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  • Report:  #902334



  • Reported By:
    Shaunte' — Manhattan New York United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Mon, June 25, 2012
  • Updated:
    Mon, June 25, 2012

So, I was looking for talent agencies in New York preferably for modeling and acting. Like most people I used the internet to begin my search.  I came across a website for ONE SOURCE TALENT AGENCY and browsed the site just to get some background on the company. I was skeptical going in especially when a friend of mine posted on her Facebook page that this particular agency called her back and when she went in they asked her for $495 UP FRONT before they can represent her!

Anyway, I'm the type of person that never takes anyone's word until I see or experience it for myself. I took a chance submitted my photo and before I could blink I get a phone call the next day from a "representative" of the agency. She began to tell me that the "Director" was very interested in me after viewing my photo and wanted me to to come in for an "interview". I cut right to the chase and asked about the $495 fee that they charge everyone for signing up.

She immediately got defensive and said: "Where did you get that information from because we don't have it posted on our website". REDFLAG! I said: "A friend of mine has already been through the process and said it's part of the application". She responded: "Just because your friend was charged a fee doesn't mean you'll be charged a fee". REDFLAG! Well I went to the appointment anyway with the notion that it couldn't hurt to check it out. When I arrived to the first interview I literally walked into a room of about 25-30 people. It makes me upset as I'm writing this because I can recall a beautiful little girl (no more than 3-years old) waiting with what seemed to be her mother and grandparents to be seen.

LOOKS CAN BE VERY DECEIVING! This company will try to be as convincing as possible with pictures of great looking "models" on the walls, fashion magazines sprawled out in the waiting room and to top it off, "A DEVIL WEARS PRADA" was playing on a huge flat screen TV in the room we were all waiting in. After what seemed like forever a lady comes out from behind a closed door attempting to get everyone in the room pumped-up after we've been waiting long enough. (They require you to be 10-15min early for the appointment but it's just a diversion) This woman introduces herself as the "Director" she starts talking about casting directors that scout models and actors from their agency. She went on to say that most agencies are looking for your "average everyday person". She showed us photos of women, men and children that were booked through their agency. The unsuspected person would think "okay so far so good"-WRONG! She then explains the cost of comp-cards and head-shots, the cost of photos needed to market you to casting directors and/or modeling go-sees. Then she finalizes her presentation driving it home "in order to make it in this industry you have to have a passion for the business. If we are interested we will call you back for a second interview, if not don't be discouraged and if you feel like this is not something for you please let us know so we can take your name out of our database" HA!

THE CATTLE CALL.... One by one we each individual is called, lined-up and shuffled into these fitting room-like offices for a screening. When it was my turn, I entered the room and was asked to turn in my form that I initially filled out at the reception desk. I was greeted by a generic looking, metro-sexual male who for whatever intended purposes perpetuated a s****.> On Saturday I received the following email:

I had you scheduled for a second appointment earlier today but you never showed and we never heard anything from you. I hope everything is okay. I know sometimes things come up last minute.

I would like to get the appointment rescheduled so give me a call at (212) 279-3842 and we will set another time for you to come back.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Darlene Gilbertie
One Source Talent
115 West 45th Street, 7th Floor New York, NY 10036 / (212) 279-3842

At this point I was confused, I was told that Monday was my second appointment not Saturday the following day. Anyway, I called the agency and spoke with a receptionist who rescheduled my appointment for Sunday, Jun 24th @ 3:30pm. (Be advised that in the initial email before the first appointment they advise that rescheduling appointments is not an option and/or not recommended) I guess this company is so busy getting anyone through the doors that they can't keep up with their appointment setting. REDFLAG!

I get to my second interview @ 3:15pm. I'm sitting there in the lobby with other prospects waiting to be seen. As I'm sitting there more prospects started to flood threw off the elevators each with different time slots for appointments. Some of the other people waiting to be seen came in after me and were seen before me! REDFLAG! My intuition told me to get up and walk out right then and there but I decided to stick it out.

MOMENT OF TRUTH.....Finally I was called back and escorted by the overly tanned, metro-sexual effeminate male from my first interview. Once in the office he introduced me to a quaint and somewhat s****.> And like the snob I knew he was he then responded: "Well you can call someone you know maybe a family member and they can give us their card number". You would think by the way he said it he knew exactly where the money was coming from! I looked at him at that moment as if he had four heads. I responded: "I don't know anyone that could provide me with that information or who has that kind of money" He then said: "Did you come to the meeting? We explained that during the presentation. We expected that you'd be prepared. What did you think was going to happen here today?" I responded: "That was not told to me directly and I don't recall anyone mentioning that I'd have to pay this on the second interview". We went back and forth until I asked him to leave to room so I could make a phone-call. At this point, in time he thought I bit the dust and gave in to his demands when really I called my aunt to tell her about what a scam it was. After the phone call, I took the crummy contract folded it into four pieces put it in my bag and exited the office before the tag-team returned. Before leaving, I kindly told the receptionist to let the male know that I'm leaving. She responded: "Shouldn't you let him know that? You can go back in the office and have a seat and tell him that". (I guess in the job description you have to be a snob to work there) I said: "No, I'm not interested" THE END.

P.S. Don't help this company keep their lights on or their doors open! This business should be closed in every state they are based out of effective immediately!: Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New York and Washington D.C. They're making their money buy selling you a dream! Don't buy into it!

Don't get Scammed!
New York, NY

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