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  • Report:  #1014318



  • Reported By:
    JOE — BOWIE Maryland United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Thu, February 14, 2013
  • Updated:
    Fri, May 07, 2021
    BOWIE, Maryland
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I was contacted twice by mail regarding modification of my existing loan, the paperwork had my existing mortgage company name in bold letters on the postcard. After calling them I realized they were a law firm and and not ny lender but was convinced by the sweet talk I was given to move forward with pre-qualification because they said they could help drop my payment by a substantial amount of money ($1,000.00 to $1,800.00) within 2 to 4 months, all I had to do from that point on was provide them with a list of personal infromation and they would proceed with nogotiations with my lender. I even had my lawyer read the documents they sent me and was informed that all was ok.

I had to send them a check for over $3000.00 for the services and was told not to contact my lender. I waited about 2 months and no one contacted me so I called and was infromed they were in nogotiations with my lender and almost immediatly received a form letter e-mail stating all was proceeding as planed.

After about a month I didn't hear anything and called again this time no one called back so I e-mailed my Sr. negotiator and again got a form letter e-mail and they did call and say all was going as planned. Another month went by and again no contact so I called again, didn't get an answer and sent another e-mail, by now I am starting to feel this is going wrong and e-mailed the principal of the firm and about two days later they called and assured my everything was on track and don't worry. Around the same time I receiver a letter from the lender stating I was running out of time due to lack of infromation provided and needed to update my file.

By this time I was livid, called with no answer again and e-mailed the Sr negotiator and the principal about my feelings. Two days later the Sr. negotiator called and informed me we needed updated information (which I already knew because I e-mailed them and told them) and to disregard the letter they would handle it. I provided the information and went on with my life.

All of the above continued for the following months, As you can see this is the game they play, well here I am after 10 months of waiting, out of the blue, the principal calls me and asked if I had received a letter from my lender. I told them no (and said "I guess this means I was declined") and was told when I received the letter call them, well three weeks went by (no letter)and my Sr. negotiator calls and says they were sorry I was declined was there anything they could do before they closed out my case to which I replied "you have put me through 10 months of hell and now you tell me I am declined, well I guess I want my money back" and they said I will have a manager call you at a specific time tomorrow.

Today I received a phone call from an arogant pips-queek who proceeded to tell me they fulfilled their end of the bargan and to read the documents I signed, that they were not paying me anything and basicly sorry for your luck-take it up with you lender. They basicly laughed and said you have no rights, and do whatever you want to do you cannot hurt us go ahead and try!!!!

Well here is where I am starting my fight to see this doesn't happen to anyone else but I intend to go to the Attorney General of my state, the Bar Association, and the fraud protection unit . WHATEVER YOU DO, DO NOT DEAL WITH THESE THEVES, THEY ARE A FRAUDS AND LIERS AND WILL RIP YOU OFF!!! I feel this was a scam from the beginning and i can't imagine how many people they have done this to and because they and blood sucking lawyers they know how to write the agreement to protect themselves.

I just hope some government agency can find a way to stop these crooks! The other thing that scares me to death is they have all my personal information, they may sell it for all I know.

1 Updates & Rebuttals




#2General Comment

Sun, May 05, 2013

Please beware of this company!

This group has several different names:

Silver Law Center

Phillips Law Center

Phillips Law Group

Randall Law Group

Forest Law Group

Forest Law Center

There are many many more! They will keep on scamming and changing their names.  Please everyone beware! they promised me a loan modification approval and instead I got a denial and no phone calls.  

Let me tell you how they operate!  First they will have a person call you basically asking you for few information based off of a a lead system they have.  They will call you constantly and act like they can help you.  You then will get a call from various individual calling themselves an underwriter.  They will then ask you for an UPFRONT FEE! They will constantly call you and then when you pay because you need help they stop calling you.  Please be aware of these scammers! 

There different steps that these con artist take! they will get your money and a girl by the name of Veronica Guitereezz will call and tell you who you can call.  When you are done speaking with her you will try to contact the people and no one will ever pick up! NO ONE!  

I recall myself calling constantly and no one would ever pick up.  One day a gentleman by the name of Hennery Tren picked up the phone and assisted me.  He ask me what Problems I have and got me to talk to people, but he keep repeating that he is not a processor and can only help to get me to talk to other.  I call in many time and i realize that the only reliable person i get is Hennery, so I keep calling and emailing him for answers.  It seem like the whole company the only person that pick up the phone is Hennery. Soon, I call my lender myself and found out nothing has been done with my file and this Law center has been lying to me the whole time.  They do nothing and keep lying.  I found out there is many processor I name them all here for you.  Rosie Garcia, Betty Betancur, Betty Green, Rose Cruack, Nancy Grosso.    When you talk to these People they will lie their heart out to you and nothing good will come out!  Please be aware!

If you ever ask for a refund they will get you to talk to Nancy and then a man by Robert Newton also known as Bobby Gamboa (This is his real name).  Please beware this man is RUDE AND VERY STUPID.  HE KNOW NOTHING ABOUT MORTGAGE.  This man hang up on me and is very rude over the phone! The only way you will ever get you money back from these scammers is by going through your State Attorney general! I got mine back! go get yours!  

Please report this company and spread the words!  This company is A BIG SCAMMMMMMMM! BEWARE!

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