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PhotoPoint has now ruined my faith in E-commerce
Any notice of closure would have been helpful, at least I have the orig. photos on my HD.
The biggest problem is it was a bulletin board of photos of rescued cats & kittens waiting for adoption. We have no money except what is donated and the yearly fee waas paid for out ouf my budget from my SSD payments. It's beyond saying "THIS SUCKS" now there is no other monies even if I found somewhere else to post.
Every penny goes to the animals, right now we're about $500. short on the vet bill for a kitten that we kept from being put to sleep because of 2 broken hips. We figure that if he can get himself to the litter box we can get him better.
Anything that can be done should be pushed to the max because Colins story is not the only one and will not be the last.
Glen Cove, LI, New York