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  • Report:  #827474

Complaint Review: Pastor Ed Watson

Pastor Ed Watson, Edward Watson, pastor Edward Watson Malicious talebearing, ravenous wolf Semora, North Carolina

  • Reported By:
    Concerned for Ed Watson''s Victims — United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Tue, January 24, 2012
  • Updated:
    Thu, March 15, 2018
*Consumer Comment: What did he do? *Consumer Comment: In the interest of getting both sides of the story... *Consumer Comment: Really ? *General Comment: Who is the false shephard? *Consumer Comment: Really? *REBUTTAL Individual responds: Wow! Satan, is that you again? *Consumer Comment: How much did Jesus talk about doctrine? *Author of original report: Ed Watson has not Recanted *Author of original report: Link to this situation *Author of original report: More lying and deceit *Consumer Comment: A bunch of crap *Consumer Comment: Y'all might want to crack open a Bible every now and then. *Author of original report: Ed is not accountable and does not want to repent *Author of original report: The news is getting out *Author of original report: This guy Kelly Gallagher is a joke *REBUTTAL Owner of company: You are the joke *REBUTTAL Owner of company: You are the joke *Author of original report: The Joke's on you Kelly Gallagher *REBUTTAL Owner of company: coward *Author of original report: Who Says? *Author of original report: Who Says? *General Comment: Really? Men of God? *Consumer Comment: I would trust Lighthouse Baptist - based on *Author of original report: Ed Watson is a slanderous wolf *Consumer Comment: Lunatic Fringe *Author of original report: Ed Watson is a slanderous wolf *Author of original report: Mt. 18:15-17 *Consumer Comment: Matthew 18:15-17 *Author of original report: Where's the hate? *Author of original report: Where did Kelly go? *General Comment: pastor sam adams *General Comment: pastor sam adams *Author of original report: No way *General Comment: mr. discernment *Author of original report: big shot *Consumer Comment: I Know This Guy Kelly P. Gallagher *Consumer Comment: Ed Watson Runs from the truth *Consumer Comment: Just Listen to Pastor Sam Adams and Dr. Johnson *General Comment: Ed Watson is a Wolf *General Comment: Kelly Gallagher is a PORN FREAK *General Comment: Ed Watson is a Serial Adulterer and Rapist

Testimony of Pastor Sam Adams concerning pastor Ed Watson:

My main purpose in this letter is to sound a warning to any that may trust Ed Watson as a respectable preacher of the gospel, that I personally know Ed Watson to be an absolute fraud, a doctrinal heretic, a slandering talebearer and a treacherous backstabber who maliciously and consistently betrays those whom he pretends to befriend, who also maliciously betrays those who confide in him for his so-called "counsel" as he extracts intimate details of their personal lives under the cloak of "pastoring" them, only to later publicize such information against them when they do not perform according to his controlling desires or when it appears he will be exposed. Ed Watson is a rabid, ravening wolf in sheep's clothing, one whom I would strongly encourage you to publicly withdraw from for
the sake of your ministry.

Ed Watson is a doctrinal heretic, a pathological liar without conscience, a malicious  talebearer, a sower of intentional discord among brethren, a devilish "accuser of the brethren," an adulterous borderline sexual predator, a ravening wolf in sheep's clothing and a true menace to the body of Christ in general. He ruthlessly attacked me, my family, and our church, as he has several others. Ed truly fits Peter's description in 2 Pet. 2:1-22 of false brethren and false teachers to a tee: Ed is a malicious, rabid monster who apparently turns on every person he pretends to befriend.  He will have much to answer for at the judgment seat of Christ, if he is saved, which I truly doubt. Pastor Sam Adams

41 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

Ed Watson is a Serial Adulterer and Rapist

#42General Comment

Thu, March 15, 2018

This devilish thug is the most vile pervert on the planet.


Ed Watson has been married like 10 times because he cannot cease committing adultery.


He has no job and just sits behind his keyboard slandering people.


Florida boy!

 Here's what our pastor, Sam Adams said about this pervert who tried to rape his young daughter in their home:


“My main purpose in this letter is to sound a warning to any that may trust Ed Watson as a respectable preacher of the gospel, that I personally know Ed Watson to be an absolute fraud, a doctrinal heretic, a slandering talebearer and a treacherous backstabber who maliciously and consistently betrays those whom he pretends to befriend, who also maliciously betrays those who confide in him for his so-called "counsel" as he extracts intimate details of their personal lives under the cloak of "pastoring" them, only to later publicize such information against them when they do not perform according to his controlling desires or when it appears he will be exposed. Ed Watson is a rabid, ravening wolf in sheep's clothing, one whom I would strongly encourage you to publicly withdraw from for the sake of your ministry.

Ed Watson is a doctrinal heretic, a pathological liar without conscience, a malicious talebearer, a sower of intentional discord among brethren, a devilish "accuser of the brethren, " an adulterous borderline sexual predator, a ravening wolf in sheep's clothing and a true menace to the body of Christ in general. He ruthlessly attacked me, my family, and our church, as he has several others. Ed truly fits Peter's description in 2 Pet. 2:1-22 of false brethren and false teachers to a tee: Ed is a malicious, rabid monster who apparently turns on every person he pretends to befriend. He will have much to answer for at the judgment seat of Christ, if he is saved, which I truly doubt.” Pastor Sam Adams




ft worth,

Kelly Gallagher is a PORN FREAK

#42General Comment

Tue, June 13, 2017

I read this and was shaking my head and laughing. Kelly Gallagher is no pastor. HE calls himself pastor to try to get respect but anyone who knows him here in Fort Worth knows he's an admitted porn freak.  Kelly has looked at pornography for his whole adult life and has never repented which makes him a fornicator.  Kelly also pay prostitutes.  For example, it's now been leaked that Kelly paid a Kenyan w***e a whole lot of money to fly and see him and need I say the rest as to what happened? no. Kelly Gallagher is full of himself as you can see by reading his own words here in this post. The man is unsaved and unrepentant and quite nasty.

Also, Kelly has turned against Ed Watson now. I've heard him speaking against Ed Watson. Duhhh It was completely undiscerning and foolish for Kelly to ever endorse Ed Watson who yes is a very much known wolf and devil of the worse kind.  If Kelly Gallagher had an ounce of discernment he'd have never endorsed ed Watson. The same demons possess both these men. They are both accusers of the brethren of Christ and have lied and made up stories about lots of people and made those stories sound true. Their end is coming.

Kelly only met with Ed Watson one time and preached to Ed and his young children and called that church. Hahaaa please!  I gave a listen to part of kelly's message and well, please. This guy is seriously self intoxicated and delusional.

The kid up above in this post schooled Kelly Gallagher. I must say that this brought a good laugh. That kid sounds like a sophomore in High school and he made Kelly Gallagher look like a punk. Kelly is just a big bag of hot air. you can't believe anything kelly Gallagher says. He's a story teller when it's in his best interest. The child was correct:  Kelly is boring and not at all impressive in his self appointed ministry.

The people who know kelly know he is not a pastor. He's foul mouth carnal, nasty man and that shows how evil Ed Watson is to connect with this devil.

Kelly Gallagher is under judgment.  He has no ministry or semblance of ministry. It was always fake. God judged him for condemning others. Kelly has a lot of sin in his own life but goes around judging others, just like Ed Watson. Both these men are the worst kind of wolves. Christ told us He'd judge us if we wrongfully judged others:

"Judge not, that ye be not judged. 

Mat 7:2  For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. 

Mat 7:3  And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? 

Mat 7:4  Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? 

Mat 7:5  Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye. 

Mat 7:6  Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.” Matt. 7:1-6 

Both Ed Watson and Kelly Gallagher who are now enemies, have ever forgotten any sin anyone they ever knew committed. They keep the sins of others in their minds just waiting to use them against those people. Neither kelly nor Ed is forgiving because they don't know the only One who can forgive them. If they did they would never be saying a cross word about others and would let them alone and get their own lives right with God.

Gallagher is now saying that Ed Watson is a wolf and stole something from him and that Ed has been married like 10 times or so but Kelly's been married like 5 times. Go figure


M. Mitchell


Ed Watson is a Wolf

#42General Comment

Mon, October 26, 2015

you obviously don't know Ed Watson. He's nothing but an infiltrator who infiltrates ministries posing as a minister, calling himself a pastor. Ed adds nothing good to anyone. The only thing he does is attack, lie about, slander, and viciously seek to do harm. What these people are saying is the truth. He's been married many, many times which makes him unfit to be an elder, a pastor. The main complaint of his ex wives has been that he is lustful, doesn't work, and doesn't pay child support. There's much more we could say here but my wife just asked me to stop at this point.



Just Listen to Pastor Sam Adams and Dr. Johnson

#42Consumer Comment

Tue, June 24, 2014

Ed Watson is no pastor, he's a bondafide wolf.

He has no credibility because his whole life is a lie and that's all he does.

We have seen this from the days he attacked pastor Adams and then Dr. Scott Johnson began exposing him.

The proof is huge.

Among other things, "Pastor" Ed Watson is a raging jealous maniac who is embattled and constantly on the attack. He's not happy unless he's attacking a lying about other people.

contendingfortruth  .    com/wp-content/uploads/Ed-Watson-Warning-Separating-Truth-From-Lies.pdf

: this family was recently told by a pastor in florida that when he (Ed Watson)
stayed at his home in fl he made advances toward his 20 yr old daughter  

Pastor Sam Adams is the father of this young lady who Ed Watson tried to seduce. At the time Ed was married to his 3rd wife. He's had 1 or 2 since then. Here's what Pastor Sam Adams says of Ed Watson:

Here is the testimony of Pastor Sam Adams concerning “pastor” Ed Watson: “My 

main purpose in this letter is to sound a warning to any that may trust Ed Watson as a 
respectable preacher of the gospel, that I personally know Ed Watson to be an absolute 
fraud, a doctrinal heretic, a slandering talebearer and a treacherous backstabber who 
maliciously and consistently betrays those whom he pretends to befriend, who also 
maliciously betrays those who confide in him for his so-called "counsel" as he extracts 
intimate details of their personal lives under the cloak of "pastoring" them, only to later 
publicize such information against them when they do not perform according to his 
controlling desires or when it appears he will be exposed. Ed Watson is a rabid, 
ravening wolf in sheep's clothing, one whom I would strongly encourage you to publicly 
withdraw from for the sake of your ministry. 

Ed Watson is a doctrinal heretic, a pathological liar without conscience, a malicious 
talebearer, a sower of intentional discord among brethren, a devilish "accuser of the 
brethren," an adulterous borderline sexual predator, a ravening wolf in sheep's clothing 
and a true menace to the body of Christ in general. He ruthlessly attacked me, my 
family, and our church, as he has several others. Ed truly fits Peter's description in 2 
Pet. 2:1-22 of false brethren and false teachers to a tee: Ed is a malicious, rabid 
monster who apparently turns on every person he pretends to befriend. He will have 
much to answer for at the judgment seat of Christ, if he is saved, which I truly doubt.” 
Pastor Sam Adams

I have nothing to gain at this point by bringing these issues back up; in fact I risk
drawing the attention
of those who previously ignored Ed's mad ravings to the maliciously evil false
accusations Ed leveled
against me, and more particularly against my daughter, which were clearly designed
and propagated to
discredit her testimony against him. However, seeing the way the Lord has brought
some things to
light from other sources and witnesses regarding Ed and how he is continuing to
damage others as he
did us, I now believe I have a duty both to denounce Ed's blasphemous heresies and
false teachings and
also to clearly state for the record all the facts surrounding Ed's attacks against my
ministry and my
family, including the witnessed facts of his inordinate affections toward my 22 year old
daughter, his
attempt to get her to break up with her fiancé and to in his words, "wait until I'm a
widower." Since
Ed "came out" (not) of Pentecostalism and now claims to be a Baptist, if Ed Watson
wants to contest
any of my herein charges against him then I challenge him to appear, as will I,
before an
independent ecclesiastical court composed of at least three mutually agreed
upon Independent
Baptist pastors. My guess is that Ed will not do so but will run like a cockroach when
the light is

turned on, especially since there are now many more witnesses of his very evil nature
and behavior.
Titus 1:10-11 - For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they
the circumcision: Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses,
things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake.
1. Ed Watson is a Biblically ignorant, doctrinal heretic who is completely
unbalanced in his
theology and preaches a false gospel of security in self rather than true security in
Christ, and who also
sees demons behind every bush, every sin and in every Christian that crosses him.
While Ed tried to
call me a "deceiving Bible corrector," he in fact rejects the authority of the scripture and
relies on 

extra-biblical sources for his heresies. Ed has no understanding of the true gospel of
grace, and knows


"Think about it for a moment, what true pastor would get on the internet and
accuse people and slander and tear them apart? Would Jesus do this? Of course
not. What true pastor would dredge up someones sins that they already
confessed and repented of? Not a God fearing pastor, that's for sure. Only a wolf
would do that and only God knows if any of the things Ed Watson says are true
anyway. Ed is known for trying to make what he says true, but that doesn't make
any of it true at all. Ed is the one who needs to repent and be forgiven. He is a
dark, sinister soul and anyone who is in Christ's loving light sees that. Ed Watson
is simply projecting onto others exactly what is in his own heart. He has done this
for years to many. It's good to see all the people now exposing this evil wolf. If I
have ever seen a person who is in darkness, it's Ed Watson. Be not deceived, he
only self appoints himself to be a "pastor" to hide behind that title. Throwing up a
website where you just put other people's materials doesn't make you a pastor.
What a joke. Ed has no church and the one he had for a few months way back he
destroyed as he has done for many years with every person he pretends to
befriend. Pastor Sam Adams hit the nail on the head for sure. Ed's many victims
can be sure that they are in good company because Satan himself owns and
controls Ed Watson and only leads him to attack those who are God's righteous children." RK

"Ed has a Controlling Abusing WOLF Antichrist Anointing , SHEEP BEATER, ABUSER,

Hello Scott;
I was going through counseling with Ed and when he moved he refused to talk with me
or even answer his phone. He knows things about me that I had not even told my
Psychologist because I was ready for healing and when he did his teaching on the
doctrine of hell he commented on a particular sin issue I had confided in him and said
something along the lines of me going to hell. I did not give it much thought, because
that was his opinion, but he left me hanging and I felt a bit violated when I thought about
it later and realized that was why he refused to continue counseling without even telling
me he was going to stop. I not only felt violated but abandoned. I know I am sounding
like a child, but also when I go back though the teachings he did during the time we
were talking when ever he did not like something I sad he would say something about it
in his teachings instead of saying something to me directly.… when one is upset with
me I would be happy if they came to me instead of announcing it over the internet. I was angry and I attacked in thought because I felt violated, but then felt guilty because I
thought I was attacking a minister. I am now concerned, because I am feeling a
simpleton. "...deceiving the hearts of the simple".

I know you are busy and I am trying to keep these short, but I feel devastated again and
am fearful to turn to anyone else.

God Bless you and your ministry


Hello Scott;

I shared a lot with Ed more than I shared with another human being. I shared more with
him than I did with even my therapist, before I got out of therapy when I did a study on
where 'therapy' comes from. I told him things I did in my past and I am very fearful he
will share those things with others. So I will tell you what I am comfortable telling you
only out of fear of it getting out and you hearing it from Ed.

Before I begin he had a strange way of pulling things out of people even things they are
reluctant to tell. I am sure this is from his training as a therapist. Even therapists have
a code do no harm, but he has done harm.

To start with the minor; from time to time I watch Fox news and some of the
personalities on there. On one of his teachings he mentioned it as being evil and he did
it in an insulting way, but I thought he was doing things according to God's will except
like many other 'christians' he has yet to learn Christ's compassion. I did feel a bit
violated, but he did not use my name when he did this.
I did a lot of things in my past that I am so very ashamed of that he was able to pull out
with what seemed against my will…Even though he says he abandoned his psychology
degree I am not so sure that what he is saying on that matter is true at all. He does it
quite well which is probably why he is able to get so many people to tell him what they
tell him. If anyone comes to you with this, please let them know this part and it may
help them and make them feel a little better.

The most I experienced is him making statements in his teachings and calling what I do
evil and saying I will be going to hell and through mind manipulation, (for lack of a better
term), getting me to tell him things I would not normally share with another person.

God bless you and your ministry

----- Original Message -----
From: Dr. Greg Dixon
To: Michael Cc: Sam Adams ;
Sent: Monday, December 07, 2009 10:57 AM
Subject: Re: Edward Donald Watson

All I know is that he is a liar, he lied about me and Pastor Sam Adams over the internet
and when confronted by phone in front of my son refused to retract his lies. He taped
the conversation, doctored it and released it over the internet with more lies.

Bro. Greg J. Dixon

himself is guilty of. Ed is a beguiler, a liar, a false teacher, a seducer of young women
(ask Pastor Sam Adams), a blasphemer, a slanderous devil of the worst kind and a
coward who won't face the truth and who refuses to meet with people who ask him to to
be accountable for his actions. Beware of the vilest wolf you will ever run across - Ed or
Edward Watson. Calls himself a pastor, flatters you in order to get into your life - then
turns against you behind your back and goes on a rampage against you. He's a
spineless coward who won't answer your calls, voicemails. or emails. Beware (2 Tim.
4:16-18). Run from this devil, mark him, and expose him! D.M.


Ed Watson is a bizarre lunatic.
Our dealings with Edward Watson showed that he is a very jealous and cunning
deceiver who sets people up and then attacks them. He’s like a predator wolf, lurking
behind the bush for just the right time to lunge out and grab someone around the neck
to choke the life out of them. This man’s day of reckoning is coming.
What what we have seen, Edward Watson has destroyed every relationship he has ever
had and now has only his wife and kids that he is “pastoring.” Ed doesn’t work. His wife
works. Go figure. Oh, and this is like his 3rd
or 4th
wife. Go figure.
I was introduced to him by a friend at a conference who was at that time deceived into
thinking Edward Watson was a good guy. Neither of us were aware of what bizarre
things Ed Watson would do.
We have never seen someone make up more stuff and try to make it sound legitimate.
Ed Watson is a story teller. He’s fictional to the max. There’s nothing true about mr. Ed
Watson. Watch out, this guy is dangerous.


Subject: ed watson is talkin smack about you --

this guy is twisted and lost , confused and not a man of GOD... one word "drama"

dont worry brother Scott I’ve always known this dude is a lier ..

in the sermon below he spits scripture, calls you a fool pretty much and makes no
sense whatsoever.
sad ..... i cant listen to the whole thing , all he does is talk in riddles and uses
scripture out of context
LORD have mercy.........GOD help them who are sitting under
him...shame ..

love you bro ...

ps. loved the recent sermons keep up the good work .

yes scott,
i only listened to the one sermon, but i looked at his other titles as well, and he definitely
believes he is called to expose stuff. but unlike you and others who continually provide
documentation in an humble but insistent way, he seems to be not much more than a
gossiper and one who really does enjoy the strife.
he mocked slattery continually as he "exposed" his failings, which is a dead give away
he has a spirit or two working on him.
he just seemed very immature, which in the ministry he has set himself up in is VERY
VERY DANGEROUS and could be eternally damaging.
i felt his "exposure" of slattery's apparently private consulatations with him regarding the
gory details of his marital issues was absolutely out of line.
exposing problems/evil/apostasy in the church or not, NO ONE SHOULD BE HEARING
OF THE DETAILS, and i just don't believe his approach would cause ANYONE to
accept his counselling, or worse, restore anyone to the local fellowship.
that kind of ridicule and humiliation seems to me would have permanent damage.

God bless you Scott
Matthew 20
13 But he [Jesus] answered one of them, and said, Friend, I do thee no wrong: didst not
thou agree with me for a penny? 14 Take that thine is, and go thy way: I will give unto
this last, even as unto thee. 15 Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own? Is
thine eye evil, because I am good? 16 So the last shall be first, and the first last: for
many be called, but few chosen.

Brother Scott & the D’s,
Brother Scott I haven't emailed you in about a year or so... I am B's new husband, I
believe you know her... And counseled her prior to us coming up to Virginia...

We need to ask for prayer, at this very moment... There is a tremendous demonic
attack going on up here centered around Ed Watson...

A, E and F & G are here with their kids, their arrival has brought out alot of sin to the
surface regarding Ed Watson and at this very moment we are all being persecuted...
There are too many details to list at the moment... But needless to say, me personally I
feel like I don't have the strength to stand up... Everyone else is feeling ill as well... We
have never experienced spiritual warfare in this manner before and we are beseeching
you to earnestly pray for us and for the Lord Jesus Christ to deliver us.

We are snowed in and cannot leave, we feel a prisoner in our own house. The property
owners appear to be deceived and as of yet are of no help... Please pray for them as
well, they are beloved saints.

Pray that E and A are no further deceived by Watson, as they are being counseled at
this very moment by him...

We will send another email with more details, but wanted to send this out so that we can
start getting the saints to pray that the wickedness be revealed!!!


B & C

I am praying for you and this situation. See the attachment for spiritual help. H called
me and I in turn called Pat to let him know that Heather was never the reason I did not
come up to Virginia. I told him what I have told everyone else that asked me; that I
prayed and fasted about it but could not get a peace about coming up to Virginia. It
never had anything to do with Heather. To which he then asked me if I wanted to talk to
Ed who was sitting there. I replied no as I have not even started my study for tomorrow
and cannot get into a long drawn out conversation. At that point he became agitated
and we said our good-byes…. It is apparent that Ed is a very dangerous man. The fact
that he would bring his 9 month pregnant wife to an area that is snowed in is
unbelievable. He has a spirit of chaos that seems to work through him. The fact he
wields such control over Pat that he would ask you to leave when you are snowed in is
also unbelievable. My advise to you is to get away from Ed and this situation as soon as possible. I speak from experience of dealing with people like him.


Unfortunately I have found out that I am being implicated in the turmoil going on in Virginia. From what I have heard Ed has said (at least initially) the reason I did not
come up there is because of Heather who I have never even met personally & have
only had three phone conversations wit--but that was weeks ago). Heather never had
anything to do with this decision. As I told Ed and every one else that asked, the reason
I did not come up to Virginia is because I prayed and fasted about it and could not get
any peace (Now I know why). Ed just emailed me and also said: "I was told today that
you said that I am the reason you are not coming up here, that you said I am a liar and
a deceiver." Just so you know I did not say this to anyone…. Ed has continually
attacked Pastor Adams but I have known Pastor Adams for a lot longer than I have
known Ed and Ed's accusation seemed very out of character regarding Pastor Adams. It
is only now that I am breaking my silence on this issue. Now it seems apparent why I
could not get any peace. I have prayed for the truth to come out about Ed either good or
bad since I talked to Pastor Adams and it seems that the more information I get is only
confirming the worst to me. I have been in contact with two people tonight (unrelated to
Sam Adams) that are involved in this Virginia issue and both are confirming the worst
regarding Ed. Out of the mouth or two or three witnesses a thing is established and it is
very apparent you are in great danger yoking yourself up with this man. I have kept my
mouth shut for quite some time now regarding this issue but at this point I can longer
stay silent and feel compelled to warn you and others about this. I will pray for you. God
bless you!

Hey Brother Scott,

Everyone up at Ed Watson's cult compound made it out safely today... B and I had to
abandon everything we own there, we hardly made it... The Lord tried us by fire today,
we saw Satan today... I can't wait to talk to you Brother, I will call you as soon as I'm
recovered. Praise the Lord though, it's turned out to be a blessing for the D, S, her
family and B and I... The testimony is amazing, I wish I could remember all of what

Thanks for your prayer Brother, and I will pray for you that our Lord Jesus Christ would
keep Taylor and you safe...

Your Brother in Christ,


go here for much more

 contending fortruth  .  com/wp-content/uploads/Ed-Watson-Warning-Separating-Truth-From-Lies.pdf


United States of America

Ed Watson Runs from the truth

#42Consumer Comment

Tue, November 27, 2012

Ed Watson is the one who refuses to deal with stuffy one on one and goes and slanders people publicly. So it's Watson who isn't following the instructions of Matt. 18. Ed attacked pastor Adams without going to him. Ed attacked Scott Johnson without going directly to him. Ed  was formally invited  and asked to meet with elders and refused. Ed Watson is a wolf who is seeking to tear others apart. He is also a cowardly person who will not submit his life to the scrutiny he so desperately needs.


United States of America

I Know This Guy Kelly P. Gallagher

#42Consumer Comment

Thu, July 26, 2012

We went to Kelly Gallagher's house for a sunday morning Bible study. We went a few times. His demeanor is questionable, the house was dirty, the language and jokes he and another guy were cracking were very dirty too. Kelly comes across as very condemning too. I think he needs to get some things straight in his own life.

When we moved into town we were referred to Kelly but he wasn't interested in helping us. We never heard back from him.

After having personal experience with this guy Kelly, I started doing some research on him. The first thing you may notice is that there is another guy with the same name in Fort Worth. But the Kelly here is Kelly. P. Gallagher who claims himself to be a pastor.

Concerned for Ed Watson''s Victims

United States of America

big shot

#42Author of original report

Tue, April 17, 2012

So you met Ed Watson just once as I thought and you know him?  Come on dude you are showing your lack of wisdom and then bragging about your 35 yrs and discernment and messages.  amateur

Sounds like you need to manifest your own demons Kelly Gallagher and I think they are manifested here by you defending a known wolf.   God and a lot of others know Ed's a wolf.  Good luck, you stand alone at defending Ed Watson. 

There are differences of belief for sure but Ed's been exposed by others for years now for what he has done to other people.  you may not agree with the men who are exposing Ed Watson but they aren't even exposing him about doctrine so much as his immoral ways.    You are going to be the one left holding the bag on this one Mr. big shot.

pastor kelly

Fort Worth,
United States of America

mr. discernment

#42General Comment

Mon, April 16, 2012

I Have talked to Ed Watson many many times on the phone, I spent the weekend with him and his family and plan to spend more. I Don't need to see a person more than a few times to discern. I Have looked into the matters with Dixon and Sam Adams And much of the criticism of Ed Watson. What I Get out of it basically is that I agree that they are both heretics And that none other accusatons have any merit.. you I said all I need to hear about your level of discernmenton if you can listen to the seven divide and sink that is lightweight. He Just manifested your demons as I have been doing for 35 years. Get Some deliverance dude.

Concerned for Ed Watson''s Victims

United States of America

No way

#42Author of original report

Sun, April 15, 2012

Kelly Gallagher, you keep on sounding so proud of yourself. I listened to that message and your stuff is not "heavyweight" at all . like I said, I am not impressed.  I could care less about your "35 year" bull  either.  Woopee do dude. Your pride is making me sick man. Your judgment is off for sure. It's not what other people are saying for sure. They are exposing Ed Watson as a wolf. Just google "pastor Ed Watson." It seems like there are like a bunch of people slamming Ed now and not just Sam Adams and Dixon.     And you are saying that Ed Watson is pure and loving? How well do you know Watson Kelly Gallagher? How many times have you met with Ed Watson in person Kelly? Once? And you are saying this about him? Let me get this straight Kelly, you are giving your full support to this man after meeting him just one time in person? Did you not think before you wrote this?   Isn't that silly if you have only met him one time? Doesn't a juvenile know better than that?  now there is another guy saying Ed abuses people on face book.

pastor kelly

Fort Worth,
United States of America

pastor sam adams

#42General Comment

Thu, April 12, 2012

I Must admit that I did not have firsthand knowledge that your daughter had sex with the demon. I Do however know that you are a heretic Calvinist millennial exclusion teacher. You Say that I will regret knowing Ed Watson. I Have met Ed and his beautiful wife and children And I have never in my 35 years as a Christian seen such pure, loving people. I I personally listen to phone conversations with Mr. Dixon and Ed, And I believe that Mr. Dixon is the liar. He Did endorse the heretic book by Joey Faust.

I Have personally met some of the most spiritual people in the world including Richard Wurmbrand and Win Worley. Ed is up there. When I said that Ed is the only non- heretic pastor that I know of I was not kidding. If You really bothered to listen to the 2 1/2 hour sermon I gave at his house, you Would know that that was heavyweight stuff and that very few pastors in the world have all seven correct. If None of the things that it accuses you of Personally are true I would still write you and Mr. Dixon off as heretics

Kelly Gallagher

pastor kelly

Fort Worth,
United States of America

pastor sam adams

#42General Comment

Thu, April 12, 2012

I Must admit that I did not have firsthand knowledge that your daughter had sex with the demon. I Do however know that you are a heretic Calvinist millennial exclusion teacher. You Say that I will regret knowing Ed Watson. I Have met Ed and his beautiful wife and children And I have never in my 35 years as a Christian seen such pure, loving people. I I personally listen to phone conversations with Mr. Dixon and Ed, And I believe that Mr. Dixon is the liar. He Did endorse the heretic book by Joey Faust.

I Have personally met some of the most spiritual people in the world including Richard Wurmbrand and Win Worley. Ed is up there. When I said that Ed is the only non- heretic pastor that I know of I was not kidding. If You really bothered to listen to the 2 1/2 hour sermon I gave at his house, you Would know that that was heavyweight stuff and that very few pastors in the world have all seven correct. If None of the things that it accuses you of Personally are true I would still write you and Mr. Dixon off as heretics

Kelly Gallagher

Concerned for Ed Watson''s Victims

United States of America

Where did Kelly go?

#42Author of original report

Sun, February 26, 2012

I guess the big shot pastor petered out here. Kelly Gallagher doesn't even know how to spell shepherd and then makes the excuse that he was on his phone when he wrote that.  he says nothing of God but then talks about how great he is with his 35 years of doing this and that.  Blah, blah, blah. This guy is a joke. When Ed Watson turns on you mr. big shot Kelly Gallagher, mr. 35 yrs of greatness is going to see how much he lacked discernment when he backed and defended Ed Watson the wolf.

Concerned for Ed Watson''s Victims

United States of America

Where's the hate?

#42Author of original report

Thu, February 16, 2012

The hate is from Ed Watson who uses the internet to attack others as he did with pastor Adams, Scott Johnson and others.   He has not stopped and is not repenting and is therefore not in the kingdom.



Matthew 18:15-17

#42Consumer Comment

Thu, February 16, 2012

The message Jesus is trying to get across here is that you should approach a brother privately about his sin, then have one or two others come with you, then bring him before the church, and if he still won't listen, exclude him from the church. So a few points:

  • The verse makes it clear this is a "within the church thing," not an "air it out on thing". That is why it emphasizes that the first rebuke should be alone, and ends with it still staying within the church.

  • "Treat him as a publican (i.e. tax collector)" does not mean "flame him," it means to maybe exclude him from the church. Remember how Jesus treated tax collectors (and how that offended the fundamentalists of the day).

  • While often "church" refers to the brotherhood as a whole, in this case it refers to the local Christian communities, and in this case would refer to the conventional meaning of "church". In other words, since he is not a member of your local brotherhood in the first place, you have even less of a reason to keep on about this.

  • The whole point of this verse is that after a few tries, you should give up. In other words, this constant harping is exactly what Jesus is saying not to do.

  • Most importantly, a rebuke should not have the kind of bile we see here. 

These types of verses are too often used as an excuse to flame, with the obligatory "we need to point out his errors to warn the sheep" thing. But all the sheep have to do is look at his website for two seconds to see what he is all about; when it comes to flaming the brethren, he is obviously so far off from what Jesus said that I am not even bothering to direct this post at him. I mean, if anyone looks at his site and still wants to go to his church, nothing you say will warn them off anyway.

You know what? Even the vast majority of atheists who do NOT believe the Bible know that if you hate someone this much (and make no mistake, this is hate, not "righteous anger," "throwing our the money changers," or any such excuse) you just have nothing to do with him, and move on with your life. 

I guess I'll take my own counsel and leave this as my last rebuke. My guess is that it will fall on deaf ears, as if one wants to hate they can always find an excuse for it in scripture (and frankly, I am pretty sure Semora, NC is not exactly a hotbed of tolerance).

Concerned for Ed Watson''s Victims

United States of America

Mt. 18:15-17

#42Author of original report

Wed, February 15, 2012

Obeying Jesus means that we mark the wolves operating in the fold and call them out to repent or be removed.  Ed Watson is such a wolf and he has and is being called to repent.  Pastor Adams and other pastors sought to meet with Ed to deal with Ed Watson's vicious slander of pastor Adams. Ed Watson denied them the meeting and still denies he did anything wrong with pastor Adams and others he has attacked.   So, according to what Jesus taught in Matthew 18:15-17, the other steps had to be taken:

"Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother.  But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican."    Matthew 18:15-17

Concerned for Ed Watson''s Victims

United States of America

Ed Watson is a slanderous wolf

#42Author of original report

Wed, February 15, 2012

Bob, there's more to life in Christ than just putting up words of truth and you know that. Ed Watson is correctly being marked for his continual slander against members of the Lord's body and he has refused to receive correction. none of this would be necessary if Ed had just repented.  Many have called him to repent over what he has done and he has refused.   Now it seems that he is being openly exposed by many.  Search his name on google..   here is just one of the people Ed Watson has viciously slandered:

My main purpose in this letter is to sound a warning to any that may trust Ed Watson as a respectable preacher of the gospel, that I personally know Ed Watson to be an absolute fraud, a doctrinal heretic, a slandering talebearer and a treacherous backstabber who maliciously and consistently betrays those whom he pretends to befriend, who also maliciously betrays those who confide in him for his so-called "counsel" as he extracts intimate details of their personal lives under the cloak of "pastoring" them, only to later publicize such information against them when they do not perform according to his controlling desires or when it appears he will be exposed. Ed Watson is a rabid, ravening wolf in sheep's clothing, one whom I would strongly encourage you to publicly withdraw from for the sake of your ministry.

Ed Watson is a doctrinal heretic, a pathological liar without conscience, a malicious  talebearer, a sower of intentional discord among brethren, a devilish "accuser of the brethren," an adulterous borderline sexual predator, a ravening wolf in sheep's clothing and a true menace to the body of Christ in general. He ruthlessly attacked me, my family, and our church, as he
has several others. Ed truly fits Peter's description in 2 Pet. 2:1-22 of false brethren and false teachers to a tee: Ed is a malicious, rabid monster who apparently turns on every person he pretends to befriend.  He will have much to answer for at the judgment seat of Christ, if he is saved, which I truly doubt. Pastor Sam Adams



Lunatic Fringe

#42Consumer Comment

Wed, February 15, 2012

Both of the sides that are spewing their venom at each other are cut from the same cloth as the "God Hates f@gs" church - a tiny handful of people who use the name of Jesus as an excuse to puff themselves up. Of course they don't know him. Heck, they probably never even met him. They may read Jesus' message in the Bible, but they do not seem to be really into the whole "actually do what he says" thing.

"And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? Whosoever cometh to me, and heareth my sayings, and doeth them, I will shew you to whom he is like: He is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock: and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house, and could not shake it: for it was founded upon a rock. But he that heareth, and doeth not, is like a man that without a foundation built an house upon the earth; against which the stream did beat vehemently, and immediately it fell; and the ruin of that house was great." - Luke 6:46-49

Concerned for Ed Watson''s Victims

United States of America

Ed Watson is a slanderous wolf

#42Author of original report

Wed, February 15, 2012

Bob, there's more to life in Christ than just putting up words of truth and you know that. Ed Watson is correctly being marked for his continual slander against members of the Lord's body and he has refused to receive correction. none of this would be necessary if Ed had just repented.  Many have called him to repent over what he has done and he has refused.   Now it seems that he is being openly exposed by many.  Search his name on google..   here is just one of the people Ed Watson has viciously slandered:

My main purpose in this letter is to sound a warning to any that may trust Ed Watson as a respectable preacher of the gospel, that I personally know Ed Watson to be an absolute fraud, a doctrinal heretic, a slandering talebearer and a treacherous backstabber who maliciously and consistentlybetrays those whom he pretends to befriend, who also maliciously betrays those who confide in him for his so-called "counsel" as he extracts intimate details of their personal lives under the cloak of "pastoring" them, only to later publicize such information against them when they do not perform according to his controlling desires or when it appears he will be exposed. Ed Watson is a rabid, ravening wolf in sheep's clothing, one whom I would strongly encourage you to publicly withdraw from for the sake of your ministry.

Ed Watson is a doctrinal heretic, a pathological liar without conscience, a malicious  talebearer, a sower of intentional discord among brethren, a devilish "accuser of the brethren," an adulterous borderline sexual predator, a ravening wolf in sheep's clothing and a true menace to the body of Christ in general. He ruthlessly attacked me, my family, and our church, as he
has several others. Ed truly fits Peter's description in 2 Pet. 2:1-22 of false brethren and false teachers to a tee: Ed is a malicious, rabid monster who apparently turns on every person he pretends to befriend.  He will have much to answer for at the judgment seat of Christ, if he is saved, which I truly doubt. Pastor Sam Adams

Robert Walker

Lake Worth,
United States of America

I would trust Lighthouse Baptist - based on

#42Consumer Comment

Wed, February 15, 2012

I am an ordained chaplain with a master's degree in the Bible. I studied the Bible versions issue for one year. Lighthouse and Ed use the KJV Holy Bible and I would trust that Bible. Based on what I see on his website I would trust Ed and attend his ministry if I lived there.

I perform funerals at the South Florida Veterans cemetery as a VOLUNTEER and do not ever demand or beg for money. I am not a paid shrill.

The NIV is the most popular (per) version of the unholy bible and is copyrighted - you must get permission and pay to use it. The exclusive printer of the NIV Perversion is Zondervan and they are owned by Harper - Collins, a news corp company. You know Fox (faux) news and Rupert Murdock. 

Harper collins prints the satanic bible by the church of satan (yes there is such a thing) and the joys of gay sex, a how to guide. The Bible says how can two walk together except they be in agreement. How about birds of a feather walk together.

Ed's resources are excellent - G. Riplinger, Dr. Dino for evolution debate. He is a NON 501 C 3 church and is not beholden to the Government for doctrine. Google "501 C 3 church" and see what pops up and turn off the TV and study what doctrines of devils are involved with these Gov churches.

Whoever is spreading this slander against Lighthouse Baptist Church is mostly likely Satan and his minions of followers. But one day this will be manifested before Jesus.

I would ignore what I believe are these false accusations based upon what I see the circles that Ed runs in. I am Chaplain Bob and I am in South Florida. 


United States of America

Really? Men of God?

#42General Comment

Wed, February 15, 2012

It seems to me the only rip off here is religion.

Concerned for Ed Watson''s Victims

United States of America

Who Says?

#42Author of original report

Wed, February 15, 2012

How do you know that's true Kelly?
That's your problem, you believe this slandering wolf, Ed Watson.
That shows your lack of discernment!
Where's the proof of this stuff you are saying Kelly?
Who says?
You are one condemning person man.
You sound bitter and envious, full of misery.


Concerned for Ed Watson''s Victims

United States of America

Who Says?

#42Author of original report

Wed, February 15, 2012

How do you know that's true Kelly?
That's your problem, you believe this slandering wolf, Ed Watson.
That shows your lack of discernment!
Where's the proof of this stuff you are saying Kelly?
Who says?
You are one condemning person man.
You sound bitter and envious, full of misery.


pastor kelly

Fort Worth,
United States of America


#42REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, February 15, 2012

Why dont you say your name you coward. Sam Adams daughter has sex with a demon, as pastorx he is a great ruler of his house. You are defending a filthy heretic.

Kelly Gallagher

Concerned for Ed Watson''s Victims

United States of America

The Joke's on you Kelly Gallagher

#42Author of original report

Tue, February 14, 2012

First off, you are supporting and defending a known wolf named Ed Watson. How long have you studied who you are supporting?  You need to get a little bit of a clue man.

also, you seem very proud of your accomplishments you are claiming, kinda like a proud Pharisee.  I was not impressed with your site kelly, sorry man.

pastor kelly

Fort Worth,
United States of America

You are the joke

#42REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, February 12, 2012

If You really look at my website And had an ounce of discernment you would know that this is the real thing.
In My opinion anyone who is on the wrong side of the seven divides is the heretic. I I have been preaching and teaching for 35 years. All You can point out is a few spelling mistakes since I did that on my cell phone. The Truth is that Sam Adams and yourself most likely a Calvinist heretics And lightweight on the word of God. If You visited my website and listen to the over 300 hours teaching, You couldn't say that I said nothing at all. Go Hey I didn't keep defending Sam Adams and his ilk, You were showing yourself to be what you are, An under discerning and lightweight Christian

pastor kelly

Fort Worth,
United States of America

You are the joke

#42REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, February 12, 2012

If You really look at my website And had an ounce of discernment you would know that this is the real thing.
In My opinion anyone who is on the wrong side of the seven divides is the heretic. I I have been preaching and teaching for 35 years. All You can point out is a few spelling mistakes since I did that on my cell phone. The Truth is that Sam Adams and yourself most likely a Calvinist heretics And lightweight on the word of God. If You visited my website and listen to the over 300 hours teaching, You couldn't say that I said nothing at all. Go Hey I didn't keep defending Sam Adams and his ilk, You were showing yourself to be what you are, An under discerning and lightweight Christian

Concerned for Ed Watson''s Victims

United States of America

This guy Kelly Gallagher is a joke

#42Author of original report

Sun, February 12, 2012

Who is Kelly Gallagher? Are you kidding? This guy doesn't even know how to spell shepherd!
Oh and Ed Watson is the only non heretical pastor Kelly knows? Come on Kelly, you got to be kidding me.  No one is going to believe a word you say with that type of foolish language. The world over, there are no good pastors to believe and give out the truth..oh except Kelly and Ed right? Again, give us a break Kelly Gallagher. You are a dufus.

First of all, it says something bad about you that you would try to defend a man being exposed widely, like Ed Watson who is a ravenous wolf. You are trying to cover for him here but he's going to get you in the end.  To associate yourself with such a wolf as Edward Watson is to go down with him.  You better wise up and oh, you need a spelling lesson or two if anyone is going to respect you. And wisdom to be humble and truly discerning.

I looked up your site man.  You need a lesson in presentation too.  You put me to sleep with your dragging on and on and on and no saying much. Boring.

Concerned for Ed Watson''s Victims

United States of America

The news is getting out

#42Author of original report

Wed, February 08, 2012

It all seems to be catching up with Ed Watson now. instead of recanting, all he is doing is trying to cover his tracks.   But he can't hide any more.  ed has ruthlessly attached so many people including a real pastor or two like Dr. Scott Johnson and Sam Adams.    Ed Watson has many other victims.  Ed Watson is one of the most ravenous wolves in the country today.  He is very seductive.   Ed will flatter you, smooze you, and tell you how much he likes you and your ministry and then bam, he will then out of nowhere rip into you and begin a whole campaign against you.   Be careful if you think this guy
is your friend. Ed is a demon possessed madman and will turn on you in a

He did this very thing to pastor Sam and other people.

Concerned for Ed Watson''s Victims

United States of America

Ed is not accountable and does not want to repent

#42Author of original report

Mon, February 06, 2012

The problem is that Ed Watson is not a Christian. He has been approached by a whole lot of people and refuses to listen or meet with them. He won't be accountable. the steps Christ gave in Matt. 18 have been followed. So, this falls under different guidelines.  Ed is the problem and he has to be shown for who he really is to the church and the world so he will hopefully repent and undo the things he has done by lying about  other people.  When he eventually turns on his little cronies as he has done with so many others, they are going to see.



Y'all might want to crack open a Bible every now and then.

#42Consumer Comment

Sat, February 04, 2012

If you did, you might read oh, say, 1 Corinthians 6:1-7. For those that cannot get bast the actual words of scripture to see the true message, substitute "flaming on ripoffreport" for "suing in court" - the message Paul is trying to get across is that instead of airing grievances in front of unbelievers, keep that crap in-house. And if you still can't see eye to eye (as is evidently the case here), then drop it and STFU:

Since it seems that at least one of you is a "KJV-only" type (which substitutes nostalgia for godliness, but that's another discussion), I'll use that version first:

1Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unjust, and not before the saints? 2Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? 3Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life? 4If then ye have judgments of things pertaining to this life, set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church. 5I speak to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you? no, not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren? 6But brother goeth to law with brother, and that before the unbelievers. 7Now therefore there is utterly a fault among you, because ye go to law one with another. Why do ye not rather take wrong? why do ye not rather suffer yourselves to be defrauded?

And for those that were born after 1930, here is the NIV:

1 If any of you has a dispute with another, do you dare to take it before the ungodly for judgment instead of before the Lords people? 2 Or do you not know that the Lords people will judge the world? And if you are to judge the world, are you not competent to judge trivial cases? 3 Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more the things of this life! 4 Therefore, if you have disputes about such matters, do you ask for a ruling from those whose way of life is scorned in the church? 5 I say this to shame you. Is it possible that there is nobody among you wise enough to judge a dispute between believers? 6 But instead, one brother takes another to courtand this in front of unbelievers! 7 The very fact that you have lawsuits among you means you have been completely defeated already. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be cheated?



A bunch of crap

#42Consumer Comment

Sat, February 04, 2012

This is the biggest bunch of crap outside the psychics rantings.

I'm not sure which is worse.

Concerned for Ed Watson''s Victims

United States of America

More lying and deceit

#42Author of original report

Sat, February 04, 2012

It's obvious to those who will do a bit of research that there are a slew of people Ed Watson has ambushed and bashed. his act here is to cover his tracks and make people believe he is innocent. so he got his little cronies on here to defend him but that does not change the truth and the truth is that a whole lot of people are exposing ed watson. Why? he's been attacking people for a long time and has not admitted it or change his ways and apologized. until he does, he is going to be exposed. And yes, pastor Sam Adams did officially as Ed to meet with him and other pastors to discuss the matter of Ed viciously attacking him without first going to Sam. Liar, liar!

Concerned for Ed Watson''s Victims

United States of America

Link to this situation

#42Author of original report

Thu, January 26, 2012

Concerned for Ed Watson''s Victims

United States of America

Ed Watson has not Recanted

#42Author of original report

Thu, January 26, 2012

I am not convinced with this rhetoric that is trying to cover for this guy.    And by the way Ed was invited to meet before Pastor Adams and other pastors and Ed Watson wormed out.   So, the attempt to follow the discipline instructions in Matthew 18 have been made but Ed Watson did not want to submit.    Sam Adams was my pastor at the time and Ed Watson spammed our network with lies about Sam Adams and his family whom I know very well. The lies were totally made up. This is not a doctrinal issue but one of character. Ed Watson has not yet repented over this and his attacks on other people.  It has come to my understanding that Ed continues to unjustly jump on other people and has never repented of what he is doing to cause rifts in the church.   If you think Ed Watson is your friend, you are going to find out he isn't in the end when he decides to turn on you.  Ed pretended to be friends with Sam A. and then turned on him viciously.   you   are defending a man who does not want to recant what he has done and it's just wrong



How much did Jesus talk about doctrine?

#42Consumer Comment

Thu, January 26, 2012

If someone is slandering the other, that is one thing. But the fact that this all seems to have sprung from doctrinal differences shows that you BOTH need to be spending more time in prayer.

The "fundies" of Jesus' time were also obsessed with such things. They would pepper him with questions about things such as who sinned to cause a child to be born blind, which wife a man would have during the Resurrection, etc. The whole idea of "being incorrect about something is a sin" is EXACTLY what was wrong with Jesus' contemporaries. 

When we die, it will not be a theological quiz that gets us into heaven; otherwise all the Pharisees would be there. It is whether we know Jesus or not. And it would seem you guys need to be reintroduced to him. 

Do I believe in "once saved, always saved"? No; the Bible clearly does not indicate this is true. But if my brother thinks differently, it does not make him no longer my brother. 

Ed Watson

United States of America

Wow! Satan, is that you again?

#42REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, January 26, 2012

   In case anyone was wondering, no Sam has never approached me, nor have his co-conspirators. How do you defend yourself from such nonsense? If I accused Sam of trying to molest my daughter while we were at his house what then would he say except he didn't do it? Some would believe the accusation no matter what was said afterward. One would have to see if he ever molested anyone else, because it is reasonable to assume that once a sexual predator always a sexual predator barring a genuine miracle (which is rare in such cases).  I have NEVER been accused of ANY immoral conduct EVER until Sam Adams and his friends.

  The Apostle Paul was also accused of many grievous charges that must have sounded very similar to the charges you lay against me, and all with not one shed of empirical evidence. Paul also had more than one accuser, yet no real provable proof. To be accused of being a sexual predator is laughable. This coming from one I counseled not to m********e as it was fornication and is sin. Tell me how do I counsel one NOT to so much as m********e, encourage them to renew their mind and live a pure and holy life unto God and at the same time try to seduce them? Just how does that work?! 

The facts are that I cannot say everything here that if I could I would clearly be vindicated. I will not give details to clear myself that in so doing would kill the reputation of another, even if that other person is trying to destroy mine with what they know are outright lies, half-truths, and misleading exaggerations. The Bible says where there is strife and envy there is every evil work. It speaks of it as being a work of Satan. I will not throw fuel to the fire while trying to pretend I am doing it to "protect others."

  The Devil always attempts to get man to fight against flesh and blood and walk in the flesh. I refuse to swallow the bait. I know who my real enemy is and he does not have flesh and blood, but uses the children of disobedience to do his bidding.

  Jesus said what so ever we do to the least of these my brethren ye have done it unto me. He tells us to bless those who curse us and to do good to those who try to harm us. Calvinism, that wicked doctrine that allows man to sin his way to heaven, allows for any disobedience of the commandments of Jesus with a free ticket to Heaven. Sam tried to get me to believe the heresy of Kingdom Exclusion theology which is basically in a nutshell Baptist Purgatory. They believe this because they believe in the false doctrine of Once Saved Always Saved. This doctrine came from the Garden of Eden and was introduced by the serpent and is the same basic repackaged lie that says "Ye shall not surely die..." saying God will not send you to hell, for doing wickedness and sinning, because you are his child, you are saved and you can never be unsaved. The entire Bible from cover to cover teaches against such a lie. Because they see apparent punishment for Christians, they turned it into temporal punishment because they believe OSAS. Never questioning that doctrine, they invented what is the Baptist equivalent of the Roman Catholic doctrine of purgatory, a place of temporal punishment after death.  I don't have time to go over it hear, but refute it as a doctrine of devils on

  The other problem they have with me is their basic worldview of being anti-government. Now I know there is a move towards a one world government, and that our government can use some serious improvement, but God tells us that it is a curse we bring on ourselves because of OUR sin. That the real remedy is to fast and pray in repentance, to humble ourselves, then God will hear us and heal our land.

  When I visited Sam they had a "hurricane preparedness meeting" which was code for an end of days KKK like gun show. The only thing missing was hoods and a burning cross. But they did have real live satanists there. The one I spoke to had a pentagram tattooed on his forearm. They were told by the man who put it together to "hide their pentagrams and to not try to proselytize the Christians!" This I heard with my own ears by the "Minister" who put it together. To be fair Sam did not attend, because I found out he was at odds with another minister who was there. But all those who attended his church were there. Now if that is an "attack" then I stand corrected.

  I can say that when things turned the way they did, I was very hurt. I loved and still love Sam and his family. I wish them the best and I pray God will give him peace and soften his heart. It still hurts to see him seething after 3+ years.

  For the record, I have never cheated on my wife. I love her, she is my friend and confidant, she is a gift from heaven. Oh and I almost forgot, I am with my children 24/7. I also have NEVER counseled a woman alone, I am very much aware of Satan's traps and give no ground in those areas.  We have four left at home, they, my wife, my work, and ministry take up all my time and I would not have it any other way. You can believe whatever you want. I find evil people love to hear evil, they love to think evil of others and highly of themselves. This is a danger we all should avoid, for it is a temptation and comes from the enemy of our souls. Sam I am genuinely hurt that you are hurt, but you need to stop believing convenient lies and believe the hard truth. When you can face it, you can grieve, be healed and be used mightily of God.

Rom_12:3  For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.

Rom_12:17  Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men.

Rom_12:21  Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.

Tit_3:2  To speak evil of no man, to be no brawlers, but gentle, shewing all meekness unto all men.

1Pe_3:16  Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ.

Php_2:3  Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.

Pro_20:3  It is an honour for a man to cease from strife: but every fool will be meddling.

Pro_15:18  A wrathful man stirreth up strife: but he that is slow to anger appeaseth strife.

Pro_28:25  He that is of a proud heart stirreth up strife: but he that putteth his trust in the LORD shall be made fat.

Pro_29:22  An angry man stirreth up strife, and a furious man aboundeth in transgression.

Pro 17:4  A wicked doer giveth heed to false lips; and a liar giveth ear to a naughty tongue.

Pro_22:24  Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou shalt not go:

The Lord Bless you Sam, I pray you can find the Lord's power to forgive and walk in the power of godliness. I pray the Lord uses you to further his kingdom, in the name of Jesus.



United States of America


#42Consumer Comment

Thu, January 26, 2012

 I know for a fact Sam Adams has NOT approached Pastor Ed. As time goes by Sam's lies continue to grow. Pastor Ed has been in ministry for 20+ years and has NEVER had ANYONE question his integrity in any way in all those years....until Sam Adams! Pastor Ed has never once "attacked his family or church." Never said a word or wrote a single word against either his family or his church. Sam Adams is a Once Saved Always Saved Baptist Purgatory heretic. While he preaches once saved always saved it is clear that he does not believe it in Pastor Ed's case. He cannot refute Pastor Ed's doctrine, or the truth Pastor Ed has said, so he rails, slanders, libels, and hates Pastor Ed, who has shed many tears praying for Sam and his family, whom he still loves. The truth is that the spirit in Sam Adams is clearly not the Holy Spirit. The "attacks" were in form of explanation as to why Sam Adams began his crusade against Pastor Ed. He was forced to reveal things that he did not want to only after counseling with a pastor friend of Adams who counseled him to tell Sam of what witchcraft, fornication, drug use, and apparitions (devils) appearing in Sam's house, after counseling with a family member. This member constantly called Pastor Ed and Pastor Ed's wife was on almost every call listening in for his protection. Other calls were recorded for the same purpose. There is not one shred of proof to anything Sam charges. This is nothing new for these types of false accusations were levied against Paul and promised by Jesus. The spirit (evil) here seems to be one of extreme hatred and one of persecution rather than one of reconciliation born of a spirit of love. You can almost feel the desire of Sam to see Ed judged rather than converted if need be. This may be the same spirit that possessed Sam's hero John Calvin to burn people at the stake.

You know to see a so called man of God viciously attack under the guise of "protecting people" is a farce Hellen Keller could see through. If he had the power I have little doubt he would have Ed burned at the stake, as he is trying to do symbolically through his latest post.

Sam has turned many from the faith with his false doctrine including a young convert from his church when he told him that the Bible has contradictions in it. This young man called Pastor Ed out of desperation saying "a minister told him there were contradictions and mistakes in his KJV Bible" Pastor Ed told him whoever that minister was was from Satan and not a man of God, not knowing at the time it was Sam Adams who told him that. Pastor Ed talked to Sam about this "minister of Satan" not knowing it was Sam himself. When it came to light it was Sam, Pastor Ed asked him why he did such a thing? Do you know what you did to that young man's faith? What were you trying to prove? Sam's reply? "I don't have to answer to you!"

As far as Pastor Ed being adulterous, do you have anyone you know he committed adultery with? Or is it your contention that because he is remarried for almost twenty years, and very happily at that, that he is an adulterer? If so why was it not a problem when you were his "friend" and asked him to preach in your church? Why when he was at your house was he "sent from God" to save your daughter's life, and blessed you in so many ways when you were down, but when you found out he rejects your Calvinism you attacked and hated him? Why did you believe the best when you thought he believed like you and then believe the worst when you find out he actually fears God?

Did you know his former wife deeply respects him as a man of God, I think she knows him better than you do Sam. Did you know his oldest son was saved and is living for Christ in holiness and purity? Can you say the same Sam? I see the fruit that Pastor Ed has produced over the years. I see he hates sin and loves people. I see he knows our battle is not against flesh and blood, do you Sam? While you consider him as your enemy and do everything you can to malign him, I see the contrast in your rebellion against the clear teaching of scripture. You or Scott Johnson never once approached him, but instead gathered all the "evidence" you could behind his back and then would not hear the other side, nor did you care to. You became his judge. Who has no conscience? I know he cried when he found himself to be betrayed by you all. He never saw it coming because he believed the best about you, and I know he prayed for you, I heard it myself!

I am surprised you have not accused him of being a child molester yet! Like Paul's accusers you have no proof because all you say and repeat are lies. Emails from others who hate the truth does not constitute "proof."  I know for a fact that one of the people you and Scott Johnson use as "Proof" is a practicing witch who admits she has trouble refraining from casting spells on people, yet to you she is a "dear sister."

To answer the question directly has Sam ever gone privately to Pastor Ed and to his church, no he has not. In fact him and Scott Johnson outright refused to hear anything in defense of Pastor Ed. Jesus promised that we as Christians would be blessed by having our name cast out as evil, of being all manner of evil said against us, and being falsely accused. I have heard nothing from Pastor Ed except him teaching us to love our enemies and to do good to those who despitefully use us and to bless those who curse us. I see him blessing and you cursing Sam. I see you hating the light and hiding in the dark. All I have seen is him bless you and you curse him. What Bible are you obeying? Oh that's right you teach to obey is legalism and proves you were never saved to begin with but to sin is

Isa 66:5  Hear the word of the LORD, ye that tremble at his word; Your brethren that hated you, that cast you out for my name's sake, said, Let the LORD be glorified: but he shall appear to your joy, and they shall be ashamed.

Act 25:7  And when he was come, the Jews which came down from Jerusalem stood round about, and laid MANY AND GRIEVOUS COMPLAINTS against Paul, which THEY COULD NOT PROVE.

Luk 6:22  Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake.
Luk 6:23  Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven: for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets.

Lam_3:52  Mine enemies chased me sore, like a bird, without cause.

Pro 17:4  A wicked doer giveth heed to false lips; and a liar giveth ear to a naughty tongue.

Pro 17:13  Whoso rewardeth evil for good, evil shall not depart from his house.

Rev_12:10  And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the ACCUSER OF OUR BRETHREN is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.

Mat_5:44  But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

Luk_6:28  Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.

Rom_12:14  Bless them which persecute you: bless, and curse not.

From what I have read Pastor Ed blessed you by giving and giving when you could (would?) not work to feed your family, and you have railed and conspired with others to rail against him. Did anyone ever mention that Pastor Ed obviously loves his wife? That he homeschools his children while working from home and blesses people that you have no clue about? That his friends have been with him for many many years and you he only met once? That he is loyal and generous and loves people? Even Jesus was hated but he did not hate back and I see Pastor Ed as someone although hated never hates in return. You have no idea the things he has been through.

I will say in closing that you obviously are not a forgiving person, and the bible warns it is you Sam who are in danger of judgement and hell fire. Please repent and go to Pastor Ed, I know he would love to hear from you and would rejoice if you would repent!

Mat 18:22  Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven.
Mat 18:23  Therefore is the kingdom of heaven likened unto a certain king, which would take account of his servants.
Mat 18:24  And when he had begun to reckon, one was brought unto him, which owed him ten thousand talents.
Mat 18:25  But forasmuch as he had not to pay, his lord commanded him to be sold, and his wife, and children, and all that he had, and payment to be made.
Mat 18:26  The servant therefore fell down, and worshipped him, saying, Lord, have patience with me, and I will pay thee all.
Mat 18:27  Then the lord of that servant was moved with compassion, and loosed him, and forgave him the debt.
Mat 18:28  But the same servant went out, and found one of his fellowservants, which owed him an hundred pence: and he laid hands on him, and took him by the throat, saying, Pay me that thou owest.
Mat 18:29  And his fellowservant fell down at his feet, and besought him, saying, Have patience with me, and I will pay thee all.
Mat 18:30  And he would not: but went and cast him into prison, till he should pay the debt.
Mat 18:31  So when his fellowservants saw what was done, they were very sorry, and came and told unto their lord all that was done.
Mat 18:32  Then his lord, after that he had called him, said unto him, O thou wicked servant, I forgave thee all that debt, because thou desiredst me:
Mat 18:33  Shouldest not thou also have had compassion on thy fellowservant, even as I had pity on thee?
Mat 18:34  And his lord was wroth, and delivered him to the tormentors, till he should pay all that was due unto him.
Mat 18:35  So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you, if ye from your hearts forgive not every one his brother their trespasses.

pastor kelly

Fort Worth,
United States of America

Who is the false shephard?

#42General Comment

Thu, January 26, 2012

I have spoken at pastor Ed watsons home church and have observed his family. If you would like to hear that sermon, go to and click the audio tab. The sermon is titled, The Seven Divides. Pastor Ed is in full agreement with these seven doctrinal divides. Sam Adams is the hereticx who teaches calvinism and Millenial Exclusion, which is a Protestant purgatory. Ed has been generous with Sam even when Sam denied the faith by not feeding his own family through laziness. I work full time ans go to college full time while serving as a home church pastor. Sam Adams is not only a heretic, but has rendered evil in return for good that pastor Ed has done for him. According ti psalm 109 Sam is cursed by Gos with the curse of the vagabond. Ed Watson is the only pastor I know that is not a heretic, but is 100% on all doxtrines. He even refuses to be a 501c3 corporation I bet Sam Adams is w 501c3.

Pastor Kelly Gallagher FORT WORTH, TX



Really ?

#42Consumer Comment

Wed, January 25, 2012

Indeed, exactly WHAT did he do ?  If he actually did anything, did you confront him with your concerns privately in person as the Bible says you should do ?  What was his response when you did this ?  If he refused to listen, did you then bring this matter before the church as the Bible says ?  What was their reaction to your accusations ? 

If this man is actually guilty of the things you claim, and you followed the Biblical procedures, I applaud you.  If not, then you're certainly no better than him.



In the interest of getting both sides of the story...

#42Consumer Comment

Wed, January 25, 2012

I sent a link to this Ripoff Report to

Maybe it will get pastor Watson's attention.



What did he do?

#42Consumer Comment

Tue, January 24, 2012

Ok, so you don't like the guy, but after all the silly name calling, what did he actually do wrong?

This report tells nothing.

Respond to this Report!