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  • Report:  #1460460

Complaint Review: Siteowner: Brent Riley, Siteowner: Brent Riley, OLS , Siteowner: Brent Riley Take Peoples Money Without Providing The Services Fort Myers Florida

  • Reported By:
    James — Peoria AZ United States
  • Submitted:
    Tue, September 11, 2018
  • Updated:
    Tue, September 11, 2018

Okay , Where to begin here . I guess I should start off with a brief summary of myself , and my relationship/history with OLS  ( . I had been a member there at OLS since 2002 . 16 LONG YEARS !! So you'll be hard pressed to find many folks that have been there longer than I was . My Screen name was LilDevil , and again , I had been a paying member since May 2002 .

Over the years I have witnessed discrimination and bias from the moderators there . What does that mean ? Well ,  let me tell you if you disagreed with a moderators stance say...Oh on politics , sex , or anything else , than you had a good chance of having your comments being deleted , or being banned all together . I have seen NUMEROUS members being ...SILENCED ...In this fashion .

The moderators there have their favorites and the favoritism runs strong . Rules are posted for all but some may do , and speak as they like . Another words , DO AS I SAY ,NOT AS I DO !!!

If you ignore the bias there , The site itself was pretty good in the beginning .And I have to say it USED TO BE THE BEST out there . But sadly most of the power hungry moderators , and the slacker of an owner ( BRENT RILEY ) have let it slip into mediocrity  .

So for years , I pretty much kept to myself . I mean lets be honest , I was there to enter sweepstakes , and not hold long meaningful relationships with the other members . But on occassion , I would respond to posts/threads just like the other members . I was attacked once for my beliefs , and after defending myself I was banned for about 2 weeks ( Don't remember ) for arguing back against a moderator there . HOW DARE I DEFEND MYSELF !!!

After that was well aware that reasonable didn't apply there . And when I reached out to Brent ?? Not a peep . Basically the Moderators can do and say ,AND TREAT his paying customers anyway they so please , and he could care less .

So , I basically kept tomyself ever since that day.

Fast forward now to about 3 months ago . I had posted the words " I Won " under one of the sweepstakes listings . It did NOT have a winners folder in it (Members will know what that means) so why would there be a problem right ? Anyways , Anytime I would make a post it magically got deleted.

So I wrote..." Why are my posts being deleted "..It too was deleted with no response...Yeah , no bias or mistreatment there.

Now ,September 3rd 2018 . I had just got back from traveling abroad . My OLS subscription needed to be renewed . I go make a payment by paypal as I always had . Everything went thru on the paypal side . But back at OLS I see that my membership isn't showing as being paid ( GREEN) . It was then I see many posts/threads of other members having the exact same problem of having paid their money , but not getting the membership .

Numerous posts by numerous members, some not happy whatsover since this has been going on continuously since July 2018 .I had no idea .

I posted a request , and sent 2 personal messages to " NICOLE " ( The supposed fixer of these problems) and I was then banned .

Again with the biased treatment huh ?

Okay , So you took my money , failed to give me what I purchased , Then BAN ME FOR ASKING QUESTIONS ABOUT MY MONEY !?!?!?

Yeah , Makes sense to me too.

Mistakes happen folks , I make them myself .So I'm not upset with a PROBLEM that may arise ..LET ME MAKE THIS PERFECTLY CLEAR..It's the treatment of it's paying members , lack of support , and blatent lack of respect from the moderators.

And If I can be frank,not many if any male mods there.

Anyways so I don't have my money , and I don't have my membership...NOTHING TO SEE HERE RIGHT ?!?!? Just a disgruntled member right ???

The owner of this site BRENT RILEY has several different addresses listed on the BBB website ( Grade F ) . Along with 2 phone numbers that no longer active , and a Facebook page that he no longers responds back to his customers with .So there is NO WAY to get a hold of him..Just as he planned.

16 years there , I've seen it all , Lot more stories to tell ( Hell I could write a book ) My screen name there is/was LilDevil ( Since May 2002) . Unlike the cowardly owner , I too am on Facebook..James Marks , except I...respond to people . I have no reason to hide

...unless I was like Brent Riley and took peoples money also

Bottom Line Folks : This site USED TO BE TOPS . It did . But over the years , and over the power trips , and after banning/silencing so many good/decent members , and after problem after problem on the technical side...This has fallen into a pit of has been ess.

Save your money , There are other sweepstake sites on the web

And if you enjoy being treated like crap...Then may  I suggest that you reach out to your ex rather than joining OLS .  ( Joking But Serious)


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