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  • Report:  #287763

Complaint Review: Petland-Beavercreek Ohio

Petland-Beavercreek, Ohio Petland has cost me thousands of dollars Beavercreek Ohio

  • Reported By:
    Kettering Ohio
  • Submitted:
    Thu, November 29, 2007
  • Updated:
    Sun, June 27, 2010
  • Petland-Beavercreek, Ohio
    4468 Indian Ripple Road
    Beavercreek, Ohio
  • Phone:
  • Category:

This may be a long store but I feel that I need to go into great detail about what this pet store has put me, my dog, and my wallet through....Please bare with me!!

On December 26th, 2006 me and my husband purchased a French Mastiff from Petland. Even though we knew it was alot of money we fell in love with him and bought him for $2400.00.

As we were playing with him in the store we were told by there "pet counselor" that he was in perfect health and had just been vet check that morning. We took him home and by that evening he was blowing green snot out of his nose and had had diarrea several time (Petland gave us a paper stating that the dog my have diarreh for a few days because of nerves and being in a new enviroment). I new he probably had kennel cough so we took him to "their contracted vet" the next day. The vet gave our puppy medication for his kennel cough and asked us to bring in a stool sample.

The next day I took in a stool sample and was told by Petlands vet that our puppy was clean of any paracite. Over the next few days our puppy still continue with the diarrea (several times a day). I finally got fed up and took him into MY regular vet. They did a fecal sample on him and concluded that he had coccidia and giardia. She also told me that by looking at his records from the pet store that he had been treated for both of those paracites THREE times. So he had had this health condition for some time now, the pet store knew about it and never mentioned it to me!!

My vet put him on medication to take care of the paracites. Before I gave him the medication I took another stool sample into Petlands vet. In order to get the medication and vet bills covered under the Petland warranty their vet had to diagnose him with the paracites. Amazingly the second fecal test from there vet came back negative for paracites.

I was so fed up with Petland and there vet office I went ahead and gave him the medication thinking he would get better within a couple of weeks and that I would never have to deal with either place again.

Well I was wrong.... My poor dog ended up having to take medication on and off over the next 7 months. He had diarrea for all 7 of those months. Thank god he was a quick learning when it came to house training!! Between fecal samples, medication, vet visits, and buying special food me and my husband spent over $1000.00 getting him healthy. And because we couldn't get a positive fecal test from Petland's vet we had to pay for everything on our own.

Finally at 9 months old our puppy was having solid BM's and was paracite free!! We though the outragous vet bills and our poor puppy's suffering was over. Once again I was wrong.

When our puppy was 10 months old he started to develope a limp in his front leg. We took him in to our vet and they did x-rays of his front and back legs ( they noticed his back legs looked funny). Come to find out he has hip dysplasia. I contacted Petland and told them about our situation. They told me I had to take him to their vet and have him evaluated. I did that and between my vet and their vet they concured that I should tak ethe puppy to and orthopedic surgeon.

This is when I had to start dealing with Petland's manager..S.B. I was told by a Petland employee that I could take my dog to any othopedic surgeon. So I took him to one that my vet recommended. After the appointment I called Petland to talk to Sara and told her that my dog was going to need to have total hip replacement surgery( this surgery cost anywhere from $3800.00-$4300.00 per hip). At that point she said that she had talk to my vet and Petland's vet and that they both said my puppy no longer had hip dysplasia, and that the surgery would NOT be covered. I hung up the phone on her and headed straight to my vet office. I asked them if they had talked to anyone at Petland. THey told me know they had no idea what i was talking about and that if someone would have called they would have never said he didn't have hip dysplasia...BECAUSE HE DOES!!! Then I drove to Petland's vet and asked for a copy of my puppies file. Rigth there in the Doctor's report it said my puppy had hip dysplasia!! The manager had completely lyed about everything!! So I called her back and got in a screaming match. By the end of the conversation she had changed her story again had told me that if I was going to get the hip surgery for my dog that it had to be done at Ohio State Veterinary Learning Hospital. Which was fine with me (they are one of the best in the United States). But, she had also told me she wanted me to get an outside third opinion for a place called Medvet (also love this place).

So I made an appointment with Medvet for the next week. During the appointment at Medvet the orthopedic surgeon said that yes my puppy has hip dysplasia but since he was showing no signs of lameness that we should hold off on the surgery. Which I agreed with.... If he's not in pain there is no reason to put him in it.

After the Medvet appointment I called S.B. at Petland and told her what the orthopedic surgeon had said at Medvet. She said ok and once again reminded me that I needed to have the surgery done at OSU learning hospital. I said that was fine and hung up.

About 3 weeks later me and my husband noticed our puppies right back hip popping in and out of place ( you could acually hear it too). Even though it wasn't horrible and he didn't seem to be in pain, I went ahead and made and appointment at OSU. It took 6 weeks to get in!!! Over the next week or so the lameness in the puppy got noticable worse. I felt so bad for him...he was having trouble getting up and down, using stairs (and we only have 3 in our whole house), and would sometime fall back while trying to use the restroom. I got a pain killer for him and have just been waiting for his apointment.

Well the appointment at OSU is on 12/3/07 so this week I called S.B. at Petland to ask her what I needed to do to get reimbursed for the appointment. At that point she asked me why I was taking him to OSU that it would be very expensive. I told her the reason I was taking him there was because SHE told me I HAD TOO!! She then said that she never said I had to take him to OSU. Once again her story has changed. During this conversation she talked to me like I was an idiot. Telling me that the warranty would not cover the whole surgery and that it was going to be very expensive. I told her that I was aware that I was going to have to spend another $6000.00 on my dog that she didn't need to remind me of that. Her next statement was "well if you would have got him from a breeder youwould have been SOL". I absolutly could not believe she was talking to a customer that unprofessional!!

I was so angry at this point I hung up the phone on her. When I got home from work I called Petland corporate offices to make a formal complaint against S.B. I left a message for them and they returned my phone call the next da. I explained my situation and that I wanted to deal with someone else besides S.B. (because if I had to see or talk to her again I was probably going to end upin jail!) They filed my complaint and also gave me another person to talk to about my situation. I am waiting for them to call me back.

I am ready to take legal time this year is between purchasing the dog and vet bills me and my husband will have spent upwards of $10,000.00. We have totally learned our lesson about buying from a pet store. I would like this to be a warning to everyone out there that is thinking of doing it!!! The only way to stop these stores from selling poorly bred, sick animals is not buy ANYTHING (pets, food, supplies) from them.

The one and only GREAT thing that has come out of our whole situation is that we have a WONDERFUL puppy!! We love him so much and have enjoyed every minute of him.

There is much more to this story but I feel I have covered the important things. I would love to hear from anyone that has had a similar story(especially if it is from the same Petland).

Kettering, Ohio

5 Updates & Rebuttals



name of "breeder"

#6Author of original report

Sun, June 27, 2010

Yes I do know the name of the "supposed" breeder.

Mickey Ball from Neosho, MO

I have done a ton off research to try and find this "breeder" even called the vet in MO that our dog went to before he was shipped to Hunte Co.  They lie and everything is BS! I hope your puppy is doing good and I wish you luck. Ours is 3 1/2 now and has been surgery free so far (fingers crossed). The only thing that has helped him is to give him glucosamine everyday.

Best of Luck


United States of America

I am in the same situation!

#6Consumer Comment

Sun, June 27, 2010

I came across your posting while searching for information on google regarding petland warranties and genetic joint disease. 

I realize that purchasing a puppy from Petland is one of the 7 deadly sins of inter-species compassion, however I was working with a vet clinic at the time who was working with Petland and I rescued (and yes, I do mean rescued, as the store LOST money on her sale) a 4 month old Dogue de Bordeaux puppy who had been there way too long.

Darla is 11 months old now, and has developed elbow dysplasia in both front legs and is going to require thousands or dollars in surgery and diagnostics. 

I am EXTREMELY curious to know if you have to breeders name listed on your Petland paperwork. If our puppies are from the same breeder, then Petland (or Hunte corp.), according to their own policy, should have stopped purchasing puppies from that breeder once the first claim of genetic problems was brought to their attention. 

I have done much research trying to find more information on my dogs breeder:

Elroy Zoglman

Garden Plains Kansas.=

I have been unable to find any information ANYWHERE. I have searched the USDA breeder registry where Petland and Hunte claim all their breeders are registered with (total BS). 

Anyway, I am very curious to hear if your French Mastiff came from the same breeder. It should say the breeder's name on the Hunte form you received with your initial paperwork. 

Thank You!




#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, November 07, 2008

I once worked for this location. In training, they fed us total B.S. on how their puppies don't come from puppy mills, that they come from USDA certified breeders. And for a while I believed their song and dance. Obviously, the vet that they use keeps quiet because they are getting Petland's business and their referrals. Well, I once came across protesters who told me that Petland sells puppy mill puppies. I didn't want to believe it, but my gut told me something wasn't right. Well, turns out the USDA standards are very low. Any reputable breeder would never in a million years sell their puppies to Petland or any other pet store for that matter. Reputable breeders would interview prospective dog parents and make sure they're going to good homes. Reputable breeders wouldn't use a dog as a breeding machine. Why do you think they try to keep the actual breeder a secret from the customer? It's not why they tell you- because you would go directly through the breeder and not them. It's really because you would just have more information to prove the breeder is a puppy mill. You know it really is sad. Sara would get a fax from corporate saying what puppies they have available for order that week-breeds, ages, sex, etc. Having 2 litters a year will wear a dog out. Reputable breeders care for and love the dogs as they are their own pets and care for the puppies as if they were their own. It's sad that so many people within the company are fed this corporate bullshit. Petland is a for-profit business. Think about it...they are in it for the money. There are too many unsuspecting, uneducated people out there willing to fall for their crap.

As for Sara, she's a tough one. Don't let her scare you though! The problem with stores like Petland, I think is they don't see anything wrong with the entire process. Someone really needs to investigate Petland Greene Crossings...maybe an investigative reporter!

And before anyone tries to make claims about me, I left the company on my own free will. I could no longer stand to lie to customers and sleep at night. I am a born animal lover, and animal rights come first, not the minuscule profit I might make off of selling an innocent animal.



This is why you never buy an animal from a pet store!!!!

#6Consumer Suggestion

Tue, June 03, 2008

While I fully sympathize with you and your situation, I have to state once AGAIN that THIS is exactly the reason you don't buy a dog from a shop like Petland. Their dogs (all of them, believe it) come from puppy mills. There is enough information on puppy mills AND Petland out there to dissuade anyone from purchasing from there...yet people still do! I don't understand it!!!

NO reputable breeder would allow their puppies to be sold to just anyone, like Petland does. NO reputable breeder would even give or sell their puppies TO Petland to sell! It just doesn't happen!

You learned a very expensive lesson...and I'm glad your dog is doing well now. However, please spread the word...if you want a dog, shelters are FULL of them looking for homes. If you must have a purebred (something that Petland cannot even guarantee), then do your research and find a reputable breeder. No, they're not easy to find, but after what you've been through, you will agree they are well worth the effort.

By the way, the stupid woman at Petland was WRONG when she said if you had purchased your puppy from a breeder that you would be SOL. Reputable breeders stand behind their puppies no matter what. Matter of fact, a reputable breeder will make you sign a contract stating that if you should even become incapable of keeping the dog, you will return it to them.

Plus, that Mastiff would have cost you about half of what you paid from a breeder, AND it would have been health-tested. FYI.




#6Consumer Comment

Fri, May 30, 2008

I could not find a way to reply to what you said except filing a rebuttal. My bunny, Marley, was purchased from the same Petland. Within a month and a half, he had passed away from an intestinal paracite. I tried contacting Petland to let them know of this, and they just said that I had no proof that that's how he passed. I was on the phone with the vet as he was dying trying to get suggestions on how to fix it. They said that if it was the paracite, there was nothing I could do. He was seizuring and had severe diaharrea. They said it may be a diabetic shock (seizuring) and had me pry open his mouth and put maple syrup in there as well as wrapping him in a warm blanket. I tried this, and after about an hour as I held him in my arms, he let out one final yelp and died. It was traumatizing to say the least. Hearing him scream and seizure for hours... it was terrible. We lived out in the middle of nowhere and it would've taken us near an hour and a half to get to the emergency vet. I regret not doing that, but at the same time it wouldn't have helped.

I feel for you and your puppy... but am glad he's doing okay. It didn't work out for Marley :(

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