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  • Report:  #139855

Complaint Review: Patsy Rushing Always P & P Estate Sales

Patsy Rushing, Always P & P Estate Sales Forgery, identy theft Ripoff Theft fraud to her clinets she did Estate Sales for Vancouver Washington

  • Reported By:
    Portland Oregon
  • Submitted:
    Fri, April 22, 2005
  • Updated:
    Thu, May 03, 2007
  • Patsy Rushing, Always P & P Estate Sales
    5404 N.E. 121st Ave. Unit 6
    Vancouver, Washington
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I met Patsy Rushing thru the Internet, while I was fighting a claim for disability that I'd been fighting for alomst 2 years.

When my claim was finally approved, I received a settlement of approx. $18,000.00. At that time Patsy Rushing told me she was broke and was going to be forced out of her mobile home in the mobile park she lived in, cause she didn't have the money to pay her space rent in the mobile park.

At the time I myself was living in a motorhome in a friends back yard, so I offered to pay Patsy Rushing space rent in exchange for allowing me to move in with her. After I moved in, I spent aprox. $12,000.00 on a car, motorcycle, and a few other misc. items.

Because my own credit was messed up by a previous wife, I couldn't open my own savings account. So Patsy offered to cash my SSD checks for me and give me the money. I also handed her roughly $5600.00 of the balance of my SSD settlement to keep in her bank account for me, with the agreement that she would give this money back to me anytime I would ask for it.

I did tell Patsy Rushing she could spend aprox. $1600.00 on her own bills and I didn't expect her to pay any of that back. Out of that same money I helped her buy a new dishwasher and Dryer for her house and installed both of them myself for her.

Patsy Rushing bought items at Goodwill, thrift shope, garage sales, etc. and resold these items on ebay to make income. She also started taking me along with her to help her find these items and/or carry items for her while she was grabbing more items to buy.

Patsy Rushing also has 2 booths in 2 different Antique Malls that she also sells antiques and collectable from. Being I use to be a cabinet maker before my health issues disabled me to where I can't hold a normal job any more. Patsy Rushing found out I could repair and refinished several pieces of antique furniture, that she bought cheap in bad shape.

Then I would repair and refinish the antique furniture and Patsy would sell these pieces of antique furniture after I fixed them up for a considerable profit. We had a verbal agreement we'd split the profit of each item after it sold. From time to time Patsy Rushing also did Estate Sales thru another business she ran named "Always P & P Estate Sales" which I also helped Patsy Rushing set up and run these Estate Sales. Again with the understanding we'd split the profit.

When I met Patsy Rushing, she was running her business without a license and hiring her employees without reporting she was even using any employees. I informed Patsy Rushing this was illegal and she needed to change her way of doing business before she got into serious trouble! Being I use to run my own business, I helped Patsy Rushing get her business license and helped her set up an ad in the local yellow pages.

I also kept advising Patsy Rushing that she needed to open a business account and start reporting her employees! Patsy Rushing decided she didn't want to report she had employees, instead she wanted to call her employees "Sub contractors", Even though I kept telling Patsy Rushing in order for her employees to be Sub contractors, there were certain guide lines she needed to follow and she wasn't meeting these guide lines in any way!

Yet Patsy Rushing continued to ignore my warning on hiring her employees! After nagging Patsy Rushing for quite some time about her business practices, she finally went to see a CPA that I also went with Patsy Rushing to see. So I was present when the CPA gave Patsy Rushing all the same information I'd been telling her for months! At that point Patsy Rushing did finally open a business account and stopped doing business out of her personal bank account. But she still refused to follow the guide lines for hiring employees or sub contractors.

During this time Patsy Rushing had also informed me that she was forging my name on my SSD checks. At first I told I didn't want her forging my SSD checks, that I wanted my money in my own hands where I had control of it myself. But Patsy convinced me my money was safer in her bank account then sitting around in my pockets. Since Patsy Rushing was already holding several thousand dollars of my money, I allowed her to keep putting my checks in her bank account too, still with the understanding it was my money and I could have it back anytime I wanted it!

After a few months though, Patsy Rushing told me that her husband she'd been seperated from for 5 years. Was now sueing her for divorce and going after her mobile home and money she had in her bank account. At that point I no longer felt safe having my money in Patsy Rushing's bank account. I asked Patsy Rushing for my money back out of her bank account and to stop forging my SSD checks and putting them in her bank too! Patsy agreed she'd take my money out of her bank for me and give it to me. But due to my disability that causes me to sleep very long hours at a time, where I'm usually not awake for more then 4 to 6 hours at a time.

I'd forget for a few days at a time that Patsy told me she'd get me my money and never did it! So I kept asking Patsy Rushing over and over again from time to time to get my money out of her bank account and repeatily telling Patsy Rushing to quit forging my SSD checks too. Sometimes Patsy would play mind games with me, tell me I never told her I wanted my money! That I never told her to stop forging my SSD checks! Over the last few years I've had several people tell me I was forgeting things from time to time, so I myself wasn't completely sure if I was telling her to get my money for me or dreaming I was telling her to give me my money or what?

So this allowed Patsy to delay giving me my money for months at a time, being with my sleeping problems I also lose track of time. I also started learning being around Patsy Rushing Estate Sale business (Always P & P Estate Sales) That Patsy was cheating her business clinets and sometimes stealing her clients valuables. The way Patsy Rushing has her Estate Sale business contract written up, that her clients sign. Patsy Rushing seems to think what she's doing is legal.

But her business clients have no idea that Patsy Rushing is taking certain valuable items from their Estate and never paying the client anything for what Patsy Rushing took. I also learned Patsy Rushing doesn't tell her clients the complete truth on what she sells her clients items for. Depending on the item, Patsy Rushing may say she sold an item for $10 to $100 less then what she actually got for an item she sold.

Patsy Rushing sometimes will use that extra money she's not reporting to her clients, to actually buy items herself from the same estate sale. The client thinks their being paid for their valuable, but in fact their really not! Other times if Patsy Rushing opens boxes her clients have had closed for long periods of time and Patsy Rushing doesn't think her client will miss an item. Patsy Rushing will just take an item home without ever paying her client for it. Which Patsy Rushing then turns around and sells these items herself on ebay, her antique booths, or other estate sales she'll be hired to do.

This was another arguement I had with Patsy Rushing doing, but again she kept telling me she could legally do this the way her Estate Sale contracts are written up and signed by her clients. I don't know if it's legal or not? But it's morally wrong any way I look at it!

With all this going on I was seeing more and more of, I was getting more and more concern about Patsy Rushing ever giving my own money back? Being it was on my mind more and more, I was bringing the subject up to Patsy Rushing more often all the time I wanted my money and starting to get iratated and raising my voice that I wanted my money back!

Finally one night after raising my voice, reminding Patsy that she agreed to give me my money back anytime I asked for it and now I've been asking for my money back for months now! Which she's still not gave me my money! I expect her to keep her word and give me my money back now! Not tomorrow or the next day or whenever she could get to it, as she had been telling me! I wanted my money now!

At this point Patsy Rushing told me that I had no money and to get the "F" out of her house. Being I had no place to go at the time and apparently no money to go anywhere either! I told Patsy Rushing I wasn't leaving her home till I got my money! She again told me to get out, I again refused explaining to Patsy Rushing that she had enough of my money that I sahould be able to live there for years to come and with my disability I didn't think she have much luck kicking me out! At that point Patsy told me fine! Then she was leaving instead and out the door she went.

A little while later Patsy Rushing came back with a police officer and the police officer stated to me that I had kept Patsy Rushing from taking her vehicle and aparently threatened her with some kind of physical violence. The Police officer told me that Patsy would be going down to the court house and getting an order of protection against me and at that point I'd only have 5 minutes to get my belongings out of Patsy Rushing's home.

I told the officer I had no place to go and i had done nothing wrong. That Patsy Rushing also had Thousands of my dollars she's now refusing to give me back! The officer asked Patsy if she had my money? Patsy Rushing responded, no thousands! Again the police officer advised me I should move. Then the police officer and Patsy Rushing left the house.

After sitting there and thinking what the officer told me, I figured I better start packing my stuff in my car anyway. I ran out of room in my car fast, so I had no other choice but to tell my next door neighbors what had transpired and if they could allow me to leave some of my items at their home. My neighbors agreed that I could. So I started packing my stuff over to my neighbors.

In the middle of my packing things over to my neighbors, Patsy Rushing came back home and saw I was taking my things over to my neighbors. Patsy Rushing then asked me what I had told the neighbors what was going on? I responded to Patsy Rushing that I had told the neighbors the truth! Patsy Rushing then headed straight for my neighbors home.

I was later told by my neighbors that Patsy thanked them for helping me and she just wanted to see me get my belongings! Becuase of my disability, I just ran out of energy that night and couldn't finished getting my things out of Patsy Rushings house. So I just got in my car and drove to a dark street corner and fell asleep in my driver's seat.

In the morning when I woke up, I went back over to Patsy Rushing house and started taking more of my things out of the house. First trip I seen no sign of Patsy Rushing, next trip in the house Patsy Rushing met me in her dinning room telling me I had to leave her home now! I responded that I'd gladly leave just as soon as I had my belongings and kept grabing my belongings to take out of the house. Next thing I heard was Patsy Rushing on her cell phone to 911, saying she had an intruder in her house. I said in loud voice hoping the 911 operator would hear? I'm not an intruder, I lived here and I'm just removing my belongings!

A few minutes later Patsy Rushing yells out that I have a knife! Again in a loud voice, I reply I have no knife! I take some more of my belongings out to my car and go back in the house to grab some more stuff. On the next trip out of the house. Patsy Rushing being over 5 feet away from me at the time! Yells out to the 911 operator, for me to quit pushing her! In no way did I ever touch or threaten this woman! I'll take a poligraph test to prove it any time someone wants me to!

At thi point with her making all these false accusations against me and I having no one there to prove otherwise! I decided I be better off to just leave at that point and I did.
Again being wore out for trying to move my stuff and the emotional term oile I was now going thru. I needed to go to sleep. So I again went and found a road that I thought no one would bother me and I fell asleep.

When I woke up the next day, my first thoughts were how was I going to get the rest of my things? Patsy and I both had cell phones, so I called her on her cell phone! To my surprise and delight really! Patsy started telling me the whole thing was a misunderstanding and wanted me to come home! But after what had transpired the day before, I told Patsy Rushing that I really didn't trust her enough to go back to her house alone yet. But I would meet her at Wendy's Burgers and she agreed to meet.

We met at Wendy's as we agreed and talked for an hour or so. Patsy told me the whole time it all just got blown out of purportion and was a misunderstanding. That she herself didn't like how she had treated me! She swore she'd never lie to get me into trouble and would never do anything to get me kicked off of her property! Including never getting an order of protection the police officer told me she was going to go get!

Being I really had no other place to go and really didn't want to be left in such a terrible position as living out of my car on street corners. I agreed to go back to Patsy Rushing home. But when we went out to our vehicles and went to drive off. I noticed Patsy grabbing for her cell phone. Something told me she was calling the police! But I had no real proof? I decided I needed to know once and for all if this woman was a lyar and been just using me all along or what? So I went ahead and followed her back home anyway.

Once we got there, Patsy Rushing just sat in her car in her driveway. So I walked over to her car and asked her what's going on? Did you call the police or what? She gave me a dirty look as how dare I accuse her of calling the police and then she told me that her battery was dead on her phone and she couldn't call anyone even if she wanted to! But she still wasn't moving from her car! About that time a police officer showed up. As soon as the officer was in talking distance.

I asked the officer who called him? At first he wouldn't tell me. I told the officer then, well I know I didn't call you and she swears she didn't call you! So who called you? The officer told me to hang on a second, then asked for both mine and Patsy Rushing's driver's license. Which we both gave the officer. Then the officer asked Patsy Rushing if she had any paper work for me? Patsy Rushing then reached over to her passengers seat and handed the officer an order of protection Patsy Rushing had had in her posation the whole time! I told the officer right then and there she told me for an hour that she'd never get an order like this against me. That it was all an misunderstanding and she wanted me to come home.

The officer then explained the order of protection to me and that I'd have a chance to fight it in court in a few days. I went over to my neighbors from there and told them what Patsy Rushing had done to me. Then I started reading the order of protection where Patsy Rushing had written that I had been violent to her for over a month and been threatening her in several different ways. That I had pushed her against a wall at one point and she had hit her head and fell down, which was her reason for getting the order of protection. None of which is true at all! My neighbors knew it wasn't true too and they volinteered to go to court with me!

In the meantime waiting to go to court, I knew I had another SSD checks coming anytime. I went down to the post office and did an address change right away that was supposed to stop my check from going to Patsy Rushing mail box. But the post office wasn't guaranteeing anything! So I started checking Patsy Rushing mail box hoping to catch my SSD check before she could get another one and forge it too! Luckily I did get it out of Patsy Rushing's mail box before she got ahold of it!

But what even came to a bigger surprise to me! I found another envolope also addressed to my name? I openned up the envolop to find a letter from a collection agency saying I owed a bill I hadn't paid in the sum of $20.50? I knew I hadn't done anything to create such a bill, so I called the collection agency asking what this bill was for? The collection agency then tells me that it's for an Estate Sale Ad I placed that I never paid for!

I told the collection agency I never placed any such ad, but I just happen to have an ex girl friend now that owns an Estate Sale business! The collection agency told me the information on address and phone number they got for the ad. The phone number was Patsy Rushing's cell number!

When I went to court to contest the order of protection. My neighbors were present too! But the judge refused to allow me to defend myself. I barely got out to the judge that Patsy Rushing had been forging my checks for months! The Judge did say she couldn't do that and asked Patsy Rushing if in fact had she been forging my checks? Patsy Rushing told the Judge that no, she hadn't forged my checks! That I had signed my checks myself, then she signed her name under mine and then deposited my checks in her bank account! Which is not the truth! I've not even seen one of my SSD checks in over a year I believe it's been? Let alone sign my name to one of my checks!

I tried to get the police to file charges against Patsy Rushing for forging my checks. At first the police refused stating I let it happen for too long without doing anything about it. But after the contestment trial for the order of protection, I called the police again and argued with them how Patsy Rushing had said in court that I had signed my own checks and that's a lie! That her saying I signed my own checks ought to prove at least in some way that Patsy did not have my permission to forge me checks! The police finally agreed to give me a police case number and told me to get copies of my SSD checks so they can check the signatures to see if my checks have been forged or not?

I'm still waiting at this point to recieve copies of my SSD checks from Social Security. The police told me I probably still will need to jump some hoops to try and get the DA to actually file charges against Patsy Rushing. I also reported to the police that Patsy Rushing had also used my name without my knowledge or permission to take out one of her Estate Sale ads and she never paid the bill!

Now I'm living off of a friend's generosity, sleeping in his front room in a recliner. Being I have no other place to go and no money to afford getting my own place to stay! I do have a motorhome with a blown engine, that's still at Patsy Rushing mobile home park RV storage. Which the manager has allowed me to keep it there till June provided I paid the $10.00 a month stroage fee. Which I gladly did to keep from loosing my motorhome. I thought I had $4,000.00 in Patsy's bank account to use to fix my motorhome, if and when I got a chance to find someone to fix it? Now I have no money to fix it or to have it moved anywhere. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it in June? I may end up loosing it now? I don't know if anything legally will be done to Patsy Rushing or not? But either way people do need to be warned what type of person she is and how she cheats people thru her business! Thanks for allowing me this site to report this!

Portland, Oregon

10 Updates & Rebuttals


Santa Maria,

Gale, What Has Happened?

#11Consumer Comment

Thu, May 03, 2007

Have you contacted the SSA? The best thing you can do for yourself, & the worst thing to her, is to have the federal gov't investigate her for forging your checks! She sounds like a no-good, thieving jerk who deserves punishment for what she's done. And maybe you'll get your money back eventually?



"Rushing to Judgement..."

#11Consumer Suggestion

Wed, May 02, 2007

Patsy, Patsy...why are you not answering what is on everyones mind? DID YOU GIVE THIS MAN HIS MONEY? I gotta feelin we're not gonna hear fromya! The poster comes across as a credible person, while YOU, on the other hand, are evasive about the very core of his complaint. Anybody can go downtown and get an order for's just a shame he wasn't devious enough to beat you to the punch...but that is what separates you from Gale and society-you have no conscience. I'll not be referring potential clients to you even if Gale reports that you've returned his money-and believe me, in my line of work, I could. Trust is all families have in a relationship with an Estate liquidator, and you should work hard to repair yours. But I'm not holding my breath. Not with your track record. Good luck, Gale.


New Jersey,

Contact SS about fraud

#11Consumer Comment

Thu, March 01, 2007

as well as file an ID theft report with the police-then you can prove to the collections agency that those are not your debts. The collection agency has to validate that it is indeed your debt. They can't with forged signatures and other people's phone numbers.

Forging the SS checks is probably a federal offense and should be prosecuted as such. Don't back down.

As you said, if you were indeed in her "area", the police would have locked you up.



Patsy Rushing - Always P&P Estate Sales

#11Author of original report

Thu, March 01, 2007

Patsy Rushing reciently wrote a rebuttal to my original claims I filed with this site almost 2 years ago now! I also feel it's necessary I respond to her accusations! In her response she states I'm stalking her for the last 3 years! Let me set the record striaght now! Since I left Patsy Rushing's Mobile Home, I have had no contact with her whatsoever in or around her mobile Home court or anywhere in public. Nor have I ever tried to contact her in any way! My Only dealing with her Mobile Home court were to do with my Motor Home that was still in the Mobile Home's RV parking, that I was dealing directly with the Park Manager about! Which this time frame happen to be in the first few months after I left Patsy Rushing's Mobile Home.(This in no way was breaking the "Order of Protection Patsy Rushing got by lying to the Judge) Due to the fact that Patsy Rushing did forge my SSD checks and kept the other money I entrusted to her to put in her bank account, that she never gave back to this very day!

Plus the fact that my Motor Home engine was blown and not driveable. The Manager at the Mobile Home Park eventually told me to get it out of the park since I no longer live there or he'd have to have it towed! Being I'm disabled and have been since 2000 and receive less then $1000.00 a month to live on. I could not afford towing charges to have the motor home removed from the Mobile Home's RV Parking. Nor did I have another place to store it at anyway! So the Mobile Home Park did in fact have my Motor Home towed away. At which point I wasn't able to pay the fees to get it back and the Motor Home was Auctioned off. Another loss of mine for knowing and trying to help Patsy Rushing! Now ask yourself this question please! I'm a disabled man living on a income less then $1000.00 a month.

Since I moved from Patsy Rushing's Home in Washington, I have moved back to my Ntive State of Oregon, which is aprox. 50 miles away from Patsy Rushing's home! You know what gas prices are today as well as I do, do you really believe I have the money to drive to Washington to Stalk her? Not only that, but with my illness and the drugs I take, I sleep an average of 16-20 hours straight on many ocassions. If I'm lucky I'll get 2-3 days a week where I'll feel somewhat well and have enough energy to do things for no more then 6 hours at a time. Then I'm fatigued and have to go back to sleep. Plus I also have witnesses that'll state my vehicle rarely leaves my driveway and a new girl Friends I live with that knows where I am on a 24/7 basis!

There are Stalking Laws these days that are enforced by the Police! As Patsy Rushing Stated, she does have a "Order of Prtection" against me, that she lied to the Judge to get! If I had been stalking her these last 3 years, I would of been arrested and put in jail no questions asked! Yet these last 3 years I had no Police contact whatsoever! Not one Officer comming to my door stating Patsy Rushing filed a complaint I was stalking her! Patsy Rushing rebuttal is just more proof to how much of a liar she really is! Everything I have stated here and in my oringinal complaint is the truth, the complete truth! I will take a Polygraph test at anytime regarding this matter and allow anyone to see the results! Including Law Enforcement! To date Patsy Rushing has never gave me back any of the money she took from me or the I entrusted to her to put in her bank account to keep for me, that she swore she'd give back to me at anytime I asked for it! Nor has she paid for the Estate Sale Ad she placed in my name to avoid paying her own bill! If I wasn't ever involved with her business, tell me why I have a collection agency after me for payment to a newspaper ad for an Estate Sale, but the Phone number given for contact to the Newspaper just happen to be Patsy Rushing's Cell Phone Number! Nor have I got any of my personal possessions back that Patsy Rushing took and hid before I could get my personal belongings off her property!
Patsy Rushing says she has documentation, by all means ask to see that documentation! Please ask for copies of any and all documentation she has to offer!

I too have documentation as well as witnesses to prove I've told the truth in this matter I'll gladly present to anyone that sends me a self address pre-stamped envolope. Or you may reach me thru Portland, Oregon's Craigslist, Rant & Rave Section by posting an ad regarding this matter and I'll contact you thru that posting.


Santa Maria,


#11Consumer Comment

Thu, March 01, 2007

Did you give him his money back?


Santa Maria,


#11Consumer Comment

Thu, March 01, 2007

Did you give him his money back?


Santa Maria,


#11Consumer Comment

Thu, March 01, 2007

Did you give him his money back?



Always P & P Estate Sales Fraud etc Rebuttel to Gale Jenness

#11REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, February 28, 2007

I cannot belive that anyone would believe this list of accusations. However I feel I must answer this or risk someone believing any part of this fantasy.

Gale Jenness has stalked me for almost three years now. Due to his accusations I have been investagated by multiple agencys of the State of WAshington. The Vancouver City Police, and IRS. This all followed my getting a Order of Protection against him. I lived in fear for nearly a year and then was able to get him removed from my home. He threatened many times to destroy my business. This report is only one of his attempts. I want to make it clear that he was NEVER employed by me. Never was alowed to control my business. Or to operate in anyway with my business.

The bottom line here is that I have never been charged with any crime. The last time I spoke to a officer he apologized to me. He said that when a report comes in they have to investigate it. They have to see who is telling the truth. To him I had shown myself to be truthful while Gale seemed vindictive and harassing. Other than to be notified that the cases were closed I have not heard from anyone regarding any of this mess.

I have a restraining order in place for Mr Jenness. I have moved and have my mail screened. I never go out alone at night and always have my doors locked. He has been seen in the area of my sales and I know that he is still stalking me. But life goes on.

I would ask that if you have any questions regarding this report that you call me. I am in the phone book. My company is in the yellow pages. I am happy to answer any questions you might have. I am happy to provide documentation on anything I have said here. Thank you for taking the time to read this.



Always P & P Estate Sales Fraud etc Rebuttel to Gale Jenness

#11REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, February 28, 2007

I cannot belive that anyone would believe this list of accusations. However I feel I must answer this or risk someone believing any part of this fantasy.

Gale Jenness has stalked me for almost three years now. Due to his accusations I have been investagated by multiple agencys of the State of WAshington. The Vancouver City Police, and IRS. This all followed my getting a Order of Protection against him. I lived in fear for nearly a year and then was able to get him removed from my home. He threatened many times to destroy my business. This report is only one of his attempts. I want to make it clear that he was NEVER employed by me. Never was alowed to control my business. Or to operate in anyway with my business.

The bottom line here is that I have never been charged with any crime. The last time I spoke to a officer he apologized to me. He said that when a report comes in they have to investigate it. They have to see who is telling the truth. To him I had shown myself to be truthful while Gale seemed vindictive and harassing. Other than to be notified that the cases were closed I have not heard from anyone regarding any of this mess.

I have a restraining order in place for Mr Jenness. I have moved and have my mail screened. I never go out alone at night and always have my doors locked. He has been seen in the area of my sales and I know that he is still stalking me. But life goes on.

I would ask that if you have any questions regarding this report that you call me. I am in the phone book. My company is in the yellow pages. I am happy to answer any questions you might have. I am happy to provide documentation on anything I have said here. Thank you for taking the time to read this.



Always P & P Estate Sales Fraud etc Rebuttel to Gale Jenness

#11REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, February 28, 2007

I cannot belive that anyone would believe this list of accusations. However I feel I must answer this or risk someone believing any part of this fantasy.

Gale Jenness has stalked me for almost three years now. Due to his accusations I have been investagated by multiple agencys of the State of WAshington. The Vancouver City Police, and IRS. This all followed my getting a Order of Protection against him. I lived in fear for nearly a year and then was able to get him removed from my home. He threatened many times to destroy my business. This report is only one of his attempts. I want to make it clear that he was NEVER employed by me. Never was alowed to control my business. Or to operate in anyway with my business.

The bottom line here is that I have never been charged with any crime. The last time I spoke to a officer he apologized to me. He said that when a report comes in they have to investigate it. They have to see who is telling the truth. To him I had shown myself to be truthful while Gale seemed vindictive and harassing. Other than to be notified that the cases were closed I have not heard from anyone regarding any of this mess.

I have a restraining order in place for Mr Jenness. I have moved and have my mail screened. I never go out alone at night and always have my doors locked. He has been seen in the area of my sales and I know that he is still stalking me. But life goes on.

I would ask that if you have any questions regarding this report that you call me. I am in the phone book. My company is in the yellow pages. I am happy to answer any questions you might have. I am happy to provide documentation on anything I have said here. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

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