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  • Report:  #1427855

Complaint Review: Perfect Health Oils

Perfect Health Oils This company has re sent another bottle of this oil and I had cancelled when they took 79.00 twice I had to cancel my card twice and have had another re-issued. somehow Perfect Health re sent and recharged another bottle. I am going to have to cancel my bank account and re-open an new one all this hassle because Perfect Health is eager to get money from anyone they can. I call they refuse to accept any returns. bottle not opened at all. Perfect Health. Perfect Health 3939 Atlantic Avenue, Suite 221, Long Beach, CA Phone: Please any advice is helpful how can we totally stop them from sending these bottles. they sent a trial after I cancelled they still sent another charged my credit Tampa Florida

  • Reported By:
    Frances — Stockotn California United States
  • Submitted:
    Wed, February 07, 2018
  • Updated:
    Wed, February 07, 2018

I was sent a trial, then I cancelled did not use bottle..... they said to give it to someone they would not accept a return.... I cancelled they still charge my credit card another $79.00 twice... I cancelled my credit card now they sent me another bottle. I do not use this produckt I am taking medication. Please let me know how I can stop this. Thank you.

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