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  • Report:  #1096976

Complaint Review: Payment Systems Corp

Payment Systems Corp Americorp Leasing, LLC. Payment Systems Corp lie and mislead their customers Los Angeles California

  • Reported By:
    S — Chiago Illinois
  • Submitted:
    Tue, November 05, 2013
  • Updated:
    Thu, November 06, 2014

It is a nightmare dealing with Payment Systems Corp, this nightmare starts on 08/06/2013 when a salesman named David K. from Payment Systems Corp came into our restaurant and asked us to process credit cards with his company. I wasn’t at the restaurant at that time so he called me on my cell phone and said he can save me money not only on credit card processing and also on something else, I asked him how and he couldn’t explain, I rejected him the first time. He called back within thirty minutes and said he can offered me 1% on all credit card transactions, he said I only need to pay 1% plus $198.00 per month for equipment leasing for 48 months, at the end of the 48 months, the machines are mine to keep with no other fees and he also mentioned that I can cancel anytime with any reason and just send the machines back to them. He even gave me an example, he said if I process $20,000, the total monthly fee I need to pay is $398.00 (1%*20,000 + 198.00). He asked me to try it one month and see if I like it. So, I told him to fill out the paperwork and email me so I can see before we sign the papers.


I waited two hours and see no email from him so I called my husband (he was at the restaurant) and see if the man (David) still there, my husband told me that he had left. I asked my husband if he sign the contract and he said he did. I reminded him to take the papers home so I can look at. He then remembered that he did not have a copy of the contract and he called the salesman right away and the phone was turned off. This probably a rip-off, I told my husband.


Three days later, we received two machines and we tried to use it (we only need one), the setup was incorrect for our business so we stop using it. A week later, our account was charged $210.71 for equipment leasing while the contract states $0 for the 1st and last month and it is a “Non-cancellable Lease“for 60 months while the application says 48 months.


I called to cancel the first time and I was asked why I was cancelling and I told him that I didn’t like the machines and I was not comfortable without the contract, this man named Elliott seemed very nice and helpful, he sent me one machine and asked me the send the other two back and promised to send me a copy of the contract and also asked me to try some more. I thought everything was fine. So, I kept processing until I received my first statement. I was shocked and mad because of all the fees such as carepoint, debit access fees and the huge hidden fees that the salesman did not tell us plus the $210.71 equipment fee. The total fees I pay to Payment Systems Corp had doubled what I paid to my previous processor. I called Elliott again tried to cancel, he told me I have to pay over $1,000.00 to cancel the merchant account because I have a 3 year contract  and I have to keep paying $210.71 every month until the lease expires which is 60 months. Again, I ask him to send me the contract. At the third attempt, he emailed me the contract and I had problem reading it even with the magnify glass because the font is so tiny and blurry.


Since I already canceled my previous processor and I decided to find a new one because I don’t want Payment Systems Corp make any money out of me. A week later everything was setup with the new processor. I called Payment Systems Corp again to cancel my accounts,


            Day 1 – Friday: I spent about 15 minutes went through the phone system and finally  someone answered and I told him that I want to cancel my accounts and he told me to hold, about 10 minutes, he came back and said I need to fax him a letter to cancel the accounts.


            Day 2 – Saturday: I faxed the letter to them and also called to make sure they receive it.


            Day 3 – Monday: Again, I spent about 15 minutes went through the phone system and someone answered and took down my information and said everybody was busy and someone will call me shortly. I waited for a whole day, no one call me back.


            Day 4 – Tuesday: Again, I spent about 15 minutes went through the phone system and someone answered and took down my information and said it takes 3 days to close the accounts. 


            Day 5 – Wednesday: Again, I spent about 15 minutes went through the phone system and a lady answered and told me my case was assigned to Alberto. Again, she took my information and told me Alberto will call me back shortly, Alberto never did.


            Day 6 – Thursday: Again, I spent about 15 minutes went through the phone system and someone answered and I left Alberto a message the 2nd time. Alberto never called me back.


            Day 7 – Friday: Again, I spent about 15 minutes went through the phone system and someone answered and I asked to speak to the manager this time because I was very angry. I was put on hold for a minute and then transferred to Eliel. I told him that I want to cancel my accounts, he told me if I cancel my accounts then I have to pay $1,391 for the merchant account and I can’t cancel the lease because it is the unbreakable lease, I have to keep paying even though  I close my business. I asked him why the application says 48 months and the lease shows 60 months and he told me they can change it.

Life is already difficult for small business owners like us working 10 hours a day 7 days a week with very little profit and here came a bunch of blood suckers and sucked our blood away making the already tight budget even tighter and the already busy schedule even busier. We will have to pay $99+ for inactivity fee for 3 years and $210.71 equipment leasing fee for 60 months. Estimate loss greater than $17,000 ($99*34+210.07*60+fees for the first two months). Feeling stupid and helpless and tried to minimize the monthly fees by trying to fax them my insurance policy to take off $4.95 on the equipment leasing, I called the phone numbers that were given to me, no one answered. I left a message and no one called me back. I was so mad and went online and saw hundreds of victims just like us suffered not only financially and also emotionally. It is time for us victims to get together to have justice.

5 Updates & Rebuttals


Bel Air,

Let file a class action lawsuit

#6General Comment

Thu, November 06, 2014


I was also ripped off with this company and now they have said they were going to sue me in court if I did not keep paying the monthly charge. I need everyone to get together with me in order to file a class action lawsuit against them.

Let's get this started now...



payment system corp scam


if you need help

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, January 18, 2014

shoot me a email and i can help you

payment system corp scam


here is your help

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, January 18, 2014

A gift to those who were scammed by Payment Systems And are thinking of working for them The real scam starts at the top with Matt Patton teaching people to lie, cheat and steal with there 1% for credit and 0% for debt. This is true they do charge these rates but its after interchange so that takes you to the 4-7% you all see on your statements. These so called sales managers or underwriters are taught to show 50-70% pin based debit at the 0% so they can raise your lease price even more. This is were Matt Patton teaches that you can only show the merchant the savings and its up to the merchant to run pin based debit, but guess what you still pay interchange on the pin based debit so there is no real 0%.

Their whole business model is revolved around the fact that you do not know what you are looking at and they take advantage of that. The other thing they do is they bill you daily and at the end of the month they bill you again double dipping on your money, this is called bill back and it a sneaky way to steal your money. Everyone needs to contact the FTC and ask for them to go through there training and they will find out that this company is teaching people to do these things to merchants. This is not at any fault of the sales reps that are taught these things, which most do not know any better.

For the few that do shame on you this company worships the almighty dollar and they do not care about anyone or anything. They do have a deal through Americorp Leasing but the deal is you have to successfully make your first 3 payments and then Payment systems if off the hook for the lease anything before that is a chargeback onto payment systems. Yes they will go into your account and steal your money while threatening you that they will sue you. To fix this within the first 3 months you need to close your account and open a new bank account so they cannot steal your money.

If you do not close your account they will take $1795 in fees for canceling with them so before you cancel CLOSE YOUR ACCOUNT. IF you are past the 3 months then you need to contact the leasing company and give them all the info you can on how they promised you all these savings and it never happened if you can get the leasing company to see that you were frauded by this company they will chargeback payment systems due to fraud. They will then threaten to take you to court, please welcome this, as a matter of fact file a law suit against them that way its not filed in California, and ask them when and where and then counter sue.

They have been shut out of 3 states due to class action lawsuits so do your part and welcome court with them they will lose. I will list the names and numbers of Matt Patton the vice president of sales for the company and the mastermind behind all the lies to continue to run rapid through out the U.S.A. As far as how they treat their employees well they use them until they catch on that they are ripping people off or until they can't use you any longer. They treat people like dirt and this company needs to be shut down so if you are on here complaining about what they did to you get off your butt and really do something about it.

Call the authorities, start a class action lawsuit, take them to court, and on and on do you and everyone else a favor and stick up for yourself. Below is all the contacts at the top to the GM’s of these offices that keep this huge scam running, quit complaining and start doing something about this. If you do nothing this will not stop this will continue to screw good business owners like yourself over. It is time to do something about this scam and iv given you all the tools to stop this. Now its up to you to do something about it also copy and paste this on every site known to man including yelp, Facebook, twitter and any other social media. Its time to shut down this company.

If you are thinking of working for this company the only way you will fit in is if you have NO morals and love to scam people out of there hard earn money. They keep you traveling so the lies and scams take time to catch up and keep you moving so you don’t catch on. Do NOT buy into this company’s scams of how much money you will make. They charge a pack on every deal of $325 and a piece of equipment that cost $200 they will charge you $600-700, this all comes out of your commissions so if you do the math lets just say they charge you $600 for the equipment and the $325 pack they have stole $232 of your commission how the total is $925 and you would have gotten 25% of that.

Now take in mind if you offer a payoff for your merchant of lets say $500 that comes out of your commission as well and guess what? That’s right the merchant will never see it and you just gave PS $125 of your pay. They tell you avg commissions are $800 and that’s a total lie how lets do the math. You only get paid on the lease Lets say you do a lease for $139 how your pay works is you get 25% of what’s left out of the money and here is the math $139 divided by .034 (avg credit) =$4088 Equipment will be $1020 due to the lease they need to send extra equipment due to the lease and they charge you 3 times the cost (real nice they take your money by charging you 3 times what the equipment really cost them) $325 pack (another scam) payoff off $500 4088-1020-325-500=2243 X 25% = $560 far cry from the avg $800 they promise you

Now keep in mind that you just charged a merchant $139 a month for a lease on top of the promise that they will get 1% for credit and 0% for debit. After all is said and done they get there statement and they went from a effective rate of 2-3% you promised them with the lease to paying 5-7% just in processing not to mention they still have $139 lease every month. So if you have 0 morals or no care of anyone but yourself and can sleep at night ripping people off this is the company for you. Again lets end this company a by standing up and shutting them down. Do not sign with this company they will screw you over and do not even think about working for a company like this because just like their merchants they treat there employees the same way. Lets end this madness and shut this company down.

Matt Wiltsey CEO (888) 592-5041 ext. 10105 (Work) 858-699-3485 keith olmo Executive Vice President of Sales (888) 592-5041 ext:13103 (Work) 760-576-7803 matt patton vice president of sales 480-747-4600 dean snyder GM - Orlando (407) 545-4860 (Work) 678-907-2178 bruce collier la GM 213-500-7165 tom martino Chicago gm 630-853-6169 tom tajalli General Manager carlesbad (760) 444-8993 (Work) (818) 288-0053 (Mobile) (888) 835-5319 (Fax) joe martin General Manager dallas 214-478-6502



Los Angeles,

Matt Wiltsey leads this ongoing Criminal Enterprise

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, December 11, 2013

Matt Wiltsey is a large criminal, consumer beware of Payment Systems and Matt Wiltsey

The first thing you need to do is contact the California Attorney Generals office:

Then contact the Federal Trade Commission or consumer protection agency:


Explain in detail what Matt Wiltsey and his company did to you and your company.  The main law Wiltsey is breaking is called, “Fraudulent Inducement”  this is when a Payment Systems commits fraud by telling you they will reduce your merchant processing rates.  Then based upon the fraud, they convince you to or “Induce” you into signing a lease agreement.  This completes the crime of “Fraudulent Inducement”

Matt Wiltsey and Payment Systems Corp has several hundred complaints against them, in fact they have a dedicated department to handle the “Fraudulent Inducement” complaints. 

The second crime they commit is called, “Fraud by Deception”  when they deceive you into thinking you will actually have lower rates. And  that the deal they are putting you in will actually save you money.  This is all a crime under “Fraud by Deception”

The third crime they commit is “Extortion”:  If you try to cancel your agreement with them, they will extort $1200 to $2400 from you.  Or, your company is held hostage and forced to pay a lease you did not need, and pay high rates that you were deceived into accepting.

That 5 minutes to file complaints against Matt Wiltsey and Payment Systems Corp.  Don’t let others become victims. 

What do I do now!?



#6General Comment

Tue, December 03, 2013

 We have gone through the same exact thing with Payment systems corp. I've been reading all of these complaints but what can we do about it? WHAT do I do now :( I don't even know where to start and it's causing a ton of tears, drama, arguing, and debt. We are a very small salon and have no idea what to do now! I'm assuming we can't just close our accounts but don't know what to do! Please help!

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