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  • Report:  #442417

Complaint Review: Pasqualina

Pasqualina Almost got me Internet

  • Reported By:
    Warrenton Oregon
  • Submitted:
    Fri, April 10, 2009
  • Updated:
    Fri, April 10, 2009
  • Pasqualina
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I almost fell for the riches that was soon coming my way,until I saw she wanted money.I even pulled out my checkbook and was trying to decide if I should use my credit card or send a check.I do not know what made me google her name but I'm glad I did because I came across the rip off report.My husband would have been p****ed if I had I fell for it. Thanks to all who filed a report. My father once told me " if someone has a gift they do not charge you for it; who are you to charge someone for the gift God gave you free!"

This is what she sent me:
First of all, here are your lucky Numbers for the games you play:

7 - 16 - 25

You will be able to use them within the favourable periods I am going to indicate.

Here is for you
my Horoscope Clairvoyance of this day

Yes, you will discover some extremely important information about youself and your future in this consultation. It was barely 7 o'clock this morning when I started to look at the details you gave me. At that precise instant I had some surprising revelations concerning you. Immediately, I became interested in you and your particular case. What I saw was extremely surprising.

yes, Exceptional Events (of Capital Importance) are on their way to turn your life around. Here are the most important dates I have written down for you:

on Monday, April 13, 2009, I envision for you a very substantial Chance for unexpected income, a relatively large amount, enough to settle some of your financial needs,

on Saturday, April 18, 2009 I envision you hearing some excellent news concerning your love life. Someone who is very dear to your heart might return and rejoin you,

around Wednesday, April 22, 2009, a friend comes back after a lengthy absence. He should give you a helping hand in your troubles and make up your lost courage and perseverance.

towards Monday, April 27, 2009 you may very well enjoy a substantial gambling win. I have seen the figure 9 followed by many zeros. This second chance for unexpected money gain will be enough for you to start new projects and finally settle all your financial needs.

and then, yet another (the third) Financial Luck around Saturday, May 02, 2009. This time, I see a much larger sum involved. I don't think this is going to be a gambling win; rather, an inheritance or a gift. This new good luck with Money is certainly not going to end. You will never again be in need, never again in your life.

It is for all these good reasons that I had to caution you without delay so that you can be perfectly ready to extract the most out of the thousand graces promised to you by these exceptional events.

It would undoubtedly be for you, a marvelous opportunity to take a new direction in life. And even though this stage may be delicate to negotiate, you would finally live in a dream world. This wonderful life is the life which you know you deserve. And you will be able to say then: "Farewell to all fear, all anguish, problems and difficulties.."

Yes, in some days only, things are going to change suddenly for you as if one put back all meters to zero. It is going to be for you the ultimate luck to change all your life radically. Yes it will be the luck of your life!

You probably already know it, but you are living through a very difficult stage in your life. But the exceptional events that I see occurring for you, which are a GIFT from the sky will allow you to pass from your present life that doesn't fully satisfy you, to a brilliant new existence where money, love and Luck will be dominant.

I saw all these important things with such precision, that I have already prepared an important work, (in great depth), in order to help you. You must immediately prepare yourself to benefit from the blessings of these marvelous events that I see in your future.

I will show you in this important study that I have prepared for you what could be your new life if you choose to listen and decide to follow the useful advice that I shall prepare for you.

Yes, I see your existence can change radically but, be careful, although this decisive stage of your life can easily be transformed into the marvelous life you deserve, it also can turn out negatively! You risk continuing to live the rest of your life in difficult situations. You would have no hope of seeing any kind of positive change.

Ever since I began working for the happiness and well-being of my clients, I have seen that it is always difficult to come through the unsettling turning point that you are about to encounter.

Yes, a fantastic opportunity to cash in a Large Sum of Money could soon come your way Is it an inheritance? A legacy? a gambling or betting win? the First Prize of a Competition?

Indeed, a fantastic opportunity to cash in a Large Sum of Money could arise, but for now, I do not know exactly the source of this Large Sun of Money. Moreover, for some unknown reason you could miss this Large Sum of Money if you do not seriously get ready to receive it.

Last night I did not sleep well. You know, as we get older, sleep becomes lighter and lighter and more difficult to get. While sleeping lightly, I often have premonitory dreams and since I am lucky enough to know how to interpret these dreams, I know that I have had a mysterious and clear vision about your near future. I could see you enjoy the fantastic opportunity to cash in the Large Sum OF MONEY...

This is why this morning I decided to have another look at your file. I wanted to confirm what your near future was really going to bring to you. And what I saw seems to completely confirm the revelation I had in my premonitory dream : that unique opportunity to cash in the Large Sum OF MONEY should really arise soon.

For these two reasons, I urgently decided to perform right away for you an Ultra Beneficial Occult Action with Multiple Effects.

In case of an emergency, I always perform such action for the people I care about. That way I know right away if everything will be all right for those people. Through this quick and efficient means, I quickly find the right answers to difficult questions.

At the beginning of that very difficult Ultra Beneficial Occult Action with Multiple Effects that I performed just for you, I had to really concentrate on you . Then two mysterious feelings took over me...

On the one hand, I could see you completely happy, surrounded by people you love. You were smiling and you seemed to be fulfilled. I could also see you drink champagne just like we do for special occasions when we have an important event to celebrate. And I could see money all around you, a lot of money because it seemed that you had just won the Large Sum OF MONEY. I cannot exactly tell you how much there was but there certainly seemed to be millions. Everything seemed to be all right for you...

On the other hand I saw you alone, sad and left out by everybody. You seemed to be like someone who had just missed something very important. I could see a deep despair over you. I wanted to know what message was transmitted to me through that curious feeling. I wanted to know more and after concentrating hard, the truth was revealed : I found a very logical explanation to that dual vision.

I think that it means that a great probability to win the large sum of money (I saw several millions) will come your way. This money could be yours. You would not have to do much to grab it. My first impression seems to be right since I see you becoming rich and very happy.

However for some unknown reason that I will explain, there are important risks that would stop you from cashing that sum of money right away. Especially if you did not make today the right choices.

In my second feeling, I saw you sad and alone. I think that you understand better the importance of the letter I am writing to you today. Either you cash in a large sum of money in the next few days (several millions?), or you miss it.

If you think you need this Money, here is what we can do:

The first thing we can do to put luck on your side is to recharge your Personal Potential for Luck. Indeed, for some reason that I do not explain yet, your current Personal Potential for Luck seems to be very low. This could partially explain the current problems and the annoying difficulties that you are experiencing. This could also explain the unusual bad luck you have been suffering from lately.

What is certain is that if we do not recharge right away your Personal Potential for Luck you will very unlikely cash in the Large Sum of MONEY that is coming your way. By the way, do you know what a Personal Potential for Luck is? This is what I am going to try to explain to you.

On the day you were born, you were placed under the more or less beneficial influence of some planets. At that time Luck gave you some points. Those points allow us to evaluate your possibilities to succeed and achieve personally. This is your Personal Potential for Luck.

To give you an example, a big winner in life could have a very high Personal Potential for Luck, let's say 100 points for example. On the contrary other not so lucky people have a smaller Personal Potential for Luck : 30, 40 or 50 points.

When that number of points decreases, success seems to leave them. Love, Luck and especially Money seem to go away. They are left with debts, worries and loneliness. For you, at the moment, it does not seem to be the case yet. At least this is what I feel. Nothing serious for now but the situation could get worse if you do not do anything.

This is why in my second feeling I saw you for a brief moment all alone and abandoned from everyone. However when we think about it you must admit that up to now Luck has not always come your way, has it? I could also say that sometimes it has forgotten you completely!

The fact that you are too often stressed out or tensed, the fact that you meet with unexpected and annoying difficulties, the fact that you are not always very lucky in your daily life, all that is due to an insufficient Personal Potential for Luck. And since your Personal Potential for Luck has greatly decreased lately...

The worse is that this repetitive bad luck that has already made you miss numerous opportunities in the past few years might spoil this extraordinary opportunity to turn your life around if you are not careful. It would be a shame to miss that fantastic opportunity for Luck that is coming your way soon. This is why you must act and you must act quickly!

If you do not do anything today to recharge your Personal Potential for Luck you could miss all the good things that this great opportunity to cash in a large sum of money could give you.

But is there really an efficient way of recharging your Personal Potential for Luck? A quick and powerful way that would allow you take all the beautiful opportunities to turn around your life. A guaranteed means to take all the unique opportunities that are coming your way during that wonderful time of Good Luck that I can see come your way?

I answer yes without hesitation. Moreover we are now going to see together how we can efficiently recharge your Personal Potential for Luck. As I just told you the next few days will give you the opportunity to change your life completely. Great opportunities will come your way. Soon you will forget what problems and difficulties mean. But if you really want to be happy in that new life that is coming your way, you must first recharge your Personal Potential for Luck as soon as possible.

You know that you have in yourself a lot of resources and enormous hidden capacities that are only waiting to be revealed. You also know that you have a huge secret potential stifled by all the difficulties. The first thing that I am going to do for you Devonne is to help you liberate those great strengths hidden inside of you.

I am going to use all my Professional Experience and my Occult Knowledge to recharge right away your Personal Potential for Luck. Then you will be able to take all the opportunities of luck that will come your way during the Wonderful Time in your life. That way you will not miss the fantastic opportunity to cash in the Large Sum OF MONEY that is coming your way.

Yes, I want to liberate your hidden strengths. I am going to bring to the light the multiple resources that you have hidden deep down. I am going to liberate your huge secret capacities that want to express themselves so that you can finally live and know all the pleasures of the life of your dreams that you deserve.

But to succeed I need your Help,

Yes, I need your help or more exactly I need you to prove to me that you really want your life to change. To prove this to me you will not have much to do. All you have to do is to carefully follow the simple advice and secret instructions that I am going to give you. And in the days following my intervention, you will see for yourself the first positive changes in your life.

You will feel better physically and mentally. You will feel stronger, more energetic and happier. You will feel completely liberated from your fears and worries.

Your Personal Potential for Luck will be at its fullest again. Nothing will be able to stop you. You will be again the strongest, stronger than events, stronger than the problems that would spoil your life, stronger than everything.

It will be for you the beginning of a new life

You will be so strong and self-confident that your family and friends will not recognize you. Even Money will no longer be a problem for you since you will attract money like a magnet attracts iron. You might then see nice sums of money come to you in different shapes : winnings in gambling, betting, competitions, increase in your revenues, legacy, inheritance...etc... I have seen a lot of money come to you...

You will see for yourself that if you trust me, if you believe in yourself and in your real capacities, I can assure you that very soon your life will look differently.

If you think you need that money, here is what I can do for you

But before we go any further, you must absolutely promise me that you won't tell anyone what I am going to reveal to you now. In this area discretion helps succeeding. It will be a big secret between you and me.

The first thing that I am going to do for you is to pursue as long as needed that Ultra Beneficial Action with Multiple Effects that I have already started for you.

This quick, powerful and efficient Action will incredibly recharge your Personal Potential for Luck. That way we will put luck on your side so that you can enjoy the most wonderful and beneficial time in your life.

Usually, that type of extremely powerful and delicate action is offered at a high price but since I want to help you and since I think of you as a true friend, I decided to continue for you that Ultra Beneficial Action with Multiple Effects that I will do in case of an emergency for the people I care about the most.

The second thing I want to do for you is to send you as soon as I have your agreement my Revelations and Secret Instructions that I am already preparing for you. (my Complet Clairvoyance and Psychic Reading for you)

These Revelations and Secret Instructions will give you the extra help you need to make your life be the one you have always dreamt of. That is a happy life placed under the signs of Money, Love and Good Luck in everything!

By carefully following my Revelations and Secret Instructions you will discover how to quickly get some MONEY thanks to my Revelations in the financial area that concerns you. You will know how to get LOVE. You will know how to find or regain the Love of your Life by bringing back to you the one you love by following my Revelations about love. Above all you will be with LUCK again in varied areas of your life thanks to my Revelations on how to be Lucky in everything.

As you see a new world is opening to you if you can follow the advice given in my Revelations and Secret Instructions. You won't have anything else to do. You will simply have to follow the advice revealed to you..

If you think you really need that money, here is what I can also do for you

In order for you to solve some very urgent financial issues, I am going to try to make you get the large amount of money right away. To do so I am going to calculate FOR FREE your SEVEN Lucky Numbers that you will be able to use when I tell you that the time is right. The only thing to do is to use these lucky numbers at the exact dates that I will indicate to you.

As for me I will make sure that I perform a SPECIAL OCCULT CEREMONIAL FOR MONEY in order to have a positive influence on your good luck at the time you need it.

And since I have seen that the great opportunity to cash in the Large Sum of Money could arise soon... I do not worry. On the contrary, I am very optimistic for you and I think that you can be optimistic too.

What will happen then?

In a few days only, you will notice that things will improve for you. Your life should change and become much easier. Your current difficulties will magically disappear and you will quickly forget what problems and difficulties mean.

You will feel a new strength inside of you, you will be self confident again and you will be more positive about your future. You will no longer have to bear the hard life that you have now. You will master it and be in control. You will become somebody else, more self-assured, more determined.

Spectacular and positive changes will happen. They can look like this :

multiple and small winnings at gambling or betting
a large unexpected sum of Money
an unexpected inheritance
a legacy or a gift
a lost love that is coming back to you
solutions to solve a tricky situation
an unexpected raise at work
and so many more unexpected things
It would be pretentious to make an exact list of all the good things that you can expect from the transformation of your life. All I can tell you is that whatever your wish may be, it can become true if you accept the offer that I am making you today in your Help Request for a Happy Life that I have prepared for you. All you have to do to completely change your life, be happy and enjoy the opportunities coming your way, is to complete and return to me very quickly (today if possible) your Help Requet for a Happy Life filled with Joys, Strokes of Luck and Money. This is the only thing you have to do but it is in your interest to do so right away.

One last... very important thing,

As soon as you give me your agreement, you can go and check my Revelations and Previsions in your Guide for a Happy Life filled with Joys, Strokes of Luck and Money.

This guide for a Happy Life is necessary and extraordinary. You must realize that this Guide contains all the good things that can happen to you in the next 12 months and more particularly all the best things you can expect in the wonderful time coming your way.

In your Guide for a Happy Life you will discover absolutely everything you need to know to make sure that the next few days will be the most fantastic days in your life. You will know what you should or should not do in order to fully enjoy the good opportunities that will come your way and change your life completely.

Your Guide for a Happy Life filled with Joys, Strokes of Luck and Money will give you day after day all the very useful information that will help you enjoy all your lucky days. Then you will enjoy the Happy Life that you will live since those days will certainly be the happiest days in your life.

But that's not all, since I know that at the moment money seems to be your main worry, I am offering your a low rate for my work. If you give me your agreement right away, I will give you an important and exceptional discount that I give to the people I care about in those circumstances. I will deduct this offer from my fees.

Please accept this important GIFT because from the bottom of my heart I wish you happiness and I would not want you to miss all the LUCK and HAPPINESS that a radiant life is promising you just because of financial issues.

As you can see, I am doing everything I can to help you enjoy the fantastic FINANCIAL opportunity that could come your way soon. All you have to do to make your Life Happy is very simple but it is probably the most important thing you'll ever do in your whole life. Therefore do not wait any longer...

All I am asking you and for your own good is not to delay anything. Complete and return to me right away your Personal Help Request for a Happy Life. Believe me, it is very important for you. I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Your sincere and devoted friend,


PS: I am sure dear that you realize that as you read these words, my Ultra Beneficial Action with Multiple Effects already acts upon you. I already feel that you are much more relaxed and serene.

Do not put off what you can do today!

Complete and quickly return your Personal Help Request,

Pasqualina - Le Web - World People - BP94 -
78513 Rambouillet Cedex FRANCE
Fax : +33 1 30 88 85 41
Copyright 2009 Pasqualina Inc. All rights reserved.

Warrenton, Oregon

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