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  • Report:  #1435921

Complaint Review: Phil Haberman aka Phil Drager aka DJ Drager etc.

Phil Haberman aka Phil Drager, aka DJ Drager, etc. Phil Jason Haberman, Phil Drager, DJ Drager, Drager Fraud Haberman claims Serivicemembers Relief Act - He's at it again! Sarasota Florida

  • Reported By:
    Schultz — NYC New York United States
  • Submitted:
    Mon, March 26, 2018
  • Updated:
    Thu, May 30, 2019

Well, it's been a couple of years since I've had any dealings with this POS, but he has posted his K9 instructor military job, so much, I felt the need to investigate his claims. Apparently, Haberman, who now admitted to changing his name for personal reasons to Phil Drager, has secured a K9 instructor position overseas. Eh, no big deal, right? Well considering his three (3) Other Than Honorable Discharges (OTH)(2002, 2005 & 2010)  from the Army National Guard, it should be taken seriously due to national security problems.  So when is the military gonna get smart to his act?

Haberman's FOIA records were obtained to confirm he is not enlisted within any branch of the military. So Haberman decideds to go civilian contaractor. His employer is still being invesitgated and once they are discovered, so will his scam. Haberman only had to attend a 16 week course to be the leader of the K9 pack, no other training was required. Oh, except a DOD background check. How does he get thtrorugh this? He posts photos of him in Jordan and Turkey, at Embassys, videos of training at gun ranges with Jordanian commands, and inside campsites. How does this happen? As a note: Haberman was a convicted felon in Florida and as such, he is not supposed to have anything to do with firearms.

RONCO Consulting posted a position on Military-Civilan which connects Veterans with Civilian Career Opportunities Stateside & Overseas. It is suspected Haberman has scammed these facilities to gain his civilian career with the military.  According to this site, all Haberman had to do was produce the minimum requirements: US Citizen, 3 years of experience as a K9 Handler either in civilian or military environment; certification as a K9 handler from an authorized authority either military or civilian, and completion of Dept of State Minimum Risk Public Trust (MRPT) or a security clearance. Attend a 3 week course Embasy Security Force (ESF)  held in Dilley Texas. He was paid for his training and a per diem.  Considering Haberman's past of forging military records, this needs to be researched. Even if Haberman attended a 16 week course for dog handlers, there's no way he could have passed DOD or security.

Now Haberman claims he is working at the Embassy overseas. According to Military Civilan, K9 instructors in Afghanistan earn $3803 every 2 weeks for an annual salary of $98,878, plus bonuses, hotel, plane fare to Afghanastan and the position only works 70 days in country and 21 days out.

Florida DMV has given him a Paratrooper plate 030WS for his Paratrooper training badge, according to Wendy Montgomery. Haberman's girlfriend, Kelly Scovill posted video of his vehicle online. The Florida DMV's blindness to Haberman's past has basically vetted him as a Paratrooper. DMV records require an honorable discharge to obtain the plate... something Haberman states to a newsreporter during the Hurricane Harvey Cajun Rescue fiasco where he was given duties he never was qualified for due to improper vetting his credentials.

GOOGLE Haberman. There's more out there than anybody can comprehend. I'm sure there's a few real military personnel that need to have a talk with Haberman.

Haberman is claiming Servicemembers Relief Act (SCRA) to fight for his home in Sarasota, Florida that has been under foreclosure since 2008. As a civilian, Haberman is not entitled to claim this, but he has. The Sarasota County Courts have public information to this case. Haberman is now claiming the mortgage company needs to produce original documents.... I guess he's gonna claim it's not his signature?

Haberman also has a MVA claim in Sarasota. He claims an elderly man hit his vehicle and totaled it. Hmm, this was the same 2008 white Mustang that was once claimed flood damage. Then Haberman claimed a fire (and posted the video on his FB site) of his Volvo burning up on the highway. Hmmm, this vehicle has had several suspicious incidents, including a battery installed and connected backwards. Now Haberman sports a 2010 BMW 5 series with those Paratrooper plates. More insurance scams involving his $800 bicycles rendering them unsuable, yet he and Scovill ride them on a frequent basis.

Must be nice to travel the World. Haberman and Scovill just recently returned from a couple of weeks in Bavaria. Great sightseeing and photos adorn their Instagram pages. Gee, I wonder if it was "military" related. Ha, apparently Haberman's travels are somewhat "military" related, in his mind. Scovill and Haberman were in Bavaria in March 2018, yet he posts March 1 that he was in the "Middle East" working with a new K9.

Scovill, a bleach bottle blonde, must have some sort of income, otherwise Haberman would not be fighting for her.  Her records show her daddy owns her  Lank Ranch, Florida condo and she apparently works for Verizon for the past 29 years. A recent newspaper reporter sent her a link to the multitude of posts about Haberman, which he responded as Phil Drager claiming "it's all his ex wife's fault for this, and to give it up"

Contact to Haberman's first ex wife and she said "as long as he's scamming people, involving himself with my life by posting my SSN online, I cannot remove myself from his life". It is unknown as to the whereabouts of Haberman's second wife, Pamela Jean Swinney. Sources say the marriage was never dissolved, hence why Haberman is still not married to Scovill. Over 20 years of Haberman's fraud of enlisting in the military, defrauding people and scamming. I'm sure he's not done yet.

5 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

Haberman files false police reports & has ex-wife arrested for sharing internet story

#6General Comment

Thu, May 30, 2019

 Not all domestic violence is verbal or physical. It can also be manipulating the court system and filing false reports to have an ex-spouse arrested. It started October 25th 2015 where Haberman filed false police reports alleging his ex-wife was in his Florida backyard, taking his mail and blew up his vehicle in front of his house.

Haberman also alleged he was receiving death threats from third parties and his home had been shot at. These lies couldn't be farther from the truth. But utilizing his new girlfriend's family member who is an attorney, he persuaded North Port Police Department to file a warrant after a year long investigation where the evidence states nebulous at best and they could not find any connection with his ex-wife.

Haberman's daily barrage and pleading for the police department to do something ended up with a Florida capias warrant for her arrest. On June 6th 2018, the ex-wife Kristen Road, was arrested in Las Vegas Nevada by the US Marshals on the Florida capias warrant. Rhoad never lived or visited Florida to obtain a warrant in that state.

Rhoad's legal due process rights were violated when she was not allowed to have an attorney and was extradited to Florida to face Haberman's false claims of cyberstalking. Court documents show Haberman used a 2006 domestic violence injunction claiming Rhoad's since removed blog the Rhoadwarrior was domestic violence.

Haberman also stated that every single internet online story about him was a direct result of cyberstalking and his ex-wife was responsible for it including Ripoff Ripoff Report, Stolen Valor, Lovefraud and many other website that Rhoad had not authored or owned.

Rhoad plead not guilty to the charges and awaited trial. On November 28, 2018, agyer spending 175 days incarcerated, Rhoad was preparing for jury selection and the State of Florida charged her with a second charge for sharing on Facebook the This Ain't Hell story in May 2018, where Haberman was kicked out of Jordan for falsely claiming he was working with Jordan on a military contract rescuing dogs involving his organization K9Global Rescue.

Rhoad had nothing to do with the story except share it on Facebook. Haberman's business partner Jon Barocas of Denver, Colorado falsely stated Rhoad was the reason he lost the contract with the US Military. Because of Jon Barocas' lie, that second charge for cyberstalking was added to Rhoad's current charge. Under oath, Haberman and Barocas claimed they are military combat veterans.

FOIA Reports say otherwise. Court records show Haberman was deposed and claims he is receiving military retirement benefits. Haberman claims he was with the US Army for 9 years, however FOIA records show less than 2 years of enlistment. Haberman claims in his deposition that he does not receive an income from K9 Global Rescue but one must question where are the donations going?

Haberman's recent other legal troubles with his foreclosure and auto accident make you wonder if he's just truly money motivated. The State of Florida attorney's office conceded to the statue of limitations expiring on the 2015 charge, however with the new 2018 charge Rhoad was not prepared to stay in jail another 175 days for another trial.

Due to untreated spinal and nerve damage Rhoad sustained in the extradition, she took a plea to get out to fight for an appeal and to have her medical damages attended to. Otherwise, Rhoad was facing another 175 days for a new trial on Baracos' lies. Haberman attended the hearing and was so upset that she was being released he exclaimed in court "No, no, no! She can't get out! She can never get out!"

During the hearing, Haberman took photos of Rhoad inside the courtroom during the proceeding which Haberman could be charged with contempt. Haberman also posted slanderous posts about Rhoad on Facebook, in which he and his friends mocked Rhoad's mug shot and wished for her incarceration to never end. Once free from Florida's jail, Rhoad sustained more domestic violence from Haberman.

Rhoad returned to Nevada only to find all of her personal property was stolen. She then went to live with relatives in Arizona. By the end of December Haberman had alleged violations of probation and directly went to Rhoad's Florida probation officer with false allegations. As a direct result of Haberman's false reports and an improper investigation by FLDOC, another warrant was issued for her arrest for violating probation.

On February 4, 2019, Rhoad purchased airfare and surrendered herself to the Sheriff's Office in Sarasota where she was again denied bail and was incarcerated awaiting a violation of probation trial. 33 days later in March 2019, Rhoad had her day in court. This time she was prepared to meet and destroy all of Haberman's lies. Haberman, his fiance Kelly Scovill and their friend Krissy Verway testified to the Facebook posts twisting and turning their story.

Haberman's allegations were that Rhoad could not post anything on Facebook that he though was directed at him, she was not permitted to talk to anyone about him, write anything about him or make any reference about him. Clearly the court disagreed as this would be an illegal restraint on Rhoad's Constitutional rights.

Judge Roberts' decision stated Rhoad did not violate her probation. He further clarified that Rhoad has the right to write about Haberman. She can talk to people about Haberman. She just cannot contact him, which she has not done for over 15 years since their annulment. Haberman earlier testified Rhoad had not personally contacted him by telephone or email, further evidencing his desperation to incarcerate his ex-wife. But that didn't stop Haberman for his third attempt.

After divorcing his 2nd wife Pamela Swinney in December 2018, and marrying his 3rd wife, Kelly Scovill in January 2019, Haberman recently filed documents asking the Court's reconsideration of the decision and for contempt charges against Rhoad. Again like in 2006, Haberman has claimed Rhoad is responsible for ALL internet stories written about him.

He is demanding the removal of 10 websites including Ripoff Report Military Phonies, Stolen Valor, This Ain't Hell, Lovefraud and various other internet websites that Rhoad does not have control or ownership of. Rhoad has appealed the criminal charges and the 2006 injunction for lack of personal jurisdiction and various due process violations.

Haberman failed to answer the Appellate brief and all mail from the court is being returned to sender. Apparently, Haberman is in over his head and does not want to have anything more to do with the legal system because it is not going his way. It should be interesting to see the outcome of these cases, to see if Rhoad can restore her legal rights and be vindicated, or will Haberman try another attempt.

It is apparent the reasons behind Haberman's repeated actions to have all the internet stories removed about him. Rhoad's exposure and to make her pay. Haberman has spun tall tales of his ex-wife, claims the internet stories are damaging his reputation and his attempt to recreate his identity to match the fairytales he has convinced his new wife and their family that he is what he says he is.

The Ex Wife

Las Vegas,
United States

Haberman Booted from Jordan

#6Author of original report

Wed, May 30, 2018


After 13 + years scamming people, using 501(c)3 rescues, and faking being enlisted with the Military, Haberman is booted!

How did he do it? I mean, how does one who has been on teh military list of Do Not Re-Enlist get back in?

Photos on the K9 Global Rescue website show he is acting in a veterinary capacity and tranqualizing dogs in Jordan.

Hoping he is prosecuted on some Federal level. 


New York,
United States

Haberman decides to go home early

#6Author of original report

Sun, May 27, 2018

After the May 19th post by Adam on Ripoff Report, Haberman was allegedly deported from the Middle East due to the reports on Ripoff Report and basic Google searches. However, Haberman has posted he is leaving early to go home to be with his recently deceased dog, Ice. Haberman never mentions the investigation posted on Ripoff Report as a real possibility for his early departure. Never in all my years have I ever heard the military letting you go home early for bereavement for your dog. Reviewing the comments on the jakesbucketlist Facebook page, it's apparent all the females share his sympathy. Maybe Haberman doesn't realize how old his dogs are and that their health is not convenient for him to be away as often as he is. As usual, I'm sure more scams will come from this incident.


United States

Haberman is now a NS threat

#6Author of original report

Sat, May 19, 2018

 Adam is correct. Haberman has recently (4/20/18) been outted as a possible security threat for ITAR military gear. I wonder if the Dallas police or the Texas Highway Patrol (who gave him a patch for some unknown reason) know who he really is? You can change your name, but you can't run, Phil, you are now exposed. Now, what was his wife trying to tell us for the past 13 years? Did you know Haberman filed felony charges against her for INDIRECTLY being charged for each and every story posted online about him. Seems he's destroyed her life for these false charges. Karma is coming.


United States

Phil Drager

#6Consumer Comment

Sat, May 19, 2018

 This Individual has finally been found out as an insider threat and deported from the middle east due to a simple Google search and this page thank you.

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