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  • Report:  #89112

Complaint Review: Pizza Hut

Pizza Hut Corrupt company, no regard for safety, poor management, danger Martinsburg West Virginia

  • Reported By:
    Martinsburg West Virginia
  • Submitted:
    Tue, April 27, 2004
  • Updated:
    Tue, April 27, 2004
  • Pizza Hut
    1305 North Queen Street
    Martinsburg, West Virginia
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Friday night Jacob (PT Emp) threw a network interface card at Joey and threatened Joey (shift manager) with bodily harm. Joey fired Jacob. Jacob again threatened to find Joey later on and beat him up. Joey told Jacob to leave the store or he'd call the cops.

I advised Joey [over the phone upon hearing all details] to call the police and file a report. Joey and Andy (PT Emp), a witness, made statements and the Sr. Trooper who informed them that he would get a warrant and the Jacob would be arrested the following Monday.

I called Scott (area coach) to inform him of the situation; there was no answer so I left a message. Joey called Linda (restaurant general manager) and informed her of the situation.

We were informed that the next day [Saturday], Linda trashed Joey, said she was tired of firing people because of Joey, and that she would not fire Jacob. One person had been fired having little to do with Joey [fired due to sexual harassment and threats, although Linda wouldn't fire the employee for the threats alone].

Sunday, I was the shift manager and Joey was working under me. I had filled in because Jacob was scheduled to work. Jacob showed up around 6:30pm, approached Joey in the dining room [in front of several customers] and proceded to make a scene. Joey told Jacob to leave or he would call the cops.

Jacob followed Joey to the counter where I was and continued yelling at him. I attempted to calm Jacob down, but he began to yell at me; making threats to take us to court. I told Jacob to leave, he didn't so I let him know that I would call the cops and he finally left.

I received a phone call at close from another shift manager asking for a personal favor. During the conversation, she let me know that Linda had said she would not fire Jacob, instead, he would receive a 5-day suspension [as compared to another employee who showed up late and was put on a 30-day probation] and that she was working that out with Scott. Also, Jacob is a weekend worker and only missed 2 days due to so-called suspension.

Linda and Jacob have a history. They worked together years before at a McDonalds which is why Linda hired Jacob with no interview. She talks highly of him; he can do no wrong in her eyes.

I called the Empoyee Abuse Hotline Sunday after Jacob came in to harass Joey and filed a report. The next day when I came in for the favor to the other shift manager, I was given the cold shoulder. The shift manager who had been overly nice the night before was rather short with me and Linda had come up to the front exclaiming something about talking to Scott, but when she saw me, she stopped talking altogether.

My report had been filed anonymously and should not have been sent to our store, so I assume that Scott somehow tipped Linda off. I again called the hotline and added this to my report requesting that it be sent to someone over Scott's head.

Also, I had checked the employee folder section in our system and discovered that Jacob's last name had been altered [the first letter had been removed] so that it was not in the proper alphabetical order. I believe this was done so that we wouldn't be able to find his folder to terminate him [which we would not have done as that part is for the RGM].

Neither Linda or Scott have approached me or Joey to discuss the situation at hand. Nor has anyone expressed concern for Joey's well-being. Most have attempted to persuade Joey to drop the charges and let Jacob go unpunished [setting a poor example and thus saying it's okay to threaten people on the clock, in uniform, and on the property].

I have worked at Pizza Hut for 2 years and Joey for 3. Almost the entire time, other employees have spread malicious rumors about both of us. These rumors were fabricated and included things about my sex life, our relationship, and many other personal things.

I recently attempted to quit my job, but as a result I was transfered to the Pizza Hut on the other side of town. Once there, I was able to explain my desire to quit to the RGM and she graciously took me off the schedule as soon as she was fully staffed.

My employee folder is still in the system of my home store and I fear that Linda will terminate me as a non-rehire and give me bad references as she has threatened other employees. Linda had also made a threat in a store meeting about a year ago that nobody wants to be on her bad side because she has access to all of our social security numbers.

Many of the employees know where we live [Joey and I are engaged and live together not far from Pizza Hut] and I feel threatened. Once, a shift manager called both of our phones and when we didn't answer [because we were asleep - around 9am] she took it upon herself to come over.

Once in our home, she proceded to grill Joey. I was asleep and she was so loud I was woken up. I chose not to get up and she assumed that I was awake the whole time. She left our home yelling, "You deserve each other." She come over to discuss a work problem and ended up attacking our personal character. She was on the clock and when the issues was brought up, nothing was done.

Any time Joey or I have brought up a problem it has been dismissed. If I defend him, it is also dismissed because we are a couple. We do not act like a couple in the store.

Linda brings her husband into the store and will kiss and hug him. The other shift manager has had her boyfriend in the store and customers have complained about them making out in the dining room. Also, complaints about her sitting in his lap.

Joey and I leave these things at home. Anytime I would call him "Sweetie" during work, I was yelled at. I call all of my employees generic nicknames such as that as do the other managers.

There is extreme favortism in this Pizza Hut. Linda appears sexist also. These people will tear anyone apart for any reason, especially personal ones. They can be vicious and find subtle ways to make ones life miserable.

There are a number of illegal activities that go unchecked in the store such as drug deals, smoking inside [non-smoking ordinance], and stealing. If someone tries to correct these problems, they are picked on or fired for other reasons.

All in all, these people are creating a hostile work environment. This is why I quit and why Joey is in the process of finding another job. I don't want them to "win", I want them to be held responsible for their actions.

Martinsburg, West Virginia

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