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  • Report:  #1173999

Complaint Review: oranum

oranum Justice Mind, cloud song, angel lite, spirit wonders, stellar door, skinny mouse, zuggie, insight 2 light, heera, gloria knows, lady ren, aaa predict, dr love nikki, balajee, psychi fae, sonic nova, madhu, mamma chippy, gentleman jim, spiritual sagg, bart psychic scammers, fake psychics, kids that play with cards, frauds Internet

  • Reported By:
    TessyBessy — New York New York
  • Submitted:
    Wed, September 03, 2014
  • Updated:
    Tue, September 09, 2014

Oranum and its fake psychics - I am writing this to warn people about the popular psychic site oranum and to report on all the psychics I have used that have given false and wrong readings to me iver the past year.

the list of psychics that are fake and or frauds are as follows - 

Justice mind - this is a college kid who plays with his cards amongst other things - he has never been correct at all.  He thinks reading for you is a "game". I would save yoru money on this one.

Cloud song - she pread for me many times and when I went in to ask her why her predictions never came true she flipped out and told people she never read to me- I posted on her wall to ask why and she took it down - total scam artist - she didnt even want to address me calmly and look back into matters to see what happened - she blocked me - one has to wonder why she wouldnt address ths issue ? ***ALSO ***she is totally unethical as well as she shares her notes with her daughter (who will be listed next) and her friend spirit wonders, and sonic nova, this ring of psychics shares notes on you so if they get anything right on the first reading to blow you away this is why.  After that they fizzle out and are wrong. Cloud you need to wipe that smug little smirk off yoru fat face and stop scamming people. Nothing Cloud said ever happened, not even months later. Nothing, zilch, nada. not even one tiny thing and she was really smug and confident when she told me what would "definitely happen".  Better keep  your job at the grass farm lady. Im no psychic but Im gonna predict after word gets out that this wont be such a fruitful career for you.

Angel lite- she is cloud songs daughter she also JUST discovered her psychic skills, same time as mommy did - her readings for me were totally wrong nothing ever happened time came and went and nothing even months later nothing nothing nothing - so if you like her to tell you a nice pretty story and charge you for it by all means use her - but if you want the truth and a true psychic this girl is not the one for you - she shares notes with her mommy and spirit wonders.

Spirit wonders- shes a friend of the other two, she suggested that they "become psychic" too. SPirit wonders is a nasty old hag who talks to her dead grandmother - problem is that she has never been right for me and many others - my guess is that her dead old granny has dimensia - her spirits are out of whack - or maybe she herself is clouded from the angels ;) fake !! this old lady shares notes with cloud and angel - beware - 

Madhu - you need to turn down the volume for this one - her voice is that of a nasty little rat - more in tune of what one would sound like if running ones nails down a chalkboard - she read for me about half dozen times - not even one thing happened - when I went back to ask her why she blocked me - I went back in to ask again she blocked me and called me a troll - shes about as psychic as a wet rat in a paper bag .....

Sonic nova- shes a nutty one - although nice, her voice will drive you to want to kick a cat or worse kick a box of kittens -  she is about as nutty as they come - not sure if her voice is real - go in to see her at your own risk and dont say i didnt warn you - NOTHING of what she told me came to pass - she also shares notes with her friends, cloud, spirit, and angel - be forwarned -

Psychic Fae - shes pretty much one of the biggest fakes on oranum - a welfare case living off the system it seems - she has predicted many things for me and guess what ?? THEY .........NEVER.........HAPPENED........and this lady tells you she is never wrong !!!! fake fake fake - she also stalks a guy on there who is also a reader claiming she is going to marry him and move to india - shes not "all there" -

Stellar door- she is a nice lady BUT she is not a real psychic - if you tune into her room nightly you will witness her having weekly major melt downs over a guy she met on the internet and claimed she dated for years who did her wrong - she will have rants about running across country to save him from the demons she claims made him run from her - she will claim the illuminati are after god kows who, it depends on the night lol - she will also talk about many other crazy things - as I mentioned, I have witness her major mental melt downs right in her room on video - why oranum keeps her employed as a psychic is beyond me - its not professional to sit there and cry you reyes out on camera for everyone to see - she is emotionally unstable - she is a total basket case - I would suggest that she go to seek counselling because she is just crazy mentally - she goes back and forth between that and normal and then somewhere about what a crack w***e would act like on a nightly basis - she is truly unstable - is this who you truly want as your psychic ?? - I had readings with her and found her info to be inaccurate - I do however like the way she reads, but the point isnt a side show scam to entertain us, the point is to give the customer a real reading - proceed with caution on this one - she also says people stalk her when she is in fact the one who actually stalk people - case in point a man who she had what she called a relationship with yet never met him then when he wanted nothing to do with her she was going to go across the country to him to help him rid himself of the demons she claimed made him run from her -- Im pretty much guessing her  stalking is what made him run lol

Ki Oracle -otehrwise known as bunnydoosh is her friend along with justice mind by the way - they all "share" info -she once spilled her dead cats ashes in a demo and when she did that her other cat had a seizure on camera.........I had no words for that !! you see it all on oranum !!!!

Shri Balajee is another one - very nice but nothing he ever said happened - he calls everyone "my friend" etc, he has never been right for me or any of my friends who have tried him - his gentle demeanor makes you want to beleive him but in the end he is just like everyone else - FAKE !!  

Skinny mouse- this b*tch demands your name and age as soon as you walk into the room so she can take notes on you - yet she wont give her real name age or location - funny how that works isnt it !! ??  her readings never materialized for me at all -

Sonnypsychic - wes a real trip - he sees space ships and has told us that he has also been abducted by these spaceships to be examined by the aliens- one has to seriously wonder about his mental state - my guess is he was a bed wetter as a kid and had imaginary friends - he is friendly enough but he reads from a script which you can see him doing every day - its actually funny to watch - people r dumb !!!!

natalie psychic hasnt gotten out of bed since I joined - she reads from bed- she is not ill, I have asked, she is just lazy I guess - 

wings of topaz- shes really nice but fake fake fake - shes just waiting for food stamps and spending her time in between doing readings on oranum -she resembles that of a crack w***e in detox-  she claims to talk to angels but from what Ive witnessed she hasnt been right with me as of yet - another person who claims yet it still to be seen - predictions came and went - nothing - 

Lynda psychic medium is one of the BIGGEST FRAUDS I have encountered on oranum thus far - I told someone in another room it was my birthday just to test them, and wehn i went into her room immediately after she said she saw it was my birthday - I did that to prove that they share notes - the psychic I told it was my birthday was a friend of hers :) - it was NOT my birthday - they shared notes :) when I confronted her she flipped out and signed off - I reported her - fake fake fake !!!

Shanna stars - fun fact - she eats earwax !! I have seen her do it !! - maybe thats where she gets her psychic powers from ? who the hell knows - but nothing she predicted came true at all -

other psychics I have tried but nothing happened at all were - Heera, gloria knows, lady ren, AAA predict, Spiritual Sagg, Love Dr Nikki, Love Lake, Insight 2 light, Bartimeus, more to come :) 




13 Updates & Rebuttals



100% frauds

#14Consumer Comment

Tue, September 09, 2014

Please understand that in spite of this outfits silly ranting, they are 100% frauds just like every other pathetic psychic.

I know it and they certainly know it. 

Psychics are the lowest of the low and have no conscience.

Stay away from all of them and live your life in the real world. There is no magic.


new york ,
New York,

mission accomplished

#14Consumer Comment

Mon, September 08, 2014

To all of those who took the time to read and reflect on my original post, "I thank you " - my mission was accomplished, suspicions confirmed, and even better it brought a few crackpots ou tinto the open.  It seems you were predictable as expected.

Now I have a few really "cool" observations to share and a few really "cool" things I saw on oranum to share as well - 

SInce posting this report I got some nice fan mail on here, wow, people really go to the extreme saying Im fat and a loser bla bla have no life, bahahahaha, and even as far as saying my predictions didnt happen and that was my own fault - I truly shake my head at this, since this is a "new one" - Usually when predictions do not happen, these fake psychics say the following, and in this order - " free will" it didnt happen because the other person had free will - well isnt that the point of going to a psychic ? to see past "free will" - free will is a cop out they use when things dont happen as they say - second most frequently used excuse is "blaming you for things not happening" its your fault, you did this or that etc - again, isnt the point of a real psychic to see the results ? another excuse they frequently use is well there was "too much energy in the room"- another bs excuse that they think gives them a get out of jail free card for lying to  you - In addition to that, ever notice that when things dont happen, they stretch the timelines out further and further out ? think about it ;) some people are strung along for years -

Ok now for me and my life - BAHAHAHA - no I am not an obese 500 lb woman on the internet - I do have a life, etc etc, and a very good career, notice I said "career" not "job" - most of the psychics on oranum have no income or job other than the few people they can wrangle into private chat - they will spend hours on end in free chat just chatting the night (or day away) hoping that they get someone to request a reading from them - LOL talk about HAVE NO LIFE - !!??? they sit there day after day, befriending people in hopes to make money off of the same people they befriend - well personally these arent quite the type of people id like to call "friend" - I have seen chat rooms such as Stellar's in which a cutsomer was on 24 hours a day for 8 months befriended Steallar and in the end told her he was not a man but a woman, and on top of that said she was in love with her - guess what after that the person was considered poison , all the room mates that hung there talked nasty in other chat rooms about this person and they cast them out - and then you guessed it, Stellar had yet ANOTHER major mental meltdown for about a week, on camera etc - three weeks later its still mentioned on a nightly basis, every time a new member comes into the room they are paranoid and pretty much chase the person out .........counter productive if one wants new customers isnt it ? and not smart business practice - one might think with Stellar being so "psychic" as she claims that she would know half the people she chased out were real people - how do I know this ?? because I went in under a few names to observe and was chased out and blamed for being just that person they all hated - I just shook my head in amazement at how stupid people can be - and this is your psychic ? 

Another case in point - Justice Mind - this kid is a real jerk - he is another fake paranoid one - I went into his room and he offered me a card, then asked if anyone in room could read his cards for him - so I offered it up since I have knowledge of tarot - I pulled a few cards told him what they were - do you know what he said ? he said " oh I dont know what that cards really means"..............huh ?? he said he didnt know what the cards really meant ...........and he charges people for TAROT READINGS people !!!! wake up !!!!  I had to explain what the cards meant - I went even further and read the whole spread for him, at which point he freaked out, asked me to explain more, and when I did he blamed me for being this other person "cheryl" and had a paranoid rant on camera - he finally turned and kicked me out calling me cheryl - I can assure you my name is not cheryl nor do I have any knowledge of who this cheryl is -

I went back into his room and he was still talking abou tit saying ok let me pull a card and see if that was cheryl, then he said yep !! my cards are telling me its cheryl - sadly enough I am not cheryl lol - his cards are wrong, but he had whole room buying it - and he even went further than that - he told the whole room that he was going to put a spell on this cheryl and some guy so that it goes bad and even further than THAT he said he was going to curse a kid involved as well with a spell - so that it all falls apart and that this cheryl is miserable - this is an unstable person who should be taken off oranum imediately - he has issues - hes a mean person - and again I ask, and this is your psychic ???

ok onto sonic nova - to the person who attacked me for saying stuff about her just because they helped her out , good for you hun - guess what you have an emotional attachment to a stranger because she was there to listen to you through a rough time in your life - thats admirable BUT it still doesnt make her a real psychic - she was WRONG WRONG WRONG on what she told me - period - and yes her voice is enough to make one go berzerk and her laugh is even worse - they should stick her in the nut farm where she belongs - she also gave otu someone REAL NAME and contact info without their consent - I am pretty sure thats agains oranum policy and in my opinion a big NO NO - how would you liek it if she gave your name and personal info out ?  bottom line she is wrong - predictions didnt happen and wrong in giving out personal info -

Ok lets give cloud and her off spring a shout out so they dont feel left out - seems that cloud is claiming I am stalking her and claiming that I am " insert name here" which again, I can assure you that I am not the person mentioned in a previous post here defeinding old cloud - I just sit here and shake my head in amazement how you people go on these rants and say you know who this is - I am seriously LAUGHING AT YOU all and laughing at how STUPID you all are - I used cloud for a few readings demos and pvt - when the predictions did not come true I stopped giong, I went in to ask, I go tthrown out , and then decided the heck with that I am going to rip off report with it - how that is considered stalking for months on end I do not know - this all went down within two days - I just shake my head at this one - shes a paranoid mess - her kid cannot read either - her predictions NEVER HAPPENED either - I didnt even bother to go in and tell her - lost cause - 

Spirit wonders - yes she does share info with cloud, sonic, angel lite, and a few others - They all have certain circles and they do share info - as a matter of fact Ki Oracle , Lucky psychic, Stellar Door and a few others not listed share info within their little circle - I saw lucky psychic sharing info with one of them online in chat as a matter of fact - 

Justice mind was sharing info with Jewels something or other who was another reader using a different name - he was asking her to check this or that on their computer for info for him check where this one is if that one was online etc - I watched the nonsense go on for about 20 minutes !!!! Oranum can see exactly where we are, and the profiles show your info IP addresses and other things about you people - wake up !!! they also are known to post names online to share within their chosen circles -

Skinny Mouse demands your name and age upon entering her room - she writes it down and keeps notes for further sharing and or use -

DO yourselves a favor and take note of how many you see with notebooks off to the side or are typing when they shouldnt be, this is them sharing notes and or taking notes on you people WAKE UP !!! 

now for all my admirers who wrote the lovely love notes to me - Id advise that you knock it off because I can keep this going and you will not be happy with me - 

On another note, I just think you tube is a great place to go to share things about the ones you love - 

much love to you all ;) 

Troll Award Committee

Los Angeles,

Troll AWARD Goes To TessyBessy

#14Consumer Comment

Fri, September 05, 2014


I have been a member of Oranum  for almost 2 years now.  I remember the day I met Sonic Nova in her chat room and I knew she was the real deal  as she demonstrated her gifts.  Sonic was very educational as well.  I had witness hundreds of satisfied clients in her chat room and that is a fact.  I love Sonic she is such a happy uplifting person and I love her happy voice. 

Your attack on Justice mind, Spirit Wonders, Cloud Song, Angel Lite and the rest of the psychic readers is really just unbelievable.  Because I do know for a fact those I listed are awesome .   At least these people tried to help you however after reading the things you wrote about these people which had nothing to do with your so called readings only tells me you are the one who is being a childish bully.  For someone who thought so little of these readers  due to their voices, looks, age and etc.  Why would you spend your money getting readings hanging out in their chat rooms.  Oh wait!... my bad.... that's right you are the watch dog who likes to slander people after she has requested refunds to get her money back from readings.  It sounds like you are scammer especially after reading your report and your comment below on the site.  Since you love judging people so much and think everyone is a fake.  Why don't you do everyone a favor and go develop your own psychic gifts.  

You go as far to call a young lady a crack w****,  insinuating someone is crazy etc  and totally belittle people to make yourself feel better.  I have to say my heart went out to those I know on Oranum  and for the others I don't know that were mentioned in your report.  However I do know for a fact you are beyond cruel .    This had nothing to do with your readings not coming true.  From your post it really does sound like you out for revenge, defaming , stalking, vindictive and even pretending (fake) you were a sincere client looking for advice let alone pretending to be friends with all the other members on Oranum as well.  It sounds more like a personal issue with yourself, after all you just revealed to us what needs to be healed in your soul.  (The Green Eyed Monster) .  Girl you need to go re read both of your post for tessybessy and listen to how you sound to everyone........I have met some 2 faced people before but dam girl you say things like "shes really nice but"  before you go for the evil slander attack. Well I don't need to be psychic to figure that out how 2 faced you really are either. 2 faced = FAKE, FAKE, FAKE

 And then for you to go to all the chat rooms and start posting links and etc to your post to this site was unbelievable.  What were you trying to accomplish here?  That you were trying to outdo all the trouble making trolls on the site?  Well that you did.......CONGRATULATIONS!!!!  You are the number one Winner of Watch  Dog Slander Troll of Troll Ville.  TessyBessy

Psychic readers pick up information given to them to help you.  Well you should of been focusing on your life and working on creating the reality you wanted instead of wasting your time trying to slander and blame everyone else why you are not happy.  Psychic give us guidance and is meant to be used a helpful tool in our lives and we still have to take action in our lives even with the guidance given to get our desired outcome.  Unfortunately sometimes we don't get what we want because the universe has decided there is a better plan for us. 

As a matter of fact I could go on and on but I am not.  I am mainly writing this to show my support to my psychic friends and the other psychic readers on Oranum as well.  


Los Angeles,

SonicNova is the only psychic I ever trust on Oranum.

#14Consumer Comment

Fri, September 05, 2014

I've been Sonic Nova's client for about a year now, and she's the only one I keep coming back to on Oranum. She's the only person I trust there, and I assure you, SHE'S THE REAL DEAL. 

A year ago, my mom had cancer that metastasized to her lungs. The doctors did see a mass in her lungs, but they weren't sure if they were malignant or not, so she had another scan done. Before the second scan, I consulted Sonia, who saw exactly what the doctors saw, and did see that it was malignant. So I asked her to heal her. For those who believe in energy medicine, what she does is dissolve the cancer cells and then create a new energetic blueprint for the proliferation of new, healthy cells. It may sound farfetch because the science feels untangible at the moment. But there is indeed studies going on in the alternative/complementary community about this. I highly recommend that you look into the work of Dr. Bill Tiller, a Stanford emeritus, who is currently working on unraveling the human energy field.

Other than consulting Sonia about my mom's health, I've come to ask for guidance about my life here and there. And let me tell you, Sonia probably knows me more than I do at times. A year ago, she told me some really weird information about my future --- some things that I didn't want to hear because I didn't want to believe it. I had a lot of disbelief about our reading because I thought I knew myself very well and what I wanted. But 6 months later, I'm doing exactly what she foresaw, and I'm grateful for it. 

She's been a great guide for me, and I'm seeing life in a different, more positive way. She taught me how to be compassionate and to love the Earth for what it is. She got me into looking at a holistic and organic way of living. I am feverant in looking at ingredient labels now because I found out how toxic and artificial most products were. Sonia was the one who introduced me to this new way of living...

Please don't talk bad about her because she really did help make me a better person. She isn't hurting anyone. In fact, what she wants is to see this place become a better planet. She wants to see more organic agriculture going on in the world and people living a more natural lifestyle. Tell me, is that bad?

Sure, most people might not understand her train of thought, but is it wrong to think out of the box? Are you trying to put her down because your views don't fit with hers? If so, then clearly that's your problem, and it's not worth claiming her as a scammer. 

Scammers want people to have terrible lives. Sonia isn't doing that. She's trying to uplift people. She's trying to show people that they're really powerful beings and that they can be whatever they want to be, if they will it. She wants people to see their worth, and she's trying her best to help the people who come to her. She isn't persistently calling you back all the time to ask for readings. She's simply waiting there for you to come to her.

Her rates are completely reasonable. And with her talent and expertise, she should have a higher rate. But she chose not to do so because she isn't in it for the money. She's in it to help people (and pay her bills to live). 

I don't know much about the other psychics, but please don't call Sonia a scammer. It really hurts me to see someone frame her as someone she isn't.


beverly hills,

What a loser b***h

#14Consumer Comment

Thu, September 04, 2014

Why are we listening to "tessybessy"? She is probably some 500 pound woman hiding behind her computer screen. With that being said, I think she has lost all credability here. If you type in 'tessybessy' in a google search you will come across several websites for gastric bypass surgery and weight loss support groups which list her age and location. Instead of bickering back and forth with this overweight piece of s**t, I think we should all take a moment to really empathize with her situation. 


Bergen County,
New Jersey,


#14General Comment

Thu, September 04, 2014


Your slanderous comments are ridiculous and without warrant.  Maybe your 'predictions" didn't come true with CloudSong and AngelLite, but mine did!  I have had several readings with both of these great readers and both were accurate.  

Just because you find your life so empty that you have nothing to do but come on here and slander people doesn't mean it's okay. You seem like a bitter lady that should pick-up her life and go to work.  

I won't say that some aren't questionable, for sure, or even pushy.  Some of them you mentioned, but definitely not CloudSong and AngelLite.  You need to separate them from the bunch because they are honorable, honest and very gifted woman.  

I've been around the spiritual community for over 40 years and know fakes when I see them, and these two are definitely not two of them, so I feel you owe them an apology...but, you won't do that because you're not honorable yourself.


Ventura County,


#14General Comment

Thu, September 04, 2014

To read the commentary on TessyBessy is to realize that this is a woman who clearly looks to seek out victims of her attacks to compensate for her own mental instability.  This very well could be the very same woman who came into my place of business and when she couldn't get what she wanted she proceeded with attacks to slander or defame our business amongst the community.  She is the very same woman who sits at home and works on paperwork for baseless lawsuits on other innocent victims of her attack.  The very same woman who would come to our place of business and hang out and make other people uncomfortable with that 'up to something' look on her face and nature of her walk.  People like this have children who are nervous and also victim of their mental instability, a form of abuse.  So, for anyone reading the posts on Ripoffreport on Oranum, please consider the source of the initial defamatory claim against them.

While there very well may be many empaths, psychics, mediums, etc. out there that aren't the real deal, I am a repeat customer of Oranum for over a year and definitely for CloudSong and AngelLite and many of the others.  There is always going to be skeptics in this world, and they are entitled to their spekticism and view of the world and people around them, but they are not entitled to defame people or slander them or their reputations.

I have had many readings with these two psychics -- and many more -- and I would not be there paying money if I wasn't getting accurate readings.  The difference is that I'm not a skeptic.  And, if I were, that is on me not on the people trying to do good for other people.  Both CloudSong and AngelLite are naturally born-gifted people who are doing good thing with their gifts.

This same woman I describe in the first paragraph who came into my business I have an interesting story about.  She was a scary woman in the truest sense of the word.  One day I went into a private reading with CloudSong and she said to me "who is this woman...." then she described her to a t from the color of her hair, to the little bit of gray, to her very unique hair type to her body build to her personality and her style of doing things.  She said "you need to be careful of this woman, stay away from her, she will cause you trouble"  Cloud may not realize that I feel this is the same woman who is stalking her now instead of me because when I was friends with her I talked about Oranum and how much I loved the site and how much good it has done for me.  Finding and targeting CloudSong was a coincidence, but CloudSong has a very popular room with many repeat customers, so it's not hard to imagine she ended up there.  

On another day, when I was in a reading with CloudSong she said "that woman is not around you anymore, but I see she was angry with you and went over to the very same business that was trying to put you out of business because she wasn't happy that you didn't give her what she wanted.  She's talking bad stuff about you there and trying to get bad information about you."  I had not discussed the other business with CloudSong before, so she didn't know.  Ironically, the day before this reading, my partner had emailed this woman and told her that she could no longer come to our place of business unless she paid for her past services.  When I saw this email that I was copied on, my body cringed cause I knew she would retaliate in some form, and sure enough.  CloudSong delivered this information to me the next day and I later confirmed she did do what CloudSong said she did.  I can go on and on with stories of accuracy with these readers.

Her daughter, AngelLite, definitely was born with the gift as well and is one of the most pleasant, honest, very accurate readers on the site.  Yes, I attest to that as well.  If others felt the same way as this bitter, bitter woman then you would see many more complaints here.  

Many of these people are born with these gifts, and most use it for the common good.  That is their deep, God-given belief. I can't speak for all the psychics, mediums, empaths and readers on there, but definitely for CloudSong and AngelLite and many more that were not mentioned here.  I have been around the spiritual community for many, many years.  If you are a believer in their gifts, then believe in them.  If you don't, then don't visit.  

If you believe in God, go to church; if you don't then why would you go there to pray.  It's as simple as that.  Follow your belief and stop slandering those that don't follow your thoughts.

Oranum, I commend you for the professionalism of your business.  I have emailed the Corporate offices and customer service as well and they are on top of things with quick responses and an occasional credit for being a valued customer.  Can they credit everyone that believes they aren't being told the truth?   Absolutely not.  No more than I can credit you if you come in and stay the month and then say, "I didn't realiy have a good time."  I'm sorry to hear that, then please don't come back cause it looked like you had a grand time whle you were here.  These are the poisons in our society that look to be the bad apple in the bunch to make themselves feel better about themselves.  

Oranum, great job!  CloudSong and AngelLite, amazing job!  Don't let this person stop you from using your gift to help people who need a little guidance in their lives.  You are amazing individuals, both as readers and as people and I thank you for what you have done for me.  

God Bless you both!







#14General Comment

Thu, September 04, 2014

 I, myself, have also had experiences with some fakes on the website.

Mama Chippy - She is an expert whom, like many others, will sit on camera and be extremely pushy to members by requesting that they take her into a private reading. I have read with her and she is a complete scam! DO NOT waste money on this woman!

Gentleman Jim - He is advertised as one of Oranum's finest, leading and successful experts. He is another one that will consistently push members into spending money on him. His predictions have not come true and his description of what he thought to be "my situation", was all sorts of wrong! Another ripoff!

LoveDRNikki - Another "expert" advertised as one of Oranum's leading experts. She is a complete fraud! Rips people off, and provides no truth or accuracy to a situation brought up in a private reading. Her prices are usually set rather high, but I would suggest that people save their money. She is hopeless! Another person preying on vulnerable people, with low incomes, to spend money on her and only to be fed a pack of lies! She also tends to yell on camera, be s****.>

Ocultlive - Yet another "leading expert" (as advertised) on oranum. Had a reading from him and predictions as well as time frames were all wrong. Stick to reading the newspaper dear


Shellie - NOT worth the 5.99 credits to read with. Once had a reading with this person and everything that she had to say was not right meaning what she had to say was not accurate. She will ask you questions and say that she is tuning it but really she is making up a "prediction or reading" based off what answers you give her. Scammer!

Madhu - Wouldnt even spend money on her. Her demos spoke for themself. Fraud.

PsychicWayne - The one who likes to pick his nose and eat his snot. Completely fowl and gross. If you are hungry grab yourself a sandwhich! Have received a demo from this man and he is about as fake as they come. Not only are his readings s**t and his predictions non existant but he logs off when he is up for a demo. Guess he is shady and doesnt want people to expose him for how crap he really is.



New York,
New York,

you psychics are ridiculous

#14Author of original report

Wed, September 03, 2014

You psychics are ridiculous - 

Id first like to address your comments about my life - I am laughing at you - my life is just fine- I have learned that when you go to psychic advisors that you "let it go" and "let god" which I have done - I do not sit here every moment wishing for a reading to happen for my so call crappy life as you all put it - As I stated before, my life is fine, I am not one of your nut cases that I witness on a nightly basis in your rooms - I just simply went to you for general predictions, not because my life needed hel, not because I have problems, but because I was just "curious" about things in general -

 As far as my writing skills that one of you mentioned, I can write, I just find in unneccessary in this case to waste more time on proper grammar and poetic words -My main goal was to report this unethical behavior and get your attention which I accomplished- 

It was simply a quick note to report the utter b*llsh*t that you psychics assure us is real - and "more to come" was in reference to more names to come - do you honestly think that I am stupid enough to spend thousands on your b*llsh*t ?? no I spent alot of time winning demos for many of you before trying you out for private - If I thought you were honest in demos I would take you to private - and as you all well know how you people work, you space things out in such a way with time frames that one cant help but get curious and return before the said "timeframes or promised dates happen" - I did not keep going back when the first thing stated did not happen because that would have been senseless - and as you all know and do yourselves you have to try many psychics to find a few that you think may be ok- you need to sift through the sh*t -  as a matter of fact I am not as stupid as you think I am :) I have already contacted my bank and have gotten refunded for the readings that I did pay for from you liars :) I call it Karma - you want to lie ? then why should we pay right ? 

Cloud, you are one of the biggest liars and fakes I have witnessed, maybe you have helped counselling.  I doubt any of your predictions came to fruition with any of your other clients - as a matter of fact I have read your reviews and have not seen one that has said "her predictions and time frames happen" - oh and for teh record I did not stalk you I simply went into your room twice after that to address yoru incorrect readings - first time you kicked me out immediately and the second time you kicked me out as well - I did not return, so if you had someone stalking you and or coming into your room many times ?? then you have pissed off more than one person probably many people are sick of you lying to them and are questioning you - and it didnt go down as you stated hun, you are quite a drama queen - you act as though because you are a psychic thatyou are superior and that your word out weighs my word ?? no thats not the way it works - it might work that way with the idiots on oranum but not in the real world - you lie, then you need to be a woman and answer to your lies - apparently you have a different code of ethics and thats fine, I will blame your parents for bringing up a liar and scam artist - get help -

Angel- nothing you said came true honey - give it up - clean your house and take care of your kid- its not right to lie to people to make a living - lose some weight do something constructive - you are young and can still be saved from a career built on lying to people -

Sonic, you too hun, I won demos with you and then got a reading - the name of the member on oranum that you gave me that might be a good biz connection didnt even exist..............I mean really ? why give a name as if you are doing something nice for a person and connecting two people in biz if the name isnt a real name ???  Makes one question your abilities - Im also pretty sure its unethical and against oranum policy to give members private information isnt it ?? Im pretty sure oranum would frown at a report of that - so shut up ok ?

Spirit- nothing more can be said about you - you are just a nasty old hag - and nothing you ever told me came true - nothing your granny from beyond ever said happened either - so apparently shes not showing up for work these days -If you want my opinion its just your crackpot scheme to make yourself seem "psychic" and the idiots on oranum buy into it - 

Stellar- or whatever your name is - you obviously have deep deep issues - you need to go get your head checked sweetheart - I am not the only one who has outed you - the other member who had issues with you also reported that you are a scam artist who uses different aliases etc to scam people - you are also dillusional and dont have a grip on reality - get it together for your own sake - stop the drinking or drugs and whatever else you do and get your self together - sitting on oranum scamming yet more people isnt going to help you on your path - in the end we all pay for our sins - and again, I am not the only one in your room that has had bogus readings from you - once a scam artist always a scam artist I guess-

Justice - if you have answered me with one of your little snotty remarks I am happy for you - I hope you study and get a good job, not the joke of a gig you have on oranum - I want to leave you with a few words of wisdom - buying a deck of tarot cards does not make one "psychic" it just means they can play a parlor game -

who ever else would like to comment bring it on - I will expose even more of your personal info if you would all like :) 

I have spent many months on oranum collecting such info - you people have been quite the study on human behavior - I can keep this going as long as you can -  I have many things on video and may post some of the good stuff on you tube :) Im sure people would be interested in who their oranum psychics really are :) 

I am not nasty, I am not whatever you called me in your responses, I am just simply a person who has had enough of yoru bad behavior and lies, and wants to truly help others avoid people like you -

I am lucky enough to have a good life free of problems - what you people do not realize is that many many people on oranum are screwed up, have hit rock bottom, are emotionally damaged by what they come in to ask you - when you lie to them you give them false hopes - they hang onto those false hopes and the longer you lie to them and drag their readings out into the future the more they hurt the more  emotionally invested they become and so on and so on - until they one day either run out of money for your readings or come to the realization that you have been selling them a dream that never comes - that is when these people hit brick walls and really go deeper into depression or whatever funk they are in - on top of that they feel betrayed by those of you that they befriended - dont you get it ??? 

stop lying to these people already !!!! I have witnessed SO MANY DAMAGED PEOPLE in oranum rooms, some of them seriuosly mental and some of them seriously dsitraught - dont any of you have a conscience or see this ???? 

I just shake my head wondering how one can sleep at night - 

now go ahead and make further comments because I have much more to come :) 

God Is On My Side


Wasted Energy and Wasted Time

#14UPDATE Employee

Wed, September 03, 2014

The first thing that comes to mind, is the hateful and very bitter way in which this report is written, which is first of all really sad to read. Also, why spend all that money on all these "fake" psychics? Tessybessy, even states that she has taken them more than one time, which to me is really unintelligent, and shows their own ignorance and lack of financial advising in the first place; and she even states in the very last paragraph, the last line, that there is "more to come" showing that there will be more money spent in a ridiculous manner. Which then leads to TessyBessy's stubbornness, and lack of character, which is shown in her writing, and is also the reason why nothing came to fruition for her, it shows in her anger, her bitterness, and her hatred in her words. TessyBessy took time out of her life to defame psychics on a website, instead of taking time out for herself, looking to God, and trying to see where things are wrong, needed correction, and how to be positive on how to change things within her own life, because God will meet you half way but then you have to decide to move your own feet in order to close that gap between the two of you. Free will is very vital, not even the angels mess with free will, and God even allows free will to take a part in our lives. Therefore, her situation now to where none of these said "predictions" have even come along as she hoped for, shows that she did not take the time out needed to reflect upon herself or God. If anything, she should have nurtured herself, loved herself, and looked within herself to find any answers to her questions, as well as see a different perspective on any downfalls within her life and see it as a learning lesson to teach you where to go in life and what route to take. You cannot hold another accountable for your own decisions and free will. Praying and sending love to TessyBessy!



TessyBessy is a liar - The named Oranum Psychics are legit

#14Consumer Comment

Wed, September 03, 2014

TessyBessy's report is an outrageous, baseless attack on talented psychics who could not work with an apparently deranged person seeking to lash out at anyone who cannot wave a magic wand and fix her life. I have gone to a few of the mentioned Oranum psychics and they are generally spot-on - provided the people they work with are willing to meet them halfway. SonicNova, CloudSong and SpiritWonders in particular are most definitely the real deal. They and the aforementioned colleagues of theirs have unfairly and vindictively been libeled by TessyBessy because they cannot help someone who isn't willing to help herself. Unbelievable.




*Ripoff Report sets the record straight!  All users of Ripoff Report have an opportunity to tell their side of the story!


#14UPDATE Employee

Wed, September 03, 2014












EDITOR’S COMMENTS ABOUT THIS REBUTTAL:  Ripoff Report strongly believes in the First Amendment, even when it is about us.  We understand that people who have complaints written about them are upset and want to place blame somewhere, especially if they feel the content of the Reports are false.  We also understand that individuals want to blame our website rather than where it belongs – on the person who wrote the Reports in the first place.  Using the same method that we provide free of charge to all of our users, we would like to “set the record straight” as to the comments posted about our website through this Rebuttal. 

 Every user of our website has the opportunity to tell their side of the story, for free, just as we will do here.  We certainly encourage users to “set the record straight” and tell their side of the story by using the free methods available to them before they consider other paid Ripoff Report programs (such as our VIP Arbitration Program or the Corporate Advocacy Program) or alterative avenues (such as filing a lawsuit against the Author of the report) that cost money.  After all, we have no way of knowing if the Report author is telling the truth or perhaps the person/company who writes the Rebuttals to the Report is telling the truth - - or maybe the truth lies somewhere in between the two stories.  This is why we allow Reports, Comments, Rebuttals and Updates, for free, by anyone (including the person/company posted about) who has information to share about the situation.  This includes the ability to upload documents that support the position that is being advanced.  By doing so, all sides of the story are able to be heard so other users of the site can make an educated decision about the situation for themselves. We encourage people to stick to the facts and write calmly worded accounts of the situation.  At the same time, it’s also important to note that all of our users who sign up for an account with the website must check a box indicating that the information they report on will be the truth and that the Report will become a permanent record.

 It is clear that the author of the above Rebuttal is upset about the content that the original Report Author wrote about them and seemingly wants to blame Ripoff Report for providing a forum where people can come and openly comment about their experiences.  We encourage people to stick to the facts and write calmly worded accounts of the situation.  Further, it’s absurd to propose that Ripoff Report, which is an open and interactive website, should not be available for people to make comments without fact checking every single statement of fact posted.  With that kind of rationale, one could kiss the internet goodbye.  Do you think that Facebook or Twitter or any other mainstream interactive websites, including news blogs, would exist if you told the users that no one could post any comments about anyone, or anything without first fact checking everyone’s comments?  Of course not!  To require such action would be to stifle the freedom of speech and the free exchange of information and ideas.  Ripoff Report is “for consumers, by consumers” and, in fact, our Terms of Servicesay, at paragraph 3, “Opinions, advice, statements, offers or other information or content made available through ROR are those of their respective authors and not of [Ripoff Report] and should not necessarily be relied upon.  Such authors are solely responsible for the accuracy of such content.  [Ripoff Report] does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information on ROR and neither adopts nor endorses nor is responsible for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, advice or statement made.”  Ripoff Report does not hold out that any information posted by users of the website is accurate or necessarily reliable.  We encourage people to conduct thorough research, through more than one forum/medium, before making final decisions about an particular individual or business.  After all, no business can please 100% of their customers 100% of the time.  Sometimes there are miscommunications.  Sometimes a business’s staff member is having a bad day.  Sometimes the customer is having a bad day.  Warranted or not…all businesses get complaints.  We believe it’s how businesses take care of the complaints that separates good businesses from the rest.

 Consumers – if a business reaches out to you to try and resolve a problem, whether it be through postings on our website or other avenues, we encourage you to work with the business and work through the situation with fairness in mind.  Sometimes a resolution just cannot be reached and each party is entitled to his/her opinion about the situation.  We don’t condone businesses trying to take advantage of consumers – that’s why our website was started in the first place.  At the same time, we don’t condone consumers, or other business competitors, trying to take advantage of businesses either.  To all parties:  Keep it calm.  Keep it honest.  Keep it fair.

 We thank you for taking the time to read this Rebuttal and allowing us to “set the record straight.”


Ripoff Report Staff



Full of Crap!

#14UPDATE Employee

Wed, September 03, 2014

When you use a spiritual advisor, you need to understand that you are being shown a path,or several paths. I have NOT just acquired my talents. We cannot force you to listen to everything that is being said to you. If you do not listen to ALL of what is being said, and only hear what you want too, you cannot blame the advisor, BUT YOURSELF! I have many many clients that I have helped, and sure they would be happy to verify my talents. I do not need to sit here and talk to someone that is clearly not in the  right state of mind, and wanting to blame her problems and issues on someone else!That is first of all.

Second of all, you came into my room under 15 different names.. That is STALKING!!!! I asked you, ok, if i read for you, what name did you use when i read for you? You REFUSED to tell me! Then I said, Of course, because I have not read for you, your energy is nasty and hateful, I would have remembered you! Day after day you come into my room. My many clients have rebutted you in your attaks against me. You try so hard to attack me, if only you would put this energy into what you should be, your life would not be in the situation you find yourself in now! If you do not cease and desist NOW, I will be forced to take further action! You have been warned!

Respond to this Report!