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  • Report:  #1330175

Complaint Review: pep boys

pep boys big ripoff Columbia South Carolina

  • Reported By:
    Travis — WINNSBORO South Carolina USA
  • Submitted:
    Mon, September 26, 2016
  • Updated:
    Mon, September 26, 2016
  • pep boys
    Columbia, South Carolina
  • Phone:
    803 699 0687
  • Category:

 I took my 1994 Lexus ls400 to pep boys on Decker Blvd in Columbia sc because it was idling up and down and at a stop light it would idle very low and cut off and it will crank back up but it is dangerous I be thinking I would get hit in the back so I went to the Lexus dealership they were swamped so I went to pep boys they looked at my car and gave me a list of things it needed like timing belt plugs wires fuel system cleaner and on and on of things that is mateince correct me if I'm wrong but I needed to know exactly what makes it cut off so I left and the next day all the mateince things I had them done and same issue so I call the coperate office did a complaint and the only thing happened was that the manager talked to me and still couldn't tell me the exact issue why my car keep cutting off so I feel like it's a scam to take people money for nothing not having patience with the Lexus dealership got me wasted a hundred dollars and I know for sure the dealership would have pin point the problem and they would have told me yes you need to do mantiece but that's not what making it cut off

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