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Pinnacle Learning Institute - Robert Sisk - I Paid $10,000.00 + another $2000 for on-line education that I was unable to finish due to illness. Seattle Washington
In May of 2016, I contacted Pinnacle Learning Institute to learn to do on-line work as I had recently retired totake care of my husband, a disabled veteran.
In July of 2016, my husband took critically ill and was hospitalized for most of July and August of 2016...and it has been downhill since. I am the sole caregiver and every waking moment is taking care of him, getting him to appointments, taking care of him medically (I am a retired RN), and trying to make the best of his status. He is in and out of the VA Hospital plus he is now on dialysis.
When I realized that my time was not going to be 'my time'anymore, I contacted Pinnacle Learning Institute to let them know I could not continue. I had taken 4-5 telephonic sessions. I was unable to complete any part of the course and have not been able to resume. I asked for my money back since I did not complete nor would I be able to complete the course. We need to money desparately but my plea fell on deaf ears.
I could go on and on. My last contact was 12/17/2016 with Robert Sisk who sent me a document releasing me....that was it!