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  • Report:  #419226

Complaint Review: PAUL OTTIS

Paul Ottis Beware of the Internet No Laws People Lie Beware of Lies No Laws No Crime The Internet is used to destroy innocent people Omaha Nebraska

  • Reported By:
    Omaha Nebraska
  • Submitted:
    Mon, February 02, 2009
  • Updated:
    Mon, March 30, 2009

A Mans Rputauion can be detroyed by lies on the Internet ...There are no laws.....A 13 year old teenage Girl killed herslf and the neighbor who caused the death by posting lies about her could not be prosecuted!! Here is a story of a mans life being destroyed by a wicked couple of sick minds. Its as true as a story gets...Beware of people posting you on the unprotected Internet.

The stalker of Paul Ottis

This story is so bizarre that it would make an award winning Horror Movie.

It's a story of a real stalker who is so manipulative that she can convince a small cult of followers to carry her malice acts to an extreme. Her acts both derail and influence law enforcement. While she lives behind the crime scenes of her evil deeds, she is a villain, a wolf in sheep's clothing. It has been ten years since she met our character Paul and changed his life to a living hell. He and his family and friends have lost millions of dollars and suffered immensely as a result of her assaults.

In 1997, unbeknownst to Paul, he met a psychotic woman named Sharon Verwest, also known as Sharon W. Sharon was counting on becoming a millionaire by persuading her daughter to divorce her husband and the father of her two children. Being manipulated by the mom, the daughter filed for divorce and left her husband. Shortly afterwards, it was revealed that the mother had persuaded the divorce for personal gain. The husband is a very successful businessman.

Sharon had a long history of alcohol abuse and drug use. She had been admitted at least three times to a mental hospital against her will and had a long history of suicide attempts. Sharon had abused her daughter as a child. She often left her home alone for days. Sharon was a regular customer at bars and truck stops and brought strange men home with her. Investigations also revealed that Sharon set her own home on fire to collect the insurance and rebuild the house and furnish it. Sharon's elderly and crippled father was in the house at the time luckily escaping injury. Just years before the house was torched, her husband (Bob) and she had their car stolen and had it torched for the insurance. All the years she was married to Bob, she had affairs with men including her attorney Jerry O. This woman has no conscious or guilt of how wrong her actions are.

Back to the divorce, Paul was able to convince the daughter to think through the divorce. The daughter came to realize that she had been manipulated. She went through with the divorce due to her marriage having already been compromised over the years. But, she made reasonable concessions in the settlement. She and her past husband remain very close to this day. They have however, restricted Sharon from being alone with their kids because of her drinking and reports from the kids of abuse.

As a result of Paul intervention and the daughter not going for the husband's money, the mother threatened to kill Paul and the daughter and then herself. It got so bad that the daughter had to change her phone numbers and make the police aware of the threats. She lived in seclusion for months fearing for hers and the children's lives. She wouldn't take the children to school or pick them up unless she had someone with her.

Paul and the daughter remained friends. Over the years to follow the mother continued to stalk and aggressively pursue Paul. She connived her way into the business affairs of Paul, sabotaging him in every way she could. In the year 2000, Paul came under fire with federal authorities for supposedly selling stocks by mail and pocketing the money.

The reports allegedly came from a disgruntled investor Paul and his associates cooperated with authorities and provided them with copies every document the company had. It was a costly procedure that lasted almost two years and pretty much bankrupt the company. The investigation ended with no charges or further action being taken. The alleged investor turned out to be Sharon who had never loaned or invested a penny into the business, and she certainly had never worked for the business.

In the end, Paul and his associates lost over a million dollars in startup investment costs and two years in down time, dealing with the investigation.
After the investigation ended, Paul tried time after time to revive the company but, every time he got things going, he was knocked down again. In Sharon's course of telling lies to authorities she also convinced two of Paul's employees to help her continue stirring the pot.

One of them Joe M. went as far as taking a deposit from the company for $60,000.00 and depositing it in his own name in a CD. The other employee Robert F. was the company's web site designer. They were both fired.
Within a couple of months Paul name began to appear on the Internet as a con and scam artist, along with other adverse and false information. The postings were signed alias and anonymous. The postings went as far as bragging about business losses that they had caused and they named the amounts. It was known but not proven that Sharon and the web designer were posting the information using different names and even cities to make it appear that several people were after Paul. They were caught when they contacted a decoy site in California that went to Paul's family owned business.

When Paul confirmed the web site poster as Robert F. he and his family informed the lawyers. Three law firms aggressively tackled the problem but none succeeded in removing or stopping the attacks. A federal law suit was filed that was eventually dropped because it was not going to work in stopping the attacks. The problem is that Congress has neglected to create laws that govern Internet content. The posters use alias and anonymous names under the freedom of press laws allowing their unrestricted content to be published. It has been eight years and the information still exists. The lawyers say it like a cancer they don't know how to get rid of it.

You may recall a very sad case that was recently publicized was about a thirteen year old girl who killed herself due to an adult woman posting vicious and hurtful information about her on the Internet. The woman's actions are appalling and prosecutors publically announce that there are NO laws to prosecute the woman for her sick crime. She persuaded a thirteen year old teen ager to commit suicide.

Paul and his family have incurred huge losses due to the misleading and false information being posted over the years. In the year of 2000, a contract with a national Christian School association was foiled in the midst of its completion for $14 million dollars, a television syndication contract for the US, Canada and Western Europe was stymied in the final stages for several million dollars and a contract for second television show opportunity fell through for millions of dollars. Numerous adverse situations have continued to surface over the years causing serious problems that require time and money to address.

It is more disheartening that people believe what they hear or read on the Internet. It's unforgivable that government officials have based decisions to prosecute individuals on Internet content. In 2003 and individual Dian L. who worked with Paul went into a bank in Utah and was given a counter check on Paul's business account and withdrew over $67,000.00 closing the account.

Paul dropped all legal charges including embezzlement actions against her. Paul neglected to pay a loan note that was due to her because of what she had done. He made a mistake taking the law into his own hands and he was prosecuted for attempted security violations on the loan note. In Utah a loan note is classified as a security document. Even though Paul had two law firms and licensed brokerage agency representing the loan procedure the court held him accountable.

It's unsettling that the prosecutions affidavit for the charges against Paul used false information off of the Internet as evidence! Paul voluntarily paid the loan notes before the court hearing and settled the case on January 28, 2007. One week later on February 5, 2008 the director of the Utah Security Department Wayne K. resigned, facing charges and termination for abuse of power and false prosecution.

The Utah House of Representatives announced their formal investigation of wrongful practices within the Department of Commerce. The salt lake Tribune published the ongoing story on the front page for several weeks. They also published exaggerated and false information on Paul that was disputed by Paul's attorney. The newspaper claimed the information was provided by the same department that was under investigation. The department was contacted and they refused to retract the information. Paul's attorney's stated a retraction would open the state to liable and they would never admit doing wrong.

It's a sad time in America. $700 Billion in bail outs for banks that ripped America off and the banks giving $700 million in Good Job bonuses which is only the tip of America's deep and sad story. Paul got prosecuted for not paying a $60K loan after the lender wrongfully took $67K money out of his business account?

Paul is still being stalked and his name remains to be exploited on Internet sites.

In the summer of 2008 he and his wife were on a trip, on the eighteenth floor of a hotel and an unexpected call came directly to their room, it was Sharon. It is believed that her Husband John, a retired Qwest telephone employee, has someone in the phone company accessing private records and perhaps even tapping their phone. It is also believe that the x-web site designer Robert F. hacks Paul's computer files and e-mails. It is illegal, harassment, defamation of character and cyber terrorism. But, Congress has not passed laws that protect citizens on the Internet. They may too busy working on ways to take away citizens rights and decrease the nations income.

Family members, friends, business persons, a friend/former Senator, lawyers, a retired FBI/ friend and his son in-law, a county Sheriff of fourteen years all know Paul. He has no hidden agendas or secret past. It is self evident to anyone who reviews the accomplishments of Paul creative talents or speaks with him, that he is dedicated and passionate about his product. Large numbers of highly accredited people who know him and his work speak highly about him.

Here is a closing point: Paul married the daughter in this story years later and they have a close business and family relationship with the divorced husband. This situation alone speaks loudly of credibility.

To the unstable individuals who continue to attack this man, one day you will be exposed and brought down. To Paul, keep up the good work buddy we all love you. We are all sorry that a couple of losers that are mentally unstable have haunted you for the past years. We all know how people use the Internet to say untrue things and hide behind there hurtful stories using false names! How many names and business can these people make up? Some people are just pathetic!

Friends in Omaha

Victim Defense
Omaha, Nebraska

2 Updates & Rebuttals

Victim Defense


Post Your Name - You will be contacted.

#3Author of original report

Mon, March 30, 2009

Below is your quote.

"People posting notes showing the real Ottis (please stand up) on this fantastic site use their names and have plenty of documentation to support their claims."

Official Request:

Please Post USE YOUR NAME first and last (Real Name). I can assure you that you will be contacted by the attorney's for Mr. Jackson and Mr. Ottis. You will be given your time to be heard and stand before a judge.

March 19, 2009.



Jay, Joseph, J.P, J., Jay Paul, Joseph Paul Ottis, AJ, Alan Omaha, AJ California, Globee, Galaxy Gang, Con artist, scam artist, entertainment,

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, March 19, 2009

It's very simple... the only things destroyed in relation to 'Ottis' are the lives of people that come into contact with him. He drains their pocketbooks and exhausts them with constant Con jobs and worrying about how they will get their money back.

It's very clear... when reading Ottis or Alan J's comments they in dire straits and desperately trying to land another Con Job to unsuspecting, innocent, well meaning people. Those people deserve a chance to know the real Ottis.

It's very pathetic... that Ottis and Alan respond to everyday people's comments on Rip Off Report with an alias (nothing new for either) such as 'victim's defense' or 'victim's family' or some derivitive thereof. They been up to this investment scam throughout the Midwest, desert Southwest, and the West Coast and need the money to live. There will be no payout to you, no money returned, or you standing one with Ottis saving kids and the world - this SCAM is only to suffice his own greed and shady livelihood.

It's all a crock... Ottis has never ran a successful company. Ottis blames anyone he comes into contact with for his downfall - not his seedy lifestyle, love of gambling, and acting the part of a high roller. My 13 year old could run a company and treat people better than Ottis.

Get your facts... Contact Commercial Federal Back (now Well's Fargo) ask for Jim Murphy (bank mgr) and he can advise you about avoiding Ottis, he knows all to well. The 'embezzlement' Ottis and Alan blantantly lie about being never took place. Ottis controlled the money and how/when it was spent - his is a manipulator and controller. His name is documented on every withdrawl/bankcard transaction for NON BUSINSS purposes. The facts around the '$60K' is that it was a business loan, which Ottis spent friviously on such things as a cash advances at Harrah's & Ameristar, groceries, pet grooming, and other ridiculousness. Leaving others to suffer the consequeces - hey it's his MO. The 'CD' mentioned was converted by Ottis to cash and spent via his Visa checkcard, as always records are available.

No one cares... about his idle threats on this site and inability to manage Alan or his anger. People posting notes showing the real Ottis (please stand up) on this fantastic site use their names and have plenty of documentation to support their claims. Links and facts are prevelant and are they for anyone to use. The US Postal service is investigating Ottis for sending false investment info through the mail - Pamela Durkee w/ the US Postal Service or her partner would be happy to take your call and information on him and continue the prosecution process. A class action suit is being formed by recent victims of Ottis and AJ so feel free to post info on him and his exploits where and whenever you can -save others!

Due diligence... we cannot stress enough that you do this when dealing with him. He has zero facts to back up ANY of his accusations of people he claims were employeed by him, there were no employment contracts ever drafted. Ottis would use peoople's names and ficticious titles around him to falsify documents again and again. Check for atricles or incorportation or a single profeesional way to contact Ottis - IT DOES NOT EXIST. He switches cell phone companies/numbers, website hosting facilities, like others switch out their underwear (sorry about the comparison, but it's true). He will always blame someone else for his cell service be shut off or his website suddenly not being available.

The IRS, FBI, IFCC all have complaints on file on Jay Ottis and AJ/Alan, since he's Jay's only employee/gopher. Ottis has dug his own grave and all we can do is help educate people on what he's done over the last 15 yrs. He's an expert at one thing - telling a good story and then Conning you out of your hard earned money and all in the name of saving/helping children and the world - I mean c'mon people, be smart and ask questions - people like Ottis that exploit children and their needs - belong in only one place for the rest of their life and that is behind bars. Jay and Alan need to pay back all the people they stole money from - just like we need the AIG execs to pay back their bonuses - they must have all attended 'business' school together!

Here's a kicker... the photo Ottis claims to be of him and his sister when they 'were young and foster children' is stock art found and a variety of sites. He even lies about his own family. His ex wife and her mother in law tried for years to split from Ottis and Alan. He was verbally abusive to her and kept her medicated to the point she could barely function. He used her for her credit and money and when he tapped her out he left her for 'paid companionship'. He tried to tap into her ex-husband (Jim S of Omaha) who runs a prominant business for cash, but that man was 'on' to his game - just as everyone else needs to be.

Any commets claiming Ottis is genuine OR legit are false and 50% of time posted by him using an alias and 50% of the time by AJ or Alan or whatever name his sidekick goes by.

Be wise, be smart, be ready to run when you see Ottis or you will simply be another 'victim'.

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