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PC Plus, Austin, Texas Computer Idiots
Feb 2000, had bad Video Card. Took my Computer to PC Plus for repair and upgrade.
Computer was returned within two week time frame. The replaced parts were not returned, which one item was a motherboard and celeron 333 chip.
Had several problems with the operation of my computer but was not discovered until I came back from vacation at the end of March 2000.
Returned computer back to PC Plus for repair, 5/2/00. Computer was returned 5/24/00 and the following was found to still be in error. Hard drive was configured for 2 megs, 20 megHD, CD-RW was making a growling sound everytime I used it, still did not receive my old parts back and basically my entire computer had to be totally reconfigured.
Please avoid this IDIOT, the Owner knows less than his employees.