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  • Report:  #264725

Complaint Review: Onstar28607 Aka Luke Miller (real Name: Lucas Patterson Miller)

Onstar28607 Aka Luke Miller (real Name: Lucas Patterson Miller) Onstar28607 steals information/ spells/ rituals from the internet and selling it as his own for such a high price! Boone North Carolina

  • Reported By:
    Auburn New York
  • Submitted:
    Thu, August 02, 2007
  • Updated:
    Wed, October 09, 2013
  • Onstar28607 Aka Luke Miller (real Name: Lucas Patterson Miller)
    1111 Howards Creek Rd
    Boone, North Carolina
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I haven't bought from him or anything but this will hopefully serve as a warning not to buy from him.

I was surfing randomly and I happened to see his eBay listing -

(or if you prefer enter 300131473894 in search engine) and I noticed that I've read his "story" somewhere before. I did some digging and found out that he stole it from this site -

He stole this paragraph and just changed other paragraphs a bit:
(See 7th paragraph on the eBay listing)

"About eight months later, I wasn't hanging around Mike and Andrew like I used to. Over the summer I had become closer with new friends - mostly girls, but especially with a girl named Christina, who was very superstitious. I had shared with her my experiences from months back and she too had tried to contact the spirit world. She said that she met a girl named Laura who was raped and had died. Christina wanted to talk to her again tonight... through the rituals. I hesitatingly said okay.

When we used the board, we contacted an old women named HARRIET FINGER, who died and who used to own Christina's house. We left the room because we wanted something to eat, but the candle was on. We went back into the room (with our friends Jackie and Sara) and the candle was out, but there was a huge black spot on her wall from the smoke. Christina started to clean it, but the black stuff wouldn't come off. Jackie told Christina to step back. When she did, tears filled her eyes. The black spot had turned into the faces of two women, one looking out the window and one looking very mean down at us.

That night, Christina's friend Laura came into my dream. I saw what she looked like and how she died. She said than an evil man named Howard (real name a-liesgh-ha; I can't spell it, but that's how it's pronounced) stalked us on the Ouija board and threatened to hurt us - and that once he told us "AZAZAZAZAZAZAZ"!

Here are some other ones that I found from googling onstar28607:

The Watcher
Copied from this gaming site:

How do I know it's a gaming site? On the site, they wrote "Charms: as Master mages, usually very skilled in Matter. They can shapeshift into whatever they desire."
Also this:
Well he changed his site already so I had to post this instead.

He stole it from this site -
which is also a gaming site, Dungeons and Dragons I think.
I found this one too:
Read the 18 comments in it. I actually found this early on.
Todd M and maryev123 were made on the same date.

It seems that he made those Yahoo IDs to promote his site. There are also other Yahoo Q & A's that promote his site and badmouths other sellers. Sounds fishy to me.
He stole from this site too:

This is one of the comments from the site:
"Type the numbers 300120473428 and 300122683926 in the search engine and you can see the completed auction. Also, this:
He just changed the names Dewa into Dew and Awang to Awan. Made no change to Siva. He got these from the article: "Dew, a White Djinn, lives in the sun and guards the gates of the sky" and "He has a brother with seven heads and he is the King of all the Jinn". The 2 comments below are from onstar28607 himself."

Auburn, New York

7 Updates & Rebuttals




#8Consumer Comment

Wed, October 09, 2013



Los Angeles,

I purchase from Luke

#8Consumer Comment

Sun, July 26, 2009

He's the REAL deal..


North Carolina,

Thank you.

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, October 09, 2007

Thank you for your time. You have again, done a great job of proving my point. I wish you the best in all that you do and I hold no hard feelings. You have clearly made a case of complete nonsense and it shows. You began this report with lies and your finished it with lies.

As for everything written this time, I have no idea. You have lost me. It is so out there I have no idea what you are talking about.

I certainly hope in the future you can focus on yourself instead of trying to harm others.

Also, when you do a search on the internet, make sure you find the right person. haha

26? At heart, yes!

Blessings to you and may your future be bright.


where scammers are unwanted,

Onstar28607 continues to lie, cheat, copy testimonies, steal information etc

#8Author of original report

Mon, October 08, 2007

For readers: please visit onstar 28607 - is - fake. blogspot. com for the links to the "Response to onstar 28607 's rebuttal" (please remove the spaces in between, also for all the links here)


Onstar 28607, your response is so...inconclusive! "Everything here is flat out nonsense" you say. Do you have proof of that? Is that all you can say?? That is what someone who's hiding a lot of things would say. For anyone who reads this, I challenge you to contact creepyhollows/Elitecollectors and ask if tempura_addict made that report. Just as creepyhollows said in the ripoffreport rebuttal: "And I caution the SELLER who filed this report that negative energy is always sent back 3-fold." See? SHE KNOWS that it's A SELLER WHO MADE THAT REPORT and not me.

Anyway, to make my point clear you said: "She states that I copied a story from (paranormal. about. com / library / weekly / aa012102b. htm) . (please type ebay item number on search engine: 300131473894) That is just the opposite! This was posted on this site after I had my listing posted on Ebay! The fact is, the person is digging hard and when she doesn't find anything to slander us sellers, she makes things up. It is that plain as day! It is that clear!"

I say: (web. archive. org / web / * / http:// paranormal. about. com / library / weekly / aa012102b. htm) (Readers, please remove the spaces in between and click on the Feb. 01, 2003 link) You can see that the page was first published on Feb. 01, 2003! Clearly, what you said that "This was posted on this site after I had my listing posted on Ebay!" IS NOT TRUE.

Of course you are gw4k: (www. ps3forums. com / archive / index.php / t-50722-p-2 . html) You posted a link to your photobucket account - onstar 28607! People check this out: (www. ps3forums. com / member. php ? u=31437). Try googling onstar28607 and gw4k.

Check the birthdate, it's on January 29, 1981. The same birthdate was used on (profiles . yahoo . com / gw4k). It's amazing that the "Luke Miller" in this account lives in Boone, NC. Too much of a coincidence don't you think? Don't tell me I made that PS3 account because it was made on 8th February 2007. Also for the Yahoo! account which was made on 11/24/1997. T

You also plagiarized! This is the item number of the item in question: 300144389925 (Please type ebay item number on search engine: 300144389925. Go to GOOGLE's advanced search and go to "Find results with the EXACT PHRASE. Google this phrase ""he protested his innocence and told the authorities". Then click the link below which says "Repeat the search with the omitted results included".)

Don't say that this story was published AFTER your eBay listing! You COPIED YOUR STORY from either the "Faery Lore" or the "A Field Guide to Demons, Faeries, Fallen Angels and Other Subversive Spirits" by CAROL MACK which was PUBLISHED IN 1998. And don't tell me that CAROL MACK copied the story from your uncle! You just committed COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT.

In your story:

"My Uncle told me that that Aanza was first spotted 1000s of years ago by a young man that was on his way to temple in ancient Egypt. It was early spring and a great festival was being held! He was instantly attracted by her incredible beauty. He walked over to her and was instantly charmed by her!

Aanza invited him to visit her at home and soon after his arrival, she gave him many pieces of silver, declared her love for him and asked that they be together forever!

It was after he had left her home and was entering the temple that the young man had been accused of stealing the silver and was placed under arrest. He protested his innocence and told the authorities where and how he had come across the silver pieces. With this they went to visit Aanza but found her home to be abandoned and in ruin. Just as the authorities entered Aanza brief but astonishing appearance and then vanished, leaving behind the rest of the silver."


"In a famous legend, Madame White was sighted by a young man named Xuxuan who was on his way by ferry to a temple on the bank of West Lake in central China.

It was early spring, during the Quing Ming Festival (a time of rememberance of the dead during which many supernatural sightings take place). He was charmed by her, paid her fare, and, as it had begun to rain loaned her his umbrella.

Madame White invited him to visit her at home, and soon after his arrival, she gave him many silver pieces, declared her love for him, and even proposed marriage.

Unfortunately, when Xuxuan arrived in his own hometown with the silver, the pieces were discovered to bear treasury marks and he found himself under arrest.

He protested his innocence and told the authorities where and how he had acquired the silver. They all went to visit Madame White, but found her "mansion" to be an abandoned ruin. Just as the inspectors entered, the demoness made a flittingly brief but astonishing appearance, then vanished, leaving in her stead the rest of the silver."

You just changed "Madame White" into "AANZA" and removed the name "Xuxuan", changed "China" into "EGYPT" and changed bits and pieces.

Nothing against UAMD and Elitecollectors? What's this then? (http:// rs81. rapidshare. com / files / 61035712 /



About Todd, of course it's you. WHY THE HECK WOULD I PROMOTE YOUR SITE just to prove my point??? (Readers, go to Yahoo! Answers and type in UAMD and look for the "Who else has had their money taken by the UAMD sellers group?") I know so much because I do my RESEARCH! GOOGLE is a very powerful search engine you know.

How can somebody send you a testimony unaddressed? Turns out it was from me??? Why the heck would I send a testimony to you??? What proof do you have? A LOT of your testimonies come from Aisha Haadi's site. (Readers, go to GOOGLE's advanced search and go to "Find results with the EXACT PHRASE. Then google this phrase: ""I recently sent you the materials needed for you to being the work for me". Click "repeat the search with the omitted results included."

Repeat the same procedure for this phrase: "They have promised me many things but except taking my money they did nothing for me". CLICK "repeat the search with the omitted results included." You will find that he copied the testimonials from Aisha Haadi's site.

"lol again"
In spite of all this, I sincerely hope your children will grow up to be HONEST people. Enjoy your Playstation consoles, Xbox360s, various gaming consoles, various games, LCDs etc. which you got from scamming off people from eBay while they last.


North Carolina,

Last Response.

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, October 01, 2007

Yes, I did finally reply to this nonsense and this will be my last rebuttal as you have already done a great job of proving my side of this slanderous, fraudulent case against me.

First off, everything here is flat out nonsense. Simple as that.

The situation that you have created here with me and with the other sellers is your own doing. The only thing I am trying to do is stand up to you, not only for myself but the other sellers you continuing involve!

Everything you have reported in your rebuttal proves this more and more. No one is being fooled by your childish games! I have no problem with the UAMD or the Elitecollectors. They all seem fine to me, granted I do not know them all that well. We have only spoken a number of times matter of fact. I have no problems with any sellers! NONE!

What hurts you is what you post. You happen to know so much about everything that your point yourself out of crowd as the one that is doing it!

Not only did you post all of those comments on yahoo but you made the ripoffreport about the other sellers as well. Gw4k? Changing names? You taken a picture of it. Again, you make it so clear that you are the one doing this. You clearly have the know-how to set all of this up and create such nonsense. I mean, you do seem to know every single detail about everything.

What benefit do I get out of this? Nothing. All you are doing is hurting those that want to help others. Luckily you have said to much and it is all known.

You said that I accused you of being part of their group....well, I have never accused of anything! Ever!

As for this Todd...No idea who is he but of course you are going to say it is me....humm, I'd say it is very possible you just did that to make your case. You sure do know a lot about everything that is going on.

As for the testimonies, I think it is funny how again, you know so much. That testimony was sent to me, with no name addressed. Turns out it was from you. Again, you have made more fake and fraudulent evidence.

My address, from the payment receipt in paypal!

Thank you for the chance to clear my name. You have certainly done that as you have been caught red handed! You have all of the address, photos, names and changed names, you have painted the picture very clearly. Thank you and god bless.

Luke Miller (lol Again, my real name)



Response to onstar28607 's rebuttal

#8Author of original report

Mon, September 24, 2007

Wow! You finally replied! I was waiting for you! Sorry to mislead you but the first post was made by a someone who contacted me who saw thru your scamming ways. We agreed to write about your fraudulent activity. Although I wrote most of it, she wrote some of it as well. She posted it for me because I'm busy most of the time doing HONEST work!

Harrassing you? I think not! I'm simply telling the TRUTH! You created this situation for yourself!
About the SCARLETT FINNER STORY, (please type ebay item number on search engine: 300131473894) you COPIED IT!
It wasn't published after your listing which ended on July 2007 as you said you LIAR! It was first published on 2003!!!

As for the DJINN INFORMATION, you did COPY IT from this site

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

About the UAMD and elitecollectors report, I didn't even know about it until you mentioned it. You wrote that report! How come you knew about it? Have you been spying on them??? First of all, I don't have anything against the Elitecollectors and UAMD. Second, I do not stand to benefit from reporting them.

Third, you are the one who's going to benefit from ruining other sellers reputations since you are a seller yourself and you have mentioned in your eBay listings that other sellers are copying your listings and they are fake yadda yadda...

Did you really speak with a group of sellers? The UAMD and Elitecollectors? I'll ask them if you did. Also, why the sudden change of heart??? You used to accuse me of being a part of their group and now you suddenly turn around and say that I was the one who made that report? Isn't that suspicious? You're trying to implicate me aren't you? Can't you be consistent? Jeeezzz....

Also,you are the one who made this yahoo Q&A:

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

You created it to badmouth other sellers! Isn't it suspicious that "Todd M" replies and says "My personal favorite is onstarxxxxxx".Hahahaha!
You are gw4k! You changed 'gw4k' to 'Nickleback'.

(for readers: google 'gw4k' and 'yahoo', look for the "Yahoo! Answers - What would happen if a wolf got bitten by a werewolf?" link and click on the 'cached' link then look for gw4k's icon and click on it. You will see that it's Nickleback's profile that shows up.) On this link it says that the name of user is "Luke CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

I screencapped it for your convenience just in case you delete it.

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

Oh here's another one. You COPY TESTIMONIALS!
You've copied the testimonial for this item! (For readers, type 300140399079 on eBay search engine)
from this website -

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

"Wednesday, 9. May 2007 04:16
Name: KK
Location: germany
Comments: Hallo erstmal, ich wute echt nicht ob ich daran glaube soll oder nicht, bis heute we ich es noch nicht. Aber es sind Sachen passiert fr die ich keinerlei Erkrung habe. Ich habe meinen PCR-Zauber letztes Jahr im August bei Aisha in Auftrag gegeben und als ich den Fetisch erhielt hab ich meine groe Liebe stndig gesehen, was mir sehr weh tat weil er jemanden neues hatte......"

yOU JUST CHANGED AISHA TO LUKE! And don't tell me that she copied it off from you. It's clear that the testimonial was posted on May 9, 2007 and your listing ended on Aug 2007!

Another one from the same listing (For readers, type 300140399079 on eBay search engine):

"Thursday, 10. May 2007 02:19
Name: blessed
Location: Australia
Comments: Aisha and Miriam thank you so much for you confidents, support and encouragement to have faith. My heart and thoughts will always be with you both and i will be forever grateful. To all people out there please dont waste your time, money and hopes on other casters. I tried everything and never had any results, aisha is really amazing i got results as soon as a month after recieving my tailsman and i was so skeptical and negative that nothing was going to happened but i was totally shocked to see the results i was looking for unfold before me. Please give it a go and believe. Thank you again"

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


I got your address and telephone number from doing a who is search and this is what I got:

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

You said that I didn't receive the package and then you say I got the address from buying from you??? Don't confuse the readers please! Get your facts straight! Readers, I only bought the spirit guide spell from him although it's obvious that from his listings that he has been copying the descriptions. For more information on the spirit guide spell, please visit

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

Thanks for promoting my blog by the way! You just made it so much easier for me!


North Carolina,

Setting the Record Straight!

#8REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, September 21, 2007

I was pointed to this report by a friend of mine and I am glad that I am here to give an honest rebuttal. First, to set the record straight, this report was written by a customer of mine. She purchased an auction from ebay. The report says that, "I haven't bought from him or anything but this will hopefully serve as a warning not to buy from him.

I was surfing randomly and I happened to see his eBay listing," well that is a plain, flat out lie. This is an ebay user who has been harassing me and slandering me for months! Not only myself is being affected by this, but she is attacking other sellers as well.

I have spoken to a group of sellers and we all agree this nonsense has to stop! Just because you do not believe in the metaphysical does not mean you have the right to post such nonsense all over the internet and ebay!

To prove that this is the same person that has purchased from me, please take a look at her about me page on ebay. You can find the page at this url...

Read her nonsense about me page and follow her directions to a blog that she has set up. You can find this blog at this url...

As you can see, this post here is already based on lies and sadness!

I will not expose the name or the address of this person as I do not want to get nasty! She is not from Auburn, New York as she states in her slanderous rip off report. Another lie, it may be a small one, but it is another one. G'day mate is all I am going to say! "I come from the land of the Down Under!"

Is the first bit of "evidence" that she has on this report and on her blog. She used to have this on her About me page on ebay but has been forced to remove it. She states that I copied a story from . That is just the opposite! This was posted on this site after I had my listing posted on Ebay! The fact is, the person is digging hard and when she doesn't find anything to slander us sellers, she makes things up. It is that plain as day! It is that clear!

Lets continue, Next she mentions the Powerful Watcher Spirits! Says that this was copied. Again, so very wrong. It is clear that this "lady" hasn't read her Bible! The information about the powerful Watcher is real, it isn't made up or copied! You can look at her links to see what I am talking about. Just because something is real doesn't mean that I copied it. I offer real spirits, real life changes and this person is seeking anything to slander.

Again, lets continue please, she gives this link,

This is a cached page on my web site. She says that I copied this information from this link ! Well, I have looked this over and there is very little in common with what I have written on my site. She says that I copied this and this is so far from the truth! Again, just because there is some information on this pdf file that has some relevance to the spiritual world, doesn't mean that it was copied! Look at the links, follow them and read for youself, see that this is nonsense! She seems to know more about games than I do.

Next she gives a link to Yahoo Answers, , she says this sounds fishy! Well, I agree! What is she talking about? I think it is great that she has pointed a link to another seller, just as myself, that is getting harassed! That is fishy isn't it? How I get dragged into this is ridiculousness! Clearly a way to slam another seller while trying to harass me.

"Next, He stole from this site too: "...she says that I copied a site that has a different translation of the history of some powerful spirits that I have offered in the past. If she knew more about what she was talking about she would know that there are many translation of this text. Many! Again, another stab in the dark in an attempt to make me look bad and ruin my good name.

That is where this report stops, but lets pick up from her blog. She says that I have copied an Astral Projections technique, Banishing of Evil, Positive Energy ritual, Meditation Techniques, a book, a spirit guide spell, The Watcher, and the last spirits and the history that I mentioned.

Needless to say, this is all nonsense as well! With everything that she mentions on her site, I give a way FOR FREE! I GIVE IT AWAY! She didn't purchase any of this! NONE! What she did purchase, she didn't even receive! SHE DIDN'T EVEN RECEIVE HER PACKAGE! Everything that she says I copy and sell is what I gave her. She turns around and says that I copied it. I try to explain to her that these are all real techniques, real rituals, these are not made up and I told her, IT IS NOT WRITTEN BY ME.

One thing I forgot to mention is that the title of this rip off report that she has posted says, "Onstar28607 steals information/ spells/ rituals from the internet and selling it as his own for such a high price!" This report has nothing to do with copying and selling any spells, rituals, and doesn't even mention the high price. The high price of FREE! You can find these rituals on my web site, in my blog....for free!

These attacks on do not end here. Like I said earlier, other sellers are getting attack, their listing are getting removed and nasty reports have been listed about them as well. and the yahoo answer link written above.

As this seller stated, "you know you've really become something special when everyone else out there is trying to drag you down." As I mentioned earlier, we (the sellers) know who has done this!

So with that, if anyone has any questions, anyone have any comments, please contact me, I would love to talk about this matter!

It is very clear that this is nonsense and I feel for that person! What we do in this life comes back to us in the next!

In closing of this rebuttal, I want to say that I don't want to come off as defensive or offensive but this nonsense needs to stop. What I and the other sellers are offering are incredible, life changing services! So many have been helped, so many have been blessed. Just because someone doesn't believe in what we are offering doesn't warrant these attacks. I am not angry but I do feel for everyone that is effected by this. You are trying to hurt us sellers and the only one you are hurting are those that are looking for assistance and life expansion. I have over 300 of the most incredible feedbacks and one negative from this person. 1 in all this time! That is fishy isn't it?

Also, that is my address, she got this when she purchased from me.

Blessings to everyone!
Luke Miller (that is my name by the way)

Respond to this Report!