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  • Report:  #463454

Complaint Review: Ozark City Police Department Missouri

Ozark City Police Department Missouri." Ozark Missouri City Police Protects the Criminals and arrests the Victums of a crime They need their State Certs Pulled and Disolved as a Police Department." Ozark Missouri

  • Reported By:
    Walnut Grove Missouri
  • Submitted:
    Sun, June 21, 2009
  • Updated:
    Sat, April 03, 2010
  • Ozark City Police Department Missouri
    206 N. First Street
    Ozark, Missouri
  • Phone:
  • Category:

My 18-Year old Grand son and His 17- Year old Girl Friend On June- 19-09, Friday Night In Ozark Missouri went to a super market for his Mother and as My grand son and His Girl friend was leaving the store on the parking lot a Black Jeep SUV type vehicle with about 5- Male subjects around this vehicle Not Boys but Men ages in their 20's to around 30' started making sexual comment towards My grand sons 17 year old girl friend and then told my grand son that they was going to beat him up and take his Girl friend."

My Grand son and His Girl friend got into his Mothers car and started to leave the Lot and these 5- men blocked them by standing in front of their car where they could not leave' My Grand son Told them that if they didn't step aside and let them leave that he would be forced to hit them with the car' They refused to move and stood in the way and he hit one of the men and left the Lot and returned home with the windshield busted on the drivers side of his mothers car .

He told his mother what had happened and she called the Ozark city Police department and reported what had happened' The men also had called the Police since one of their Buddies had gotten hit by my grand sons Car he was driving." The Police let all 5- men go free and arrested my Grand son. When my Grand sons Girl friend told the Police she wanted to File sexual charges against the 5- men for the sexual threats they had made against her The Ozark Missouri city police told her that they could not allow her to file any charges against these Five men."

My Daughter told me that the Police told her that the 5- men they had had trouble with before and even told my Daughter that they was trouble makers." So what gives'???? Missouri has passed a law over a year ago that If some one tries entering your property Home Or your car and if you have a Gun your legal and with in the Law to shoot the Intruder or Intruders and even Kill them if you feel your life and well being is at risk."

My Grandson was trying to protect his 17 year old Girl friend and him self' These 5- men much older than my Grandson and his Girl friend had done made the Threat what they intended on doing..."Beat him up and Take his Girl friend." he had warned them to move out of his way and warned them what he would do if they didn't move a side and allow them to leave' But the 5- attackers failed to move and My grandson did the only thing he could do' Hit the fool who failed to step a side."

The police told my Grand son that they may file second Degree man slaughter charges against him for hitting the one guy who was not really hurt at all." These men sound like Rapist to me and sexual perverts' If this would have happened in Springfield Missouri The Springfield City Police there would have arrested all 5- men They would have been charged with attempted sexual assault ' and peace disturbance ' and all kinds of other charges' If they would have searched these Guys Vehicle I'm sure they would have found No telling what kind of Illegal stuff Keep in mind the Police had told my Daughter that the Guys was known to cause trouble and was trouble makers."

So why did they not arrest them instead of My grand son??? sounds to me that one of these 5- thugs has a Daddy or Grand father or some one in his family that is some one with Money or some city or county Big wig and the Police are Protecting these 5- Worthless scum bags so they won't up set some one Important." No One can keep any one from Filing a Compalint against any one' So when the Police told My grand sons Girl friend They could not allow her to File any Charges or complaints against these 5- men who No doubt had plans to take her and rape her maybe even kill her The Ozark Missouri city Police was Lien to that Girl !!!

They need Investigated and if they can't operate a Police Department within the Laws They need their state Certs taken away and the City of Ozark city Police closed down and put the County Sheriffs office in charge of protecting the small city of Ozark Missouri' And if the sheriffs Department can not do it put the State Police in charge."

All the Police officers who was Involved with that incident Needs Investigated and if found what I' heard to be TRUE' Then all officers should be Fired on the spot'. Their State certs taken away and never allowed to ever become any kind of Police officer ever again." I've never heard of such a thing before." Im' very sincere about contacting the State attorney Generals Office over this matter."

Walnut Grove, Missouri

12 Updates & Rebuttals


Walnut Grove,

Ozark Police was in the Right' My Grandson was Guilty."

#13Author of original report

Sat, April 03, 2010

I'm the grand father who filed this report against the Ozark Missouri city police department's Officers '   I' Wish to retract my report against the Police Officers of Ozark Missouri and apologize To the City Police and officers of Ozark Missouri' I' made a big mistake and I'm in the Wrong .                            Since filing this report I' have learned that my grand son Lied about what really happened on the parking lot of that super market in Ozark Missouri Involving the 4-to 5- young men he tried running down with his mothers car claiming it was in self Defense to protect himself and his girl friend from these men attacking them.                        The truth is he did it because he was jealous that the men whistled at his girl friend and has a bad temper and can't control his actions and over reacted then lied about what really happened not only to police but to me and his mother and grand mother.     The court found him Guilty as charged and the judge let him off easy with a fine of less than 400 Dollars   plus community service in which as far as I' know so far my grand son has failed to report as told for any of his community service and has been Ignoring his responsibility to pay for his mistakes and breaking the laws."      I'm ashamed of my grand son and my self for taking up for him and for the report I' filed against the officers    they was doing their jobs  correctly and after finding out the Truth about what really took place    The police was right and acted correctly by arresting my grandson   Those Police officers must be really good at their job they could see my grandson was not telling them the truth  it took the officers only a few minutes to detect my grandson was guilty and took me months later to find out what really happened.         Keep up the good WORK Officers of The Ozark City Police     And next time you bust my grandson  You can bet Grand father won't say a word  about it            If any thing   I' will be on you guys side and be ready to defend the Police officers  first.       truly...Dumb Grand father .




#13Consumer Comment

Wed, June 24, 2009

They were not trespassing, so the police could not cite them for that. The only way they could be sited for that is if the business asked them to leave and they refused. IF ozark has a no loitering ordinance and that business has no loitering signs posted, the best the police could site them with is a loitering citation. Again the business would have to be involved for that to happen. Having looked through the city code, there is no city ordinance on loitering so they men were not breaking the law.

Your grandson should have called the police and had them come out to remove the people or get the store involved. Hitting them with his car was taking matters in to his own hands, which there are consequences for.

Whether or not the police erred in arresting the 5 men does not change the actions of your grandson. He struck someone with his car and fled the scene of the accident. If he had called the police to the scene after striking the man it may have ended differently.

Joey Kyle is also an excellent sheriff, Ozark has elected a good sheriff to lead their department.




#13Consumer Comment

Wed, June 24, 2009

They were not trespassing, so the police could not cite them for that. The only way they could be sited for that is if the business asked them to leave and they refused. IF ozark has a no loitering ordinance and that business has no loitering signs posted, the best the police could site them with is a loitering citation. Again the business would have to be involved for that to happen. Having looked through the city code, there is no city ordinance on loitering so they men were not breaking the law.

Your grandson should have called the police and had them come out to remove the people or get the store involved. Hitting them with his car was taking matters in to his own hands, which there are consequences for.

Whether or not the police erred in arresting the 5 men does not change the actions of your grandson. He struck someone with his car and fled the scene of the accident. If he had called the police to the scene after striking the man it may have ended differently.

Joey Kyle is also an excellent sheriff, Ozark has elected a good sheriff to lead their department.




#13Consumer Comment

Wed, June 24, 2009

They were not trespassing, so the police could not cite them for that. The only way they could be sited for that is if the business asked them to leave and they refused. IF ozark has a no loitering ordinance and that business has no loitering signs posted, the best the police could site them with is a loitering citation. Again the business would have to be involved for that to happen. Having looked through the city code, there is no city ordinance on loitering so they men were not breaking the law.

Your grandson should have called the police and had them come out to remove the people or get the store involved. Hitting them with his car was taking matters in to his own hands, which there are consequences for.

Whether or not the police erred in arresting the 5 men does not change the actions of your grandson. He struck someone with his car and fled the scene of the accident. If he had called the police to the scene after striking the man it may have ended differently.

Joey Kyle is also an excellent sheriff, Ozark has elected a good sheriff to lead their department.


Walnut Grove,

Responce to the People who think that the Ozark Police was Right' And Did nothing wrong."

#13Author of original report

Tue, June 23, 2009

I'm The Grand father who filed this report about the Ozark Missouri city Police not doing their Job right." I' do wish to thank all of you for your suggestions and your Opinions' You had a good point that I' over looked regarding the Broken wind shield and distance needed to gain enough speed to hit some one hard enough to break a windshield' Thanks' That is some thing I' will check into." The main point that you people over looked was The Police not taking any actions against the 5- Men who started the whole thing' If they had not been hanging around on a parking lot causing trouble with customers who was there to shop none of this would have happened." Most all towns and cities have laws in place that does Not Allow people to hang out on store parking lots causing trouble , These Men was not shopping just loafing on the lot causing trouble' I'm sure the store owners would not approve of these men bothering their customers' They should have at least been given a citation for peace disturbance and trespassing' If your on a Parking lot and not shopping at one of the stores who provides that parking then your trespassing." I' doubt that my Grand son would have been the one trying to cause trouble. He is not very heavy or big and Their was 5- Big Men' Not boys but Adult men, My point was The Police letting the 5- go free' Their have been news reports on the Radio and T.V. stations here before regarding situations Involving The Ozark City Police and also the Christain county Sheriffs department which Ozark in located in." Only about a week ago the news told of a Police officer from Ozark who is being charged with Forcing women to have sex with him' He was arrested and being charged ." My point posting my complaint was to make aware to every one the failure of them not enforcing the laws properly. Thats not fair to the tax payers of Ozark ." Thank you all again for your opinions.'



I agree

#13Consumer Comment

Mon, June 22, 2009

Your Grandson hit someone with his car period - that is assault
He was arrested because of his actions
The Police did nothing wrong and therefore you are placing blame on the victim regardless of their actions
I agree with Robert - you were not there so there is probably more to the story
Hearsay is all you got and it is not admissable in court



I agree

#13Consumer Comment

Mon, June 22, 2009

Your Grandson hit someone with his car period - that is assault
He was arrested because of his actions
The Police did nothing wrong and therefore you are placing blame on the victim regardless of their actions
I agree with Robert - you were not there so there is probably more to the story
Hearsay is all you got and it is not admissable in court



I agree

#13Consumer Comment

Mon, June 22, 2009

Your Grandson hit someone with his car period - that is assault
He was arrested because of his actions
The Police did nothing wrong and therefore you are placing blame on the victim regardless of their actions
I agree with Robert - you were not there so there is probably more to the story
Hearsay is all you got and it is not admissable in court



I agree

#13Consumer Comment

Mon, June 22, 2009

Your Grandson hit someone with his car period - that is assault
He was arrested because of his actions
The Police did nothing wrong and therefore you are placing blame on the victim regardless of their actions
I agree with Robert - you were not there so there is probably more to the story
Hearsay is all you got and it is not admissable in court



Quite a story.....

#13Consumer Comment

Sun, June 21, 2009

but where's the rip off?

Your grandson should not have hit any of them. The fact that the windshield got broken says the guy that got hit must have been hit relatively hard and flew up and hit the window.

I dont know where you get that these 5 guys would have raped and murdered the girlfriend? Oh please.....spare us the drama.That kind of drama is to be expected from kids.....not grandparents.

The girl friend can not file a report on these guys for "sexual". That's just nonsense and more hype on your part. She could get in a fair amount of trouble filing a false police report. Sounds to me like the grandson concocted a pretty elaborate story to cover up for how he broke the windshield.



Wait a minute

#13Consumer Comment

Sun, June 21, 2009

First I think you are only hearing one side of a story. The Police can not file manslaughter charges, if no one died.
Second you said these men stepped in front of the car and would not move, right?
So he ran one over.
Then you said the windshield was broken.That would mean a body flew up on the hood and into the window.For that to happen, your Grandson had to of picked up some speed in order to hit someone hard enough for them to fly up on the hood and go into the windshield.If your Grandson had that much distance between him and these men, he most likely could have used another escape route.They were pretty far away from the car.
Then you mentioned that he is being charged with manslaughter. Maybe attempted manslaughter.Since a vehicle is a deadly weapon, and your Grandson was not in immediate threat to his or her life, he did not have the right to use a deadly weapon.
Your Grandson used excessive force.He had other alternatives, besides hitting someone with a car.
He had other choices, because they did not have a weapon, and were clearly a great distance from them.
He could have called the police, locked the doors. If they proceeded closer to the car, maybe then. He probably could have backed out, and left on another side.
He could have called out for help, to anyone passing by.
I know you are upset, I am not defending these jerks, just telling you what I think the Authorities are figuring. Good luck.




#13Consumer Comment

Sun, June 21, 2009

First of all YOU were not there. So you are getting it either 2nd hand(from your Grandson), or 3rd hand(from your Daughter who got it from your Grandson). While you are probably trusting what them in what they are telling you. There could be things you are unaware of. This could be things such as 3rd party witnesses who verified the other story, security video, or that your Grandson's version didn't match the evidence.

This story has other problems. First it does not matter how brave someone is, you are going to have a hard time convincing a judge that a guy let himself get hit with the car that is going fast enough to cause the windshield to break.

Second you said that your son may have Secon Degree Manslaughter charges filed. Manslaughter is only filed when someone DIES. So I really have a question as to what your definition of "not really hurt at all is".

Third, since your son is an Adult(18 is an Adult legally), I am wondering why the police even talked to your Daughter at all about the case. In that they said they had problems with these 5 people before. But even if they did history while can be taken into account does not excuse someone else from comitting a crime against them. But those problems could be why it is considered Manslaughter in the 2nd Degree instead of 1st Degree Manslaughter or a Murder charge.

"..All the Police officers who was Involved with that incident Needs Investigated and if found what I' heard to be TRUE' Then all officers should be Fired on the spot'..."
- True but that is the problem, you have only HEARD.

Good Luck...but from what you have written here you need to have the time devoted to defending your Grandson than trying to go after the Police.

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