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  • Report:  #1115353

Complaint Review: Omar McCallop | GA Music Awards | O Ent Inc

Omar McCallop | GA Music Awards | O Ent Inc Hero Animation Studios | Carolina Music Awards | O ENT - TV | OMAR J MCCALLP | MCCALLOP, OMAR J. | Bluelegance Jazz Lounge Deceptive promoter who uses hoax music shows to pad his pocket with supporter funds Raleigh North Carolina

  • Reported By:
    Georgia Musician Sick Of Scamming Jerks — Atlanta Georgia
  • Submitted:
    Tue, January 14, 2014
  • Updated:
    Wed, February 19, 2014
  • Omar McCallop | GA Music Awards | O Ent Inc
    Raleigh, North Carolina
  • Phone:
    (919) 255-9903
  • Web:
  • Category:

Omar McCallop and his shell company O ENT. Inc are an income scheme bent on duping both musicians and the consumer. During the last two events, the public wasn't even a part of the shows, and it was a giant circle jerk of fellow musicians having to listen to each other.  This show does nothing to promote the musician, it does promote Omar's pockets though.  Last night, a partner of mine tried to assist in his show before asking me for more details.  By the end of the conversation, it was evident for him what a scam this is.  

Omar claims to have multiple "partners" he shares the proceeds of the GA Music Awards with.  As you can see from the link, he claims no partners on his taxes.  There are far more legitimate and well recognized music shows and awards within the state of Georgia than to do business with this guy who is bringing his scam from another state.  Perhaps his efforts in North Carolina are different, I can't speak of that.  What I can say is that this attempt to scam the musicians and the people of the state of Ga isn't going unnoticed. 

Please, report this obvious scam to the state.  Word is, they are already getting legal action from the Country Music Awards and the Georgia Music Hall of Fame from copyright and trademark infringement.  There is plenty of info out there to verify that he is lying about the grand partnerships that this Snake Oil Salesman is pitching

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5 Updates & Rebuttals

Georgia Musician Sick Of Scamming Jerks


Omar can't stop lying and inventing "facts"

#6Author of original report

Wed, February 19, 2014

He again dodges the facts as presented by lying still with the terms "we" and "us".  This fraud pumper continues to act as though his faked entity is anything more than a basement run scam, made only to LOOK like a legit company of multiple people.  All the while, as the tax records show, this is nothing more than a front made by a bar owner who wants to dupe people into giving to this scam events.  

And yes, there are at least two approached businesses who have dropped their support for this BS "award" show.. (an award that no one in the music industry gives a s*** about).

This, like the many failed and shelved scams he's been called out for is just another passing shake-down and moeny funnel from doners hands to his pocket... not the "we" or "us" the scam artist keeps promoting 


North Carolina,

We stand with the Facts

#6REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, February 18, 2014

You always know that a person is not being honest when they resort to name calling, but that is ok we stand with the facts.

The fact are that I do not own any business solely, no matter how many times this person wants to claim otherwise, we have partners/investors for the company as a whole and project that we produce.

The person that was upset was mad because they asked us if they be involved and I informed them that we already had someone who was responsbile for those duties.

The awards are going well and anyone that does not want too participate certainly have that right and we are producing award shows in other markets.  We produce awards shows with a system that is over 5 years old, any person be it sponsor or artist that does not want to participate is well within their rights not to do so and that is ok with us.  For those that support us we will continue to move forward and will never stop for a few angry people who did not get their way.  We have record labels, radio stations, and TV stations playing to music and interviewing our winners and nominees and according to them this helps their career tremendously!

If we have any action against us, we are not aware of it.  We own many urls, and we have never scamed one single person if you participate in the awards you do so of your own desire!  We work with lawyers and have never done one thing illegal.

This person is not telling the truth, we have not lost 1 sponsor, everyone that participated in the awards last year is back.  We stand with the truth and the facts!

It is our intention for this to be our last response, as we have more offers to produce more award shows so that will our focus.  If anyone is interest in honesty please email us at, Also if you remember I said we would be adjusting our name and our webste to due to a conflict, in truth that has happen just as I said it would!



Another Georgia Musician


Omar is a fat Con Artist

#6Author of original report

Fri, January 17, 2014

Omar seems to respond with facts, but it's all slight of hand.  He never addresses a single accusation besides restating it with more detail.  Effectively, he admitted to be a sole proprietor and lying through his teeth about this scam. He accuses the person who called him out of being offended with "pocket lining" when Omar's got no interest beyond steeling the lining of other people's pockets.  The music community is on alert in Georgia, and he Omar will be welcomed as all scam artists are when he comes through.   
He then tells people to email his sham company, on a domain tied to him, not his ficticious partnership. His claim that the purchase of the domain (in his own name, not the fictitious "partners" his fat a*s keeps lying about) is the reason for the lawsuit is bullshit.  There is legal action for this and other pending investigations for his repeated scams.  
Effectively, he is a fat, lying scam artist who dupes naive musicians into padding his pocket with sponsorhip-funnel money.  Be advised though, real sponsors will be running from him quickly.  His sponsors of previous events are all being contacted and made aware of what a lousy fraud her is, and how his name will bring their brand down, not up.


North Carolina,

Stuff I forgot

#6UPDATE Employee

Fri, January 17, 2014

This person added some other stuff we have done so I thought I would talk about that too!

Hero Animation, we have 3-4 Cartoons we are working on if you would like to see them and or the concepts cool email us.  We had the chance to pitch one of them to Viacom, they said they liked it but that they were cutting back on animation due to the cost.

O ENT TV - as a producer I write, we have only had the chance to do a couple of shows, one we did a full 13 episodes on FOX Affliates, would love for you to see those too if you like.  We hope to do more TV / Film in the near future.

Blue Elegance Jazz Lounge, OMG, that was like 11 years ago, we liked jazz we found a venue, booked bands and named it.  We ran out of Jazz Band so we stopped. Simple!

We can document all of this btw, except for may BEJ as it was over 11 years ago, lol.

In closing be happy not angry! Thanks



North Carolina,


#6UPDATE Employee

Fri, January 17, 2014

Hi my name is Omar McCallop and I stand with the facts.  First let me say when you produce an award show where people win or lose or want to be involved there are always going to be angry people.  After years of producing award shows we are somewhat use to that and usually ignore post like this, however I choose not to let lies spread so here are a few fun truthful facts based on the acusations made.

False Paragraph 1.

1.  I have produced from O ENT since the early 2000s when I produced my first tv show and consulting so the entitiy has been around before the awards.  Every year we open up the website for nomination where Anyone is free to nominate artist, in fact Comcast was a sponsor and help us pull in nominaitons as well 100% open to the public.  I am not sure how you get more public than that.  I don't know what circle jerk of musicians are but everyone is invited to the awards equally musicians and fans alike we are opan to all.  If one wants to come and enjoy the event great, if you want to come network great, if you want to come and hang out with other nominees great, if you don't want to attend, great we totolly respect that decision.  In regards to promoting the musician, annually we get winners from the awards get radio, magazine and tv interviews across the state of GA, FACT!  Also, yes a guy hit me on FB asking to help and I informed him that we had the services he was offering.  He was obviously upset that I could or did not accept his services.  Pocket lining, I wish, for the most part the awards cover cost, however it is a great networking and marketing event and we enjoy bringing lots of genres together in one room.  Regardless if the show makes money or not, we as a production company operate in the same exact fashion as MTV Awards, BET Awards, Grammys, etc.  Hence if or when the show becomes profitable we will certainly seek to pay our team/staff well for the hard work they do, give some to charity and conintue to operate as any normal production company would!

False Paragraph 2.

2. O ENT started out as an LLC, due to some changes in the structure we have moved to a partnership, in most states you don't have to file partnerships with the state its a contract between you and your partners so this gentlemen's research is outdated!  I want to point out that this is about angry people that are not getting their way and we will not be bullied or lied on!

False Paragraph 3.

3. Anyone reading this please do whatever you feel is fair, just and honest and we will stand up to any official concern that anyone has but again we will not be lied on or bullied!  As far as the "Word is" more lies.  The Country Music Awards contacted us in our second year of the Carolina Music Awards (CMA) giving us details about their trademark (to be honest we were proud that in our 2nd year a 40 year old organization was contacting us) we adjusted to CM Awards or spelled out Carolina Music Awards, that was 5 years ago!!!!  As far as the Georgia Music Hall of Fame, at some point in the past they were using Georgia Music Awards but from my understanding had not renewed in some 5+ years but once we launched our show decided to renew it which is fine that is well within their rights however we Own the url Georgia Music, but since they have rights to the name we have since adjusted to GA Music Awards so again if you see our official pages twitter or anything of that nature it says GA Music Awards and when I new site comes out the url will be  So again more lies!  We work hard and we would never purposely use someone elses name if they are active we work to build our own name.  

As far as grand partnerships, we have some sponsors that support us and we are thankful for them.  We as an entity are easily reachable, this will change to in about two weeks, but we have never hid or ran or ducked from anyone, Ever!  If someone does not want to participate in the awards we are 1000% fine with that, the tickets are reasonably priced and usually less than the other award shows in the market And we always let nominess in Free and always will! 

Thank you for your time!

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