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  • Report:  #144342

Complaint Review: Pizza Hut

Pizza Hut Employee Abused By Manager, Area Coach!! Entire Company. Pasadena California

  • Reported By:
    Malibu California
  • Submitted:
    Sun, May 29, 2005
  • Updated:
    Sun, May 29, 2005

Well first of all I just wanted to say that working for Pizza Hut was hell. How do I even begin? At first, I started out as a CSR (customer service rep) and my duties there was taking order by phone and in store and cut pizzas, fold pizza boxes, clean up stores, cashier and after about a year or so, 2 of our shift managers got transfered somewhere else and so we need more managers for the store because regularly there's 4 managers in all, including the store manager and we had only 2 so the store manager forced me to take management classes to become a shift manager.

At that time I was in college taking full time courses from 8 in the morning until 3:30 in the afternoon mon-fri and I told him I'm not interested in becoming a manager and he told me to just go to the classes and after forcing me for several more times, I finally agreed and I thought I wanted to help him out and help the store out until they can find some other manager and I can go back to CSR. I wasn't looking for the money at the time because CSR get paid $6.75 and shift manager got paid $8.25 so not much difference. Plus when I was CSR, my hours are usually from 4 pm - 8pm or so on weekdays and shift manager, I had to work from 4:30 pm - midnight and I didn't want to because I had school and that was my first priority. Anyways after I got promoted shift manager, everything was fine and all except everytime on my day off, the manager would call me on my cell phone with different excuses that he couldn't come on his shift and that he wanted me to come and no one else can cover and so I had to drop 2 classes courses because this would happened several times.

Anyways the other shift manager was pregnant and she was about to give birth and wanted 3 months off from work so the whole time, it was me and the store manager switching shifts. I would close the store on weekend until 2 in the morning and open up the next morning and be at the store around 9. It was like that for about 2 months, except when the shift manager came back, he would cut my hours down to like 16 hours a week and the rest of my hours, he would put me down as a CSR. I didn't think that was fair because he used me for the time being and then when he was done with me, he cut my hours and then what's up with promoting me to shift manager and then bringing me back down to CSR and so my paycheck would be $8.25 for shift manager hours and $6.75 for CSR hours. That's ridiculous.

Everyone of the employees in the store would see the posted schedule on the bulletin board and told me to talk to the manager because they didn't think that was fair either. I finally talked to the manager and he would tell me that he couldn't give me shift manager hours because the other shift manager was off for 2 months and she needed the money to take care of her daughter buying diapers, milk, etc. And he doesn't even think that I needed money to pay for college tuition? I just wanted him to be fair and at least let me know the real reason why he cut my hours and why he used me?

Anyways that manager was gone and got transfered to another store and a new manager comes in and he's only like 20 yrs old. He's married and yet he would flirt and take home one of the CSR which I didn't think was right. He not only was giving her a ride, which was obvious because every employees in the store knows that he was having an affair with an employee. None of us were assuming anything except that this girl CSR would dance with him and touch his arm, shoulder, say things that was sexual to him in front of everyone and the thing is I have no problem at all. I mind my own business along with everyone else eventhough it was obvious it was against companys policy to have relationship in the store and well he was cheating on his wife. Anyways this girl CSR is so lazy like all she does is talking on the phone with her many boyfriends and everytime there's customers on the phone or in the store that would ask questions or take a long time to order pizza, she would be in a bad mood and give them bad attitude so a lot of these customers would complained to me of course since I always work with her and I was the only manager on duty everytime these customers complained.

The drivers would get pissed because she wasn't paying attention to taking the orders and she would get the wrong order all the time and the thing was that she had been working there about a year and a half so it wasn't like she was a new employee. Anyways they would tell me to tell the manager and the cook doesn't like her either because everytime it got real busy and the cook asked her to help with cooking the pizzas, she would rolled her eyes and give them attitude. Basically she's plain lazy. Any employee working for Pizza Hut knows that you have to fold boxes if there's nothing else to do, but not this girl. She just talk on the phone or just sit there and said that she's tired but what the heck? I got up 6 in the morning everyday except weekends and I go to school until 3:30 which I drove home and got ready for work because my shift started at 4:30 so I had an hour to cleaned up and I stayed at work until about midnight or so depending on how busy it got that day and this girl is complaining that she's only working from 5-8?

Anyways I put up with that too because I just didn't like confrontation and I knew that it's hard for me to confront people. I would tell her to fold boxes and stuff and be nicer to customers and help out during her shift but she didn't listen to me. What I should've done was to gave her a warning and write her off but I didn't want to do that because I always wanted to give everyone a chance to fix their mistakes and I tried over and over and over again with this girl but she didn't listen because she knows that now that the new manager takes over, she can do what she pleased since she knows he'll take her side. So finally after at least 10 times putting up with these crap from this girl, I told the manager. He told me that the drivers also been complaining to him about the girl and that she's lazy, rude and always take the wrong order and the customers would complained and be rude to the drivers and the manager told me that he's going to wait a while to see on what he can do to let her make it up to us and changed her behavior or else he's going to fire her. So 3 weeks went by, turned into 5 and still nothing.

Everytime he's in the store himself, he would tell me that he's thinking of firing this girl because she doesn't even listened to him. Anyways I thought "Ok fine I'll let him handle this since he is afterall the store manager." but of course he couldn't. So what made me finally quit and realized that Pizza Hut abused their employees and doesn't care about anything but profits profits profits, was that this CSR girl would stole money from the register and at the end of the night, I would be short $20. I was only short whenever I was working with this girl not the other 2 CSR's which is impossible because for the 2 years I was shift manager there, I was never short more than $1. The company would let us be short around $5 or less, but not more and during those whole time, I was so good with the money that I was never short more than $1. But anyways I didn't want to accused anything but all I did was called up the store manager at his cell phone right away telling him that I wasn't sure what's going on but I was short that much.

The first time I told him, he was kind of concerned and said that we'll fix the problems later and that it's ok he wasn't upset at me. The second time it happened again, he was not even concerned. He told me that he would cover the money and that not to worry about it. He told me he would asked every employee working with me on that night just to be sure what happened but he never did. It was always exactly $20 that I would be missing at the end of the night. Anyways I mean was that a coincidence or what? If I was a manager, I would want to know what happened to the money but he didn't. So I finally got pushed to my limit and told him I would quit unless he stopped putting me to work with that CSR. I told him that I had a talk with her earlier that week and asked if she can work any day of the week and she told me yes so I told the manager that switching her schedule around wouldn't matter because she doesn't care and plus she's free anytime. He told me that he didn't want me to quit and that he would not put me with her anymore and that he promised me that.

I was happy thinking that finally he will make things easier for all of us but he did not. The next day I came in to work, I saw her and wondered what's going on. I asked him how come he lied to me and he said ok fine I'll have a talk with her, just calm down so he took her outside the store and they talked for half an hour which after that he came back in the store and asked me to go in the office to have a talk with him and so I did. He said "Oh she's sorry that you couldn't work with her and she wants to work with you and she just wants you to tell her what to do but she really is sorry." I said to him "How come you have to apologized for her? How come she couldn't do it herself? And besides how come she told you that she just wanted me to tell her what to do?" Point is I got fed up and I told the store manager that I'm sorry but I had to walk away and I swear to God and to the bible that I even told him that it was nice working with him and I hope the store can be number 1 in the area just like he wanted it to be and that I'm really sorry I had to quit but I had no choice. I was being so nice because I just don't like confrontation or don't like being mean to people. What did he say to me? He told me that it was my loss and that I could've work for a great company that someday will be number 1 and that I blew my chances. I mean what was that? He wasn't yelling at me or anything but what he said that's what's bothered me.

Anyways so I wanted to talked to the region coach and tell her what has happened and I felt that I got treated unfairly by the store manager and of course what happened? I called the market office and asked the receptionist that I wanted to talk to the region coach and she said oh ok what happened and I told her the long story and she said ok I'll have her call you back as soon as she gets back to the office around tomorrow. So I waited a day or two and I finally got a call back but not from the region coach but from the area coach. She asked me what happened because she heard I quit. I told her the long version of the story and she told me that the store manager wanted me back and that he didn't know what to do and that it wasn't like he picked a CSR over a shift manager. Which at the time, I forgot to mentioned, it was only him the manager and me and we had to borrowed like 4 different shift managers from other stores because we were looking for 2 more managers and yet we have 4 CSR's but yet how smart was he? To picked his lazy CSR over his excellent shift manager? Knowing that he needed shift manager more than CSR. Anyways I told the Area Coach what happened and she kept telling me that it was a misunderstanding and that the store manager didn't mean it and that he wanted me back and I told her I wanted to talk to the region coach and the area coach told me that I have to go through her first in order to talk to the region coach and if she feels that the problems isn't necessary to bring it up to the region coach, that I wouldn't be able to talk to her.

So you see people, if any of you want to work for Pizza Hut, well good luck because I've never been screwed anywhere else but Pizza Hut where I gave up everything for that d**n store and I did everything they wanted me to? I mean customers loved me there because they know how good I was and employees respect me because I treated them good and the management teams loved me because I'm responsible and always right on the target but the company itself doesn't give a d**n and they abused me more than I could've handled. But it's ok though because nowadays none of my friends and family wants to buy from Pizza Hut anymore and I told everyone the short version of what happened so now they know that Pizza Hut only cares about money and not their employees, or even customers. Because if they treat their employees badly then their employees would treat the customers badly too so it goes like that. I like seriously hate Pizza Hut so much it's not even funny. I felt like there was nothing I could do to help anything and that while the store manager is having an affair to cover up everything in that store, employees like me are treated like dirt.

Pasadena, California

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