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  • Report:  #79909

Complaint Review: Bill O'Brian - On Site Plumbing and Electrical

ON SITE Plumbing & Electrical Bill O'Brian Breaking & entering, assualt, and lied to police to cover his actions. ripoff Moreno Valley California

  • Reported By:
    Riverside California
  • Submitted:
    Tue, February 10, 2004
  • Updated:
    Tue, February 10, 2004
  • Bill O'Brian - On Site Plumbing and Electrical
    Moreno Valley, California
  • Phone:
  • Category:

On June 2, 2003, my mother hired an electrician (Bill O'Brian - Company name: On Site - Moreno Valley, CA.) to rewire part of the house. I live at her house.

On June 17, 2003. My mother woke me up at 7:55am as she was leaving out of town for part of the day. She said that the electricians were going to be here. I asked her to please call and postpone till she was home. She said "No." And promptly left.

At that time I didn't know the name of the company to perhaps call them myself. I waited for 3 and a half hours for them to show up.

Around 11:15am I turned on the air conditioners and secured the house (I have been through a couple of experiences of someone breaking & entering while home alone..) I went to take a shower.

I heard a loud noise that came from the spare bedroom which is right next to the bathroom I was in, I stopped what I was doing and listened for a moment. Then I heard someone at the window kicking down the boards I had nailed on the inside to cover the bottom portion of the double hung window sash I removed and repaired.

I had not installed it yet and I had it leaning against the temporary plywood boards I had nailed up and it was sitting on my antique dresser under the window.

I have some very very expensive antique items stored in that room. I ran to my bedroom grabbed my phone and dialed 911.

I heard it ring once and at the same time I heard the boards giving way. I dropped the phone and armed myself with a sword. I made my way as quickly as possible to the spare bedroom.

It was like an obstacle course to get there. With a 7 foot ladder in the hallway in front of the spare bedroom door. Then once in, I had to step over a bunch of wiring and boxes, I stretched my arm towards the window and put the tip of the sword against the plywood that was now loose. And warned whoever was out there -- that I was armed. Bill O'Brian then identified himself.

I told him to stop breaking the wood down and come around so I can let him in the front door. Then I climbed back out of the room and squeezed past the ladder. Before I could get down the hallway he was at the front door I saw as he was trying to force the front door open he rammed his shoulder to the leaded glass part of the door, many portions of the glass cracked. Then he kept ramming it on the wood part of the door. I did not have time to put the sword away before opening the door for fear he would break the door down. I told him 3 times to knock it off!

He still continued. Then I yelled for him to stop it. Thinking this guy is really wigging out. I moved the 1 board leaning against the door and then he started shouldering the door again. And again, I yelled for him to "Knock It Off!" I moved the board out of the way that was laying on the ground and as I was just starting to stand up straight, he rammed the door again while opening it.

I was hit extremly hard by the front door and my back slammed against the wall. I was pinned in-between the door and the wall. I was in pain. I regained my balance and said what was that for you son-of-a-b*tch? He wasn't in the house yet, but bent over reaching for the wood I had moved, to move it more out of the way.

He said Where were you? I replied I was Busy! I looked over Bill and saw his worker standing approx. 7 feet behind him with his arms crossed and facing / looking out towards the street. When Bill O'Brian stood up he shoved the door towards me again and I stepped out of the way of being hit again. When I did he saw the sword in my hand.

I grabbed hold of the door and swung it back. I told him he had better cool his sh*t. And I turned and went to my bedroom. I closed my door behind me. I put my sword away and sat down for a little bit.

I put some clean clothes on, figured I would just stay out in the garage until my mother returned home to tell her what happened. I had completely forgotten I had called 911 so much time passed before the cop finally got there.

I went to the kitchen and was warming myself a cup of water for my coffee in the microwave. Then there was a knock at the door. I said in a loud voice You know the door is open! assuming it was Bill.

The person knocking was a police officer of whom identified himself as such. Bill and his assistant were in the attic. Bill had to have heard the officer. (You can hear everything up there.)

I open the door. I said Oh Good, you got my call! The officer stepped in and asked what was going on. I said I thought someone was breaking and entering...

Then Bill interrupted me as he came down the hallway saying he was hired by my mother to do the electrical and she had given him a key, (that I did not know about) then told the cop how I have destroyed the house. I finally got a few words in - I said 1 get your facts straight before you talk about hearsay. 2 you have not a clue what has been going on here.

The cop asked me if I knew he was supposed to be here. I answered yes.

The cop saw there was some friction between us. The cop said that he thought it was best that Bill waits outside till my mom gets home. I agreed. Then the cop asked Bill if anyone was with him, he said yes. And his worker came down from the attic and they all 3 walked out the door. I closed the door behind them.

I went back to the kitchen to get my hot water from the microwave. Then I remembered he had a key to the house. That he would probably use after the cop left. So I opened the front door and they were talking in the driveway, I asked for the key. Bill refused. I asked the cop if that was okay. He said, yes. I closed the door and went out to the garage.

Bill stood out there and lied to this cop saying I stabbed him with my sword. Obviously to cover himself from possibly being arrested from assaulting me. I had NO idea the cop had stayed. If I had known this was going on, I would have been out there in a flash to show the officer the spare bedroom window and tell what had happened.

About 40 minutes passed and I went into the house my mom had gotten home she and my younger half brother were standing in the kitchen I walked to my bedroom for a few minutes then came back through and Bill and my mom were in the kitchen. I remarked that Bill should get his facts straight before slandering me about this house. And I gave a synopsis of all the work I had done.

I had my say and went out to the garage. About 15 minutes later I heard my name being called from the sliding glass door of my garage by the cop. I thought what in the world... He asked me if I had a sword, I said -- yes I did.

He asked if he may see it. So he followed me to my bedroom and I gave him the sword. I asked if that was all. He said yes. So I went back out to the garage. Then a few minutes later the cop came out and instructed me to stay there. Then in a few more minutes he came back and called me. I went to see what he wanted and he said I have to put these on you as he was holding his hand cuffs in his hands. I asked if I may change my clothes first. He said No!

I was told to turn around and he put the cuffs on me. The cop walked me towards the house. I said if I could speak to my mother a minute I am sure all of this could be resolved.

He again said NO! He never asked me what had happened, I was not read my rights, nor did he say I was under arrest for anything. Bill O'Brian had this cop so convinced that I was dangerous there was no point in trying to talk to him.

Since I have never been in this particular situation before I had no idea what exactly I should do.

I was placed in the back of the police car and watched him as he went back to my house and stood talking to someone through our front door. I was in his car for about a good 20 mins. Then watched him look for where he had misplaced my sword. He finally found it on the ground. Then came back and asked if it was hot in there, I answered yes.

And I asked him to ask my mom to feed my cat. He went to the house and came back then he got in the car. As we were driving away he said he has to take me to the police station. (Still not saying I am under arrest or anything.) Then the cop tells me I have to have a blood test. I asked why. He said someone in the house said I was on drugs. I asked who would say such a thing? He replied I cant tell you. Then he asked me if I was going to give him any problems. I said I haven't yet have I? Then he repeated the question a couple more times. I ignored him.

When we arrived at the police station he opened the door of the police car and told me to get out. I was in so much pain I could not get out of the car immediately. I asked him to please give me a hand. He was reluctant but finally did. I was brought to a large room and told to sit on this low wood bench. Then I was handcuffed to the rings they have secured on the bench. The cop sat at a computer and ask me my name, social security number ect. I thought perhaps he would ask me then what had happened. But never did.

After sitting there on that hard bench for a period of time it further irritated my back to the point that when I was told to stand up my legs collapsed from under me because of the pain. They told me to stand up again. I could not. I asked for help since I was cuffed behind my back, and again they were reluctant. But finally did.

Then I was asked if I needed to go to the hospital. I said if you want me to be able to walk anywhere it might be a good idea. So they called the Paramedics. When they came in they asked me what was wrong, I told them of my back.

They looked me over and said yes that my back injuries had been irritated. They asked if I had anything else as in wrong with me. I told them I have asthma. Then they took me to the hospital.

I was there approx. 4 hours. The doctor finally came in checked my legs asked if I wanted anything for pain. I declined. Just before we left to go back to jail this guy ran into the room saying he got the call to come down there while on his way with his girlfriend to somewhere. He was rushed while digging in my arm trying to find a vain, he finally took a blood sample. And ran back out the door saying he had so-and-so out in the car waiting.

I was taken in and booked. I still hadn't any idea of the charges. Until 8:30 that evening, I had to talk to the OR person. I asked what the charges were. He said, You don't know?

I said, No! No one has told me. I was bailed out. And released after midnight on the 18th of June. While I was in jail, I was robbed. By a friend of Bill O'Brian. I did not report it. Since my last call to the police landed me in jail. And my mom not knowing any better let the guy (Mark Wilson) in, because she knew him. I had hundreds of dollars of tools stolen from the house, the garage, and my storage shed which otherwise would have not happened.

My mother finally fired the electrician in the middle of the work because she had been seriously shocked twice by faulty electrical wiring they installed, and Bill's continued harrasment of me.

Last September I finally went to the doctor because I could not handle the pain I had been experiencing since I was injured in June. The doctor concluded that what had happened to me did in fact stir up degenerative arthritis in my hips. I am 43 yrs. old. I was able to hold a job and support myself.

I was forced into a corner February 3rd. To plea out on assualt charges. The DA's office postponed the case for 8 months. Which of course drained my funds.

Riverside, California

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