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  • Report:  #86191

Complaint Review: Paid Response - Aaron Bowering

Paid Response, Aaron Bowering dishonest, hype, fraudulent, cheater, full of alibis, does not pay what is due Texas Internet

  • Reported By:
    11682 Other
  • Submitted:
    Thu, April 01, 2004
  • Updated:
    Sat, October 15, 2005
  • Paid Response - Aaron Bowering
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I have been cheated by Aaron Bowering of Paid Response!!! Its not the company I believed it to be when I joined. Their website is full of sweet words that enticed me to join: Average earnings of $200 per week, when the truth is, I can hardly make $10 a weekdespite of all the efforts I placed into postingI posted 4-7 hours straight per day, not to mention the in between times at nightI posted till sleep get to me. The times when my kids are asleep, and in between my household choresI postedand I earned $152 in 3 months. It cant even cover the cost of telephone and internet connection (was using dial up). But I continued, until fraud happened in my Earning Center which was beyond my knowledge.

Someone tried to cheat into the system (said the staff) and the commission which I supposed to get, they deductedIt was really disheartening and I expressed it to them. I thought it was their job to protect the system. I was so disappointed and decided to quit, and I asked for my accumulated commission for 3 months which amounted to $130+ plus the bonus incentive of $20 for January for 2 sign-ups I made, result of my hardwork, worked more than a regular job requires to do. I sent the request to them, 1st e-mail, 2nd, 3rd but no reply. The boss even alibi that he did not receive any of the e-mail. My doubt is that how can he not receive the e-mail? My mailer would have informed me then, if my e-mails were all not deliveredif it bounced, if the recipient denied to receive my e-mail, or he blocked my address so that he may not be able to receive e-mails from mebut nothing came from my mailer stating any of those reasonshis reason was just an alibi

One day, I sent this letter out of hopelessness that they will respond to my e-mail and request to release my commission:

March 10, 2004

This is my last reminder to you about my commission. I am trying to appeal to you about it in a civilized manner but I think, you chose not to listen.

You have benefited from my sign-up fee when I joined, but on my part, I haven't benefited yet from all my efforts. All the testimonials I read on your website were all just hype.

From my experience in your company, I believe that everything in your website were all just a bloated and exaggerated materials aimed at enticing and attracting people to join and pay a fee, but not really to give them employment (as you may call it) and satisfy them. I just feel responsible for people whom I attracted and signed-up through my ads.

I can say that I am really frustrated and disappointed about your company. I just want my commission and you can rest assured, I will not be one among those people who are trying to ruin your name by launching a massive information campaign on how you did not fulfill the terms and called you scam.

I am not threatening you, but I believe that the only way I can get even with you (if you do not release my commission) is through legal action. And for a start, report the way you fooled and tricked people like me, by not paying my commission.

I hope that I will not have to resort to this thing, but again, I reiteraterelease my commission soon. This is my e-gold account number: 1214849

Mrs. Cueva

PS: Do not say or claim that you did not receive any of my previous e-mails, for if they were not delivered, yahoo mail would have informed me.

Finally, Aaron sent this e-mail:

You have made far more than you have paid to become a member. I have paid you $60 today which is part of your earnings that I have verified to be legitimate. I will have to look at the rest of your account and pay out what I can verify after that. We will remove your account since you are unhappy but only after you have been paid up until now.
With so many people earning only from clicks and no sales, we are considering removing the click throughs entirely. Our company can not survive on this alone. - Aaron

Notice, the way he sounded in his mail, as if I myself cheated on their systemand that he still has to verify all my earningsI don't care anymore whether he will have to verify still or notor whether he remove the click throughs entirelyI just want my remaining commission be released. So in reply, I sent this e-mail:


Okay, I will accept the partial $60 from my commission. but you know what, you sounded as if click throughs I made were not all legitimate.. .and thats again, annoying, after all the efforts I have done in an honest to goodness way. Anyway, I am done with talking. I already made known to you what I have in mind. I will expect the other amount from my commission in a week time. After a week, I will not wait anymore. - Mrs. Cueva

It was March 10 when he released the partial $60 from my commission and until now the remaining $89+ to date and the $20 bonus incentive for January has not been paid yet. Indication that he is not serious in saying that he will complete my payment after his so called verificationas if he just paid or returned my sign-up fee of $59.99but if he is just returning my sign-up fee when I joined their company he is not taking into account the fee involved in the transaction in getting back that amount from my e-gold account to an exchange company which is $28 the least (bank wire). He really is disgusting and unfair! But still, I reminded him about the completion of my payment and waited for his reply, I wrote him this e-mail:

March 17, 2004


Today is the 7th day since you partially paid my commission of $60.00 thru e-gold. As I have said, I am giving you a week to complete my payment.. after which I will wait no more - will just go on and file a complaint. You still owe me $84.75 to date as per my income center. This is my egold number: 1214849
I am giving you 24 hours from receipt of this e-mail to complete my request. - Mrs. Cueva

But again, no reply. I was really hopeless and I sent again this e-mail having in mind this will be the last time. I attached this report which I planned to publish if he does not really pay me. And he replied this:

You write a report on our company claiming that people can't earn money, yet you want your earnings of over $100? That makes no sense, does it?

If you post these false statements you will be liable for any damages caused by our company as they are untrue. I can prove this with your earnings/income report. I am not interested in your threats as we have every intention of paying you. This kind of behaviour will only delay payment even longer, as we must ensure that these reports were not posted publically and if they were, we are legally able to retain a percentage of your earnings to cover the cost of administration removing these posts and any damage that was caused while they were available.

If you have already posted this on the Internet, I will seek legal council to have it removed to and to obtain assistance in assuring that you do not continue such behaviour. If you haven't, I will gladly finish my review of your account and pay what is owed. I believe that you were told that your account was under review and this is why there was a delay in payment.

No one was out to scam you, and this was also proven since we recently paid you a portion of your earnings. Scam organizations don't pay out a dime.

Please take my advice and be very cautious in regards to what you post and where you post it. Quite frankly, I am tired of the nonsense on the Internet from people who don't give an opportunity a fair chance.

Aaron Bowering

In reply, I sent this e-mail:

You didn't get what I am trying to tell you...did you? I want my earnings and that's all.

If ever I wanted my will only pay for all the money I spent in subscribing to your business...the internet connection and the telephone did not cover my efforts and time into posting...and the dedication which I think you cannot pay for that remaining commission you owe to me and so where is the earning there?

You can show my Earning Center as proof that I did earn, but did you pay me? Yes, $60 and I know now your intention why you tell the people that you paid me, by just saying the mere statement that "you paid me" but not all.

I did not say that one cannot earn here...I was saying that one cannot rely on this for a decent earning. If you had paid me a partial $60 of what I earned from advertising your company...its just the right thing to do for I worked hard on your behalf. And what are false statements? The average earning? I remembered somebody asked about this in the forum board wherein, she also is confused on what is written on your site and what is reality. And many others suggested that this statement on the average earning be reviewed for it is misleading in reality.

I haven't published the report yet, I am a Christian and I am trying very hard not to do this and stretch my patience more...but I do not know you...and since I dont...I have this feeling that I have responsibility to do what is right...and make this report to beware people.

You can make your review of my income as fast as possible and pay me quick for my patience of waiting (and no update) is running out.

This can make the release of my commission more reasonable for you...if you find it difficult to pay me:

1. You are paying my remaining commission just to return the costs I paid for telephone bills for 3 months (nov-feb) which was $505;

2. The dial-up services for 3 months which was $100;

You know now that what I am getting does not compensate with what I spent doing your business. And its just fair that you release my commission soon.

I do not charge you for my efforts and time, and dedication into ad posting because I have no gauge for them. I just saw them as a learning experience.

Do you now understand why I need to get my commission?

I am still giving you the soonest possible time to pay me.

Now answer this question, WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO PAY ME THE REST OF MY MONEY? I need a definite date.

I dont want a blurred or unclear answer. I dont like "soon", but WHEN is soon? - Mrs. Cueva

He replied on time to this, saying:

If you could accept payment via Paypal I would pay you right now, however I can't fund my egold account until our funding agent, goes back online as they were recently attacked. -Aaron

My reply to this was:

March 25, 2004

I dont have a paypal account and besides, paypal does not include Saudi Arabia in their list of countries.

I understood that you can pay me already but your funding agent is still down...that means that you have finished reviewing my income center. And as soon as your funding agent is back online, you will pay me. No more reason like "I am still verifying your earnings" etc...

If this is true...then I am willing to wait for another 7 days to receive my payment...I hope within that 7 days, the amount I am due from you is already reflected in my egold account. You have the full responsibility to do that, I dont need to send you reminder(s) again.
I trust your word, that you are really out to pay me...only that present situation is not in your control right now.

So for now, I am standing by for 7 days. -Mrs. Cueva

On March 28, I read this on the forum board posted by another ad typist, so in reference to this I wrote him again:



*** HERY ***

March 28, 2004

The above message was posted in the PR forum board...and I also checked it myself. is already running. This means that you can pay me now. I am waiting...this is my e-gold number: 1214849 - Mrs. Cueva

No reply again. I regularly check the forum board and I found he has this announcement. He posted this March 29:

Please read (if you have not already), the notice I recently posted concerning click-throughs/sales. This is in effect immediately.
This also affects everyone's accounts immediately, meaning that if your account only holds clicks for the past week, you will need to wait for a referral/sign up before you are qualified to be paid.
We are now able to fund E-Gold as is back online. We are working towards doing this, and will pay everyone who holds a sale within their account. Those who only have responses (clicks) will be paid on the Monday following a sale/sign up credit to their account.

I think this policy should not affect our agreement of paying me as soon as goldtraders comes online because we agreed prior to this announcement. Ironic, isn't it?
This is another posting about the his new policy, also dated March 29. I am quoting him:

" A new change and a very important one will take place immediately at Paid Response. Although we will now (and always) pay for click throughs (responses), we are now only able to pay for the click through's, after a sale has been made.

This is how it will work.

If you receive 40 responses (click throughs).. you can only be paid for these after you have made a sign up during that pay period (week).

Once you have made a sign up, you are paid for all click throughs along with that sign up in one payment for that week. So basically you are paid for all clicks that occur in between sales, but only after you have made that sign up (within that specific week)
If your account holds only click throughs and no sign ups, the amount will roll over each week until you have made a single referral/sign up. You will always be paid for all clicks, but only after a sign up is made.
Remember, you need to make a sign up in any one week period to qualify for payment that week." - Aaron

In desperation, because as of this date he has not pay me, I wrote him this:

March 30, 2004


I heard that is now online and checked it myself. WHERE NOW IS MY PAYMENT, I CHECKED MY E-GOLD AND THERE IS NONE THERE.


We have agreed last time, that you will pay me as soon as goldtraders resume their business, do not forget that you even offered to pay me immediately if only I had a paypal account, but since I dont, I waited. But until when?

Do not let me repeat my words about the report I will make.

Still Waiting,
Mrs. Cueva

No reply.I am tired now of having to wait and plea for the money which I rightfully earned.

March 31, 2004


This is the final e-mail I will sent to you, no more pleas for my commission as I think, you really have no plans releasing my money in whole. Just read reports with your name and Paid Response name in the succeeding days starting tomorrow. YOU ARE A DESPICABLE AND A CHEATER.

The new policy on commission should not affect me in the first place, because I have not doing your business anymore, the click throughs that continuously coming in my Income Center were just results of my ads posted long time ago. I am just getting my money, and you agreed to pay me even before you posted the new policy on the forum. You know how it looks to me, its your way to reduce the amount you are due to me. One of those tactics for you not to pay me.

So, guess what!!! I WONT GET MY MONEY ANYMORE!!! GOOD NEWS TO YOU??? BUT HEY, I am not through yet...but will see your name posted on every message boards, on every reports I can think of and find more.

I will see to it that you and your business will go down the drain...I am not threatening you because I knew, nothing threatens a cheater. You can just start a new business with different name to fool and cheat again. Wait for my lawyer to call you. - Mrs. Cueva

More Facts:
In the forum, many of the ad typist are also having difficulty receiving their commission, contrary to what they claimed and placed on their website: We Pay Every Monday only to find out later, they pay every Monday if you have a paypal account, and once a month if e-gold account is used. But then, as of the present even Paypal account users where not paid yet. No announcement, no information or update about commission.

I tried to appeal my concern in the forum because I knew the owner and the staff will be able to view and read my message regarding my commissionbut this happened: my messages were deleted so that other people can not read them, especially those having the same problem as me. Ironic, isn't it? I even received a message that if I don't stop posting my concerns, they will ban me from postingI did stop posting but sent them Personal Message or e-mail, but no reply again. When I tried to post in any of the topics which also concerns meguess whatit said:

Thanks, Your post will be previewed by a moderator before it is added to this topic.

But when I checked again later that day, my posts were not really added on to the forum.

So see, how they manipulated and enticed people into joining and when they got your money, they behaved like this, especially when you are getting the money you deservedthey are not different from other Ad typing Company, they get your money and when you are already claiming your hard-earned commission they will just not listen.

In my e-mails to them, I told them that I will just leave the company in peace and will never do any of this massive information campaign, if they will just release my commission s****.> There are still a lot doubtful questions in my mind that he did not answer especially what really happened in my Earning Center where on two occasions, there happened the discrepancies.

So, pleasethis is a first hand informationand is really truedo not be be enticed by their promises of big earningsmany of us can't even make $1 a dayspread the words and rememberPAID RESPONSE.COM IS A HYPE.
They will let you do the joband then will make you wait for your payment orin my case, paid me partially but that is after all the follow-up e-mails I have sent. Its really a very troublesome, time consuming and exhaustive effort.

All in all, I have lost my $59.99 sign-up fee plus the $3 payment for buying the bank draft, and my remaining commission of $89 to date plus the $supposedly $20 bonus incentive for 2-sign ups for January. Total amount I lost = $171.99


Maria rhodora
Saudi Arabia

4 Updates & Rebuttals



Not a Scam

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, October 15, 2005

PR is not a Scam. I have joined this site recently, as well as some of his others, and been paid. I can provide proof if anyone wants to see it. Thank You.



Okay, my my feeble head

#5UPDATE Employee

Sat, July 17, 2004

I'm sorry, I couldn't hold this back any longer. Originally I wasn't going to form any kind of rebuttal, but after reading something about an old company called Typing 4 Pay, I heard a little "click" that went in my feeble head and started to wonder if some of the "ladies" from that group are still "out to make PR's life a living hell" every chance they get?

Hey, I remember that quote very well. I also remember how T4P often had ads out, directly attacking PR instead of doing what an ad was supposed to do; promote a business, service or product.

And, to this day, there's still the odd ad here and there that still attack PR from time to time. It's no longer tied to T4P, but they're still out there.

It stands to reason, even with T4P out of the picture, that perhaps there's still someone (or a few someones) from that group that are making their presence felt any given way they know how.

I mean, we do know of other certain individuals who have a tendency to start up and fold ad typing companies at will, so is it possible the T4P crew have done the same? We are also aware of those same types of individuals coming up with more than one name in what I swear must eventually give them an identity crisis.

And, are taking every opportunity they can find to bash PR and everybody in it.

Okay, so some of you might be thinking why would somebody go to such extent? Why bother?

Well, if someone is mean enough, it's all about the end result that matters.


Pleasant Grove,

Paid Response Has Never Paid Me, and I Know Why

#5UPDATE Employee

Fri, July 16, 2004

My Name is Cathy Branch, I am known as Wenchie at Paid Response, where I have been a member since September of 2003. As soon as I read a particular complaint here, I just knew I had to add my two cents worth as well.

I have never received one dime of payment from Paid Response! Why is this? Well perhaps it is because I have never done any work for PR. I have never once, actively tried to earn my enrollment fee back, or to earn any money through them. However, I still remain active in the forum and other member areas.

Why am I telling you this? Because I feel this puts me in a completely different situation from the other employees of PR. One that can take a look at all that is going on there and voice an opinion that is not biased in anyway.

In the above report "Paid Response Is A Scam!", I first thought that Cori, was maybe mistaken about the name of the company. But as I continued to read, and individual names of fellow members were mentioned, I realized that she was indeed talking about the Paid Response I too am a member of.

My rebuttal to this...

What in the devil are you talking about?

For Example, Here: Questions remain unanswered. Posts in the message forum that shred some light onto what's really going on has been removed. Members of Paid Response are "dealt with" as soon as they speak up.

When were post removed? I am there at all different hours of each day. I have not seen any of these mysterious posts you are referring to that "shred" some light... I am assuming you meant to say, shed some light, but even if you were, who is giving you this information? It cannot be knowledge obtained first hand, unless you just blatantly chose to lie. These post you are referring to, to my knowledge and that of other members I conferred with, have never existed.

And Here: The people I feel sorry for the most are Ryshtyan, PamelaKelly and Tweety. These three are true and genuine, but are being made to look like bad guys because of the dishonesty coming from Aaron and Missi.

This is the only accurate statement you have made, these three are true and genuine. But made to look like bad guys? Where is this nonsense coming from? These are three intelligent women, that you would do well to emulate. From what know if them, I truly feel they would be offended by your statement.

And Here: Missi is just as bad. Either she's the dumbest person alive, or is in this with Val/Aaron (whatever name it is they want to go with.)

I have chatted personally with Missi on a few occasions. She appears to be a very bright and intelligent woman, who more than once has expressed her good fortune of finding a legitimate work at home job. Why she considers this good fortune is beyond me, seeing as how she has to deal with people of your caliber at times.

And Finally Here: Aaron, Val, Catherine, whatever name you wish to go with, stop ripping people off!

How exactly where you ripped off? Did I miss it somewhere among your ranting? Have you personally been ripped off by Paid Response and therefore have a legitimate complaint?

It is people like you, that not only make it difficult for people with genuine complaints to find resolutions, you also hinder people from making educated decisions, by feeding them unfounded allegations.

The fact is, you are online, and online, everyone has the right to protect their identity. It really doesn't matter who is who, or what name they go by, unless it affects you in some adverse way. Based on your complaint...

You have not been affected at all. By all appearances, you are just like the rest of the world and simply curious. The big difference is, your curiosity is obviously becoming an obsession, that is serving no purpose, other than hurting the very people you seem to want to inform.

A word of advice, if you genuinely want to help people, do not be afraid to put your name that people know you by. If you want to make a stand and be heard, do it in a voice that sure and strong, not one of cowardice, and most importantly, bring some facts with you. Speculation is simply speculation, and deserves no more than a passing thought, just like gossip, which is all your complaint really boils down to.

Cathy Branch (Wenchie)


British Columbia,

Paid Reponse IS A Scam!

#5UPDATE Employee

Sat, June 19, 2004

Check this link here;

What you'll see there is a bio and pic of an author from Canada. This is the very same pic used to give PR members a visual of "Val."

Who is Val? She was the girl who ran Paid Response before it mysteriously shut down and switched hands to Aaron Bowering.

In the beginning Aaron showed promise. He was communicative, helpful and seemingly determined to bring Paid Response out of it's slump.

But, lately his every action has perfectly mirrored Val's. With Paid Response in trouble again, he's pretty much disappeared.

Questions remain unanswered. Posts in the message forum that shred some light onto what's really going on has been removed. Members of Paid Response are "dealt with" as soon as they speak up.

Missi is just as bad. Either she's the dumbest person alive, or is in this with Val/Aaron (whatever name it is they want to go with.)

The people I feel sorry for the most are Ryshtyan, PamelaKelly and Tweety. These three are true and genuine, but are being made to look like bad guys because of the dishonesty coming from Aaron and Missi.

Ryshtyan has clued in and is taking measures to seek out justice on behalf of the PR people that have been ripped off, but in the meantime people still continue to be deceived by people who aren't who they claim to be.

Aaron, Val, Catherine, whatever name you wish to go with, stop ripping people off!

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