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  • Report:  #527179

Complaint Review: Pizza Hut in Nashville NC (GM Meggan)

Pizza Hut in Nashville NC (GM Meggan) I felt disrespected and not treated like a customer should have been treated!!! Nashville, North Carolina

  • Reported By:
    Very angry nursing student — Nashville North Carolina United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Sun, November 22, 2009
  • Updated:
    Sat, December 26, 2009
  • Pizza Hut in Nashville NC (GM Meggan)
    106 W Nashville Dr
    Nashville, North Carolina
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I don't know where to begin but here goes...My little girl who is 2 years old wanted pizza from pizza hut so I called in an order. The total came up to $11 and some change. I sent my fiancee to get the pizza because I was studying for a nursing test that I had the following Monday. A few mins. later my fiancee came and gave me my pizza. Well when I open the box there was 3 slices that was burnt so I ask my fiancee to call them and my fiancee told me that he didn't want to call them because he felt that they treated him "differently" then the other customers that were there. So I call. I was very pleasant and a young lady pick up the phone and I informed her of my complaint. So she asked me if I wanted to come pick up another pizza or she could get a manager on the phone to credit the amount charged to my account and I could come get it later. ***Side note...I thought that would be a good idea because my little girl was ready to eat and she only will eat when mommy and daddy will eat with her. So I was going to whip up some spaghetti, eat with my family, finish studying and call it a night.*** Well when the manager got on the phone I informed her of the same thing I told the lady before and she asked me if I wanted to come back to the that they will remake my order and I informed her that my little girl pizza was fine and that I need to finish studying and that my fiancee didn't want to come back (I didn't tell her about the experience that he had just had because I was going to just let it go), she then tells me that she could only credit "HALF" of my money back because she can't see that I was telling the "truth". So I got very "ANGRY". I got my box and my little girl box and I got in the car and went there. Well when I got there I was very upset I asked to speak with the person I had just spoke to and she came up there with an attitude, that made me even more angry. I demanded my money back and for my pizza and my little girl pizza to be made fresh because I should not have to stop my studying to come and prove to you that you made a mistake. The people who boxed it saw that my pizza wasn't pizza hut quality pizza when they boxed it. She then told me to calm down or she was gonna call the police. Oh that really made me mad because I had every right to be angry. I wasn't disrespecting her (at that time) nor was I using any profanity (at that time). She then tells me that she will only make my pizza over but NOT my daughters (so now my little girl pizza is going to be cold because of the mistake that they made in the first place) Now that's when I got upset and everything came out...I probably called her every name in the book beside a child of god. I know I should have handle that situation differently but the feelings that I had of been treated differently then all of there employees that I saw that day and 95% of there customers I saw that day and thinking about the way my fiancee had just told me how he had been treated came out. So I left and called the pizza hut that was in Rocky Mount and I informed her of what had just happen and she was very friendly she offered to give me my money back and to remake me order. I told her that I just wanted my money back and I didn't want my order remade and that I just wanted to speak to her General Manger. She then informed me that the lady that treated me like that was the GENERAL MANGER. So I asked to speak to someone over her and she took my number down and later on the night I spoke with him. He informs me that she wasn't racist and that he has known her for many many years...bluhh bluhh. He then tells me that he apologize and that he would def. look into it. So I asked him if he could give me a call back once he finish looking into it to inform me of resolution and if actions would be taking against her. He then interrupts me in the middle of me talking and tell me that he shouldn't have to call me back because he apologized and bluh bluhh... He then ask me what I wanted for "FREE" and he even used the term "OH GOD LADY". I informed him that he was unprofessional and I hung up on him. I felt that he had her side along and that he wasn't going to look into it like he had stated. No this situation should not have escalated that far but it did. Once again I feel that the General manager @ the Pizza Hut in Nashville NC was racist, unprofessional, rude, and a straight up b***h to me. They didn't rip me off of any money they rip me off of something far more important then that. I hope no one will have to experience what I went through. Now that I have told my story I feel a lot better. May everyone have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

P.S I have reported this to there 1-800 number ( which the GM would not give me @ the pizza hut) and someone should be contacting me within 3 business days.

27 Updates & Rebuttals


highlands ranch,

WORLDWIDE ALERT!!! It was just reported that "REVEREND DAVE" was spotted at the.....

#28Consumer Comment

Sat, December 26, 2009

Animal Kingdom, walking around.

Anyone can 'Google' this- YOUTUBE OLD MAN WITH CRAP ON PANTS WALKS THROUGH ANIMAL KINGDOM, and watch it on the web, right?

*Hey REVEREND DAVE, 'Google' this- YOUTUBE THAT SMELL, and watch Lynyrd Skynyrd sing that song. Maybe they were at Animal Kingdom that day and they saw you walking around, right?

Reverand Dave


I wouldn't come to your church

#28General Comment

Tue, December 22, 2009

I wouldn't have you in my church! You had to let everyone know you are a white person. What color am I? What race am I? What religion am I. I was born in Johannesburg South Africa. I became an AMERICAN citizen and fought in the Vietnam War. I am a true African American. I can trace my roots in Africa for the last 500 years. I am tired of every black person being an African American. There are black Haitians. There are black Puerto Ricans and Cubans. This woman did not get her way and claimed racism. Can I claim racism? I am a true African. I may be white. But that is the fault of my parents. Not the man that treats me different. If you act like a Keffer you will be treated like a Keffer. I have seen close up what they are capable of to their own tribes-people. You can BS the fans. Don't try to BS the players. This woman acted like and A$$. She got treated like an a$$. As for what a pastor should do. When you become one. Have someone else tell you how to do it. You will tell them the same I tell you. Suck up and bust. I listen with my heart and mind. You are but a squeaky fart in a hurricane. I can't hear you. Ask Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to listen to you. They are true RACIST.



Good Advice Charles

#28Consumer Comment

Sat, December 19, 2009

Take and move on with YOUR life


Phenix City,

Yes managers let their employee get away with being hateful

#28Consumer Comment

Thu, December 17, 2009

Yes managers get away with being disrespectful,  toward employees.   WHY do you think we have such problems these days.   Managers say throw customer service out the door.

Like doctors for example,  patients aren't allowed to back talk.  But the doctor employees lies about the patients saying,  they yelled @ me.

But the office employees sure allowed to,  speak hateful & abusive towards patients.  But don't you dare speak hateful back to them.

The the doctor tells you to go find another,  doctor.  It makes you want to strangle them for LYING about you.  But you are not allowed to do,  anything back.

But LIARS always get their karma back,  & you don't have to do anything.  They usually hang themselves sooner or later.

Payback Is leading a successful life. 

Your enemies will hate you even more,  If you move on with your life.


highlands ranch,

*Stacey, You can 'Google' this- MR REUBEN POEM, and find it on the web, right? A reuben sandwich is FOOD, isn't it? So is.....

#28Consumer Comment

Thu, December 17, 2009

PIZZA! And sometimes people eat STEAK for DINNER, right? That's why you can 'Google' this- PEACE PRIZE POEM RIP OFF, and you'll find 'STEAK DINNER POEM' posted there too, okey-dokey?

Happy Holidays!



What the hell

#28Consumer Comment

Mon, December 14, 2009

Does your ignorant poems have to do with this report Karl????

Jees get a job


highlands ranch,

*Anyone in the world can 'Google' this- STEAK DINNER POEM, and find that poem & read it on the web, right?

#28Consumer Comment

Mon, December 07, 2009

Make sure to 'Google' this- BROCK O'BOMB-A POEM, and find that poem & read it too, okay?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>MORTGAGE ALERT<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

*If you have a MORTGAGE, you must go to the MERRILL LYNCH page of this site & read all of St. Clair's Ripoff Reports for valuable information!!!!



I wouldn't go to your church

#28General Comment

Sat, December 05, 2009

A good pastor is an example to the believers. This is a simple yet incredibly important statement. It's so important God set it down in the eternal truths of the Scripture and you are not a good example to the readers nor to the viewers. A pastor doesn't judge anyone, period. I feel terribly sorry for your church members. You are not being a good leader that god wants his leaders to be. This is a terrible example. Maybe you should have kept that comment to your self.

Oh and what do you mean when you made the statement "you always"? Have this happen before from this same person? If not the statement that you made was sterotyping because you are implying that "ALL black people" are like that and I don't feel that all black people scream racism. It seems like you may be related or friends with the general manager and that's fine but if you think that all "BLACK people" are the same then, I can see the relation with you and the general manager and if that's the case then the general manager is guilt by association because your comment was totally wrong. Oh and unfortunately racism still exist. I am a caucasian female, I see it almost everyday.

Oh and I don't see in the book (lol) that was written that she had her daughter with her because if she did that was wrong but I don't see were she wrote that, so were are you getting this information from?

I would love to hear from the author but as of right now, I am on the customer side because professionalism is very important in customer service but I would like for the author to go into more details about the racism thing. I can see how she might have got that impression though.


Reverand Dave


You teach your child well

#28General Comment

Fri, December 04, 2009

Why is it every time you don't get your way you yell racism? You drug your child down there because your lazy live in boy friend was too busy or lazy to go back or watch the child. I was treated like a Rice Crispy in a box of Cocoa Puffs at a KFC in Memphis. Was that racism? Why is it only white people can be racist? There is a Bi-Racial President now. You lost your racism card in the election. You wanted free pizza and they did not kiss your butt and and give it to you. Grow up and show your child how to be an adult. When you quit yelling racism. Racism will go away. If you think this little episode of whining on RR will hurt the store. I would buy more from them just for them standing up for their rights. They have the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason. They had the right to have you removed and charged with trespass. Ask the lady in the Walmart in Kennet MO. She yelled racism. Then she plea bargained to keep her butt out of jail. The jury didn't believe her either. I am an ordained Reverend. I am supposed to believe you. But if it walks like a duck and goes quack. It's probably whack.



The customer was clearly treated wrong

#28General Comment

Fri, December 04, 2009

I didn't read anything that stated she had her daughter with her when it happened and maybe if the Manager would have talked to her with respect and show her some type of professionalism then it probably wouldn't have gone this far. She even tried to go to her boss and her boss wouldn't even give her a call back about the ending results. She must have felt some way because she called her manager. Now I can understand how upsetting it must have been to feel like you were treated wrong and then to express that to someone and have nothing to be done. Her Manager and the person she talked to should be fired if you ask me. I don't know about the racist thing but apparently she felt some way to get the GM manager and then the 1-800 number. Maybe if someone would have just simply tired to hear her out instead of pushing her away then it wouldn't have gone this far.


Any business person would know that, the customer was treated wrong and apparently she did what she thought would be best by reporting it up here and if more incidents like this happen from pizza hut then I am sure it won't go unnoticed.

She probably wasn't upset about $11.00 dollars because $11.00 dollars is nothing but it's the principle of the situation. What professional GM will tell someone that they are been untruthful? and what professional person will tell someone "oh god lady". I don't know if the lady is racist or not but reading this information I can see she isn't professional and she doesn't need to be a manager let alone a general manager.


This should have been resolved from the beginning. I wonder what the 1-800 number did. I would love to hear from "Very angry nursing student" again.


United States of America

Thank You

#28General Comment

Fri, December 04, 2009

It's Laren...I don't know what my parents were thinking. But hey...I was just speaking the truth. That general manage shouldn't be managing anything.



Why does it alway have to be racism?

#28Consumer Comment

Fri, December 04, 2009

I don't know for sure, but I would be willing to bet that anytime you do not get your way with something that you scream racism.  You can say that you weren't unfriendly to begin with, but this scenario is being played out to much right now for anyone to believe you.  Have you seen that lady that was "very friendly and not doing anything wrong" and arrested at Wal-Mart because the officers were racist?  Did you also notice that they later released the video of her hitting other customers items and kicking officers after she said that she didn't do any of that?  I bet you would sing a different tune if there was a recording released of your little incident.  Also, you say that you "probably called her every name in the book beside a child of god" while your daughter was there watching you?  I hope that you aren't going to be a pediatric nurse.  I am so tired of racist people accusing other people of being racist.  I hope that the manager of Pizza Hut sues you for defamation because they would surely win.



For lauren

#28General Comment

Thu, December 03, 2009

Oh and lauren, well done. So true.



Take this site seriously please...

#28General Comment

Thu, December 03, 2009

Okay...Are they black??? Why should that matter? If you want to know the story read it... and I didn't see anything misspelled. Please take this site seriously. I keep getting to many BS notifications. Maybe you can't READ!





Mountain out of a molehill

#28General Comment

Thu, December 03, 2009

Your pizza was a little burnt, big deal.  All of a sudden this is about racism.  You called in your order, they don't know who or what you are.  You must return the food in person in order to get an exchange or refund.  There are too many people trying to get something for nothing.

But, you turn this into racism.  Who cares about the action on one person (if it did occur) I would just take my business elsewhere.  Anyone that would make such a fuss over an $11 pizza is a NUT.  Now you will say that I am a racist. 




#28Consumer Comment

Thu, December 03, 2009

soo...uhh...are the people that got the pizza like black or something? got tired of reading the story...too much stuff spelled wrong and crap like that....


United States of America

Manager was wrong

#28General Comment

Thu, December 03, 2009

  1. Let's say you work for a wireless company. You're busy inside your store as an inside salesperson when they walk in--the less-than-happy customer. This customer has now become your customer. They walk up to you and say, "You sold me a piece of junk!" What to do? You could tell them to leave. You could ignore them. Or, you could tell them you understand they are unhappy and would love to help work it out.

  2. Step 2

    Let the customer know you're on their side and will do everything you can to fix the problem. It's not going to do you any good to be argumentative with them. No matter how small the problem may seem to you, it's obviously a major ordeal to your customer. Be sympathetic and listen

  3. Step 3

    Try to keep them calm. If the customer refuses to comply and insists on standing smack in the middle of the store so everyone can hear him, tell him/her that all of their info is in your officein the back and it would be better to take the matter there.

  4. Step 4

    Let them vent. Don't take it personally. It's important that you don't try to speak over them. That's guaranteed to make things even worse. They came to your store to get something off their chest. Let them. BUT, don't allow them to get physical or personally insulting with you. If they do, that's considered assault and they should know this. If all goes well and you've allowed them to vent for a bit, that will make them feel better. Use calm voice with them. Don't try and play the "tough guy" with them. They are your customer. You don't want them leaving your store angry because that's bad for business.

    So I agree the manager was wrong!



Consider me uninformed...

#28General Comment

Thu, December 03, 2009

Where exactly is the racism? I'm not saying thgat it didn't happen; only that it isn't readily apparent in your report. What I read is typical of what I'd expect from a Pizza Hut regardless of race.


United States of America

General manager should have done better

#28General Comment

Wed, December 02, 2009

Hi I am new to this site but when I saw this posting all I could do was shake my head. It sounds like you and the posting before are protecting the manger and that's understandable but she was still wrong. She wasn't professional at all and to be honest she can't treat customers like they are dishonest (that's just not customer service nor professional). Now I can't speak on the racism thing because I wasn't there, I can only go off what was written but I can see how she would have got upset. You except the GM to be more professional than she was(basic off the information that was given). I am sorry but it doesn't justify that the manager should have handle the situation differently. She is the manager she should have the SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE to deflate situations like that. You just don't tell someone over the phone that they are been untruthful, Hell I would have been PISSED from the beginning and from a customer stand point. The manager should have made both of the pizza's. I don't see a problem in that. I can relate to her to because I have a 5 year old boy that will only eat when mommy eat (maybe that's why I understand). Hell the lady was inconvenience in every way (basic off the information).

I can answer your of question(because it's written in her book (lol))
Question #2. If you are hungry, then you can't think properly (well I know I can't).

Question #3. Women always handle issue like that (that's just in our nature).

Question #4. Her little girl wouldn't eat the pizza because her mother pizza wasn't made properly (looking at the picture above, that's obvious) so she had to return her pizza and her little girl pizza because it would have been cold.

I believe the situation should have been handle different in every way on customer part and GM part but to make a long story short the manager should be trained to handle issues like this.

The information below is information I found off the web

Anyone who has worked in customer service knows the feeling of dread when a customer calls in screaming and cursing at you. You immediately feel your heart rate increase. Your airway feels restricted. You think to yourself, "Why me?"

A call like this can quickly put up your defenses, ready to quash any attack against you, your coworkers, or your company. However, the key to defusing this tense situation is that you must resist the impulse to get defensive. If you are able to take a deep cleansing breath and then put yourself in that person's shoes for a moment you will be much better equipped to resolve the situation. First you must consider what this person must have gone through prior to speaking to you to put them in that angry state...The call was funny, you got to check it out.

Here is the site (((Redacted)))


Sorry I didn't think this would be that long, guess I'll go find more postings. I just love this site.

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


United States of America


#28General Comment

Wed, December 02, 2009

I completely understand the GM's position.  I have been in the Nashville, NC Pizza Hut many times; my children LOVE PIZZA!!  I have on more than one occassion had conversations with the GM and many of the shift managers and have never been treated with anything but respect.  There has been a GM change in the store in the past few months and this particular location has seen a lot of positive changes.  There are also black shift managers at the store.  From the best I can tell by frequently visiting the store, there are actually more black employees than white employees. 

I'm sure that they get calls from people wanting something for free all of the time.  I'm also sure they're sorry that you had to come back to the store to get a remake of your pizza, BUT... the truth is just this: many people call fast food restaurants with complaints that just aren't true.  This is so typical of our rural area.  The restaurant can't simply give out credits to everyone who calls, just based on their "good word".  If this were their policy, they wouldn't be in business very long.  You should have fed you daughter her pizza while it was hot, and sent your fiance or have went yourself to get another pizza, or simply took their offer for a store credit. 

It sounds like you were terribly angry when you went in the store and this probably didn't help any.  Then, to play the race card is also typical.  You never said how your fiance was treated "different".  I'm not sure how he could have been treated differently when only picking up and paying for a pizza.  What is it that you expected from them at the time of pick-up?

I have found so many discrepancies in your story that I find it really hard to believe ANY of the story. 

1.  Your fiance was treated "different" when picking up a pizza????

2.  You were studying for a nursing test, but found the time to go to not one, but TWO Pizza Hut locations, another of which is 15 minutes away.  Nursing tests are too rigorous and time consuming to stop studying for to waste a couple of hours over a $10 pizza.  (Hope your grade wasn't reflective)

3.  Your fiance wouldn't return to the location to get his studying girlfriend some supper. (Might want to reconsider marriage).

4.  I would have fed my child their supper while it was hot, not go off on a tangent for a couple of hours..  (Hopefully the apple WILL fall far from the tree.)

For you to have went into this store and raised your voice and used profanity (you admitted to this) only makes racism worse, because what you did was show your ignorance and lack of self respect.  If you can't respect yourself any better that this, how are others suppose to respect you.  Many black people could have found a more civilized and mature way to have have handled this situation.  It is black women like you that make the rest of the race look bad and be treated the way they often are.

"You get what you give"



rocky mount,
North Carolina,
United States of America

Outrageous accusations

#28General Comment

Mon, November 30, 2009

As a frequent customer of this paticular restaurant I have to say that this story seems more fabricated then anything I have heard before. It was not the restaurants fault that your daughters pizza was cold, that was yours for not feeding your child while the food was hot, common sense would have told you that. If you went in with no attitude I believe you would have got your food remade and it is policy at any restaurant you go to that if they can't prove the food is messed up then they will not give you all of your money back. But as far as the racism goes, that is outrageous. And in your whole rave and rant about the mananger I saw no evidence of racism towards you. It seems more so that you went in being racist to the mananger. No one can handle the population of people that dine in their restaurant. And for the 95% white employees, I go there regularly during the week on my lunch breaks and that's a plain lie. Its always 50/50 when Ive been in there. From your story it seems that the only unprofessional person in the whole story is you. You shouldn't slander people you don't know. You shouldn't judge people you don't know.


United States of America

Don't know what to say but I apologize for them

#28General Comment

Sun, November 29, 2009

I want to apologize. This should have been resolved when you walk up to their counter. This probably would have been resolved differenlty if you were white but you can't let that get you angry. I understand how upset you was because I have seen this with my own eyes as well. I actually stepped in and I am glad that I did. This just needs to stop. I bet you will probably get a few more comments stating that they don't see the racism but I do. The first thing that people will say is I don't see the racism. People don't have to call you a racist name to be racist. I see what you are saying and you had every right to be upset. I am not commending you on your actions though because you were very wrong in that department but if I was treated like that, I can't say how I would have acted out. Pizza Hut should not hire anyone like that and as far as her manager, he probably on her side the whole entire time. I hope you get the response that you want and much more.


United States of America

Your handy man

#28General Comment

Mon, November 23, 2009

I understand 110% where she is coming from. I am a 34 year old, white male and I have seen this many times. I think what she means is that she was treated differently from the other people meaning white people. I think she was trying to be nice about it but I can read between the lines. She stated that her fiancee went and picked up a pizza and he was treated differently then the other customers (white customers) and then she was treated differently. I have seen first hand how certain people of other color have been treated and it's not right. I would have been upset to because it's an upsetting situation all around. I like how you were honest and saying that your anger got the best of you, it would have me too.She was unprofessional in every way, though you didn't help the situation out. She should have made your pizza and your baby pizza over. I wonder what she would have said if you wanted your money back? She would have giving it to you, so what was the difference? But I understand what you mean when you say "differently" because I have seen it with my own eyes and it needs to stop.




#28Consumer Comment

Mon, November 23, 2009

After reading this long report I saw no evidence that there was racism - SOO where is the racism??

Today''s gonna be a good day

United States of America

Mother of 2

#28General Comment

Sun, November 22, 2009

When I saw this I was shocked because a few weeks ago I experience the same thing at a pizza hut in NV. I understand how upsetting it can be. She was totally wrong and you were to (I like how you admitted you part) but I can understand how upset you were because you were treated differently. I would have been to. She should have just offered you your money back and redone the pizza's. She was unprofessional in every way. She should have tried to hear you out because if I was called a lie, I would have been upset too. If I was you I would to talk her boss because 9 times out of 10 they will almost always have there employee's back. My case was handled very differently because her manager came out and solve everything. I got my money back and then she actually made the lady apologize to me. I don't feel that she meant it but I am pretty sure her boss saw her true side and handle her later. Unfortunately racism still exist. I hope you don't have to experience this anymore and you have a Merry X-mas as well.

Very angry nursing student


She didn't treat me like she did everyone else!

#28Author of original report

Sun, November 22, 2009

I hope I am posting this right...
Once again as I stated before I am not saying that my language at the END of the conversation was right but how can you assume that I went in there yelling? I was upset but I wasn't rude at first. I didn't get rude until I realized that I was getting treat different then the people that were in front of me. I guarantee you that she doesn't tell "ALL" of her customers on the phone that they may be "untruthful". You weren't there so you can't possible know how I felt and it wasn't until I told her about my pizza that she wanted to call the police ( she didn't want her customers to know what had just happen, so she tried to cut me short). Anyone who takes a position should know how to talk to there customers. It's not always what you say but "HOW" you say it. Not only did I feel that I was treated wrong but my fiancee felt that way as well but you know how guys are they don't let that stuff bother them. I was treated wrong and yes I showed my tail but that was the only way I know how to react instead of doing what I truly wanted to do at that time. She did not once apologize. Her actions, language, nor was her demeanor presented to me like she should be managing anyone let alone a store.



Fort Wayne,

this mees could have been avoided....

#28Consumer Comment

Sun, November 22, 2009

Unfortunately when someone automatically screams 'racist' usually that is not the case. The pizza should not have been burnt ( I actually like the cheese burnt, those are my favorite pieces :-) ) BUT when you started screaming and cussing, wanting it replaced AND your money back that was the problem. They didnt do it because you were acting horrible, not because they are racist. Most places will only replace OR refund , not both, that is why they would not do that.........Times are tough and they are not going to give away product for free. Weather this is right or wrong I do not know ( I know you had to drive there which was inconvenient so I argee to some point they should have done something for your time but most places just will not anymore......cost too much and too many people have in the past  taken avantage of that fact)  I am sorry but no matter what you think is right or wrong behavior from them you control your own behavior and you were wrong to act that way..............which is why they shut you down  in the end. if you start screming and yelling at any store they will not do anything at all for you. At that point they consider you the problem and they are done. You have to learn cussing and screaming is not the right way, and it neither would be tolerated in nursing or in motherhood. I am sorry it escalated so far, please be calm next time and you will have better results. Happy Holidays!

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