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  • Report:  #209156

Complaint Review: Pizza Hut NPC International

Pizza Hut, NPC International Manager theft seems to be ok, timeclock tampering is accetable, serving expired food is common practice Ripoff Corinth Mississippi

  • Reported By:
    Corinth Mississippi
  • Submitted:
    Sat, September 02, 2006
  • Updated:
    Sat, August 13, 2011
  • Pizza Hut, NPC International
    Hwy 72 Corinth Ms 38334
    Corinth, Mississippi
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I'll start with saying that I have been with the pizza hut corperation for about six years now, most of these six years have been pretty much regular, I've seen alot of things in these six years and pretty much kept my mouth shut for "job security"..I actually like my job and what I's honestly all I know. theres so much I could put in type here but I would never finish as there are so many "issues".

I have a few "issues" that are current that I came here to adress. I have discussed my main "issue" with my current AGM (FAYE BARNES) to no avail. I feel very uncomfortable going any higher up the latter because I feel that everyone in this company is wearing the same profit sharing shoes. It seems to me that anyone above the assistant manager position in this company seems to be driven to sweep things under the carpet and "make them go away"!

What's brought me today is the fact that we have a regular shift leader who works our buffet, She works only a few hours a day (mostly buffet hours) and then leaves. during the time she is in our store she constantly finds new ways to steal MEGA bucks every shift she works. I personally make these buffets myself and I know how much I make and I also can tell you pretty much how many we sell each day. This manager steals on an avrage of $150 a day in one way of another. she thinks she's sneaky but she's not. Everyone in our store has at one time or another called this the AGM'S (Faye barnes) attention. two weeks ago I witnessed (in plain view) Jenny Pannell count down the drawer (twice) and then stuff a large wad of cash into he pockets. normally this wouldn't be anyhting new to me but this time it was before the store even opened. it has become oviouse to me that this is acceptable (and common practice) not only in our store but in most of the stores in our area. I still kept my mouth shut knowing it wouldn't make a difference anyways if I told. THe kicker is that the following morning (monday 8/14) the bank called to let us know that we were short $150 on their end (which was no surprise to me)...this absolutly infurated me! it's bad enough that you steal from NPC and make your money..but it's a whole different ballgame when it involves stealing money that your fellow co-workers are accountable for! I couldn't keep my mouth shut any longer.

I went to my AGM (Faye Barnes) and told her what I had witnessed, I told her it wasn't right and it was really weighing in on me. What she told me was the most absurd thing I have ever in my life! Sh said she knew Jenny Panell was stealing from here and had been for a very long time..She just couldn't catch her! I CAUGHT HER I said..thats not good enough she said.."I have to see her do it myself" this point i'm just flabbergasted I feel like telling her to let me and some friends run the register if thats how it is..She did absolutly nothing exept go back and tell Jenny Panell that I had accused her of taking $150 (which I have to suffer the reprecusions for because she IS my direct supervisor).

it's not even really the fact that the girl steals the money's the fact that Me and other co-workers get bitched and critsized every week when the food comes up short (as much as $600 in raw food in a weeks time) we get accused of not using proper specs and so on. We are made to change dates and use things that are unedible to humans to make up for Jenny Pannell living large. We also have timecard issues if the labor dosn't meet the critera peoples hours start to out our pockets..our shifts get cut because we "arn't busy enough When I know damned well we should have passed the mark for labor. When somone steals money on that level it affects everyone in the chain and it's just not right....

Just from reading alot of the posts on this site I am begining to see a very clear picture..maybe my AGM does hire undereducated drug addicts and worthless slobs simply because she knows they will keep their mouths shut when the s**t hits the's a sad day to know that even people like that can be unknowingly taken advantage of, and whatseven more sad to me is the fact that our store isn't %100 worthless slob drug addicts! we actually have a few decent HONEST people in our store that are bing taken advantage of..simply because they stay with PIZZA HUT for job security.

For instance we have two regular waitresses on our floor,on one side we have an honest hardworking woman who refuses to take money in any form, She brings home apox. $30 in tips give or take a few.. on the other side we have a waitress (who seems to be in cahoots with Jenny Panell) that makes it common knoledge that she "runs a regular sale" on her side of the dining room. She brings home apox. $70 to $100 or more in tips..while the server on the other side brings home 1/3 in the SAME dining room on the SAME shifts...

I could go on forever about dishonest things I see..but thats not my point here. I feel that I have the duty to presue this matter, it's gone on long enough and i'm up to my ears in BS..if there is any advise that could be offered I would much appreciate it.My plan is to make an apt. with the director of human resources first thing monday morning and blow the lid off of it..should I take a poll?? Will they get rid of me? will they even care??? i'll post later in the week with the results

Corinth, Mississippi

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Pizza Hut

10 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

You too!!!

#11UPDATE Employee

Sat, August 13, 2011

It is sad to hear that this is going on somewhere else, though I should not be surprised. Here my manager has a favorite. This Pet of hers clocks in feeds her family, sits in the lobby with them while they eat, makes more food to take home, clocks out, leaves, and comes back just at closing to half do her job. the Manager has been told on several occasions that this has been going on yet nothing has happened. this same pet is a cook, has a key to the restaurant, the code to the safe, comes in after everyone has left for the night and takes cash out of the safe. Recently we were down to one mgr, the AGM, and we have been having to bring in shift leaders from other stores in the district. there was a shortage one morning and the temp mgr informed the AGM, who in turn tells her she will call her back and never did, later on that evening the register was miraculously corrected.


North Dakota,

NPC International

#11UPDATE Employee

Thu, October 08, 2009

Let me start by saying that I'm sorry that things aren't quite in line at your store, I know that it can be frustrating working under managers that lack orginazation and policy structure. I have been with NPC for over 12 years now, and have worked with many different managers at many different stores, as well as many members of our upper management, and please believe me when I say that this is something that is not ever ignored or pushed under the rug... NPC always has an open ear to listen to employee complaints and fraud reports, you just need to make sure that you are going through the correct chain of command just like any other company, skipping somebody without good reason could result in the complaint never being heard. We do also have an employee hotline that you can use that is completely anonymous, and they will call you back at your store during your shift if you don't have a phone available to you. During my employment here I have seen many different managers not only get fired for theft or manipulation, but also get prosecuted for breaking the law. NPC has absolutely no tolerance for either of those subjects whatsoever! Also in regards to your comment about changing dates on expired product, this is another act that could not only get you fired, but could also land you in jail. We also have no tolerance for manipulation of food quality or cost of sales... This is not a common practice at any of the stores I've been in, and in the future if a member of management asks you to do this, you should obviously not follow their instructions, as a person that works in the food industry, I would hope that you are aware of that, falsifying expiration dates or other food safety information on food products is a very serious issue, and very illegal in many states, it could easily result in the death of someone sick that had eaten it. In the future please use the hotlines that are available to you rather than posting blogs, the hotlines are a much more effective way of helping your store fix some of the major underlying issues that would be causing these problems...


North Dakota,

NPC International

#11UPDATE Employee

Thu, October 08, 2009

Let me start by saying that I'm sorry that things aren't quite in line at your store, I know that it can be frustrating working under managers that lack orginazation and policy structure. I have been with NPC for over 12 years now, and have worked with many different managers at many different stores, as well as many members of our upper management, and please believe me when I say that this is something that is not ever ignored or pushed under the rug... NPC always has an open ear to listen to employee complaints and fraud reports, you just need to make sure that you are going through the correct chain of command just like any other company, skipping somebody without good reason could result in the complaint never being heard. We do also have an employee hotline that you can use that is completely anonymous, and they will call you back at your store during your shift if you don't have a phone available to you. During my employment here I have seen many different managers not only get fired for theft or manipulation, but also get prosecuted for breaking the law. NPC has absolutely no tolerance for either of those subjects whatsoever! Also in regards to your comment about changing dates on expired product, this is another act that could not only get you fired, but could also land you in jail. We also have no tolerance for manipulation of food quality or cost of sales... This is not a common practice at any of the stores I've been in, and in the future if a member of management asks you to do this, you should obviously not follow their instructions, as a person that works in the food industry, I would hope that you are aware of that, falsifying expiration dates or other food safety information on food products is a very serious issue, and very illegal in many states, it could easily result in the death of someone sick that had eaten it. In the future please use the hotlines that are available to you rather than posting blogs, the hotlines are a much more effective way of helping your store fix some of the major underlying issues that would be causing these problems...



Wow !

#11Consumer Comment

Fri, May 01, 2009

You just commented on a 3 year old post. I seriously doubt that ANYONE originally interested in this post has bothered to re-visit it is quite some time.



Wow !

#11Consumer Comment

Fri, May 01, 2009

You just commented on a 3 year old post. I seriously doubt that ANYONE originally interested in this post has bothered to re-visit it is quite some time.



You go boy!

#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, May 01, 2009

Tell the truth,shame the devil.That's what my mom always said. Talk to a lawyer and see what they think,also call the Department of Labor and see if they can offer any help. Hope this helps.



It's Just Business, Politics as Usual

#11UPDATE Employee

Thu, October 05, 2006

We all know the diffrence detween right and wrong, good and band. However we always look out for #1, ourselves first. The Area Managers feel the pressure to get thier number just as the reginal managers do. Thats all they care about, choosing to do the right thing, at the wrong time, while amirable can be career suicide. Keep in mind the managers dont make that much, 24,000 - 50,000 a year including bonuses with a few benifits. Those managers that have worked there way up, been with the company for years have very few options, as far as careers go. Some move to (((ROR REDACTED COMPETITORS NAME))) or some other Food Service joint but they dont last. The area manager that knows the GM is stealing looks the other away because if that GM is fired, you guessed it the area manager has to do the work. Needless to say they are not up to it. They can come into the fou an hour or two and show how things are "suppose" but in the real world, get real. Im tired of typing so i am going to sum it up, "MOST" manager do not follow procedure, some steal money, some give freebies, some shave houre to save labor, some manipulate inventory and delivery times. S**t happens, its not personal, just business!!

sorry, allowing you to give a competitors name would instigate others to just file against their competition, to only come back later to suggest their company your comments on this policy are welcome! CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.



Lot of Allegations

#11UPDATE Employee

Mon, September 04, 2006

While there are hotlines available, make sure you have verifiable proof and/or corroboration. There is a fine line between whisleblowing and outright slander.

Have you considered bringing these compliants to the attention of the DM?



Assistant manger Threatens to take away hours if I don't keep quiet!!

#11Author of original report

Sun, September 03, 2006

The more I think about it the more enraged I become with my place of employment! I've decided to use this blog site as a public record of what is going on my wondeful pizza hut store.

Today started out just like most every day at pizza hut..It started with shift leader Thomas Hensley b****ing and groaning about being wronged by Jenny Panell once again. She was schedualed for a full shift on Sat (6/2) which she never showed for causing him to have to work five hours over his own scheduled shift. She never called no notice..nothing..(This is quite common with her I can personally account for such instances at least 10 times in the last two months). She either dosn't show or she shows up just long enough to make a little pocket change and then dissapears on an "emergency"...usually when she does this she can get assistant manager (Kevin Adams) to cover for her.since they live together she usually just makes him go in for her. kevin is as good hearted person as you can get so he is easily whipped around by Jenny panell..he covers for her every whim. this just makes me sick to see him taken advantage of to begin with. she'll short his drawer sevral times a week and he ends up "clipping cupons" to make up for her shortages because she automaticly knows that he will do it with no questions asked. or he'll actually pay it out of his pocket. Kevin is mildly mentaly challenged and easily taken advantage of, She takes full advantage every chance she gets. she's had his job on the line on more than one occasion. They live together,he gives her all his money and on top of things she has the gall to let him take the fall for her at work.

Whats bothering me today is the fact that Jenny panell shows up at ten works until the buffet is almost over and kevin shows up..keep in mind that she is schedualed until 4:00...1:45 rolls around and shes gone..out the counting money (thats regular procedure with her) and no follow up on really bothers me that her main only position is to stand there and take money as she pleases..nothing less nothing's like she owns the place or somthing! The best part about the whole day is that around 2:15 server Tracy Canalas makes it a point to tell kevin he needs to clock jenny out, She had overheard jenny tell kevin to "clock her out later" (kevin agreed)..this just infurated me to no end! I honestly couldn't control myself..I know it was't right of me to challenge him and say somthing but I just couldn't help myself! I told kevin "if thats the way it works then please by all means keep ME clocked in until midnight" assistant manager responded to me "i'm in charge of clocking people in and out around here & if you don't keep your mouth shut..I might just take some of YOUR hours"...

I work seven shifts in six days of each week just so I can earn my pay (what little I do get)....I think that has to be the biggest insult I have ever...I had to just walk away from him when he said this to me..I mean what can you say to that? other than "go ahead and try"...I keep a VERY close eye on my have to there if you want to keep them that a FACT! hours will be taken from those who don't watch their time-cards or from those who are "incompetent" to keep a check on things.

it's certainly not fair for Jenny Panell to come and go as she pleases through pizza huts doors and steal their money..but for him to allow he to leave and let her stay clocked in is just absurd. I don't know whats going to come of all of this but I can tell you one thing I was brought up to stand up when you know your right and in this case I am right. I don't know if she's in kahoots with our AGM (Faye Barnes) or's just to insane that the AGM would "keep overlooking" whats going on right in her face! it's like she could care less... I mean Jenny Panell has done things like make $50 paid outs to her girlfriend ( a NON-PIZZA HUT employee) to deliver pizzas when we were without a driver..this has happened on more than one can anyone justify somthing like that in a place of business??? I just don't get it..

I pondered calling the pizza hut hotline sevral times..I actually tried once..but due to the fact that they have an answering machine(you have to leave your info and they call you back) I don't have a telephone or I would gladly speak with a repesentive. I think what I might do is call them and leave this site,ask them to read up on it and see what they think..I would really rather not be contacted at work..but if I have to I'll be GLAD to. I wished they had an e-mail I could just foward to.until then, I guess i'll just keep least there will be some kind of record. I'm not interested in a pizza hut CASH reward at all, i'm simply interested in going to work and have everything run smoothly and honestly no more BS! thats all I ask...Some people might call me crazy for posting this with my real information and giving myself up like this..but I don't care! I posted my name and info simply because what I have to say is TRUE and I have no bone in answering anyones questions should they ask or care.




Another NPC'er

#11UPDATE Employee

Sat, September 02, 2006

Sorry to hear your district is rife with theft and mismanagement. Our district here in the capital seems above board.

NPC has its own internal department. Before you call HR, perhaps you should see what the employee hotline number is.

These hotlines are confidential, so your name would never be revealed. And if what you are claiming is true, NPC may provide you with a cash reward for reporting internal shrink.

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