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  • Report:  #1038864

Complaint Review: Outlaw Life Enterprises LLC

Outlaw Life Enterprises, LLC Melissa and Dan Bryan selling inferior products and scamming people , Internet

  • Reported By:
    Gal from Seco — Arroyo Seco New Mexico
  • Submitted:
    Thu, March 28, 2013
  • Updated:
    Wed, July 03, 2013
  • Outlaw Life Enterprises, LLC
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

My husband who is Native American tried to order an Idle No More t-shirt from this woman and she first quoted a price of $32 and then said it would be much more because it was "custom". Since we live in town he gave her $40 for the shirt because she said a large portion of the money would go to Native American charities. Later the same day we over heard the woman and her husband laughing about needing the $40 for gas to go to the casino and joking how that was their donation to the Indians. We were offended but then when she gave my husband the t-shirt and we saw the poor quality we truly felt scammed. You can clearly see through the material and the print is peeling off and he has not even worn it yet. As Native Americans we do not recommend these distrustful and disrespectful business. The lady is not Native American as she tries to claim and she lies about the charities she gives to.

14 Updates & Rebuttals



An Eliase Graywolf endorsement means nothing.

#15REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, July 03, 2013

Eliase Graywolf is an Ethiopian.



Eliase Graywolf

#15REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, July 03, 2013

He is Not Native American and he is also a thief. Please look up Native Dreams Inc on here.



Really? BZ

#15Consumer Comment

Fri, April 05, 2013

 I disagree with what you wrote about Melissa's disrespect for Paratrooper and veterans in general.  I listened very carefully and heard no screaming, only support and a willingness to help in whatever way she could. You lied in your post.  She thanked our veterans for their dedication and service. She did not ask for money.  She was supportive of Pratroopers concerns, whatever they were.  She asked that he contact her and told him that the spirits she said were in touch with her were supportive and sympathetic of his concerns.  Do not post lies here.  You demean us and yourself. You have a right to your opinion, but do not try to lie to the people who read and post here who are concerned with getting out the truth, no matter who is involved.


Melissa Rebuts the antiveteran accusation

#15General Comment

Fri, April 05, 2013

Outlaw Life Enterprises, LLC7 hours ago near Arroyo Seco, NM via mobileME AND MY BUSINESS HAVE NOW BEEN FALSELY ACCUSED OF BEING ANTI VETERANS!

See?  She welcomes the business of Veterans.  She doesn't want to donate any time like they did.  She doesn't want to help them out of the kindness of her fat bloated heart.  But she welcomes the opportunity to take their money if the opportunity arises.

I do not see how a statement like that is going to help her protect her business when she follows it up with a statement like "I now have it and I am going to Beat the s**t out of a*s Hole and his Goons!" (copy-pasted from her Outlaw Life Enterprises "biz" page on facebook)

Sooner or later she is going to realize that blindly posting threats like this, especially when she doesn't even know who is talking about her, is going to blow up in her face.  I heard that people around Taos and Seco are questioning why Dan puts up with her tantrums and threats too.  There is so much talk about it, that nobody will hire him because he is with THAT woman.  It's NOT the discussions here.  It is her local reputation that has destroyed his prospective job opportunities.

I listened to that "radio show" too.  It seems that, to Melissa, her profits are far more important to her than a veteran's peace of mind.  I think it is funny that she can't even help the guy out without thinking about the almighty dollar.  That leads me to TWO conclusions: 1. The Veteran is better off and can now seek help from a REAL psychic medium rather than a fraud like Melissa and (2) Melissa told the truth for once.  She is NOT anti Veteran.  In order to be ANTI anything, you would have to take a stand AGAINST it.  And THAT would be too much like work.  Melissa just plain DOESN'T CARE about our Veterans.  Which is why I sent word to all of my friends stationed on base in the entire Southwest region of the USA.  As of 20 minutes ago, the transcript of her chat and recording of that part of her show where she starts yelling at the poor guy is waiting for 1200 enlisted military personnel to open their email.  She really cooked her own goose this time.  She is going to be very well known for screaming at a disabled veteran during a broadcast, leaving him to wonder about his friend, while showing NO compassion or patience for him.

And I looked in to that Dressler guy.  He's a fraud who likes to claim that he studied up on "internet law."  If you google his name, but ignore the dentist of the same name, you can see that he has whored himself all over the "paranormal" and "psychic" boards and wannabe radio shows claiming to be a trained and experienced demonologist/internet lawyer.  The more I read about him, the more and harder I laughed.  He claims to have contacts in high level government who will, at the drop of a hat, stop what they are doing and carry out a hit for him in retaliation for talking about someone he is trying to impress.  Missy is just too stupid to realize that he is lying through his teeth at her. 

All in all, the past week has been full of laughs at Missy's expense.  This latest round of her insulting and refusing to help the disabled War Veteran will lock her away from any and all future business from any military personnel.  As soon as the Native Americans realize how much of a fraud, scammer, and thief she is, they will turn on her too.  Before long, she'll only have white people left to do business with, and we all know the truth about her.  LOL.

Scared Neighbor

Arroyo Seco,
New Mexico,

You think that was bad?

#15Consumer Comment

Thu, April 04, 2013

You should have heard the week before when she had a few people actually enter her chatroom she was cackling like a demented hen about things they were saying and how the guy was flirting but then at the end a person came in named paratrooper and they wanted to ask a heart felt question about their buddies who didn't come back from the recent wars and if they were okay.  All Missy did was keep shouting out her website and telling paratrooper she would talk with him in the chatroom later about her pricing on readings for mediumship.  This was a VETERAN who was looking for some peace about his war experience and she wanted to capitalize on it and kept spitting out her website address and her books for sale and that she would talk with paratrooper in a moment about pricing even though they were trying to talk to her and she could have easily taken a few moments of time to talk to the poor person and give them some peace of mind.  All she was caring about was steering him to her website so she could charge him lord knows how much and sell him books he didn't need.  It was HORRIBLE.  She couldn't spare a few moments of her time out of hocking her wares to give a little peace and respect to one of our veterans, I hope the website her radio show is on hears of all the crap she does and really tells her she either is a spiritual and loving soul who creates a peaceful and loving atmosphere in her radio shows or she can find another place to host her toxic rants.


Melissa Bryan Radio (?) Show!?!

#15General Comment

Tue, April 02, 2013

I have been listening to a "radio show" she did for one of those TAPS wannabe groups on that free blogTV service.  The show is 45 minutes long, I'm 34 minutes into it, and there has been NOTHING paranormal about it at all. It has been nothing but swearing and threats.  I can not believe that any "legitimate" aspiring paranormal organization would host or allow a screaming crazy person like that.  She's a namin' names of people who have left her alone for months.  She claims that she has police reports on file for people contracting to kidnap and kill her!  The entire show is just lie after made up fantasy after threat after demand and order after screaming and crying after lie after fraud.  I laughed the entire time.  It is good to hear her feel pain and suffering after the calls and email messages and letters to my friends' employers and families.  Karma is a b***h, and it sounds like it is finally starting for her.

And what's this crap about Dan now having a criminal record because of Ripoff Report so now he can't get a job?  I have never heard such a blatant retarded lie in my life.  She can deny Dan's involvement in any of her fraud and scams all she wants, but she keeps ranting and screaming about how her biz proceeds are to support her family, which consists of him and that stupid cat.  She plans to use the money from her third world produced tee shirts with the stolen unoriginal unartistic graphics to support (profit) Dan and Roadkillbox, doesn't that make them beneficiaries to her fraudulent profit?  If you provide shelter to a fraud or criminal, then accept the benefit of the proceeds they bilk from their victims, doesn't that make you part of the problem?

I love to hear her go off on people by name.  She has no clue who is calling her repeated bluffs, and as a result, she looks like a laughable idiot.  She is ruining her biz prospects just fine on her own.  She is screaming about how she is NOT going to homeless again because of a few people who are leaving her alone, and keeps screaming about how her family hates her and how she's going to kill everyone.

She is a perfect example of the idiocy in the "paranormal" community.  I haven't laughed this hard in months.  Thank you.

Scared Neighbor

Arroyo Seco,
New Mexico,

Sad to see yet another victim!

#15Consumer Comment

Tue, April 02, 2013

It sickens me to see that Missy is continuing to perpetrate her fraud and scams against people who are just peacefully trying to live their lives such as the lady who posted this.  It is very well known around this little town how much time Missy and Dan spend at the casinos, especially the one in Espanola.  They are comped their food any time they go there because they spend so much gambling.  They are given all sorts of little perks for showing up.  And yes I HAVE heard her say that spending money at a casino automatically helps the Indians.   She is also being scammed herself by a guy who claims to be a military intelligence person.  In our opinion (YES I said OPINION) he is a charleton himself as all we have discovered on him is that he is a considered to be a quack by most paranormal people as well as anyone else he has been in contact with.  He goes by the name of Ron Dressler II.  And he has Missy believing he will make all of her problems go away.  I feel as though he will be just as unsuccessful and impotent in ridding her of her problems as the so called Shaman who came and blew smoke around her house was.  The problem is not with anyone "out there" the problem lays right inside Missy in her toxic and unhealthy brain.  She needs help and she needs help soon because she is already threatening our President with physical harm and if she doesn't think the department of homeland security will see what was written and make a report about it she is very mistaken.  And if she keeps threatening him she will have visitors from the Secret Service.   AND no she is not of Native American heritage.   She continually speaks of how she has to dye her hair to keep her native american looks for the movies.  How her family came from italy and everywhere else.  And like all things she has no REAL proof she is Native.  So anyone, including her beloved Eliase Greywolf believes in her they are going to be greatly disappointed.  Her geneology skills have her related to Jesus. That is right folks she is 1/4 supreme being.  Now if we were to take the bible literally we are ALL related because God told Adam and Eve to go forth and populate the earth.  No telling how we all got to speak different languages, be different colors and look differently huh?  Speaking of the bible and the thumping I find it really funny how Coleslaw posts on Missy's page supposedly addressing US but when it comes out it looks like she is talking to Missy and saying bad things to her.  And btw coleslaw we still aren't listening to your Nough Said crap so shut up already.


Well Wow she has a Native american business?

#15General Comment

Mon, April 01, 2013

Good catch Moon Flower...Thanks for the information I didn't know all that..

C.Goodness? You're an idiot and if you believe all her BS, I got a bridge in AZ I wanna sell ya...No one is stalking her...Laughing at her yes...And I can't for the life of me understand why you believe the off the wall crap she comes up with not to mention her filthy mouth...Sorry Gal that your hubby lost his money...

Gal from Seco

Arroyo Seco,
New Mexico,

So much trouble in our little town

#15Author of original report

Sun, March 31, 2013

Myself and my husband keep to ourselves coming into town only for supplies. My husband saw her mister yesterday and asked for our money back. we work hard for that I make beaded items he makes beautiful kachinas. Her mister said he no longer was any part of the t-shirts and the money was spent already as they go to the casinos twice a week as the one in espanola gives them free find for all the money they put in the gambling machines. We reported this to warn others so they won't have to struggle to by good because these fat cat charletans are using it to gorge themselves. OLE is nothing but a money machine for theses to lazy rats. They are not Native they are white eyes.



Cgoodson-Where is it?

#15Consumer Comment

Sat, March 30, 2013

  CG:  To quote you  "they have been harrasing and threatening her life for the last two years, (and yes I have the proof)."
As the saying goes "I'll believe it when I see it", so  show us the "prooofs".  There are too many people with real proof of the immorality these two charlatans perpetrate on an unsuspecting public.  So, put up or shut up. Have a good day and Bless your heart.



This is a bald faced lie

#15General Comment

Fri, March 29, 2013

I Have known Melissa and Dan Bryan for sometime now, They are probably the most honorable people that I know. This report is nothing but a bald faced lie, and the person who wrote it knows it is.

This evidence they have is also a lie, Melissa Bryan never sold anything to anyone. In fact I happen to know she has not sold anything yet, because her business hasn't been in existence for very long.

I find it very interesting, that this person would make a report on Melissa, especially after they have been harrasing and threatening her life for the last two years, (and yes I have the proof).

Moon Flower

Here is more info. IF what you are saying is true.

#15General Comment

Fri, March 29, 2013



Native American-style products are not Native American made. It is illegal for anyone who is not a member of a federally recognized or state recognized tribe, or an artisan who is certified by a tribe, to make and market a product as Native American or Indian made.

The Indian Arts and Crafts Law of 1990 covers all Indian and Indian-style traditional and contemporary arts and crafts produced after 1935.

It is also illegal to use the name of any tribe on a product that is not Native American made!

I have seen a lot of sites online that are selling Native-Style products and they are using words like "Lakota-style" flute, "Cherokee-style" basket, etc.

These imposters are cashing in by imitating Native American arts and crafts and creating unfair competition with real Native American artisans.

Don't be fooled!

E-mail or call the website contact person and ask if the product is Native American made and what tribe the artisan is a member of.

For a first time violation of the Act, an individual can face civil or criminal penalties up to a $250,000 fine or a 5-year prison term, or both.  If a business violates the Act, it can face civil penalties or can be prosecuted and fined up to $1,000,000.

To report violations of fake Native American crafts or Art

Indian Arts and Crafts Board U.S. Department of Interior

1849 C. Street, N.W.MS 2058-MIB

Washington, DC. 20240

Telephone: (202) 208-3773

Toll Free: (888) ART-FAKE

Fax: (202) 208-5196



Moon Flower

IF what you say is true, this should help.

#15General Comment

Fri, March 29, 2013

To report violations of fake Native American crafts or Art

Indian Arts and Crafts Board

U.S. Department of Interior

1849 C. Street, N.W.MS 2058-MIB

Washington, DC. 20240

Telephone: (202) 208-3773

Toll Free: (888) ART-FAKE

Fax: (202) 208-5196



T-Shirt Scam

#15General Comment

Fri, March 29, 2013

It's too bad  that you and your husband got scammed by this morally challenged person.  I wonder why you hadn't heard about her before if you live in her area.  I'm not 'blaming the victim' here for you not being aware of her misdeeds around Arroyo Seco.  If what you report is true and  she has not refunded your money, to make good on her inferior goods, could you spread the word about her scamming T-shirt/charity funds.  Then, perhaps she will make better products or get out of the business entirely.  I wish you well and hope this is the last time you get cheated.

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