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  • Report:  #347306

Complaint Review: Parkwood Health Facility

Parkwood Health Facility Wrongfully terminated me after having a slip & fall accident which they caused trying to ruin my career Phenix City Alabama

  • Reported By:
    Anonymous Alabama
  • Submitted:
    Thu, July 03, 2008
  • Updated:
    Tue, November 29, 2022
  • Parkwood Health Facility
    3301 Stadium Drive
    Phenix City, Alabama
  • Phone:
  • Category:
*Consumer Comment: Hi Kathy (or is it Charles? Are you posing as your mama again? But good job finally learning how to spell "anonymous"!) *Consumer Suggestion: Shame on you Mary! Show some compassion! *Author of original report: This situation has been resolved *Author of original report: The alabama board of nursing found me not guilty *Author of original report: Please excuse my last rebuttal *Author of original report: I am being fasely accused *Consumer Comment: Unreal *Author of original report: I will not admit guilt *Consumer Comment: Grow up Charles *Author of original report: I no longer desire to be a nurse *Author of original report: Parkwood started this *Consumer Comment: WELL, "KATHY", IF YOU KNOW HOW TO GIVE MEDICATION.. *Author of original report: Why can't people understand *Consumer Comment: Well said ! *Author of original report: Parkwood will not win this one *Consumer Comment: great idea!! *Consumer Comment: Really ?? *Author of original report: Parkwoods lies will catch up with them *Author of original report: This Is why lying employers get away *Author of original report: Parkwood did agree to settle *Author of original report: Parkwood did agree to settle *Author of original report: Well the lying pigs from parkwood might have gotten away with what they did I do hope they mess with the wrong person one day It always catches up with you when you mistreat or treat people unfair *Author of original report: If these pigs from parkwood have told other places or people they will be sued for defamation of character and hippa law violation so let them keep talking they will not get away with It forever l *Consumer Comment: Chuckie *Author of original report: The two liars who caused all this trouble are no longer employed at parkwood I feel pretty good that they didn't completely get away with almost trying to ruin me i didn't lose my home or car *Consumer Comment: Oh, really ? *Author of original report: Those two liars from parkwood can't hide forever after what they did to us they have no right to ruin other peoples career and just move on with their life without being held accountable *Consumer Comment: Charles or chuckles or chuckie or nutty or whatever your name is *Author of original report: People are in full force in trying to personally insult me or get me down keep it up because nothing y'all say will never get me down hiding behind their fake screen names trying to abuse me *Author of original report: People think their so much better then me and it gives them the right to treat me like crap guess what we are all human and nobody is better then anyone *Consumer Comment: But, Chuckie *Author of original report: Please don't reply to me anymore if all you're going to do is insult me i have a right to have my voice heard and if y'all don't like it tough i don't have to put up being treated unfair *Author of original report: That is all they do in the medical field is ruin other peoples careers and the liars get protection causing many injustices *Consumer Comment: But, Chuckie *Author of original report: Oh yourself y'all are the ones who keeps this crap going y'all refuse to stop because y'all are stubborn ignorant jerks *Author of original report: Why bother to have a job all they do is pick on you find ways to get you fired harass you while working then when you don't let them bother you they file false complaints to get you introuble *Consumer Comment: Get a life *Author of original report: People aren't happy unless they get away with ruining other peoples lives which is sad they do that for them to get ahead in life *Consumer Comment: Another lie *Consumer Comment: Question *Consumer Comment: Parkwood *Consumer Comment: Parkwood *Consumer Comment: Really ? *Author of original report: Other nurses will be reported to the board to for wrong doings the witch from parkwood wanted to cause this trouble there isn't going to be mercy on other employees *Consumer Comment: Oh, yeah ? *Author of original report: If my mother was such a danger to the patients why did parkwood allow my mother to continue to give medications for 1 week they waited 4 months to file the complaint to the nursing board *General Comment: losing battle *Author of original report: I will just ignore the negative comments and stick to the facts that they had this evil planned but it didnt work we are not homeless *Author of original report: I will just ignore the negative comments and stick to the facts that they had this evil planned but it didnt work we are not homeless *Consumer Comment: Yeah, right. *Author of original report: Since people insist on making my life miserable and unhappy i'll do the same back to them *Author of original report: A human being can only take so much of this crap and you people are pathetic scumbags cyber bullying is against this site terms of use and is also against the law *Consumer Comment: True *Consumer Comment: Of course *Author of original report: Why don't people just leave me alone this is just plain harassment i really don't care anymore that they got away with lying those liars will meet god i have forgiving them *Author of original report: I just would like to tell the liars at parkwood me and my mother did not lose our home or car and the chaos and drama they caused didn't work the unemployment office believed their lies *Author of original report: Parkwood made the complaint to the board of nursing because of a workers compensation claim because of unsafe working conditions which caused my mother to slip and fall and had to have knee surgery *Author of original report: If my mother was such a danger to patients lives why did they wait 5 days later to terminate her the unemployment office believed their lies and the board of nursing well we still survived *Author of original report: I want so badly to move from this stink hole of a town due to how parkwood ruined my mothers career and tried to make us lose our home and car these crazy people are trying to make me lose my sanity *Author of original report: The person who wrote comment number two was more sane then the rest of you idiots and was more kind what they did at parkwood was wrong nobody cares about our lively hood or how to survive *Author of original report: Hey parkwood we still have our home 5 years later your liars who reported my mother to the board of nursing didn't succeed in making us homeless no matter what anyone does to us we still have our home *Author of original report: I have told the complete truth what parkwood did to my mother they retaliate because my mother had a slip and fall due to their negligence and the witch who harassed her at another job *Author of original report: I looked over the so called evidence they had against my mother and no patients was harmed and none died and they allowed her to work 1 week when they was suppose to had fire her on the day it happen *Author of original report: Well guess what you lying pigs from parkwood you falsely accused my mother to have her license taken away well she got approved for social security something good comes out of a bad situation *Author of original report: I have never done nothing to these people on this site I will always continue to expose the wrongs and injustices I can sue them for the false things they have said about me *Author of original report: My mother could never hold a job long enough we nearly became homeless in the summer of 2008 but we didn't give up and stuck threw the hardtimes we almost ended up on the streets that is how cruel *Author of original report: My mother worked with this lying witch at another nursing home working with a nursing agency and banned her from not coming back the lied to the board of nursing saying she never had any trouble *Author of original report: My mother no longer has to depend on money working in nasty nursing homes like parkwood or hospitals and be back stabbed and fired for no reason and having to look for a new job we are not homeless *Author of original report: We nearly became homeless because what these lying pigs did to us but that was their intentions to make us homeless well it didn't happen they should be held accountable still because for 5 years *Author of original report: The ones who really need their nursing license revoked are these two nut jobs that falsely reported my mother they caused nothing but utter choas and they are the ones who defrauded the public trust *Author of original report: These two witches are the ones defrauding the public filing a false complaint having to having it notorized by notary public my mother didn't do it so it was a false nortary public that is deceiving *Author of original report: These two devil demon witches the director of nursing and the adminstrator of parkwood were the ones harassing and bully my mother all companies have harassment policies but what can you do *Author of original report: These two evil women at parkwood had severe jealousy and insecurity because my mom was a target of theirs for them to inflict cause us this much severe emotional jealousy and insecurity *Author of original report: This evil witch director of nursing lied to the board of nursing that she never had any trouble with my mother at a previous job she bann *Author of original report: I don't buy all the positive reviews on other website about parkwood not after how they tried to ruin my mothers career and nearly put us on the streets that is unforgiveable *Author of original report: You never forgive someone who tried to make you homeless the anger stays with you forever like when your dad didn't pay you child support *Author of original report: My mother has been harassed all through her working career and these rns would threaten her that they would report her to the nursing board that she would never work as a nurse again *Author of original report: They never wanted my mom to have anything any time we got a new car boom they harassed her to death for her to quit and then having to start over and the car payments getting behind they are not god *Author of original report: I also read the statements that the two wenches the rn and the admin had other nurses right statements who said my mother didn't do anything wrong or unlawful *Author of original report: Yes i am still angry and want revenge on how I was sabotage and this rn who lied under oath saying she didn't have any trouble with me *Author of original report: They have some nerve to whine about a nursing shortage well alabama has the high nursing license suspensions then any other state because some rn don't like you she can just make a complain against *Author of original report: Well because of how these two criminal rns unjustly filed a complaint against my mothers nursing license and causing her to slip and fall with wet floors and had the mistreatment that was done to her *Author of original report: What parkwood did to my mother is what is happening all across this country to the average worker and why the economy is in bad shape but people have the nerve to call us leeches *Author of original report: Well well well looks like from linkedin these liars have been job hoping since they lied about my mother and caused her to get fired they haven't been able to hold a steady job these last 7 years. *Author of original report: They were mean and cruel to my mother because she wasn't married she was the soul provider for me when I was little and they knew it but still chose to be cruel to her *Author of original report: These two witches from parkwood had nothing but hate and malic against my mother and they wanted to ruin her my mom was the soul bread winner I so to god hate them *Author of original report: When you had it when being abused for no reason and targeted you don't care what people think. when you come out about it my mother was abused her entire nursing career. i just don't care what people *Author of original report: This criminal felon psychopath nursing home administrator that wrongfully fired my mother and waited two months to file the false complaint to the board of nursing talked to the media bringing *Author of original report: This nursing home adminstrator former was the most toxic person that my mother had ever worked with she was a negative person and so was the director of nursing another toxic abusive bully person *Author of original report: This nursing home administrator wanted me and my mom to lose our home and be homeless she set my mother up over a workers compsenation to take away her llvelihood and she better not come around us *Author of original report: The problem with trying to be successful in this life is people like this nursing home adminstrator who want to ruin you for no reason nothing happen to this patient and the apple sauce wasn't even *Author of original report: Its never bothered me what the pigs said to me on this site and they are pigs and so they are in the medical field *Consumer Comment: My mom don't need nursing to survive we have done just fine without them maybe better they are all snakes in the grass anyways just like this nursing home administrator and director of nursing *Consumer Comment: The nursing students who will be graduating this year don't know what they are walking into they don't know what psycho employers they will have who will ruin them without a second thought because *Consumer Comment: Terri roop screwed over my mom now she is gone forever my mom didn't need to get blessed her my mom was tired of being done dirty and all the time having to start over at a new job she was a monster *Consumer Comment: Justice is served parkwood got caught and fined $114,000 for substandard care which one had to be transferred to the hospital this is justice for them falsely accusing my mother *Consumer Comment: These psycho females new who I was they posted my full name and the street I lived on to try to silence me this was intimidation bullying and harassment

I was hired from Parkwood Health Facility Inc 11/2007. I had an slip & fall accident after they had cleaned & polished this happend after I was hired. There was another employee who withnessed the accident who helped me & sent me to the emergency room. The employee called human resources & reported the accident I worked for another month after I had the accident, after my doctor looked @ the xrays he said I could not walk for 8 hours which

this is what my job required. I was fired on 01/09/2008 due to this accident even though they caused it I filed a workers compensation claim & I was approved I would be receiving $373 weekly, parkwood took responsibility for
causing the accident. 1 month after I was fired & I was already receiving my workers compensation payments I received, a letter from the licensing board who issues my alabama license. Parkwood had filed a complaint agaisnt my nursing license how can they get away with this, they accepted responsibilty for causing my work related accident know they have filed a complaint agaisnt my license which know could be suspended. Parkwood filed the complaint 02/2008 I know have a lawyer working on my case he said I could sue for defamation & slander & for causing emotional because I thought everything was fine. I was receiving my disability payments.

Know parkwood is trying to ruin my nursing career well I am fighting back I have to cope with trying to recover from my knee injury & fighting to keep my license. I got a lawyer who will do the fighting for me. Parkwood had lied about me to the alabama board of nursing know I am @ risk to lose my license this is my career my lively hood they are trying to ruin, but I will not let them get away with this. But I don't understand why they would file a complaint agaisnt my nursing license after accepting responsibility for causing my accident, but the good news is I can sue them for all there lies. This Is employee abuse & I will fight back.

I will fight back agaisnt them filing this false complaint with the alabama board of nursing they will pay for this I will sue for defamantion of my character, parkwood had no right to file this complaint. I did nothing wrong.

Parkwood had no right to lie about any employee & I can prove they have lied.

Anonymous, Alabama

97 Updates & Rebuttals


Phenix city,
United States

These psycho females new who I was they posted my full name and the street I lived on to try to silence me this was intimidation bullying and harassment

#98Consumer Comment

Mon, November 28, 2022

Unless these were nurses who had wronged my mother. And had moved away. They knew my full name and the street I lived on. This was personal information & they had no right to post it. That was intimidation and outright harassment. There are some sorry people who work in the nursing field and medical fields. Down right criminal. 


Phenix city,
United States

Justice is served parkwood got caught and fined $114,000 for substandard care which one had to be transferred to the hospital this is justice for them falsely accusing my mother

#98Consumer Comment

Sun, April 24, 2022

This is what terri roop and the director of nursing accused my mother of doing reporting her to the board of nursing for substandard care.  But 7 years later in 2016 the state actually found out they were the ones doing it. What nerve for what they did to my mother and causing us all these problems! Other people on google reviews are coming out against them now.

They warned if you're a nurse with a license stay far away from parkwood like you're like depended on it. I did 't know how long my mom had to wait for justice it was only 7 years later. But the damage to us has already been done.

They got a complaint against them the nursing home adminstrator and director of nursing from the state. Karma got them! They should be shut down! It was time they got a taste of their own medicine! 


Phenix city,
United States

Terri roop screwed over my mom now she is gone forever my mom didn't need to get blessed her my mom was tired of being done dirty and all the time having to start over at a new job she was a monster

#98Consumer Comment

Sun, October 25, 2020

Well, what goes around comes around when you're mean to someone & cause them financial hardships. I don't feel sorry for her family after how she wrecked my family life 10 years ago when she wrongfully fired my mom & wrongfully report her nursing license.

 My mom found out from another employee who told her that she quit. Because she says was going to report my mom to the Board of Nursing. Well, she put us through a financial nightmare. Now 10 years later she is gone from this earth never to hurt anyone else ever again.

Everyone posting what a wonderful boss she was. She wasn't to my mother she had it out for my mother. And my mom finally received justice. Teri roop is no longer able to hurt anyone else families or anyone else ever again.

Terri roop wasn't a good employer to my mother. When you mess with God's innocent children he will get you! This other nurse told my mother that she was planning on doing this to my mother. My mother had never worked around her ever the whole 20 years she was a nurse.

 Well, nurses are evil psychos they will turn on you quicker than anything. My mom didn't need to get blessed by Terri roop God blesses us no other human on earth does.


Phenix city,
United States

The nursing students who will be graduating this year don't know what they are walking into they don't know what psycho employers they will have who will ruin them without a second thought because

#98Consumer Comment

Tue, April 21, 2020

The nursing students who are graduating this year don't want what they are walking into! They don't know what psychos who are in charge of them are really like yet! They will not be able to hold a stable job because of black people who are in charge and firing them and replacing them with black people! They are in for a rough ride! They will be homeless within the first few years!

  But it was too late for my mom to start over from scratch! Because of these two backstabbing psycho B!


Phenix city,
United States

My mom don't need nursing to survive we have done just fine without them maybe better they are all snakes in the grass anyways just like this nursing home administrator and director of nursing

#98Consumer Comment

Wed, April 01, 2020

This director of nursing who fired my mother in 2004 followed here to parkwood! She lied under oath at the board of nursing saying she never worked with me before and my mom asks her did she have problems with my mother at another nursing home!

My mom wasn't having any trouble until this psycho starting working there! They allowed the black employees at nursing agencies to walk around checking to see what the white employees hours they were working! The agency would tell take jobs from the nurses that they promised and give them to the black employees!


United States,
United States

Its never bothered me what the pigs said to me on this site and they are pigs and so they are in the medical field

#98Author of original report

Mon, September 16, 2019

Mean people have always existed and bullies. This Nursing home Adminstrator broke the law in firing my mother. She continue to allow my mother to give medications to patients and didn't fire her on the day it happen. But this nursing home adminstrator got away with breaking the law like all employers do. Employees don't have anyone on their side.

My mother did have a wrongful termination lawsuit. But like always never got justice!


United States,
United States

The problem with trying to be successful in this life is people like this nursing home adminstrator who want to ruin you for no reason nothing happen to this patient and the apple sauce wasn't even

#98Author of original report

Fri, September 28, 2018

The applesauce wasn't even in the patient when they did blood work on them.  Because my mother never did put the medication in their food, to begin with! And this nursing home administrator had other employees try to write false statements saying they did see her do it. But they all said good things about her. I'm sure this will make my haters on this website angry! the nursing board never called them to testify against my mother. It was just these two nursing home administrator and director of nursing who testify saying they saw her do it!


  There is always someone after you in the workplace. But the EEOC said it was illegal what this nursing home administrator and director of nursing did to my mother. RETALIATION due to the worker's compensation injury and my mom's knee has to be operated on. Which they did want to pay for! But my mom got a workers comp lawyer. When they took away her payments when parkwoods workers comp insurance trying to starve us and make us lose our car and home. 


But my mother told the workers comp lawyer that said the heal of her shoes broke. But my mom wasn't having any issues until this director of nursing came along! My mother gave him the shoes and the heal did not break. So parkwoods workers comp insurance restarted the payments and gave all the 6 weeks of payment that my mother missed.


United States,
United States

This nursing home administrator wanted me and my mom to lose our home and be homeless she set my mother up over a workers compsenation to take away her llvelihood and she better not come around us

#98Author of original report

Sat, August 25, 2018

This psycho nursing home administrator better not ever come around us and asking where she is at. Meaning my mother when we ran into her and her crazy husband at the mall.  We are not HOMELESS and never will be. She did set my mother up along with this other director of nursing who told the nursing agency 4 years prior to this that my mother wasn't allowed to work their anymore. Because my mother refused to do something against the law.

All these crazed rns nursing home administrators are all mental psychos. Even a few years after then taking my moms license away. This B**** C*** is still after my mother stalking us and following us! That is because the police are corrupt to the core. And why these crazy psychos like this nursing home administrator are mentally ill and will not stop ruining peoples lives!

She is a nursing home administrator in the most corrupt city. This is why everybody is against my mother and me! And why this B**** is a criminal!


United States,
United States

This nursing home adminstrator former was the most toxic person that my mother had ever worked with she was a negative person and so was the director of nursing another toxic abusive bully person

#98Author of original report

Sun, July 29, 2018

My mother was truly betrayed by these two toxic C****.  It still angers me what they did to my mother. They deserve misery back for the misery that they put my mother through. They are all toxic and negative mean and cruel people at parkwood. They had no mercy when they fired my mother and she had to recover from her knee injury and surgery and had to deal with this complaint against her license.  The worker's compensation payments even stopped but my mother got them back when she got a lawyer. 

  My mother still had the shoes that she wore that day and the heal did not break. They all were bold face liars!


United States,
United States

This criminal felon psychopath nursing home administrator that wrongfully fired my mother and waited two months to file the false complaint to the board of nursing talked to the media bringing

#98Author of original report

Sun, June 10, 2018

Most psychopath criminals talk to the media to bring themselves up after nearly ruining someone's life! That is what this B**** nursing home administrator did! She was saying they do so many wonderful things for the community in phenix city. Yet other former employees have said they are SATAN IN DISGUISE WOLF IN SHEEPS CLOTHING! She is nothing but a lying criminal herself!

   You don't wait two months to file a complaint against an employee or wait a week or so before terminating them for something wrong, that they  did! My mother had a wrongful termination case she was done very dirty by this nursing home administrator and this director of nursing B****. Who claims to have seen my mother put medication in a patient food! The nursing home administrator didn't see her do it. All of my mother's co-workers who the nursing home administrator told them to lie saying that they saw her do it. None of them said it. All they did was say GOOD THINGS about my mother! They weren't going to lie about my mother. Like this B**** nursing home administrator or director of nursing was doing!



Other former employees have said they are evil too! 


United States,
United States

When you had it when being abused for no reason and targeted you don't care what people think. when you come out about it my mother was abused her entire nursing career. i just don't care what people

#98Author of original report

Tue, January 30, 2018

My mother had been abused her entire nursing career. And I have gotten to a point where I just don't care anymore what people think. This was revenge these two liars had against my mother. My mom was the soul bread winner and these jerks knew that put they didn't care, when they wrote the false complaint to the board of nursing about the financial problems would cause us.  But we have SURVIVED it. AND I HOPE IT REALLY ANGERS THEM THAT WE ARE.

They are no longer in control over my mothers life and she no longer has to worry about working and getting money from these hospitals or nursing homes anymore and being back stabbed all the time.


The only good revenge is living your own life not being upset about the past.


United States,
United States

These two witches from parkwood had nothing but hate and malic against my mother and they wanted to ruin her my mom was the soul bread winner I so to god hate them

#98Author of original report

Sun, January 28, 2018

I so to god hate these two witches and what they did to my mother. And this one must think i am real stupid but i'm not, and they know what i'm talking about. When you do wrong and evil it will come back to you, when you want to hurt somebody financial and just because you don't like someone don't give you the right to CONSPIRE to hurt them.

The nursing career is nothing but full of back stabbing criminals who are at the top. But they get away with ruining someones lively hood like they did my mothers and wanted me to suffer. They had kids of they're own and I hope somebody makes them suffer the way they made me and my mom suffer.


And it was his military disability that helped keep us from losing our home, EVEN THOUGH WE HAD ONLY LIVED THEY'RE FOR 4 YEARS NOW GOING ON 14 YEARS. We are still SURVIVING!


United States,
United States

They were mean and cruel to my mother because she wasn't married she was the soul provider for me when I was little and they knew it but still chose to be cruel to her

#98Author of original report

Mon, January 15, 2018

They sure have a comfrontable life with they're kids having a nice living with they're own car. But they knew my mom was a parent who need to work and to support me with food and clothing. But they still were cruel by filing this false complaint with the board of nursing. But we are still surving and we did not lose our home. We have food to eat and still go on vacation. They didn't destroy us nor did we end up homeless. So HAHAHAHAHAH in they're face and anyone else who is against me.

They didn't have mercy and grace so god will not show them mercy and gracy for the evil and wicked they done to us.


United States,
United States

Well well well looks like from linkedin these liars have been job hoping since they lied about my mother and caused her to get fired they haven't been able to hold a steady job these last 7 years.

#98Author of original report

Mon, November 27, 2017

Karma does come back and haunt them for their evil and wicked ways. I don't have to make a voo doo doll and set fire under its legs to make them have hot feet.  It happens because they deserve bad to happen in their life for the hardships they caused in me and my mothers life, and they have kids to support also. . So it doesn't feel to good when the bad and evil come back on you that they wished on us. When bad things happen to them they rightfully deserve it. For them wanting us poor and homeless.

What parkwood did to my mother is what is happening all across this country to the average worker and why the economy is in bad shape but people have the nerve to call us leeches

#98Author of original report

Wed, April 26, 2017

This is the problem in America and why so many americans are on food stamps and welfare and government assitance. Because of what parkwood did to my mother, many other good honest working Americans got back stabbed by their co-workers just like how my mother was back stabbed.

This is why the financial disaster happen in 2008 everyone was out of work, because employers was unjustly filing complaints against employees professional licenses like parkwood did to my mother.. Why did parkwood wait 3 MONTHS LATER. To file the complaint against my mother license. She received the complaint on 02/01/2008.

My moms slip and fall accident happend on 11/07/2007-02/01/2008 . So it was really 4 months after the suppose incident that they saw my mother put medication in patients food. If a nurse had done that, they should had terminated my mother on the same day. But they allowed my mother to continue to give medication all up till the day she was fired, after the xrays showed that my mother needed knee surgery.

Workers comp did pay for the knee surgery and all while my mother was suffering this, she had to deal with the injustly complaint against her license. Parkwood had no MERCY AND GRACE when my mother was trying to heal from the knee surgery. And then the workers comp before this had stopped the payments because they lied said the heal on my mothers shoe broke and she still had the shoes but my mother got a workers comp lawyer, which he showed them pictures that the heal didn't break.

So as quickly as they stopped the payments, they started them back up again and gave over $3,000 of back pay.

My mom was smart and took pictures of the shoes to give the pictures to her lawyer. Well they should had been gotten for lying and falsely accusing. IT WAS A COMPLETE HELLISH NIGHTMARE IN 2008 FOR US. But we still have our home, which is what they was after, and we hadn't been in it for only 4 years at the time. It was almost foreclosed on but it wasn't.

The she devils evil didn't work about making us homeless.

Well because of how these two criminal rns unjustly filed a complaint against my mothers nursing license and causing her to slip and fall with wet floors and had the mistreatment that was done to her

#98Author of original report

Sun, April 23, 2017

My grandmother is letting her have two homes of hers with one having a value of over $200,000.  And the other home which will equal up to $300,000. My grandmother has made out the will that my mother and me are getting her and my grandfathers belongings because of what my mom could of had if she was still working. And she is giving us her car also which is paid for.

So its back in there face about how they unjustly filed a complaint against my mothers nursing license. But it didn't work we still have our home and my mom don't have to get betrayed anymore by these scumbags sleezeballs.

They have some nerve to whine about a nursing shortage well alabama has the high nursing license suspensions then any other state because some rn don't like you she can just make a complain against

#98Author of original report

Sun, March 26, 2017

If some Alabama RN don't like you she can just make a false complain with you to the board of nursing. A nurse doesn't have a prayer to win. The alabama board of nursing and their fat lawyer does and this lawyer who don't help nurses just can't belive that a RN would make a false complaint. Well they need to wake up! 

RN'S aren't some saints that don't do what is by the book in nursing. They are the worst offendors in the nursing field and hypocrites. They do criminal things like steal drugs and embezzle money from the hospital or nursing home. But have the GALL to ruin somebody elses livily hood. While they continue using their RN license to be a criminal.

Yes i am still angry and want revenge on how I was sabotage and this rn who lied under oath saying she didn't have any trouble with me

#98Author of original report

Tue, March 14, 2017

This RN lied under oath saying she had no other trouble with me. Yes I did have trouble with her when I worked with her at a nursing home in columbus ga in 2004 when i was working with a nursing agency. She wanted me so sign something that was agains the law so she fired me and told the nursing agency I wasn't allowed to work their anymore. 4 years in 2007 when I applied to work at parkwood hear she came 2 days later.

She is nothing but a drama and choas maker. I have found out that these two trouble makers no longer work for parkwood. THEY DESERVED WHAT THEY GOT! THEY DIDN'T WANT ME WORKING THERE SO THEY DON'T GET TO WORK THERE.

I also read the statements that the two wenches the rn and the admin had other nurses right statements who said my mother didn't do anything wrong or unlawful

#98Author of original report

Sat, February 25, 2017

I should had said this from the very beginning but I was so p***** off that I didn't. They had the gall to have other nurses to write false statements stating that they saw my mother put medication in patients food. No this was plain out right harassment how they treated my mother. If she was such a danger to other patients why didn't they wait for 1 week to fire my mother.

They allowed her to continue to give medication to patients all up till the day she was fired not even a month working at parkwood. I don't hate the plaice I hate and despise the people working at parkwood.

My mother did have a wrongful termination lawsuit. They even bad the gall to have the person who hired my mother write a false statement, but they said the reason why my mother was hired was because she was a professional, and had the experience.

All the other nurses said good things about my mother.



After my mom started working at parkwood in 11/2007. What a coincidence. Here came this same RN who hate my mother not even two days of working at parkwood. I believe that my mother was STALKED by this RN for her to ruin my mothers career. I DON'T TAKE KINDLY TO ANYONE TRYING TO RUIN MY MOTHER AND ME. And seeing my mother being unjustly mistreated and the complaint to the board of nursing was not justified.

I saw on the internet that people other nurses was having the same issues. This ignorant board of nursing said.  THEY WERE THEIR TO SERVE THE PUBLIC. BUT THEY DON'T HAVE TO PUT UP WITH BEING FALSELY ACCUSED . 

Something the alabama board of nursing refuses to understand. AND THEY ALL CAN KISS OFF.

They never wanted my mom to have anything any time we got a new car boom they harassed her to death for her to quit and then having to start over and the car payments getting behind they are not god

#98Author of original report

Sat, February 11, 2017

These people think that they're GOD and can give things and take it away. People have worked hard to get their nursing license and end up having to give it up, because of some wench don't like them. The board of nursing people says that nurses are here to serve the public. But they shouldn't have to tolerate a RN falsely accusing them.


That is what the nursing board lawyer asked my mom. Do you mean you are being falsely accused. Yes they was falsely accusing her because my mom wouldn't do anything stupid to get a complain against her license anyway because that was her lively hood. But these B****** didn't like for my mom to have anything.


Well we still have the house and a car. My mom don't ever have to worry about being mistreated or harassed again by these sorry C*****.

My mother has been harassed all through her working career and these rns would threaten her that they would report her to the nursing board that she would never work as a nurse again

#98Author of original report

Tue, January 10, 2017

My mother was really harassed all through her working career. And they finally wanted to do what they always wanted to do get ride of her and they done it. They would always find a reason to fire her right before Christmas. That is real scummy to do somebody who is single strugging to pay bills and always having to start over because of these wenches bimbos. Who want's to put somebody in the poor house just because they don't like them.

You never forgive someone who tried to make you homeless the anger stays with you forever like when your dad didn't pay you child support

#98Author of original report

Sat, October 01, 2016

You never forgive the person who tried to ruin you financially or make you homeless. The anger stays with you. But KARMA will hit them worse then what they put us threw,

I don't buy all the positive reviews on other website about parkwood not after how they tried to ruin my mothers career and nearly put us on the streets that is unforgiveable

#98Author of original report

Thu, September 22, 2016

That is unforgiveable when someone intentailly lies about and ruin your career. I just want to say we are still living in the same house that parkwood tried to steal from us, by firing my mother and falsely reporting her to the board of nursing so she wouldn't have any money to pay the bills with. WE ARE STILL SURVIVING.

This evil witch director of nursing lied to the board of nursing that she never had any trouble with my mother at a previous job she bann

#98Author of original report

Sun, October 18, 2015

This evil witch lied to the board of nursing that she never had any trouble with my mother at another previous job. The board of nursing. My mother was working with a nursing agency in 2004 and she wanted my mother to do something illega;, my mother refuse and the B**** told the agency that she was banned from the nursing home.


After my mother was working at parkwood for a week, here come this director of nursing that had her canned 5 years previously. It was very funny my mother hasn't seen her lying jerk self for 5 years and all of a sudden she applies for a job there. My mother had a slip and fall accident due to their negligence. When they found out about they would have to pay for the surgery on her knee. My mother was fired. THEY ALLOWED MY MOTHER TO CONTINUE TO GIVE MEDICATION TO PATIENTS FOR A WEEK BEFORE SHE WAS FIRED. IF SHE WAS SUCH A DANGER TO THEM WHY DIDN'T THEY FIRE HER ON THE SPOT.







These two evil women at parkwood had severe jealousy and insecurity because my mom was a target of theirs for them to inflict cause us this much severe emotional jealousy and insecurity

#98Author of original report

Thu, September 24, 2015

I just want to tell this to those two evil women who had my mother wrongfully fired and filed a false complaint to the board of nursing. You thought because you you lied and falsified a nororiety public. You wanted to make us homeless well it didn't work.  We still have our home.

These two devil demon witches the director of nursing and the adminstrator of parkwood were the ones harassing and bully my mother all companies have harassment policies but what can you do

#98Author of original report

Sun, July 12, 2015

What can you do with the director of nursing and admistrator are doing the harassment and bullying, and threaten, which alters a employee work or performance and these two witches was violating the company policy by harassing verbal abusing my mother. They are violating their own company policy.

The bully adminstrator hated my mother making a complaint to parkwood main office,  because i saw the records she had put made a complaint to the main office getting forms ready to make complaint to the nursing board. This was in 02/2008 when my mother received the complaint from the nursing board and the slip and fall accident happen around 11/2007.



These two witches are the ones defrauding the public filing a false complaint having to having it notorized by notary public my mother didn't do it so it was a false nortary public that is deceiving

#98Author of original report

Mon, June 15, 2015

These two evil witches are the ones deceiving and defrauding the public not my mother. They had to have the complaint nortized by a nortary publc and signed. It was a personal vendentta because my mother filed a complaint with the main office and it was a retaliatory act by filing this false complaint with the board of nursing.

These two were the frauds and criminals who intentionally cause havoc in our lives. The EEOC don't give justice for people who are treated like this they side with the employers half the time. The EEOC is a FRAUD.

The ones who really need their nursing license revoked are these two nut jobs that falsely reported my mother they caused nothing but utter choas and they are the ones who defrauded the public trust

#98Author of original report

Mon, June 15, 2015

The nursing board said my mother defrauded the public no these two witches the Adminstrator and director of nursing are the two mental cases are the ones defrauding the public.  They caused nothing but complete utter chaos and their the ones who need their license revoked.

Because if that is all they are doing going after people ruining other peoples  careers  lively hoods,   they need to be stript of their freedoms and liberties. When somebody causes you intential emotional distress they have committed a tort, and you can sue them in civil court.


We nearly became homeless because what these lying pigs did to us but that was their intentions to make us homeless well it didn't happen they should be held accountable still because for 5 years

#98Author of original report

Thu, March 12, 2015

We nearly became homeless because of what the lying pigs at parkwood did.  They should be charged criminally for what they did because they did this intentional was in cahoots to do this to my mother.  I'm still angry we was put threw this for no reason.


Parkwood caused my mother to slip and fall and they did not want to pay any workers  compensation payments.  When it was all over with parkwood still denied causing my mother injuries even though they paid a settlement which i cannot disclose.  But we wss put threw HELL.


United States,

My mother no longer has to depend on money working in nasty nursing homes like parkwood or hospitals and be back stabbed and fired for no reason and having to look for a new job we are not homeless

#98Author of original report

Sun, January 04, 2015

I just want everyone to know we are not homeless and my mother don't have to work in nasty nursing homes like parkwood to be screwed over and fired all the time. My mother could never have a stable job for more then 1 year.  No matter what the enemy has done we come out stronger .  I say the hell with everyone who tried to make us homeless or put in the grave.     


United States,

My mother worked with this lying witch at another nursing home working with a nursing agency and banned her from not coming back the lied to the board of nursing saying she never had any trouble

#98Author of original report

Thu, October 16, 2014

My mother worked with this lying rn/adminstrator a few years back while working with a agency. This witch banned my mother because she wouldn't do something that the rnadminstrator  requested which was agaisnt the law, by putting false information on patients charts. My mother refused to do it. The liar rn then told the nursing agency that she wasn't allowed back. THIS IS IN BOLD FOR THE TEAM REBUTTAL MORONS TO UNDERSTAND. MY MOTHER REFUSED TO DO SOMETHING ILLEGAL WHICH THE RN WAS PRESSURING HER TO DO AND GOT CANNED FOR IT.


Then around late 2007 my mother applied to work for parkwood and was hired. To my surprise a few days later the same rn/adminstrator got hired the same week, so i am thinking they are working together to get my mother screwed again. My mother had a slip and fall because the floors was slippery, she found out that she had to have knee surgery and filed a workers compensation claim they called my mother in and fired her.


But if they claim they saw her doing something she wasn't suppose to why did they let her continue to work for 1 week before terminating her. If this called for firing on the spot,  they still allowed my mother to continue to give medication to patients.  To make the assault even worse this rn lied to the board of nursing saying she never had any trouble, with my mother. When the lawyer pointed this out to the board the board,  ignored it because she said that she never had any trouble.  So it wouldn't make them think they wa after my mother.


Our lawyer was stupid to say he just wouldn't believe that a rn would do such a thing to somebody. Well he was an idiot moron. It still makes me want to throw things every type i think of the financial problems they have caused us from parkwood.


But i got news for them we didn't end up on the street or in a homeless shelter. Which was their goal to make us homeless threw out my mothers career. They all will get theirs back you don't "BEAR FALSE WITNESS".


United States,

My mother could never hold a job long enough we nearly became homeless in the summer of 2008 but we didn't give up and stuck threw the hardtimes we almost ended up on the streets that is how cruel

#98Author of original report

Sun, November 24, 2013

I have always find it funny how they did this after my mother had the slip & fall accident,  for which they made the floor slippery then they had the nerve to deny they did anything wrong. That is another thing they do in the nursing field another thing,  a employer from a previous job who harassed her came to work at parkwood 1 week after my mother started working there. 


That sounds kind of fishy to me then the drama begin with the firing my mother after only working 1 month at park wood and because of the slip and fall injury that they caused in the first place but then deny it all they did pay $10,000 to settle it they still denied any wrong doing. It just angers me how these lying pig thugs are allowed to get away with ruining somebodies career.


All because they had to pay workers compensation payments. We almost lost everything in 07/2008 when they stopped the payments because the worker compensation people tried to say something broke.  My mother did get a new lawyer at the time,  because my still had the shoes she wore that day & the lawyer got them in their lies.

We had no money for nearly a month to pay the bills and we couldn't go anywhere.  The food was almost gone and we nearly starved to death it was almost like being in a prison we nearly starved to death and almost had the lights and water shut off


Well the workers compensation did start the payments back and we received the back pay we bought a buggy full of food and paid all the bills and house and car payment.  We was that close to ended up losing everything my dreams of having a home and car was tramped on because of the lying pigs bullies at parkwood. That is the cruelty that they did to me and my mother.


I still hate and despise their guts for what they put us threw.  It makes my blood boil everytime I think about it,  I still haven't been able to move on with my life without getting some sort of justice like making them homeless! and being financialy ruined!.


But the team rebuttal bums just loved that we was going threw this!.


United States,

I have never done nothing to these people on this site I will always continue to expose the wrongs and injustices I can sue them for the false things they have said about me

#98Author of original report

Wed, April 24, 2013

I don't feel bad about my self their comments don't hurt me I don't know why these strangers have chosen me to harass & bully on rip-off report.  I will always continue to expose the wrongs & injustices done to me!.

You should be able to sue your internet attackers I heard other people have sued who have been done the same way I have been done because I have done nothing wrong to receive such treatment just expose the wrongs & injustices that have been done to me!.

Why do these strangers on rip-off report don't want me to live a normal life or be able to succeed in life without being falsely accused of something every waking moment of my life people do get sick of being treated like this & I have the right to express how I feel!.  

I don't have to take"ABUSE" from anyone including the jerk offs on this site!.  I can sue these A**H*** for the things they have said about me.  And for treating me so unfairly!.


United States,

Well guess what you lying pigs from parkwood you falsely accused my mother to have her license taken away well she got approved for social security something good comes out of a bad situation

#98Author of original report

Mon, April 15, 2013

My mother doesn't ever have to put up being harassed in the work place ever again she has been awarded her social security retirement she will have steady income from here on out & she don't have to worry about trying to find another job & being without money for 3 months or having to worry about unemployment.

She also don't have to put up with the harassment from you dirt bag co-workers or employers trying to harass her & falsely accuse her of things anymore something good always comes out of a bad situation.

When people mean evil for you evil never wins.  God always work things out for the good! I have been tormented for 2 years but the torment is over with I toughed it out. 


United States,

I looked over the so called evidence they had against my mother and no patients was harmed and none died and they allowed her to work 1 week when they was suppose to had fire her on the day it happen

#98Author of original report

Tue, January 15, 2013

They told the board of nursing that my mother was a danger to the nursing home,  yet they allowed her to work 1 week & continue to give out medications to patients.  They was suppose to fire her on the day it happen they didn't.


United States,

I have told the complete truth what parkwood did to my mother they retaliate because my mother had a slip and fall due to their negligence and the witch who harassed her at another job

#98Author of original report

Mon, November 05, 2012

The two liars no longer for parkwood they had all this cooked up.  I believe her lying friend who also worked at parkwood called her up told her my mother was working there because within a week the old witch applied for a job then my mother started having problems & was fired on 01/08/2008.

My mother had only been working there for only 30 days & had no problems until this B**** started withing there.  The two liars stopped working there because they want to invade "JUSTICE.  I'm sure they're  are behind our other problems we are currently experiencing.

The lying pigs & rats,  dog is to much of a nice word.  Pigs & rats fits them pretty good.  I don't give a sh*t what these other rats & pigs say that have posted comments to me.


United States,

Hey parkwood we still have our home 5 years later your liars who reported my mother to the board of nursing didn't succeed in making us homeless no matter what anyone does to us we still have our home

#98Author of original report

Mon, November 05, 2012

This is to everybody we still have our home in phenix city no matter what you do to us.  It just makes me a stronger person i hope that makes you angry.  God has a special place in h**l for liars.


United States,

The person who wrote comment number two was more sane then the rest of you idiots and was more kind what they did at parkwood was wrong nobody cares about our lively hood or how to survive

#98Author of original report

Wed, August 08, 2012

The person who wrote comment #2 was more sane & kinder then the rest of you idiots.  Its not right to "RUIN" somebody else career i exposed parkwood for the liars they really are & what they did to us.  We never give up living life no matter how much people give us a hard time.

Making fun of my grammar their is nothing wrong with it.  To verbally attack someone on this site is just sad & why do y'all waste so much time trying to mess up my life don't y'all have anything better to do talk about sad lives like how y'all say i have such a "SAD" life.  We  who makes it said.  I'm still very angry how they ruined my mothers job life.  There is no justice in this country if people like the A**H**** on this site.

These jerks completely ignored what the person said on post #2.  They ignored it & continue to verbally abuse me.  Verbally abusing someone & harassing them only makes their suffering worse which y'all call me retarded all the time.  It makes everything worse.

Sooner or later y'all will get what is coming to you after how y'all have unfairly treated me & harassed me for no reason.


United States,

I want so badly to move from this stink hole of a town due to how parkwood ruined my mothers career and tried to make us lose our home and car these crazy people are trying to make me lose my sanity

#98Author of original report

Mon, May 14, 2012

After how parkwood "UNFAIRLY" treated my mother & other things that have happen.  I just would like to move away from this stick hole of a town.  "I'M TIRED OF IT.


United States,

If my mother was such a danger to patients lives why did they wait 5 days later to terminate her the unemployment office believed their lies and the board of nursing well we still survived

#98Author of original report

Tue, May 08, 2012

We are still surviving 5 years later.  Parkwood did not succeed.


United States,

Parkwood made the complaint to the board of nursing because of a workers compensation claim because of unsafe working conditions which caused my mother to slip and fall and had to have knee surgery

#98Author of original report

Tue, May 08, 2012

Parkwood fired my mother 1 week later after supposedly putting medicine on a food trey.  Why would they wait 1 week later if she was such a danger to the patients "WHY,  did they wait 5 days later & let her continue to give medication.  It doesn't make any sense.


United States,

I just would like to tell the liars at parkwood me and my mother did not lose our home or car and the chaos and drama they caused didn't work the unemployment office believed their lies

#98Author of original report

Tue, May 08, 2012

The unemployment office believed their lies but we still survived. Parkwood didn't succeed.


United States,

Why don't people just leave me alone this is just plain harassment i really don't care anymore that they got away with lying those liars will meet god i have forgiving them

#98Author of original report

Sat, January 28, 2012

I don't care anymore that they got away with lying. Those two liars from park wood will meet their maker & they will suffer for what they put us threw.  This is consider harassment & i will not put up with it anymore.

I'll leave it in gods hands & I will "For Give" them.  I just can live in "HATE" for the rest of my life.



Of course

#98Consumer Comment

Fri, January 27, 2012

That picture definitely depicts the true Chuckles !  The only problem is that the expression on the guy's face appears a little too intelligent to be his.  But, then, the artist had never actually seen the Neanderthal face of Chuckles.


Averill Park,
New York,


#98Consumer Comment

Wed, January 25, 2012

But, Chuckles, no one ever said that YOU were human.  In fact, all of your insipid posts on here prove exactly the opposite.  See the picture below ???


United States,

A human being can only take so much of this crap and you people are pathetic scumbags cyber bullying is against this site terms of use and is also against the law

#98Author of original report

Tue, January 24, 2012

No human being should be treated like this.  But i am not going to put up with the "ABUSE" any futher.


United States,

Since people insist on making my life miserable and unhappy i'll do the same back to them

#98Author of original report

Tue, January 24, 2012

I'll just have to do to them what people have done to me.



Yeah, right.

#98Consumer Comment

Tue, January 24, 2012

Chuckles, you wouldn't know a fact if it bit you in the butt.  And, indeed, the truth is as far from you as the East is from the West.  You've proven THAT many, many times in your contradictory posts.  And we're STILL waiting to find out exactly how far up that tree you went when the police came for you. 


United States,

I will just ignore the negative comments and stick to the facts that they had this evil planned but it didnt work we are not homeless

#98Author of original report

Sun, January 22, 2012

There evil did not win we are not homeless or dead.


United States,

I will just ignore the negative comments and stick to the facts that they had this evil planned but it didnt work we are not homeless

#98Author of original report

Sun, January 22, 2012

There evil did not win we are not homeless or dead.


United States of America

losing battle

#98General Comment

Sun, January 22, 2012

You will lose the case . I can assure you of this because your lawyer is incapable of understanding that defamation of character and slander carry parameters that your story does not qualify for.
Secondly a Medical facility is required to file with the state if they have just cause. You do not know for a fact what they raised questionability on for your license. Your story is full of holes that a good attorney will surely see thru.


United States,

If my mother was such a danger to the patients why did parkwood allow my mother to continue to give medications for 1 week they waited 4 months to file the complaint to the nursing board

#98Author of original report

Sat, January 21, 2012

If my mother was such a danger to the patients. Then why did they allow her to continue to work & give medications to the patients. They told the unemployment office it was automatic termination,  but they didn't fire the same day when this supposedly happened.

They also waited 4 months to file the complaint to the nursing board.


Averill Park,
New York,

Oh, yeah ?

#98Consumer Comment

Fri, January 20, 2012

And exactly WHO is going to report them ???  Certainly not YOU, as no one believes a word that you or your scamming mommy says.  And I seriously doubt that it is within your capabilities to properly fill out ANY type of form, anyway.  You can't spell. You can't form a proper sentenceYou can't capitalizeYou can't punctuate correctlyYou can't follow instructions.  In fact, the only things that you ARE capable of doing are whining, lying and complaining.  And, of course, sitting on your lazy butt and collecting your monthly welfare checkYou disgusting little cretin


United States,

Other nurses will be reported to the board to for wrong doings the witch from parkwood wanted to cause this trouble there isn't going to be mercy on other employees

#98Author of original report

Wed, January 18, 2012

The witch from parkwood wanted to treat my mother "UNFAIR".  There will be other nurses who will be reported to the board for wrong doing.   


Averill Park,
New York,

Really ?

#98Consumer Comment

Sun, January 15, 2012

Parkwood ??  I thought you were the guest of the Phenix City Police Dept.  What say ye, Chuckles, was it Parkwood or the City Jail ??




#98Consumer Comment

Fri, January 13, 2012

Parkwood ?  Is that where you were locked up ???  I hope not, after all of the malicious lies you have told about them.  You know that Parkwood is "out to get you".  Poor Chuckles.




#98Consumer Comment

Sun, December 25, 2011

I just heard from Parkwood, Chuckie.  They have a VERY special room waiting for you.....hahahahahaha.


Averill Park,
New York,


#98Consumer Comment

Tue, December 20, 2011

Yes, Charles, I see that Lorenzen has posed a VERY interesting question.  Could you explain to everyone exactly HOW it is that you're not locked up in a mental institution somewhere  ?????  You certainly qualify for confinement.  I guess it's just a matter of time until Mommy is no longer able to change your diaper and give you a bottle at night.  When SHE is gone, so will YOU be gone........I just hope that you're committed to Parkwood !  That would most definitely be JUSTICE, wouldn't it, Chuckles ???  YOU, having to depend on care from the very people whom you have lied about, cursed and vilifiedPoetic justice, indeed.



Another lie

#98Consumer Comment

Mon, December 19, 2011

You want to work and make a living ??  YOU LIAR !!  All that you and your scamming mother want to do is lie around the house all day and collect government handouts.  You have actually ADMITTED that in your own posts !!!!  You make me sick, you lying little scumbag.  Why you're not locked up in a mental instituion somewhere, I'll never know.


United States,

People aren't happy unless they get away with ruining other peoples lives which is sad they do that for them to get ahead in life

#98Author of original report

Mon, December 19, 2011

People aren't happy unless they get away with ruining your career.  Its sad to do this to people who want to work & make a living & living life.


Averill Park,
New York,

Get a life

#98Consumer Comment

Wed, December 07, 2011

Chuckles, you and your scamming mother are the ONLY people I know who have ever been "bullied, harassed and fired" so many times.  I know of no normal people who have had any of this happen to them.  ONLY YOU !!  Just WHY do you think that is ???  It's because you two are the scum of the Earth, and you bring it all on yourselves.  How do I know this ?  Because I have read your dozens of reports on here, where you ADMIT to it !!!!!  But, of course, even though the evidence is here for all to read, you'll continue to deny that you even wrote it.  What a liar you are, Chuckles.  What an unmitigated LIAR !!!


United States,

Why bother to have a job all they do is pick on you find ways to get you fired harass you while working then when you don't let them bother you they file false complaints to get you introuble

#98Author of original report

Wed, December 07, 2011

Why bother to have a job all they do is pick on you find ways to get you fired harass you while working then when you don't let them bother you they file false complaints to get you introuble.  These people who "BULLY" me can't stand the fact that i'm "RIGHT".

It really bothers them that is why they refuse to leave me alone.


United States,

Oh yourself y'all are the ones who keeps this crap going y'all refuse to stop because y'all are stubborn ignorant jerks

#98Author of original report

Tue, December 06, 2011

Oh yourself y'all are the ones who keeps this crap going y'all refuse to stop because y'all are stubborn ignorant jerks.



But, Chuckie

#98Consumer Comment

Tue, December 06, 2011

Please continue with the story.  I want all of the details.  Exactly how far up the tree did you climb when the police came to arrest you ?  And how many nights have you spent in the Phenix City Jail ?  This is good stuff, Chuckie !!  Tell us all about it !!


United States,

That is all they do in the medical field is ruin other peoples careers and the liars get protection causing many injustices

#98Author of original report

Mon, December 05, 2011

That is all they do in the medical field.   Is ruin other peoples careers and the liars get protection causing many injustices.


United States,

Please don't reply to me anymore if all you're going to do is insult me i have a right to have my voice heard and if y'all don't like it tough i don't have to put up being treated unfair

#98Author of original report

Mon, December 05, 2011

Please don't reply to me anymore if all you're going to do is insult me i have a right to have my voice heard and if y'all don't like it tough i don't have to put up being treated unfair.  I don't have to have y'alls "PERMISSION".

Rip-off report is just as guilty to allow people to cyber bully others.


Averill Park,
New York,

But, Chuckie

#98Consumer Comment

Sun, December 04, 2011

What you fail to realize is - everyone IS better than you, you incredible moron.  Now, please continue with the story of how you climbed up a tree while trying to avoid getting arrested when the police came to your house.......


United States,

People think their so much better then me and it gives them the right to treat me like crap guess what we are all human and nobody is better then anyone

#98Author of original report

Mon, November 21, 2011

People think their so much better then me and it gives them the right to treat me like crap guess what we are all human and nobody is better then anyone.


United States,

People are in full force in trying to personally insult me or get me down keep it up because nothing y'all say will never get me down hiding behind their fake screen names trying to abuse me

#98Author of original report

Mon, November 21, 2011

People are in full force in trying to personally insult me or get me down keep it up because nothing y'all say will never get me down.


United States of America

Charles or chuckles or chuckie or nutty or whatever your name is

#98Consumer Comment

Sun, November 20, 2011

I just became a member here, and allll ive been reading is your absolutely insane posts.   Don't get me wrong, they are thoroughly entertaining, but are you supposed to be on medication? Because judging from the things your say on here it's amazing that you OR your mother can make it through the interview, but less actually get hired.


United States,

Those two liars from parkwood can't hide forever after what they did to us they have no right to ruin other peoples career and just move on with their life without being held accountable

#98Author of original report

Sun, November 20, 2011

That is how things are in this country.  We can never get justice from the people who screwed us.  Its easy for them to move on.  One day they have have to answer to a"GOD" all mighty for how they,  ruined innocent peoples lives.



Oh, really ?

#98Consumer Comment

Thu, November 17, 2011

They both found better paying jobs, and moved on.  Unlike you, who harbors on incidents that YOU created, for years.  By the way, to WHICH of your personalities am I replying ?  What a cretin.


United States,

The two liars who caused all this trouble are no longer employed at parkwood I feel pretty good that they didn't completely get away with almost trying to ruin me i didn't lose my home or car

#98Author of original report

Thu, November 03, 2011

The two liars from parkwood aren't employed there anymore. That is some sort of justice for me.  I didn't lose my car or home & i'm not dead.

Lord High Goblin

United States of America


#98Consumer Comment

Tue, October 11, 2011

Hey Chuckie I am really enjoying reading your many posts.  I did not realize that you were also suffering from multiple personality disorder. But really at least that will give you someone to talk to when you get frustrated with your place in life. Please continue to keep us informed.

Hugs and Kisses from your betters


United states,

If these pigs from parkwood have told other places or people they will be sued for defamation of character and hippa law violation so let them keep talking they will not get away with It forever l

#98Author of original report

Wed, December 15, 2010

If these pigs from parkwood have told other places or people they will be sued for defamation of character and hippa law violation so let them keep talking they are nothing but a bunch of pigs to treat someone like this.



United states,

Well the lying pigs from parkwood might have gotten away with what they did I do hope they mess with the wrong person one day It always catches up with you when you mistreat or treat people unfair

#98Author of original report

Sat, December 11, 2010

Well the lying pigs from parkwood might have gotten away with what they did I do hope they mess with the wrong person one day and they would be sorry they ever messed with them.   

I hate It when people who lie & screw with you,  & everything you have worked hard for.  I hope they do mess with another employees career,  they just might make the person crazy enough to make them pay for how they screwed everyone.


Phenix City,

Parkwood did agree to settle

#98Author of original report

Sun, January 04, 2009

Parkwood did agree to settle. My mothers lawyer & there lawyer agreed to work out a settlement for the wrongful terminantion.

The complaint parkwood filed with the alabama board of nursing had to do with the workers compensation claim so they made up this lie to try to ruin my mothers career.


Phenix City,

Parkwood did agree to settle

#98Author of original report

Sun, January 04, 2009

Parkwood did agree to settle. My mothers lawyer & there lawyer agreed to work out a settlement for the wrongful terminantion.

The complaint parkwood filed with the alabama board of nursing had to do with the workers compensation claim so they made up this lie to try to ruin my mothers career.


Phenix City,

This Is why lying employers get away

#98Author of original report

Fri, December 26, 2008

This Is why lying employers get away with lying, cause they help each other out to cover up there asses. But they are messing with an innocent employee here.

And parkwood will pay for there lies & the false complaint they filled.


Phenix City,

Parkwoods lies will catch up with them

#98Author of original report

Wed, December 24, 2008

Parkwood has themselves In a losing battle. There lies will catch up with them they have told so many lies its hard for them to keep up.

Nobody can seem to answer this question. Why did parkwood continue to let my mother work to give medication to patients.

They should had confronted my mother that day & fired her this Is why I know they are lying.

One month after my mother was fired she receives a letter from the alabama board of nursing on 02/08/2008, that a complaint had been filed.

My mother has never received a complaint. These are all a bunch of LIES.

My mother has spoken to other former employees, & they have said this Is how dirty they treat employees & they have been getting away with It.

Well there not going to get away with It this time.

I would like to ask 1 question why can't they just let my mother do her job without picking on her.

Atlanta Guy


Really ??

#98Consumer Comment

Wed, December 24, 2008

You're tired of all the lies ??? THEN STOP LYING !!!!!!! There ! Wasn't that easy ???



great idea!!

#98Consumer Comment

Wed, December 24, 2008

stop posting "mommies" crap
Get a job and stop blaming everyone and everything in this world for your problems


Phenix City,

Parkwood will not win this one

#98Author of original report

Tue, December 23, 2008

Parkwood will not win this one. You just don't lie about people like that. I could careless what people say online.

They have no hard evidence just hearsay evidence & false statements from other employees.

I am tired of all the lies.

Auburn Guy


Well said !

#98Consumer Comment

Tue, December 23, 2008

You are exactly right ! No nurse, nor ANYONE working in the medical field would be employable using such poor spelling and grammar. They would be a disaster !! But, then, Chuckie IS a disaster. And now he has delusions of being his mother ! What a joke he is !! I wonder if Mommy knows what little Chuckie has been up to ?? Maybe she should sue him for identity theft !!! LOL !!!!!



Why can't people understand

#98Author of original report

Tue, December 23, 2008

Why can't people understand that parkwood filed this complaint to get back @ me for the workers compensation claim.

And why did they let me continue to work If they saw me do this & not fire me that day besides two weeks later on 01/08/2008. Just because they are RN'S they just can't make up stuff & said It happen.

This all has do to with the workers compensation claim, I know how to give medication. Parkwood filed the false complaint to get back @ me.

All what parkwood doing Is criminal trying to get rid of me.

I know not to put medication on a patient's food trey they tought me this In nursing school. I know I didn't do anything wrong.

Parkwood made this up so they wouldn't look bad. Why would I jeopardized my own job.

Parkwood isn't stealing my home.




#98Consumer Comment

Tue, December 23, 2008

Perhaps you should start by giving some to Chuckles...he thinks he is you.

Dead giveaway is your spelling; if you are NOT Charles, then I would be auditing the hell out of every chart you have ever touched, as your spelling is atrocious. If you can't spell English words, I shudder to think of the mistakes in meds/treatment notes, which can get a facility employing "you" sued.



Parkwood started this

#98Author of original report

Mon, December 22, 2008

Parkwood started this buy filing a false complaint with the alabama board of nursing. One month after I was fired.

Then they got other employees to write false statements about me to the alabama board of nursing. Saying they saw me do this.

But they allowed me to continue to work until they day I was fired. If they saw me putting patients medicine on there food trey why didn't they fire me that day instead on 01/08/2008.

I know how to give medicine to patients I have been doing It over 20 years.



I no longer desire to be a nurse

#98Author of original report

Mon, December 22, 2008

I no longer desire to be a nurse cause I will not admit to something I did not do, then It will be on public record for the rest of my life.

Parkwood Is not getting there way on this one they are treating me unfair. I have also talked with other former employees & they said parkwood has a bad reputation.

I regret ever wanting to work there, why did they even hire me to begen with.



Grow up Charles

#98Consumer Comment

Mon, December 22, 2008

Stop posting your idiotic crap for your mother
She is just as much of a loser as you are
Well wishfull thinking for I know that will never happen
And the saga continues



I will not admit guilt

#98Author of original report

Sun, December 21, 2008

I rather surrender my alabama license because I refuse to plead guilty to something I did not do.

If I do plead guilty for the punishment I have to write a report about myself every month when I do find a new job I have to have someone babysit me.

And I have to take a class on how to give medication.

I have been giving medication to patients for over 20 years & I have never had a complaint filed agaisnt agaisnt my license.

I no longer desire to be a nurse after how parkwood Is putting me threw. I had not been working there 1 month.

Why did parkwood even hire me. I have been threatened & bullied from RN'S my entire career. But this takes the cake.

If the board Is stupid enough to believe there lies fine. I no longer desire to be a nurse again.




#98Consumer Comment

Sun, December 21, 2008

Give it up, Charles, and stop posting as your mother. We all know it's you from the terrible spelling, lack of proper grammar and syntax mistakes. If your mother has something to say ( which is doubtful ), let HER post. You only make things worse. And, by the way, I seriously doubt that your mother is ACTUALLY a nurse. A CNA, maybe, but definitely NOT an RN.



I am being fasely accused

#98Author of original report

Sun, December 21, 2008

I am being fasely accused from parkwood. I have never any complaints agaisnt my nursing license the whole 20 years I have been a nurse. Know It all comes down to this.

Parkwood Is trying to destroy my career. I will not admit guilt In this because there Is nothing to admit to, because I did nothing wrong.

Parkwood Is getting back @ me because of my accident & having to pay me workers compensation. But that does not give them a right to do what they did.

I told my lawyer I am requestion a hearing, because they have not heard anything from my side of the story. I will also file a personal suit agaisnt the two rns & nursing home administrator for slander.

And for trying to ruin my career. Hey they disrupted my life & undue strees. So I will do the same buy making there life unpleasant & stressful.

Just like what they are doing to me. They done It to me for no reason. Also parkwood isn't taken my home from me or going to make me homeless.



Please excuse my last rebuttal

#98Author of original report

Sat, December 20, 2008

Please excuse my last rebuttal. The alabama board of nursing did not close my complaint this had to do with the wrongful firing. I received a letter from my lawyer giving me two option's.

He told me I could make a consent of pleading guilty with restrictions on my license, or ask for a hearing. I told him I refuse to plead guilty to something I did not do.

So I request a hearing the whole 20 years I have been a nurse I have never had a complaint filed I believe this Is also Age Discrimination.

The two RN'S waiting two week's before filing a complaint to the board after this supposedly incident took place If they withnessed me putting medicine on a patients food plate & they did nothing or confront me.

They are guilty to for abandoning. I have been giving medicine to patients for over 20 year's & never had a complaint filed agaisnt me.

This all has to do with my accident & my workman's com case, the employer made falsified statement's to the board & had gotten other employee's to write false statement's about me to.

Saying they saw me do this. This Is also criminal with what parkwood Is doing. I have had trouble my entire career but I never had a complaint agaisnt my license.

If the board does find me guilty I will personally sue them also for not considering from me.

If this mean's losing my alabama nursing license I will not plead guilty for something I did not do.

And this has wasted a year of my life for nothing all because they don't like me.

The hearing will be set for 2009 1 year after parkwood filed the complaint, I look foward to challenging this charge agaisnt my license. And I have all documents to prove my side of the story.

I will update this complaint has the case progressing, well even If I lose my alabama license. I still have my georgia license. Which I do not want to go back to work being a nurse.



The alabama board of nursing found me not guilty

#98Author of original report

Fri, November 21, 2008

The alabama board of nursing found me not guilty, well I wasn't worried anyways sense I already knew I done nothing wrong. Of course my former employer had the other employees right fasle statements to the board.

But the board didn't find any evidence that I had done anything wrong, It was all due to the slip & fall accident they just wanted to get rid of me even though It was there fault.

You see parkwood try to ruin me but they didn't suceed & liars never win, they had to pay all my medical bills & pay me every week & they even tried to stop my payments.

I almost lost everything due to them I worked my whole life for but they don't care, they had to pay for my knee surgery. I have been out of work 1 year know.

Parkwood wanted to get ride of me & ruin me I was put threw this for no reason!, but I have a good lawyer who Is helping me get things resolved.

Parkwood just wanted to harass me, slander me & try to ruin my good name cause they didn't like me & they didn't want me working for them even though they caused the accident.

Because they had just finished polishing & cleaning the floors & look @ all the problems this has caused me.

But I got my justice parkwood didn't get away with wrongful firing me & trying to slander me & trying to make me lose my nursing license. There Is probally no tell how many innocent nurses they have ruined In alabama.



This situation has been resolved

#98Author of original report

Fri, November 21, 2008

This situation has been resolved. The license board has found me not guilty & parkwood agreed to settle. Know I can move foward & try to get my life back on track.

I am going to pay off all my bills & I will never get credit cards again cause you never know when this thing might happen again.

I had gotten a good lawyer to help me threw this ordeal parkwood has agreed to settle but I am not putting how much money they offered me.



Shame on you Mary! Show some compassion!

#98Consumer Suggestion

Fri, November 21, 2008

It is one thing to point out a persons misgivings and/or shenanigans, but don't you think it is stepping far to verbally attack her son, Charles? To attack a disabled man is dispicable! And yes, I do believe Charles is disabled! As a nurse you should recognize the signs of his disability just from reading his many post. Do nurses no longer have any compassion for the handicapped or disabled? Charles is on SSI, as you stated, for a reason! SSI is not welfare. SSI is for individuals that cannot take care of themselves! Welfare is for those that need a helping hand or those that will not take care of themselves. Have a little compassion!



Hi Kathy (or is it Charles? Are you posing as your mama again? But good job finally learning how to spell "anonymous"!)

#98Consumer Comment

Mon, July 14, 2008

Note: if this results in a double-posting, I apologize. I first posted this comment two days ago, and it has not yet shown up. However, this repost has allowed me to clarify a couple of things, so it worked out. :)

As a retired registered nurse, I am ashamed on behalf of my entire profession by your lack of even a basic knowledge of spelling, grammar, and sentence construction. Also, those who truly believe in themselves--and their cause--do not create 'anonymous' accounts. But I digress.

You state in your report that you worked for a month after your alleged injury, before deciding that you were too injured to work. I'm surprised that you were able to collect any compensation at all.

You say you were fired due to your accident; has it occurred to you that your firing perhaps had more to do with whatever caused Parkwood to complain to the Alabama BoN? Those complaints are pretty serious; I doubt Parkwood was complaining frivolously.

Just a suggestion: if I were you, I'd be far more concerned that someone might contact Parkwood about your little go-round with Global a few years ago, or that your lawyer might find out about it, and drop your case. And if they were to find out about that little worker's comp incident at the dialysis clinic, combined with the clinic's report of lacking patient documentation, well.....

A word of advice to both you and Charles: lose the victim mentality, that attitude of absolute entitlement with which all your reports are replete. And work hard to keep your license, whatever the reason it's being threatened. Bad enough that my tax dollars pay Charles' SSI (which is, when paid to an adult--according to my contact at the SSA--simply the 'politically correct' term for what we used to call "welfare", btw); we don't need you on the public dole as well!

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