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  • Report:  #273087


PERFECT WEALTH FORMULA This company is a complete ripoff Racine Wisconsin

  • Reported By:
    Ripley Mississippi
  • Submitted:
    Fri, September 07, 2007
  • Updated:
    Thu, August 06, 2009
    Racine, Wisconsin
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Perfect Wealth Formula is one name for these types of companies and there's alot of them on the internet so don't be fooled by any of them. The Perfect Wealth Formula is the one that I was involved in and this is the way you end up getting taken in the end. The program is full of promises and leaves off many important details that are not brought out up friont like they should be. It is worded to mean one thing and misleads you a little at a time costing you more money. Finally you are in it so deep that you can't afford to quit. The company says they match your funds they use for advertising dollar for dollar. They offer no proof of that at all. The website is great, has a voice over and all. It tells about how you can (almost) sit back and do nothing but watch the money roll in. It is full of testimonials that may or may not be true. The testimonials could actually be true but I have my doubts.

You read where people make 5 sales in one day, made thousands while on vacation, The site shows people in a home type setting playing with their children and smiling about the money they made. making it appear it is easy and nothing to it. The owner holds up a handfull of money in a fan shape. The website shows big cars, yachts, airplanes, and all the things rich people like to buy with their money. This is the work of a very smart marketing designer. The truth is you pay a fee and it appears that is all you have to do. In reality you pay the upfront fee, wait for the money to arrive, make a call and find out that you were supposed to advertise your business, pay for the ads yourself, and make the sales yourself, UNLESS, you joinup with the sales service that cost you $1067. That is in addition to the $1497 you paid in the beginning.

The website plainly says you don't even have to talk to anyone unless you want to. That is true but they didn't say what it takes to not talk to someone and make sales. Now you are all set to really sit back and make money because they are making the sales for you. Their highly trained staff, which I am almost positive is only one guy, does the selling for you. Now, you sit back waiting for an email where you just made a few grand. Don't hold your breath! Nothing happens like you were promised. The reason is you didn't get on the rotator. What is the rotator? Well that is something they setup and I guess it does what it's name is and rotates. Each person who has the sales agreement for a year is placed on the rotator so when the calls come in it will throw one your way if your name is on the website that someone pulls up.

The only problem is the rotator cost $200...A MONTH! So now we pay our $200 because we are what??? $2564 in it already and they say we will get calls, we will get sales, other people are getting sales, we are making sales for people here and blah, blah, blah. All at once we still don't get any calls because we did not pay our monthly fee for something, I still don't know what it is either, but it is $14.97..A MONTH. Well, I guess that is all we have to pay unless it is another step in there somewhere I missed. I quit before it got any further. Since I wrote so many bad emails to them they decided that they would extend my rotator fee for an extra two weeks into September and they did. All that is wrong now is that they didn't extend the $14.97 a month fee so I was locked out and still can't get any money even if they make a sale for me. Because I didn't pay that fee they will keep all the money if there is any made on my website.

When I griped about the program I was told it was the cost of doing business and everyone has business expenses. True, but usually you know about the future expenses before hand and have a fair idea you will make a profit. With PWF you have to depend on what others say to you and believe me your interest in not on their minds, it's all about your money intheir pocket. I have a problem with this company for their misleading website and how they dollar you to death. Actually, they do make group phone calls and try to train you on how to make it work. This makes them look like they are honest but a sale to you is one they didn't get so who are we really working for here? The truth is people have to put up alot of money and they are skeptical and sales are few and hard.

There are many programs just like this out there. This is a workable system in a way. First of all you have to have a product to sell. They have one but it is a library of ebooks on how to make money on the internet, which they go on and on about how valuable it is. You can find them all day long on the internet for free or for 20 bucks, so there is no value but it does get them by the law. You pay by credit card and download the crap and $1000 goes to the person who is your sponsor, the other money goes to the owner of the company Jason Pearson. A picture is on the net of Jason but could not really be him. You know the rest of dollar here and dollar there stories so, on with the system. They claim they advertise but could not produce any ads that were available for me to see in real print. A person sees the ads, goes to the www, reads the website and buys. The person whos name comes up next is the one who gets the sale. Last count I had 193 hits and only 5 prospects. No sales!

My advice to you is stay away from this and all programs like it. I learned how to make money on the internet and I will share it with you for free. The internet is a source of information and people will pay for that information. Sadly it is full of information ripoffs where you never get anything or any value from the infromation you requested. Let's say you know how to build something of interest, or you are good at working on something, or you have knowledge that not a alot of people know but would like to learn. Get on your computer and write it all down in detail and explain your ideas. Make it in the form of an ebook. You can find hundreds of sites where you can advertise your website to millions for about $299. Send out your ads and they will tell you how many people hit your site and how long they stayed on it. Before long you will be selling something that cost you nothing to produce. If your site has an automatic click and buy, you actually could go fishing, or eating dinner and come home to see you made some good money and it works for you 24 hours a day. There is no end to this, it goes on forever. You don't need to get involved with scams that really don't have a product but just exchange money. That is all the Perfect Wealth Formula is. There is no value in the product it is just a money swapping scheme. I will call it a scheme rather than a scam. Unlike a real internet selling program there is an end to PWF. many people get in it and can go no further. maybe $1497 is all the money they have.

After they spend the $1497 under false pretenses they are now broke and can't contimue the program. Then later they find out they need about $3000 more to continue and it's too late. The comopany, however, gets to keep the money. With PWF you won't get anywhere and they just pocket your hard earned money. if a real and usefull product is sold no one gets burned. There is no end. Perfect Wealth Formula and any other program promoting the same idea is not going to work for you unless you spend alot of money and do the work yourself and then it's a big maybe you will get some money. It is too big a gamble, keep your money. They get mad when I call them scammers but after reading this are they not scammers? If you think not buy it, try it, and post it on here in a few months and let's read your opinion. The people who claim they are making money are deep into it and will tell you anything to get you to join.

Ripley, Mississippi

11 Updates & Rebuttals

Sean Grimes


Perfect Wealth Formula Is No Ripoff

#12Consumer Comment

Thu, August 06, 2009

My name is Sean Grimes and I'm on a mission to set people straight when they make claims about certain systems being scams. I've been marketing online for about 4 years and I've come across only a few programs that were obvious scams, but they are long gone off the face of the internet.

Understand that I used to be a member of Perfect Wealth Formula, but I never made one dime! However, they are no scam. When I joined, I knew what I was getting into and I also knew that I has to market the business to make any money in the first place. I got many people who were interested in the system, but just didn't have enough marketing experience at the time to make anything happen.

The training offered by Jason Pearson in my opinion was well worth the money. I've spent $1000's on online training and Jason offered very good training at a fraction of the cost. To be honest, Jason's training on PPC was very well done in my opinion.

Just because you join a program or system it doesn't mean you will make money. Most importantly, just because you market something to a person, it doesn't mean that he/she will buy what you're trying to sell. To be a successful marketer, you must be consistent. You don't have to call prospects on the phone, but it does help.

Anyway, I hope this has been helpful to someone. Like, I said, I never made one penny from Perfect Wealth Solution, but it is NOT a scam.

Sean G

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


North Carolina,

I couldn't agree more

#12UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, February 11, 2009


Thanks, its nice to hear someone's else same opinion on that company. I've done a tremendous amount of research before applying to the company. And come to find out, I had to pay more in order to build a website?! All this site does, is just to lead you to a list of more offers. I mean, I love designing websites, but heck I can't keep on paying more and more in order to complete my product?! But I don't know, I'm still new to this online business. I might reconsider if I haven't found anything else that works?!


North Carolina,

Not everyone is cut out to be a successful internet / direct marketing person.

#12Consumer Comment

Sat, February 23, 2008

Let me first state the 80/20 rule. You can do a search on google with the following text without the quotes: "percentage of businesses that fail" and you will see there are many studies showing anywhere from 60% to 95% of businesses fail. That is not only brick and mortor small businesses, but online businesses as well.

So it stands to say when a business opprotunity with a product (electronic or otherwise) is created, marketed, and then start having members you will definitely see a percentage that do absolutely NOTHING. Now if I were to spend $1000 or even up to $3000 on a new business you better believe I am going to do research and I am going to put in work. But there are many... approximately 80% or some percentage thereof that either does nothing, have a hard time understanding their business, or simply want a get rich scheme that requires no work. Now I am not saying all that fail are doing nothing as I know there are some that do put in the work, but they just don't make it. You have to ask the question how many offline businesses do you see fail in your area regularly? Restaurants closing, businesses closing, and I am not talking about spending a couple of thousand dollars I am talking about companies that spent 100's of thousands of dollars and still failed.

As far as starting a business... a couple of thousand dollars is EXTREMELY CHEAP!. But even the BEST training, BEST education, and BEST intentions will not always lead to success. I bet there are many college graduates from top universities that have failed businesses... and I bet they even worked their businesses, but there is a percentage that will fail.

I don't know how many "tools" I have purchased to help me be a better internet/direct marketer and I can easily say I have done absolutely nothing with a fair amount of them. Either I didn't get around to reading it, I focused on something else, I focused on too many things at once, or some other excuse. But do I blame the author or company for my lack of success, because I failed to act? Absolutely not, it was my fault, not their fault.

There are some I also put time into and they were very successful and some that didn't do so well. Were the ones that didn't do so well rip-offs? Well... there were a few that only provided very basic information that I could have gotten for free so perhaps they were not worth the money, but they still contained solid principles... I just happened to already know those principles.

I have investigated PWF and some other's that are similar to it... and the few I have examined were not scam, ponzi or schemes, but contained a real product (yes electronic), but still real and valuable. Is there any guarantee you will succeed in any of these businesses? NO! What about purchasing a Subway franchise... are you guaranteed success? NO! What about a McDonalds? NO!

So to the ones here that were complaining count yourselves lucky you didn't purchase a franchise, because it would have cost you way more in fees and so forth to run that business and if you didn't succeed would you have blamed McDonalds or Subway? The simple fact is some people are NOT cut out to own or run their own business. There is nothing wrong with this... it is just a fact of life. Some are just not cut out for it.

Now back to online businesses... there are some that are truly scams. They don't have a product at all (seen a few get shutdown), or they provide no support or education. From everything I have seen with PWF they have solid training through the use of videos and electronic books. They have 2 training calls a week, many of the top sponsors have training calls per week... man how much training do you need until you start to take action.

Anyway, I haven't found anything unethical about PWF in my research... I can't say every member is ethical, but everything I have found about the owner is someone who truly cares about helping others make money and start a business online.

Let me also add that there are internet marketers that may purchase PWF and find they already know 100% of what is there. If I recall PWF allowed a 6 day refund policy... which should be more than enough to determine if the product had value.

Well... I could go on, but ultimately you need to do due diligence in checking out any company you deal with, you should do your research, you should determine your budget, and when you make a choice take action.



Well, I was waiting for someone to scream PONZI!!

#12Consumer Comment

Fri, November 16, 2007

I'm done, I'm not going to say how belligerent that was for trying to reverse the fact of me actually testing the PRODUCT(the very thing which shows and PROVES that there is no ponzi involved here, the very thing that verifies its legitimacy and legality) on another program. It atcually adds to it's credibility that it does work with other ventures and not just that one program, which also plays in it's actual market demand. I guess if you're so used to seeing scams right off the bat, off the wall statements as what was just illustrated flies off peoples keyboards, but I guess through all the rambling you didn't catch that, when you were so ready to scream ponzi.

Lady I don't know who you are, but I know you must not know too much about corporate America to see merely by the way you use the word ponzi. People get so confused with the actual meaning they try to apply it to everything they hear on ( which is by far the worst forum to get ANY information. ) or any other forum, I'd bet you even believe offshore investing is illegal. And if you think the companies that you suggested, were any better than this one I am defending, I'll let you know that many of them partake in this industy aswell, if you haven't been keeping up with the news and market, due to the drive of the economy, the stability in market trades are really shaky ( i.e. the frequent drop to staggering drops this year as example), oh yeah I'll give you the numbers of all my real estate buds who've lost their money in the last year for the decisions of these firms, remember where there's a GAIN, there is ALWAYS A LOSS.

Even though they all claim to bring you the best return everyone does not win in the markets, oh yeah that's right just like a ponzi that was really great advice, good job. They put in their own work to earn more money in network marketing more than you'd believe, why because there's money here and they know it. They don't care who believes, who doesn't, who screams scam, ponzi, or get rich quick. Robert Allen is C.E.O. of a network marketing company, could've sworn he was a big real estate buff, or let's take Forbes, or even successful investor, Robert Kiyosaki, all big names all participate in network marketing "Direct Sales" industry in some way. I can go down the line of the countless CPA's, and Lawyers that participate in this industry as well, but hey what do I know right.

The very thing can be said about all these opinionated statements on forums and every where else about the direct sales industry, none of you are lawyers and you don't manage my money so don't try to convince me or anyone of something being illegal, I have yet to see anyone supply me with any hard leading statements of reasonable researched evidence to your claims of the program being a scam, scheme, unethical, whatever. I have actually supplied in depth facts on the industry and company that can be seen if one would actually conduct true research.

All I'm hearing is a bunch of people repeating what they see on forums, or what they believe, no hard backed evidence (and I don't mean scurring off and fetching the pay plan, I am well aware of it, and it proves nothing, I see the same pay plan used by corporate america), no real personal experience of system application, you guy's won't even call the C.E.O. to set your facts straight, instead you sit here and think you're being smart bad mouthing the program, contact the owner and get signed contracts, speak with his lawyer, ask of the products, and scream ponzi to him. The funny thing is no one ever does that it's almost like they purposely bash the restaurant, but askem if they have ever eaten there, you'll be surprised what 90% of the answers are, the other % is the people who gave up since they didn't get what they expected in the time they expected.

I know of these sites you speek of and they are just websites, who cares you have to think of a domain name for your created site, that's all people need is to get hung up on a name and worry about how scammish it's going to sound. That is absolutely nothing but industry killed confidence, you're so skeptical people can't even have a domain name without being scared.If that's the case why look for a home business, work at your job the place that really scams you out of money. There isn't too much to say, Network Marketing is very high demand right now, credibility growing faster, fully back by industries best.

What's more to say than for you to get a written statement by the C.E.O and his Lawyer of this illegid ponzi. In fact the only huge orchestrated ponzi I have seen is social security, and don't tell me you didn't know that either.



Well, I was waiting for someone to scream PONZI!!

#12Consumer Comment

Fri, November 16, 2007

I'm done, I'm not going to say how belligerent that was for trying to reverse the fact of me actually testing the PRODUCT(the very thing which shows and PROVES that there is no ponzi involved here, the very thing that verifies its legitimacy and legality) on another program. It atcually adds to it's credibility that it does work with other ventures and not just that one program, which also plays in it's actual market demand. I guess if you're so used to seeing scams right off the bat, off the wall statements as what was just illustrated flies off peoples keyboards, but I guess through all the rambling you didn't catch that, when you were so ready to scream ponzi.

Lady I don't know who you are, but I know you must not know too much about corporate America to see merely by the way you use the word ponzi. People get so confused with the actual meaning they try to apply it to everything they hear on ( which is by far the worst forum to get ANY information. ) or any other forum, I'd bet you even believe offshore investing is illegal. And if you think the companies that you suggested, were any better than this one I am defending, I'll let you know that many of them partake in this industy aswell, if you haven't been keeping up with the news and market, due to the drive of the economy, the stability in market trades are really shaky ( i.e. the frequent drop to staggering drops this year as example), oh yeah I'll give you the numbers of all my real estate buds who've lost their money in the last year for the decisions of these firms, remember where there's a GAIN, there is ALWAYS A LOSS.

Even though they all claim to bring you the best return everyone does not win in the markets, oh yeah that's right just like a ponzi that was really great advice, good job. They put in their own work to earn more money in network marketing more than you'd believe, why because there's money here and they know it. They don't care who believes, who doesn't, who screams scam, ponzi, or get rich quick. Robert Allen is C.E.O. of a network marketing company, could've sworn he was a big real estate buff, or let's take Forbes, or even successful investor, Robert Kiyosaki, all big names all participate in network marketing "Direct Sales" industry in some way. I can go down the line of the countless CPA's, and Lawyers that participate in this industry as well, but hey what do I know right.

The very thing can be said about all these opinionated statements on forums and every where else about the direct sales industry, none of you are lawyers and you don't manage my money so don't try to convince me or anyone of something being illegal, I have yet to see anyone supply me with any hard leading statements of reasonable researched evidence to your claims of the program being a scam, scheme, unethical, whatever. I have actually supplied in depth facts on the industry and company that can be seen if one would actually conduct true research.

All I'm hearing is a bunch of people repeating what they see on forums, or what they believe, no hard backed evidence (and I don't mean scurring off and fetching the pay plan, I am well aware of it, and it proves nothing, I see the same pay plan used by corporate america), no real personal experience of system application, you guy's won't even call the C.E.O. to set your facts straight, instead you sit here and think you're being smart bad mouthing the program, contact the owner and get signed contracts, speak with his lawyer, ask of the products, and scream ponzi to him. The funny thing is no one ever does that it's almost like they purposely bash the restaurant, but askem if they have ever eaten there, you'll be surprised what 90% of the answers are, the other % is the people who gave up since they didn't get what they expected in the time they expected.

I know of these sites you speek of and they are just websites, who cares you have to think of a domain name for your created site, that's all people need is to get hung up on a name and worry about how scammish it's going to sound. That is absolutely nothing but industry killed confidence, you're so skeptical people can't even have a domain name without being scared.If that's the case why look for a home business, work at your job the place that really scams you out of money. There isn't too much to say, Network Marketing is very high demand right now, credibility growing faster, fully back by industries best.

What's more to say than for you to get a written statement by the C.E.O and his Lawyer of this illegid ponzi. In fact the only huge orchestrated ponzi I have seen is social security, and don't tell me you didn't know that either.



Well, I was waiting for someone to scream PONZI!!

#12Consumer Comment

Fri, November 16, 2007

I'm done, I'm not going to say how belligerent that was for trying to reverse the fact of me actually testing the PRODUCT(the very thing which shows and PROVES that there is no ponzi involved here, the very thing that verifies its legitimacy and legality) on another program. It atcually adds to it's credibility that it does work with other ventures and not just that one program, which also plays in it's actual market demand. I guess if you're so used to seeing scams right off the bat, off the wall statements as what was just illustrated flies off peoples keyboards, but I guess through all the rambling you didn't catch that, when you were so ready to scream ponzi.

Lady I don't know who you are, but I know you must not know too much about corporate America to see merely by the way you use the word ponzi. People get so confused with the actual meaning they try to apply it to everything they hear on ( which is by far the worst forum to get ANY information. ) or any other forum, I'd bet you even believe offshore investing is illegal. And if you think the companies that you suggested, were any better than this one I am defending, I'll let you know that many of them partake in this industy aswell, if you haven't been keeping up with the news and market, due to the drive of the economy, the stability in market trades are really shaky ( i.e. the frequent drop to staggering drops this year as example), oh yeah I'll give you the numbers of all my real estate buds who've lost their money in the last year for the decisions of these firms, remember where there's a GAIN, there is ALWAYS A LOSS.

Even though they all claim to bring you the best return everyone does not win in the markets, oh yeah that's right just like a ponzi that was really great advice, good job. They put in their own work to earn more money in network marketing more than you'd believe, why because there's money here and they know it. They don't care who believes, who doesn't, who screams scam, ponzi, or get rich quick. Robert Allen is C.E.O. of a network marketing company, could've sworn he was a big real estate buff, or let's take Forbes, or even successful investor, Robert Kiyosaki, all big names all participate in network marketing "Direct Sales" industry in some way. I can go down the line of the countless CPA's, and Lawyers that participate in this industry as well, but hey what do I know right.

The very thing can be said about all these opinionated statements on forums and every where else about the direct sales industry, none of you are lawyers and you don't manage my money so don't try to convince me or anyone of something being illegal, I have yet to see anyone supply me with any hard leading statements of reasonable researched evidence to your claims of the program being a scam, scheme, unethical, whatever. I have actually supplied in depth facts on the industry and company that can be seen if one would actually conduct true research.

All I'm hearing is a bunch of people repeating what they see on forums, or what they believe, no hard backed evidence (and I don't mean scurring off and fetching the pay plan, I am well aware of it, and it proves nothing, I see the same pay plan used by corporate america), no real personal experience of system application, you guy's won't even call the C.E.O. to set your facts straight, instead you sit here and think you're being smart bad mouthing the program, contact the owner and get signed contracts, speak with his lawyer, ask of the products, and scream ponzi to him. The funny thing is no one ever does that it's almost like they purposely bash the restaurant, but askem if they have ever eaten there, you'll be surprised what 90% of the answers are, the other % is the people who gave up since they didn't get what they expected in the time they expected.

I know of these sites you speek of and they are just websites, who cares you have to think of a domain name for your created site, that's all people need is to get hung up on a name and worry about how scammish it's going to sound. That is absolutely nothing but industry killed confidence, you're so skeptical people can't even have a domain name without being scared.If that's the case why look for a home business, work at your job the place that really scams you out of money. There isn't too much to say, Network Marketing is very high demand right now, credibility growing faster, fully back by industries best.

What's more to say than for you to get a written statement by the C.E.O and his Lawyer of this illegid ponzi. In fact the only huge orchestrated ponzi I have seen is social security, and don't tell me you didn't know that either.



Well, I was waiting for someone to scream PONZI!!

#12Consumer Comment

Fri, November 16, 2007

I'm done, I'm not going to say how belligerent that was for trying to reverse the fact of me actually testing the PRODUCT(the very thing which shows and PROVES that there is no ponzi involved here, the very thing that verifies its legitimacy and legality) on another program. It atcually adds to it's credibility that it does work with other ventures and not just that one program, which also plays in it's actual market demand. I guess if you're so used to seeing scams right off the bat, off the wall statements as what was just illustrated flies off peoples keyboards, but I guess through all the rambling you didn't catch that, when you were so ready to scream ponzi.

Lady I don't know who you are, but I know you must not know too much about corporate America to see merely by the way you use the word ponzi. People get so confused with the actual meaning they try to apply it to everything they hear on ( which is by far the worst forum to get ANY information. ) or any other forum, I'd bet you even believe offshore investing is illegal. And if you think the companies that you suggested, were any better than this one I am defending, I'll let you know that many of them partake in this industy aswell, if you haven't been keeping up with the news and market, due to the drive of the economy, the stability in market trades are really shaky ( i.e. the frequent drop to staggering drops this year as example), oh yeah I'll give you the numbers of all my real estate buds who've lost their money in the last year for the decisions of these firms, remember where there's a GAIN, there is ALWAYS A LOSS.

Even though they all claim to bring you the best return everyone does not win in the markets, oh yeah that's right just like a ponzi that was really great advice, good job. They put in their own work to earn more money in network marketing more than you'd believe, why because there's money here and they know it. They don't care who believes, who doesn't, who screams scam, ponzi, or get rich quick. Robert Allen is C.E.O. of a network marketing company, could've sworn he was a big real estate buff, or let's take Forbes, or even successful investor, Robert Kiyosaki, all big names all participate in network marketing "Direct Sales" industry in some way. I can go down the line of the countless CPA's, and Lawyers that participate in this industry as well, but hey what do I know right.

The very thing can be said about all these opinionated statements on forums and every where else about the direct sales industry, none of you are lawyers and you don't manage my money so don't try to convince me or anyone of something being illegal, I have yet to see anyone supply me with any hard leading statements of reasonable researched evidence to your claims of the program being a scam, scheme, unethical, whatever. I have actually supplied in depth facts on the industry and company that can be seen if one would actually conduct true research.

All I'm hearing is a bunch of people repeating what they see on forums, or what they believe, no hard backed evidence (and I don't mean scurring off and fetching the pay plan, I am well aware of it, and it proves nothing, I see the same pay plan used by corporate america), no real personal experience of system application, you guy's won't even call the C.E.O. to set your facts straight, instead you sit here and think you're being smart bad mouthing the program, contact the owner and get signed contracts, speak with his lawyer, ask of the products, and scream ponzi to him. The funny thing is no one ever does that it's almost like they purposely bash the restaurant, but askem if they have ever eaten there, you'll be surprised what 90% of the answers are, the other % is the people who gave up since they didn't get what they expected in the time they expected.

I know of these sites you speek of and they are just websites, who cares you have to think of a domain name for your created site, that's all people need is to get hung up on a name and worry about how scammish it's going to sound. That is absolutely nothing but industry killed confidence, you're so skeptical people can't even have a domain name without being scared.If that's the case why look for a home business, work at your job the place that really scams you out of money. There isn't too much to say, Network Marketing is very high demand right now, credibility growing faster, fully back by industries best.

What's more to say than for you to get a written statement by the C.E.O and his Lawyer of this illegid ponzi. In fact the only huge orchestrated ponzi I have seen is social security, and don't tell me you didn't know that either.



Invest in my company "pounds-of-gold-wrapped-in-thousands-of-100-dollars-bills-for-u"

#12Consumer Comment

Wed, November 14, 2007

You know a system is a scam when the only person who endorses it admits he didn't even make money with it. He justifies all the money he spent on it by saying:
"I did not partake in the opprtunitty, but used the knowledge that I gained from the program i.e. ' The Education'"
Seems the educational portion does not include learning how to spell. I'm guessing when he saw the website with the flashing money, fast cars and boats he didn't sign up thinking "Gee, I'll just use the educational portion of this website".
Again people, this perfect wealth system is basically a pyramid scheme. You pay thousands of dollars to buy the perfect wealth formula so you can set up a website that basically sells the perfect wealth formula. It basically is some e-books that tell you the way to make money on the Internet is to sell e-books on how to make money on the Internet. The business itself is the product along with all the motivational/training (can you say "Amway") that can be sold to you. All you do is come up with some fancy website to try and lure people in to the scheme. Such names as 500kwealthformula, 1stepsystemriches, theperfectinternetbiz, rohrermarketing, fastpitchnetworking, 500kwft, cash2gold, easy2kdays, simple-riches, profitwealthonline, guaranteedsuccessblueprint, newperfectwealthformula, buildwealthnow, and my personal favorite themoneykey. I didn't make these up, these are the sites people are using to try and peddle this system. I could go on for pages with all the websites set up for the perfect wealth formula. For all we know themoneykey sold the system to someone who opened up simple-riches who sold the system to someone who opened up cash2gold. Please stay away from this scheme. There is an easy way to make yourself financial independent for the future. It's called spending less than you make and investing in companies with names like Vanguard, Fidelity, and T-Rowe price, not companies with names like crazymoneyking, buildyourhousewithgold, or 10milliondollarsecret.



Oh No, Not a fellow Hoosier Who Felt Abliged To Tell Me What I should Do With My Life

#12Consumer Suggestion

Wed, November 14, 2007

Ya know, I expected such negative reaction from a hoosier so I don't even blame you for having the type of mindest that you do and your so called rebuttal, techniqually that was no rebuttal so for you to post that was totally irrelevent to the subject and point.

I understand that the home business industry has gotten so bad that the mere look of something or more specifically Website, MIGHT JUST TRIGGER SOME UNEDUCATED INDIVIDUAL TO ADD THEIR 2 WORTHLESS CENTS.

Since the hoosier had to call me out, I will give you the benefit of the doubt in being totally ignorant on this industry, and bless you with what I said in my 1rst rebuttal.

Now listen carefully so you won't miss it again, " I did not partake in the opprtunitty, but used the knowledge that I gained from the program i.e. " The Education,.....THE EDUCATION" And applied it with another business, yes they work with any business. Any IHOP, Insurance Co., General Motors, Online, offline etc, you name it I'll tell you how it applies. The techniques work, I don't care if you feel that the site screams scam. Don't, I REPEAT and can't stress it enough, Don't judge a book by it's cover. If you knew about this industry, you'd know that big businesses hire people who use the SAME techniques detailed in PWF, and they are making SEVEN figures a year.

I am so tired of people thinking that they should speak out on something they know absolutely nothing about, but you are the first to try and tell me that I should want to move away from where I live, away from my family and friends. You spoke so fast you forgot to think of that.

It makes people look so bad, but I like the fact that you spoke out, because I tell my partner all the time how out of the ordinary it is to see a some kids out of Indiana making serious income, while everyone else has been driven to disbelief in a business of this magnatude and structure. We laugh because we know that no one will believe that people make money like this everyday around them, but it gets to the point, you either get with the program or get lost. I used to be skeptical just like you until, I chose to really conduct my research just to find that things weren't as what people might try to make them out to be, no matter how many people scream scam. I'll tell you this much, you should talk to my partner he lives in valpo as well, hey that's right by you ;) and he's making more than me at the moment, if I gave you the figures you wouldn't believe me, but like I said I don't care. I got another in Indiana, so you just go ahead and keep screaming scam, and let your chances pass by. I'll continue what I'm doing regardless.

By the Way, you stumbled onto this report for some reason, could it be that someone was doing their Due Dilligence on joining the program, hmmm that seems kinda funny.

Take Care



That web page SCREAMS scam!

#12Consumer Suggestion

Thu, November 08, 2007

If it looks and smells like a scam, chances are its a scam.

If the ony defense is insulting gibberish, then there really is no defense, is there?

By the way, if I were striking it rich, the first thing I would do would be to move the hell out of Lake County Indiana. But maybe you enjoy the wonderful mix of manure and steel mill smells.



My Rebuttal To the Totally Confused Guy Who DARED To Post Such Hog Wash

#12Consumer Suggestion

Sat, October 27, 2007

Now before I begin I will say right now I have been doing this business for alot longer than this Green Horn here, Ihave made money from real products and I know exactly how this business works, what's real and what's just to take your money. I will also say Yes Sir I bought The Package, and I still have it.

First thing I will like to say is that this guy is totally lost and he has no idea what he is talking, if I were your sponcor and you were that confused on this industry, I WOULD HAVE NEVER SOLD YOU THE PACKAGE. I've seen program throw hype and fluf at me on websites, and Jason Pearson does not. The car and the money is there to give the site a feel of confidence, you wouldn't buy a car from an unconfident sales rep would you, so don't bash what everyone is doing these days, that means nothing. If you felt that someone was suckering you to buy then you're crazier than I thought the affiliate program is FREE, if you want to get paid for your sales you have to buy your hosting for your sales site like with any real online company, MAKES SENSE DUNT IT.

Second the $1,497 was for your training and Mentoring, along with your training calls from a millionaire twice a week at that, guest speakers, including coops, free upgrades. You also got training video's along with 40 PERSONALLY developed ebooks, THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND ON THE NET FOR FREE, so what ar you talking about. You probably didn't even go in your back office to get your training, because the training speciallizes on FREE, yes I....Said....FREEEE.... advertising that does work along with paid. I and so many others still don't have the rotator as you say, and are still making sales.

Oohh I've only gotten started with your confused rambling.

All I really heard you talk about was how much you wanted and tried to sit on your butt and wait for sales, umm sir this isn't a get rich quick scheme don't scream scheme, when you're the one treating it like a scheme, everyone else is out there working their sites trying and getting sales, with 193 hits I could hardly consider breaking the surface especially if you're not doing targeted advertising, and converting your funnel system. Anyone and I mean any real internet marketer would say 193 hits is NOTHING, that's hardly work. And you kept going on about the 14.97 this, and the 14.97 that, and how you were supposed to get an extended month. Why? That's your hosting fee for your website, like I said in the beginning can't make sales without your sales site, and ya can't have a site without hosting. All these things that you have had a problem with were discussed in many calls in the beginning.......Where were YOU!!! Oh yeah and unless, you missed it, Jason took the liberty to put them in your back office. There were absolutely no lies when I joined I don't know where the lies you found, or maybe you're just still confused.

Where in the world did you read that the company would match you dollar for dollar with your advertising or what ever, I can't find that anywhere. And any expenses that I had to pay I and everyone else in the program has known before hand, once again......WHERE WERE YOU!!! All I'm seeing confusion, confusion, confusion.

Your little free way in making money came from the product you bought, yes Jason explained that and many others, but if you would have stayed with the company you would have discovered that yes you might make some money if what you have to say holds any real value to a big audience, and the other thing is if you don't constantly change, update, and upgrade your product and information, GUESS WHAT, your money is no more!! I guess you didn't learn that either when you were with the company huh, the internet takes work bud, if you don't want to have a BUSINESS, then go get a job. You say you wouldn't recommend this or any other similar business of direct sales, that's very funny, when award winning Author Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad, Poor Dad) stands behind this business 100%, I think I'll follow his expert opinion, rather than inraged people looking for get rich quick schemes.

In conclusion, I am an internet marketer, I bougt Perfect Wealth Formula not necessarily for the business, but for the great training and information I gained from it, so I can use it for a different business venture I just started, and I just closed a sale YESTERDAY, and working on 10 more this week, and if anyone wants to know what this business can do for your life.....with that sale yesterday in addition to the 10, that $10,500 dollars after putting in some work. So the business works, and techniques even when I'm using them for another company,

Perfect Wealth Formula is in No Way Shap Or Form a SCAM!

So the illegid $2564 you spent that you claim to make this business work was completely your fault and failure, there are things in this bsuiness you can't buy, and trying to buy your way out of work then you need a fatter wallet

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