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  • Report:  #147462


PAGE FREE PUBLISHING ripoff, dishonest advertising Otsego Michigan

  • Reported By:
    Miami Florida
  • Submitted:
    Sat, June 25, 2005
  • Updated:
    Wed, January 06, 2010
    109 South Farmer Street
    Otsego, Michigan
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I wrote a book titled: "Defensive Documentation and More/Documentacion Prevntiva". I signed a contract with Page Free Publishing in September 2004. My Book was published in November 2004.

I paid $354.00 for publishing. $299.00 for the actual publishing. $55.00 for a Press Release that never materialized.

Page Free Publishing was already notified about the Non Existent Press Release. Page Free Publishing was notified that I wrote my own press release.

Page Free Publishing promised a quarterly royalty. My royalties were due on March 2005. I sent many E Mails on March 2005 with regards to my royalties.

At the end of March 2005, I wrote another E Mail concerning my royalties. Their response was that "each payment is carried to the next period and that I would be paid in July 2005." The response on the E Mail seemed angry.

I was willing to wait for July 2005. I asked for a statement concerning my book sales. Page Free Publishing sent the statement by E Mail.

According to the statement, I had book sales from January 2005 to May 2005 totalling 45 Books. My books sell for $10.00 each.

I would also like to add that [at least] 5 people bought my book from the Page Free Publishing Website [the Great American Bookstore] for $16.00 [plus shipping and handling].

I also asked to be included in the Author's Page so that my sales could be tracked. I told Page Free Publishing [via E Mail] that it would help the author and the publisher. Their response was that "the computer had viruses that need to be fixed, the computer will be ready by May 15, 2005".

I wrote again on May 31, 2005 concerning the Author's Page and there was no reply. How long does it take to fix a computer?

This has caused me mental anguish. I know that my book is being sold. It has received positive feedback from those who have bought it.

While I am thankful for Page Free Publishing [for giving me the chance to publish and promote my book], I think I am owed royalties and 5 sample books. I also have problems with my family who think that I should get out of Book Writing all together. [I still want to continue being an author and I want to resolve this problems of the royalties and the Author's Personal Page].

I would like to add that Page Free Publishing operates as RKD Press Inc. and the Great American Bookstore. The people who I have had contact with were Kim Blagg and Gary Blagg.

Miami, Florida

18 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

How to get involved?

#19Consumer Comment

Wed, January 06, 2010

Hi Roberto, I am also in Miami Beach and I have a similar complaint. I would like to know how I can be involved in a class action suit.
Is there anyway to get royalties form these guys? I've been trying to find them since 2008 and my book is on thousands of websites and too. But Amazon will not give me any information about how many they sold- only page-free. I feel so used and upset. Anyone with nay info, please contact me at (((REDACTED)))

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.




#19Author of original report

Thu, December 08, 2005

On December 2, 2005: I received a royalty check from Page Free Publishing [post mark was 11-18-2005] for approximately $33.00




#19Author of original report

Wed, October 05, 2005

I received an E Mail from the Michigan Attorney General showing what Ms. Blegg had wrote for her rebuttal [See Notes of 8-8-2005]. [I resubmitted my information with my testimony on 8-11-2005]. In the E Mail, The Michigan Attorney General announced that they will "close the case". If I have "not been satisfied to go to a lawyer". They added that "It will remain public record as to prevent fraud". Since I already received the payment of royalties [and I will not renew the contract with Page Free Publishing] I will leave it as it is unless something occurs.



Events of 8-9-2005 to 8-11-2005:

#19Author of original report

Thu, August 11, 2005

In response to the E Mail by Ms. Kim Blagg, I resubmitted my testimony alonside with [the testimony] of Dr.S.T. Manning [see Bad Business Bureau complaint of April 2005],and Ms. Jill Ann Spaulding [an Author who wrote a book for PREHAB, the charitable organization for victims of domestic abuse. Her news article appeared in Southern Review of Books Volume 3, Number 2, February 2005 in the website:]
to the Michigan Attorney General.

Here is the letter as I wrote it.
August 9, 2005
Re: #201v3000

To Whom It May Concern:

I am turning over to your office, updated copies [E Mail, Written Conversations, Web Site Articles: including from Bad Business Bureau and Southern Review of Books with regard to MY [AND OTHER CUSTOMERS TRANSACTIONS with Page Free Publishing.

The important testimonies have been folded and highlighted for you to read. I am willing to testify under oath to the above statements and to what has been sent to you.

I also started to prepare for possible legal advice and more testimony to the press.

August 11, 2005 @ 12:30PM
I received my royalty check for $131.52 from Page Free Publishing in the mail. It is not what I expected but it is better than nothing. Regardless, I will get assessment on nulifying the contract with Page Free. I am also working on my webpage and trying to put all of this behind me.

My thanks to Bad Business Bureau for your help and support. I recommend this site heavily.



UPDATE Ms.Blagg responded to my E Mail

#19Author of original report

Mon, August 08, 2005

Ms.Blagg responded to my E Mail. Unfortunately, she has accused me of "lying" to the Michigan Attorney General and that I could be "prosecuted" for lying. Everything that has been written has been the truth.
I have no alternative to publish the entire letter and add this letter to the files.

Dear Ms. Blagg:

RAG: I would like to inform you that I wrote [electronically] to "Books and Tales" and [electronically/via Express Mail] to the Michigan Attorney General that we resolved our differences amicably.

RAG:I would like to add and this was quoted from what I wrote to the Michigan Attorney General: "I am thankful for Page Free Publishing [for giving me the chance to publish and promote my book]."

RAG:At the present time, I am waiting for the following:

RAG:1. Press Release : [I paid for the Press Release and it says so in the Publishing Agreement [Contract that I signed]. It was one page color. pdf for duplication as needed [although I will settle for a black and white version].

KB:It is attached.

RAG:2.The Corrected Invoice of the two books [brought from the Page Free Publishing/RKD Press/Great American Bookstore Shopping Bag] :One was brought by Ms. Laura Villafane. Another book was brought by my father who carries the same name Roberto Alvarez-Galloso. [Since Royalties are not paid if the author buys his/her own book]. The two invoices were #1830 [December 8, 2004] and #1856 [January 3, 2005].

KB:Corrected invoices? We do not provide invoices for books sold their receipt is the receipt generated from their order at the bookstore.

RAG:3. The Invoices from Ingrams at the present time. [This is in the Publishing Agreement [Contract. It has been done continuosly. I would like to thank you for this]

KB: You were provided with sales numbers of 26-5-7-7 for the months beginning 2005. Our policy now states that we will email authors in any month their sales meet or exceed 25 copies reported sold. Thus, if you do not receive such a report, you should assume you sold fewer copies. This is to economize on our time overhead reporting one or two sales to authors who are not actively marketing.

RAG:4. Page Free Author's Area with User Name and Password [This was in the Publishing Agreement [Contract. I am aware that it takes time to protect vital information against viruses and worms. I do need it if I am to track my sales or how to promote my book. It is also helpful for the publisher].

KB:There is nothing in the Publishing Agreement regarding the PageFree Author's area. You are mistaken. The Author's area will be opened this week and you will receive login information at the same time as all the authors.

RAG:5. Royalties: According to our Publishing Agreement [Contract], [I have read it many times] "Royalties shall be figured based upon payment received for book sales within the applicable accounting quarter and will be calculated as 75% of the net profit per book sold unless otherwise agreed upon." "Any royalties due which are less than $25.00 in any one quarter shall be carried over and payable in the next accounting quarter." In your E Mail dated: February 3, 2005: You stated: "When Authors call in for royalties check, we have on-hand the Ingram reported publisher-direct sales are sourced differently and are included at the time when royalty statements are calculated only.."

KB:Your royalty check was mailed the same time as the others, per our Publishing Agreement. This concludes our business with the exception of any royalties still due you for the remainder of the year's availability, which ends on 11/15/2005. Please be aware that your filing a legal document with the state attorney general's office that contained untrue information leaves you open to prosecution by their offices.

Without much, may God Bless You and Your Family.

Roberto C. Alvarez-Galloso,CPUR



resubmitted my information to Univision Indiana, The Michigan Attorney General

#19Author of original report

Mon, August 08, 2005

From August 1, 2005 to August 8, 2005:
August 1 2005: I resubmitted my information to Univision Indiana, The Michigan Attorney General.

August 3, 2005: I received a complaint number from the FTC. It is #6510874. I also submitted my information to the FTC.

August 6, 2005: I received a return receipt from Univision Indiana to confirm that they received my information.

I also looked into Google as per S.T.Manning and found out that the person who had problems with this publisher [re: charity money that was never fulfilled was a Playboy Model named Jill Ann: She would either have to resolve her issue by either submitting information to Bad Business Bureau or to Gubernatorial Agencies].
I also have another website: [in case there are any publishers who are interested in buying out my contract]. In my other website: I am dedicating it to E Books.

August 8, 2005@10:00AM: As per my telephone conversation with Ms. Blagg [July 30, 2005: See previous updates]. The following E Mail was submitted.

Dear Ms. Blagg:

I would like to inform you that I wrote [electronically] to "Books and Tales" and [electronically/via Express Mail] to the Michigan Attorney General that we resolved our differences amicably.

I would like to add and this was quoted from what I wrote to the Michigan Attorney General: "I am thankful for Page Free Publishing [for giving me the chance to publish and promote my book]."

At the present time, I am waiting for the following:

1. Press Release : [I paid for the Press Release and it says so in the Publishing Agreement [Contract that I signed]. It was one page color. pdf for duplication as needed [although I will settle for a black and white version].

2. The Corrected Invoice of the two books [brought from the Page Free Publishing/RKD Press/Great American Bookstore Shopping Bag] :One was brought by Ms. Laura Villafane. Another book was brought by my father who carries the same name Roberto Alvarez-Galloso. [Since Royalties are not paid if the author buys his/her own book]. The two invoices were #1830 [December 8, 2004] and #1856 [January 3, 2005].

3. The Invoices from Ingrams at the present time. [This is in the Publishing Agreement [Contract. It has been done continuosly. I would like to thank you for this]

4. Page Free Author's Area with User Name and Password [This was in the Publishing Agreement [Contract. I am aware that it takes time to protect vital information against viruses and worms. I do need it if I am to track my sales or how to promote my book. It is also helpful for the publisher].

5. Royalties: According to our Publishing Agreement [Contract], [I have read it many times] "Royalties shall be figured based upon payment received for book sales within the applicable accounting quarter and will be calculated as 75% of the net profit per book sold unless otherwise agreed upon." "Any royalties due which are less than $25.00 in any one quarter shall be carried over and payable in the next accounting quarter." In your E Mail dated: February 3, 2005: You stated: "When Authors call in for royalties check, we have on-hand the Ingram reported publisher-direct sales are sourced differently and are included at the time when royalty statements are calculated only.."

Without much, may God Bless You and Your Family.

Roberto C. Alvarez-Galloso,CPUR

Whatever happens, it will be based on her response.




#19Author of original report

Tue, August 02, 2005

I did notify most of the people [CBS in Boston,Ma.; CBS in Kalamazoo; ABC in New Hampshire] I submitted my complaint to [in the hope that Page Free Publishing would keep its promise. Yet taking into account that I was falsely accused of "lying to the Attorney General", I sent all of my data and proof [including those from Bad Business Bureau] and data from the other professional [S.T.Manning,PH.D] by Express Mail and Return Receipt to the Michigan Attorney General so that they could place it in their file. I also did the same for WIIH [Univision] in Indiana. In it, is included the telephone conversation I had with Ms. Blegg which was written on a piece of paper shortly after hanging up the phone. The other people [that I have written to], have not notified because I am waiting for the take portion of the give and take. I would also like to add that if there is a publisher who is honest, trustworthy and is willing to buy out my contract to write to Bad Business Bureau or to myself.




#19Author of original report

Sat, July 30, 2005

July 30, 2005 @ 10:15AM: I received a telephone call from Ms. Kim Blegg of Page Free Publishing.
Ms. Blegg stated: "I received mail from the Michigan Attorney General and I have to fill this paperwork. Most of the complaints were based on untruths. The contract states that your royalties come within 30 days. You have danaged our company's reputation and finances. You must go to the websites where you posted your complaints and retract stating that they are untrue".
My response: "I do not have to retract because everything stated was true. I do not have the Press Release. I do not have the Author's Website and I do not have the royalties."
Ms.Blegg: "I want to resolve this by telephone. I will send you your press release. But the 5 Books you said that they were from Page Free Publishing and they were two books and one of them was bought by you."
My response: "Someone else and my gather bought the book"
Ms. Blegg: "I will get you the press release, I will notify you of the Author's Website when available, and your royalty check is on your way".
My response: "I will say to whom I sent my complaints that the situation was resolved amicably via telephone".
Ms. Blegg: "My E Mail is

After this conversation [which I published to serve as testimony to what ocurred], we agreed that I would notify the parties that received my complaint that my issues were resolved amicably by telephone.

I would again like to thank Bad Business Bureau and everyone for helping me. If I have to use this system again, I will.




#19Author of original report

Fri, July 29, 2005

July 29, 2005: I received a letter from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. The Letter was signed by Ms. Margaret L. Holmes, Senior Consumer Complaint Analyst and has the Number 0507-20881/MLH. The letter stated that my complaint was forwarded to the Michigan Attorney General.

On this same date, I filed my electronic complaint with the FTC [Federal Trade Commission].




#19Author of original report

Fri, July 29, 2005

July 29, 2005: I received a letter from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. The Letter was signed by Ms. Margaret L. Holmes, Senior Consumer Complaint Analyst and has the Number 0507-20881/MLH. The letter stated that my complaint was forwarded to the Michigan Attorney General.

On this same date, I filed my electronic complaint with the FTC [Federal Trade Commission].




#19Author of original report

Fri, July 29, 2005

July 29, 2005: I received a letter from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. The Letter was signed by Ms. Margaret L. Holmes, Senior Consumer Complaint Analyst and has the Number 0507-20881/MLH. The letter stated that my complaint was forwarded to the Michigan Attorney General.

On this same date, I filed my electronic complaint with the FTC [Federal Trade Commission].




#19Author of original report

Fri, July 29, 2005

July 29, 2005: I received a letter from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. The Letter was signed by Ms. Margaret L. Holmes, Senior Consumer Complaint Analyst and has the Number 0507-20881/MLH. The letter stated that my complaint was forwarded to the Michigan Attorney General.

On this same date, I filed my electronic complaint with the FTC [Federal Trade Commission].




#19Author of original report

Thu, July 28, 2005

July 28, 2005: I received a postcard from the Michigan Attorney General postmarked July 25, 2005. In the post card [preprinted], they stated that they "will sue a company ONLY when the general public interest is involved or in certain cases involving a large amount of consumers.". They also suggested that in case a lawsuit is necessary to file a complaint in the Small Claims Court or hire an attorney. To those who want a class action law suit, [I will say it once] please send your electronic complaints to the Michigan Attorney General at Thank You.




#19Author of original report

Mon, July 25, 2005

Univision Indiana has E Mailed me today. They told me that they will talk with their producer and "see what can be done to resolve this as soon as possible".



E Mailing WMUR : re: Page Free Publishing/RKD Press

#19Author of original report

Sat, July 23, 2005

I just finished submitting an electronic mail complaint about Page Free Publishing to WMUR 9 [An ABC Affiliate in New Hampshire].



E Mailing the Media & Govt.

#19Author of original report

Fri, July 22, 2005

As promised, I entered another update. I sent E Mails to ABC, NBC, CBS Affiliates in Michigan and to Univision Affiliates in Indiana. I wrote [by E Mail] to Mr. T. Ryan of WLUC TV 6, WILX News, Mr. Ian Rubin of WNEM News, Mr. Patrick Center of WOOD TV 8 Target 8 Consumer Investigator.

I would like to thank Bad Business Bureau for allowing to present my complaint. I also would like to extend and invitation to any author who has submitted a complaint about Page Free Publishing / RKD Press / Gary and Kim Blegg to submit their complaints to the Michigan Attorney General, the Consumer Protection Programs in their states or countries, and to the Mass Media in Michigan and the Author's Home State or Country.

Thank You.




#19Author of original report

Fri, July 22, 2005

July 21, 2005: I submitted an electronic report to the State of Michigan Attorney General and to the State of Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.

The State of Michigan Attorney General's Office gave me a consumer identification number: cp201v3000.

I also wrote a Letter to the CBS Affiliates in Kalamazoo,Michigan and Boston, Massachusetts. The CBS Affiliate Representative in Kalamazoo, Michigan was Mr.Alex Monta~no.

I submitted all of my information and the information of anyone who had the same problem [including the complaints in the Bad Business Bureau, My Contract, My E Mails, Replies to my E Mails].
I also E Mailed WZZM 13 News [An ABC Affiliate in Michigan] the same details. I E Mailed the Information to a Journalist named Kathy Reynolds. Her response was a Generic One because these things have to be looked into.

July 22, 2005 @ 8:10AM EST: Other E Mails will be sent to WILX News WLUC TV 6 News, Mr.Patrick Center [WOOD TV 8 Target 8 Consumer Information] concerning this problem. After the E Mails and Packages are delivered, another update will apeear.



UPDATE ON THIS SUBJECT This website rates publishers according to rates and treatment of authors.

#19Author of original report

Tue, July 05, 2005

Around the end of June 2005, I entered the Books and Tales Website. [This website rates publishers according to rates and treatment of authors. I learned about Page Free Publishing from Books and Tales]. I submitted a comment to their website concerning my experience with Page Free Publishing [see June 25, 2005 Submission]. After submitting my comment, Page Free Publishings Rating went from two stars to one star. [I do not know what that means except it is not good.]

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