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  • Report:  #90633

Complaint Review: Pat Ellick Alias Pat Barry Alias Pat Bagley

Pat Ellick Alias Pat Barry Alias Pat Bagley Gold digger, marriage rip off artist, liar, vindictive, amoral, divorce rip off artist by career Sussex Or Saint John, Or Fredericton New Brunswick

  • Reported By:
    Sussex New Brunswick
  • Submitted:
    Sat, May 08, 2004
  • Updated:
    Sun, August 05, 2012
  • Pat Ellick Alias Pat Barry Alias Pat Bagley
    Sussex , New Brunswick
    Sussex, New Brunswick
  • Phone:
  • Category:

This woman has been married three times and does it for a living. Sucks the money out the the men she marries then makes the big claim she has been wronged.

Starts off real cute, gee I'm a great cook and own my own successful business. Oh and you should feel sorry for me because I'm adopted and my real mother didn't want me and I was sexually abused as a child. Well, who really knows if the abuse is true, one thing for sure this woman is an abuser.

Has never run a successful business, any to date the current husband of record has had to pay to bail her out of it. Has an itch to gamble, likes to run up the tab and then borrow money from your best friends without your knowledge. Men have been wrongly accused of adultery, sexual abuse, sexual perversion, mental abuse, physical abuse, you name it. It is all a big scam to then get the big divorce settlement no matter how badly she ruins the current husbands reputation, credit or bank account.

Beware of this black widow, an evil person with no conscience with self destructive tendencies. For all you future boyfriends, beware. If you don't believe me, contact her X husbands and I'm sure they will fill your boots.

Sussex, NorthWest Territories

7 Updates & Rebuttals


Saint John,
New Brunswick,

Just a tidbit I forgot about Jeff

#8REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, August 05, 2012

 Grandma Ellick never got to meet any of her grandchildren on Bob's side of the family due to the actions of the author of this report.  In fact, Bob, my ex, never spoke with his parents for years prior to his father's death.  I can never imagine not speaking with your parents, which Bob never spoke with his grandkids for a number of years either because I was never accepted in their family.  Things started early and that was because Bob and I had affair while he was married.  He called me to initiate the affair and the sons blamed me all their lives.  Yes I was half of the blame and take responsibility for that.  Scott or Jeff were estranged from their father and thus the grandkids were too, for years. 

I never scammed a soul in my life and especially friends or family.  The only money that ever crossed hands with friends was when Bob bailed his girlfriend, Cathy, out of her phone bill and electric bill while they were having an affair.  He told me this directly.  I even bailed her out once , so where you are getting these lies from must be a fantasy because not one soul would ever say I borrowed or owed anyone a dime.  I admit that when Bob was running with Cathy, I went into a deep depression and did not want my marriage to fail....I gambled for a year and a half but went to Bob and told him, or he would never have known.  I was honest with him and went to GA and Bob drove me there, so he knew when it was done.  I never owed a dime from our home because of this time but he knew that it was the situation that drove me there.  I am not afraid to admit the mistakes I have made but honesty has always been  a priority with me. 

To say I am number one, then why would I help you and your family on several occasions when the kids couldn't get picked up at the door when attending school.  Who was it that got the school bus to come directly to your door to pick up the kids.  Just one of the many deeds I did.  I allowed you to live at my home in East Saint John for which you never paid a dime over a couple of years...who took adavantage there?  Never liking me, you were using me and my situation. 

By the way, I can give you a number of names to speak with to verify abuse during my life including the abuse of your father.  He readily admitted to the marriage councellor about the abuse and she advised me to leave this man...he controls and abuses....then your father thought she was a freak, but up til then, she was great until he told her the story of our life.  Do you want her name because what was told is all on record?  I have nothing to hide. 

My big heart has helped multiple people out over my life span..including looking after my good friend and had her die in our home because she didn't want to die in the hospital...I tended her every item on her bucket list ....gave money to Bob's girlfriend, because she had no hydro...felt for the kids.  Just who have you helped besides yourself in your one because you are a greedy person and never think of anyone but yourself. 

This has to end because its only me on this side getting damaged but your family is totally exposed and all of you are being judged whereas it really isn't consequencial to my life.  So go on with your lies and rubbage but you aren't doing anything to help your impression to others.  So go on, do whatever you feel is helping you vent but it is what it is.  Try checking out your own report Jeff.  It's truthful and to the point about you. 


Saint John,
New Brunswick,

You initiated this malicious attack revealing yourself and your vengeance

#8REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, August 05, 2012

You definitely have revealed yourself to me who you are and a son of the abuser is bound to carry on the trait of the family.  All you have managed to do here is expose the entire Ellick family and air their dirty laundry...I am one person but you have defamed the entire is that working for you.  I am not a vendictive person and would never have been as low as you in initiating such lies but that is evident because this initial report was put on here right after the divorce was cemented and I never put a thing in here about any of the Ellicks until you tried you damdest to attack an innocent victim.  So Jeff, carry on with you lies all you want but, as I said before, you have been a gutless person for years, beating up your wife and kids and scared to death of anyone else, even your own brother, which I saw first hand.  So continue with your lies but you will continue to show how low handed and idiotic your are.  I will pray for your kids and wife they survive your wrath but its not looking good thus far.  I feel for you too, because you have a very demented mind but would be a result of your upbringing.  Take care and be a better person please in your last years because anything would be an improvement over your first 49.


New Brunswick,

Poor Pat, the habitual liar

#8Author of original report

Sun, August 05, 2012

     Yes, everyone else is to blame, everyone else has abused Pat. Your own words here tell all just what a witch you really are. I would have to be an idiot to reveal myself and be subject to your rage. I have known you since you were a teen, watched it all unfold and you disgust me really. Who really has the anger issues there Pat, lots of anger and rage in your words now for all to read.

     I recall your first marriage and I have asked quite a few of your "friends" but not one can recall this so called abuse, ever saw it or any evidence of it. I guess they are all liars and criminals too!! I'm sure your kids swear to it ......they don't have much choice really or they would suffer your rage. They actually feared you.

     A well established business.....but someone had to pay out the lease on your company truck or else no sale, right.  No denial of the money you scammed from neighbours to feed a gambling addiction so I guess that must be true. I guess you did fight with your oldest son and cut yourself off from your grandchild for 2 denial there either. 

     A lot of lies and spin, I would expect nothing less from a person like you. Pat looks after herself  and screw everyone else is the bottom line. Just read what she has posted here, read the tone, listen for the bitterness, read the vengeful intent and her desire to attack this writer. You have not changed one bit. I am happy you revealed your true colours and have no more time for trash like you. 


Saint John,
New Brunswick,

Facts are totally incorrect

#8REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, August 03, 2012

Firstly, if you know me so well, why not put your name to the report....chicken.  Secondly your information comes from my ex and he lied all the way through the divorce.  The sexual abuse did happen and the judge advised that it would be better to expunge it rather than have it follow Bob through his life.  He was guilty and even his lawyer quit because she found out all the lies he told.  His disrepect for her caused her to tell him she quit. 

Secondly, Bob never paid anyone off for any monies I owed...if you think that is true, then you bring them forward because that is a total lie.  He never paid a cent toward my company and I can prove that.  Bank records show that I paid all my payments to CIBC and those were going to be presented at the time we were in front of the judge but I got tired of the fighting and my lawyer was never on top of the case.  When I decided to fire her, it was too late.  Yes I went for a portion of his pension because he took all the cash out of the bank, he hid what he could behind the girlfriend and he lied to her as well.  In the year of the divorce, he asked me to go back and said he wasnt happy with her.  So he wasnt a true man to any of his so called loves.  Any man that would pinch his mothers nipples when we arrived at his mothers house had to be a sick pervert and she would laugh at it.  Any man that would make comments about our neighbours breasts, like he would like to smother his head in there, in front of her husband, is not a right man.

The part about my first husband being smaller than me is ridiculous.....he never drank and beat me for years breaking my ribs, blackening my eyes and breaking my arm....if thats not abuse then I never knew abuse, you are right.  When he started beating my kids, I threw him out.  There is no way you would know what I went through with him because whoever I had as friends then, would testify that I was scared badly by him and so were his kids.....they still remember all the beatings that he gave us both.  They try to forget but nothing can make you forget seeing your mother being beat or being beat yourself.  Do not ever say there wasnt abuse because there are too many involved knowing very different.  As far as Bob, he was very abusive too....I stayed and took it because all I wanted was to make it work but there's no saving someone or something that one half is a cheater, liar and abuser.  Remember I left not him....he wanted me back I said NO.  That marriage taught me one thing, that I respect myself enough to never take that type of abuse from any man again.  It made me believe there are better people in this world.  As far as hanging out at Branch 69, yes I do, I volunteer there a lot.  I enjoy dances and people there respect me. 

All the information you have on me is based on the ex and apparently you were sucked in by his lies too.......we all get sucked in by men like him.  His temper was well known by all the people that knew was an Ellick trait because his brother and sons were exactly the same, ..he demonstrated it many times in front of many.  As far as my last name change, I had already requested that change long before it was asked by Bob and fact my licence and medicare were in my purse when that was suggested.  Who would want their name associated with criminals like Jeff and his sons.  Bob came in with  very little to the marriage and what he did have he spent on trips with his son hunting.  I was welll established when we got together and his two sons were given a free pass living with us at my house.  My money buit the house in Bald start up money and after my house sold, put alot more money in the home.  That is fact and no one can change that.  So you wanted me to come out tnothing....I dont think so...there are many people out there that know what I did in buying and building that home....what I got in return was nothing compared to what Bob got.....I was shafted big time and thats a fact.  So if you like to remain anonymous, then you are gutless and scared....something I will never be.  I will say that I stand proud of how my kids have turned out and how I have been true to the values my parents and grandparents instilled in me.  When following me through my journey be sure you get facts and not make such artificial acquisations as you done here.   Of course, one liar begets another to try to make up the many wrongs they have done to those who loved them. 

I wouldnt be apologizing for Jeff or Scott getting a bad rap here....Jeff is an abuser, liar and scum just like his dad and Scott is a lazy good for how can they get anything good said about them.  So when you decide to reveal yourself perhaps I can do a write up about you and expose what a manipulator and liar you are.....step up to the plate.....the world deserves to know what type of person would initiate something as scandalously low as this sites initial report on me. 


New Brunswick,

Pat Barry, Pat Bagley

#8Author of original report

Fri, August 03, 2012

First of all, the "Jeff" person mentioned in her rebuttal did not file the report so you might want to retract the trashing you did of that poor guy. She did not get along with her X husband's family as you can see......such love flowing from this woman......kinda brings a tear to yer eye. What would you expect from a woman that had a fight with her oldest son and then cut herself off from her own grand daughter for over 2 years. Her other 2 boys......a quote......" oh no, don't cross Pat" in a scared voice.....I heard that first hand, standing not 4 feet away from Robbie.....try to rebut that!

Her successful business, well her husband had to pay thousands to get her out of that winner. Not sure that is a successful business when your spouse has to pay to "sell it". Just more of the lies......the spin shall we say. He also had to pay off "his friends and neighbours" for money they gave her unknown to him,  to feed her gambling habit. They gave her the money because they were good friends with him......not her. More lies, more spin. Her 2nd husband even looked after her after they split up when she had shoulder surgery, then used it against him in the divorce because she stayed at his place.....claimed they we not apart......another nice touch. Those abusers, that's what they do......take care of a woman who has already moved out when she is in a bad way......please , give me a break!

Her money built the home she had with her 2nd husband??......really.....must be the money she ripped off from her 1st hubby. Her 2nd husband had a great job and he earned at least twice her salary. Wonder where all this "money" came from. Her 2nd husband built their house and garage with his own 2 hands while holding down a steady job even with severe health problems.......sounds like a bad dude to me ....???

She wrote the separation agreement in her own hand, what she thought was half, saw a lawyer and agreed to it, got that and then went to a lawyer afterwards to sue for half of what was 3/4 is fair in her mind! Accused her 2nd husband of sexual abuse and all manner of junk which she took off the books once she got 3/4 of everything......nice, a real piece of work.

Not sure how her 1st husband could have abused her since she was physically larger than he was. Were not talking about some frail meek woman here......go have a look at branch 69....her latest haunt. Look out all you single suckers, just look for the tall bleached out blonde that has to "run" the show. Pat is ticked off because all of her crap is here on this site for all to see. You trash who ever you like in the Ellick family, they did nothing to you but accept you until you decided to drag one through 30 months of as much grief as you could. By the way, she had to change her name.....a stipulation in her divorce her 2nd husband insisted on it.....not really a lie now was it Pat.......just more spin right? She was also banned from the man's funeral.....the family made sure of that.......what does that tell you folks! I apologize here to the Ellick family, wasn't my intention to have them smeared here......just felt the rest of the world needed to be warned about this predator.

You barge on Pat......the author of your bio here knows you well, is still keeping tabs on your exploits.......just sick of watching you blast through life bashing all about and claiming to be a poor injured frail being. You reap what you sow so they Pat you might want to brace yourself for some rough times ahead.


Saint John,
New Brunswick,

My side of the story

#8REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, May 13, 2012

To the person who filed such a derrogatory report...I say. You should have your facts and ye who lives in glass houses should not throw stones. 

Its true, married 3 times to very abusive men.  I never profited from any of these men, in fact, was ripped off badly by my 2nd husband who stole monies from bank, hid assets and plainly did me out of many thousands of dollars.  He was verbally, emotionally and sexually abusive and court documents will show this.  The writer of this report on me, is the son of this man and physically abused his wife and children and nearly killed his wife and his sons were arrested for both of them attacking a woman and beating her and they served time.  You grow up in it and you will do it.

My second husband was a wife abuser, runner and cheat and although, has since passed away, was greedy, self-centered and a thief.  He stole continuously from Irving and his son carries on that tradition today. 

This man also lived off his wifes inheritance and dominated her spending habits and was very self centered together with his brother.  The other son of my abuser has lived off welfare for his married life and his father even said he was lazy and should be taken to task about his attitude and morals.  The writer of this report  was keeping a girlfriend in Saint John, while keeping his wife penned in northern NB. 

I owned a successful business in my area and that business is still running today although I sold it in 1994.  I started that business in 1988 and once I sold it, went on the road, Training and Consulting and completed many contracts where my customers were very pleased with the results.  This was steady employment until retirement in 1998. 

As my family and friends will attest, I am honest, maybe sometimes too honest.  The abuse of a person is nothing to be taken lightly.  I am scarred for life from the past abusers and I am happy to say that all but one is gone from this earth now and I never run into the terrible memories of my past. 

If any lies were ever fabricated it was by my ex #2 and his family.  I worked hard and gave all I had when building a home for us.  His divorce left him with no money and it was my money that built our home and my labour that finished that beautiful home and when we married, 4 months later, he was running around with supposedly my best friend.  During that time, he abused me badly, lied and stole from me.  I stayed through all this and paid the price dearly...if ever had to do it all again I would have saved myself.  No one deserves what he did to me. 

So I say this to Jeff, you lie and cheat and steal as did your father and I am not afraid of you as are your kids and bring it on son, you shame the Ellick name ...oh wait ....your family shames the name and I am so glad I changed mine so I wouldnt be ask about the two boys in the newspaper court section...for woman beating.  

Although it has been years since this has been put on here and I knew nothing of it, it served no purpose because my family and friends know that I am a good person who has been wronged and your propaganda is just that.....lies.  They know you and your kind and have had a great laugh over your timid way of saying something about someone that is not there to defend herself.   I live with a clear conscience ....I know you don't. 


New Brunswick,

Even her own children are afraid to cross her

#8Author of original report

Sat, May 08, 2004

Pat Ellick or Barry or Bagley, MsKickin_ , kickincountryscorner

See her web site MsKickin_ or kickincountryscorner.

She was never a successful business woman, busines was sold at a loss and her husband had to pay her way out of it. The pictures she has with the dog, isn't even her dog for God's sake. She isn't 53 either.

This entire thing is a complete fabrication, but it all looks good. Let the buyer beware here. Even her own children are afraid to cross her. Her oldest son disagreed with her once and she never saw her own grandchild by her own stubborn choice for more than 2 years.

Woman swore in a affidavid in her divorce that she was making + $35,000 a year teaching people to flag people down at construction spots on the highway.

Tuition must have been steep since she only put the course on a couple of times a year. Either that or another BIG lie. Guess no one can verify since she conveniently never claimed ANY of it on her income tax. Lives off the system and men. BEWARE.

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