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  • Report:  #1006530

Complaint Review: Pittsburgh job corps center


  • Reported By:
    REVENGE — pittsburgh Pennsylvania USA
  • Submitted:
    Thu, January 31, 2013
  • Updated:
    Tue, February 05, 2013
Pittsburgh job corps is the most crappiest  to work and the  treatment  students  and staff   is beyond degrading they  have poor   supervision and the  food  up there is very terrible as a  former  employee this is  the worst  job i have ever  had the stuff ive seen  go on is utterly shocking i hope someone sees this report and  do the right  thing  when they see this  first and foremost  not  only  was i treated unfairly i was wrongly fired  i was horribly discriminated against  and treated like a complete  animal   and so where  others  let me just start from the top I DO   NOT RECOMMEND ANYBODY SENDING THERE  KIDS HERE  OR  IF   YOU  ARE  LOOKING  FOR EMPLOYMENT   DON'T NOT APPLY  FOR A  JOB   THERE !!!  very  unprofessional  and the  security  team is terrible  as  well  as human resources  Nadine  Nolfi  and Melissa Martacos do not  keep s**t confidential   at  all !! and they do  alotta  racial profiling towards  blacks that are working in the facility   especially in the kitchen. let me just start  from saying they only reason  they hired me i truely believe  to save face  from  me  filing  a  civil law suit against them for discrimnation  the position i was  hired for  it wasn't even the one  i wanted the manager  degraded  me so bad i came home  in tears  on 3-27-12 i originally  interviewed with  a security manager  position  with that a*****e  RONNIE SMITH  THE HEAD SECURITY MANAGER   and  he just completly insulted me  askin me  how  old i was twice and  basically said he seen no dependability  in me insulted my  work  credentails and then when  we were  talking about  the benifits  i told  him i am disabled and i get benifits  he  basically said he was cutting the  interview   shortchanging the real  reason   he  didn't wanna hire  me because he said he has to  figure   out how we deal with people with disabilites  im like wat the hell  do you  mean i am capable  of  doin this  job to  the full capabilities  so  when i got home   my  mom noticed  that i was upset   and asked  what happened and  i  told   her how i was  treated  by mr.smith  she inmediatley called him and asked  what he  did  to   have me feeling  the way i felt and he was rude  to her  as well !!!  he stated  that  he  needed  to  talk to his  people  about how  to  deal with  people  like him n she said what  do you mean you mean you  people ??  so   when my mom was going back  and forth  with  him about the disability  act  he was trying to rush her  off the  phone and  was ignorant   and  nasty   towards her  when she asked what is it that you  want to know about  people with a disability  cause i  can tell you all you need to know he states  maam  i have to talk to my  superiors about  how  we deal with  people  like him he starts trying to  rush her  off stating that  they are a state ran facility   he couldn't   discuss the  issue  with her stuttering  and talking to her very rudely so  on an end note  my  mom calls and speaks with the  human resources  dept manager   nadine nolfi   and her assistant melissa martacos   for a lengthy conversation    and she and melissa  felt  with my degree  in  food service that id be a better  fit for  there   food service aide position  they had open and  they  also assured my mom that  they had the best intrest at  heart for me  and that there company doesnt  do business in that manor.  i would say the  next  day  or two i was called back by  food service manager  Micheal smalley  and his  uncle tom assistant  food service  coordinator   novella  pickens they  interviewed  me and   the less then 2 days  i was  hired for the aide  position  on april 17th  2012 and  the  day of  orientation melissa martacos spoke to me and said the issue  on mr smith  was handled and  don't mention it  to  nobody  cause  rumors spread  fast  in the facility and she said mike and novella  don't know what happend  i said ok  i won't  obviously the  issue wasn't  taken care of with myself and  mr smith the  from the time to  i was there  to the time i was  fired   it was complete  anarchy the  whole entire staff  knew about my disability and  mike smalley and ronnie   harrassed me  on a daily  basis  with  racial slurs  and  just finding  reasons  to  just  pick  with me not  only   him and mr smith but staff and students would   bother me mike smalley and my  co worker  raymond rose  were trying to pad   me for fraternization and other  things to make it look like i wasn't  doing my job at all and i was a lazy  worker  mike  would make  me work harder  then others  by pulling trash with maggots and  make me  clean up  and do others  bullshit a*s  jobs  that they  didn't want  to  do  while ronnie  on the other had would report me n say i was being outside with students  fraternizing then  have it to where i was  wan't even aloud outside my work area  to talk  to  anybody i believe that he  only  did  that  cause he  held a grudge  cause of our sour interview we  had.  MIKE AND NOVELLA AND RONNIE  are  all pussies and  are afriad to  to enforce the  rules so they did  whatever to make it look like they were  doing there f**kin  jobs  my  co worker  had  everybody in there shook to  the point no  one  would say anything and  RONNIE  SMITH b  walking  around like hes so bad a*s  and  don't do  s**t  mind job corps  policy on fraternization  is suppositley strict so  why the hell is that  we  have a pedophile and a sex offender  going to school and working with the job corps   students  that place worries  about the  dumbest s**t     instead of worrying about  making the facility  a better place  for the kids smh i have seen alotta  s**t in that place  that should have  them shut  down   it was  almost   like working at  another  penn  state where  ray was jerry sandusky  and mike smalley  was joe  paterno   and the other  two assholes where his  assistants  now  as i progress into the job my  coworkers along with mr  rose and the head cook  dorthy   coleman would make fun of  me  on a daily basis mind  you  when i first got there ray had already knew that  ronnie smith didnt  want me and so did other people  in the security crew im like how the   hell  did you  know that  s**t  which  goes to  show  that human resources  doesn't keep s**t  confidential at all  as  time progesses  ive  notice that mike smalley  would say  s**t that to me and  pad things on me  for things that my  co-worker ray rose aka  MR  SANDUSKY   was  doin   well i got  snitched  on  for fraternization 3  times mike had me sign an agreement  for there stupid a*s fraternization policy    then on 8/2/12 i called off and mike said i  didn't and his  a*s  tryed to make me write a  statement  and  i  refused  and he also  tryed to make me  write  one in reguards to the   fratinizing policy  im not  writing  on some s**t  i already know about n that ain't  doin n the main culprit  your not  saying s**t to  em  so i  signed the statement on callin off and all that  i said ok whatever so they can shut up !!!  but  as  time  goes  on  i noticed alotta  things that werent being  done to address issues  goin on as far as mike smalley not giving staff  lunch breaks  i never got a lunch break when i wanted to take one he  wuld find more things for me to  do cause  he didn't like me cause i saw straight threw him !!!  i  also  noticed mr smalley  would  have us serve molded  food in the  job corps   kitchen   and  uncooked  poultry and meat   which i have enclose  a few  photos  to prove also ive  seen him  cook things  with  rats in the stove and  also  roaches where we have cooked the food  n served students   i have spoke to human resources   and  tryed to reach out   to them several times in reguards to these matters and  mike smalleys  treatment of me my mom  called on my behalf as well asked   nadine with my son being   disabled  don't you think it would be better  for mike  to  take him under his wing and show  him  how to  do a better  job instead of having staff saying hes slow as molasses and  also  saying  his work  eithic sucks  cause mike would  belittle me and  no one said anything  about like for examle mike was trying to get  me  into  trouble for the death of my grandma   by saying i missed  to many  days by  disrespecting  me  saying   could u get a  rack and a trash can since u ain't  doing   s**t  and go to hr  and then he alter my schedule  to where  i had the  worst days off and   then a few  months  later   rumors begin to  fly i collect  a disability  check ray  rose and the  other staff members  took this as a advantage   to  harrass me futher  and make fun of  me this  is when i reached my breaking   point and  got tired and started looking for other means of employment  so they were saying i take pills and i was weird and iam retarded  i was  really  comin home stressed  out and severly  depressed of the treatment i was  recieving from   my co  workers and   other staff that didn't even belong in the department  including mr smith  trying to  find ways to pick at me in  certain situations id  would say in mid  july i was  under  heavy  investigation   along with 2  other  co workers for  having a student in my  house it went heavy all over i  talked wth  melissa martacos about  it she said it would b handled  of course nothing  was done  about  n r then  the uncle tom ronnie smith   questioned the student  about  it she said no and the investigation was dropped    but had me being watched and  also ive noticed the racial profiling  when nadine and melissa  kept  just targeting the  blacks in the kitchen to get information  on certain co workers  i said wow not  only is  this place predjudice but very rasist as  well  i also  heard a story about mike    not  letting  a white  staff worker in the cafeteria for dating a  african  american  man    i  believe   this to be very true because i  seen him act very  rasist  towards  the school  secretary  there  and said she wasn't allowed in the cafeteria for wearing a  d**n ulter  top wtf is  that he  also  harrassed a  former  disabled employee  alvynia turner to the pint where she couldn't look for  new employment within the  company  and  blocked from movin up by havin her writtin up  and  the center  director  molly taleb and  director  joe  garrett  are  unaware of the  illegal activity  going on in the  kitchen as well as the facility at  pay attention  the   dumbest  s**t  ever i can recall  there was an incident where 3 lincoln kids that were  none students  entered the  facility looking  for  a  unknown student at the  time but  where was ronnie smith !! yeah there   around fr safety  smh   there are guards that   be on duty at that  campus that sleep and  don't GIVE TWO f**kS  what goes on  in that  facility my co worker  ray rose mr sandusky   has  given the kids weed  and  has sold them  cartons  cigorettes  and  has had sexual relationships  with over a dozen students male and female  and has   went to  tables and   dropped  candy  in front of students  on over 100  occasions and  my  bosses novella and mike   knew  and didn't do nothing cause they were  intimidated  but  came down on me  cause i was there age   my  co worker even said  to  i  f**k  em regardless  i got frustrated  to the point where i  called him out  in  many of these  issues which  steams  down to my  wrongful  firing !!!!  on  10-5-12  i was  called in hr to meet  with  mike novella  and nadine
which i  believe  i was fired   based on retaliation  and  my co-worker  telling mike  i was leaving earl and i wasn't i was doing what i was told  mike   had a write  for me to sign that  said i had  stole  time up  25  times and also  documented time i wasn't in for  working which included extended lunches etc  which  i believe  ray  rose   and mike had a  plan to get me out cause i  knew too much info that can get the place  shut down so  mike  tried to hand me the write up after saying i was   fired   i hoped out my  chair   and   didn't even take the  write up and left  n  went home i spoke to my mom n told her  i was  fired  she called  up there and asked  y  i was let go   they didn't even have a  answer besides saying i falsified records and i was doin what i was told by mr pickens  and other co-workers  so  nadine and melissa  wanna be assholes and play dumb as af  not  know what the hell what  we were  talkin about cause  we were on the phone for an hour with them and when  my  mom asked   nadine why wasn't  i warned  about stealing this supposit time she   didn't have nothing to say  which proves  i was fired based on bullshit  they fired my other co-worker for the same thing  but the only difference is she was doin that on pupose CAUSE SHE HATED  BEING there which i can say  i don't blame  her   then after  i was  fired they  were asking me for info in reguards to my co-worker  having sexual relations with the students and   intimidating the staff  i said  everyting you  need  to  kno  you to  ask   your security team and other people   its common  knowledge   i would not  feed you   any  info  on  him or  his activity and mr smalleys  failure to  report his activity  a month after i was fired  they fired  my co-worker ray  rose for fraternization  but DIDN'T  FIRE MIKE SMALLEY    WAT THE f**k IS THAT !!! AND  MIKE RONNIE NOVELLA  DORTHY  AND ELSE ANYBODY READING THIS   YOU CAN  KISS MY  a*s  AND FOR THE  RECORD YOU HAVENT HEARD THE LAST OF ME !!!! so i filed  for   uc compensation  they awarded me that  but they took it off me on  12-5-12  due  to  me not showing  4 the  uc referee board  mmeating i am nit  fifghten you  for 150 dollars  every two weeks and   my mom ended up being hospitalized and they wouldn't postpone the hearing  so i did the  only smart thing i can do was take them  to civil rights  court with a attorney which i currently have a case  against them  now  which i ever in my right mind   thought id have to do in my  entire life PITTSBURGH JOB CORPS CENTER IS NOT  WHAT THE  COMMERAIL MAKES  it out to be  so  parents please  think twice before   enrolling   your  kids in that  place i feel like  the misleading conception  is totally wrong and  treatment of the staff and students  is just  horrible   i hope others  read my story and heed  warning cause   me being  almost 6months  i heard alot and a saw  alot  of rasism and  prejudices   and   alotta staff being fired for  fratinization  of students  i wouldnt recommend  job corps for any  young adult Trying   to better them selves they  don't give a f**k about the  students  there either  i think  that  the way they treat  staff and the  students  is  beyond crap  i have reported them to the media several or  8 times  but no one has reached out to hear  my story but  id wrather  chill with homeless people then   work with job corps there reputation  of treating co  workers  like  peaces  of s**t    really looms large  !!!!!  the place needs to b shut down for having a  sex offender with students and a child molsetor  working around them as well    from a  educational stand point   that place has  great programs  but the  end route  of it all is the  unprofessional staff how they   are un organized  it is   really messed up and sad   i can say   but the company won't hear the  last of  me  at all i  hope  people read  my story   n take it  seroiusly if there anybody that  has  any info they like to share  please  feel  free to  reply with a  rebutual  thanks

1 Updates & Rebuttals




#2Author of original report

Tue, February 05, 2013

Pittsburgh job corps is the most crappiest  to work and the  treatment 
students  and staff   is beyond degrading they  have poor   supervision
and the  food  up there is very terrible as a  former  employee this is 
the worst  job i have ever  had the stuff ive seen  go on is utterly
shocking i hope someone sees this report and  do the right  thing  when
they see this  first and foremost  not  only  was i treated unfairly i
was wrongly fired  i was horribly discriminated against  and treated
like a complete  animal   and so where  others  let me just start from
!!!  very  unprofessional  and the  security  team is terrible  as 
well  as human resources  Nadine  Nolfi  and Melissa Martacos do not 
keep s**t confidential   at  all !! and they do  alotta  racial
profiling towards  blacks that are working in the facility   especially
in the kitchen. let me just start  from saying they only reason  they
hired me i truely believe  to save face  from  me  filing  a  civil law
suit against them for discrimnation  the position i was  hired for  it
wasn't even the one  i wanted the manager  degraded  me so bad i came
home  in tears  on 3-27-12 i originally  interviewed with  a security
manager  position  with that a*****e  RONNIE SMITH  THE HEAD SECURITY
MANAGER   and  he just completly insulted me  askin me  how  old i was
twice and  basically said he seen no dependability  in me insulted my 
work  credentails and then when  we were  talking about  the benifits  i
told  him i am disabled and i get benifits  he  basically said he was
cutting the  interview   shortchanging the real  reason   he  didn't
wanna hire  me because he said he has to  figure   out how we deal with
people with disabilites  im like wat the hell  do you  mean i am
capable  of  doin this  job to  the full capabilities  so  when i got
home   my  mom noticed  that i was upset   and asked  what happened and 
i  told   her how i was  treated  by mr.smith  she inmediatley called
him and asked  what he  did  to   have me feeling  the way i felt and he
was rude  to her  as well !!!  he stated  that  he  needed  to  talk to
his  people  about how  to  deal with  people  like him n she said
what  do you mean you mean you  people ??  so   when my mom was going
back  and forth  with  him about the disability  act  he was trying to
rush her  off the  phone and  was ignorant   and  nasty   towards her 
when she asked what is it that you  want to know about  people with a
disability  cause i  can tell you all you need to know he states  maam  i
have to talk to my  superiors about  how  we deal with  people  like
him he starts trying to  rush her  off stating that  they are a state
ran facility   he couldn't   discuss the  issue  with her stuttering 
and talking to her very rudely so  on an end note  my  mom calls and
speaks with the  human resources  dept manager   nadine nolfi   and her
assistant melissa martacos   for a lengthy conversation    and she and
melissa  felt  with my degree  in  food service that id be a better  fit
for  there   food service aide position  they had open and  they  also
assured my mom that  they had the best intrest at  heart for me  and
that there company doesnt  do business in that manor.  i would say the 
next  day  or two i was called back by  food service manager  Micheal
smalley  and his  uncle tom assistant  food service  coordinator  
novella  pickens they  interviewed  me and   the less then 2 days  i
was  hired for the aide  position  on april 17th  2012 and  the  day of 
orientation melissa martacos spoke to me and said the issue  on mr
smith  was handled and  don't mention it  to  nobody  cause  rumors
spread  fast  in the facility and she said mike and novella  don't know
what happend  i said ok  i won't  obviously the  issue wasn't  taken
care of with myself and  mr smith the  from the time to  i was there  to
the time i was  fired   it was complete  anarchy the  whole entire
staff  knew about my disability and  mike smalley and ronnie   harrassed
me  on a daily  basis  with  racial slurs  and  just finding  reasons 
to  just  pick  with me not  only   him and mr smith but staff and
students would   bother me mike smalley and my  co worker  raymond rose 
were trying to pad   me for fraternization and other  things to make it
look like i wasn't  doing my job at all and i was a lazy  worker  mike 
would make  me work harder  then others  by pulling trash with maggots
and  make me  clean up  and do others  bullshit a*s  jobs  that they 
didn't want  to  do  while ronnie  on the other had would report me n
say i was being outside with students  fraternizing then  have it to
where i was  wan't even aloud outside my work area  to talk  to  anybody
i believe that he  only  did  that  cause he  held a grudge  cause of
our sour interview we  had.  MIKE AND NOVELLA AND RONNIE  are  all
pussies and  are afriad to  to enforce the  rules so they did  whatever
to make it look like they were  doing there f**kin  jobs  my  co worker 
had  everybody in there shook to  the point no  one  would say anything
and  RONNIE  SMITH  would b  walking  around like hes so bad a*s  and  don't
do  s**t  mind job corps  policy on fraternization  is suppositley
strict so  why the hell is that  they  have a pedophile and a sex
offender  going to school and working with the job corps   students 
that place worries  about the  dumbest s**t     instead of worrying
about  making the facility  a better place  for the kids smh i have seen
alotta  s**t in that place  that should have  them shut  down   it was 
almost   like working at  another  penn  state where  ray was jerry
sandusky  and mike smalley  was joe  paterno   and the other  two
assholes where his  assistants  now  as i progress into the job my 
coworkers along with mr  rose and the head cook  dorthy   coleman would
make fun of  me  on a daily basis mind  you  when i first got there ray
had already knew that  ronnie smith didnt  want me and so did other
people  in the security crew im like how the   hell  did you  know that 
s**t  which  goes to  show  that human resources  doesn't keep s**t 
confidential at all  as  time progesses  ive  notice that mike smalley 
would say  s**t that to me and  pad things on me  for things that my 
co-worker ray rose aka  MR  SANDUSKY   was  doin   well i got  snitched 
on  for fraternization 3  times mike had me sign an agreement  for
there stupid a*s fraternization policy    then on 8/2/12 i called off
and mike said i  didn't and his  a*s  tryed to make me write a 
statement  and  i  refused  and he also  tryed to make me  write  one in
reguards to the   fratinizing policy  im not  writing  on some s**t  i
already know about n that ain't  doin n the main culprit  your not 
saying s**t to  em  so i  signed the statement on callin off and all
that  i said ok whatever so they can shut up !!!  but  as  time  goes 
on  i noticed alotta  things that werent being  done to address issues 
goin on as far as mike smalley not giving staff  lunch breaks and  my co worker  rays consistant   fraternization with  the  young students mind you this is a  48 year old man messing with these kids  i never
got a lunch break when i wanted to take one he  would find more things
for me to  do cause  he didn't like me cause i saw straight threw him
!!!  i  also  noticed mr smalley  would  have us serve molded  food in
the  job corps   kitchen   and  uncooked  poultry and meat   which i
have enclose  a few  photos  to prove also ive  seen him  cook things 
with  rats in the stove and  also  roaches where we have cooked the
food  n served students  n i also  know that he has stole from the  kitchen  along  with  ray rose  i have spoke to human resources   and  tryed
to reach out   to them several times in reguards to these matters and 
mike smalley and the other staffs   treatment of me my mom  called on my behalf as well and
asked   nadine with my son being   disabled  don't you think it would be
better  for mike  to  take him under his wing and show  him  how to  do
a better  job instead of having staff saying hes slow as molasses and 
also  saying  his work  eithic sucks  cause mike would  belittle me and 
no one said anything  about it of course nadine and melissa stated  thy need proof   like for example mike was trying to get  me 
into  trouble for the death of my grandma   by saying i missed  to
many  days by  disrespecting  me  saying   could u get a  rack and a
trash can since u ain't  doing   s**t  and go to hr  and then he altered
my schedule  to where  i had the  worst days off and   then a few 
months  later   rumors begin to  fly i collect  a disability  check ray 
rose and the  other staff members  took this as a advantage   to 
harrass me futher  and make fun of  me this  is when i reached my
breaking   point and  got tired and started looking for other means of
employment  so they were saying i take pills and i was weird and iam
retarded  i was  really  comin home stressed  out and severly  depressed
of the treatment i was  recieving from   my co  workers and   other
staff that didn't even belong in the department  including mr smith 
trying to  find ways to pick at me in  certain situations id  would say
in mid  july i was  under  heavy  investigation   along with 2  other 
co workers for  having a student in my  house it went heavy all over i 
talked wth  melissa martacos about  it she said it would b handled  of
course nothing  was done  about  n r then  the uncle tom ronnie smith  
questioned the student  about  it she said no and the investigation was
dropped    but had me being watched and  also ive noticed the racial
profiling  when nadine and melissa  kept  just targeting the  blacks in
the kitchen to get information  on certain co workers  i said wow not 
only is  this place predjudice but very rasist as  well  i also  heard a
story about mike    not  letting  a white  staff worker in the
cafeteria for dating a  african  american  man    i  believe   this to
be very true because i  seen him act very  rasist  towards  the school 
secretary  there  and said she wasn't allowed in the cafeteria for
wearing a  d**n ulter  top wtf is  that he  also  harrassed a  former 
disabled employee  alvynia turner to the pint where she couldn't look
for  new employment within the  company  and  blocked her from movin up by
havin her writtin up  and  the center  director  molly taleb and 
director  joe  garrett  are  unaware of the  illegal activity  going on
in the  kitchen as well as the facility at  pay attention  the  
dumbest  s**t  ever i can recall  there was an incident where 3 lincoln
kids that were  none students  entered the  facility looking  for  a 
unknown student at the  time but  where was ronnie smith !! yeah there  
around fr safety  smh   there are guards that   be on duty at that 
campus that sleep and  don't GIVE TWO f**kS  what goes on  in that 
facility my co worker  ray rose mr sandusky   has  given the kids weed 
and  has sold them  cartons  cigorettes  and  has had sexual
relationships  with over a dozen students male and female  and has  
went to  tables and   dropped  candy  in front of students  on over 100 
occasions and  my  bosses novella and mike   knew  and didn't do
nothing cause they were  intimidated  but  came down on me  cause i was
there age   my  co worker even said  to  i  f**k  em regardless  i got
frustrated  to the point where i  called him out  in  many of these 
issues which  steams  down to my  wrongful  firing !!!!  on  10-5-12  i
was  called in hr to meet  with  mike novella  and nadine
which i  believe  i was fired   based on retaliation  and  my
co-worker  telling mike  i was leaving early and i wasn't i was doing
what i was told  which was completly untrue !!!! mike   had a write  for me to sign that  said i had 
stole  time up  25  times and also  documented time i wasn't in for 
working which included extended lunches etc  and i noticed the no cal no show was on there  which  i believe  ray  rose
  and mike had a  plan to get me out cause i  knew too much info that
can get the place  shut down so  mike  tried to hand me the write up
after saying i was   fired   i hoped out my  chair   and   didn't even
take the  write up and left  n  went home i spoke to my mom n told her  i
was  fired  she called  up there and asked  y  i was let go   they
didn't even have a  answer besides saying i falsified records and i was
doin what i was told by mr pickens  and other co-workers  so  nadine and
melissa  wanna be assholes and play dumb as af  not  know what the hell
what  we were  talkin about cause  we were on the phone for an hour
with them and when  my  mom asked   nadine why wasn't  i warned  about
stealing this supposit time she   didn't have nothing to say  which
proves  i was fired based on bullshit and then when i tell them  about mr smalley and rose  they didn't  believe s**t i had to say.   they fired my other co-worker for
the same thing  but the only difference is she was doin that on pupose
CAUSE SHE HATED  BEING there which i can say  i don't blame  her   then
after  i was  fired they  were asking me for info in reguards to my
co-worker  having sexual relations with the students and   intimidating
the staff  i said  everyting you  need  to  kno  you to  ask   your
security team and other people   its common  knowledge   i would not 
feed you   any  info  on  him or  his activity and mr smalleys  failure
to  report his activity  a month after i was fired  they fired  my
co-worker ray  rose for fraternization  but DIDN'T  FIRE MIKE SMALLEY   
HAVENT HEARD THE LAST OF ME !!!! so i filed  for   uc compensation  they
awarded me that  but they took it off me on  12-5-12  due  to  me not
showing  4 the  uc referee board  mmeating i am nit  fifghten you  for
150 dollars  every two weeks and   my mom ended up being hospitalized
and they wouldn't postpone the hearing  so i did the  only smart thing i
can do was take them  to civil rights  court with a attorney which i
currently have a case  against them  now  which i ever in my right mind  
thought id have to do in my  entire life PITTSBURGH JOB CORPS CENTER IS
NOT  WHAT THE  COMMERAIL MAKES  it out to be  so  parents please  think
twice before   enrolling   your  kids in that  place i feel like  the
misleading conception  is totally wrong and  treatment of the staff and
students  is just  horrible  they say its a drug free  place mad people stay  smokin weed  in the gazebo and theres  plenty of drug transactions  to   i hope others  read my story and heed 
warning cause   me being  there   almost 6months  i heard alot and a saw  alot 
of rasism and  prejudices   and   alotta staff being fired for 
fratinization  of students  i wouldnt recommend  job corps for any 
young adult Trying   to better them selves they  don't give a f**k about
the  students  there either  all is it  is a  alternative for  troubled  kids  who are trying  keep from going to jail  but they do the same things they  trying to escape  from in there i think  that  the way they treat  staff
and the  students  is  beyond crap but i think  from the students stand point there are  alotta  them i hate to say  it that  just don't  use the programs to there advantage n just  soak off the  25 dollar allowance  n free bus passes  they  give  em instead of  trying to  better  themselves but in actually the government  n  the dept of labor is really  cheating them out of a  chance  at  doin the right thing in society even mike smalley has taken advantage  of that  by  hiring students to fill the void of short  staff  n paying them  only  7.25 an hour    i have reported them to the media
several or  8 times  but no one has reached out to hear  my story but 
id wrather  chill with homeless people then   work with job corps there
reputation  of treating co  workers  like  peaces  of s**t    really
looms large  !!!!!  the place needs to b shut down for having a  sex
offender with students and a child molsetor  working around them as
well    from a  educational stand point   that place has  great
programs  but the  end route  of it all is the  unprofessional staff how
they   are un organized  it is   really messed up and sad   i can say  
but the company won't hear the  last of  me  at all i  hope  people
read  my story   n take it  seroiusly if there anybody that  has  any
info they like to share  please  feel  free to  reply with a  rebutual 

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