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  • Report:  #171512

Complaint Review: Petsmart

Petsmart RIPOFF Would You want these People Working on Your Pets? Schererville Indiana

  • Reported By:
    hobart Indiana
  • Submitted:
    Thu, January 12, 2006
  • Updated:
    Tue, June 20, 2006
  • Petsmart
    711 U.S. Highway 41
    Schererville, Indiana
  • Phone:
  • Category:
*UPDATE Employee: Petsmart The inside story *UPDATE Employee: It doesn't get more real than this... *UPDATE Employee: Some little-known PETSMART rumors *UPDATE Employee: take a step back and take a good look at the situtation and whats going on *UPDATE Employee: take a step back and take a good look at the situtation and whats going on *UPDATE Employee: take a step back and take a good look at the situtation and whats going on *UPDATE Employee: take a step back and take a good look at the situtation and whats going on *UPDATE Employee: A voice of reason? You decide... *UPDATE Employee: opportunity to tell the truth *UPDATE Employee: Umm...person claiming to be Deb... *UPDATE Employee: Is it hot in here, or is it just me? *Consumer Comment: Thanx a lot and second off shame on all of you *Consumer Suggestion: Come on people! *UPDATE Employee: facts stop harmful babbling *Consumer Suggestion: my apologies *UPDATE Employee: finally Petsmart saga *UPDATE Employee: team work! *UPDATE Employee: the REAL inside story *UPDATE Employee: Petsmart Corp. office??? That makes me Laugh *Consumer Suggestion: Thank more Petsmart for my pets *REBUTTAL Owner of company: It's about time..... *Consumer Comment: It's about time.....continued *Consumer Comment: It's about time.....continued *Consumer Comment: It's about time.....continued *Consumer Comment: It's about time.....continued *UPDATE Employee: One Walks wish the Other 2 would follow *Consumer Suggestion: There we go *UPDATE Employee: Meet the New Boss *UPDATE Employee: Meet the New Boss *UPDATE Employee: Meet the New Boss *UPDATE Employee: Meet the New Boss *Consumer Suggestion: time for changes to be made *UPDATE Employee: What I Think *UPDATE Employee: Chicks Dig Me *UPDATE EX-employee responds: CRAZY *UPDATE Employee: Unfortunately your job isn't petting the animals *UPDATE EX-employee responds: What's Up, Amy? *UPDATE Employee: la la la la la..... *UPDATE Employee: My Response *UPDATE EX-employee responds: yes, i'm sure you all love your jobs.. *Consumer Comment: 1 More Down and 1 More To Go ! *Consumer Comment: 1 More Down and 1 More To Go ! *Consumer Comment: 1 More Down and 1 More To Go ! *Consumer Comment: 1 More Down and 1 More To Go ! *UPDATE Employee: Another wack at the base *UPDATE Employee: another candidate to bite the dust !!!! *UPDATE Employee: Shamma-Lamma Ding-Dong *Consumer Comment: the scorekeeper is watching......

Where can I begin, The grooming salon at this Petsmart is absolutely horrible, No wait, that entire store is horrible and Inhumane. I am friends with a lot of people in that store, and they will all probably hate me for this, but I can't stand letting stuff like this slip away undetected anymore.

Lets start with the grooming salon, and their poor choices for employees, and the worst manager in the world Jen Quasney. I know Jen and she is a bad choice. She likes to party and when she actually goes to work, she is hungover, 95% of the time. She is constantly switching shifts with other employees in the salon to the afternoon shifts, because she's too hungover to work the morning. She also screams, and curses at customers(I have seen her do it), and she is super rude to people on the phone. She also treats the other employees like crap, ask them they will verify it. Her rules are childish and stupid. She does not follow petsmart rules and policy, I don't know how many times the other employees have told me what she doesen't do, especially if it inconveniences her in any possible way.They also told me that she leaves and takes long breaks and dissappears for hours without telling anyone. I don't work at Petsmart, but if i worked for her I would quit in a heartbeat.

Next Comes a Bather named Deb. I feel that she can be worse then Jen. She likes to spread rumors about people to try to get them fired, and complain about people behind their backs. Im naming her because im giving her a taste of what she does to everybody else. If you get your dog groomed here DO NOT!!!! request her. Her work is terrible, and she does everything 50%. She refuses to do dogs, she doesen't clean ears, she cuts dogs, and wont do nails (I will never have her do my dog again EVER!!.) She also does not dry dogs and send them out wet, she did this to my dog and it was 10 degrees outside. The other thing is is she wants to go to grooming school, because she said she was too old to be a bather. Anyone who cares that little about animals, and does that bad of work does not deserve to be a groomer, she would make a horrible groomer.

Next is a groomer named Kara, She is decent, I would give her my vote for the best groomer out of the three there right now. I know that she actually does decent haircuts (I was pleased) I had heard that Kara and Jen were up for the management position at the grooming salon, and I wonder why they gave it to Jen, I would vote 100% for Kara in a oppurtunity like that. I have been told that she can be stern with dogs, but, I'd imagine that you would have to on some dogs. I know that Deb accuses her of a lot of crap that is not true, I have had most other employees state to me that it wasn't true but Deb wants Kara gone. Well in my opinion anyone who lies to get someone fired is not decent and should be fired.

Next is a bather named Sharon. Sharon is nice and Polite, and does decent work. If you have a dog groomed there request her to bathe it I was told that sharon is up for grooming school, and I would let her go, because I feel that she would make a good groomer. I have seen her work, and she doesen't refuse to do things, or do them 50% like some other employees. She is definately the bast bather there. She likes to stick up for the other employees, instead of spreading lies about them.

Next is the newest addition a groomer named Michelle. I do not know her very well, but what I know of her she's a real winner. She comes to work whenever she wants, she leaves whenever she wants, she refuses to do work, and gets angry if people won't let her go home early. I'm sorry If you leave early without telling people you are fired, thats the way it is at my work, so I don't understand why she is still there. Also I do not know if this is true or not but all the other employees told me that she had Killed a cat and got fired from Petco. I do not know if its true or not, but knowing childish way she works it might be. I was also told she was hired in without a techinical (whatever that is) but I was told that it should be required. I know that she likes to lie, and does very sub par work. I know she gets complaints about the way people's pets look, lets just say that she is not touching my dog.

Thats it for the grooming salon sorry so long, but had to say it. Next comes two interesting people. One is a associate named Tom, and another is the Store Director Pat.

I am good friends with most people so I attended the Petsmart Christmas party. And lets just say I was appauled at the actions of the store director. She openly admitted to smoking pot with Tom NUMEROUS times, and you could tell she was very high. She also got very very drunk, and made a fool out of herself, especially during the after party that I went to with some of the associates. She was so drunk that she was grabbing people, and sticking her hands into people's pants without asking them. And she admitted to smoking more pot with tom. I have been told by 98% of employees that the store director is having an affair with tom. Tom is like 22 and Pat is MARRIED and in her late 40's I think. I have also been told numerous times that when groomer Jen leaves she's having an affair with him. I know at the x-mas party Tom and pat rode together, hung out together all night, held hands, and were seen smoking pot in the parking lot of the afterparty.

I have also heard some disturbing details about tom, I have heard he is always stoned, he is ALWAYS late (like everyday) Numerous employees tell me that he has killed many lizard's and too many fish to count. I can imagine why, because he's stoned, and doesen't know how to take care of animals. I think what he does is cruel. I have been told many times that he doesen't feed, doesen't clean cages, and mistreats the animals. Most of the time I have ever talked to tom he is stoned, you can see it in his eyes, and you can smell it on him sometimes. I honestly do not know why he works there, but If the store director and him are having an affair, that would explain why he's not been fired yet. I feel he should be fired, at least let PETA deal with him. I know petsmart has a no tolerance no drug policy, So If anyone from petsmart reads this Give Tom, and the store director one on short notice.

Im tired of letting a few bad apples ruin a good company, I love Petsmart, but I feel that some of the employees there would be best suited for other jobs. Again I do NOT work for Petsmart, but I have many friends that do,and if they read this they will be very mad at me. Something has to be done, like I said in my title, would you like these people working on your pets.

not saying, Indiana

48 Updates & Rebuttals

The Scorekeeper


the scorekeeper is watching......

#49Consumer Comment

Mon, June 19, 2006

what's up with the trainer with the "troll doll" like haircut? i would never recommend having your dog trained by someone who can't keep her hair looking better than your dog's.

oh, thought i'd also mention that word from the grapevine is that Jen was working at a competitor's grooming salon in Highland. Notice the word WAS because yes, she got fired from there to. I thought you had to sign a contract at Petsmart for grooming and dog training that prohibits you from working as a groomer or dog trainer within a certain number of miles from the store if you leave or are terminated?

magilla gorilla, i love you man!

Magilla Gorilla

Peeble's Pet Store,

Shamma-Lamma Ding-Dong

#49UPDATE Employee

Wed, June 14, 2006

I knew it! Dammit, I knew it! I'll admit, I was one of those who knew that Jen wasn't exactly doing an exemplary job in grooming (quite the contrary, actually), but she was good enough to talk to once in a while and couldn't rightly be considered the "boss from hell". Nevertheless, some of the girls in grooming complianed relentlessly about her, and I remember thinking to myself, "Wouldn't it suck if Jen got the boot and someone even WORSE took her place? You know, like, someone who was a TOTAL witch (with a 'b' instead of a 'w') all the time and made the morale in grooming go right down the crapper?"

Well, call me psychic, 'cause I'll be damned if that's not EXACTLY what happened! Yeah, I know...Jen did it to herself with all of the partying and drinking and whatnot (which I'm sure wasn't helped by her association with Tom "fluff-fluff-sit-on-your-duff" from specialty), but I'll bet you almost anything that the girls in grooming would gladly eat a handful of sheepdog shavings to have ANYONE for a boss rather than who they have now. I, for one, avoid grooming like the plague, and I don't see that changing until someone else is in charge back there.

Anyway, about Tom getting canned...though, as I mentioned before, I didn't have a problem with the guy (most likely because I've never worked directly under him), I know that he was anything BUT management material, so I guess that his termination was pretty much inevitable. Like Jen, I'm sure that he could've made something of himself if he could've gotten his priorities straight (no, Tom, seeing if you could drink more than the fish you were supposed to have been taking care of was NOT a priority), but that apparently wasn't meant to be.

Yeah,'re probably thinking, "Sure, Magilla, and YOU have what it takes to become management material, right?" Well, hey, I never said that I did! I AM just a gorilla, after all, and am therefore ill-equipped to deal with the confounded myriad of complexities commonly associated with a retail working environment.




another candidate to bite the dust !!!!

#49UPDATE Employee

Fri, June 09, 2006

yes, there is another beisdes Pat... Jillian the new manager in grooming... a22 yr. old know it all... bossy and always right!! let's talk about the towel issue... if we would just talk about it for another 10 hrs. maybe we can wear her down.. don't use towels on dogs after a bath.... ???????? to keep costs down.. but get them done fast... you know how long it takes a long hair drippy dog to dry not to mention the fact the dogs love the towelssssss.... it gives them some comfort in a stressful situation... oh no, don't worry about diving the dogs comfort.. you have to show them who's boss... even when it's a 10 wk old puppy.... yes, force them to stand still.. pull on his chin fur until he screams.... this is Jill's philosiphy(sp) ... then we have certain ways to clean the cages..???? if the end result is the same, does it matter how it was done???? after hours of talking we all still get nowhere... because at the end we still need to do it how Jill wants it done... on top of that she has that green eyed monster... you know the one that is jealous of everyone!!!! you can't talk to mangement even though Dave tried, but you see how far that got us... maybe when they can't keep any workers in grooming they may realize.... otherwise I love working at petsmart!! tinkerbell

Truth Teller


Another wack at the base

#49UPDATE Employee

Mon, June 05, 2006

Oh how the mighty are falling one by one they are getting picked off. Two down one to go!!! Rejoice everyone yell loud and proud Tom is gone!! It took sometime but it looks like Petsmart corporate is catching on to what is going on in this store. I know a few people in this store are happy. One person told me today he was kind of dissapointed because he wanted to be there to give him his due sendoff. But he still did the Irish dance anyway. I would like to close this with a fond farewell to as some call him Captain Fluffy. You will be missed.

Hugs & Kisses the crew at 1374

The Scorekeeper


1 More Down and 1 More To Go !

#49Consumer Comment

Mon, June 05, 2006

Well, I hear that Petsmart finally had enough of a particular Specialty Manager showing up for work late, drunk, and stoned. Not to mention that he was doing a crappy job when he would show up for work anyway. So long Tom!

I'm sure Pat did all she could to keep her errand boy from losing his job until she was probably given the ultimatum that she either get rid of him or corporate would get rid of her.

I'm left wondering two things:
1) Why did it take corporate soooo long to do something about it?

2) When are they going to realize that the store Director needs to be replaced as well?

Oh well, at least now Tom and Jen can stand in the unemployment line together and give each other hair grooming tips. HA HA HA.

The Scorekeeper


1 More Down and 1 More To Go !

#49Consumer Comment

Mon, June 05, 2006

Well, I hear that Petsmart finally had enough of a particular Specialty Manager showing up for work late, drunk, and stoned. Not to mention that he was doing a crappy job when he would show up for work anyway. So long Tom!

I'm sure Pat did all she could to keep her errand boy from losing his job until she was probably given the ultimatum that she either get rid of him or corporate would get rid of her.

I'm left wondering two things:
1) Why did it take corporate soooo long to do something about it?

2) When are they going to realize that the store Director needs to be replaced as well?

Oh well, at least now Tom and Jen can stand in the unemployment line together and give each other hair grooming tips. HA HA HA.

The Scorekeeper


1 More Down and 1 More To Go !

#49Consumer Comment

Mon, June 05, 2006

Well, I hear that Petsmart finally had enough of a particular Specialty Manager showing up for work late, drunk, and stoned. Not to mention that he was doing a crappy job when he would show up for work anyway. So long Tom!

I'm sure Pat did all she could to keep her errand boy from losing his job until she was probably given the ultimatum that she either get rid of him or corporate would get rid of her.

I'm left wondering two things:
1) Why did it take corporate soooo long to do something about it?

2) When are they going to realize that the store Director needs to be replaced as well?

Oh well, at least now Tom and Jen can stand in the unemployment line together and give each other hair grooming tips. HA HA HA.

The Scorekeeper


1 More Down and 1 More To Go !

#49Consumer Comment

Mon, June 05, 2006

Well, I hear that Petsmart finally had enough of a particular Specialty Manager showing up for work late, drunk, and stoned. Not to mention that he was doing a crappy job when he would show up for work anyway. So long Tom!

I'm sure Pat did all she could to keep her errand boy from losing his job until she was probably given the ultimatum that she either get rid of him or corporate would get rid of her.

I'm left wondering two things:
1) Why did it take corporate soooo long to do something about it?

2) When are they going to realize that the store Director needs to be replaced as well?

Oh well, at least now Tom and Jen can stand in the unemployment line together and give each other hair grooming tips. HA HA HA.



yes, i'm sure you all love your jobs..

#49UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, May 05, 2006

i'm not sure if anybody really loves their jobs..actually i'm sure that's not true...but i don't come across these people too often.

all i know is that when i talk to a lot of you in the store, i've heard many say that they can't wait to leave for the day (which i suppose could be due to the fact that the specific manager they dislike happens to be there) but i've also heard a few people say "i hate this place" and to those people is who i was directing my comments to. i mean, i like all of you, now that andy is gone (j/k....), there is nobody in the store that i particularly dislike, so why wouldn't i want you to have a job you like??

i mean, we all have days where we don't want to go to work, but some of you say it everytime you're there that you can't wait to go home..

and yes, for every job i have it's great the day the supervisor/store manager/main whoever wasn't there...becaues then you can basically get away with anything..

i mean, dawn said it allll the time and everyone agreed, it'd be great if aaron and erika were the ones who were running the store. because yeah they were awesome, but also because they work their a*s off and get the job done..

and sorry i just started reading the stuff on this website. and i haven'teven gotten to the middle yet (yeah i've already read the end though so pshh whatever i don't make sense..) but yeah whoever started this whole thing must work in petsmart...that's all i wanted to say, not that anyone cares but...i feel better now. thank you and goodnight!

and i agree with "whatever he decided to call himself" elmo the fish needs to be set free!!!

Truth Teller


My Response

#49UPDATE Employee

Thu, May 04, 2006

Hello to all fellow posters or anyone reading these messages. I would like to reply to what Amy said. If you really pay attention to what everyone is saying it's not that we don't like our jobs, we do! (for the most part) It's just the simple fact that most people are FED UP with the laziness of a few (2 inparticular)how long should people in the store have to put up with picking up there slack because they dont want to work? Is it fair to everyone else? What does another manager say to a employee who comes in late/calls off/or just doesn't feel like working for the day? Nothing a manager cant really say much because if these are the examples being set by Boss Lady and her Lacky why should it be any diffrent for anyone else! And thats how alot of us feel. The examples being set by these two are not ones that represent what is trying to be accomplished at the store. I think if we were to get rid of those 2 it would truly be a lot happier/more relaxed/ more productive place to work. Remember when you were there Amy how nice it felt when Pat wasn't around. It was great feeling right (at least thats how I feel) now if it was only like that all the time! What a great feeling that would be.



la la la la la.....

#49UPDATE Employee

Thu, May 04, 2006

okay, my only response is that c'mon. anyone can be anything on the internet if they wanted to be. anything can be said, and of course, everyone would have the "inside" information. anyway, my only respone is to Rudy. first of all, i dont think the way everyone is creating drama affects the pets. second, we dont SELL our pets. anyway, i could care less what everyone is saying on here. i agree with amy, if you dont like the job or co-workers(then again, that could be said for MILLIONS of people with a job), find another job. i haven't talked to one person yet who loved everything about his or her job. personally, i have no problem with it here. i mean, i wont be working here for the rest of my life. ta ta for now.

Magilla Gorilla

Peeble's Pet Store,

What's Up, Amy?

#49UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, May 04, 2006

I'm glad that you're amused by the "drama" 'cause I am, too, at least to some degree. The ONLY thing I don't like about it (and I'm sure you feel this way, too) is that I'm sure it's sometimes at the expense of someone's peace of mind...meaning, I'm sure that those being talked about negatively feel bad knowing what's being said about them.

As I've stated/implied before, everyone in the store seems like good people to me, so I don't have a real problem with anyone. The ONLY kind of people I truly can't tolerate in the workplace are managers whose position totally goes to their head...the kind who *itch just to be *itching because that's what they think a manager is supposed to do, or the kind who actually make stuff up about you to THEIR superiors just to make it seem like you were a problem that they solved. That's only happened once in my life (NOT at PetSmart, mind you), and I can honestly say that I have no use whatsoever for the person who acted like that toward me.

Anyway, Amy, I happen to know firsthand that there's someone at Banfield who isn't as happy as you say all of you are back there. Surprised to hear that, are you? Well, it's true...the one I'm talking about is absolutely miserable and never even cracks a smile (at least not that I've seen). All he does is swim around all day, hiding in the corner while he watches everyone else in the store go around having a good ol' time. That's right...I'm talking about Elmo/ Freddy/ whatever the hell his name is (you know... that dam* fish you guys have back there). Just because his brain hasn't evolved significantly in the past ten million years doesn't mean that his feelings shouldn't be taken into consideration once in a while, too.

In closing, Amy, you should read my post to "Rudy" (a few posts above). As I explained to him/her, this kind of drama goes on at EVERY workplace (unless you're talking about an automated factory...or Banfield, I guess), so it's not unique to our store. Just sit back, watch, and continue to be amused, 'cause you'll undoubtedly be seeing stuff like this until you start collecting social security.

Oh...about us using our real names, mine REALLY is Magilla. I've been sitting in the window of xxx PetSmart's #1 competitor where I come from for years now, hoping that someone will finally buy me one day. If you don't know what the hell I'm talking about, you really need to watch more '60s cartoons...


Lake Station,

Unfortunately your job isn't petting the animals

#49UPDATE Employee

Thu, May 04, 2006

Amy, you are so very right. We should only be happy to have a paying job. However, may of us hae found this to be a happy niche and unbelielevably, we are good at it. We love the people that we meet, the animals we see and the people that we work with. We actually love going to work. Just like everything else in life, there are exceptions. Noone likes being ignored, forced to watch their bosses get away with murder while you compensate for their shortcomings, hope that your fellow associates would want more but have no direct example or see others around you lose faith. We are not complaining because we "hate" certain employees/managers. We voice our opinoin only because we want more from the employees/managers in this store. We have tried to stress our wishes to the director and it has fallen on deaf ears. Somethings are just not going to change. What do you do? Watch your job performance go down the drain or become another member of the "to hell with it" club. I'm all about getting paid for doing nothing but something about it makes that dirty money.




#49UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, May 04, 2006

first off i'd like to say that you should all use your real name because i'd like to know who you all are. of course i didn't read everything that was said because that would take way too much time. but hello, i'm just now posting, a first-timer, a "rip-off" virgin if you will.

this is amy.

okay. i think you guys are all crazy. LOOK AT WHAT IS GOING ON. why do you still work there if you hate the people you work with that much?

this world is crazy enough, life is too short, quit your job. get one you love. with people you love. yes, then you would no longer get to work with erika and aaron, which would be quite upsetting, but, trust me, it's much better after you leave!!

you see, us in banfield, we like each other. everybody likes everybody else. we don't stab each other in the back or have affairs or come in drunk...(it's kind of surreal to no longer be working with you guys and out of the drama...but still physically in the store and watching the drama as an outsider...)

anyways. get coworkers you love. and have fun with..

we, we have potlucks.

and cake.

we get to play with kitties and puppies..

it's goodtimes.

you should try it because obviously this drama has been going on since we put that store together, and it's never going to end.

don't have a job that makes you cry...IT'S NOT WORTH IT.

also i am very upset that nobody ever told me about this site before today

i love you all

and even though i say you're crazy..the truth is i really enjoy it all. the drama amuses me. i know it amuses everybody else as well.

so, let's just sit back and have a laugh about it. because when you think about's just funny


Magilla Gorilla

Peeble's Pet Store,

Chicks Dig Me

#49UPDATE Employee

Tue, May 02, 2006

Aaron and Erika? Are you stoned?!? Those two suck MAJOR a*s!!! Just kidding...they're both pretty cool.

Anyway, this is pretty fun talking about other people, isn't it? I was just looking at some of the previous posts and, since I don't really have much of a life, I thought I'd comment on a few things.

I guess I'm with some others on here who've said that Pat and Tom are good people...however, I can't really comment on whether or not they're good managers. As far as Tom is concerned, I've never worked directly under him before, so I have no firsthand opinion of his management abilities (or lack thereof). Also, I relalize that EVERYONE at the Schererville PetSmart works under Pat, but my problem in formulating an opinion about her management abilities (or, once again, lack thereof) is that I don't follow her around 24/7 watching what she does, and I have no real point of reference to use in determining what, exactly, a PetSmart manager is supposed to do on a daily basis (since she's the ONLY PetSmart store director I know personally). So, enough about them from me, since I don't wish to make any unsubstantiated claims about them. You decide for yourself on that one...

As far as what I wrote about the apparent "butch" (not that there's anything wrong with that, ha ha) who enjoys frequenting a certain message board that caters to her sexual preference...some seem to think that I was making some kind of accusation or something, but the truth is that I have no idea who made those posts. I was just saying that it's a coincidence, that's all. Like the "issue" of Pat and/or Tom, you decide for yourself on that one...

Oh, and to Rudy from Highland, Illinois (several posts above), you won't come to PetSmart because of all the "drama" there, huh? I have to ask...have you ever had a job before? Just wondering, 'cause this kind of "drama" goes on behind the scenes at just about EVERY workplace I've EVER heard of. In fact, the "drama" at the Schererville PetSmart is probably mild compared to most other places, so you're just wasting your time if you stop frequenting that establishment and patronize another. Chances are, whatever place you go instead has even more crap going on behind the scenes than does the Schererville PetSmart. The main difference is, the "drama" that undoubtedly goes on at your alternate store of choice isn't posted on the internet. As Mike Brady told Greg when he bought that shitty car, "Caveat emptor," or, "Let the buyer beware." You never know what you're getting, no matter where you go. Greg learned his lesson...why can't you?

Just to lighten things up a little, I'll wrap this up with a blonde joke (in honor of Pat)...


Okay, this office worker REALLY wanted to take the rest of the day off, so he decided that his boss would let him go home if he started acting crazy. He managed to get up onto the ceiling and hang upside-down, and his blonde co-worker asked what he was doing.

"I'm gonna pretend that I'm a lightbulb so the boss lets me go home early today," the guy explained to her.

Anyway, the boss came out of his office a few minutes later and asked the man what he was doing. "I'm a lightbulb," the man replied.

At that, the boss shook his head and said, "You're clearly stressed out. Go home and get some rest." The guy immediately climbed down from the ceiling and headed for the door...and his blonde co-worker started following him.

"Just where the hell are YOU going?!?" the boss asked the blonde.

"I'm going home, too," she replied. "I can't work in the dark."



What I Think

#49UPDATE Employee

Mon, May 01, 2006

Despite what everyone else says this is What I Think.

I have to disagree with everyone who says Pat doesnt work hard. I think she does and heres some good examples.

No one else works harder at sitting in the office trying to look busy, walking around with her hands in her pockets, acting fake, complaining, looking confused, and having everyone else do what she doesnt want to for herself.

Look I dont think Pat's a bad person but she should not be a Store Manager. And I will agree with the last posting that says the store is more laid back when other Managers are running it (Dave,Aaron,Erika) because we know things will get done, We know there not fake,they know what there doing, and they respect us.

They treat us as equals not just as employees. Honestly i as along with others in the store would rather see one of them as the Store Manager but as everyone says we will have to wait and see what happens.

And the last thing I would like to say is People in the store talk about everything, why not do it on here let your voice be heard you dont have to be negative. Just give your side of the story thats what i'm doing and it feels pretty good

The Scorekeeper


time for changes to be made

#49Consumer Suggestion

Mon, May 01, 2006

I'd like to also comment from a different point of view, since the other posts seem to carry a majority of negativity geared towards the Schererville store. It seems that in this society, everyone is quick to point out someone else's faults or flaws or complain about something. However, we do not always invest the equal amount of time to compliment someone on their jobs well done.

I'd like to take this time to commend two of the managers that I have encountered during my shopping at the Schererville store that I feel do a consistently great job, they are Aaron and Erika. I haven't always had the pleasure of seeing them when I visit the store, but when I do they make my shopping experience more pleasant. There even appears to be a more laid-back and positive mood amongst the employees in the store when either of them are in charge. It's like the old saying goes, "Attitude reflects Leadership." And it certainly does when Aaron or Erika are in charge.

They handle all their daily duties and responsibilities in stride and speak to their employees with respect. They seem to make working at that store fun. I'm sure that they are the reason that the store stays functional amongst all the crap that Pat, Tom, and Jen (formerly) put it through. It's just a shame that Aaron and Erika probably have to work twice as hard than they should have to, in order to always clean up everyone else's mess. Keep up the great job Aaron and Erika!!! The customers really appreciate you and I'm sure your employees do to!!!

Magilla Gorilla

Peeble's Pet Store,

Meet the New Boss

#49UPDATE Employee

Wed, April 26, 2006

Yeah, it's about time Jen quit, isn't it? Also, isn't it great that someone was found to take her place so quickly? Where did the new girl used to the Hobart PetSmart, right?

Wow...that brings to mind an amazing coincidence! I happen to know someone who, when looking for THIS very website, did a search (using keywords like "petsmart" and "schererville" and "hobart"), and the person in question found a link to a "butch-femme" message board with some interesting stuff on it.

You see, someone who posts at the aforementioned message board (a "butch", judging from the content of some of her posts) uses the screen name of "GroomGirl1", and has said that she works at the Hobart PetSmart! Here's a quote from one of her more mild posts...

"GroomGirl1 10-07-2003 06:30 PM

you must be right near me i am in merrillville. d**n someone close to me for a change do you work at the Hd in Hobart? I work at the Petsmart.


If you don't believe me, here's a link to the exact page on the message board I'm talking about...

Read more of her posts on the following pages...nothing spectacular, but I feel kind of sorry for her 'cause she just can't seem to find a "femme". Boo h*o...

Anyway, that's pretty weird, huh? Someone who worked at the Hobart PetSmart (just like the new girl at the Schererville PetSmart) and was apparently a groomer there (just like the new girl at the Schererville PetSmart) has been posting on a "butch-femme" message board, trying to hook up with a "femme" hottie.

I wonder if that new girl in Schererville might know who "GroomGirl1" is.


Magilla Gorilla

Peeble's Pet Store,

Meet the New Boss

#49UPDATE Employee

Wed, April 26, 2006

Yeah, it's about time Jen quit, isn't it? Also, isn't it great that someone was found to take her place so quickly? Where did the new girl used to the Hobart PetSmart, right?

Wow...that brings to mind an amazing coincidence! I happen to know someone who, when looking for THIS very website, did a search (using keywords like "petsmart" and "schererville" and "hobart"), and the person in question found a link to a "butch-femme" message board with some interesting stuff on it.

You see, someone who posts at the aforementioned message board (a "butch", judging from the content of some of her posts) uses the screen name of "GroomGirl1", and has said that she works at the Hobart PetSmart! Here's a quote from one of her more mild posts...

"GroomGirl1 10-07-2003 06:30 PM

you must be right near me i am in merrillville. d**n someone close to me for a change do you work at the Hd in Hobart? I work at the Petsmart.


If you don't believe me, here's a link to the exact page on the message board I'm talking about...

Read more of her posts on the following pages...nothing spectacular, but I feel kind of sorry for her 'cause she just can't seem to find a "femme". Boo h*o...

Anyway, that's pretty weird, huh? Someone who worked at the Hobart PetSmart (just like the new girl at the Schererville PetSmart) and was apparently a groomer there (just like the new girl at the Schererville PetSmart) has been posting on a "butch-femme" message board, trying to hook up with a "femme" hottie.

I wonder if that new girl in Schererville might know who "GroomGirl1" is.


Magilla Gorilla

Peeble's Pet Store,

Meet the New Boss

#49UPDATE Employee

Wed, April 26, 2006

Yeah, it's about time Jen quit, isn't it? Also, isn't it great that someone was found to take her place so quickly? Where did the new girl used to the Hobart PetSmart, right?

Wow...that brings to mind an amazing coincidence! I happen to know someone who, when looking for THIS very website, did a search (using keywords like "petsmart" and "schererville" and "hobart"), and the person in question found a link to a "butch-femme" message board with some interesting stuff on it.

You see, someone who posts at the aforementioned message board (a "butch", judging from the content of some of her posts) uses the screen name of "GroomGirl1", and has said that she works at the Hobart PetSmart! Here's a quote from one of her more mild posts...

"GroomGirl1 10-07-2003 06:30 PM

you must be right near me i am in merrillville. d**n someone close to me for a change do you work at the Hd in Hobart? I work at the Petsmart.


If you don't believe me, here's a link to the exact page on the message board I'm talking about...

Read more of her posts on the following pages...nothing spectacular, but I feel kind of sorry for her 'cause she just can't seem to find a "femme". Boo h*o...

Anyway, that's pretty weird, huh? Someone who worked at the Hobart PetSmart (just like the new girl at the Schererville PetSmart) and was apparently a groomer there (just like the new girl at the Schererville PetSmart) has been posting on a "butch-femme" message board, trying to hook up with a "femme" hottie.

I wonder if that new girl in Schererville might know who "GroomGirl1" is.


Magilla Gorilla

Peeble's Pet Store,

Meet the New Boss

#49UPDATE Employee

Wed, April 26, 2006

Yeah, it's about time Jen quit, isn't it? Also, isn't it great that someone was found to take her place so quickly? Where did the new girl used to the Hobart PetSmart, right?

Wow...that brings to mind an amazing coincidence! I happen to know someone who, when looking for THIS very website, did a search (using keywords like "petsmart" and "schererville" and "hobart"), and the person in question found a link to a "butch-femme" message board with some interesting stuff on it.

You see, someone who posts at the aforementioned message board (a "butch", judging from the content of some of her posts) uses the screen name of "GroomGirl1", and has said that she works at the Hobart PetSmart! Here's a quote from one of her more mild posts...

"GroomGirl1 10-07-2003 06:30 PM

you must be right near me i am in merrillville. d**n someone close to me for a change do you work at the Hd in Hobart? I work at the Petsmart.


If you don't believe me, here's a link to the exact page on the message board I'm talking about...

Read more of her posts on the following pages...nothing spectacular, but I feel kind of sorry for her 'cause she just can't seem to find a "femme". Boo h*o...

Anyway, that's pretty weird, huh? Someone who worked at the Hobart PetSmart (just like the new girl at the Schererville PetSmart) and was apparently a groomer there (just like the new girl at the Schererville PetSmart) has been posting on a "butch-femme" message board, trying to hook up with a "femme" hottie.

I wonder if that new girl in Schererville might know who "GroomGirl1" is.




There we go

#49Consumer Suggestion

Tue, April 25, 2006

There we go! I'm very happy to see that someone, who obviously works at the store and knows exactly what I am talking about, is posting their honest feelings about what needs to be done. My hat goes off to the person who has recently posted, and I especially admire the way they said what they wanted and didn't really load it with a bunch of nonsense, as some of the other previous posters had done months ago. Remember to keep it real and keep this website credible.

Now getting back to the Pat and Tom situation. These two have been the thorns in the side of the Schererville store since before the store was even open. My advice: If you are thinking about leaving, then GO! Trust me your employees will be much happier and the store will improve in every way once you are gone. First off, Tom does not know what he is doing. He is too irresponsible to be in charge of what is perhaps the most complex department in the store. People cannot even keep track of how many animals have died under his so called "supervision." Coming in to work late, coming in to work drunk, calling off frequently, fraternizing with co-workers, (hmm, this sounds damiliar doesn't it? I guess that is why Tom and Jen are doing each other. They really have so much in common.) Tom was only "given" the position because he is Pat's little B****. He runs to get her coffee, lunch, dinner, change, whatever she needs done. I guess that is why they always work the same shifts together and have the same days off. She knows she cannot get away with that with any of the other Managers, so she has Tom. Tom never went to the proper and required training in Indianapolis, because Pat was supposedly going to train him herself. How is that going to happen when SHE doesn't know what the hell SHE is doing? She doesn't know the difference between a Fluval and a Kong. When Pat fudges something up, she always tries to humorously use the "I'm a blonde" comment for an me Pat everyone knows that you're not a real blonde with all that peroxide that's in those follicles. Perhaps the real reason is not that "You're a Blonde," but perhaps it's because "You're a Drunk!"

I've said enough for now. If I were to express all the valid points for the removal of Pat and Tom, it would take me hours, if not days of typing and I want to give some other people an opportunity to express their feelings and concerns.

TheScorekeeper is watching.

Worker X

To Close,

One Walks wish the Other 2 would follow

#49UPDATE Employee

Tue, April 25, 2006

As the last response on this report has stated one down 2 to go. The big 2 that is everyone knows who they are but all are affraid to say it. But me that is! Pat and Tom are your days numbered next? One can only hope! Talk about two managers that are pretty much useless when it comes to running a store.

Let's start with Pat if it were not for the strong managment staff you have behind you (besides Tom) the store would have fallen apart already. The morale in the store is at an alltime low. Most employees of the store feel it is ok to do nothing in the store because thats what they see from you!

Rumor has it you want to go back to Lansing all I can say is, Please Go! We as your staff deserve better in fact we should demand it!! There are other managers in the store who can fill the role you are not and make this a great place. Tom rumor has it you want to transfer to Florida all I can say to that is see ya! Nothing lost there Cindy already does most of your job already maybe they can promote her. She would actually do the job not come in drunk, call off, sit in the office, disappear for hours, and take 10 smoke brakes a day something would be accomplished.

The only reason you were ever promoted was because your Pat's friend nothing more. You don't have any skills, you don't bring anything good to this store. So please do us all a favor and go. As an employee of this store I encourage all the other people of this store to stand up and let everyone know how you feel about what goes on in this store. Y

ou all talk about it behind everyones back here's your chance to say how you really feel. Demand more from your bosses because WE DESERVE IT!! And as the last person said keep it real let this site have meaning don't just put dribble all it does is discredit what people are trying to say.



It's about time.....continued

#49Consumer Comment

Mon, April 24, 2006

First off, I'd like to say that the previous post was incorrect in one way. I am not the owner of the company, nor did I select that option when I was posting that thread. I am merely a "concerned consumer" and selected that choice appropriately. Hopefully this additional posting will carry over the proper information I have selected.

In addition to the first post, I wanted to add that another "scoop" about Jen came to light recently. Rumor has it that the "corporate kiss-butt" Assistant Manager, Dave, offered Jen the opportunity to recieve a positive recommendation if she would have stayed on for another two weeks instead of walking out on Saturday. This makes me ask the question, "Why would any respectable management personnel give a former employee a POSITIVE recommendation when their job performance, attitude, time management skills, ethics, and conduct reflected in nothing but a NEGATIVE way?" Realistically, wouldn't that in turn make the referring manager's recommendation just as worthless as the ex-employee he was referring? Yet another perfect example of how the Schererville Petsmart store works. What would you expect from a manager like Dave who spent the middle of last week behind the store, not inside where he should have been, digging up plants to grow in his own yard? And yes, reports do state that he was on the company clock while doing so. I guess another appropriate question you could ask would be why Dave always cracks down on other employees when they are not "constructively utilizing their time during work hours", yet he gets to go play in the dirt out back?

More to come.


1 down, 2 (maybe three now) to go!



It's about time.....continued

#49Consumer Comment

Mon, April 24, 2006

First off, I'd like to say that the previous post was incorrect in one way. I am not the owner of the company, nor did I select that option when I was posting that thread. I am merely a "concerned consumer" and selected that choice appropriately. Hopefully this additional posting will carry over the proper information I have selected.

In addition to the first post, I wanted to add that another "scoop" about Jen came to light recently. Rumor has it that the "corporate kiss-butt" Assistant Manager, Dave, offered Jen the opportunity to recieve a positive recommendation if she would have stayed on for another two weeks instead of walking out on Saturday. This makes me ask the question, "Why would any respectable management personnel give a former employee a POSITIVE recommendation when their job performance, attitude, time management skills, ethics, and conduct reflected in nothing but a NEGATIVE way?" Realistically, wouldn't that in turn make the referring manager's recommendation just as worthless as the ex-employee he was referring? Yet another perfect example of how the Schererville Petsmart store works. What would you expect from a manager like Dave who spent the middle of last week behind the store, not inside where he should have been, digging up plants to grow in his own yard? And yes, reports do state that he was on the company clock while doing so. I guess another appropriate question you could ask would be why Dave always cracks down on other employees when they are not "constructively utilizing their time during work hours", yet he gets to go play in the dirt out back?

More to come.


1 down, 2 (maybe three now) to go!



It's about time.....continued

#49Consumer Comment

Mon, April 24, 2006

First off, I'd like to say that the previous post was incorrect in one way. I am not the owner of the company, nor did I select that option when I was posting that thread. I am merely a "concerned consumer" and selected that choice appropriately. Hopefully this additional posting will carry over the proper information I have selected.

In addition to the first post, I wanted to add that another "scoop" about Jen came to light recently. Rumor has it that the "corporate kiss-butt" Assistant Manager, Dave, offered Jen the opportunity to recieve a positive recommendation if she would have stayed on for another two weeks instead of walking out on Saturday. This makes me ask the question, "Why would any respectable management personnel give a former employee a POSITIVE recommendation when their job performance, attitude, time management skills, ethics, and conduct reflected in nothing but a NEGATIVE way?" Realistically, wouldn't that in turn make the referring manager's recommendation just as worthless as the ex-employee he was referring? Yet another perfect example of how the Schererville Petsmart store works. What would you expect from a manager like Dave who spent the middle of last week behind the store, not inside where he should have been, digging up plants to grow in his own yard? And yes, reports do state that he was on the company clock while doing so. I guess another appropriate question you could ask would be why Dave always cracks down on other employees when they are not "constructively utilizing their time during work hours", yet he gets to go play in the dirt out back?

More to come.


1 down, 2 (maybe three now) to go!



It's about time.....continued

#49Consumer Comment

Mon, April 24, 2006

First off, I'd like to say that the previous post was incorrect in one way. I am not the owner of the company, nor did I select that option when I was posting that thread. I am merely a "concerned consumer" and selected that choice appropriately. Hopefully this additional posting will carry over the proper information I have selected.

In addition to the first post, I wanted to add that another "scoop" about Jen came to light recently. Rumor has it that the "corporate kiss-butt" Assistant Manager, Dave, offered Jen the opportunity to recieve a positive recommendation if she would have stayed on for another two weeks instead of walking out on Saturday. This makes me ask the question, "Why would any respectable management personnel give a former employee a POSITIVE recommendation when their job performance, attitude, time management skills, ethics, and conduct reflected in nothing but a NEGATIVE way?" Realistically, wouldn't that in turn make the referring manager's recommendation just as worthless as the ex-employee he was referring? Yet another perfect example of how the Schererville Petsmart store works. What would you expect from a manager like Dave who spent the middle of last week behind the store, not inside where he should have been, digging up plants to grow in his own yard? And yes, reports do state that he was on the company clock while doing so. I guess another appropriate question you could ask would be why Dave always cracks down on other employees when they are not "constructively utilizing their time during work hours", yet he gets to go play in the dirt out back?

More to come.


1 down, 2 (maybe three now) to go!



It's about time.....

#49REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, April 23, 2006

It's time to make this site popular like it was a few months ago when all the original comments were posted. People were logging into this site on a daily basis to see who and what was being said and posted. Some stories were true and some were all made up. It is unfortunate that some people posted half-truths and spoiled the credibility behind this site. Those of you know who I am talking about. However, I will assure all those that read my posts that they are indeed ALL true. If you don't believe, then I invite anyone and everyone to just do some research on your own and see for yourselves.
Now let's get to the juicy part:

Well, It's about time that the Schererville Petsmart store does something right!

I've recently become aware that as of Saturday morning, the Grooming Salon no longer has Jennifer as it's Manager. No doubt it was due to her numerous alcoholic escapades that would lead her to come into work completely intoxicated, hungover, hours late, or at all. Well, what can I say to that, but what goes around comes around. Management level positions require a greater responsibility and she was not responsible at all. Her actions not only reflected negatively on the company but unfortunately on her employees in the grooming salon as well as other co-workers in the store as well. A person like that is not someone you need working in a position where she is entrusted with helpless lives of innocent animals. About the only thing she was probably good at was hooking up with Tom during work and after work. Oh, C'mon now, you guys reading this didn't think I was going to leave THAT out did you?

Well, I can go on and on with stories about Jen but I'll save that for a later time, and only if I have to. Some of you that are reading this might not be sure whether to believe what you are reading or what Corporate tells you, but I assure you I have verifiable proof of all the claims I make. I'll leave you with this final message:

1 (so called)Manager down, 2 more to go.

Those other two Managers know who you are.

Stay tuned for more informative updates.



Thank more Petsmart for my pets

#49Consumer Suggestion

Wed, March 29, 2006

My goodness, the schererville store has just been open a short time and all this "drama"? What concerns me, is there is so much back stabbing going on, who has time to see if the dog is hanging off the groom table? is the cat running out the door, fish floatin, birds dropping out of the skies? Someone has GOT to step in and TAKE CONTROL! Before some innocent pet gets hurt for good. The lack of maturity on all involved sends a message loud and clear: do not stop at this Petsmart. Keep on driving. Find a personal vet. Ask personal vet about personal groomer. Buy supplies anywhere else but here. Put this Petsmart to rest. I USED to bring my babies here for grooming. It was ok. But never again. Thank you for opening my eyes. There are major problems that will affect the animals; the ones brought in for care or the ones that are being sold. PETSMART CORPORATE, WHERE ARE YOU?



Petsmart Corp. office??? That makes me Laugh

#49UPDATE Employee

Sun, February 05, 2006

to ALL of you on this thread that are continuously saying "contact your corporate office or district manager" just DON'T get it!...Corporate DOESN'T CARE. It's ALL about the money and their oh so precious bonuses! They protect their own and sweep all legit complaints under the rug, hoping they they go away...


Prince Edward Island,

the REAL inside story

#49UPDATE Employee

Sun, January 22, 2006

Attention everyone! I am an employee of this petsmart and I have some inside information about the things that go on. Tom IS a horrible, horrible person. I recieved a tip from a reliable source that Tom was seen in the jungles of Africa ILLEGALLY poaching a Liger (which just happens to be my favorite magical animal half lion/half tiger).

What goes on in that store is so horrible that I vow to post frequently everything that is going on. I feel that I owe it to the public. So until next time...



team work!

#49UPDATE Employee

Sun, January 22, 2006

we have a great team at petsmart and everything goes alot smoother when working as a team and have open communication.. now let the team figure out who really did this??? I's like to thank management for their professional involvement and cooperation.. we all appreciate it... well, I certainly do... Thank you Dave... I'm glad I'm working with such a great bunch of people... Otis is quite the character, he is a wonderful addition to my family.. he gets a little over excitable with the nibbling.. like a firecracker.... then he'll lay down be asleep and snoring in less than a minute...... funny how different we all are...but celebrate out differences and appreciate each other... which I do... Love, Deb



finally Petsmart saga

#49UPDATE Employee

Sun, January 22, 2006

This is Deb, who wrote stop the babbling, I signed it Kara because I don't know who is who. Besides Todd. see how confusing it can be.. now this last one must be Kara's boyfriend??? now if we only knew who started this mess??? and it was very nice to get an apology, very nice for a change... now would the oringal author please step forward...????? they must think they are slick???? well it all comes out in the wash (worsh) or the fat floats to the top... anyway it'll come out someday... so does this end the Petsmart saga? or has the fun just begun??? Thank you for your time.... Love, Deb



my apologies

#49Consumer Suggestion

Sun, January 22, 2006

Hi, I first off want to say I'm sorry about my outburst on my letter. My apologies, to deb or the person called deb, for what I said. I saw this report and I saw what was written, and was furious, so furious that I wrote anything I was thinking, not thinking about what, or who it might hurt. I'm sure everyone has done that at least once in their lives, and regrets it. I know I regret what I wrote, or what A jerk I sounded like. I am not a violent person, but, whats with all the lies. Does this company all hate each other. I do not have a problem with anyone in that store, I usually talk to everyone happily when I come in there, I like Jen , Deb, sharon, and all the rest. I have yet to meet michelle, but I think i'd probably like her too., All I'm saying Is that I myself nor kara have had anything to do with that report, so for everyone to blame us is saddening. I would like to remain friendly with everyone there. I am not going to say any more, or even come back on this website. I shouldn't have gotten involved in the first place, I should have ignored what was said, but I didn't and now I feel stupid, and again I am truly sorry for my childish temper tantrum.



facts stop harmful babbling

#49UPDATE Employee

Sat, January 21, 2006

Who ever is still interested.... comments from alias Deb are documented and true... copies of which have been send to corporate.. also whoever wrote using the alias Deb was not at the xmas party that was so detailed in original letter.. where is the original gutsy author? Kara denies writing it, yet every single word has been spoken from her lips...??? maybe to somebody else.. then why would a confidant put it on line? a true friend... well, enough... everything has been forwarded to corporate and to my attorney who assures me I have a good case concerning scandle.. you see scandle is just hear say or made up stories written or spoken to hurt another persons reputation costing them loss of wages or emotional distress.. enyone wanting to join this effort to stop harmful babbling please post on this site.. .....


New York,

Come on people!

#49Consumer Suggestion

Fri, January 20, 2006

What a joke! I thought this was a real site with real information. You sound like a bunch of kids in a playground brawl! The person who wrote this obviously is an angry employee, or has NO LIFE! I bring my dog to a Petsmart to be groomed and the employees are great. I am sure if they were hurting animals they customers woudl be sure they were fired! I suggest that some of the people who work at the store send this "report" into the corporate office so they can see what kind of s**t is going on at the Schererville Indiana store. All of the rumors are very harrassing, and need to be addressed by someone.




Thanx a lot and second off shame on all of you

#49Consumer Comment

Fri, January 20, 2006

First off I would like to say, that I am kara the groomer's boyfriend, and second off shame on all of you. I recently found this site, and saw everyone bickering over a bunch of bullshit lies, someone posted to make people mad. And I am soon to find out that Everybody thinks it was either me who wrote it, or Kara. WE DID NOT DO IT, and you accusing us of it makes you just as bad as the person who wrote the original report. How immature can you be. And for the person who claims to be Deb, I never had a problem with you until now, I wrote what you said about my girlfriend, And I am F ing Furious. I don't know who wrote that report, but If I find out I will bash his f**king face in. How can you all be so cold hearted and childish. Deb Just to let you know I am reporting you to corporate, And I am going to request that you be severely punished. What you said about my girlfriend is Slander, an offense which can get you taken to court. I think the person who wrote this report, should be beat up by all the employees, and then me, and then thrown in a dumpster, because thats all you deserve. I am sick of Bullshit, Stop the Lies about my Girlfriend. And Deb Grow The f**k Up, STOP BLAMING KARA OR ME WE DIDN"T F ING DO IT, OK, how would all you people like it if someone wrote all that s**t about a loved one who is close to you, Huh, I actually feel sorry for Jen , and The other people, except Deb, or whomever it was who wrote that report about my girlfriend, you are just as bad as the person who wrote the 1st report, hell I'm starting to believe that you did write the first report, And are pushing blame on Kara, because, You don't like her. Honestly I'd be willing to bet money that Deb Wrote that First piece of trash

Mr. Mcfeeley

Mr. Roger's Neighborhood,

Is it hot in here, or is it just me?

#49UPDATE Employee

Fri, January 20, 2006

Hi, everybody! Todd here! I'm surprised that more of us haven't posted on here, because this is getting crazy! Anyway, here's my two cents...

All that stuff about Jen is TRUE!!! No, I'm just kidding! As far as I know, all that stuff about her is s**t. If she does have a bad side, she must only let it come out when I'm not there. Hey, maybe that's it! She's always in a bad mood when I'm not around because she misses me, then she suddenly gets happy when I show up! Jen, I had no idea you felt that way!

All that stuff about the other groomers is s**t, too, as far as I know (except the good stuff, of course). Actually, I don't hang around grooming 24/7 so I don't know how everyone acts back there behind closed doors, but they're all nice to me.

All that stuff about Pat and Tom (hi, Pat and Tom!), I'M NOT SAYING A d**n WORD ABOUT IT!!! Like everyone else in the store, Pat and Tom are nice to me, so I'm not going to take part in keeping any rumors going about them.

How would I go about solving all of the problems that everyone seems to be having with each other? I think you all need to go out, buy yourself a Sony PSP, and use it to relieve your stress. That always seems to work for me!

Sincerely (I just want attention),


P.S. I did hear another rumor, but this one is about Erica. I heard that she's been moonlighting at a retail store called "Tom Nook's", trying to save up enough money to have her house expanded or something. Ask her, she'll tell you!


Beverly Hills,

Umm...person claiming to be Deb...

#49UPDATE Employee

Fri, January 20, 2006

...I know that you may or may not REALLY be Deb, but, if you ARE really Deb, you'd better pretend like someone hijacked your name for the purpose of causing you trouble here, because admitting that you're REALLY Deb (which, once again, I'm NOT saying you are) may very well cause you some serious problems at work. I'm sure it's not really you, Deb (wink wink)...shame on you for pretending to be her!

Anyway, I'm done here after this post, as this whole thing is going out of control. One final thought, though (a couple, actually)...first, let's all start acting like the adults we are for a change and leave crap like this back in middle school, okay? Second, to Jen, Pat, Tom, and whoever else was bashed in this so-called "report"...the BEST way to deal with this is to attack it head-on. Practically EVERYONE knows about this stupid website at work already, so you'll just appear desperate and/or guilty of something if you try to "sweep it under the rug" (I'm NOT saying you've been doing that...I'm just telling you not to do it). Just acknowledge that this stupid crap exists and that you're well-aware of it, brush it off like the garbage that it is, and encourage everyone else to move on without giving it another thought.

d**n...I haven't been an "adult" (whatever that really means) for very long, but stuff like this makes me think it would've been better to remain an adolescent. Not much difference, really...



opportunity to tell the truth

#49UPDATE Employee

Fri, January 20, 2006

First of all I'd like to thank Herman and Tinker for sticking up for a few of girls in grooming.Not for me too much, though...mostly Jen and Sharon, of which I agree with you on all counsts... It's ashame that a coworker would use this site to post her petty insults for all the world to see... for one thing I would not cut a dogs back nails on a few occasions because they were already short enough from walking on concrete and I refuse to traumatize a dog to clip their nails... Only Kara does that!! also choking dogs until they gurgle and ripping ear hair out in such big clumps it rips the skin off.. she has to muzzle every dog because she insists on fighting with them... as far as talking behind a persons back, I don't, first I talk to the person, then if the problem is not resolved I talk to management... so I talked to Kara about her abusiveness and she told me that you have to be stern...?????? sterns definition is not abusive.... and I forgot to clean a dogs ears ONE time because he made a fuss when I tried so I got his nails done... had to leave when my shift ended and forgot to go back and finish his ears.. Nicole releived me, cleaned his ears and proceeded to call Jen to tell her that I forgot to do it... Nicole also saved the dirty cotton balls for me to literally stick my mistake in my face....petty... and as far as the original author not being a Petsmart employee is a lie....there is only one person that knows the details that the author knows and that is Kara.. Ms. Drama Queen, control freak, paranoid and everyone must follow procedures as long as its convient for her.... I feel sorry so such an intelligent screwed up head case and now she will be working with Banfield in Schereville store to continue her abusive, controlling and paranoid theatrical life..... such talent gone to waste.....instead of using her brains for good she chooses to use them to cause trouble between glad to see you go...stir up some s**t stew someplace else... life is tough enough without causing hurtful relationships....Thank you all for your time, and always listen to all sides of the story... THE SHADOW KNOWS... and here's to the wonderful, caring women in Petsmarts, schereville, Grooming Department... Love, You !!we will survive Kara and thrive.... THE SHADOW KNOWS!!!


Beverly Hills,

A voice of reason? You decide...

#49UPDATE Employee

Wed, January 18, 2006

Hey Tinker...I have to say, I was impressed by your rebuttal to my rebuttal for the most part, as you seem like you're at least trying to be mature and objective about this whole thing, very much unlike the author of the so-called "report" that started all this. I'll offer you the same courtesy and try to keep an open mind, myself.

About your first I defending those in grooming because I actually know what goes on there, or am I doing it because I'm friends with some of the groomers? Well, without a shadow of a doubt, I can honestly say that I KNOW FOR A FACT that the groomers/bathers trashed in the initial "report" are nowhere NEAR as bad as they're made out to be...ESPECIALLY Jen Quasney. For the life of me, I can't figure out why someone has such a bug up their a*s about her! Not only is she one of the nicest co-workers/managers I've ever had the pleasure of working with, but, upon observing her do her job, I've NEVER seen her be anything but helpful and polite to customers OR co-workers, and the work she does is NOTHING less than professional. About the others in one is perfect and neither are they (or I, for that matter), but they're hardly the incompetent dumbasses that they've been made out to be. In short, I'd take MY dog to the Schererville PetSmart's grooming department ANY day and have 100% confidence that an exemplary job will be done. By the way...what about the jackass who wrote the initial "report" here? Do you think that he/she, who DOESN'T EVEN WORK AT PETSMART, knows more about the goings-on in grooming than I do?

About Tom getting some kind of special treatment from Pat...well, you might have me on that one, Tinker. In my defense, however, I never said that he doesn't get special treatment...I was just saying that the rumors of the so-called "affair" that they've been having are likely nothing more than a stupid joke gone out of control (admittedly, to the best of my knowledge). Also, about the Christmas party...I'm not one to judge whether or not someone is "wasted" or whatever, so I can't really say much about how sober or not they were on that particular occasion. Understand that I'm NOT in any way saying that Tom ABSOLUTELY does get special treatment, but, judging by the amount of complaints I've heard about him from numerous employees and judging by the other people (with less responsibility) who've been put on probation for certain offenses, I'm certainly willing to entertain that possibility.

About me not being big or tough enough to break someone's nose...I'm sure that I could do it if I really wanted to, but I was just using that expression figuratively in order to illustrate how much it pisses me off that some "outsider" would come onto a website such as this and start trashing a bunch of people he/she barely knows, ESPECIALLY when the jackass in question uses people's full names. What is this person basing his/her opinions on...the opinions of his/her friends who work at PetSmart? So, what we're getting here are opinions based on opinions, stated quite rudely by someone with ZERO firsthand information about what goes on in the place he's/she's talking about. Also, don't you wonder why, exactly, this person seems so passionate about what he/she has to say? I mean, let's say that a friend of yours worked someplace that you didn't, and that friend would occasionally tell you how much everything sucked at his/her workplace. Would you be SO vehement about your friend's opinions about his/her workplace and fellow employees that you'd take down the names of his/her co-workers and go to a website like this to spew out a long-a*s diatribe...essentially wasting a bunch of your time bad-mouthing a bunch of people you don't even know, for God's sake? No, I think there's much more to this story. Either the author of the original "report" DOES, indeed, work at PetSmart, or he/she is A LOT closer to one of its employees than he/she is letting, a spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend, perhaps? I have my suspicions and I know that others do, too (and they're the SAME suspicions), but I choose to give the author of the original "report" a courtesy that he/she was never willing to give anyone else...that is, I refuse to name names when I'm merely making assumptions.

Anyway, Tinker, I'd like to shake your hand if I knew who you were, 'cause at least you do try to be somewhat fair in your opinion. Thanks for that!



take a step back and take a good look at the situtation and whats going on

#49UPDATE Employee

Wed, January 18, 2006

Dear Herman, While I can agree with you on somethings, I can't agree with you on all of them. First of all how can you talk about grooming and what goes on it there, I mean do you really know?, or do you say these things because you might be friends with and some times hang out with some of these people? While I'll agree that as far as I know some of the things said about what goes on in grooming is not true. I know for a FACT its not all false either! Some of the things people are saying about the christmas party once again not true, But I'll tell you some things it wasn't water Pat was drinking in the bar at the bowling alley, and afterwards at the bar she did have her hands on people, even once making a sandwich with someone to be unnamed! but you know what who cares about that really. The biggest problem 98% of the people in the store have is the fact that from day one Tom has gotten speacial treatment (and thats putting it mildly)because of his and Pats relationship (whatever it is). What other managers or associates for that matter would still have jobs if they were to pull half of the crap Tom does. As i can recall two associates have been put on 30 day probations and they havent messed up 1/4 of what Tom has wheres the justice in that! But yet Tom still struts around the store because he knows no matter how much he messes up Pats there to cover his a*s! Maybe its time Tom grows up and takes some responsibility for himself like a real man!, and quit blaming everyone else. and as for you Herman saying your going to break someones nose I for one don't think you are big enough nor tuff enough to do it your just talking s**t! maybe your a little to close take a step back and take a good look at the situtation and whats going on. I think if your truly an honest person like you say you will have to agree with me on some of my points.



take a step back and take a good look at the situtation and whats going on

#49UPDATE Employee

Wed, January 18, 2006

Dear Herman, While I can agree with you on somethings, I can't agree with you on all of them. First of all how can you talk about grooming and what goes on it there, I mean do you really know?, or do you say these things because you might be friends with and some times hang out with some of these people? While I'll agree that as far as I know some of the things said about what goes on in grooming is not true. I know for a FACT its not all false either! Some of the things people are saying about the christmas party once again not true, But I'll tell you some things it wasn't water Pat was drinking in the bar at the bowling alley, and afterwards at the bar she did have her hands on people, even once making a sandwich with someone to be unnamed! but you know what who cares about that really. The biggest problem 98% of the people in the store have is the fact that from day one Tom has gotten speacial treatment (and thats putting it mildly)because of his and Pats relationship (whatever it is). What other managers or associates for that matter would still have jobs if they were to pull half of the crap Tom does. As i can recall two associates have been put on 30 day probations and they havent messed up 1/4 of what Tom has wheres the justice in that! But yet Tom still struts around the store because he knows no matter how much he messes up Pats there to cover his a*s! Maybe its time Tom grows up and takes some responsibility for himself like a real man!, and quit blaming everyone else. and as for you Herman saying your going to break someones nose I for one don't think you are big enough nor tuff enough to do it your just talking s**t! maybe your a little to close take a step back and take a good look at the situtation and whats going on. I think if your truly an honest person like you say you will have to agree with me on some of my points.



take a step back and take a good look at the situtation and whats going on

#49UPDATE Employee

Wed, January 18, 2006

Dear Herman, While I can agree with you on somethings, I can't agree with you on all of them. First of all how can you talk about grooming and what goes on it there, I mean do you really know?, or do you say these things because you might be friends with and some times hang out with some of these people? While I'll agree that as far as I know some of the things said about what goes on in grooming is not true. I know for a FACT its not all false either! Some of the things people are saying about the christmas party once again not true, But I'll tell you some things it wasn't water Pat was drinking in the bar at the bowling alley, and afterwards at the bar she did have her hands on people, even once making a sandwich with someone to be unnamed! but you know what who cares about that really. The biggest problem 98% of the people in the store have is the fact that from day one Tom has gotten speacial treatment (and thats putting it mildly)because of his and Pats relationship (whatever it is). What other managers or associates for that matter would still have jobs if they were to pull half of the crap Tom does. As i can recall two associates have been put on 30 day probations and they havent messed up 1/4 of what Tom has wheres the justice in that! But yet Tom still struts around the store because he knows no matter how much he messes up Pats there to cover his a*s! Maybe its time Tom grows up and takes some responsibility for himself like a real man!, and quit blaming everyone else. and as for you Herman saying your going to break someones nose I for one don't think you are big enough nor tuff enough to do it your just talking s**t! maybe your a little to close take a step back and take a good look at the situtation and whats going on. I think if your truly an honest person like you say you will have to agree with me on some of my points.



take a step back and take a good look at the situtation and whats going on

#49UPDATE Employee

Wed, January 18, 2006

Dear Herman, While I can agree with you on somethings, I can't agree with you on all of them. First of all how can you talk about grooming and what goes on it there, I mean do you really know?, or do you say these things because you might be friends with and some times hang out with some of these people? While I'll agree that as far as I know some of the things said about what goes on in grooming is not true. I know for a FACT its not all false either! Some of the things people are saying about the christmas party once again not true, But I'll tell you some things it wasn't water Pat was drinking in the bar at the bowling alley, and afterwards at the bar she did have her hands on people, even once making a sandwich with someone to be unnamed! but you know what who cares about that really. The biggest problem 98% of the people in the store have is the fact that from day one Tom has gotten speacial treatment (and thats putting it mildly)because of his and Pats relationship (whatever it is). What other managers or associates for that matter would still have jobs if they were to pull half of the crap Tom does. As i can recall two associates have been put on 30 day probations and they havent messed up 1/4 of what Tom has wheres the justice in that! But yet Tom still struts around the store because he knows no matter how much he messes up Pats there to cover his a*s! Maybe its time Tom grows up and takes some responsibility for himself like a real man!, and quit blaming everyone else. and as for you Herman saying your going to break someones nose I for one don't think you are big enough nor tuff enough to do it your just talking s**t! maybe your a little to close take a step back and take a good look at the situtation and whats going on. I think if your truly an honest person like you say you will have to agree with me on some of my points.

Jack Meoff


Some little-known PETSMART rumors

#49UPDATE Employee

Wed, January 18, 2006

coming on a website and badmouthing a bunch of people you don't work with and barely know, all based on stupid rumors?

herman is right, you do need to get a life.


Beverly Hills,

It doesn't get more real than this...

#49UPDATE Employee

Tue, January 17, 2006

Read carefully, as this is the REAL inside story of the Schererville PetSmart...maybe the ONLY objective one you'll ever read.

I've worked at the store in question since before it opened (like most of the people there), I tend to get along well with EVERYONE (the people who were talked about favorably AND the people who were talked about unfavorably in this so-called "report"), and the only thing that I've been able to gather from the bogus crap above is that someone REALLY needs to get a life.

To start, EVERYTHING here about Jen Quasney is total horseshit. I've NEVER known her to come to work hung over (strange, since she supposedly does it "...95% of the time..."), I've NEVER known her to treat customers poorly in any way, shape, or form (let's get long would someone who works in retail keep her job if she were to scream and curse at customers on a regular basis?), and...well, I'm not even going to address the rest of the crap she's accused of here, 'cause it's so obvious to anyone with more than half a brain that these are nothing more than the ramblings of someone with an irrational, personal vendetta against her. I can't understand why anyone would harbor any bad feelings toward Jen whatsoever since she's as nice as she can be to everyone she meets, but that does seem to be the case.

About Deb...I've NEVER known her to cause an inordinate amount of problems. No one is perfect, but Deb certainly doesn't deserve the crap that's being spewn about her here.

About Kara...I don't have a problem with her, though some have said that she has a somewhat "abrasive" personality (which--in and of itself--isn't necessarily a bad thing). Because of this, I was actually surprised that she's one of the few people written fondly of in this "report".

About Sharon...well, at least SOMETHING in this report seems 100% accurate! She's a wonderful woman, through and through.

About Michelle...I've only known her for a very short time, but she seems like a matter-of-fact groomer who likes to do what she was hired to do and be done with it. There's nothing inherently wrong with that, is there? I find it funny as hell that the a*****e who wrote the "report" above had the nerve to say something about the "...childish way..." Michelle works...yet it's not childish to post unsubstantiated rumors on the internet about people you don't even know, huh? Way to be a hypocrate!

Finally, about Pat and Tom...they're friends, they get along well, and I think the whole "Pat and Tom" thing has been blown way out of proportion. I'm not about to make up stories about either of them or guess what they might do in their personal lives or even give a s**t...they've never done anything bad to me and I have no reason to "cover up" anything I might know or think about them (this is anonymous, you know), so I can only hope that I'm taken at my word that their relationship--to the best of my knowledge--is nothing to gossip about. Oh, and I was at the PetSmart Christmas party, too, and I have NO idea what the hell the author of this "report" is talking about...I think I'd remember if Pat or anyone else had put their hands down people's pants. Once again, just some moron talking s**t...

Anyway, let me end this by saying to the author of the "report" above that YOU'RE A d**k!!! Some of the people you've blatantly lied about here may deserve mild criticism for this or that (not that you're perfect enough to qualify as the critic), but NONE of them are ANYTHING like what you've described. In fact, I think fondly enough of some of those mentioned here to break your f**king nose if I ever find out who you are, so you'd better just remain in the shadows where you belong...and focus your attention on resolving some of your own personal issues instead of trying to cause problems for others, jackass.


Big One,

Petsmart The inside story

#49UPDATE Employee

Mon, January 16, 2006

Being an employee of this store i can tell you most ( not all at least not that i know )of the things in the report about the schererville store are true. but beleive me the grooming department is the least of the worries in this store. The big problem in this store is Pat and Tom the stories about the christmas party are true. they closed at the store that night and showed up together at the party both looking stoned out of there minds. i didnt go to the bar afterwards but i heard all the stories from everyone there about how she was acting. I can tell you what its been like with Pat and Tom from day one they have been walking around holding hands,hugging,arms around each other, they take long lunches together, sit in the office i could go on there always up each others butts. How do you think Tom got promoted he didnt Earn It. Toms one big screw up he does everything wrong, comes it late, lets animales die because there not worth taking to the vet (in his eyes) but for everything he does wrong. Pats there to cover for him because its her man. The things that go on are disgusting the ones to feel sorry for are the other managers and the employees of this store who have to deal with this crap they have to pick up the slack for these two Dave, Erika , and Aaron bust there to butts to help us and they let us vent about our problems in the store they try to help us but they can only do so much they know how the employees feel and they try do what they can and we appreciate it if not for them we would probably all quit if we could just get rid of Pat and Tom we would actually have a good store but till that time comes the problems will be there but we are all waiting for they day they get fired becuase its going to be one big party and well finally have a good store

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