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  • Report:  #361889

Complaint Review: Philip Tirone Free Credit Score Webinar TRUSTED BUSINESS REVIEW: Philip x Tirone Verified Safe money back guarantee. Free Credit Score webinar credit repair strategies education-system.

Philip X Tirone TRUSTED BUSINESS REVIEW: Verified Safe Philip X Tirone money back guarantee, customer satisfaction, 7 Steps to 720 Credit Score implemented strategic changes to insure credit repair / education success, focusing on finding ways to raise his clients credit score fast via his Free Credit Score Webinar.

*UPDATE: Recognized by Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Program as a safe business service Philip Tirone Free Credit Score Webinar, 7 Steps to 720 Credit Score, feel safe, confident & secure when doing business with Philip Tirone/ Free Credit Score Webinar Ripoff Report Verified Safe.

  • Reported By:
    Pacific Palisades California
  • Submitted:
    Tue, August 12, 2008
  • Updated:
    Fri, May 27, 2016
  • Philip Tirone Free Credit Score Webinar TRUSTED BUSINESS REVIEW: Philip x Tirone Verified Safe, money back guarantee. Free Credit Score webinar, credit repair strategies, education-system.
    11400 West Olympic Blvd, Suite 450
    Los Angeles, California
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:
Ripoff Report Verified REVIEW:

By ED Magedson Founder, Ripoff Report

EDitors UPDATE: When I first was approached by Philip Tirone about his complaint, I thought to myself, This is going to be good credit repair companies are one of the WORST ripping off consumers in America today.

To my surprise, after the first meeting with Philip Tirone, I knew that I would not only trust him, but I would also put my name on the line for him. Since that meeting, Ive met with him a number of times and spoken with him dozens of times. My belief in his authenticity has not waivered, and Im thrilled to include Philip X Tirone and his various program as part of Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program. And to confirm that this business should be rated as Ripoff Report Verified Safe not only because we trust him, .. because, any business that gives a money back satisfaction guarantee, no strings attached is Verified Safe by Ripoff Report. And, just as long as the customer really does get their money back if they ask.

Philip Tirone Is Trustworthy

As the founder and editor of Ripoff Report, I see all the scams. And believe me, if you are working with a credit repair / credit education company, you need to watch out. Most credit repair / credit education companies are piranhas looking for victims.

Philip Tirone (who also goes by Philip X. Tirone) is the exact opposite. I wouldnt have known this, but it turns out that we have a mutual friend, so I felt obliged to meet with Philip over lunch. Normally, I wouldnt want to meet face-to-face, especially with someone in the credit repair industry.

Im glad that I felt beholden to our mutual friend because, like I said, hes the exact opposite of what I expected. When we met, we talked for more than two hours and I drilled him on his commitment to his clients and customers.

I told him give me the good and the bad: I want to hear it all.

Philip Tirone / / 7 Steps to a 720 Credit Score / 14-Day Credit Challenge / Free Credit Score Webinar Commitment to Clients is Unmatched

Philip started off the conversation saying that when he was new in the business, he made some dumb mistakes in the past. I always like when people can take the blame for poor decisions made in the past. Here is what Philip Tirone did:

Philip had a background as a mortgage broker, and he noticed that people with bad credit scores were denied mortgages all the time because of their low credit scores. He wanted to help these people raise their scores, so he started helping them raise their scores. He was doing this for free, but after a while, it started taking up too much of his time.

So he started charging for the services. And here is where he said he made a mistake. At first, he was very strict on his money back guarantee if someone failed to do the work they were supposed to do to help improve his credit, he didnt return their money. He was strict about this rule: If someone wanted a refund on the program they had to be actually doing the work.

I learned the hard way that was not the best way to run a business, he told me. Energetically, I now see that keeping money from a customer who is unhappy does not work. Nowadays, if someone wants money back for any reason, I give it back to them at any time, no matter how long they have waited to ask for it, he continued. Now, I would give money back to people if they didnt like the sound of my voiceand Id do it any time they asked.

Ripoff Report Verified .. part of Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program.A program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business..

Best Money-Back Guarantee I Have Seen

Yes, you read that correct. He said: Nowadays, if someone wants money back for any reason, I give it back to them at any time, no matter how long they have waited to ask for it I would give money back to people if they didnt like the sound of my voice - and Id do it anytime they asked. For those that dont know about the credit repair industry, this is VERY abnormal.

When he said that, I told him that I wanted to email his past clients and confirm this (after all, I have a commitment to thoroughly research and report everything I find out about his company). I figured he would object because he wouldnt want the few clients that complained to know that they can ask for and receive a refund at any time. Its important to know, that Philip Tirone has been at the top of the search engines listed on Ripoff Report for more than 4 years and only had 2 Reports, both filed by the same person. So, if Philip Tirone was that bad, where were all the complaints if he was so bad?

But Philip Tirone surprised me again. When I asked him if I could let people know about his refund policy, he said: No problem!

This is someone you can do business with.

(By the way, if anyone reading this has had any problems with a refund, please email me immediately so I can solve this problem for you. You can email me at I dont expect to hear from anyone, though, because Im sure Philip has already refunded your request.)

Why You Should Trust Philip Tirone

Philip is different than most people in the credit repair business. Like I said, he started in the mortgage business by helping his clients repair their credit so he could get them better interest rates on their loans. He told me that after studying over ten thousand credit reports, he noticed patterns of change and learned how to help his clients increase their credit scores as much as 100 points in 30 days.

I could save them hundreds and hundreds of dollars per month on their mortgage. I saved one client $831 per month on his mortgage. Thats almost $300,000 over the course of the loan, Philip told me.

The more I talked to him, the more I realized that his main inspiration for being in the credit industry is this: The credit repair industry is unfair and this is his way to do something about it. Every week he holds Free Credit Score Webinars, he reaches out to politicians and government officials and has asked them for helping bringing credit-literacy to low-income neighborhoods for free.

Following is a letter he received from Congresswoman Diane Watson after he gave free copies of his book, 7 Steps to a 720 Credit Score, to everyone who attended her job fair.

In the letter, Congresswoman Watson said, I support your desire to further educate people on the relevant steps and process needed to improve and maintain a good credit score. This sums it up. Philip truly does want to educate people. In fact, he considers his program to be about credit education more than credit repair, which he acknowledges has a nasty reputation.

Register for His Webinar

Free Webinar

I highly recommend you take the time to go through Philips free webinar that helps people raise their credit score after a foreclosure, bankruptcy, short sale, or other financial meltdown. Unlike most webinars that are filled with hype, he actually teaches some valuable things.

On his webinar you will learn:

  1. What to do right now if you have bad credit.

  2. The exact number of credit cards you need to have.

  3. How the errors on your credit score cost you money, and more importantly, how to fix them.

  4. How much your credit score is costing you each month.

  5. How quickly your credit score can change in as little as 90, 180, or 365 days.

To Register for the Free Credit Score Webinar, CLICK HERE.

Watch His Credit Repair - Spy Camera Video

Its good that someone is tackling credit repair education because the banks and credit card companies sure arent doing it. Here is a SpyCam video that Philip took while in a bank, the banks that are robbing you of your well-deserved money. I really love the way he exposes how clueless the bankers are when it comes to your credit, and credit repair questions on how to improve your credit fast.

Philip told me something along the lines of this: Ed, the problem is that it is in your banks best interest that you have a low credit score. This way, you will pay them a high interest rate, and they can shove more money into their pockets. This video exposes how bad it is. The banks even keep their own bankers in the dark about the rules of credit scoring and credit repair techniques. This way, the bankers will give you incorrect information, and your credit score will stay low.

SCREENSHOT ATTACHED Spy Cam Video with Philip Tirone

Other Videos Watch Them!

Here are a few other videos that I found from Philip Tirone / / 7 Steps to a 720 Credit Score:

How Credit Limits Impact Your Credit Score

Spy Cam Video with Philip Tirone

Credit on the Street

Steve vs. Credit - Part 1

Steve vs. Credit - Part 2

And if You Want a Taste of Philip Tirone, Check This Out!

Philip Tirone / / 7 Steps to a 720 Credit Score / 14 Day Credit Challenge / Free Credit Score Webinar VERIFIED SAFE

A couple of years back, Philip decided he wanted to take it a step further. He wanted to help anyone and everyone who felt financially stuck, so he created a program called Never Be Stuck. The program is not currently being offered, but if you want a taste for what Philip is truly like, check out this video promoting the program: - (SCREENSHOT ATTACHED - "Never Be Stuck Screenshot")

He bares his soul in this video, and you will see one of the reasons why I endorse Philip Tirone.

Philip Tirone / / 7 Steps to a 720 Credit Score / 14 Day Credit Challenge / Free Credit Score Webinar VERIFIED SAFE

As a part of the Corporate Advocacy Program, the member-business allows Ripoff Report to send an email to all of those who filed a complaint in the past, letting the customer know that the member-business wanted to make things right, whatever it takes to do so. Ripoff Report always monitors these emails to make sure that the member-business does what it agreed to do as part of our Corporate Advocacy Program.

There was only one complaint for this company, and that was from a guy named Albert. The complainant-customers never responded to Ripoff Report emails and after reviewing the information of the transaction, Ripoff Report found the complaints were unjustified and untrue in nature.

Philip Tirone did everything in its power and bent over backwards to help Albert Sandoval (they have 33 emails to prove it), yet Albert did not follow Philip Tirones instructions. Since 1998, out of the 12,000 clients that have through his program, to date, only three complaints have been lodged, and these complaints were unfounded.

Ripoff Report does not normally give this kind of endorsement.

Philip Tirone / / 7 Steps to a 720 Credit Score / 14-Day Credit Challenge / Free Credit Score Webinar has gone through great lengths to make sure it resolves any and all customer issues, if doing so is within its power.

Philip Tirone / / 7 Steps to a 720 Credit Score / 14-Day Credit Challenge / Free Credit Score Webinar has joined the Corporate Advocacy Program because it wants customers to know it will resolve any and all customer issues. The member-business never wants its customers to feel like they were not taken care of.

Philip Tirone of / 7 Steps to a 720 Credit Score / 14-Day Credit Challenge / Free Credit Score Webinar has stated this: I only want satisfied people as clients, and if someone is not happy, please have them contact me immediately so that I can refund their money.


" 7 Steps to a 720 Credit Score / The 14-Day Credit Challenge / Free Credit Score Webinar is an independently owned, full-service educator that services the entire USA and Canada has over 12,000 past clients since 2004. Of all the 12,000 people who have gone through our program since 2004, less than five percent have returned the program and requested a refund. That means that over 95 percent of the Philip Tirones customers are happy with their services and less than five percent ask for a refund, for reasons ranging from being too busy to realizing the program doesnt fit [their] needs.

PER THE FTC (Federal Trade Commission)

Out of all the credit repair companies out there, Philip Tirone educates consumers how to raise their credit score in the fastest, most ethical manner and all according to the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) rules. The FTC states that, Everyday, companies target people who have poor credit histories with promises to clean up their credit reports so they can get a car loan, a home mortgage, insurance, or even a job after paying a fee for the service. The truth is that no one can remove accurate negative information from your credit report. It's illegal.

This is how Philip Tirone / / 7 Steps to a 720 Credit Score / The 14-Day Credit Challenge / Free Credit Score Webinar has created its program. Simply put, the company focuses on rebuilding a persons credit after a financial meltdown, not on trying to remove items from a credit report, which is illegal and ultimately unsuccessful.

Philip Tirones saying is You dont need a clean credit report to have a high credit score.

While doing research into Philip Tirones companies, I spoke with his clients and, with their permission, witnessed the changes in their before-and-after credit scores. Many of his clients are people with bankruptcies, foreclosures, and short sales on their credit reports, yet have credit scores that are 720 and above.

The companys main program is called the 14-Day Credit Challenge. The 14-Day Credit Challenge is a credit-improvement program that consists of fourteen credit improvement / credit repair individual instructional videos that are delivered to you once per week for fourteen weeks. The tutorials are no more than ten minutes, and clients spend about another ten minutes implementing the secret tricks to raise your credit score fast, and in turn, save hundreds of dollars per month.

As part of the 14-day Credit Challenge, clients also receive:

  • The 7 Steps to a 720 Credit Score book, which gives readers the seven golden rules of building and maintaining a high credit score. You will learn things like: the exact number of credit cards you should have, the right balance to carry on these credit cards, and how a 720 (or higher) credit score can save you hundreds of thousands of dollars. You will also learn the common myths and pitfalls that cause most people to have artificially low credit scores.

  • The 7 Steps Practical Guidebook and the 7 Steps Toolkit, complete with 25 proprietary letters and packed with the forms, scripts, and worksheets youll need to increase your score. This includes forms for correcting errors, negotiating to remove collection notices from your credit report, and fighting credit card companies at their scams.

  • 10 Biggest Credit Mistakes to Avoid, which is a book that, like the name suggests, tells readers how to avoid the pitfalls of credit-scoring. This book outlines the 10 common credit mistakes people make, often times without realizing it, while providing gainful advice on ways to avoid these common pitfalls. Among the mistakes: Getting your credit score from the wrong place. The book explains that many places that sell credit scores are scamming their customers.

  • Managing Your Credit After a Financial Disaster, a booklet that is designed specifically for people who have been through a bankruptcy, foreclosure, short sale, or other financial meltdown. By following the right steps, you could have a 720 credit score years sooner than if you simply wait for that bankruptcy or foreclosure to fall off your credit report. This book uncovers the most important factors in improving your credit score after a financial crisis and what to do if you are in danger of having your home go into foreclosure.

  • Your Teens Credit, a booklet with an innovative strategy for helping your children build their credit scores so they go into adulthood with strong credit histories.

The company also has the following products:

  • What the Banks Wont Tell You About Credit: In this booklet, Tirone explains that the banks hate it when people have high credit scores. After all, they can charge higher interest rates and make more money off people with low credit scores. And they intentionally keep dirty little secrets that prevent you from increasing your credit score and securing lower payments. Until now, the banks had the upper hand. This booklet gives readers the keys to the kingdom so they can take control of their credit score.

  • Getting a Home Loan When the Banks Arent Lending and Getting a Car Loan When the Banks Arent Lending: Getting home and car financing in todays tough economy is becoming more and more difficult to obtain. If you are in the market for a home loan or a car loan, this is a must read. This book will help you lay the foundation for determining your loan needs and provide creative alternatives to financing the home or car of your dreams, so you dont have to rely on the typical lender.


Philip Tirone tells Ripoff Report: Look, if people understand the simple steps of how to improve their credit score, they dont need the high costs of a credit repair company, which usually has temporary success at best. We teach the consumer to bypass the middle man, and ultimately, they end up saving a lot of money, increasing their score permanently, and having the knowledge for the rest of their lives."


One of the things that impressed me most about Philip is how he handles mistakes. He told me he uses them as rocket fuel for success. Here is a letter directly from Philip:

Dear Ed:

Back in 2003, my list of greatest achievements was published in a New York Times bestseller called Secrets of the Young & Successful. Here it is, with a few updates that have happened since 2003:

  1. In my second-grade reading improvement class, everybody graduated but me.

  2. In grade school, I was always bullied and teased about my speech impediment, my height, and my big ears.

  3. I received a 1.8 GPA my freshman year of high school.

  4. When I was eight, my mother and father divorced without any communication within the family.

  5. I was humiliated at my high school graduation when, in front of 3,000 people, I froze at the podium, unable to speak as I was presenting an award to my school principal.

  6. I was denied acceptance into all but one university to which I applied; Arizona State University accepted me just under the wire.

  7. I was denied admittance into all fraternities during my freshman and sophomore years at Arizona State University.

  8. The woman I was going to marry left me, when to Colombia, and met and married another man.

  9. I spent more than $1.5 million on a television infomercial, which failed to have a single week of profitability in the two years that it ran. (I kept running it because I desperately wanted to get word out, despite the fact that I was losing money hand-over-fist.)

  10. My mortgage income dropped 92 percent in 12 months.

So why are these achievements? Because they all led to something better. Sure, it was embarrassing to get rejected by every fraternity I rushed all three semesters that I rushed, but because of this, I jumped into work-mode while in college. As a result, I was later named Man of the Year at ASU. Imagine thatthe guy who couldnt get into a single fraternity for three semesters in a row was later named Man of the Year for that same university!

It is this same spirit that drove me to the credit industry. I want to help people turn their mistakes and failures around. My point is that Ive made mistakes and, just like everyone else in the world, I will probably make a few more. But I will always work hard to correct them and move forward. This is why I offer the best money-back guarantee on the market. I never want a customer to be unhappy, and I always want to correct my mistakes.

I can afford to do this because my program, frankly, is outstanding. As I told you over the phone, I never will say no to a refund, even if its past their refund date. Even with that policy, month-after-month, our refund rate is less than five percent. Thats right: All of my clients could ask for their money back, but they dont. The numbers tell the truth: I offer a much-needed service, and I provide a high-quality product.


Philip Tirone


As stated above, Philip Tirone / / 7 Steps to a 720 Credit Score / 14-Day Credit Challenge / Free Credit Score Webinar is committed to 100-percent customer and satisfaction, and has made every possible effort to ensure that all customers have a positive experience while doing business.

After speaking with Philip Tirone and emailing everyone who filed a complaint in the past, Ripoff Report is proud to give Philip Tirone and his companies a positive rating. We have found that he has in the past and does make every efforts possible to ensure that all customers were satisfied and they assured Ripoff Report that the business has an improved business model that features customer satisfaction as the top priority.


Our refund policy has been simplified. Furthermore, it is the best refund policy on the planet. We only accept payments from happy customers, and we will always refund money to our unhappy customers for any reason.


Many less-than-scrupulous credit repair company charge upfront fees and make promises about removing things from a credit report. But the truth is, they cannot legally deliver what they promise.


The FTC (Federal Trade Commission) states that:

Everyday, companies target people who have poor credit histories with promises to clean up their credit reports so they can get a car loan, a home mortgage, insurance, or even a job after paying a fee for the service. The truth is that no one can remove accurate negative information from your credit report. It's illegal.

It is also nearly impossible. An unscrupulous credit repair company might succeed in temporarily suppressing negative information, but it will appear a month or so laterlong after the credit repair company has cashed your credit.

Philip Tirone / / 7 Steps to a 720 Credit Score / The 14-Day Credit Challenge / Free Credit Score Webinar do not make promises. Instead, they teach you how to work within the rules of credit scoring so that your credit score increases naturallyand it continues to increase as time goes on.

If you need to raise your credit score fast for a car loan, home loan, or to lower your interest rates on credit cards, you should watch this free webinar: Click here to check out the program and to register.

This kind of dedication to customer service means that Philip Tirone / / 7 Steps to a 720 Credit Score / The 14-Day Credit Challenge will do whatever it takes to make sure customers are properly taken care off.

In the future, if you have any complaints or concerns with Philip Tirone or any of his companies, you are invited to contact the company directly via email: Be sure to cc: so we can keep track of the companys response and to insure customer satisfaction. You can reach Philip Tirone / / 7 Steps to a 720 Credit Score / The 14-Day Credit Challenge / Free Credit Score Webinar directly at 888-453-1901.

As always, Ripoff Report cannot guarantee that every customer or employee will always be 100% satisfied in every case, but we promise that if you have any concerns with Philip Tirone / / 7 Steps to a 720 Credit Score / The 14-Day Credit Challenge / Free Credit Score Webinar or any of our Corporate Advocacy Program members, we will do everything we can to see that the issue is addressed quickly and that you are treated fairly and with respect. If you have issues you think you cannot resolve with a member of Ripoff Reports Corporate Advocacy Program, please contact us:

Remember, just because a company or individual is reported on Ripoff Report does not mean you should not do business with them. Use Ripoff Report information as a tool to your advantage. Be knowledgeable about any company or person you hire. Also, don't be afraid to ask questions and get additional information until you feel comfortable in allowing them to work for you.

Be sure to contact us with your questions and comments about any business that is part of the Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program. Your questions, comments and suggestions are always welcome and will be considered even if we don't agree with them. Please realize Ripoff Report is chartering in new territory, working to make a change for both consumers and businesses alike.

Consumers can feel safe, confident and secure when doing business with Philip Tirone / / 7 Steps to a 720 Credit Score / The 14-Day Credit Challenge / Free Credit Score Webinar.

Here's why: Read about Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program, And about Philip Tirone / / 7 Steps to a 720 Credit / The 14-Day Credit Challenge / Free Credit Score Webinar Scores Commitment to Excellence and Consumer Satisfaction.

Consumers should feel safe, confident and secure when doing business with a member of Ripoff Report's Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program...yes, a long name for a program that does a lot for both consumers and businesses alike.

Read more about why consumers should feel confident when doing business with a member of Rip-off Report's Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program. Yes, its a long name for a program that does a lot for both consumers and businesses alike.

Read about Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program,.. A program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business. this program works.

As a matter of policy, when a business becomes a member of the Corporate Advocacy Program they agree to allow Ripoff Report to contact every client who filed a complaint so they can make things right with them. In order to confirm that the complaints were resolved, Ripoff Report is copied on all responses so we can insure that the member business did right by their customer .


EDitors NOTE: The report below was found to be false. They never responded to our email to assist them. Ripoff Report contacted the State of Arizona and found that Philip Tirone / 720 Credit Score / 7 Steps to 720 Credit Score / Free Credit Score Webinar is in good standing with the state. We also learned that the person filing this complaint never did not respond to the 33 emails that Philip Tirone emailed him about what needed to be done to help improve his credit, things that Philip Tirone could not do for him. The charges made below were completely false and he posted both reports filed on Ripoff Report. Ripoff Report does not condone this kind of behavior.
Philip X. Tirone - Mortgage Equity Group, 7 Steps To A 720 BEWARE OF MORTGAGE BROKER ILLEGALLY CHARGING FOR "CREDIT REPAIR" SERVICES Los Angeles California

Philip X. Tirone charged us $7500.00 for "credit repair" services and loan approval and never delivered on ether promise -- we lost the $7500.00 and over $100k in escrow on a transaction we couldn't close. He has a radio show and an infomercial, he looks legit but it appears he uses this "credit repair" system to secure mortgage business...

The Credit Repair Organizations Act SEC. 404 (b) Reads; Payment in Advance.--No credit repair organization may charge or receive any money or other valuable consideration for the performance of any service which the credit repair organization has agreed to perform for any consumer before such service is fully performed. Mr. Tirone collected $7500.00 prior to performing any services and in fact, never delivered any services.

The Credit Repair Organizations Act SEC. 409 (a) Reads; Liability Established.--Any person who fails to comply with any provision of this title with respect to any other person shall be liable to such person in an amount equal to the sum of the amounts determined under each of the following paragraphs: (1) Actual damages.--The greater of--(a) the amount of any actual damage sustained by such person as a result of such
failure; or (b) any amount paid by the person to the credit repair organization. (2) Punitive damages.-- (a) Individual actions.--In the case of any action by an individual, such additional amount as the court may allow. We are requesting that Mr. Tirone refund the amount we paid for services of $7500.00

Furthermore, California law requires that companies advertising or offering to improve individual's credit records, history, or rating must be registered with the California Attorney General's Office as a Credit Services Organization and post a $100,000 bond. As of our last verification, we verified that this company does not possess the appropriate registration with the California Attorney General as a Credit Services Organization. According to California Law, it is unlawful for any entity offering to improve or repair your credit to charge fees in advance of performing those services, even if properly registred and bonded with the California Attorney General's Office.

Pacific Palisades, California

7 Updates & Rebuttals

Philip Tirone

Sherman Oaks,

Still no refund request

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, September 04, 2012

Hi Ruby,

It has been two months since you filed your report and I offered to reimburse you. I still have not heard back.

Coupled with the fact that of our 12,000-client database, we do not have a single client named Ruby in El Paso, this makes me suspect that you are not a client but a competitor trying to disparage my name and my companys name.

I truly want to do the right thing with my clients, so if I am wrong, please let me know and I will gladly refund 100 percent of your money. In fact, I always refund unhappy clients ... I learned that lesson a few years back when a previous client, Albert, asked for his money back. (In fact, you can read our correspondences here on ROR.) He and I had a lot of back and forth before I realized: we will just never see eye-to-eye, so I might as well save both of us a lot of frustration and refund the money.

If I am correct and you are one of my competitors, might I suggest that you attempt to conduct business by providing value to your customers. Lying about our competition is not only unethical, but it is also no substitute for providing an honest product or service.

Philip Tirone
Founder/ President
7 Steps to a 720 Credit Score

Philip Tirone

Sherman Oaks,

No refund request yet

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, July 17, 2012


These websites typically send updates when new information is posted, however you haven't requested a refund yet, so I'm posting again.

As I stated earlier, we never refuse a refund... especially if you are unhappy with our program.

Please email Natalie, our customer service agent, at and she will be happy to issue you 100% of your money back.

Philip Tirone
President, 7 Steps to a 720 Credit Score
(310) 453-1901

Philip Tirone

Sherman Oaks,

We Never Refuse a Refund

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, July 05, 2012


If you email our customer service agent (, she will gladly refund 100% of all the money you invested in our program. We have a standing policy to not keep any money of people who are unhappy.

And no you don't have to take your complaint off this site. Frankly, I find that this site helps my business, as they can see how quickly I respond to complaints like yours.

I wish you, your wife, and your son the best.  I'm sorry that your investment didn't workout for you.

Philip Tirone
P.S. Yes, I moved my family from Los Angeles to Scottsdale about two years ago.  My updated address is: 7141 E Rancho Vista Dr. Scottsdale, AZ 85251.  Please contact Natalie ( if you would like to meet face to face.

Philip Tirone
Founder/ President
7 Steps to a 720 Credit Score

ruby red

El Passo,
United States of America

Philip Tirone , Philip X. Tirone lives in Scottsdale Arizona is a wolf in sheep's clothing

#8Consumer Comment

Sun, July 01, 2012

Philip Tirone this is my opinion. My wife and I used his program. It did not work for any of us including our son who is a collage graduate. The program is way over priced and not worth the money. What Philip Tirone offered could have been boiled down in a much shorter amount of time.

Philip X Tirone drags this out is so he can justify getting an exorbitant fee for this program. Philip Tirone, try selling what you do for about 20% of what you now charge and you will do much better.  I also believe what you advertise is false and misleading.

Anyone who says anything different is being paid by Philip Tirone in order to get a refund. We were refused a refund.


Pacific Palisades,


#8Author of original report

Wed, January 20, 2010

YES, it's true Mr. Tirone refunded our $7500 2 years after the fact and only after the Attorney General forced him to. We lost our home and over $100k in escrow deposits and fees as a result and it took us years to pull ourselves out of that mess.

I remember when Mr. Tirone was ignoring our calls and emails for months while we were losing our home and our money, and then I remember getting a call from his attorney forbidding me to contact Mr. Tirone. Then when I told the attorney our story, he said too bad - sue us! They were arrogant and careless until they got a call from the Attorney General, there are very specific laws protecting consumers against companies and individuals like these.

In a world full of guys telling the same story as Mr. Tirone, why would you go to someone with this track record? There are many reputable resources with real information for FREE or next to nothing. I would steer clear of this group!

Philip Tirone

Los Angeles,
United States of America

7 Steps to 720 / Philip Tirone READ THIS

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, January 20, 2010

First of all, 100% of Mr. S--- money has been returned.

Second of all - I have been in the mortgage business for more than a decade and have closed over $500 million in loans. In the past few years, I have dedicated my practice to helping thousands of people successfully raise their credit by following the techniques outlined in my program, 7 Steps to a 720 Credit Score. In all my years in the mortgage business, Mr. S---- is the first to question my honesty, integrity, or the effort I put forth on his behalf.

I am not interested in engaging in a he said, she said dialogue with respect to Mr. S-----'s complaint. Simply put, I disagree with every aspect of Mr. S-----'s complaint. I think my clients, whom I have helped save millions of dollars, would also disagree.

What I would rather do is invite anyone reading this complaint to call me personally to discuss any concerns you might have. Our toll free number is               (888) 453-1901         (888) 453-1901. You can also watch and read the testimonials of our clients online at

Please call me, if you have any questions about this.

Philip Tirone, Founder
7 Steps to a 720 Credit Score


United States of America

Unfair Report

#8Consumer Comment

Mon, November 16, 2009

I have known Philip Tirone for more than 2 years and he was instrumental in helping me clear up my issues as they related to credit.    He doesn't do credit repair, he teaches you how to solve your own problems.  I don't know the details of this incident but I can only say that
Philip did more than he promised and I'd recommend him (in fact I have) to
anyone that needs credit advise.

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