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  • Report:  #392234

Complaint Review: Phil Wasserman

Phillip Roy Wasserman, Phil Wasserman, Phil Roy, Phillip R. Wasserman, Phil Roy Financial Deceptive Practices are in His Blood Clearwater, Sarasota Florida

  • Reported By:
    Ogden Utah
  • Submitted:
    Tue, November 18, 2008
  • Updated:
    Sun, July 31, 2011
*REBUTTAL Individual responds: $10,000.00 reward for church lady-BECAUSE OF HOAX REPORT *REBUTTAL Individual responds: $10,000.00 reward for church lady-BECAUSE OF HOAX REPORT *REBUTTAL Individual responds: $10,000.00 reward for church lady-BECAUSE OF HOAX REPORT *REBUTTAL Individual responds: $10,000.00 reward for church lady-BECAUSE OF HOAX REPORT *Consumer Comment: Phil.. *Consumer Comment: Phil.. *Consumer Comment: Phil.. *Consumer Comment: Phil.. *Author of original report: The Power of Words *Author of original report: Flynrider is very Astute *Consumer Comment: I'm not involved in a cause. *Consumer Comment: I'm not involved in a cause. *Consumer Comment: I'm not involved in a cause. *Consumer Comment: I'm not involved in a cause. *REBUTTAL Individual responds: the hoax report is from Churchlady *Author of original report: YES I GAVE TOO - PROVE YOUR CHARITY - YOU CAN'T! *Author of original report: HE DIDN'T FEED ME *REBUTTAL Individual responds: Proof 1 *REBUTTAL Individual responds: proof 2 *REBUTTAL Individual responds: Still a hoax report *Consumer Suggestion: PROOF 1 *Author of original report: BIG BORTHER'S & SISTER'S NEVER HEARD OF YOU *Consumer Comment: I have all of my money and more *REBUTTAL Individual responds: SO THE HOAX CONTINUES *Consumer Comment: An open letter to Churchlady and everyone *Author of original report: MIKE ALLEN *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Why is churchlady attacking a man and his wife that is a true gentleman and a man of conviction. *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Why is churchlady attacking a man and his wife that is a true gentleman and a man of conviction. *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Why is churchlady attacking a man and his wife that is a true gentleman and a man of conviction. *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Why is churchlady attacking a man and his wife that is a true gentleman and a man of conviction. *Author of original report: WASSERMAN'S LEGACY *Author of original report: WASSERMAN'S LEGACY *Author of original report: WASSERMAN'S LEGACY *REBUTTAL Owner of company: churchlady is a fraud-read please *REBUTTAL Owner of company: so heres what will be next *REBUTTAL Owner of company: more about what this hoaxer will do next

Yes, that's the sort of behavior and language he used with me. Don't fall for his pressure tactics. He's good at bullying, see attached report:

Investor Beware When Schoolyard Bully Grows Up: Susan Antilla

Commentary by Susan Antilla

Sept. 11 (Bloomberg) -- Remember the schoolyard bully? Well, he grew up, got an insurance license and today advertises himself as owner of ''the #1 Retirement Income Planning firm in the nation.''

Meet Phillip R. Wasserman, 50, the chief executive officer of Phillip Roy Financial Services, whose Web page describes the company as a Clearwater, Florida, ''empire'' that offers the services of financial advisers, registered investment advisers, noncommissioned stockbrokers and other experts. The firm draws more than 40,000 retirees and seniors a year to ''seminars around the nation,'' the Web page says.

All that may be so, but there's plenty the Web page doesn't tell. For starters, Wasserman has no license to sell stocks, no regulatory obligation to supervise stockbroker transactions and no registration as an investment adviser.

Don't blame him. The stockbrokers who work in his office have licenses, and the out-of-town securities firms that employ them are supposed to oversee what their far-flung brokers do. Customers who sign up with Phillip Roy, though, might not grasp that the guy with his name on the door isn't the supervisor of the stock brokers down the hall.

And they might be surprised to know about Wasserman's past. A former lawyer, he resigned from the Florida Bar in 1997 after being suspended: The Florida Supreme Court said on March 21, 1996, that, on the heels of four previous public disciplines, fresh findings against Wasserman by a referee warranted two consecutive six-month suspensions and rehabilitation before he could be reinstated.

'Don't Blame Me'

Today, there are nine consumer complaints related to him or his companies that Florida insurance regulators are ''looking into,'' says spokeswoman Nina Banister. The Florida Division of Securities opened an investigation of Wasserman on March 14, says Richard A. White, director of the division. And Wasserman is a defendant in a lawsuit brought by an elderly Florida couple that is in settlement negotiations.

To Wasserman, the actions by the Florida bar, the consumer complaints and the regulatory probe are the fault of vengeful and ''crooked'' judges, ungrateful customers, jealous competitors and regulators who have taken ''inappropriate actions.'' (The Florida Bar Association once described him in a brief as suffering from ''the 'don't blame me' syndrome,'' pointing to the Bar Association, politicians and the Internal Revenue Service as the root of his problems.)

Corruption 'Crusader'

He said through his lawyer, Scott M. Bonavita, that he is aware of only two complaints with the Florida Department of Financial Services, and that no wrongdoing will be found in the suit by the Florida couple. As for his troubles with the Florida Bar, Wasserman says he was a ''crusader'' against corrupt judges whose outspokenness cost him his job.

''Several times, Phil sued and took on both powerful politicians and corrupt judges to his own detriment,'' Bonavita said.

He liberally makes threats of litigation, from a former client, to a lawyer he opposed, to Bloomberg News.

Bloomberg would be ''dead wrong'' to think he would limit his actions to a libel suit, he wrote in an e-mail on July 24. To the lawyer he opposed, Wasserman wrote in a February e-mail that court sanctions would be ''just the beginning.'' After the Florida Office of Financial Regulation opened an investigation of Wasserman earlier this year, Wasserman filed papers to start an investigation of alleged bad behavior by the regulators. His complaint is pending with the Inspector General in the state's Office of Financial Regulation. Bonavita said the probe involves Wasserman's hedge fund, the Phillip Roy Fund.

Offering Help

Wasserman says he has ''helped build retirements and safeguard assets for thousands of customers,'' the vast majority of whom are happy. He said through Bonavita that he and his ''lovely wife of 25 years,'' Diana Wasserman, have engaged in philanthropic work since 1985, and that he takes customer complaints very seriously.

Though he doesn't have a license to sell stocks, Wasserman has had a part in getting investors to put money in the stock market. William Kelleway, 64, of Osprey, Florida, for example, was among those at a Sarasota investment seminar run by Wasserman in September 2004. Twelve days after the seminar, Kelleway and his wife Ann visited Wasserman's suite of offices, where they were introduced to stockbroker Daniel Madigan.

The broker's advice that the Kelleways invest in ''just two securities,'' Annaly Mortgage Management Inc. and Impac Mortgage Holdings Inc., cost them $121,929, according to a complaint they filed with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, or Finra, on April 18. In the 11 months that they owned the shares, Annaly fell 29 percent and Impac 45 percent.

'Don't Want Reprisals'

Madigan, who at the time worked for both Wasserman and USAllianz Securities Inc., now known as Questar Capital Corp., had little to say about the case. Finra, known as NASD at the time, fined USAllianz $5 million in December related to supervisory problems. ''I just don't want any reprisals from Mr. Wasserman,'' Madigan said in a telephone interview. He is no longer in the securities business and declined to describe his current employment. Finra records say Madigan has never been fired by a brokerage firm, and that he left the industry in July 2006.

Investors who think they've been wronged by their financial advisers already have strikes against them: they typically are unable to sue in court because of mandatory arbitration agreements. Then, if they get to arbitration, they have less than a 50 percent chance to win, Finra data shows. Winners needn't celebrate: a study by economist Edward S. O'Neal and lawyer Daniel R. Solin released in June showed that ''win'' rarely amounts to being made whole.

A Misunderstanding

Of course, no one is thinking about that when brokers or insurance agents are giving the big pitch. Nor could they imagine the smiling salesman showing a hostile side.

After I contacted Wasserman to ask about the Kelleway complaint, he threatened the couple with a libel suit, says James Keeney, their Sarasota lawyer. The Kelleways became so frightened that Keeney revised the complaint with Finra, eliminating various assertions about Wasserman.

Wasserman's lawyer wrote to Bloomberg on Aug. 7 that the couple may have learned that Wasserman's ''policy'' is to take legal action against anyone who ''libels or defames'' Wasserman or his businesses. They then ''misconstrued this policy as an individual threat.''

But Wasserman wrote me in a June 14 e-mail that the couple and their lawyer had been advised that if the complaint wasn't revised immediately, ''legal action will be filed against them.'' That sure sounds like an individual threat to me.

'Acrimonious Conversations'

John Hargrove, the Fort Lauderdale lawyer who represents another Florida couple enticed by Wasserman's seminar, says Wasserman called his clients and ''had some very acrimonious conversations with them,'' after the St. Petersburg Times inquired about their case. The elderly clients felt ''intimidated'' by Wasserman, Hargrove said, ''and they are tough people.''

Investors willing to do a lot of research might have learned some of Wasserman's background before signing up. But they could never have anticipated that he'd threaten to make their lives hell if things went bad and they complained.

The regulators don't keep a database of bullies.

Ogden, Utah

36 Updates & Rebuttals



more about what this hoaxer will do next

#37REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, July 31, 2011

this guy will post someother crazy stuff-which will make no sense-but for everyone out there reading this crap written by a coward-if you dont want to do business with me because i fought corrupt judges-dont-when this coward writes i didnt fight corrupt judges-ask me-i have all the proof-just like the coward who  wrote i never helped big brothers or anything else-thats why the office is filled with thank you letters-and for the 2000 plus clients who we have saved their retirement-god bless you-want to know the truth-call me and ask to speak to a few dozen or hundred of them-



so heres what will be next

#37REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, July 31, 2011

this guy will post someother crazy stuff-which will make no sense-but for everyone out there reading this crap written by a coward-if you dont want to do business with me because i fought corrupt judges-dont-when this coward writes i didnt fight corrupt judges-ask me-i have all the proof-just like the coward who  wrote i never helped big brothers or anything else-thats why the office is filled with thank you letters-and for the 2000 plus clients who we have saved their retirement-god bless you-want to know the truth-call me and ask to speak to a few dozen or hundred of them-



churchlady is a fraud-read please

#37REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, July 31, 2011

never have done business in utah-it was written by a guy name steve white-a real loser who won the lottery-for real-and runs a rippoff auto business-and a jet business-we had a dispute over his billing and he thought this was funny-the reason he picked church lady was he knows i own the pacer from waynes world-the movie and the pacer was a type of car driven in it-which co-starred dana carvey-dana is a comedian -who played church lady on saturday nite live-get it?

everybody locally who has done businees with this guy hates him-notice no facts are given just slander and inuendo

so if u believe this garbage you have played right into his grubby little paws-
so if you are for real church lady-how did you lose your life savings?
as for the bar stuff -half right-i suggest whoever reads this google judge dennis alveraz of tampa and judge bonnie newton of pinellas county-i called alvarez a crook-after i resigned he resigned under fbi investigation-bonnie newton was being censored by the florida supreme court when she lost her reelection

the internet proves you can be a toad like steve white-not have the guts to post your real info-and think you can wreck havock-if i was a slimeball like him-i would have done a rippoff report on his slimey business




#37Author of original report

Sun, June 21, 2009

Remember the schoolyard bully? Well he grew up, got an insurance license and today advertises himself as owner of the #1 Retirement Income Planning firm in the nation.

Phillip R. Wasserman is the chief executive of Phillip Roy Financial Services whose firm draws more than 40,000 retirees and seniors a year to seminars. Mr. Wasserman has no license to sell stocks, no regulatory obligation to supervise stockbrokers and no registration as an investment advisor. In fact, Wasserman was a former lawyer who resigned from the Florida Bar in 1997 after being suspended. Wasserman threatens litigation against anyone who opposes him, from clients to even Bloomberg news.

Bloomberg would be dead wrong to think he would limit his actions to a libel suit., he wrote in an e-mail on July 24. To the lawyer he opposed, Wasserman wrote in February e-mail that court sanctions would be just the beginning. After the Florida Office of Financial Regulation opened an investigation earlier this year, Wasserman filed papers to start an investigation of alleged bad behavior by the regulators.
William Kelleway and his wife attended a seminar held by Wasserman in Sarasota, FL. After the seminar they visited Wasserman's offices and were directed to broker Daniel Madigan. The broker's advice was that the Kelleway's invest in just two securities, Annaly Mortgage Management Inc. and Impac Mortgage Holdings Inc. According to a complaint filed with FINRA,. Annaly fell 29% and Impac fell 45%. When Susan Antilla contacted Madigan, his response was scary, I just don't want any reprisals from Mr. Wasserman. He didn't fear the regulators he feared his former boss. After Susan Antilla contacted Wasserman about the Kelleway complaint, he threatened the couple with a libel suit. The Kelleways became so frightened that they revised the complaint with FINRA. Wasserman wrote to Antilla in a June 14 e-mail that the couple and their lawyer had been advised that if the complaint wasn't revised immediately, legal action would be filed against them. According to a Fort Lauderdale lawyer who is representing another couple who filed a complaint against Wasserman stated that Wasserman called the couple and had some very acrimonious conversations with them, after the St. Petersburg Times inquired about their case.

WISE Senior Services, using a grant from NASD Investor Education Foundation, analyzed hundreds of transcripts of undercover tapes from these investment seminars. The nonprofit organization found that there were more than 1,100 separate instances where influence tactics were used on consumers. I can give countless examples of the fraud and the aftermath of the fraud from the stories that stream into my inbox weekly. The SEC is doing all it can to educate the public in regards to this epidemic; but the reality is that despite their best efforts they cannot stop it.

If I had magic powers to predict the future, and was to tell you that if you went swimming in the ocean today that you had a 78% chance of getting eaten by a shark, I think you might skip the trip to the beach, the pool, or even the bathtub that day. The SEC had problems with 78% of the seminars reviewed. Investors put themselves at risk and make themselves vulnerable by attending these free lunch/dinner seminars; and despite how impervious you think you are to sales pitches, these salespeople are armed with all the rebuttals to your objections.

Bottom Line: Use Your Head and Don't Swim In Shark Infested Waters!

By CHRISTOPHER MARKOWSKI, The Watchdog on Wall Street




#37Author of original report

Sun, June 21, 2009

Remember the schoolyard bully? Well he grew up, got an insurance license and today advertises himself as owner of the #1 Retirement Income Planning firm in the nation.

Phillip R. Wasserman is the chief executive of Phillip Roy Financial Services whose firm draws more than 40,000 retirees and seniors a year to seminars. Mr. Wasserman has no license to sell stocks, no regulatory obligation to supervise stockbrokers and no registration as an investment advisor. In fact, Wasserman was a former lawyer who resigned from the Florida Bar in 1997 after being suspended. Wasserman threatens litigation against anyone who opposes him, from clients to even Bloomberg news.

Bloomberg would be dead wrong to think he would limit his actions to a libel suit., he wrote in an e-mail on July 24. To the lawyer he opposed, Wasserman wrote in February e-mail that court sanctions would be just the beginning. After the Florida Office of Financial Regulation opened an investigation earlier this year, Wasserman filed papers to start an investigation of alleged bad behavior by the regulators.
William Kelleway and his wife attended a seminar held by Wasserman in Sarasota, FL. After the seminar they visited Wasserman's offices and were directed to broker Daniel Madigan. The broker's advice was that the Kelleway's invest in just two securities, Annaly Mortgage Management Inc. and Impac Mortgage Holdings Inc. According to a complaint filed with FINRA,. Annaly fell 29% and Impac fell 45%. When Susan Antilla contacted Madigan, his response was scary, I just don't want any reprisals from Mr. Wasserman. He didn't fear the regulators he feared his former boss. After Susan Antilla contacted Wasserman about the Kelleway complaint, he threatened the couple with a libel suit. The Kelleways became so frightened that they revised the complaint with FINRA. Wasserman wrote to Antilla in a June 14 e-mail that the couple and their lawyer had been advised that if the complaint wasn't revised immediately, legal action would be filed against them. According to a Fort Lauderdale lawyer who is representing another couple who filed a complaint against Wasserman stated that Wasserman called the couple and had some very acrimonious conversations with them, after the St. Petersburg Times inquired about their case.

WISE Senior Services, using a grant from NASD Investor Education Foundation, analyzed hundreds of transcripts of undercover tapes from these investment seminars. The nonprofit organization found that there were more than 1,100 separate instances where influence tactics were used on consumers. I can give countless examples of the fraud and the aftermath of the fraud from the stories that stream into my inbox weekly. The SEC is doing all it can to educate the public in regards to this epidemic; but the reality is that despite their best efforts they cannot stop it.

If I had magic powers to predict the future, and was to tell you that if you went swimming in the ocean today that you had a 78% chance of getting eaten by a shark, I think you might skip the trip to the beach, the pool, or even the bathtub that day. The SEC had problems with 78% of the seminars reviewed. Investors put themselves at risk and make themselves vulnerable by attending these free lunch/dinner seminars; and despite how impervious you think you are to sales pitches, these salespeople are armed with all the rebuttals to your objections.

Bottom Line: Use Your Head and Don't Swim In Shark Infested Waters!

By CHRISTOPHER MARKOWSKI, The Watchdog on Wall Street




#37Author of original report

Sun, June 21, 2009

Remember the schoolyard bully? Well he grew up, got an insurance license and today advertises himself as owner of the #1 Retirement Income Planning firm in the nation.

Phillip R. Wasserman is the chief executive of Phillip Roy Financial Services whose firm draws more than 40,000 retirees and seniors a year to seminars. Mr. Wasserman has no license to sell stocks, no regulatory obligation to supervise stockbrokers and no registration as an investment advisor. In fact, Wasserman was a former lawyer who resigned from the Florida Bar in 1997 after being suspended. Wasserman threatens litigation against anyone who opposes him, from clients to even Bloomberg news.

Bloomberg would be dead wrong to think he would limit his actions to a libel suit., he wrote in an e-mail on July 24. To the lawyer he opposed, Wasserman wrote in February e-mail that court sanctions would be just the beginning. After the Florida Office of Financial Regulation opened an investigation earlier this year, Wasserman filed papers to start an investigation of alleged bad behavior by the regulators.
William Kelleway and his wife attended a seminar held by Wasserman in Sarasota, FL. After the seminar they visited Wasserman's offices and were directed to broker Daniel Madigan. The broker's advice was that the Kelleway's invest in just two securities, Annaly Mortgage Management Inc. and Impac Mortgage Holdings Inc. According to a complaint filed with FINRA,. Annaly fell 29% and Impac fell 45%. When Susan Antilla contacted Madigan, his response was scary, I just don't want any reprisals from Mr. Wasserman. He didn't fear the regulators he feared his former boss. After Susan Antilla contacted Wasserman about the Kelleway complaint, he threatened the couple with a libel suit. The Kelleways became so frightened that they revised the complaint with FINRA. Wasserman wrote to Antilla in a June 14 e-mail that the couple and their lawyer had been advised that if the complaint wasn't revised immediately, legal action would be filed against them. According to a Fort Lauderdale lawyer who is representing another couple who filed a complaint against Wasserman stated that Wasserman called the couple and had some very acrimonious conversations with them, after the St. Petersburg Times inquired about their case.

WISE Senior Services, using a grant from NASD Investor Education Foundation, analyzed hundreds of transcripts of undercover tapes from these investment seminars. The nonprofit organization found that there were more than 1,100 separate instances where influence tactics were used on consumers. I can give countless examples of the fraud and the aftermath of the fraud from the stories that stream into my inbox weekly. The SEC is doing all it can to educate the public in regards to this epidemic; but the reality is that despite their best efforts they cannot stop it.

If I had magic powers to predict the future, and was to tell you that if you went swimming in the ocean today that you had a 78% chance of getting eaten by a shark, I think you might skip the trip to the beach, the pool, or even the bathtub that day. The SEC had problems with 78% of the seminars reviewed. Investors put themselves at risk and make themselves vulnerable by attending these free lunch/dinner seminars; and despite how impervious you think you are to sales pitches, these salespeople are armed with all the rebuttals to your objections.

Bottom Line: Use Your Head and Don't Swim In Shark Infested Waters!

By CHRISTOPHER MARKOWSKI, The Watchdog on Wall Street

Dan Pine


Why is churchlady attacking a man and his wife that is a true gentleman and a man of conviction.

#37UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, March 06, 2009

I was shocked to read church lady and the other individual attack Phil and his wife not to mention his company. My ex-wife worked for Phil years ago. Through the years I have seen this giant of a man break down, have a very soft spot for kids. On a number of occasions he has help out strangers with kids. His response to me when I ask him about it the first time I heard him doing this. I asked him he said, ' I can help a little, make a girls day of week just some joy, he got a little teary eyed when he spoke. After that time I had a strong respect for the man. I owned a Tele Communication company at the time. In actuality my wife at the time really didn't have to work at all. Money was good for my company from 1991-2001. It was pagers and cell phones that my business was.

To have people do a witch hunt on a man that gives back to the community on numerous levels where there is a newspaper to write about it he does it because it is the right thing. I could not sit and read the BS that these people are doing to phil and his wife. I think I am a great judge of character and I have never seen him do anything cross to employees or people I seen him work with. Now that is over a 12 year time slot. I have nothing to gain but letting people no the truth period. I will not hide my name or email address if the person or person(s) want to contact me. I have a wealth of information saying the oppisite of the so called CHURCHLADY (which I think was made up in the first place by a jealous and evil individual)
I am at(((Redacted))).
My name is Dan Pine and Phil is not anything what this person stated. I am not hiding thats why I gave my info to contame direct if you are only interested in spread the bull on the net or come direct to me and talk. Maybe they are scared of the truth and would rather keep the game going by spreading ly after ly. It should end here Period....

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

Dan Pine


Why is churchlady attacking a man and his wife that is a true gentleman and a man of conviction.

#37UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, March 06, 2009

I was shocked to read church lady and the other individual attack Phil and his wife not to mention his company. My ex-wife worked for Phil years ago. Through the years I have seen this giant of a man break down, have a very soft spot for kids. On a number of occasions he has help out strangers with kids. His response to me when I ask him about it the first time I heard him doing this. I asked him he said, ' I can help a little, make a girls day of week just some joy, he got a little teary eyed when he spoke. After that time I had a strong respect for the man. I owned a Tele Communication company at the time. In actuality my wife at the time really didn't have to work at all. Money was good for my company from 1991-2001. It was pagers and cell phones that my business was.

To have people do a witch hunt on a man that gives back to the community on numerous levels where there is a newspaper to write about it he does it because it is the right thing. I could not sit and read the BS that these people are doing to phil and his wife. I think I am a great judge of character and I have never seen him do anything cross to employees or people I seen him work with. Now that is over a 12 year time slot. I have nothing to gain but letting people no the truth period. I will not hide my name or email address if the person or person(s) want to contact me. I have a wealth of information saying the oppisite of the so called CHURCHLADY (which I think was made up in the first place by a jealous and evil individual)
I am at(((Redacted))).
My name is Dan Pine and Phil is not anything what this person stated. I am not hiding thats why I gave my info to contame direct if you are only interested in spread the bull on the net or come direct to me and talk. Maybe they are scared of the truth and would rather keep the game going by spreading ly after ly. It should end here Period....

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

Dan Pine


Why is churchlady attacking a man and his wife that is a true gentleman and a man of conviction.

#37UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, March 06, 2009

I was shocked to read church lady and the other individual attack Phil and his wife not to mention his company. My ex-wife worked for Phil years ago. Through the years I have seen this giant of a man break down, have a very soft spot for kids. On a number of occasions he has help out strangers with kids. His response to me when I ask him about it the first time I heard him doing this. I asked him he said, ' I can help a little, make a girls day of week just some joy, he got a little teary eyed when he spoke. After that time I had a strong respect for the man. I owned a Tele Communication company at the time. In actuality my wife at the time really didn't have to work at all. Money was good for my company from 1991-2001. It was pagers and cell phones that my business was.

To have people do a witch hunt on a man that gives back to the community on numerous levels where there is a newspaper to write about it he does it because it is the right thing. I could not sit and read the BS that these people are doing to phil and his wife. I think I am a great judge of character and I have never seen him do anything cross to employees or people I seen him work with. Now that is over a 12 year time slot. I have nothing to gain but letting people no the truth period. I will not hide my name or email address if the person or person(s) want to contact me. I have a wealth of information saying the oppisite of the so called CHURCHLADY (which I think was made up in the first place by a jealous and evil individual)
I am at(((Redacted))).
My name is Dan Pine and Phil is not anything what this person stated. I am not hiding thats why I gave my info to contame direct if you are only interested in spread the bull on the net or come direct to me and talk. Maybe they are scared of the truth and would rather keep the game going by spreading ly after ly. It should end here Period....

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

Dan Pine


Why is churchlady attacking a man and his wife that is a true gentleman and a man of conviction.

#37UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, March 06, 2009

I was shocked to read church lady and the other individual attack Phil and his wife not to mention his company. My ex-wife worked for Phil years ago. Through the years I have seen this giant of a man break down, have a very soft spot for kids. On a number of occasions he has help out strangers with kids. His response to me when I ask him about it the first time I heard him doing this. I asked him he said, ' I can help a little, make a girls day of week just some joy, he got a little teary eyed when he spoke. After that time I had a strong respect for the man. I owned a Tele Communication company at the time. In actuality my wife at the time really didn't have to work at all. Money was good for my company from 1991-2001. It was pagers and cell phones that my business was.

To have people do a witch hunt on a man that gives back to the community on numerous levels where there is a newspaper to write about it he does it because it is the right thing. I could not sit and read the BS that these people are doing to phil and his wife. I think I am a great judge of character and I have never seen him do anything cross to employees or people I seen him work with. Now that is over a 12 year time slot. I have nothing to gain but letting people no the truth period. I will not hide my name or email address if the person or person(s) want to contact me. I have a wealth of information saying the oppisite of the so called CHURCHLADY (which I think was made up in the first place by a jealous and evil individual)
I am at(((Redacted))).
My name is Dan Pine and Phil is not anything what this person stated. I am not hiding thats why I gave my info to contame direct if you are only interested in spread the bull on the net or come direct to me and talk. Maybe they are scared of the truth and would rather keep the game going by spreading ly after ly. It should end here Period....

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.




#37Author of original report

Wed, December 24, 2008

Mike, you certainly appear to be articulate, a man of reason with education and a degree of intelligence. Why would you associate with Mr. Wasserman knowing his background and sad illiteracy?

Mike Allen


An open letter to Churchlady and everyone

#37Consumer Comment

Mon, December 15, 2008

I have read some of the comments on here and just to make sure there is no doubt as to the incredulous statements continually being made by "Churchlady".
Mr. Wasserman is not now - nor ever has been - licensed to do business in the state of Utah. PRFS has ONLY dealt with fixed annuities so your argument of losing money is completely baseless and uninformed.
Obviously s/he has an axe to grind with Mr. Wasserman. So be it. Man up and talk to us directly! However, don't throw in a quote of scripture and act like it gives you the right or standing to think and write completely hateful comments. My grandmother could run circles around you quoting scripture and she never had an evil thing to say about someone over and over day after day month after month.
I am posting a copy of a letter sent by our local Big Brothers and Big Sisters. As soon as ROR attaches this letter, you will see this claim of "never heard of you" is one more baseless, uneducated and hurtful statement. And if you like at a later date, I will have another letter attached from the Los Angeles chapter of BB-BS where underprivileged kids were able to go see LA Lakers and Clippers games because of his generosity.
If you wonder who I am, read the hurricane article posted as one of the PROOFs in this thread. I have seen firsthand his generosity to charities and to those in areas of disaster.
Rip off Report is an invisible platform. There are no binding resolutions to any complaint and is anonymous. Just yet another blog where anonymity gives strength to the uninformed.
None of us are perfect...however as the saying goes "let he who is without sin cast the first stone."
These "complaints" are only hurting the livelihoods of good hardworking people who work for Mr. Wasserman.
And finally, here is the list of offices serving PRFS clients around the state of Florida:
Clearwater (Operations)
Lakewood Ranch (Sarasota) - Main Office
Boca Raton
Palm Beach
I invite anyone to write me and request the addresses and phone numbers for the office closest to you.




#37REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, December 15, 2008

A lying coward now says the newspaper article about hurricane relief
is baloney
and we dont sponsor any charities



Lake Worth,

I have all of my money and more

#37Consumer Comment

Mon, December 15, 2008

All of my friends are down 40 to 50 percent in their accounts elsewhere. I have all my money plus more. Thank God I met Phil and his staff at Philip Roy.




#37Author of original report

Sun, December 14, 2008

Big Brothers and Big Sisters never heard of Phil Wasserman and their website doesn't list him as any kind of sponsor. Check the website he provided at and you'll see that words are just words. Publix never heard of him either.




#37Consumer Suggestion

Sun, December 14, 2008

Proof 1 states he has six offices, I don't think so. He has one office in his home. Please share these business addresses and phone numbers with us.



Still a hoax report

#37REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, December 08, 2008

We know who this person is-and it isn't a client
now I ask again-
you claim you lost your savings-prove it
Folks-if you enable cowards like this you just allow the internet to continue to be used like a bathroom wall



proof 2

#37REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, December 08, 2008

Phillip Wasserman, president of Phillip Roy Financial Services, one of the nation's largest sellers of annuities and life insurance, has arranged for 100 children affiliated with the Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Los Angeles to enjoy The Wiggles, the famed children's group, at the incredible new Nokia Theater this Sunday, March 30, 2007. Phillip Wasserman and Phillip Roy Financial Services are major supporters of Big Brothers and Big Sisters in Sarasota, Florida, and the company has a suite at the Nokia Theater.

SARASOTA, Fla. (Business Wire EON) March 26, 2008 -- Phillip Wasserman, president of Phillip Roy Financial Services, one of the nation's largest sellers of annuities and life insurance, has arranged for 100 children affiliated with the Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Los Angeles to enjoy The Wiggles, the famed children's group, at the incredible new Nokia Theater this Sunday, March 30, 2007. Phillip Wasserman and Phillip Roy Financial Services are major supporters of Big Brothers and Big Sisters in Sarasota, Florida, and the company has a suite at the Nokia Theater.

I grew up in Los Angeles and I am delighted to spread our charitable works to such a great organization
I grew up in Los Angeles and I am delighted to spread our charitable works to such a great organization, said Mr. Wasserman. Thanks to the help of Nokia account executive Larry Abel we were able to bring the joy of both Nokia and The Wiggles to a lot of great kids who normally don't get to participate in events like this. I hope this spurs other like minded individuals to help support this wonderful organization in their local communities.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Los Angeles and the Inland Empire is dedicated to empowering children who face economic, emotional and social challenges through a variety of programs, which provide a professionally-supported, one-to-one mentoring relationship with a positive role model.

For more than 50 years, the agency has assisted boys and girls in achieving their highest potential as they grow to become confident, competent and caring individuals through professionally supported one-to-one relationships with caring men and women. Their work is as elementary as putting an adult friend in a child's life, and as essential as putting hope into a child's future. Big Brothers Big Sisters have proven successful in creating and nurturing relationships between adults and children. Mentoring works one young person at a time. For more information, please visit



Proof 1

#37REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, December 08, 2008

Hurricane Wilma Relief Efforts Continue as Phillip Roy Financial Services Boosts Support of Hurricane Victims
Business Wire, Nov 1, 2005 E-mail Print Link SARASOTA, Fla. -- Phillip Roy Financial Services, a retirement income planning firm with six offices throughout Florida, continues to expand its Hurricane Wilma relief efforts as disaster clean-up continues.

Beginning Tuesday, October 25 -- the day after the storm - Phillip Roy Financial Services' staff began working from 6 a.m. to midnight and the firm paid for trucks at its own expense to transport water and ice to storm victims in Palm Beach and Broward counties. Tens of thousands of dollars have been spent to date and the commitment is ongoing.

Related Results
Phil Wasserman Announces Series of White Papers on Life Insurance Settlements
Trust, E-innovation and Leadership in Change
Foreign Banks in United States Since World War II: A Useful Fringe
Building Your Brand With Brand Line Extensions
The Impact of the Structure of Debt on Target Gains Phillip Roy Financial Services originally worked through Barry Epstein of Boca Raton, a friend of President and Founder Phil Wasserman, who put the firm in touch with Vince Bonvento at the State of Florida Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in Palm Beach, John Benz at the Broward County EOC, Florida State Representative Irv s****.> Wasserman then contacted Publix Super Markets' Store Manager Fred Lane in Sarasota who sold him several semi-tractor trailer loads of bottled water. "Fred Lane went way beyond the call of duty by working with me late Tuesday night and then being available on the phone again Wednesday by 6 a.m. He is a great example of the dedication and spirit of Publix employees," said Wasserman.

Challenges presented themselves hour after hour, the biggest of which was how to get the much-needed water and ice to those who needed it most, including South Florida hospitals and senior citizens. Valenti Trucking provided the semi tractor trailers, which were in short supply, so that thousands of gallons of bottled water and other supplies could be loaded in Sarasota and transported to Florida's East Coast, initially to Westside Regional Hospital for disbursement to other area hospitals.

Sen. Klein then put Phil Wasserman in touch with John Benz, a hospital employee working with Broward County EOC. Upon receiving news that both ice and water were in short supply, Phillip Roy Financial Services professional money manager Mike Allen dropped everything to search the state for ice. At the same time, Allen answered dozens of calls from people who had heard of the firm's efforts, including requests for assistance from local senior citizens and retirees living in the affected areas.

"I commend Phil Wasserman and Phillip Roy Financial Services for going above and beyond the call of duty to arrange and pay for critical truck loads of ice and water to be brought to South Florida during Hurricane Wilma's aftermath. Phillip Roy Financial Services rushed needed relief to citizens who needed it the most," said Sen. Klein.

As the first truck pulled into the East Coast hospital, Congressman Clay Shaw and other politicians were on hand to welcome them along with nationwide television news crews and Phillip Roy Financial Services employees, including Dianna Diplouff and Lisa Berbarian. In spite of the fact that these employees were without power in their homes and short of gas for their cars, they gathered up their families and helped unload water at area hospitals.

By Wednesday morning, employee Mike Allen had located two companies in Sarasota and Pinellas counties that could provide ice. "Phillip Roy Financial Services was happy to reach into its pocket to pay for all of the ice available, as well as for the use of the company trucks to deliver this precious commodity to those who needed it the most," said Wasserman.

State Representative Irv s****.> CNN news crews were on the scene to interview Rep. s****.> Later in the week, four days following the storm, the firm was still being contacted by hospitals in need of supplies, and John Blake of the Sarasota ice company continued deliveries to hospitals and nursing homes. At this point, with Rep. s****.> 12




#37Author of original report

Tue, December 02, 2008

I am one of the hungry due to Mr.Wasserman. I did not see him helping me. Maybe he was busy buying a new Mercedes.




#37Author of original report

Tue, December 02, 2008

Words are words only. Let us know where you provided all this charity, give proof. We know you can't do that. Better stop acting and just admit what you are.



the hoax report is from Churchlady

#37REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, November 29, 2008

Whose claims are a hoax
thats who the reward is for
By the way
I fed over 150 families this holiday season and provided 10s of thousands
for families and children who wouldnt have had a holiday otherwise
all easily substantiated
email me at
so when some liar and competitor wants to post false claims about losing his retirement money and then tells me to feed the hungry-too late -already did it and have been doing this for 20 plus years

The claim here is some liar-under the name of churchlady-lost his retirement money-a lie and a false claim



I'm not involved in a cause.

#37Consumer Comment

Fri, November 21, 2008

Phil stated that he was looking for a guy (i.e. "he") that produced a "hoax report". I was merely pointing out that the posted report was not a hoax and that the author was not a "he". I'm not sure why you have a problem with that.



I'm not involved in a cause.

#37Consumer Comment

Fri, November 21, 2008

Phil stated that he was looking for a guy (i.e. "he") that produced a "hoax report". I was merely pointing out that the posted report was not a hoax and that the author was not a "he". I'm not sure why you have a problem with that.



I'm not involved in a cause.

#37Consumer Comment

Fri, November 21, 2008

Phil stated that he was looking for a guy (i.e. "he") that produced a "hoax report". I was merely pointing out that the posted report was not a hoax and that the author was not a "he". I'm not sure why you have a problem with that.



I'm not involved in a cause.

#37Consumer Comment

Fri, November 21, 2008

Phil stated that he was looking for a guy (i.e. "he") that produced a "hoax report". I was merely pointing out that the posted report was not a hoax and that the author was not a "he". I'm not sure why you have a problem with that.



Flynrider is very Astute

#37Author of original report

Wed, November 19, 2008

Flynrider, thank you for your intuitive investigative delivery. I believe the original post states who the writer is and where it's from. It's public information on Bloomberg. if you type in Phillip Wasserman in the search field. I don't think you're helping the cause.



The Power of Words

#37Author of original report

Wed, November 19, 2008

But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned. Matt 12:36-37

I pray for him and that he gives of himself to constructive causes. The $10,000 should be doubled and given to the hungry among us.




#37Consumer Comment

Wed, November 19, 2008

I think the original post was simply a copy of a column by Susan Antilla from (apparently from 9/11/07). Isn't that who you should be "looking" for?




#37Consumer Comment

Wed, November 19, 2008

I think the original post was simply a copy of a column by Susan Antilla from (apparently from 9/11/07). Isn't that who you should be "looking" for?




#37Consumer Comment

Wed, November 19, 2008

I think the original post was simply a copy of a column by Susan Antilla from (apparently from 9/11/07). Isn't that who you should be "looking" for?




#37Consumer Comment

Wed, November 19, 2008

I think the original post was simply a copy of a column by Susan Antilla from (apparently from 9/11/07). Isn't that who you should be "looking" for?



$10,000.00 reward for church lady-BECAUSE OF HOAX REPORT

#37REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, November 18, 2008

We have a pretty good idea who this cowardly competitor is but we need the real proof to file suit so here is the deal

Somebody out there knows this coward Email me the name and address

or call me-888-225-8160

and once I verify that it is the real person $10,000.00 will be dispursed thru my attorney.





$10,000.00 reward for church lady-BECAUSE OF HOAX REPORT

#37REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, November 18, 2008

We have a pretty good idea who this cowardly competitor is but we need the real proof to file suit so here is the deal

Somebody out there knows this coward Email me the name and address

or call me-888-225-8160

and once I verify that it is the real person $10,000.00 will be dispursed thru my attorney.





$10,000.00 reward for church lady-BECAUSE OF HOAX REPORT

#37REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, November 18, 2008

We have a pretty good idea who this cowardly competitor is but we need the real proof to file suit so here is the deal

Somebody out there knows this coward Email me the name and address

or call me-888-225-8160

and once I verify that it is the real person $10,000.00 will be dispursed thru my attorney.





$10,000.00 reward for church lady-BECAUSE OF HOAX REPORT

#37REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, November 18, 2008

We have a pretty good idea who this cowardly competitor is but we need the real proof to file suit so here is the deal

Somebody out there knows this coward Email me the name and address

or call me-888-225-8160

and once I verify that it is the real person $10,000.00 will be dispursed thru my attorney.



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