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  • Report:  #1352196

Complaint Review: Orlando Airport Police

Orlando Airport Police The Orlando Airport Police detained this veteran for no good reason forced this veteran to go to a civilian hospital which caused this veteran to miss his connecting flight to his home town "Phoenix,Az. This veteran was then forced to spend the night in Orlando and continue the next day. Upon arriving to the Orlando Airport the next day this Veterans carry on items were not to be found. This veteran flew on to his destination without his backpack with important documents, without his napsack containing some clothing and his laptop computer and another bag with approimately gifts and tobacco with a value of $350.  Orlando Florida

  • Reported By:
    Crash — White City Oregon USA
  • Submitted:
    Thu, January 26, 2017
  • Updated:
    Fri, January 27, 2017

On December 1 2015 I was flying to Phoenix, Arizona from San Juan Puerto Rico. I had lived in PR for four years and I was returning to the states for medical reasons. I take anti depresants and anti anxiety medications to treat my PTSD symptoms. I had left my home in some what of a hurry to catch the flight. I had failed to pack my meds! I had a good flight and actually enjoyed it, but I was having anxiety. Because I had not taken my meds I was a bit animated. When we arrived in Orlando I was met at the gate by the airport police. I had a connecting flight to Phoenix which they cared nothing about, I explained that I had not had my medications as well as a bit anxious about seeing my family. I had been gone for four years and that is why I was acting nutty, not dangerous nutty but a funny nutty. But they decided to detaine me they forced me to go to a civilian hospital although I indicated to them that I was a veteran with an diagnosis of ptsd and that all I needed were my meds. But they were not listening to me.

So I went to the hospital by ambulance and was tested. Well needless to say I missed my flight to Phoenix so I spent the night in Orlando and went to the VA hospital there and got some meds. I arrived at the airport only to find that my luggage could not be found. I was extremely mad, so I continued my trip to Phoenix Arizona without my luggage. My luggage was a backpack with clothing and important documents, a case wih my laptop and a large shopping bag with gifts for family and freinds. It was all gone I arrived in Phoenix with nothing but my wallet. As soon as I could I submitted a lost luggage claim. After a month my backpack with the clothing and documents were sent to me. Every thing else was gone and never found. I found this strange because all of my property was taken at the same tome by the same people but they could only come up wih one bag, I guess I should feel lucky to have recieved that. My laptop and all the gifts were gone and never found. I guess the didn't look in the homes of the airport police that detained me and took my stuff.

I was willing to let the incident go since it was doing no good to stress about it. It's not good for my recovery! I was willing to let it go until s collection appeard on my credit report, you see I sm in the process of repairing my credit so I was notified of this right awwy by the law firm monitering my credit. It was a report of a coolection for the hospital bill at the civilian hospital in Orlando $717 bill. I was not even aware that it was my responsability since I was sent by them against my will. So, I now have a collection against me of  $717, no laptop $750, no gifts $350 but my underwear are priceless , this veteran was slzmmed against a wall was forced to a hospital for ced to miss his flight an ripped off and given a bad mark on his credit report dhe is trying to improve,thanks Orlando Airport police!

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#3Consumer Comment

Fri, January 27, 2017

 Out of the clear blue sky they slammed you against the wall right? Not only that, they sought you out, out of all the passengers on the plane because they just knew you had to be a Veteran, right? Give the FACT you seem to be playing the "veteran" card to the highest, I would guess there's much more to this story than you are telling us. Police are not going to meet anyone at the gate unless YOU had been causing some sort of disturbance in the flight. If you were ill during the flight, you would have been met by an ambulance. Again, since you are going overboard playing the Veteran sympathy card, I suspect the REAL STORY is much different!




#3General Comment

Fri, January 27, 2017

 So as a veteran YOU understand that YOU are responsible for YOUR behavour. So HOW is this situation in ANY WAY the fault of the police? YOU didnt take your meds! YOU even admit that you were "off". To YOU, you were funny, to OTHERS im sure it appeared as if YOU had some form of problem. So being sent to the hospital to be checked out, is on YOU. The cost of having it done IS ON YOU. Heres a novel thought for a veteran, TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR WHAT YOU DID INSTEAD OF PLACING THE BLAME ON PEOPLE JUST DOING THIER JOB!! YOU were acting "nutty", so YOU get to deal with it. While I agree the loss of your computer is upsetting, but its a direct effect due to how YOU were acting! YOU left without your meds. YOU CHOSE to act out on a PLANE! Youre probably lucky the sky marshall didnt arrest or shoot you!!!Being a veteran garners YOU respect but it DOES NOT give YOU a pass on the NORMAL social behavors expected out of everyone else. If YOU have PTSD so bad that YOU have to be HEAVILY medicated then perhaps being a hermit is in YOUR best interest. This entire situation could have been avoided had YOU acted better. NONE of this is an actual ripoff with the exception of the laptop. Which could have been lost or stolen, but wouldnt have been lost or stolen if YOU had been a bit more level. Why is it that d**n near every veteran that makes a post has a HUGE self-entitlment streak? Just because they have served thier country it AUTOMATICALLY gives them rights ABOVE those that they served! We get it, YOU served your country but that doesnt make everyone else LESS and it certainly doesnt make YOU more. We ALL serve in our own ways. I continue to serve by making money and paying taxes that YOU get to live off of. During YOUR service the American citizen was doing the same thing. Paying for it all. Where is the "respect" for THOSE people? Oh we get it, in people like your eyes WE are nothing. Only YOU matter and what YOU did is important.

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