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  • Report:  #143517

Complaint Review: Palmetto Marketing Inc. Aka Pitts And Gemini Sales (nfsa)

Palmetto Marketing Inc., Aka Pitts And Gemini Sales (nfsa) ex employees b unit and cloie describe how scandolus palmetto is. Here are the most scandolus people that work there if they come to your door call the cops: Quida Arnold, Krystle Hoering, Matt Sharp, Trey Hill Charles "Chuck" Turner, Jarod McNiel, MELISSA QUINN, *Robert Cecil, Lucas Schwan, Jeff Winsor, JAMIE BOKOR CIARA HADLEY, Tom Tipple, OWNER: Vinnie Pitts Coral Springs Florida

  • Reported By:
    lewisburg Kentucky
  • Submitted:
    Sat, May 21, 2005
  • Updated:
    Tue, July 17, 2012
  • Palmetto Marketing Inc., Aka Pitts And Gemini Sales (nfsa)
    7522 Wiles Rd. Ste 112
    Coral Springs, Florida
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: YOUR WRONG! both stole two check books and wrote checks for two wks straight *UPDATE EX-employee responds: i need mikes or bob's number *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Yes, Lisa...this is the Dan you think I am *UPDATE EX-employee responds: It's not as bad as you all say... *UPDATE EX-employee responds: You are not fooling anyone *UPDATE EX-employee responds: You are not fooling anyone *UPDATE EX-employee responds: You are not fooling anyone *UPDATE EX-employee responds: rip off EX-employee tell all *UPDATE Employee: Complaining wont get you anywhere *UPDATE EX-employee responds: i know exacly how you feel *UPDATE EX-employee responds: if you worked for this company you were taught to lie and if you still work for it or even say it was a good job, then your lying. duh! *UPDATE EX-employee responds: i dont think you are that type of person *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Bahaha? What kind of name is that anyway. *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Yes, that was one fun week! *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Liz is such a LIAR *Author of original report: happy *UPDATE EX-employee responds: HAAA, exactly. point proven. *UPDATE EX-employee responds: bob is a violent person just as well *UPDATE EX-employee responds: ive tried to find him he lost the one thing in life that is special *UPDATE EX-employee responds: i never stole or did any of those things,my situation is totally different as you can see *REBUTTAL Individual responds: edward i never recieved my money *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Not So Bad If You Work It Right *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Oh my gosh, someone I actually know, You know when there wasn't so much BS. *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Derek, Larissa, Jennifer, and Brandon *UPDATE EX-employee responds: I am so glad I left *UPDATE EX-employee responds: A Lot I have Not....But Alot I do have *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Nicole from Turlock *UPDATE EX-employee responds: The Company is Definitely Scandalous but I still got paid *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Not all are bad *UPDATE EX-employee responds: I am no longer with brandon he got volient and hit one of my sons now I have a wonderful boyfriend and 2 beutiful sons 2 and 3 and *Consumer Comment: If it were not for Vinny and his mag crew i would not have met my husband, and have a beautiful daughter


I worked for this company for six months. I have seen and heard so much crap, would you guys like to know.

I know several girls while I was there trying to still my man from me while I was prengnant with his baby. They would not let use stay in the same room together. That would make only a big deal about only us as a couple.

No other couple. They would treat us like crap. I was one of their top salers and made them alot of money and still treated me like crap.

Here are the most scandolus people that work there if they come to your door call the cops:

*Quida Arnold *Krystle Hoering, *Matt Sharp *Trey Hill *Charles "Chuck" Turner *Jarod McNiel *MELISSA QUINN

These are the most scandolus company people including managers:

*Robert Cecil *Lucas Schwan *Jeff Winsor *JAMIE BOKOR *CIARA HADLEY *Tom Tipple *OWNER: Vinnie Pitts

See these are the people who all treated like crap. Bob "Robert" didnt pay me but forty for ten sales each night. My fiance got payed for 6 or less sales 20 dollars. They called him a weak a**. At the beginning they tried to fold me by having three girls beat me up in my sleep and no one cared about it when it happened. They called me a w***e and everything in the book to me when I left bringing my fiance with me. they had fired him the day before and then told him to stay and not to leave with the w***e. Which when I left with him they yanked stuff out of his hand and throw what I had packed out the door. I had to leave my golf clubs which are expense behind , along with my scooter which was gave to me by a nice lady out on territory "T" because she didnt want me to walk. I also know that Quida splits check and money orders and charges people ten extra dollars when doing that which this is illegal even in the company. Plus matt and Quida cancell spill. They said I school spill to get orders, which I did at times to stay in the top with the others. But I stopped when they were harrassing me more because I was on top. Vinnie asked Jamie to bet me up so I would not be pregnant anymore. They would not pay for our bus tickets to home. They owe us the money off our books and threanted that my would not be there.

to my fiance for his word:


Alright first off Bob Cecil and all the people that work for him are a bunch of dirty, low down scounderels. They treated my future wife like she was dirt and treated me even worse for dating her, why should anyone have to obey such crappy rules such as not being able to sleep in the same room as their fiance, not being able to sleep some more during the day, being told where you have to go and when to go, for how long. They never once took her to a REAL gynecologist, she was seen by an X-Ray Tech, and a nurse during her first pregancy hospital visit, at such an irrational time that it was unfit for her to goto work, even with a doctors excuse she was forced to work the following day, as was I. Everyone was spreading rumors about me f***ing other chicks, and her f***ing other dudes just so I would break up with her, that way when she did leave I would be there still, but Bob here's somethin fo yo a*s b***h....To BoB: You suck, and you can eat crap and die on the craphole of an elephant's lower buttcheek, and rot away in anal cheese for all I care."

Oh and if you decide that you want to sue me, then it's my right as an American (not that you would know anything about being american Bob, you Communist b*****d), so you can eat my 1st Amendment biotch.

Jamie, you are a lying crackwhore, skanky a*s s**t that Vinnie only uses to get his FUDA jollies off while he is visiting his gay lover Bob.

Ciarra and Matt, you two need to seriously stop stealing cash orders and keeping them in your room so that the other managers in the hotel can find you stealing s**t, just so you can suck their penises so you don't get your asses whooped.

ALMOST everyone in the hotel either smokes pot, sells pot, and alot of other drugs to mention, cocaine, crack, pills, LSD (Which Jamie knows all about the pills n' crack eh?)

Mike Dowd you need to stop being a b***h and whoop his Elmer Fudd lookin a*s, Tina stop takin it deep K? Leave that fagazoid, and start your own crew away from him. Have like, Travis whoop his a*s or summin I dunno.

John D, stop telling people it's for school...that's sooo not cool.

To all the other people that still work for PMI, if your name isnt listed above then either I forgot your stupid a*s, or you're alright with us. But get the f*** out of that job before you get stuck, like we almost did, because it is hard to leave, and even harder to leave when you have nothing...and Bob will take everything you have, and break you down until you feel like a fly on the wall, so...yeah gayfags...just leave.

Ok, that's enough this s**t is too long...

Humm The Ballsies,

B-Unit & Cloie






Lucky Takeitdeep TWP, Florida

31 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

If it were not for Vinny and his mag crew i would not have met my husband, and have a beautiful daughter

#32Consumer Comment

Wed, May 12, 2010

I worked for Vinny for 2 years,I started in 95 and left in 97, got picked up in Ft. Lauderdale. I met my husband shortly after, we both sold alot of mags. Me and my husband ended up traveling with them for a long while, we were always allowed to stay in the same room. Some of the people were scandalous, but you have to be the one to not let it bother you.

Me and my husband left from California. We have been together every since, 15 years later. We also have a 12 year old daughter, with whom i was pregnant with when i leftr and did not even know it.

I had alot of fun on the mag crew and got to see alot of things. I only had to work about 2 hours a day, because i did my job.

Dan you were Tony & I's car handler for awhile, you were dating Kim at the time. J-Ray and Marcus were also handlers. we all had alot of fun.

If u did your job while on crew you had no problems. There were many times Vinny would take us out on shopping sprees. I also got the 1000.00 bonus twice.

Anyway, To the people who were bashing it, NO it was not for everyone. But like i said if you did what you were supposed to and did it right, you would not have had the problems you did.





I am no longer with brandon he got volient and hit one of my sons now I have a wonderful boyfriend and 2 beutiful sons 2 and 3 and

#32UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, June 09, 2009

a step daughter whos 4 if you ever want to look me up you can i live in florida and life is better love you all Jennifer


New York,

Not all are bad

#32UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, March 15, 2008

Hey Cloie & b unit,

you might know me, Keith (ohio), I know everyone you were talking about & a whole lot more, I worked for PMI for 3 years. Yes, I will agree there were and are a lot of lying, deceitful people in that company. It happens, but there were a few genuine people there, myself included. I can say that I did not school spill, or lie to the "Jones'". I had a hell of a time wandering the country with some decent people. Finding myself in amazing nooks & crannies in this wild country we have. They hire anyone & anything there, just as long as they make $$ for them, so there where some not so right-minded people around .

I was never treated poorly, always had some decent $$ in my pocket & went pretty much where ever I wanted to go whenever. The room situation was not the best, but I never saw it as a big deal. The thing is if you're a good seller, good things happened to you.

Only "working" 4-5 hrs was the best part about it, I had so much time during the day to find fun things to do it was great. That's just what my experience with it was. I met my girlfriend on crew, we have an amazing 2 year old son, I live in New York now & have a great job. To each their own!



The Company is Definitely Scandalous but I still got paid

#32UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, January 31, 2008

Yo check it, i worked for Bob Cecils crew during the spring/summer of 2000. Fat boy Darren was the one who hired me in Auburn, MA. I went with two of my friends, they pussied out I packed up and left that night. We spent about 5 more days in Dartmouth, MA. My first night i roomed up w a couple of dudes and had to sleep on the floor. They would tell kids if you did not want to sleep on the floor find a girls bed to sleep in. I saw more cocaine that night than ive ever seen in my life.

I "worked" there for about 3-4 months and ended up leaving with some friends. One of the girls was left stranded at the bus station, as Cecil refused to pay for her ticket. During my time as a salesman i was treated ok, other than the decrepid living conditions, and constant drama. The managers encouraged the drama. I was dropped off in "Crack Alley" and told to sell books. For those of you who are not familiar Crack Alley is the term given by Independence, Ohio police officers for Freedom Dr, Martin Luther King Blvd, and Liberty Dr. Ive seen some pretty bad hoods but this takes the cake. When I told my car handler i blanked he preceeded to b***h me out and demoralize me in front of the entire van. I would have like to see his punk a*s get out and sell books on Crack Alley. If my boy Josh ever reads this he will know what im talking about.

Some salespeople were most certainly decietful. I however was not and Pitts knew it. I was consistently getting sales, and not 10 for a 110$. My average was around 20$/order. I made money. I stayed in contact with Pitts after I left PMI, because when i left i had about $600 on my "books", he told me i had to wait ninety days for any cancellations to come through, i called him back in 90 days a week later i got a check for 535$ in the mail.

Bottom line is dont buy mags from shady sales people. Be honest and energetic put on a decent shirt, and for any aspiring mag sales boys, hit the moms. All day every day, housewives love when a handsome young man shows up at their door.



Nicole from Turlock

#32UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, July 24, 2007

ohmigod! Nicole from Turlock! I hope you see this! Where are you!




#32Author of original report

Fri, January 19, 2007

Well I gave up on this company a long time ago. but if I would of never traveled, I would of never meant my husband. We are now prefectly happy with 2 boys and going on 3 yrs of marriage. I am a book writer also.



Not So Bad If You Work It Right

#32UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, January 19, 2007

First of all when you any of you walked into that room for your interview that first day did they hold a gun to your head? Did they promise you diamonds and millions, no I know they didn't

I had an interview at one time to. I was hired on at Palmetto Marketing in 1999. You guys sit there and whine and complain that oh you were so mistreated, well the first time you felt that was the case you should have gotten off your asses and left.

I started off just like anybody else, but I rose beyond being a weak a*s. I busted my a*s, and had 80 dollars in my pocket every night. When I began dating a man on crew we were never discouraged from dating, because we got up every morning and had a good day, every day. Its just like any job sometimes coworkers dating is discouraged when you cant handle that and your job, it affects everyone else.

I was never offered drugs, and I didnt get drunk every night either. My mother came to visit me three times in the first year I worked there, and yes all paid for by vinnie. When I began having serious medical problems Vinnie sent me home to recover by plane, and helped me to pay my medical expenses.

You guys oviously just never perfected your sales talk. As for the beatings that supposedly took place, I never witnessed any of that in the two years that I worked there.

I am now a successfull Respiratory therapist, with a four year old daughter who actually belongs to a former manager, who does take care of her. This year I will graduate with my Masters Degree at the age of 26 which is a great accomplishment. I also still keep in contact with several people I worked on crew with, Carrie Schillaci being one of them, who to date was still the biggest and most honest power agent p.m.i has ever seen.

And as far as recieving the magazines, well I am currently on my fifth year of Jane, Good Housekeeping and Guns and Ammo. Grow up and Think twice before you trash talk, nobody forces you to open your legs, take drugs, or be a weak a**, its all up to yourself, you make your own destiny.



i need mikes or bob's number

#32UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, October 08, 2005

ed or larissa i know one of yu guys have mikes number i need it for something. i need to ask mike something for jimmy...



I am so glad I left

#32UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, August 21, 2005

I wanted to say HI back to you Ed, and to anyone else that I worked with for the few short weeks I was with PMI. I am happy too, I am now working for a very successful restaurant in Oklahoma City, and I have not only a great working enviornment, but good pay, full benefits, and I can work 10 hours and get 100 dollars compared to maybe if I work all day get nothing or get maybe 50 dollars if I bust my tail. I am so glad I left. Good luck to you Ed with college! I still remember how crazy and silly you get when you party. As for the two individuals in FL, I hope you guys are happy and good luck to you on the baby. I'm not sure what all the annimosity was about. I know how messed up and stressful it can get when you are on a traveling sales job. As for anyone that is reading this still with the company, Get out while you can!!!


Fort Myers,

edward i never recieved my money

#32REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, August 03, 2005

edward i never recieved my money and i dont care about the company anymore. I am happily married now and do telemarketing for the local newspaper in the state I am in. Brandon and I are execepting a heathly baby girl, dec31. We are happy now without any problems in or life. We have a three bedroom house and 2 bathrooms. He is a reporter now for the paper also. We got good jobs because of my dad.

Well take care edward I hope everything works out for you as it did for us.



Derek, Larissa, Jennifer, and Brandon

#32UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, June 09, 2005

First I just wanted to know Jennifer, did you have a problem with the money on your books?

In case your wandering who this is, its Ed Kane; son of the lady your father spoke to after he answered back from a call you made on my cell phone. Just wanted to know, because I am having problems getting the money off my books and I wanted to know if you were to being that you were a power agent? Any way I saw a lot that you wrote and a lot if it matters I didn't agree with and its only because there was alot that I witnessed my self that would deffinitely be evidance in you not having the right to say anything about anybody. I won't go any further with that, but tell me a little about what I have to do to work on getting my money. I'm furious!

Brandon you were very blunt in everything you had to say and I do think every thing that was done to you and your girlfriend was WRONG, but I was so blind of everything. I never saw anything going on. I just hope somebody from the company gets a chance to read that, because I think its pretty funny man. But I do think if you knew how to do what you say the rest of them did then you deffinitely would have, but I don't think the job was cut out for you Don't let the truth lead you wrong. Because me and you worked together once in awhile and we did alright being legit. I went out with a few people who did some scandelist s**t to. All I'm saying is your home and you can't do s**t about anything that happened now so just let it go, but get back to about getting my d**n money.

Derek I knew from the gate you were going home dude, I heard people talk about it man, the way they wanted you and your wife to fold. If you stayed there any longer, it would have just gotten worse especially after you and her quit. After that you should have just kept working on going home. Rather than making it worse on your self, s**t you knew how it was right when you got there. I would have rathered a group home over that work and the way people treated yall. Hey man don't get me wrong though because it was wrong and shouldn't of happened the way it did..I thought yall were pretty cool people and you never made me think bad thoughts of you's any way.

LARISSA!!!! Whats up?! LOL I saw you took it upon yourself to include me in on the group of people that was straight up with there business and I do thankyou for that, even though I was

blamed for lying an order by Jeff Windsor.

When I first got there Tray was a cool a*s kid man, then his head started getting bigger and he started to power trip. That was his problem! He started getting on my nerves the one night. I was left by him, and Bob new it was wrong so he was paid $100 to come pick me up an hour away from the hotel. He lied for the time he gave spent looking for me just because Matt Sharp was in the van. You obviously know how Matt Sharp is. He is just doing what it takes to get to the top, to become a manager, but he never gave me a problem.

I never knew Ciarra was Scandulous though! I thought Ciarra was cool as hell, anything I ever needed she did. I was ripped off 50 dollars one time when Tina said I kept a $50 cash order and it was deducted from my books to pay for it. To insure that the people get there magazine. When it was just because the lady who wanted to help me win the contest had to run to get money and didn't come back in time. So I had to go to pick up or I would be left. But anyway Ciarra took upon herself to speak up about the 50 and Tina put a request in to replace the 50 that was deducted. There is so much more, but like I said I was also blind of a lot of things...Most of the time I kept to myself, but I bet if I wanted I could have found out a lot of info.

Now Bob, he never did anything wrong to me and gave me good $50 dollar draws all the time, but Tina, I didn't like Tina very much. She was sneaky. Bob was cool as s**t to me. I just didn't like all the things I heard that he did. Like breaking Marks jaw, chasing down Dewbury and beating him, now this s**t I'm hearing.

I can't believe Vinny would try such a thing...Beat a pregnant lady to make her lose it, wha the hell would that prove if everybody knew about it. That wouldn't keep somebody there, thats like murder or something. craziness

I will say though that I couldn't stand how you had to get pumped an s**t because all the power agents would even say that s**t isn't what made them business. All that (sarcastically stated in a funny voice) Tear it up guys! Get a bunch fellas! All that screaming an s**t, than your at the door talking to a sophisticated person. Doesn't sound to presentable.

well I'm getting bored of writing but if I sat here writing about the two months of Traveling hell I'd be here for the next two months, so I'll wait for the next rebutal from a familiar name.

LOL and no I ain't one of those lot number people. LOL I had to ask what that even was.



Bahaha? What kind of name is that anyway.

#32UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, June 06, 2005

First of all bud, I NEVER said that I was a manager, but you would know that if you knew how to read!!

Maybe you should know all there is to know before you call someone a liar. By the way, if you still work for the company - what are you doing posting messages on Rip-off report?


New York,
New York,

HAAA, exactly. point proven.

#32UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, June 06, 2005

not all the managers of the company were evil. bob actually is a very nice person. maybe u just were easy and put out for him, so he ended up not liking u in the end. and sent u PACKING!!!!!

why are u even worried about who this scott dude was or is messing with ??????

he doesnt want u apparently. and doesnt care. just leave it at that.


North Carolina,

if you worked for this company you were taught to lie and if you still work for it or even say it was a good job, then your lying. duh!

#32UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, June 05, 2005

baha or whatever, this is andrea. if i ever had the chance to be manager for one thing i would walk away bc i would never want to be known as a manager of a company who supports doing drugs, geting girls pregnant and not taking responsibility, and ripping people off. what kind of name are you setting for people? and what gives you the right to call some1 a liar bc hell, your probably a liar yourself,i mean, think about it. if you worked for this company you were taught to lie and if you still work for it or even say it was a good job, then your lying. duh............


New York,
New York,

Liz is such a LIAR

#32UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, June 04, 2005

This Elizabeth is such a liar. She was never manager. If she had been, she wouldn't have walked away from it. What stupid person leaves behind the chance to be a multi-millionaire? Exactly. Nobody. So yea, keep the stories coming. We'd love to hear more.



Yes, that was one fun week!

#32UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, June 02, 2005

Well Dan, it's good to be remembered, but my name is Liz, not Lisa. Close enough though. I can't say that I am using my sales skills these days. I actually have a sucessful career in the construction field. I work for a builder in the Poconos. I do use my sales talk sometimes though, sometimes I have to sweet talk the subs and distributors.

I'm sorry to hear that you lost your cat, I hope she's "tearin' it up" somewhere.

Well I hope that your last comment was not aimed at me, I have long since left the drama behind. I have a 4 year old daughter, a mortgage and a career to worry about these days, I could care less who's a "hootch". I just happened to find this site one day, and I keep an eye out for people I used to know.



Yes, Lisa...this is the Dan you think I am

#32UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, June 01, 2005

Yes, Lisa..I do remember you. And I agree..that was a fun week...woohoo! That poor know, she got away one night..traveled with me for about a year and then she wanted her own crew or something because she jumped out of my van and was to never be seen me anyways.

I'm doing well, thanks for asking. I'm using the skills I learned from selling magazines and applying them to a successful sales career. If anyone that sold magazines (and sold allot of them) thought about going into sales..door to door is the hardest type of sales there is and if you were good at it, then you'll be good at selling anything.

It seems to me that the ones that are bashing this company (besides the poor folks that didn't get their mags) are doing so because they either didn't make any money or were to caught up in everybody else or both. Or maybe they're mad because the didn't get their way or here's the biggest reason: it's because they were ripping the company/customers off and knew they'd get caught so they left.

Back in the day, if you were caught scamming, you were lucky to only be left in God know's where...or fired. I have many a story I can tell on catching scammers and what happened to them ...hehehe....

People succeed in the magazine business all the time..the managers I grew up with are all doing well..have big crews that write honest business, etc. vinnie isn't some monster that just woke up one day and had all he has..he worked for it..started out as an agent. Heck, the guy was picked up while hitchiking..that's how he got his start.

As for who's a Hootch or a crackhead..oh bloody well. Are you on here to continue to drama that you supposedly left behind? Isn't it time you moved on with your life and did something positive?



Oh my gosh, someone I actually know, You know when there wasn't so much BS.

#32UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, June 01, 2005

To Dan from Michigan

I believe that I know who you are, for some reason though I don't think you'll remember me. We met when I worked on Bonnie's crew (a few months before you left). If this is the Dan I think you are, we met in Cleveland Ohio, you had a black cat named "Miss Nothing" we got to know each other pretty well that week.

Ahh, those were the good old days. You know when there wasn't so much BS. Where school schpeeling (I don't know if I'll ever be able to spell that word!!) was like a myth, where the drama and conflict was reserved for druken nights. I certainly would not want to be an agent today.

Dan, I have to say I was always disapointed that I never got to see you again. It's nice to see someone on this site that I knew (at least I hope so) What are you up to these days?

And to all of you, this is NOT a site to trash each other. Just because people leave to pursue an actual life does not give you the right to trash them on the internet - let alone on a site that's called "Rip off Report". I don't think that calling someone a crack head is solid productive criticism.

See ya,



A Lot I have Not....But Alot I do have

#32UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, June 01, 2005

To the smart mouthed guy who asked if I have a Lot # associated with my address No I do not. But as for a life, I have alot.What type of life do you have that you are on the road 24-7? That is why I left in the first place. You get ripped off by not being able to see family or friends but maybe once a year. Yes, you make friends on the road, but most of them are fair weather friends.

Are they there for you when you really need them? Oh they are all fun to be around when you drink or as some of them do, smoke weed or crack. But really, it is a ripoff! Even those of you who go out there and write 10-15 sales a day. You get what? 50 dollars for draw, and maybe 100-200 on the weekend. The rest of it goes into your "books". Did you know I had a friend who was #1 in a differant mag crew, she got none of her 20,000 she had saved up because the company went bankrupt. I was #3 at one point, and all I got was 200 dollars. My ex boss informed me of little charges here and there that I was told was bonus money and gifts from him. He charged us for everything. I would have been ok with the charges had he told me he was taking that off my books! The cheapskate even charged me for my bus trip that was supposed to be on him when I rejoined the company after a small few weeks away. If you sit down and figure it out-anywhere from 8-10 a day for your hotel room, then 20-50 for your draw, then you figure your weekend draw 35-100 dollars, plus on the weekend your hotel is 16 a night. Plus anything else that you borrow or whatever. If you figure that up, how much it costs just to live on the road, you are actually losing money in the long run. While your out there bustin your tail, your bosses are sittin back getting rich off of what you make. They make the majority of the earning from the mags, not you! As for anyone else in the company, I'm not gonna say anything more cept shame on you if you do scam people. Trust me, Karma is a b***h. It really is!!


North Carolina,

ive tried to find him he lost the one thing in life that is special

#32UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, June 01, 2005

hey larisa.actually i have tried to look him up but the co will not release any info on him and i cant find out anything else. he is so blind to see that he lost the one thing in life that is special-his child- and the sad thing is its nobodys fault but his. you seem very nice larisa.

oh, as in for half the crew,they are bad,Darren Usher smokes crack, i have witnessed it, Decembria is basically a hootch, as i know she has already been preg about 5 different times and aborted EVERY single time.

i really think that if any1 is on crew now and reads this, i think they need to step back and think about what they are doing to theirselves and they need to also see they are never gonna get anywhere in the job they do.



It's not as bad as you all say...

#32UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, May 31, 2005

Well, to start..I spent the better part of ten years selling magazine subscriptions and I must say that from my experiences, the only people that ever complained about the job were the ones who weren't very good at it. I started out as a sales agent and when I left Palmetto Marketing, I was a sales manager.

People like to say that the companies are responsible for folks not getting their magazines and that may be true with some companies, but it's not neccesarily true with Palmetto.

As a sales manager, I was commmitted to making sure the orders were sent to the company and proccessed in a timely manner. As car handler (driver), I had to contend with agents who kept money (cash) paid to them by the customer. There wasn't a whole lot you could do about this except for firing them.

This isn't restricted to just magazine companies by themselves. I'm sure most businesses that deal with cash have had occurances of employees stealing money.

It seems to me that the folks (ex-agents) complaining on this site are only merely interested in talking badly about other people.

From what I can tell, this is supposed to be a site designed to report rip-offs, not a forum to talk trash about people you don't like.

As for the report of the crews staying in bad hotels, unless things have changed in the past five years, this is totally untrue. While I traveled, we stayed in nicer hotels, albeit they weren't The Ritz or anything, but for sure they were insect free. Heck, it was my responsibility to find hotels at times and I sure wouldn't pick some dirtball hotel!

None of the names mentioned are familiar to me except for those of Cecil and Vinnie..and I seen J-Ray's name somewhere, also Bonnie and Darren. I also seen that December had posted a comment. Hard to believe she's not a manager by now....

Last but not least, I don't suppose any of you complaining about what goes on at the hotel and gossiping about others have a 'lot number' associated with your address, do you? Just curious...have a good day.



You are not fooling anyone

#32UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, May 31, 2005

Do you think that I am dumb enough not to know that the last comments were not from you Jennifer and Brandon? You can get all mad at me for telling you how it is but too bad!! You talk so much crap about the company, but yet you did you share of dirty work! I can honestly say that when I was out there ON MY OWN that I did not lie, cancel spill, school spill, or steal orders.

My last day there I had 8 orders and 181.00 in production on ONE DROP with Matt Sharp. I did not lie, I told them this was my way of making money by traveling acrossed the U.S. All those times you could have told the truth.

What about the fact that you stole that scooter Jennifer? You told me to take a bike and I refused because I am NOT DISHONEST!

Oh and I did ask Ouida face to face if she called me Humpty dumpty and she said NO but you both are liers so, who can I trust?

All I know Is I may be fat, but at least I can live with myself at the end of the day by not LYING to people!

As for a homeless shelter, the one I live in is better than sharing a room with 50 other drunks and druggies. Plus I won't be there for long due to the fact I do have friends that care about me. That care about the fact that some cracked out home bum in Detroit tried to rape me.

They do not want me living on the road, OR living in a homeless shelter. I hope you do some major changing before that baby comes Jennifer!

Kids are alot of work, and if you can put that negative thinking out of your head that Pitts brainwashed you into, then you would be an ok person.

But just remember, when you point the finger at others, you have 4 more pointing back at you!If you think they miss you, they don't!!! All those skanky girls Cierra, Jamie, and Ouida threw a party.

But like I said, they will get theirs in the end. Just to let that other girl Andrea know, There was no Scott Elkins on crew with us. That does not mean he isen't on another crew though.

But If I were you I would look his azz up and make him pay child support!! As for Chuck stealing checks, yes I heard he did, but Trey diden't.

Although I never said I liked Trey. I asked for a car change because he knew I had been attacked and still put me in the same area, and would not let me call the police because he said it was too "negative".

Lucas is a big fat jerk who needs to get his azz beat so he realizes he's not the king around there. He is so racist and he really angered me when he stranded April after calling April's fiancee Carlos a "spick a*****e" and calling her the N word.

He only cares about getting laid from his ugly looking twiggy girlfriend-fiancee Melissa who is so dumb she told someone she was selling perscriptions, instead of subscriptions and thier van got pulled over and searched for drugs!!

As for Isaac he is old enough to drink, and as long as he goes to work the next day so what? He is STILL in the military, and that guy has more money than Jennifer and Brandon, that you will EVER see in your lives!!

As for Malcolm, he is one of the coolest guys there. He is always positive, always upbeat, and when I was upset, always made me laugh. If the bad apples got weeded out,

I would consider going back--MAYBE. But that will never happen so I am not saying I would go back! I have too much at stake here at home.

Anyways, take care everyone who reads this that I know, and grow up Jennifer and Brandon!!



You are not fooling anyone

#32UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, May 31, 2005

Do you think that I am dumb enough not to know that the last comments were not from you Jennifer and Brandon? You can get all mad at me for telling you how it is but too bad!! You talk so much crap about the company, but yet you did you share of dirty work! I can honestly say that when I was out there ON MY OWN that I did not lie, cancel spill, school spill, or steal orders.

My last day there I had 8 orders and 181.00 in production on ONE DROP with Matt Sharp. I did not lie, I told them this was my way of making money by traveling acrossed the U.S. All those times you could have told the truth.

What about the fact that you stole that scooter Jennifer? You told me to take a bike and I refused because I am NOT DISHONEST!

Oh and I did ask Ouida face to face if she called me Humpty dumpty and she said NO but you both are liers so, who can I trust?

All I know Is I may be fat, but at least I can live with myself at the end of the day by not LYING to people!

As for a homeless shelter, the one I live in is better than sharing a room with 50 other drunks and druggies. Plus I won't be there for long due to the fact I do have friends that care about me. That care about the fact that some cracked out home bum in Detroit tried to rape me.

They do not want me living on the road, OR living in a homeless shelter. I hope you do some major changing before that baby comes Jennifer!

Kids are alot of work, and if you can put that negative thinking out of your head that Pitts brainwashed you into, then you would be an ok person.

But just remember, when you point the finger at others, you have 4 more pointing back at you!If you think they miss you, they don't!!! All those skanky girls Cierra, Jamie, and Ouida threw a party.

But like I said, they will get theirs in the end. Just to let that other girl Andrea know, There was no Scott Elkins on crew with us. That does not mean he isen't on another crew though.

But If I were you I would look his azz up and make him pay child support!! As for Chuck stealing checks, yes I heard he did, but Trey diden't.

Although I never said I liked Trey. I asked for a car change because he knew I had been attacked and still put me in the same area, and would not let me call the police because he said it was too "negative".

Lucas is a big fat jerk who needs to get his azz beat so he realizes he's not the king around there. He is so racist and he really angered me when he stranded April after calling April's fiancee Carlos a "spick a*****e" and calling her the N word.

He only cares about getting laid from his ugly looking twiggy girlfriend-fiancee Melissa who is so dumb she told someone she was selling perscriptions, instead of subscriptions and thier van got pulled over and searched for drugs!!

As for Isaac he is old enough to drink, and as long as he goes to work the next day so what? He is STILL in the military, and that guy has more money than Jennifer and Brandon, that you will EVER see in your lives!!

As for Malcolm, he is one of the coolest guys there. He is always positive, always upbeat, and when I was upset, always made me laugh. If the bad apples got weeded out,

I would consider going back--MAYBE. But that will never happen so I am not saying I would go back! I have too much at stake here at home.

Anyways, take care everyone who reads this that I know, and grow up Jennifer and Brandon!!



You are not fooling anyone

#32UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, May 31, 2005

Do you think that I am dumb enough not to know that the last comments were not from you Jennifer and Brandon? You can get all mad at me for telling you how it is but too bad!! You talk so much crap about the company, but yet you did you share of dirty work! I can honestly say that when I was out there ON MY OWN that I did not lie, cancel spill, school spill, or steal orders.

My last day there I had 8 orders and 181.00 in production on ONE DROP with Matt Sharp. I did not lie, I told them this was my way of making money by traveling acrossed the U.S. All those times you could have told the truth.

What about the fact that you stole that scooter Jennifer? You told me to take a bike and I refused because I am NOT DISHONEST!

Oh and I did ask Ouida face to face if she called me Humpty dumpty and she said NO but you both are liers so, who can I trust?

All I know Is I may be fat, but at least I can live with myself at the end of the day by not LYING to people!

As for a homeless shelter, the one I live in is better than sharing a room with 50 other drunks and druggies. Plus I won't be there for long due to the fact I do have friends that care about me. That care about the fact that some cracked out home bum in Detroit tried to rape me.

They do not want me living on the road, OR living in a homeless shelter. I hope you do some major changing before that baby comes Jennifer!

Kids are alot of work, and if you can put that negative thinking out of your head that Pitts brainwashed you into, then you would be an ok person.

But just remember, when you point the finger at others, you have 4 more pointing back at you!If you think they miss you, they don't!!! All those skanky girls Cierra, Jamie, and Ouida threw a party.

But like I said, they will get theirs in the end. Just to let that other girl Andrea know, There was no Scott Elkins on crew with us. That does not mean he isen't on another crew though.

But If I were you I would look his azz up and make him pay child support!! As for Chuck stealing checks, yes I heard he did, but Trey diden't.

Although I never said I liked Trey. I asked for a car change because he knew I had been attacked and still put me in the same area, and would not let me call the police because he said it was too "negative".

Lucas is a big fat jerk who needs to get his azz beat so he realizes he's not the king around there. He is so racist and he really angered me when he stranded April after calling April's fiancee Carlos a "spick a*****e" and calling her the N word.

He only cares about getting laid from his ugly looking twiggy girlfriend-fiancee Melissa who is so dumb she told someone she was selling perscriptions, instead of subscriptions and thier van got pulled over and searched for drugs!!

As for Isaac he is old enough to drink, and as long as he goes to work the next day so what? He is STILL in the military, and that guy has more money than Jennifer and Brandon, that you will EVER see in your lives!!

As for Malcolm, he is one of the coolest guys there. He is always positive, always upbeat, and when I was upset, always made me laugh. If the bad apples got weeded out,

I would consider going back--MAYBE. But that will never happen so I am not saying I would go back! I have too much at stake here at home.

Anyways, take care everyone who reads this that I know, and grow up Jennifer and Brandon!!



YOUR WRONG! both stole two check books and wrote checks for two wks straight

#32UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, May 31, 2005

FIRST off, JOhn Dobestein school spills alot, secondely chuck turner and trey hill both stole two check books and wrote checks for two wks straight. they equallyed over 850 a piece. Malcom Duggin switches orders. As far as that kid Shawn goes he prob. got what he diserved. April had the nerve to lie to a car handler by telling him that the cops took five orders just so she could take five reciepts at the end of the night for money for her and her man. Issac Slyester likes to get drunk and walk around the hotel looking for a piece of skankly a*s because its all he can get. He tries to be the upstanding military drop out during the day and drunk at night.

As for Mark Mero he trained about 3 times and always has honest buisiness, so oh yesh, Quida is a supa FUPA who sucks at msg sales so she has to cancel spill, and is pregnant with a guys baby off of daves crew the guy with red hair guesss whhoo?

And as for the TWO FUPAS

my friends took in as friends because no one else would brandon and Jennifer are not scandlous and I know because she trained me.

would. Thanks for saying that you fat assseesss.

YOu deserve to live in a hell hole of s**t and your homeless shelter that you said you would be going to. .......


North Carolina,

bob is a violent person just as well

#32UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, May 27, 2005

yeah,do you remember that kid "chris" who was on Inside edition talking about all this? well my childs father who is on crew was roomies with him and one night i left the co with chris bc i was so tired off the s**t and we went to savanah ga. well two wks later i had no where to go but back to the co. so i called them and they paid for my ticket back. a couple of wks later i did quit for good though. in chris's story he said that bob burnt him with cigs, thats true i was there the night it happened and i seen the marks. they were horrible. he cussed at him and threatened to hurt him real bad. i hope that chris is doing better.

derek i have a ques. since you quit a couple of wks ago, did a guy named Scott Elkins still work there? if so who was he messin with? i am just wondering bc that is my childs dead beat dad, the one i was refering to earlier in one of my rebutuals.

do you know where the crew is now?



i dont think you are that type of person

#32UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, May 26, 2005

i quit working for them on this past monday. i know the company is corrupt and that is why i left after i found all the federal racketeering charges brought against vinnie and his higher ups. i am sorry all that happened to you, but it has happened to a lot of other people.

when me and my wife joined it, we were told by lucas that we could sleep in the same bed since we are legally married. well after a roomate bitched bout it, we were told we couldnt sleep together anymore and that it was illegal. well to make a long story short, we stayed and then left a week and a half later.

i will never ever go back to doing that again. i do not like working for the mob nor do i recommend it to anyone. there are some nice people on that crew, but some are not so nice. i know of several people that are leaving here soon because of other obligations they have that have come up since they joined.

when peoples parents die while they are on crew they are told to go out and work anyways then given only 5 bucks to survive on for the weekend. talk about sympathy. bob has a cold heart and should not be in business at all with his attitude.



rip off EX-employee tell all

#32UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, May 26, 2005

I do agree with what my husband said to a certain extent. Jennifer and Brandon did do scandelous things when they were there. All those people on the list are not bad. The company itself needs some major help. I went on this job from being on another mag crew when I was 18 and did it for a year. I had 5 years in between from doing it. I thought this company would be the same.

My old job was legit. We could not drink beer or smoke weed, and we were not allowed to fraternize with the guys. It seemed to be very stupid but after seeing this crew, I can see why those rules were put into place! This crew--Pitt Sales and Gemini Subscriptions, they were sex crazed and drunks and druggies!!

The first night I was there, I saw so much alcohol and weed it would make your head spin. Now I use to be a party animal, and this was extreme!

When they hired me and my hubby they told us we would be in the same room. When we got there, we were told that we would have to be in seperate rooms because it was "against the law" for us to be listed in the same room for the company.

But we were told that I could sleep in his room at night. After 2 nights of me being fully clothed being respectful, and us not doing a darn thing, his roommate complained saying that he did not want me in the room.

You see, he would stay up all night, smoke weed, hang out with a million and one people, and we wanted to sleep so we could do our job the next day!!

Well I was told that I could not sleep in his room anymore, or we could be fired. So I went to a manager who worked it out for me and changed rooms for us.

We went to leave after a few days deciding it was not for us. We were screamed and yelled at told to get our s**t together and hurry to the lobby so they could take us to get a greyhound.

We did, and waited, and waited, and waited. Another married couple was following suit.

Actually they had food poisioning, and Bob, main manager, fired them for wanting to go to the hospital. My husband went to shake the boss's hand and he refused to shake it, and told my hubby that "I don't shake loser quitter's hands."

We rode in the van to the station, and the whole way this really friendly manager for Gemini was trying to convince us to stay. We said no way.

Then my husband went to check on the ticket, and there was none waiting there for us! They were going to strand us there! The other couple had a ticket home. We did not.

So the guy Travis, called his boss, and said to us that he would never do business that way, and would not allow us to be stranded there. So he begged us to give it another shot so he could work things out for us. We said OK.

We only had a homeless shelter to look forward too! That night they gave us barely enough to eat on for not "working". Then the crap continued to occur. I myself witnessed those two crackheaded biotches Cierra and Jamie gang up on Jennifer and call her the C--t word, and also Wh--e.

They also told her they hoped she would get hit by a car so she would lose her baby. It is true that the bosses force girls to have abortions or he fires them, or has someone beat them up. I do know that is true.

Also, if someone does not get along with a car handler, the car handler will strand you where you are at, he will beat you up for not getting enough sales, and for slightly disagreeing with him.

I have seen some of this firsthand! The one guys dad died and they were making fun of him, and he told them to stop that his dad was dead, and the car handler Trey Hill, pulled the van over and got out and theatened to beat his a*s.

Also, a few days later Trey and James Dewberry and a few others beat this poor slow kid named Shawn, who was not all there, beat him to a pulp. He dissapeared and we never knew where he went after they beat him up! All his stuff was still at the hotel!

Also, Lucas Schwahn and Melissa Quinn are the biggest jerks. I rode in Lucas's van, and Melissa is his fiancee. She gets preferental treatment. She does not have to work all day, she makes fun of others, and Lucas stranded me one day I was no more than 5 minutes late because I was with a customer who was old and wrote slow. Bob Cecil is a raging drunk. Hes a jerk to everyone. Tina Cecil is ok, she seems really nice, but not very understanding.

I almost got fired from Bob one day because I put my back out, I was on a morphine drip for God's sake! But Mike Dowd saved me because Bob was leaving for the airport the day he told Mike to fire me. So then I had a note excusing me from work for 2 days. Tina would only allow me to take one day off. I had a precription and they would not take me to fill it. The next day though that I worked, I had a new high day and beat everyone in my van.

Matt Sharp who is a jerk and is dating Cierra is a druggie. He smokes it up in his van, and then makes others get sales for him. He told me to go get him a sale before me so I could go home early.

People that are nice there and that are trustworthy~~

John Doberstein

Chuck Turner

Carlos and April

Issac Slyvester

Mark Mero


Nikki S.

Krystal H.

Ed Kane

Malcom Duggin


and if i missed anyone else I am sorry! All those people are awesome and are trustworthy

now these people are not


Robert Cecil

Matt Sharp

Cierra Hadley

Jamie Bokor (vinnie's mistress)

Lucas Schwahn

Melissa Quinn

Ouida Arnold

and more...

But basically that is all I have to say. I do not know whether or not people get there mags or not, I do know that some do. They would not go into the same neighborhood year after year if it was not the case! Also, Some people do lie. That is sad that they do, but they do sign a code of ethics, if they do not follow it, they can be let go. They are not baby sat by the bosses, if they were, things would be differant. It is sad but that type of travel job attracts un favorable types. Like kids on the run, etc. But remember if you do buy a mag, its putting food in a kids belly for one night and a roof over their heads.They do bust a*s out there. It just was not for me and I cannot live that type of lifestyle!


North Carolina,

i never stole or did any of those things,my situation is totally different as you can see

#32UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, May 26, 2005

derek, this is andrea, i hope your not saying im the kind of girl or person that does those things too. what happened to me was different, i never stole from anyone, i never did any vulgar acts with anyone but, scott, all i was doing was trying to make an honest living but

it never happened. i ended up a single mom. derek, are you still working for the crew? im sorry to say but that type of work is not something to really be proud of. im really imbarrassed to even mention to anyone that i worked for palmetto marketing selling magazines bc over 90% of my friends have a real job making a hell of alot more in 1 day of work then what we did in 1 wk. derek you know that the co. is probably partly to blame for every1 and their problems bc half the problems start bc of the company. look at what happened to me, everything would have went kosher if bob hadnt got all pissy ab me being preg.

but he did and then lied to the father and now scott is an a*s and he is a dead beat father not only to our son, but, to his daughter which lives in seatle wash. with the mom. the company did the same thing to her also. derek, did you know that the company you worked for only had to distribute 70% of the magazines to keep it running?.......yeah............ take a wild guess where the other 30%of peoples money went, thats right,,,,, into bob and vincents pockets..........

they mooched on every1 to get where they are now, so to me the company isnt teaching ppl to do an honest work, they are teaching how to lie cheat,steal, and live on every1 elses benefits.



Complaining wont get you anywhere

#32UPDATE Employee

Mon, May 23, 2005

jennifer and brandon, why dont you guys grow up. i know your bitching about people stealing from you, but what about the fact that you stole someone's entire wardrobe when you left??? why dont you guys admit to your mistakes and stop whining about the fact that no one likes you cause you run your mouth about everybody and everything.

yes some of the things you say are true, but those people have to take resposiblity for thier own actions.

karma is a b***h just like you jennifer. and it will come back to bite you in the a*s!!! and please quit getting your knees dirty, its pathetic when you get in the van and admit you blew some guy for a sale.

really it makes you look sleazier and cheaper than you already are. i am not sticking up for the company but you make it bad and then blame everyone else for your mistakes.

grow up and be the woman you claim you are. and get over yourself, no one here wants you and they sure as hell dont want the mayor of munchkin land brandon. you guys probably have herpeghonnasyphalaids or something. btw that scooter is not yours you stole it and you do school spiel everyone i know first hand


North Carolina,

i know exacly how you feel

#32UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, May 21, 2005

hey this is andrea. i worked for the crew in dec2002-april 2003. the same kinda stuff happened to me. i started dating a guy on crew scott elkins. well i had the feeling i was pregnant. in mag crew if they find out that a agent is preg.,they usually give you the option to have an abortion or get fired. well i dont believe in abortions so i quit before any1 found out. i talked to scott for 2 wks by phone when i got home. adventually i told him i was preg. well he told bob. then it took everything i had to keep in contact because they forbid him to talkto me then they had the nerve to tell him i was "sleeping" around and they convinced him that the baby wasnt his. he believed them so now our son, does not know who his father is and will never know. there was so much crap that happened on that crew that really was horrible.they all do smoke crack, i have wittnessed Darren Usher,john d,and a couple more smoking crack, i was in the same vehicle when it happened. all the managers try to bed the girls. when i quit darren took me to the bus station, and him,BK, and james were all smoking crack. i feel bad for tina bc she does everything to cover up her hubbys wrong doings. there were so many times when bob would get drunk the night before and couldnt hold the meetings the next morn and tina would try to keep it all together. that Jaime girl is a crack head and she is using vinny. vinny is also using her for the image. they are all pathetic losers.they turn couples into hating each other bc they are afraid of them getting "too" involved and if one quitts the other would too, they are all miserable so they want to make every1 else miserable. and ciarra and matt are the same. they do steal cash orders. i was her roomie for a while. they have a safe they keep in the room and theres where half of their cash orders are.

i truly am so sorry that you guys had to go through that. it really is a shame. i am so glad that i left bc now i have the best hubby ever. we just recently had a lil girl. kailie she is 1 mth. are you still preg? if so whens your due date? it really is a cruel thing that they were planning to beat you to have a miscarriage. they are spineless biotches.

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