, shopping malls (ect). Robert writes "Freedom of speech doesn't include libel. You claim they are not safe for kids only because they didn't do what you want." Read the original posting Robert. They put kids in danger by not passing our info to to these parents because they're forcing us to approach these kids directly, something that is legal, and something we tried to avoid by contacting the league. They're allowing out of town strangers to approach kids. We wanted to handle this situation with great caution. We sent details of the show along with references (ect).

As for not being interested. What gives the league the right to decided what is best for someone elses child. The only person that has that right to decide are the parents. Robert also writes "Also, if some porn producer wanted to pay my kid to be in a movie...." Again, you're not reading or understanding the original posting. It's a television pilot, not a movie, and do you really think if we were porn producers, which we are not, that we'd be stupid enough to recruit kids through Little League? We're smart, well educated, and successful business people in Los Angeles who probably earn more in one month than you earn in an entire year. We're not the ones stuck in Buffalo. A

s for the links to the inappropriate sites, the sponsor removed them after we made them aware of it. We have the original web pages saved to our computers to back our claims. Production companies may disrupt small towns for a short period of time, but a lot of money is pumped in to these small towns. This will be our last update. We don't have time to defend ourselves against ignorance.

Fat Old Sweaty Elvis

Long Beach,

Not everybody wants to be in a stupid movie, contrary to Hollywood's belief

#40Consumer Suggestion

Sun, June 22, 2008

And you and your whole industry would get a lot more respect if you would show some respect to others. Anybody who lives in the LA area is probably sick of film crews disrupting our neighborhoods.

You like to come in and pay off the city to declare blocks of street parking off-limits to residents for days at a time. This is in neighborhoods that already have a parking shortage.

Sidewalks are closed in neighborhoods that are normally full of pedestrians.

The local police are providing your crew's security like your company goon squad.

Local businesses are closed. I guess you pay them off

There are bright lights, noisy generators, and yelling at all hours of the night.

Why, oh why would the little league people not bend over backwards to accommodate you and your people? Could it be they are fed up too?


South Haven,

Proud of the League

#40Consumer Comment

Sun, June 22, 2008

"If a casting director was interested in your child for a television show, and was willing to pay your child to participate, wouldn't you be upset if league officials blocked you from receiving this info?"

No, I would thank them for their actions. Good job!

contrary to what you may think, money does not drive all of us, particularly when our kids are involved. Leave them alone!




#40Consumer Suggestion

Sun, June 22, 2008

My child was involved in Little league for many years.They had their own rules for eaning money and it sounds like you are whining cause you do not like hearing "no". There are hundreds of children at appropriate Acting Studios that would love to make a pilot. So why not go there? Leave the children alone. The Litttle League has ballgames to focus on and believe me they earn their own money in the ways the ADULTS have chose thru their own by laws. I appalaud them for protecting these children from you all. Looks like they have done their job! There are plently of children waiting at acting studios.Go There! Ease enough? Thought so!



New York,

Yeah yeah 2

#40Consumer Comment

Sun, June 22, 2008

""Any child looking through the league website and clicking on a link to this sponsor would be subjected to photos that are not appropriate for children.""

Libelous statement #2 from you. Care to post such a link where kids could see inappropriate photos?

I checked the websites and there are no active links to any businesses on the client lists.

I guess the website design business should sue you too. I would. This is not free speech-IMO it's libel and actionable.


New York,

Yeah yeah.

#40Consumer Comment

Sun, June 22, 2008

""Update 2 I appreciate the comments, but learn the facts before you speak. One guy suggests talent agencies. Many stars of the past have been plucked off the street. One example: Eddie Furlong, a young teen who had no acting experience was hanging out at a Boys & Girls Club outside of Los Angeles when he was spotted by a casting director. A few months later he was starring opposite Arnold Schwarzenegger in 'Terminator 2'. So what I'm saying is, if you don't know the business you really shouldn't be commenting on how it works,""

Yeah yeah. I suggested other things you might try. I forgot to mention a casting call, ad in local paper and spots in the media. Put hey, you'd have to take time or pay for some of that. Heaven forbid!

""and any lawyer will tell you that what I posted is not libelous, it's freedom of speech.""

Freedom of speech doesn't include libel. You claim they are not safe for kids only because they didn't do what you want. There are other methods you could use to make your intentions known to the parents without you directly approaching the kids, but hey, you don't want to. You tried to strong arm them by telling them that you'd have to contact the kids directly (even though there are OTHER METHODS you could use) and that didn't work either. Boo-h*o! Such arrogance on your part.

""Would you prefer we approached the kids directly? How would you feel if a league kept your child from earning some money? ""

The league isn't keeping anyone from making money. You seem to be to cheap and/or lazy to use other methods to inform the parents of your "money making opportunity." Also, if some porn producer wanted to pay my kid to be in a movie, I guess my attitude would be that I wouldn't want my kid to be "earning some money." This is a strawman argument.

""And do you think it's right for children to be able to access inappropriate photos through the league's website?""

What's the league website? Let's just see what is really on the league website.


Los Angeles,

Update 2

#40Author of original report

Sat, June 21, 2008

I appreciate the comments, but learn the facts before you speak. One guy suggests talent agencies. Many stars of the past have been plucked off the street. One example: Eddie Furlong, a young teen who had no acting experience was hanging out at a Boys & Girls Club outside of Los Angeles when he was spotted by a casting director. A few months later he was starring opposite Arnold Schwarzenegger in "Terminator 2". So what I'm saying is, if you don't know the business you really shouldn't be commenting on how it works, and any lawyer will tell you that what I posted is not libelous, it's freedom of speech. Would you prefer we approached the kids directly? How would you feel if a league kept your child from earning some money? And do you think it's right for children to be able to access inappropriate photos through the league's website?


New York,

Not safe for kids is a stretch.

#40Consumer Suggestion

Sat, June 21, 2008

They didn't pass your "interest" to the parents. Tuff-they don't have to. That's why there are talent agencies, agents, and so forth. The league probably doesn't want anyone to construe that they support or endorse any project you are attempting to undertake.

To claim that this league is "unsafe" for kids because they didn't do what you want, IMO, is more than a stretch-it's libelous. You better hope that the league doesn't sue you after they learn of this internet libel by you.

You could simply attend a game are two, armed with a small sign that says "movie producer" and the name, address, telephone number of your production company. You could pass out some business cards to the parents who are watching the games.


New York,

Not safe for kids is a stretch.

#40Consumer Suggestion

Sat, June 21, 2008

They didn't pass your "interest" to the parents. Tuff-they don't have to. That's why there are talent agencies, agents, and so forth. The league probably doesn't want anyone to construe that they support or endorse any project you are attempting to undertake.

To claim that this league is "unsafe" for kids because they didn't do what you want, IMO, is more than a stretch-it's libelous. You better hope that the league doesn't sue you after they learn of this internet libel by you.

You could simply attend a game are two, armed with a small sign that says "movie producer" and the name, address, telephone number of your production company. You could pass out some business cards to the parents who are watching the games.


New York,

Not safe for kids is a stretch.

#40Consumer Suggestion

Sat, June 21, 2008

They didn't pass your "interest" to the parents. Tuff-they don't have to. That's why there are talent agencies, agents, and so forth. The league probably doesn't want anyone to construe that they support or endorse any project you are attempting to undertake.

To claim that this league is "unsafe" for kids because they didn't do what you want, IMO, is more than a stretch-it's libelous. You better hope that the league doesn't sue you after they learn of this internet libel by you.

You could simply attend a game are two, armed with a small sign that says "movie producer" and the name, address, telephone number of your production company. You could pass out some business cards to the parents who are watching the games.


New York,

Not safe for kids is a stretch.

#40Consumer Suggestion

Sat, June 21, 2008

They didn't pass your "interest" to the parents. Tuff-they don't have to. That's why there are talent agencies, agents, and so forth. The league probably doesn't want anyone to construe that they support or endorse any project you are attempting to undertake.

To claim that this league is "unsafe" for kids because they didn't do what you want, IMO, is more than a stretch-it's libelous. You better hope that the league doesn't sue you after they learn of this internet libel by you.

You could simply attend a game are two, armed with a small sign that says "movie producer" and the name, address, telephone number of your production company. You could pass out some business cards to the parents who are watching the games.


Los Angeles,

Response to Cory in Texas

#40Author of original report

Sat, June 21, 2008

The league reps never stated that they were not interested. The league reps should have passed on the info to the parents and let the parents decide whether or not their child should participate. If a casting director was interested in your child for a television show, and was willing to pay your child to participate, wouldn't you be upset if league officials blocked you from receiving this info?


Los Angeles,

a few of the websites children can access through Olivehurst Linda Little Leagues website

#40Author of original report

Sat, June 21, 2008

Here are a few of the websites children can access through Olivehurst Linda Little Leagues website. In case they finally take them down, we have everything on file, exact copies of the website.

Exotic Erotic Ball

San Francisco Fetish Ball

Lick VIP

Surreal Entertainment


San Antonio,


#40Consumer Comment

Fri, June 20, 2008

So they weren't INTERESTED in this "television pilot" you were filming. Sounds to me like they were more interested in protecting the kids by keeping them AWAY from the camera and the crews. What part of "WE AREN'T INTERESTED", don't you get? "I explained that we do not approach children directly". Probably a wise choice. It might be illegal or at least unethical. The actor's union might have something to say about it. If someone approached my children or grandkids, directly, I'D have something for them. As for the sponsor, the sponsor is probably a web designer. Lastly, what's up with the "..pass on info to the parents of the 6 kids we were interested in". How had you already scoped out those 6 kids?

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