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In a letter from Township Solicitor Mark E.Goldberg 2 / 14 / 96 . I understand that there is a subsidiary question concerning the paving of a portion of the roadway in front of the property. The paving was done pursuant to Township permits,and in accdance with Township specifications . {IN MY OPINION THAT'S BULL !} All of the paving was on the public right-of-way and as a result, there was no change in the surface on the property itself. {IN MY OPINION MORE BULL ! }
The Township Engineer is O'Donnell and Naccarato :Ron Gans so if this is where Mark E.Goldberg gets his facts, please read PERMITS AFTER THE FACT A SHAMELESS SYSTEM ! THERE A NIGHTMARE ON ELM AVE ! .
I called the Township Solicitor Mark E.Golderg and was told Id have to call the mayor so he could bill the Township. I feel it all one big taxpayer rip-off ,and no ones talking .
Id like to thank Mark E.Golderg From The Law Offices of Groen, Laveson, Goldberg & Rubenstone for all there help with the NIGHTMARE ON ELM AVE ! .