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  • Report:  #934124

Complaint Review: Paul N Schaefer

Paul N Schaefer Paul Schaefer of Longwood Florida attorney Feels he is immune from being reported in a negative light, over the internet, when he doesn't provide a good service! Boo h*o! Longwood , Florida

  • Reported By:
    Goldendoodle World — cleveland North Carolina USA
  • Submitted:
    Wed, August 29, 2012
  • Updated:
    Thu, January 17, 2013
  • Paul N Schaefer
    1220 Commerce Park drive Suite 201
    Longwood, Florida
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Attorney,  Paul N. Schaefer of Longwood Florida is crying "boo h*o" to the circuirt court in Florida because he found a complaint about himself here on the  "rip off report" website and is complaining that the complaint about himself is causing him NOT to be found in a "good" light.  Should I, Diane Gerrish send him a box of tissue as a gift ?  Should I send this attorney a box of tissue and place a ribbon around this box of tissue with a little red bow around that box of tissue because he is crying fowl to the circuit courts about this little complaint about himself not being found in a "positive light" here on rip off report ?

Mr. Paul N. Schaefer would be found in a positive light if his clients thought he was a good attorney and posted him here on on other websites such as "yelp" and other websites where attorneys and other businesses conducted businesses.  However,  I googled Paul N. Schaefer and found no such "positive" postings about this  No such "positive" postings about this "attorney"  is posted anywhere on the internet about Paul N. Schaefer for someone whom claims he has been practicing law.

In fact,  the only thing posted that I've pound on the internet was my own blog and a particular comment which picked up portions out of a blog in which I had written about Mr. Paul N. Schaefer from my own blog quite some time ago back in 2011.  What Mr. Paul  N. Schaefer doesn't realize about Google, inc. is that spiders crawl all over the internet to pick up blogs as well as articles which are written by multiple individuals and Ed Madigedson will write even his own articles, blogs and copies content himself to post on this site, rip off.   Obviously,  Paul N. Schaefer hasn't known this internet game long enough to be well versed in it yet,  like I've been thus far to know how it's played.

Well, Paul N. Schaefer!  Welcome to MY whorld!  Of course I spelled the word incorrectly.  On purpose.  You see.  We beings walk within the matrix of chaos.  We do not control what goes on within this matrix.  We merely go along for the ride.  Sit back and enjoy it while it lasts.  Everyone wants a slice of my "sweet" pie.   For some reason,  everyone believes I have something "sweet" to offer and yet,  I am not a baker.  I've never baked.  Nor do I have anything to offer.  Yet....everyone desires a slice.   It's virtual you see ?   It's all an illusion and yet...everyone desires a slice from me.  Well...... you may all have a slice of it,  if it exists.   Take a slice.   Try as hard as you may... but that slice just doesn't exist.   That delicious granny pie sounds so delicious,  I am sure ! It always does and so do the photos when you think about granny and the images.  But well....we all love granny now don't we ?

Now let's talk about this Paul N. Schaefer shall we ?  Let's talk about his enjoyment of his supposed love for typing out letters stating "pursuant to"  telephonic communications to this and that which never happened with regards to his clients!  How this man enjoys doing this to his clients!  I received many of those types of letters AFTER this man was paid in full of which we verbally came into an agreement of the total sum of $4500 and nothing more!

Yet... after Paul N. Schaefer was paid in full by me...suddenly this man aka attorney (in which he is registered with the Florida bar association and if I worked for that Florida bar association..I myself would strip him of that license and yes...I offer that as my own personal opinion because of what this man did to me!!)  he sent multiple well typed letters to my home claiming we had telephonic communication which NEVER happened asking me to send him MORE and more money to his office!!!  Each time I would receive these supposed letters,  I would try and call his office and he would NOT pick up the phone!  I called his office and then I would receive another damned letter similar telling me in "pursuant to our telephonic agreement" that I owed him A PHONE BILL !!!!!  FOR X amount of money!!!! 

THis continued until I had enough of those "in pursuant" letters!!!  I became suspicious of this man in which I felt was a fraud and a fake attorney of whom I felt didn't know his a*s from a hole in the ground of LONGWOOD FLorida regarding PROBATE law!  I hired Paul N. Schaefer to try and help my elderly woman whom was suffering from try and get out of the hands of a woman named Sandra F. Johnson.  A woman herself whom was clinically diagnosed with some sort of personality disorder and of whom was just ONE family member that was ripping my mother off from thousands of dollars including taking my mother's personal belongings!  I had sent Paul N. Schaefer several packets of supporting documents to PROVE Sandra F. Johnson was NOT fit to be my mother's legal guardian; that she had been doing wrong by my mother and had been stealing from my mother.

Do you know what this man told me by telephone ????  AFTER he took over $5000 from me ???  He told me I was being "vindictive" toward my opponent,  Sandra F. Johnson!  Yes!  The very person of whom I was trying to get my mother away from!  How the hell was this man going to try and be my attorney and help me win legal guardianship for my mother IF this man was already taking sides with Sandra F. Johnson ???   He was already on her side AFTER he took me for my $5000 !

I called a probate attorney named Caroline Sawyer and this woman was so kind that she helped me free of charge!  She walked me through from the very beginning to see that Sandra F. Johnson's durable power of attorney had already been suspended and Paul N. Schaefer had made multiple blunders!  From the very beginning!    This man not only didn't do the right thing from the very start........ He never even told me Sandra F. Johnson's durable power of attorney had been suspended!  He allowed this woman to continue ripping off my mother's income by NOT notifying this woman's attorney (which he was suppose to do) and he didn't tell this woman's attorney that they were suppose to create a seperate banking account for my mother (which they were suppose to do) the moment I had filed for legal guardianship!  This man,  Paul N. Schaefer told me he had been a probate attorney for multiple years!

So okay.  If that was true.........why did this man charge me $4500 and continue asking me for more and more money and NOT obtain that 1st emergency hearing as he promised me ?  Why did I never get one court date ?  Why did he lie to me about court dates that never existed ?  Why did this man make me have to continue to call Winter cuthbert-soloman over and over and over again on my own to obtain my own information at the Orlando Florida court house ?  Why was it ME whom had to obtain the information because this man didn't even know the damned probate information himself  for orange county ?  This individual didn't know the probate laws!  My cousin and I had to google the probate laws ourselves because this individual was telling us s**t that didn't make any sense!  The crap coming out of his mouth was b*******t!  He took me on an expensive ride and nothing but!  All I received from this man was bull****!

I called nearly 20 attorneys whom I felt were TOP probate attorneys and they told me they would NOT take my case because I was out of the Florida legal juridiction.  A techicality since I was residing in North Carolina.  Paul N Schaefer knew this or at least should have known this.  I think he knew this and he was taking me for one hell of an expensive ride!   This man was me coming like a shoddy used car dealer watching a woman walk into their car lot for the first time!  That's my personal opinion and I am entitled to express it.  For some reason,  Paul N Schaefer believes because he is an attorney,  that people are not allowed to express their personal opinion about him.  Bullshit!  If I don't like how he treated me as his client.... I am allowed to express how he treated me as such! 

That is my god given right as an American citizen!  Paul N Schaefer is now trying to tell a circuit court of Florida that he wants me to shut my mouth about posting blogs of how he mistreated ME as a client ?  Who the hell does he think he is ?  Is he kidding ??  As an American Citizen,  it is my right to express my personal opinion about this attorney of whom I feel provided me crappy service (even shoddy if you will)  because of how he took me for what I feel was an expensive ride and I did NOT even see the light of day when it came to a court room appearance for my mother along with this freakin' attorney!!!

All this attorney kept doing was stringing me along asking for more and more money! Paul N Schaefer believes he is immune from being written about.  No he is not!  Paul N Schaefer believes he can't be posted about on blogs, articles, over the internet about his service provided as an attorney.  BS!  He wants a court to tell me that I can't post about him.  BS!  Whether positive or negative, anyone and everyone can post about Paul N Schaefer!  IF Paul N Schaefer wants to build good reviews about himself....then provide a better service to others!  He did NOT provide to me...a past client...good service!  He let ME down as well as my mother!

This man had the audacity to mail to my home hand-written scribble after I fired him and told him to account for how he spent the money that I sent to his office!!!  Instead of being a professional and type out his accountability,  this sent approx. 15 pages of hand written scribble like some child!  When I received these hand written scribbled notes...myself nor my spouse could not make any sense of what this man sent to our home!

I called a probate attorney in Orlando Florida named Frank Nissi.  He asked me to fax him the pages and I did.  Mr. Nissi told me he had never seen anything like it.  The day I went to Orlando Florida for my mother's probate hearing (in December 2011) I actually met Mr. Nissi in person.  What a nice man!  I spoke to him in person about what Paul N. Schaefer had sent to my home.  I had already fired him by then....three different ways!  By telephone; by email and then by certified mail.  A judge had already dismissed him via court as well prior to that probate hearing before I went to the probate hearing for my mother as well.  I attended the probate hearing for my mother,  alone.  No attorney went with me.  I sat alone.  ( Sandra F. Johnson claimed in her blog that I cried during the probate hearing... in jest...I was more than likely maced by her....or was emotionally compromised... hahahah... neither really happened.  She was just being "vindictive" as Paul N. Schaefer claimed. hahahah)

When I asked Mr. Nissi about the hand written scribbled notes that I had faxed to his office in which Paul N. Schaefer had sent to my home, while awaiting to speak with Judge Bronson,  Mr. Nissi just shook his head.  Neither of us could believe it.   There is no accounting for some attorneys.  Perhaps Paul N Schaefer,  in his head,  feels he is a professional.   Well, in my head,  I feel he is a bamboozler!  This man,  in my head...enjoys taking people for an expensive ride because he will see them coming.   I am quite sure for nearly a year,  he's had time to listen to the cassette tapes I sent to his office.  I am quite sure for nearly a year,  he's now had time to READ the entire packets of evidence I sent to his office that proved Sandra F. Johnson was a nut case and wasn't fit to be a legal guardian for my mother!  I am sure NOW nearly one year later,  this man has had time to go back into the probate courts to read the "history" that she's lied and NOT done what she was suppose to do.  NEARLY ONE YEAR LATER!

WHY NOW ????   NEARLY ONE YEAR LATER this man... Paul N Schaefer ....which I feel is a scheister attorney ....wants to come at ME to tell me to shut up and NOT complain about him ??  Through the court system ??   Give me a freakin' break!   If your nonsense and YOU shut up!  

I consider Paul N Schaefer as a man whom is unprofessional!  Someone whom is a scheister because he should have known the probate laws and claimed he knew the laws yet couldn't even recite them to me properly!  I had to look up those probate laws myself!  I had to do my own homework and do my own footwork!  I had to call the orange county courthouse to get my own packets! Do my own background check! Had to get my own fingerprinting crap done myself!  I had to call Wynter Cuthbert-solomon multiple times asking questions to get my own answers because Paul N Schaefer wasn't around nor would he call me back after I left multiple messages asking him to!  This man charged me for his own clerical mistakes and he made multiple clerical mistakes!    This man had the audacity to never tell me he was charging me for email !  This man never told me he was charging me for more than we had originally agree upon!  Plain and simple this guy IS and WAS a rip off for ME as a client!  That's my personal opinion and I am entitled to post my personal opinions about this man aka attorney where ever and when ever  I want on the internet!  Now Paul N Schaefer is trying to boo h*o to the court system to try and prevent me from posting about how he ripped me off as his client so past and future clients of his won't know how he took advantage of me as a client!  If this man freaking kidding me ????

What is this man trying to hide ??? The fact this guy ripped others off or took advantage of people ? Past clients ? How many other clients did he do this same thing to ?  Id like to know Paul N. Schaefer ?  Give me a sum total of how many others did you do this same thing to ?  Was I the ony person whom had the balls to go public with what you did to them ?  People have a right to voice their opinions.  It's called "FREEDOM OF SPEECH".   It's protected in the United States Paul N. Schaefer!!!

Now take your box of tissue that I am sending your way,  Paul N. Schaefer,  go  dab your tears in the corner, sir like I've done here on rip off report.   Go boo h*o to somebody whom cares about how much you are crying about your losses.   If you want positive reviews to be written about yourself,  then take good care of your clients.  DO NOT hand scribble notes and mail them to your clients! DO NOT take advantage of your clients and lie about what you agreed upon like you did to me! DON'T lie to your clients about court dates that don't exist like you did to me!  Don't tell your clients that you had telephonic conversations when in fact you never did!  Don't charge them for phone calls that never took place especially when your clients are calling YOU from their phones and you are not the one calling THEM back.   Paul N. are some piece of work and that workmanship needs quite a bit of improvement if you want to be placed in positive light!   You will NOT get a positive review from me...ever!    That "somebody is not me,  if you are looking for a "good" review!  Sorry! 

I have every right to post a negative "rip off report" right here about you.... Mr. Paul N. Schaefer because I DO feel I was ripped off by the one and only Mr.  Paul N Schaefer of Longwood Florida and no one...not even the court system is going to tell ME that I have to shut my mouth about posting a poor a negative light about any or individual whom took me for my $5000 that I paid them!   

1 Updates & Rebuttals

Bianca Oblivion

United States of America

Youre in trouble now...

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, January 17, 2013

You can't publish unfounded and derogatory statements about an attorney -- because they have the capacity to do more harm to you  than you think you're doing to them. And surprise-surprise -- You can't use the "freedom of speech" defense in a defamation case when you're making blatantly false claims about someone being a thief and being unqualified to be an attorney. The man went to law school and graduated and passed the Bar Exam, so he's an attorney. Even if he finished at the bottom of his class and passed the exam with a bare minimum score, he is still an attorney. What you wrote about him wasn't in the form of an opinion -- you're telling people he's a criminal and a fraud, and that's defamation. You violated two injunctions to quit spreading false information about this man, and now you're finding your a*s being sued.

I don't wish ill on people, but you did this to yourself, so I have no sympathy.

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