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  • Report:  #96594

Complaint Review: Pizza Hut

Pizza Hut Cashier refuses to give refund, manager calls screaming because she's at home, cashier orders me to leave RIPOFF Alton Illinois

  • Reported By:
    Alton Illinois
  • Submitted:
    Sun, June 27, 2004
  • Updated:
    Sun, August 08, 2004

June 24, 2004, I called in an order to Pizza Hut for a pizza and soda. The cashier informed me she only had 2 liters. I asked if they had ice; she said no.

When I arrived in the carry-out establishment, I noticed the cooler and thought the soda was in it. I paid $13.++ for my order. The cashier said the soda had just been delivered and was sitting by the window.

I thought for a few seconds and told her I changed my mind about the soda and to just give me my money back ($1.59+ tax). She refused, saying if I didn't want it I shouldn't have paid for it. She said that was not how they do business. I was shocked - I reminded her that this practice was not acceptable and asked to speak with the manager. She called her and gave me the telephone. This woman started screaming, telling me that she was home, I had no business calling her, she guarantees hot pizzas not cold sodas.

I asked for her name; she refused to give it to me stating that she did not have to give it. I handed the phone to her employee and asked for her name. She said it was Rachel. When she began talking with her manager she called her Patti. The cashier threw $1.51 on the counter, told me to take the money, leave, would not give me a receipt and said that they would never do business with me again. I told her I was not finished getting/recording information about the incident. She then said that if I didn't leave right away, she would take the pizza and give me my money back and I wouldn't have a pizza either. I explained to her that she and her manager were not only rude and there was no way I would ever come back in there anyway.

When I returned to work, I immediately tried to call the home office. The operators would only connect me to customer service who only apologized for the actions of these employees, offered to send me a coupon (?) and stated that the employees would be asked to take additional training.

This is not the first time these people have treated African-Americans this way in our community and the head office thinks a coupon is justifiable recompense.

Horrible practice. Never eat there!

Alton, Illinois

16 Updates & Rebuttals


Horn Lake,

Re; Last Post Aaron

#17Consumer Comment

Sat, August 07, 2004

Dear Aaron,
Very well written by a True Southern Gentleman.

Long Live the South!



Attention Miss Janice.....

#17UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, August 07, 2004

I appreciate your leniency on me. You didn't owe me that. The quote from Chief Red Cloud was very touching. I can't beleive that I haven't read that somewhere.

The policy of the government taking the land still goes on today. The process is a little more subtle than what happened at Wounded Knee, but the practice is still just as underhanded. Paying property taxes is absurd. It's just another form of communism put in place by these stinking liberals to fund their social minority programs. If they don't tax you to death for nothing they use the whole Imminent Domain thing. Over the years, my family has seen this communist fascism at work. What was once over 1000 acres is now maybe 100 acres. This is due to rising cost of living.

I'll explain...... First the government takes someone elses land to build a d**n. After they flood the valley for this d**n, they provide electric power to you and your family. They take some of your land to build a National Park and some for an electric right of way. Do you see where I'm going with this? After a few generations of non-self-sufficiency, the old ways are lost. Our country was started for INDEPENDENCE but the liberals have turned it into a land of co-dependence. Think about it. There's simply too many people out there looking for a handout. Maybe this why African countries never put a man on the moon or contributed any real thing to society other than as an example of how not to do things.

You too are very wise. If you ever make it to Townsend look me up. We'll sit in my tipi and make medicine!

I just thought of one last thing: in being involved with this posting, we have educated a few people on issues that are important to us. We can prove what we have to say by going to the history books. None of the rest of these folks can back up anything they say with any kind of truthful evidence. Discrimination is only in their heads. As long as the terms: HILLBILLY, CRACKER, REDNECK, etc., are still PC, then I will call people out for what they are. Hyphenated Americans have no place in this culture. If you want to see racism, look how many scholarship programs are offered to blacks and not to whites or native Americans. Sometimes I think the folks who fund these projects know that these folks will fail. That's why they're offered: it's simply money in the bank for the minority college funds. I had to pay for all of my education. Maybe that's why I made straight A's by working my a*s off! Well maybe not... It's still there and getting bigger evryday! HA HA! I wonder who paid for Marie's education? I wonder what liberal university she went to?



Didn't mean to.........

#17UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, August 06, 2004

Hey Janice, i didn't mean to mispell Mississippi. I'm not quite as smart as Marie: NOT! Sorry again, I meant no disrespect.



Didn't mean to.........

#17UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, August 06, 2004

Hey Janice, i didn't mean to mispell Mississippi. I'm not quite as smart as Marie: NOT! Sorry again, I meant no disrespect.



Didn't mean to.........

#17UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, August 06, 2004

Hey Janice, i didn't mean to mispell Mississippi. I'm not quite as smart as Marie: NOT! Sorry again, I meant no disrespect.


Horn Lake,

Hey Aaron!

#17Consumer Comment

Fri, August 06, 2004

Dear Aaron,
You are wise and funny and no, I do not hate you.
I did however know about the slavery that exsits
today, and I wish there were a number of other people that kept informed about it. There is a great quote from Chief Red Cloud that people should pay attention to:
They promised us many things,
more than I can remember,
and they kept but one,
they promised to take our land,
and they took it.

This is history repeating itself with the Civil War. And it will more than likely happen again, if we do nothing to change it.
Your tipi should last a lifetime if you take care of it. Let it often remind you of a past that was, and hopefully a past that will never be forgotten. Teach all you can when they are young that we are not hethens but someone who was kind enough to feed them and help them when they landed on our soil. Christopher Columbus was nothing more than a pirate and a thief who killed alot of my people. I do not celebrate his day but I do celebrate my forefathers having been here first. If it had'nt been for them there would be no people here, they would have all perished.
Peace and good life be with you Aaron,



Hey Marie from St. Pooey.......

#17UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, August 05, 2004

Why don't you write another rebuttal. Me and Janice are ready to pounce on your a*s with true understanding and knowledge. I promise I'll pay attention like a good little conservative. Of course janice might hate me now because I accidentally got her confused with your sorry-a*s!



Hey Janice in Mississippi............

#17UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, August 05, 2004

Once again I would like to apologize to you. I got so mad at the big mouth from St. Louis that I couldn't think straight and got your rebuttal confused with hers.

Oh, by the way, I do know the history of the civil war and the real reasons that it was fought: STATE'S Rights and the simple fact that if you come South looking for a fight then that's exactly what you'll get. I can truly understand why most people from the South have a mistrust of the government including myself.

My people come from the eastern part of Tennessee in the mountains. As you know, due to your knowledge of the civil war, this part of the South was a dividing point between Confederate forces in North Carolina and Union forces in Knoxville and the surrounding area. The mountains between the two states were the dividing point. My people fell in between these two.Not only were they raided by confederates to the east, but union forces and vigilante groups from knoxville showed up on occassion to steal for the so-called war effort. Although they didin't own slaves, they still favored succesion. My great, great grandfather wrote in his journal that "...I never thought that I would see the day that a president of the united states would turn troops on his own people. Abraham Lincoln is truly a tyrant and a fascist. The South has a legal right to succeed the union..."

We are of Scotch-Irish, English, Dutch, German and Cherokee Blood. I live on land that was first traded to my ancestors by Chief Cade and later homesteaded to make it official with our over-bearing government. We have lived in this cove for 8 generations on the same land.

I totally agree with you and your beliefs which you expressed in your last rebuttal. My familly didin't grow cotton, but they toiled in order to have enough to get through the winter. Tobacco, corn and wheat seemed to be the staple crops while a large vegetable garden was always grown. The Great One, Nature and the Mountains provided everything else.

When the depression rolled around these folks didn't go hungry like the rest of the country. You see, they didn't have any money to begin with but they still had plenty to eat due to their self-sufficiency that can only come from hard honest work. My folks also have never depended on the government in anyway. I'm confident in the fact that if our government collapsed, my folks and I would make it just fine for we practice the old ways on a regular basis. Hunting, fishing, raising crops, canning, pickling, whiskey makin' and an occasional a*s-whooping to deserving jackasses....just to name a few.

By the way and on a lighter note, I just recently raised a Sioux tipi on our property. It was given to me by a man from South Dakota. I did everything according to the way the Sioux did theirs, always being extra careful to follow their tribal customs of building living quarters. I even paid my respects to the four winds when I was done. It's really coooooool!

Again I just want to make sure that you realize that I got you mixed-up with marie from st. louis and the last thing in the world that I would want to do is to compare you to that loud-mouthed pinko socialist mid-western knee-jerk liberal. I guarantee you that she doesn't understand the real reasons why the civil war was fought. She probably knows even less of American history. She's a hater of America and should do us all a favor and move to Cuba. I'm sure Fidel would love to have her!

Each and everytime that i hear anybody holler racism it burns my a*s also. And everytime someone refers to themselves as hyphenated Americans, it makes me even madder. We owe
these idiots absolutely nothing. If they weren't here taking advantage of governmental handouts, they'd still be in Africa starving to death, rioting over U.N. food drops and living under shady governments which change like i change my shirts. Slavery still goes on in Africa, in case you didn't know. it went on for over 1200 years in the Sahara route before the first black slave was brought to this country.

In the words of Dennis Miller, "I don't mean to get off on a rant here..." so I'm ending this rebuttal before my head explodes. God Bless You, Your Ancestors, The great state of Missippi and its flag! May you walk the way of a true warrior......


Horn Lake,

Response to Aaron

#17Consumer Comment

Wed, August 04, 2004

Hello Aaron,
I'm glad that you took the time to read my post.
I think if you will look at it again you will see that I'm not the one that called you a Euro-American, Marie did. In any event, you never should look at a situation and call it a racist thing unless it is truly a racist thing. And again, I urge you to know the true history of the South, since you live here.

I hear people all the time wanting reparation, you know, money from the government because thier ancestors were slaves? My father is Siuox, my mother is Cherokee, I have six brothers and sisters, we all work, despite what everyone thinks, we don't drink because we know we can't handle the liquor, and we all believe in the Great Spirit. And fyi, we do go to tribal council four times a year.

Also, my mother chopped cotton right next to black people when she was growing up, we have never depended on the government for anything, it's a joke, and we never have had anything. We were basically poor. We are not racist people but when anyone has something racist to say it gripes my a*s. That clerk may have been a moron, but I don't believe they were racists.

I don't judge anyone by the color of thier skin, and I feel sorry for the people that do. Some of my friends are black, some are brown, I am red, what does that make me? As I have been taught a good person that sees no color.



Clearing things up....

#17UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, August 03, 2004

I messed up again. During my last rebuttal my nephew, who is 4, was running around acting like the 4 year old that he is. I must've got mixed up with the previous rebuttals.

My praise was for the young lady from Mississippi who, through Southern wit and wisdom, explained just how things really are. She's completely right. God bless your state flag!

My discontent was for the pinko from St. Louis. As if not being black makes my understanding of racism incomplete. Either you're a human being or not, color doesn't play into it for me. Folks who call themselves something with a hyphen are simply lost and definitely lacking in the understanding of what RACISM is. One thing is for sure, they aren't Americans. If you label yourself then you have to live with what you've done. Labels = Stereotypes and in return Stereotypes = Racism. You should know this, for you've already labeled me.

I haven't met anybody yet from the mid-west (especially St. Louis) who had any sense.

Now...... How does it feel to be labeled?

I guess I could assume that since you call yourself a Native American, you are a drunk that works in a casino, if you work at all....... But I'm not going to fall to level of people such as yourself who believe in what you define as TITLES and what I define as stupidity or racism.

Obviously you are in denial of your ancestry if you truly beleive in GOD (Is that good enough for ya, for I aim to please) for Native Americans were described by OUR forefathers and godless heathens. How does it feel?

I just wanted to give a taste of your own loud-mouthed mid-western philosophy. Oh yeah, and by the way, I couldn't tell who is a euro-American and who's not. Most of the folks that I've talked to lately were born right here in E. Tenn. Some black, some white and even a handful of mexicans. Not one said anything about Europe other than france being a country full of liberals. (france was not capitalized for a reason.) ONe thing is for sure, they live and work in E. Tenn.

You know, the part of the country where all of you mid-western "Morons" are moving to because things are so much better. I've been to St. Louis and the only thing that impressed was the BBQ and the size of the local's mouths that it was being slammed into.

I hope that my grammar was adequate for you Mrs. Indian Princess. I was not an English major. I meant no disrespect for GOD.

You see unlike you, I live in place where GOD is still revered. We believe that God is an integral part of the doctrine that forms our government and in turn creates the laws that ALL Americans must live by. Affirmative action and other social programs were squeezed into these laws by people such as yourself. You don't empower someone by giving them something for free whether it be a house, money or even something such as pizza. If you give, then people expect. Getting something for nothing is a huge problem in retail and the quickest way to get something in this country nowadays is to play the race card. This is simply unforgiveable and shows the amount of mentality that is lacking from these folks.

Once again, I would like to apologize to the young lady from Mississippi and scold the hag from St.Louis, Mi-shitty. If you ever run into a fella named Rick Brossen in St. Louis, ask him how he enjoyed his broken jaw and if he's been making anymore fun of the way people talk where I'm from. I bet he talked funny for a few weeks while he was waiting on his big mouth to heal. I've always beleived in handing people some of their own medicine. He might've run off though, for I had to whoop him in front of his "MORONIC" friends who incidentally did nothing due to fact that they were all cowards. Is that "TYPICAL" of folks from St. Louis? Ya'll are just a bunch of hot air, huh?



Hey Janice....REEEELAAXXXX! ..I also have Native American blood flowing through my veins

#17UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, August 02, 2004

I appreciate your views of the civil war and totally agree with you. I also have Native American blood flowing through my veins so whether you like it or not, there is some commonality. When was the last time you participated in any kind of tribal tradition, though?

The purpose of my last rebuttal was simply to put those folks in there place. I never once refered to myself as a euro-american. You did. Division in this country will ultimately lead to our demise. This division starts with hyphenated Americans.

Furthermore... No, she didn't pay $2.00 for the drink. I was simply stating how much of a ripoff this is my area. At the Pizza Hut where I worked, 2 liter drinks were $2.00 with tax. At any convenience store in this area, 2 liter drinks can be had for less than $1.00 and most for $0.79. So you're statement is not entirely true. Maybe you should research this.

Furthermore.......You were right! I misread the report on how the telephone call took place. Kudos for you. The manager still shouldn't have been called at home. That's just simple manners. I would think that someone from Mississippi would have been brought up a little differently than that.

Last but not least..... You were wrong! In today's market place, some customers are simply problem customeres. Some customers, you just don't need. The whole "customer is always right" cliche was engineered by corporate businesses, not mom and pop businesses. Not only is this a lie, it is a lie that corporations expect me to tell myself. Lie to myself? NOT! The new policy should be as follows: Every customer shall be given the benefit of the doubt. Assuming that a customer is wrong or right is simply a bad policy.

In closing.... I appreciate your rebuttal and I appreciate your state flag. KEEP IT FLYING!


Horn Lake,

Pizza vs. Race?

#17Consumer Comment

Tue, July 13, 2004

What does pizza have to do with race? I find this
very disturbing and offensive. I am a Native American Indian. Does that mean I am going to be treated differently? I am so tired of hearing people talk about race and oppression, and slavery. If you took the time to read the truth about History, you would all know there were White and Black Slaves, and the Civil War was about Land, not Slavery. Pity no one is willing to accept the real truth.

I have ran a resturant and the bottom line is:
Make the customer happy. If he wants a refund, give him a refund. You don't have to call anyone, it's simple. You do want your customer to come back, so make them happy! It's not rocket science! And you need to chill on this race thing. I have more of a right than anyone to be upset about it but you don't see any of us running around shouting discrimination!!



How to deal w/ Pizza Hut

#17UPDATE Employee

Tue, July 13, 2004

I am a manager at Pizza Hut in Denver, Colorado. I would like to assure everyone that this IS NOT the standard for how our company does business... My advice to you is, if the store manager was unwilling to help, to call the store nearest to the one you had the problem with and ask for their "RGM" (Restaurant General Manager) Tell the RGM that you had a problem with the manager at the other store, but don't go into detail, it's not his business... Ask the RGM to put you in contact with the Area Coach (In charge of several stores)... I can guarantee you that the A.C. will take care of the problem.


St. Louis,

Please read complaint carefully before sending rebuttals

#17Consumer Comment

Tue, July 13, 2004

As a former employee, Aaron, calling the customer names as well as your second rebuttal only solidifies the comments made regarding Pizza Hut and staff. Have you heard the saying "Look before you leap"? In your case you should learn to "comprehend what you read before you write".

First, the cardinal rule of retailing is- The customer is always right. The customer did not pay $2.00 for the 2 liter bottle of soda, fast food restaurants and convenience stores charge more for these type items, price is determined by where one lives. Secondly, the customer neither asked for the manager's home number nor called the manager. It is clearly stated that the cashier called the manager.

Third and most important: you obviously are not African-American; therefore,could not possibly have a clue as to whether the incident was racially motivated. The customer stated that this was not the first time such an incident had been reported against this particular establishment.

When was the last time you listened to Euro-Americans refer to Americans of African descent as simply American? You are the ones who find titles necessary - you should "get over it" and have enough sense to know that the "good Lord" is on our side, too. By the way, any "moron" would know to capitalize God and Lord when referring to the One above.



Moron, You need to pray to the good lord above for knowledge

#17UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, July 09, 2004

I am not an employee. I am a former employee just wanted to straighten that out.

Why would you pay $2.00 for something that you could buy at any store for $.69? This shows your ignorance. You walked through the door and Pizza Hut was going to take advantage of you in some way not matter what color that you are. You need to pray to the good lord above for knowledge that you obviously don't possess.



You were both wrong

#17UPDATE Employee

Sun, July 04, 2004

First of all the employee never should have given you the managers home phone. Second of all, you should have had enough sense to know that you shouldn't contact this so-called manager at home.

Third and most important: this incident had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that you are black. I take extreme insult when people can't refer to themselves as simply American or not. Get over it!

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