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  • Report:  #823793

Complaint Review: One Source Talent

One Source Talent Complete waste of time, rude & unprofessional staff with no knowledge of the business Houston, Texas

  • Reported By:
    Christie — Houston Texas United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Tue, January 17, 2012
  • Updated:
    Fri, January 27, 2012

Let me start from the beginning. I had been thinking of getting my 4yr old son into modeling so last week I submitted his pictures online under the website A couple of hours later I got a call from One Source Talent that they got his pictures and wanted him to come to an open call on Saturday. I researched the company that night and read all the reviews about what a scam it was but decided to go anyways just to see if it was even something my son would be interested in doing through a different company. The open call was scheduled for 3:30 and we were told to arrive 15-30 mins early. When we got there they gave us a sheet of paper to fill out and sent us into a room with everyone else. They called people a couple at a time to go get measurements taken and have a "headshot" done. I use the word headshot lightly because it was more of a snap shot of your head than an actual head shot for modeling. They used a point and shoot camera, with the regular flash while you stood flat against a wall. It was like a mug shot. After that was done we went back to the room and waited for the presentation to start. The office manager, Dominique, came in to do the presentation which was basically telling about 3 success stories from the company (none were from that particular office) and making a big deal about how their comp cards are digital so when she said you had to pay $495 for them up front you thought it was worth it. After the presentation we were called back for an interview. It was a joke. We walked in to a talent coordinators office (her name was Judy). She immediately said she wanted my son back for a 2nd interview. She asked him a couple of questions but not in a child friendly manner. I.e, "Tell me about yourself". Anyone with a 4yr old knows he has no idea what that means! So he said, "I'm (his name)" and that was the only way he knew to answer the question. So she told me he needs to open up more before his next interview. I told her he is actually very open if you can talk to him on his level so she said when we come back she would ask him what his fave TV shows were, what he likes to play with, etc. Why she couldn't just do that then, I have no idea. But anyways, we scheduled the 2nd interview for that Monday at 430. I still had 0 intentions of giving them any money, but that 1st day gave my son no idea if this was something he wanted to do so I was hoping the 2nd one would. I was wrong. We were again told to arrive early. The email actually says you would be black listed if you didn't. So we get there at 4. The waiting room is crowded. We find some seats and sit down to wait. At 5 my husband is starting to get irritated we haven't been taken yet. I am usually very patient so I wait a little bit longer. At 515 my husband asks the receptionist how much longer it's going to be and she said Judy was with someone now, then there was one more interview waiting ahead of us. It was going to be a long wait bc the interviews were taking 45mins. At 540 someone else walks up to the receptionist to ask when they were going to be seen because they had a 530 appt. I told her that they better plan on being there all night because our appt was an hour before theirs and the people ahead of us still hadn't been called. I asked the receptionist (who was nice about it) if it was typical for them to run this behind and she said yes, it does some times. At this point I was very aggrevated. I picked my son up from school & went straight there and the banana I gave him as a snack on the way was not working any more and he was starving. And I had 2 other kids with a babysitter that I was going to be giving a very late dinner to. So the receptionist goes to the back for a minute, comes back out and a couple of mins later Judy comes out to get the people ahead of us and says we will be next. It is almost 6. So I asked here "so about another 45 mins? Our appt was at 430!". She didn't say anything. Much to our surprise, she calls us back about 10 minutes later even though the people before us still hadn't left. We go into an office that is not hers (I know because I was in her office 2 days ago). She talks to my son for a minute and looks at the pictures she had us bring. She was of course saying how gorgeous he was, very photogenic, very mature for his age, and said she was impressed how comfortable he was talking to adults. She gives us a sheet of paper to read and says she want to go show the office manager his pics and she would be back in 15mins. We knew she was going back to the people who were ahead of us to do their interview. So she comes back 15mins later. Said office manager just loved his pictures, but she was going to take a couple to see how comfortable he was with her taking them. So again, it's the mug shot type pictures. Whatever. She leaves again and after she comes back she asks if we had a chance to read the paper and asked if we had any questions. This is where it gets good. I told her not about the paper, but I do about the company in general since we hadn't been given that opportunity yet, so she says ok. So 1st question was why should we chose your company over someone else like Page Parkes? Legit question. Well, Judy looked at me like I had 2 heads and jumped all over me! She said "you do NOT ask me that question!" um, what?! Then the phone rang, she stepped out for a cpl mins and came back and asked if I had any other questions.i told her she still didn't answer my 1st question and she said she wouldn't answer it!i I said if you're going to try and sell me your company I need to know why you are worth my money and not someone else in the area. She said its not her job to sell me the company, the company sells itself. That she is a model for it. Really? So I ask to speak with the office manager. And then she said, well, I haven't even told you yes or no for him. So ok. Tell me. And she says he's not mature enough yet. So I laugh and I was like you just said how mature he was! And then she said (she has been standing up & very defensive this whole time) "well I WAS looking forward to working with him but then you came at me all wrong!" Wow! So I again tell her to get me the office manager. The office manager was def sticking up for Judy but was nice & answered my 1 simple question. I didn't even get a chance to ask my difficult ones! But, I did feel rushed. After waiting over 2 hrs, I finally got in and they were rushing me out bc they had an open call at 7 and half our interview we were by ourselves bc she was interviewing the people before us too. So in the end, not only are they a scam but they are rude, immature, and unprofessional. It took me everything I had to not tell everyone at the open call to run now and never look back! I am so glad we never had intentions of signing with them anyways!

2 Updates & Rebuttals


Los Angeles,


#3Consumer Comment

Fri, January 27, 2012

Here's my story:

I see these guys post on  Craigslist  and on google ads. All you had to do was answer a couple questions and submit a photo (optional), and someone would call you within the next couple of days. The "optional" to submit a photo should have raised a red flag right there, but I just submitted my stuff to see what would happen and went on my merry way. A couple days later, I got a call from One Source Talent, saying they wanted to meet me. I decided, "why not?" I can always say no. 

When I got there,  the  office  was run by hot 20 something year old girls-clearly people who did NOT have experience in the industry. It was like "Boiler Room" but with hot women! They rounded all 50+ people into one room and showed off pictures of their "Success stories" (These people were all the ideal model type who would have found success WITHOUT One Source!). They also said "You don't need classes! Look at Jessica Simpson! Hahaha!" Then one by one they would call people to be interviewed as if only a few people got selected. They called me in, asked a few questions, and told me to come the next day. Having nothing to do and trying to expose this company as a scam, I went. The next day, I went to the LA office. I came 15 minutes early. Despite that, the person I was supposed to meet with didn't come 30 minutes after my call time (I waited 45 minutes!). While I was waiting, a client was waiting for his month follow up interview. I asked him if they booked him for any major  work  during his first month. He said he hadn't gotten anything and that it was mainly his fault because he was not submitting himself, when OneSource is supposed to submit you. I asked what kind of work did he see on his Onesource site. He mentioned a lot of reality shows and  extra  work  that anyone can find for free on Craigslist. Finally, this 20 something year old girl named Lynette Silvio asked me into an office, and then asked me a few questions before taking my photo portfolio. Lynette took my portfolio, walked out, and came back 10 or so minutes later and said "We think you're marketable, and we want to work with you. She then whips out this sheet of paper that she wants me to sign. It stated $495 with a monthly recurring fee of $39.95. She also suggested that I used their photographer who range around $400-800, depending on how many looks I got. When I asked which specific agencies and casting directors does OneSource work with, Lynette Silvio was stumped and said, "we work with many, many, many agencies and casting directors." I also asked if there were any success stories of average looking people like myself because all of the success stories on the site and their "Wall of Fame" were people who had the ideal model look or was a really cute kid. She failed to answer the question and provide examples of average looking people finding success through OneSource. I left with an unsigned contract.

My ONLY regret was not hitting on the hot chicks working there. 


United States of America

Also Happend to me Today.

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, January 26, 2012

20January 2012

I went to the company today. They emailed me a few days ago and told me to tell me which day was best. I responded a few days later and told them. I showed up today exited! Iv dreamed of modeling my whole life but nobody has ever responded to me that much. I dont go to open calls often and only submit online wich is my mistake.

I arrived. got hustled into that room. heard the exact same demonstration. Got my measurments. ETC

2 hours later we finally got called for our "quick 5 min interview" after waiting for so long. Take in mind this was my mothers day off and my family is very broke and cant not work. It was 9 and she had to be up at 230 AM for work.

They asked me the EXACT same questions they asked your son. The TV show even . That was the first. Then she said i was very "mature" for my age. like to you. I have flaming red/brown hair . She told me if i got accepted i would have a week to change it but the only reason she kept me to talk with her is cuz she belives i have a beatuiful face, pretty eyes, and im the smallest person shes seen in here. takein mind my measurements are 34'24'34. She kept saying how beatuful i was. It made me feel on top of the world. She told me to prepare a walk for hte next day and she would take pictures.

She was extremly sweet, but she wanted the money the next day. no exepctions. We dont have $500 dollars. Thats my college money. My dreams were soon crushed when my boyfriend told me how much of a scam it was. He researched it but i didnt belive him. Im going bak for the interview tomorrow. Just to see what she is gonna do and if shell actually take me. I just
want experience so when a not scam agency (already been to 3 scams...) finds me ill be ready. 

Im glad nothing happend to your son and its scary how your story was EXACT same as mine. I wont hurt my family by this. I know its not worth it and this is what i needed. THANK YOU!

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